Yes...This could be your first VFX with Blender and adobe after effects!

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hi guys in this video we're going to talk about how I made this so we will just track our footage in after effect then we'll use the same footage in blender and we'll make the simulation in blender so let's begin it so I'm going to begin it with after effect and let's check our footage okay so now let's click new project I'm going to import my footage I will put the link to the same footage in the description down below if you are interested I recorded it with my phone from my laptop and now it's time to track the motion so we'll just first see it okay so now let me just click track camera so under Advanced click detailed analysis so it will track perfectly let's wait for this to finish okay so now we're solving the camera and now let's wait for these okay so the average pixel okay it's fine and I I think I'm going to increase the scale okay so here we go we have so many trackers let me just select some of them and right click create solid in camera and now if you play it as you can see it's perfectly sticking into the keyboard or you can say um to the laptop and now it's time to export this so in order to export it we have to have a script I'll put the link to the same script you can install the script then you will be able to export the tracking data so you you will be able to import it into blender so I'm just going to click export composition that at to Json I'm going to choose a location I will name it and I will click save and I will export it okay it will be exported so now it's time to open up blender and now blender is open let me just hit a and delete everything go to file import and I have an Alon also I will put the link to the same Aron in the description down below you will be able to import the exported data from after effect to blender it's super handy and now let's move ahead to the file which we have exported from after effect and we will import it into blender as you can see we have imported it but we don't need this huge plan I'm going to delete it and I'm going to expand this window I'm going to hit a select everything and I'm going to move it towards one or you can say the first frame and it will be perfect so now it's time to set the frame rate maybe under output settings go to frame rate and make it to 30 fr per second because our footage was reced in 30 Fram per second so I'm going to go to camera view and I'm going to select the camera I will move into camera settings I will click background image and I'm going to expand it I'm going to hit 8 image movie clip and I'm going to open the footage so let's open it up so I have opened it and as you can see we have I'm going to increase the opacity so now if you play it as you can see it's also sticking into the keyboard or the laptop and this is what we wanted so now it's time to move this plan move ahead I'm going to change to Local and I'm going to move it into x-axis like that I'm going to align it with the laptop Surface so I'm just going to move it and I'm going to scale it up like that okay maybe I can rotate it on z-axis or you can say y- axis because we are actually in local okay I'm going to scale it on xaxis like that I think it's fine and now if you play it it's sticking in to the keyboard or the surface of the laptop okay so let's change the cycle render make it a GPU compute and I'm going to make it a d noise so basically we are going to add uh Shadow catcher into the uh plan object so go ahead to the object data and click Shadow catcher for the plan and maybe we can add hold out for now because we want we don't want to see it okay before doing anything let me just uh shift Ace and cursor to selected I'm going to add a cylinder okay so let me just uh select both of them okay it's an addon which actually copy the rotation location and scale so I'm going to search for copy tribute menu I'm going to turn it on so save the preferences and if I select both of the object first and the second one and hit contrl C copy rotation the other object will also rotate the same way as the first one and this is very handy and super fast so I'm going to rotate the same way as it is so I'm going to move it towards x-axis then I'm going to move it towards y AIS we are actually adding the uh you can say The Twig or I don't know the branch or the tree part you know I'm going to go to edit mode I'm going to scale it on z-axis like that and I think I need to add some Loop Cuts so I'm going to hit control R and I will add some Loop cuts so I will just uh scroll the wheel to add so many of them and I'm going to select the top line by hitting alt and right click and I'm going to turn on proportional editing and I'm going to scale it down like that okay so that's fine and now it's time to select some of them in between of them so I'm going to select it and hit s maybe scale it down I'm going to select this one also and I'm going to scale it down also like that and maybe I can move on and just select all of those and I'm going to scale them down like that okay so I'm going to scale this up a little bit and uh this one also maybe so they have smooth surface I'm going to share it auto smooth and now if I just add a curve at the same position as the cylinder is I'm going to scale it up I'm going to rotate it I'm going to select the cyinder contrl C copy rotation so they both have the same rotation so I'm going to select the curve rotated on Y axis 90 Dee okay so as you can see it's pretty aligned