How To Create Banner Unroll CGI Ads Using VFX in Blender | Blender VFX Tutorial

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[Music] a heart speed to the city streets we begin to feel the fire We rise like tall [Music] buildings so hey guys welcome back to my channel for tutorials so guys today I'll teach you new style of CJ and VFX folding Banner animation be using 4.1 version and second one guys I use FX add-on okay see guys that's my simple animation and guys click on here that's my texture preview yeah it's good and guys click on here final render preview see guys that's my really cool folding Banner animation like this see guys right okay so guys now I teach you how I create this type of effect so guys go to an file and create new com new and guys select all and press delete key so guys firstly go to on hit here that's my f spy add-on and guys import your image so guys see that's my image so simple drag and drop like this yeah okay see guys that's my vanishing point so guys I show you my simple example see guys that's my Z axis and guys that's my Y axis so I use Y and Z so guys go to on here and see guys that's my Vanishing points so firstly I use like a y and guys second one like a zed right see that's my Z axis on top so guys go to on here and guys that's my perspective view like this so guys click on here go to on here simple right and same select this second one and guys create shape like this and lastly guys that's my like a perspective yeah right see guys that's my simple Vanishing points and guys now go to on here GD and use like a box and guys go to on Center like this yeah see guys the a SM simple great and guys now save your footage so guys go to on file and save and guys create like a name new cam enter yeah so guys go to on blender here and delete CU so guys go to on here file and import and use FX addon so guys I have file like this new cam check yeah see guys that's my file right see that's my vanishing point Y AIS and guys height is z 1 right okay so so guys select your camera here background image and opacity I like 100% yes and guys next one I take Cube so guys increase Cube height so guys go to on here actually like this yeah and addit mode so guys select pH select this one and guys height inase like this and guys go to our top and same height increase yeah good right okay so guys select this face and guys change Cube position like this and guys same on here select and position change like this yeah good see guys that's my simple building right okay so guys now all is good and guys select your Cube and rename like a building and guys duplicate this C so press contrl C and V and guys you can hide first one select this one and guys go to on here guys wireframe check and guys go to on here edit mode select this front face and right click right separate selection because I create Banner so guys you can delete this extra part delete see guys that's my simple Banner right okay so guys now go to on here set origin origin to J check good and guys next one I apply more segments so guys go to our edit mode select pH and write click subdivision surface and second one guys you can apply Loop cut so guys subdivision surface check and number of C like a 60 yeah see guys that's my segments right it's good okay so guys now go to on here building and guys rename like a banner and guys select our building so guys little bit front because that's overlapping so guys select your banner and see guys that's my X location change like a 1.1 yeah see guys that's my X location actually 1 Point minus 1.0 0 1 yes good it's good okay so guys my object is finished and now guys I create rotation effect so guys for rotation go to on here edit and preferences and guys search and type extra curve see guys that's my extra curve and extra M check both check and guys close so guys go to an act and use this one curve this one archimedian check yes yeah it's good see guys that's my circle and guys now you can change radius like this is depending your footage and guys see that's my grow increase actually change guys see that's my number of cards inre like a six yeah and guys see that's my radius change guys radius this one go okay so guys little bit change yeah little bit good and guys radius more change yeah much better and guys see that's my step that's my segments like a increase 40 is good for me simple circles and guys press one so guys go to on here and press three up like this here Building height yes and guys press zero yeah okay all is good and now guys rotate this circle rotate so guys see that's my location change like a X90 right see guys that's X Max 90 and guys now little bit up little bit yes see guys that's my circle apply on here top yes good okay so guys now select your circle edit mode and select this one and go to on here press one and little bit up like this create shape like this yeah simple right that's my simple shape okay so guys my shape is finished right that's my shape and guys now I apply this time curve effect so guys select yours this one that's my plane and go to on here and use curve tool this one curve and see guys that's my curve object same and Def AIS change like this yeah see guys that's my curve right it's looking simple okay so guys now you can change this position so guys select this one and guys I change position like this yeah more change yeah see guys that's my location transform so guys select I select plane that's a banner and Z one minus this one Five Guys create ship like this right and guys now all good okay so guys this time I apply vertex group so guys go to on here again and guys you can delete this object and guys see that's my access okay so guys now guys press three and guys go to on edit mode I select edit mode select vertex okay so guys select vertex not top vertex guys don't select top vertex I select bottom vertex like this and guys click on here and vertex group check and X check yeah that's it guys right because I create rotation effect so I select this one bottom Vortex and guys now again select plane and guys curve check right okay so guys now this time I apply curve actually cloth clo TCH and guys see that's my stiffness I like 10 all 10 and guys go to on down shape