Your First Ever CGI Ad with Adobe after effects and Blender 3D

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hey guys in this video we're going to talk about how I make this V effect using Adobe After Effects and blender well in this video we're going to talk about how to motion track in after effect then export the same motion tracking data into blender and it's a very simple process so I'm going to begin with uh a footage uh download it from I'll put the link to the same footage uh uh in the description down below uh if you wanted to use it I'm going to go to file I'm going to go to import I'm going to hit file I'm going to import it uh I made a PNG sequence from the footage I would also upload the PNG sequence if you want to use the same PNG sequence that I'm using for the footage I'm going to select one image and I'm going to hit PNG sequence and click import to import the footage now I'm going to grab the footage uh into the new composition here okay so it's a high quality footage uh I really like it's to version I'm going to click track camera and it's going to start initializing uh and analyzing sorry I'm going to go to advance and I'm going to click detail analysis to accurately track the motion and now it started tracking it now we have to wait for these it depends on the duration on the quality of the footage uh but right now we have 250 frames and it's not going to take long okay so now as you can see I have paused and again restarted it and it's about to done it will start solving the camera after it uh analyzed the footage and as you can see it's solving it let's wait for this uh to finish okay so I think it's going to be finished right here as you can see it's finished and as you can see we got so many motion tracker here uh if you stay on them as you can see that uh the circle is oriented the same way as the building is so now we can we can select any tracker I'm going to select those trackers right click create solid and Camera it's going to create a plan over it and we will see if it's sted well or not let's play it and see okay so it's not sliding and I think that is a perfect track we can go for it but uh I want something in the middle you know so what we can do uh uh I'm going to hit contrl Z I'm going to select some of them in the middle and right click create solid and camera and it will create a solid for us and as you can see it's sticking into there and this is what we wanted so now the problem is how to export this data into blender well there is an addon called a to blend which is paid but I found a free solution for these I found a script that can do the same job for free I'm going to select uh all of the layers uh the script now and uh I think it's exporting Json file I'll put the link to the script if you want to use it just download the script and you will be able to export this data that can be imported into blender so I'm going to go to file script and as you can see export composition data you will not have that option uh so what you need you can download the script from the description install the script from here and you will have that option or two and uh you you can just click it export composition dat to Json and will export the tracking data into Json file which can be imported into blender I'm going to click it I'm going to browse and I will browse a location where I want to save the file so I'm going to give it a nice name something like uh track maybe yeah track okay so now it's time to hit save and I'm going to click export to export the data so now it's time to import it in blender so I'm going to go ahead and uh launch blender okay so it's opening right now and let's wait for blender to get opened okay so it's open now uh it's a default scene uh I'm going to hit a and x and delete everything in the scene so go to edit file wait wait I'm going to go to edit he it is we're going to install the Aron I will put the link to the Aron also which you can download and then you just need to click install to install the downloaded file from the Link in the description and you will be able to import Json file into blender as you can see if I search for these I already installed import After Effects composition data and yeah it's super easy I'm going to go to file I'm going to go to import and as you can see we have after effect composition data converted Json you know so if you click it go ahead to the directory where you do have uh that file so right now it's here so I'm going to click it and import after effect comp composition okay so right now we got three objects got a camera we got a plan we got a plan yeah okay so the middle plan is not important because it is representing the footage in offsite effect so you can just select it and hit X to delete it because you don't really need this this plan in the middle okay so as you can see the camera is horizontal which is not which is landscape right now we're going to make it vertical so I'm going to go to Output I'm going to match the resolution with the footage so the resolution of the footage is 1440 by uh 25 60 and this will fix the issue you can also check out the frame rate but in my case it is fine it it was 24 frame per second I'm going to go I'm going to select everything by hitting a as you can see we got a key frame off from the line so you can select all of the object and uh under the timeline you can just click G and grab it further so the key frame start from the first frame you know okay so right now we got to load our footage select the camera go to camera settings under background image open it a image and then click movie clip hit open to open up the footage I have the PNG sequence so I'm going to use the PNG I'm going to select all the pngs in the pgs folder I will also give you all the pngs I'm going to increase the opacity so right now if you play it as you can see the plan is sticking right from right into the building you know okay so now the tracking is perfectly done now you can add any sort of object you think of you can add products you can add some interesting animation into something you can destroy the building if you don't want you can add