to the cylinder I'm going to scale it up on z-axis so it's actually align it perfectly I'm going to move the curve accordingly it's totally up to you how you want the animation to be but I'm going to move it like that and uh okay so I'm just going to move it this way you can just move it uh wherever you want I'm going to select the cylinder object go to modifier I will add a dform and a curve modifier I'm going to select this curve and as you can see it's already doing its job you can now move it you can animate it so you have this perfect looking animation and you can use the same technique for other project as well which is pretty handy and super easy so I'm going to animate these on ZX is so I'm just going to move it towards down I'm going to select the plan I'm going to go maybe I can scale it up and I have turn on Shadow catcher maybe I can go to material and I can add a hold out material for now to hide it in the viewport so it's actually masking it out so maybe I can just select the okay so I'm going to select both of them and line them in the center of the paid touch pad and I'm going to move them so now it's time to animate these these these one this guy here I'm going to go to the first frame maybe I can go to frame number 13 I'm going to move it down I'm going to hit I to add the location key frame I will move forward in the timeline and I will move it up maybe I can move to 120 I may be can move it up on Z AIS like that and now we can hit I to add location key frame and now if you play it it's perfectly doing its job and this is what we wanted so it's pretty handy and you can use the same technique to make some cool arts animation as you see on Instagram mostly I'm going to duplicate the same object I will delete the animation from the from the other object and I'm going to change the curve for the second object because I don't want it to be the same so I'm going to select both of the new objects and I'm going to move them towards somewhere I think I'm going to change from local to Global and I'm going to move them like that maybe I can select the cve I can move it words that axis and maybe that one I can move it so it's totally up to you how you want to feel it how you want to make it that's totally up to you you can make the ship accordingly and uh okay so I think I have to also animate this one so I'm going to select the cylinder object maybe both of them and maybe I can move them into x-axis like that okay so I think I'm going to go for animating this so I'm going to move it down like that and I'm going to move to frame number 80 hit I for location and I will move forward in the timeline maybe to something like 160 and I'm going to move it up like that so it is it will it will just uh move after the first one so I'm going to go to edit mode I think I'm going to scale it on S and uh X and Y AIS only so it will be different from the first one okay I'm going to save our file because if you don't save your work it might get messed up and you will lose it you have you will have to do it everything from scratch and I think we can just move on okay so I'm going to add a uis spere I'm going to scale it up I'm going to move it on z-axis I'm going to share it all the smooth and I'm going to scale it accordingly okay so I'm going to go to waveboard visibility I'm going to make it a bound maybe I can select the downward cylinder object I'm going to go to the physics I'm going to add Dynamic pent I'm going to add a canvas at canvas and I'm going to change from Pain to weight and I'm going to go under output I'm going to hit the plus icon and I'm going to select the sphere object out there I'm going to slightly move it down I will add a dynamic pen it's a brush and I'm going to add a brush and I'm going to make it proximity okay so now what it does it will add a a wet pain so I'm going to bake it and let's see what we get in wet pain as you can see if it's move up it's actually animating the FED pain and this is what we wanted so maybe I can move down a little bit like so we have some more wet pent when it moves up so I'm going to rebake it and let's see what we get I'm going to go into wet pend and see okay so I think that's fine and now it's time to add some particles so I'm going to go to particle tab hit plus go to here Advanced and I'm going to move down I will add a render and the render is going to be an object but for now I'm going to just going to go to Vex group select the uh wet pin group that we added so what it does when it moves up it will grow here on it and this is what we wanted you can add any object instead of hairs and uh it will just work out for you so I have added some uh plants model I will put the link to same models as well you can use them I'm going to select three of them and we'll move into a new collection and this is a twig model that I will use to add it into the into the the wood I don't know okay I'm going to change it to object and I'm going to select this twig model of the branch model and as you can see it's actually doing its work I'm going to turn on object rotation maybe I can object rotate it and I think uh okay so maybe I can change from G3 to random and I'm going to decrease the so number of them I can scale them highly and I can turn on the random skillness and I'm going to play around with the random rotation maybe because it does make it very cool and uh I'm just going to increase the number of the particle out there and I'm going to scale it up slightly so it may look perfect as you can see when it moves up it do its job and