Your first product VFX In Adobe after effects and Blender

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[Music] so in this video we're going to be making the same effect for your products so we are starting it with After Effects because it's pretty easy to track and now we're going to import this footage I will put the link in the description to the same footage let's drag it into the new composition and uh let's see okay so uh first we need to track its camera so click track camera and it will start tracking the camera uh it depends on the uh duration and resolution of your shot okay so okay it's dragged and we have a lot of points on the building and now what we're going to do we are going to select some points so drag your right just hold your right and drag over it and and I think left yeah okay so you will select a lot of points and click right and create solid and camera so we have a solid here uh we can now uh play the animation and as you can see it's perfectly tracked and it's now time to export this data into blender uh so in order to do this I have a script file I will also put the link to the addon and the script for after effect if you want to export data from after effect to blender so I'm just going to select everything and script and Export composition data to Json and click it so I'm going to browse uh a location where I want to save it first of everything I'm going to give it a name so it's something like CT tracking or something it's totally up to you what name you're going to give it so hit save and hit export so the data is exported now it's time to import the same data into blend blender so open up your blender so okay so hit a and x and delete everything come to file import and after effect composition data go to the directory where you save this data so click it and import After Effects data okay so here are so many files I don't need the front plan because uh it's the footage I'm going to delete it and now if I go to camera view you can see it's moving the same but first let's do some render settings first come to the output setting and make the frame rate to something like 29.9 FPS and come to timeline the after effect composition starts from zero frame but blender starts from one so grab all of those key key frames to one and yeah it will be perfect and also I think I have to uh make the ending frame according to the last key frame so now if I play it it's perfect now let's select the camera and come to here background image air image movie clip and open the footage that we are going to track that we tracked actually and here is the footage and now it's perfectly tracked now just increase the opacity of this shot yeah it's looking good so now what we're going to do we're going to turn off everything H like X draws and relations floor and X and Y to see it perfectly yeah it's okay so just decrease the ending frame because we got some pink background at the end of the video okay so uh here what we need we need to select this sh turn everything on again to see what is going on okay now select the plan scale it on Y axis something like this and grab it y AIS to actually fit in now grab this thing up on the z-axis and scale it uh on y axis just to fit in the frame of the building or I don't know it's a sky crapper or something but just fit in okay yeah it's fine so now it's time to scale these on z-axis as well or we can do it in edit mode so go to edit mode select the downward Edge and just grab these on z-axis something like this now just grab it slightly now select everything go to add selection and hit uh e to extrude it so first select everything and then hit e then s just scale this thing up and uh we are doing this for hold out material which actually mask out the background stuff so we have to do it okay just scale this up I'm just doing it again because I just applying everything if I got the best result but uh I'm just playing around okay so let's do it again e then s to scale this thing up somewhere right here and now go to face selection I'm trying to select the front face hit e to extrude it and maybe we can and uh just align it perfectly I'm going to change the orientation to local so we can uh freely move anything like uh if it's rot then the axis will also change with this okay okay so what we we have done we just extorted this thing backward and now we have some problems in the front uh I think this is a front face so I'm going to select it uh and I'm just going to try this if it's not okay oh it's a front face yeah so we can just delete it because we don't need it just hit okay so we have a perfect uh stuff going on so now it's not perfectly aligned to the building so just grab it on uh xaxis something like this to align it with building is totally up to you if you're uh scenario is different then you can just go crazy with it and you know whatever you want it's perfect perfectly tracked you can add any kind of object into it so now if you play it it's uh perfectly aligned into the building and uh yeah so now just grab it and align it it's totally up to you and how you want it so now let's give it two materials one for uh the main material which is the inside and the other is hold out material for the outside extorted faces so assign it to different parts for the outside I'm going to assign a new material so let's just hit new on the first material and also hit new on the second now rename the second as hold out so we will be able to understand or to know that it's a hold out material and the first one is just material one or something it's really up to you select the hold out and change the surface into hold out which what what what it actually do it's actually mask out stuff in the background it's work in uh Cycles Render so just go and change your rendering engine to cycles and if you go to render view uh I think I have to make it transparent so uh first we need to just go to render settings film and make it transparent so if you turn off everything you can see that this hold out material actually masked out the stuff behind it so it's really handy while you are tracking something so it's actually what mean by hold out materials so uh now if we just add a sunlight we're just doing it for now this is not a final lighting we're just trying out how and what kind of sunlight is going to be okay or just we just trying to lighten up the scene to see what is going on just come to light setting and just increase the strength of the Sun maybe because we just trying to weave this or to over r that how it look while there is some lights in the background okay so change your device to GPU commute and uh yeah select this uh object and change the interior or the main color into something you wish of I'm just going to go for yellow material or something it's it's to up to you okay I'm just going to rotate the Sun Slightly to see what is going on I can decrease or increase the sunlight strength yeah it's perfect if you now go through the timeline and if you play it it's actually working and now we can add any kind of stuff into our scene and uh you can add any kind of product into these uh I don't know what to call it but this stuff in the building I'm just going to turn off everything to see clearly what is going on I'm not turning off the overl overall because uh it's going to turn off the background as well so I don't want it so now what we're going to do we just we can rotate the sun we can see it from different angles and but the main thing that we are going to is to match the lighting and we are going to do it later on yeah it's okay and now we can also just uh change it to Global and skeleton y AIS something like this okay so it's perfect go to solid View and we're just going to look at these and to figure out so many