and see guys that's my pin group same group check and collision and self Collision check so guys preview check yeah see guys that's my simple cloth animation and preview Check Yes okay so guys now go to and catchy and guys B all Dynamic check okay so guys my baking is finished and now guys press zero so play yeah it's good okay so guys problem is that it's not access on here so guys don't worry so delete your big all damic and guys now go to an building building check so guys this time select banner and guys go this time select both object select both and press seven top view and guys change position like this yeah and guys go to on here yes and guys go to on here like a little bit up up and guys go to on here down yeah that's it guys let's see guys that's my exess and guys little bit down more little bit little bit yeah that's it guys right see guys that's my access is good and guys now one more time preview okay so guys now select this here and guys cion check so play yeah much better see guys that's my really Collision effect it's looking good press zero and Camera yes really good see guys that my really cool folding cloth animation and guys next one you can apply soft effect so guys select your building actually banner and guys I apply Ser division surface and guys I apply two yeah it's good guys for more smoothness okay so guys my banner animation is finished and next one guys I apply texture for texture and guys go to on here banner and guys one more time bake all Dynamic check okay so guys one more time preview yeah see guys the are really cool folding cloth animation it's looking really good yes and guys next one I appli texture so guys go to on shading and guys camera check so guys select your banner and and press control T guys I will apply any texture I download some texture so guys select and open okay see guys that's not correct so guys press Tab and that's my all selection all check and guys press U and unre check yeah so guys go to on layout actually one shading and guys edit mode to object yes okay so guys now I change you UV mapping so guys mapping change like a 180 and guys little bit scale size yeah good yes great see guys that's my simple texture and roughness little bit change little bit like a 0.3 metal 0.1 yeah good and guys now go to un render setting guys my animation is finished I like cycle render device GPU check and the noise and guys go to on film and transparent and color management I like standard so guys all is good and guys guys now go to on world here and I apply environment texture so guys you can download this environment texture I give you link in description so select Sky texture strength 0.8 is good and guys click on here yeah great and wi frame Check Yes okay so guys select this C and guys go to our visibility and Shadow catcher yeah great see guys that's my really cool animation cool effect and guys now this time I apply simple sunlight so guys go to on here up and rotate so guys see that's my rotation change and guys go to on here strength is good angle like a 20 press zero so guys click on here random preview yeah see guys that's my really smooth Shadow okay so guys next one my animation finished and guys now I apply some objects like a hot air balloon so guys you can download this hot air balloon Link in description so pan and guys select and guys collection check yeah see guys that my hot a balloon okay so guys scale size change and go to on back press zero and guys up like this go to on here and smaller yes guys it's good and press zero okay so guys all is good and now guys go to our back so guys select this hot air balloon position and position I change this one location yeah this location this one and like a minus 3.5 enter and check and guys go to our last 350 and guys you can increase more frames depend on your work so up like a five and check yeah that's it guys right but okay so guys now also rotation change so guys go to our back zero guys I create rotation little bit like a 15 check yeah that's it guys right okay see guys that's my simple water balloon animation and second one folding cloth animation right and guys click on here final render preview okay so guys okay so guys my texture is missing so guys you can apply texture so go to and shading select this one guys apply texture is simple so desktop like this yeah see guys that's my simple texture guys you can apply one by one texture and guys go to here like two and this one and guys apply third texture select this one and four texture like this yeah right simple okay so guys go to our random setting and frame rate are like 30 FPS and output so guys go to our desktop and create new folder like a ram the one and take any file name and accept check and guys all is good so guys press zero and guys I show you my onef frame render one frame actually guys I change also render setting and guys go to on here guys I like 128 is good for me and render and render image check okay so guys my one frame render is finished and now guys close so go to on compositing and check so guys go to on here m one press shift a and viewer and guys next one same Alpha made and and guys I use image so guys I apply same image on background so select and guys now select first one and second one and guys Alpha over connect to image yeah and press V yes see guys that's my really cool composition and one more time layout so guys my work is finished and now go to on back so guys render and render animation check okay so guys my work is finished so guys if you like my video please share and please subscribe my YouTube channel thank you [Music]
Channel: Fattu Tutorials
Views: 27,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender vfx, blender vfx tutorial, vfx, blender tutorial, vfx blender, blender 3d, blender beginner vfx tutorial, blender vfx course, easy vfx in blender, blender vfx basics, blender beginner vfx, blender addons, blender camera tracking, how to make vfx in blender, blender easy vfx tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, beginner blender tutorial, blender3d, blender beginner, vfx in blender
Id: LbD0pzsHZbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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