I'm going to I'm going to select the object and I'm going to increase the scale maybe and decrease the number and I think that's okay so let me just add a material into it so I'm going to open up a new window here I'm going to go to Shadow editor I'm going to close it up and I'm going to hit new and going to add a new material I have a PBR texture I will put the link to the same texture in the description down below I will add the texture into the wood and it's actually a wood texture so I'm going to go to my texture folders and I'm going to add them okay so here we go we have those texture and I'm going to hit up okay so as you can see it's already did its job and you can also play around with the ues of these object but I think it's okay and it's fine and maybe I can go to edit mode and I'm going to U and Cube projection and under U editor I'm going to hit a and scale it up so it's pretty align with it and I'm going to use the same material from for the other object as well and I'm going to hit tab u q projection and that's it maybe I can scale it up and I'm going to go to camera view and if it moves up maybe I can play around with particle I'm going to add a new particle I'm going to add here and I'm going to select the same particle system for this one also but I'm going to remove it for now because we have to add a dynamic pan to it also I'm going to hit add canvas and it's a vit and I'm going to hit the plus icon and I'm going to bake it and now we can add a particle system into it so go to particle system hit plus hit here and select the same particle system go down and select the density and the length with the same um wet pent so as you can see when they both moves up they actually grow some leaves and this is what we wanted it's really handy and super easy to do I'm going to scale it down slightly and I'm going to move it maybe slightly okay so I think it's perfect and we can go for some other objects like the grass growing up on the keyboard and the tra uh and the touchpad and I'm going to save it okay so now it's time to add this this asset into it which is pretty handy and um I'm going to go to solid view I'm going to select this plan I'm going to go to camera view I'm going to hit shift d and duplicate it and I'm going to move it up maybe I can scale it on y AIS like that I think I'm doing it in global I'm going to change it to local then scale it on ZX is so it does its job perfectly I'm going to move it down maybe I can go to material View and uh okay I'm going to go to the first frame and I'm going to rotate it on Y axis slightly to align it with the keyboard and I'm going to scale it down and z-axis and maybe an x-axis to align it with the laptop and uh we're just going for something perfect so it's grow a perfect position on the keyboard of the laptop and I'm going to play it as you can see it's actually doing its job maybe I can change the material or maybe I can remove the the the what you call it the shadow catcher okay so I'm going to slightly move it down under the other plan I'm going to remove the same material from it I'm also going to turn off the shadow catcher for these object and I'm going to go to edit mode I'm going to add some subdivisions so we can add uh uh wet pen into to it okay so I think it's fine and now I'm going to go to object mode I'm going to hit contrl s it's time to uh move it slightly and it's time to add another object maybe I can go to solid View and I can hide the other object I'm going to hit shift a okay so I think I'm going to hit shift a and I'm going to add an icosphere I'm going to scale it up I'm going to move it I'm going to select both of them copy rotation okay so I'm going to move it on z-axis scale it up maybe very huge I'm going to go under texture I'm going to make it a bound I'm going to move it on xaxis maybe I can scale it up like that and it's fine I think and we can now animate this but before doing it let me just uh add H physics which is a dynamic pan I'm going to add it as a brush I'm going to hit add brush under pent I'm going to make proximity I'm going to select the other plan Dynamic pant uh it's a canvas sorry it's a canvas okay so canvas at canvas I'm going to make it from pent to weight and I'm going to go under output I'm going to hit plus and we'll add this uh this one to it I'm going to hit I'm going to go to the first FR I'm going to hit I and for the location I'm going to go to something like 120 or something I'm going to move it to frame onto x-axis I'm going to hit I so now it's time to back the dynamic bent and I'm going to go to wet pent as you can see it's actually animated and this is what we wanted so I'm going to go to object mode maybe I can just slightly move this plan towards xaxis then again hit I select the plan and uh we are going to go for a particle system had a new hair particle system it's Advanced under uh Source I'm going to make it random under render I'm going to make it collection and we'll use collection number two which actually contains three objects I'm going to pick I'm going to select pick random and I'm going to go and choose our our Vortex groups so now as you can see it's perfectly animated and this is what we wanted okay so I'm going to make the number to something like very low because I'm going to scale it up pretty much and I'm going to scale it to something like 160 and I will turn on the scale Randomness all the way up and I'm going to decrease the number of the particle there and maybe I can increase the the scale of these part articles so it's