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you want a nice quality business card [Music] hi there it's Kevin Ward the founder of yes masters real estate success training helping you get more yeses and more successes in your business and in your life one of the questions I get a lot is how do I create a new business card or what should go on my business card and this is especially new agents that ask the question but I've also discovered that a lot of seasoned agents have gotten their business cards just because that was what somebody else had and so they're like okay I need a business card and really created a business card without any real strategy behind it and having a clear strategy is so so important to helping you create the perfect business card so I decided you know what I'm gonna train you on it how to do it today how to create the perfect business card so so stuff very very simply to start with and that is number one is if you're gonna have a business card and you should have a business card is you want it to be good quality you just wanna have a good quality business card you don't don't go budget here you want a nice quality business card now honestly business cards are getting fancier and fancier I've had people now agents have given me their business cards that are made out of metal you know they've gotten a Lumina business card that looks like a credit card and all that kind of stuff you know I don't care how fancy you get what I care about is that it's clean that it's crisp that it looks professional so quality quality card stock quality paper quality printing you want it to really look good and don't be going after the you know the free the vistaprint you don't want to go with the vistaprint budget business cards you're selling you know hundred thousand dollars and in some cases million dollar houses you're not needing to do a budget all right so quality I think that's good number two I don't know how to say this I'm gonna say a real good picture all right one of the questions that I've heard talked about and it was something that was talked about when I was a new agent well should you put your picture on your real estate business card and I heard one argument was in no other self-respecting profession do they put their picture on a business card only in real estate so attorneys doctors you know veterinarians they don't put their picture on a business card they just put their name and their contact information so I'm like okay perfect I'm not gonna put a car picture on my card and so for years I didn't and then I read about a study by AB Sethi that was reported on by Robert Chiellini and his book influence and this is what we know whenever somebody meets you if they have seen your picture they like you better that's just the way it is and when you give a business card to somebody and they have your picture one it is a better way for them to remember you and we identify people by their face as much or more than by their name remember I may forget a person's name but a face we never forget so when your face is on the business card your face one makes you more memorable and two if they've never met you before they get your business card you sent it in the mail where they think you know it or a card and they get your business card they see your picture we know scientifically they are gonna like you better when they've actually seen your picture and that's been proven through real studies but it's not just a picture you want well you want it to be a real good picture now the reason I put real is you want it to actually look like you really look no glamor shots please and we don't need twenty-year-old headshots either it needs to be a real picture of the real you that when they meet you and they see you they're not going like hi is that your daughter in the business card picture you don't want that happening right you don't want them looking at the seeing you and they saw your picture on the business card or on your website for that matter wherever they see your picture you don't want a picture that makes somebody go like what happened that the person in the picture is that you're your daughter or your younger sister or brother or whatever don't go there okay you want it to be a real picture and again good meaning you want it to be a professional headshot okay we're not talking about lifestyle pictures here because you're wanting to create an impression so that they know who you are they'll recognize you and it's got to be a face that is good and I'm gonna qualify with that that happy is really really important now here's the thing when people meet you they want to feed they're they're gonna get an energy from you and the first emotion that people want to feel from another person is they want to feel happy they want to feel like you're a happy person because if you're happy then they conclude from that you must like what you do if you're not happy then they're not sure and so people are attracted to happy people so you want your business card to have a picture on it because people that's know your face like you more it's more memorable you want to be a real picture that actually looks like the real you you want it to be a good quality professional headshot and you want it to be a happy shot third thing that must go in your business card is your market where is your market where this we're talking about your city your area whatever it is a sin city or an area that user area and this is really not working good for me right now my speller what is the city what is the market area that you are in it's crazy to me and especially when I'm at an event and I get people's business cards and I get their business card and it doesn't have where like they're more it doesn't have their market on there doesn't say a city or anything and I'm like and I ask somebody one time and I've asked agent how come you know I'm your market on there and they go look well because I used to put my town in there but I found out that when I put my talent if I'm prospecting or I'm talking to somebody and they live in another neighboring suburb or town that they don't want to hire me because they think I'm not in their area and so instead of putting you know I don't want to put seven towns because I service all seven towns in our county or whatever instead of doing that I just don't put them market area well that's great except that they have no idea where you are so it has no clarity at all if people are confused they won't take action so you want there to be clarity about where your market is so whatever your market area is called and in most places nowadays they there's clarity okay you're in your real estate industry there's a market area now where I live now in Los Angeles is called the South Bay there's the wet there's West LA people know what that means it may be all of LA County and maybe all of your County okay it may be whatever this the region is give people some clarity and the other thing is the other thing that does is it narrows your target audience to the people that you can actually help and if you're giving it especially to other real estate agents at training events or seminars or conventions they need to know where you are so that when they have a referral they know where to send them and going like I don't think that agents from somewhere in Nevada but I don't know where so you want to give clarity of what your market area is now I know there's people gonna argue that all day long but you want people to have clarity because clarity causes people to take action where's the lack of clarity causes people to not take action now for thing I'm gonna call it simplicity we'll call it simplicity and here's what I mean by that is you don't want too much information on your business card all right so here's I'm trying to put a figure if I should write something else up here but I just want it let me just explain you what I mean by simplicity it's a business card how big is a business card it's a little bitty how much information are you gonna try to cram onto that business card so here's what you don't want to do is it's not to see how much information I can cram in one little you know three but an inch at three and a half by one and a half inch card so I don't want to put you don't need to put your name and then ten designations after it and how long you been a real estate and then serving all your real estate needs since you know 2017 and then have four phone numbers and then a website and then your Twitter handle your Instagram handle your Facebook handle your you tube handle you don't need all that stuff keep it simple probably best is to have two points of contact a cell phone number that's it one number you don't need to tell them it's yourself they know what a phone number looks like phone and then you have a phone number