stuff so uh I'm just digging up all the settings I'm just turning on all of those overlays again to see what is going on just look at what I'm doing because I'm not sure what I will change because this is just a straightforward tutorial I have not edited anything I'm just going to move it into Y axis yeah okay so we got something like this and I think it doesn't look good if I move it to ha and see it from camera view it doesn't looks realistic so that is why I have to go for the settings that I have done before I'm just going to hit contrl Z because it doesn't work for me yeah I don't know okay I'm just changing this color to something like uh pink or something because it's a famous color of doing this kind of V effect I've saw so many on Instagram they all have pink color so I'm just going for a pink color and now we play It's Perfectly done now we we are in render view that is why it just feel like very bad but just don't don't mind it because yeah if you render it it will be perfect and if we go to solid View and and uh okay so I got a watch uh model that I model in my previous tutorial you can follow along go ahead to my channel and just follow along the tutorial on learning on how to make a watch in blender and you will learn all of the stuff that you need in order to make a watch yeah I have made uh two watch so I'm going to add two of them I'm just aligning it to the scene if it doesn't look good uh I'm just going to turn cavity to see the ages of all of stuff going on in the scene and I will also put the link to this video on how to model uh watch I have made 1 hour tutorial everything from scratch because I was not able to skip it I was have to explain every single tool and the use of tool and the modeling process of a watch I'm just aligning this watch accordingly to the scene so I'm just moving up slightly something like this and I'm also adding another one if we just play it it's perfect you know yeah I think it's time to add another watch as well so let's add okay so this is the second watch this is exactly the same watch that I modeled in my previous tutorial so if you model the same watch you will be able to make any kind of watch in the world that you see but I'm just going to add both of them both of the model by me okay so if you play it it's working perfectly yeah just save your tutorial and now the lighting is really really really bad so I'm just going to turn off everything and I think I have to delete the sun because it doesn't looks good yeah before doing anything let's just hover over these and see how does it feel like turn on everything just going to add a plan maybe because we want to make a sliding glass in front of these hole and uh I'm just going to align it with the present plan just copy rotation if you don't if you can't copy rotation of any object you can turn on the Aron it is pre-installed with blender okay so I'm just aligning it into that object and now if we rotate on xais 90° it will be perfectly aligned to that object you can also snap it to that object but rotation does matter and you can also do it with snapping but I'm just doing it manually because I love it okay so I'm just going to align it to the hole perfectly and I think it's not aligned perfectly if you just move yeah you can see there's a huge G between these two objects so you can just go and move it to somewhere there and uh you can just align it perfectly just move it on XX I also turn on local because I can move if you rotate in a object it also rotated the orientation of that object which means that yeah you just try it yourself and you will learn how local and Global works so I'm just looking at uh on it if it doesn't look okay I'm just grabbing it back slightly it's not necessary but I'm just doing it to hide on uh the watch model you know now it's time to move those watch backward so if you move it oh I think their orientation is different so I'll do it separately just grab it on Y axis something like this and now select these downward watch and grab it an xaxis something like this just go to camera view and now what we're going to do we're going to get it a new material and we are going to crank down the roughness and turn on the transmission Miss of this and just turn it everything off to see what is going on and I think the lighting is not good so I'm using an hdri I will put the link for the HD in the description to actually have a perfect uh lighting and I will this is the this is actually the HD that I'm going to use in this tutorial so I'll will also put the link in the description you will be able to use the same HD because it's totally free and I used it right now and it looks perfectly yeah so now I just turn on all of those overlays and uh yeah I'm just going to move it a little bit forward and now it's time to add some animation into our model because without animation nothing looks great everything will look still as it's present in the actual footage but if we add Dynamic motion we can't move it up because we have to twick another settings as well so I'm just going for the downward motion because it doesn't feel to be complicated for the downward so I'm just aligning it perfectly to the background plan and what I'm going to do to R inter View and if I move it up and down we can animate it actually okay just increasing the roughness slightly and uh just turn everything up like extras we have this because if we want to move it up we have to in uh just tilt the other plan so we don't want to add more more tweaking into tutorial that is why I'm just moving it downward to make it s simpler as possible okay so I'm just going to first frame head ey for location and move along the timeline and just grab it on y AIS like that just hit I location and now if you look at the animation it's sick and it's looking good so now if we move along the timeline it just feels good okay so now it's time to animate this watch coming out of the uh this hole because we have to do it it's Dynamic so we're going to start it from 140 or something so add a location key frame just move along and just move it outward something like this and add another location key [Music] frame yeah we can also rotate it if you want we got to camera view and just try to rotate it oh I'm just going to change it to Medan point now if you rotate it we can perfectly rotate these object because it's pretty easy just rotate it and I I think I'm not added rotation key frame so I'm just going to go ahead and add before that key frame and just hit again location and rotation and now we have location and rotation key frame to the same model we can also animate the second watch as well if we want just grab it on xaxis something like this and add a key frame it's a little heavy because we have added so many bullion and sub division modifier to that watch I'm also rotating this object it's actually making the window very slow because we have some volon modifier and I can add this so yeah that looks good now you can add any kind of object into the scene and it will be much easier for you okay so that was for today thanks for watching
Channel: Kamran Waziir
Views: 79,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, visual effect, cgi, blender vfx, Your first product VFX In Adobe after effects and Blender, adobe after effects tutorial, adobe after effects vfx tutorial, blender vfx tutorial, product vfx, vfx in blender, how to make product vfx in blender, kamran animates venom, product animation, blender basic, blender beginner tutorial, blender 3d modelling, blender motion tracking, motion tracking, after effects, how to make product, product modelling basic, product in blender
Id: Ou1OLnEX64g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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