destruction into it you can add fire into it you can do your your silly things with it and it's totally up to you so in my case I'm going to test it out if it's working or not uh so what I'm going to do I'm going to select the plan I'm going to change the transform orientation from Global to local I'm going to turn on the Gizmo so I can now rotate it wherever the object facing it normals okay so it's now fixed uh with the building curvature or you can call it the building orientation I think yeah I'm going to scale it I'm going to slightly move it towards xaxis like that if you play it as you can see it's sticking right into the building and this is what we wanted and now you can make your viral Instagram post with these video you know so it was pretty easy and now what we are going to do I'm going to select it shift Ace cursor to selected and what I'm going to do I'm going to add ah what it called a monkey yeah a monkey scale it up so now I want to have the same orientation as the plan so there is an add-on in blender which can do this job for you I'm going to go to edit mod edit and preferences I'm going to search for copy attributes or you can search attributes you will find interface copy attributes menu just turn this on and you will be able to select both the the monkey and the plan and hit contrl C you will get so many option after in the installing the Aron and you will be able to copy the rotation of other object from one object so this is very handy I'm going to move it towards Y axis just slightly maybe I can just hide this plan if you I want like that and now I'm going to select and scale this monkey a little bit up I'm going to slightly move it forward so it's uh out from the plan something like that and I'm going to turn off the plan and let's see if it's sticking into it and as you can see it's magically sticking into the building and this is what we wanted this is this was the mission it is accomplished now you can add your stuff into it you can add any sort of product into it this is called Product VFX you can call it CGI ads you can call it viral AIDS you can call it eye catching AIDS whatever but you can do it right now it's it's it will be your first time maybe okay so I'm thinking what to add I'm going to first save the file because it's important if you don't save it you're going to lose your progress and you will regret and you will not watch my video again so say blender file okay so right now what we got to do we're going to add something that is called a car yeah but first of all uh before adding the car what I'm going to do I'm going to go to file I'm going to go to import I'm going to go for a glb I will put the link to the same car model that I'm using in this video in the description down below it is from sketch web you will be able to download it for free it is not bad uh thanks to the great artist I forgot the name but I will surely put his name and the link to his model in the description down below I really like the model thanks for the model okay so model is important I'm going to select one object uh by hitting shift and control J to join this object into it so now it's time to place the object wherever we want so what we got to do I'm going to hit shift Ace selection to cursor and I'm going to go to camera view I'm going to scale it up like that I'm going to select the plan contrl C copy rotation it will copy the rotation I'm going to hit uh I'm just slightly going to move it towards x-axis z-axis just a tad oh it's actually parented to an empty so what I'm going to do I'm going to select the car hit alt P clear and CS transformation it will clear the parent okay I need to delad the parent okay so now we got a rotated on Y axis on 180° so it's facing the right xes now you can add animation into it but maybe I will not add animation during the video because it will make make it longer and I know you people don't like long videos so I'm just going to place it I will show you how to set up lighting I will show you how to composite the final stuff I will show you how to do rendering settings and that's all this is what you need uh your animation is totally up to you how you want the car to be you want to explode it you want to you want to destroy it whatever just do it right away I really don't know what you want to do with the car so now we scale the plan uh accordingly so what we need to do Under World setting I'm going to hit uh let me just let me just hit the color button the yellow dot there I'm going to click environment texture I'm going to hit open and we will just need to open up the uh Ed hdri that we want to use so I'm going to open up this hdri I will also give the link to the same hdri that I'm using in this video if you want to use it I'm going to go to rendering view so as you can see it's not really good so what we got to do we need to go into rendering you know so under render settings change the render engine to cycles and then change the device from CPU to GPU compute like that click Den noise and under film click transparent as you can see the car is successfully added into the skycraper and now you can add your silly stuff into it maybe if you want you can add a product into that just do it and as you can see the lighting is matching I'm going to select the plan and under object data I'm going to go for visibility under visibility there is an option called Shadow catcher which will hide the plan but we'll cast Shadows on and this is a great feature in blender I really like it so thanks to blender for having some amazing featur okay so let's see yeah it is looking really good I love it maybe we can just slightly move it towards towards where I really don't know there is a problem with mirror I really don't know why is that but you can fix it if you do want you can also download another model of car if you want you can just uh do whatever you want to do with it I'm not limiting you to just stay there within your limit and just don't do anything and then my video and that's very bad okay so I'm just trying to fix it but I think there's something behind the mirror that is making it very bad it can be a seat it can be anything