you don't need to put phone they know what a phone number looks like right it may just be your phone number email primary your one phone number not three two three one one phone number one email and one place for them to go technology on the Internet probably your website okay it may be so it may be a Facebook I don't care where it goes but keep it simple where it's the best place for them to connect with you so if they want to call you I got a phone number if they want to email you I got an email and if they need to find you on to connect with you online here's my here's my website or a social and maybe a Facebook your Facebook page or whatever probably website is better if you have a decent website the key is I don't want to have 17 things on there for how to get in touch with me cuz then they're confusing to like I don't know what's one of these to call I don't know where to go I don't know what to do and so they don't take any action because it's got too much stuff and they're gonna not do anything with it now the last thing is what you do on the back of the card what you're doing the back of your business card now this I'm gonna tell you a couple of ways you can go on this the first way to go is believe the back blank and I want it to be non glossy and this is a challenge because a lot of business cards especially higher quality ones they're glossy what you mean I can't write a note on the back now I'm gonna tell you your ability to write something on the back of a business card has a lot of functions for one if I'm prospecting and I'm knocking on someone's door and there nobody answers they're not home I can write a note very simply on the back of my business card and leave my business card at their door or I can leave it inside their door or I could stick it in their garage door I can leave it somewhere where they can find it so as an example what I did when I would be door knocking let's say a say for example an expired listing this was the best way I got responses whenever I would knock on a door and nobody was there with an expired listing I would write a note on the back I would just take my business card turned over and I always had blank business called blank on the back this was not the primary reason but it was one of them and that was I would say sorry I missed you if you're still interested in selling please call me Kevin very simple message in the back boom stuck my business card what was on the front how to get in touch with me and it was just hey if you're interested in selling call me and that was as good that was probably the best way I ever got people to call me back was just because they had my business card and the other thing about it was that when I stuck it in the doorway or whatever other agents were more likely to leave it alone than if I left a big packet of information or whatever and so forth it was more than likely gonna be picked up by the next agent and not gonna be seen the other reason to have a business card with a blank on the back is because I can now take when I meet somebody let's say at a networking event or wherever and I have a business card and I get to have a conversation with them and I say great why don't we exchange information and stay in touch and they say excellent so I pull out a business card and I go like do you have a business card so as I'm handing on my business card I'm also asking them do you have a business card now if they have a business card boom they're gonna hand me theirs I'm gonna hand them that mine they're gonna have me theirs or a lot of times they'll go like you know what I don't have a business card I don't carry a business cards or I didn't don't have any with me it's amazing how many people don't have business cards with them they have them don't have them with them I can say no problem why don't here and I flip my card over and say put your information on the back of my card I've got an extra card for you put your information on the back and you can keep this one mmm and so they can put their information and their business cards are just naturally made for sharing information so why don't we exchange information and stay in touch do you have a business card boom I could hand it to them if they'd to say I don't have a card I see no problem here here's an extra one of mine just put your name and phone number on the back of that one and then you can keep this one and then last thing and this is important whenever they put their name and phone number on the back and they hand it back to you I immediately want to take that business card they hand it back to me and I want to tear off the corner of the business card okay now you go like why would I do that well because I don't want to hand that business card to the next person I meet and I lose their contact information number one number two what's crazy about it and I learned this years and years ago and have done that just so many times is that when you tear the corner off they always ask why don't you tell the corner off and I say well because I just met you and I want to make sure that I know to follow up with you and I share the corners off of cards when it's important that I want to remember who you are anything like oh well thank you very much so it makes them feel important and even if you exchange cars with somebody and even if they have their business card you hand it to them if you turn the corner off and they ask you why did you do that say because I want to you know people that I've met that I really want to connect with and I want to remember I make sure the business card off so you don't get lost in the stack and like oh cool then it's just a kind of a great way to kind of take the relationship a little not higher on when you do that and leaving the back of your business card blank gives you so many opposite you can use that now I'm going to tell you one other option and one of the good use of a business card that I think is really really powerful and you can either do it on the back or you can do it on the front depending on how much I love the space lays out and that is by having and this is kind of a bonus is by having a call to action a call to action on your business card now what does it call to action a call to action is do this and get this so let me just give you a real simple example is we can say we can say I can put something as simple as for a free for a free market analysis go to Kevin ward realtor real estate calm forward slash free or even better if you have like a free report and this is stuff that I train my coaching members how to do this is create a free report for sellers that gives them strategies to sell their home faster and for more money and I say for a free report to sell your house for more money go to Kevin ward real estate comm forward slash free report and so what I'm doing is I'm I can give that card to somebody and even if they don't want to give me their contact information and they like no I'm not interested I can give my business card they'll go home if they're interested in selling they're gonna go on the website they're gonna see it get a free report of how to sell your home and get more money they're gonna look at it go like wow I want more money for my house I want that report how do I get the report they click on the link and it says give me your name and email and phone number and I'll send you a free report and it tells them a 1 it offers them something of true value and assuming it's true value I don't do not offer people junk that's BS but when I offer them something of value and it's basically a fair trade they're gonna give you their contact information in exchange for you giving them something of value and that my friend can be very very powerful that's called a CTA a call to action which is something that that you're offering them something of value in exchange for their contact information and it's a great way to connect with people that you haven't had the opportunity to do that when all you could do is get a business card in their hand and weren't able to get their contact information it helps you use your business card as a way to take relationships to the next level so if you like this if this helps make sure you give the video a thumbs up ask any questions or post your comments down below share this with any other agents you know that have ugly business cards and get yours upgraded today make sure you subscribe to the channel and I'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Kevin Ray Ward - Real Estate Success Training
Views: 85,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, hero, coaching, real estate scripts, prospecting, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, make money in real estate
Id: KzPUm5fA0mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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