actually pop up and uh which looks perfect I'm going to go to material View and I'm going to click show utter to hide these object in rendering okay so under I'm going to turn on the other object so as you can see it's perfectly doing its job it's actually growing some grass on the surface of the keyboard or the laptop and this is what we wanted so I think we are done with the whole process and we can now go for the render because uh rendering is very important so I think it's fine and we can now add some rock I think okay so I have some rock model I will put the link to the same model as well you can also use them to add a little bit of uh those nature nature Vibe into it so I'm going to add both of them into them so I'm going to select these objects shift a selection to cursor and I'm going to move it towards x-axis like that I'm going to select the downward object contrl C copy rotation and I'm going to select The Rock object it's here I'm going to rotate it on xaxis and 180° so it's actually aligned with the downward plan and this is what we wanted so okay so let me just rotate it and I'm going to go to camera view I'm going to move it on ZX like that and I'm going to move it slightly up so it's actually aligned with the surface of the laptop and I'm going to move it towards xaxis like that and now I can add the other Rock object also I'm going to hit shift tast cursor to select it and I'm going to select this one shift a selection to cursor so it snap into there I'm going to select this object and maybe I can control C copy rotation so both of them have the same kind of rotation and I'm going to move it slightly on Y axis I'm going to scale it down and I think it's perfect so if you play it as you can see it's actually sticking into the surface of the laptop and this is what we wanted I think it's now time for the hdri I'm not using any hdri I'm going to use two simple lighting uh plan okay so actually there is a huge object which is an nigos I'm going to turn it off for viewport and rendering both of them and also going to turn off these one for both of them and I'm going to go to camera view I'm going to hit shift a and I'm going to uh I'm going to go for film I'm going to make it transparent okay so I'm going to hit shift a I'm going to add a light which is actually an area light I'm going to move it up I'm going to scale it up like that actually I'm going to rotate it like that I'm going to scale it very big and I'm going to make it uh very high number of power I'm going to make it 5,000 maybe and I think it's okay I'm going to move it slightly up so I think I'm going to rotate it slightly and I will just increase it to something like uh maybe I can move go for uh 10,000 but I think it's uh okay and it's doing it so perfectly I'm going to go to solid view I'm going to duplicate the same area light to the other side of the scene so I'm going to rotate it like that I'm going to move it towards there and it will actually make it perfect uh it will actually act as a screen of the laptop which is actually very bright and I'm going to scale it accordingly to the screen of the laptop so it's actually something like this and I'm going to go to render viw and let's see how it looks like and I think it's perfect and it's super nice okay so I think we can go for rendering and it's the final stages of this tutorial and I think we can just uh see how it feels like in r render view okay so I'm going to go to solid view I'm going to go to compositing okay here is the render layer I'm going to add a movie clip search for a movie clip I'm going to add it to hair and I'm going to add select the same footage I'm going to search for Alpha over node I'm going to connect both of them like that and I'm going to add a Vier node so shift a Vier node and add a Vier node connect the image with the image like that and now as you can see nothing's happen because we actually not rendered any image so under uh rendering I'm going to make the rendering simple to 50 so it's render very faster so let's check it out okay so it's actually rendering and let's see what we get in the final result okay so as you can see we actually get this kind of result and I think we can we are done with this and maybe we can move the rock slightly up so they actually cast some shadows I'm going to go to material of the big plant I'm going to remove the material from the big plant so it's actually used as a sh not a hold out material so maybe I can move this slightly and now it will have a perfect uh Shadows you know everywhere and this is what we wanted so guys if you want to get the same content like that you can hit the Subscribe button you can like this video share this with with your hotest friend and maybe you can you can just do a comment if you do have any question I will make sure to answer any question so thanks for watching stay tuned to the next one
Channel: Kamran Waziir
Views: 101,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yes...This could be your first VFX with Bender and adobe after effects!, visual effects, adobe after effects, blender vfx, blender cgi, blender visual effects, adobe after effects blender, blender tutorial, ae to blender, blender after effects, blender 3d, blender basic, blender beginner, after effects basic, after effects tutorial, motion tracking in after effects, plant growing vfx, ae vfx, after effects vfx, blend ae, kamran waziir, cgi, vfx, vfx tutorial
Id: qSGoI-Rj41s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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