but I'm left I'm done with it I don't want to twick it around you know so under material I'm going to turn on sin light sin world so we can just slightly rotate the world I'm going to open up a new window like that change it to shatter editor I'm going to this is object I'm going to change it to world I'm going to select the HD control T it's an addon called node triangular by turning it on you will be able to use control T to add mapping and texture coordinate node it is very useful explained by every YouTuber okay so I'm going to go to render View and I will slightly rotate it so it matches the uh scene lighting maybe just slightly not so much okay so what I'm going to do I'm going to slightly just move it move under edit I'm going to slightly okay so I duplicated the plan I scal it on z-axis like that and now I'm going to select it and I'm going to hit e to extrude it like that and right now I'm just trying trying to extr it towards y AIS so we can just copy the so we can just uh copy the building you know we just want to make a digital extension of the building just do whatever I do because I really don't know what I'm doing so that is why you just need to focus on so I'm just trying to match the alignment of my 3D object into the real footage by moving it on different AES like that so what I'm going to do I'm going to go to top view I'm going to hit e and I will exod it towards that axis like that I'm going to select this plan I'm going to hit F to fill the middle thing and I'm going to select all the top one and I'm going to hit F to fill it okay so now it's time to Bevel it but before doing your bevel stuff let me just see uh that how does it looks like contrl + B scroll your Mouse to see how does it feels like okay so I'm just going to apply the scale by hitting contr a in object mode and again go to edit mode and let's try it again okay it's not matching right but I think we need we need to add some more bevel into the sides you know so I'm going to select all those outer edges the downward edges I'm going to hit alt and I'm going to hit uh e on z-axis to extrude it downward just going to slightly move it towards xes just a tad to match the uh the building shape okay I'm going to select it and I'm going to hit e to exod it down so we do whatever need to be done okay so I'm going to go to w selection mode I'm I'm trying to manually just align it with the shape of the building I'm going to go to Edge selection hit all to select the whole Edge and I'm going to hit e and extrude it downward like that and right now we need to bowel this thing so we got some perfect R uh perfect smooth bed ages so I'm going to select this like that and that by hitting control it will select the shortest spot between both sides when I shift click and then control click and it will select the loop in between so I'm going to hit uh contrl B to B it just a t and scroll the wheel so we got something like that okay so I'm going to select this Edge like that and I'm going to hit alt shift alt and then shift Alt to select all of them contrl B bevel it like that something like that so it matches the curvature of the building contrl R add a l cut at the top and G and Z to moves it towards z-axis so right now as you can see it is matching it and uh if you play it as you can see it's sticking into the building and this is what we wanted this is something we really wanted for a long time so if you go to render as you can see now now what I can do you can reproject the footage into if you want if you want to have some amazing sort of reflection into you can just reproject the footage but I'm not going to do it right now so I'm going to change the color of uh this plant something like this and under object data again I'm going to click Shadow catcher so it also bounce the light in a green greenish green no not green bluish form into the car I'm going to link the material okay so I think the 3D scene is uh done you can add Reflections if you want you can just need you just need to reproject the footage into the mesh that we just created okay under rendering setting I'm going to make the render samples 200 under compositing hit use node and now it's time for final stuff so I'm going to add an output node which is called the Vier node I'm going to connect the image to the viewer node I'm going to click Aid I'm going to click input I'm going to click movie clip add a movie clip into it I'm going to add a color color mix and Alpha over so it's going to mix the render layers and the movie clip together connect the movie clip to the top socket and the render layer to the bottom socket now it's time to Rend your an image because if you don't Rend your an image you will not see anything so what I'm going to do first I'm going to load the footage into so we can see it under view I'm going to zoom it out just there so we can see what is going on under render render image you will be able to render out the image that you want so it started rendering I'm going to pause it I'm going to restart it again so as you can see the image is rendered with all the stuff in it and this is what we wanted this is the dream of every 3D artist that we that want to create some amazing cgis and yeah that was for today if you want to get more like that you can hit the Subscribe button you can like this video you can share with your artist friend you can do whatever you want to do with my channel and yeah thanks for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Kamran Waziir
Views: 3,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Your First Ever VFX CGI Ad with Adobe after effects and Blender 3D, blender camera tracking, blender vfx, vfx, after effects tracking, blender product vfx, vfx ads, cgi ads, cgi blender, blender vfx tutorial, adobe after effects blender, ae to blender, motion tracking in ae, blender after effects workflow, product vfx blender after effects], blender beginner, blender tutorial, blender cgi tutorial, blender cgi ads tutorial, kamran waziir, blender ae vfx, visual effects
Id: V1EWWhUS--g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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