Blender To After Effects | Cryptomattes | 3D Tutorial

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hello and welcome to this new video today we will be taking a look on how to export Crypt mats from blender and import them into after effects and use them for basic compositing okay for the test scene we're going to use the Falcon I modeled uh you can get this model through the blender kit add-on you are not required to buy the paid version of blender kit actually you can just get the free blender kit add-on and get this one for free okay obviously we need a camera to render this so let's just make one real quick and there isn't much we need to do to enable the Crypt mats we actually need to go into our view layer settings here and then scroll down and under the Crypt mat just check object and material this is basically all we need if you're interested in how the levels work in depth um definitely check out my link in the description if you just want a quick explanation basically the levels sort of tell the program how many how many unique objects can be differentiated per pixel this is or this can be very important if you have a scene where you have two objects and they're both affected by motion blur but they are close to each other so the motion blur that affects both objects sort of Blends them together and in order to separate the objects you need to well ident be able to identify them right and the levels basically give you the give you a depth sort of so it it the levels Define how many unique objects can be differentiated per pixel I would I guess another example could be glass and there's an object behind glass so there's two different objects that occupy the same pixel space that's basically what the levels are for all right so we check this we just leave it at six um yeah let's go into our compositing use notes and now we see all the fancy stuff here here we're not going to do compositing in planer we're going to export it to After Effects so for the render sake let's check the noising data and so we get like a den noised image um just plug this in here and there isn't really anything else we need to do you could make a file output node but I'm just going to render it and then save it through the render window all right the rendering has finished we can now go to image and save and then we basically just select open exr multilayer and save the render all right I have my Falcon imported into after effects and we're just going to quickly set this up so we're going to add an extractor effect and choose composite combined this is by the way this is just for the base image so that we just have something to look at and then we are going to use the open color iio to get the proper color space we covered this in another video you basically just need to get into your blender folder go into blender the version then data files color management and config oio and then we're just going to actually I think I'm not sure what color space I used um I think blender has ax as standard now so you might want to check that if you're using film or agx if you're using Ajax just use the base srgb all right um and yeah if you have a screen that uses w 2020 or whatever W um then definitely use that but if you're using a normal srgb screen use the srgb color space all right here we have the Falcon and now we want to do cryptoads so so let's say we just want to make some parts brighter so what I would do is duplicate the XR delete these because we don't need them and then let's add the Crypt mat plugin so this just gives us access to our crypto layers that we exported from blender and if you click here on layers you can see we can choose between crypto object and crypto material so right now what we are seeing are the crypto materials and I accidentally selected one um so the these colors are basically the IDS and what this means is that this color like this bright greenish color is all one material so that means the entire surface here uses one material which is true because this is just a a few 4K textures I painted in substance painter using udims and then I imported them as udm textures into blender and they are all using one material these ones here have a darker variation and this one here is glass and the cable like the the pipes also have a different material so this is all as it should be if we want a more detailed selection we can go to crypto object and you'll see we have a lot more options so basically all these pipes are the same ID they all have the same color this is because they're all one merched object if you do not want this if you get this asset and you want to have more control you can just select all the objects and go into edit mode then press a and then press P for separate and then choose separate by loose parts and then it should split up the entire mesh into many many objects and then obviously when you get the cryptoads you have a lot more control you should be able to select each individual pipe but yeah let's say let's say we want to make a part brighter so what we would do now is I would go here and let's maybe select this part and if you want to select another part you can press shift or you can hold shift and select another part if you don't not want to if you want to undo this you can hold art and cut it out so yeah I'm just going to just going to select a few parts here and then if you do not want to be in this selection mode anymore just like disable the or just unselect the effect and then this is an important step because now we have this this is like a selection sort of view but we want the mat we just want the mat so we just want white and black and all the other colors so we're going to set this to M only and I selected it again you can still select stuff by the way in the Met view which is sometimes annoying and but yeah now we have our mat and yeah if you click here these are basically the IDS so yeah don't you can just ignore this but these are just the IDS and now we have a met basically so let's disable this so we can basically duplicate this base layer and use the track met feature here and then set it to Luma and if we disable this now we can see that we have successfully cut out this section and now we can use this to color correct for example we can add a curves and make it brighter or more crunchier whatever you can basically do whatever you want all right this is basically it there isn't much more to explain actually isn't anything to explain you can select whatever M you want you can mess around with the met I mean you could um you could learn a m i mean you can do some freaky stuff um can I thank you yeah you can BL the M I don't know why you want to do that but all right this is basically it there isn't anything else to to show Crypt mats are super easy and can be super helpful and save you a lot of time I definitely recommend using them don't overuse it like if you're working with multi-layer ex I really think about what layers you need don't just select all of them because obviously the more layers you have the bigger your XR file is and if you have like an animation sequence you can easily get up to like a terabyte for like a few minutes of Animation very easily and it's obviously very um annoying to work with if it's not necessary so yeah I hope the video was helpful and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Simon Eberl 3D Animation and VFX
Views: 1,795
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Id: 39O61KIM5hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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