The Seven Mountain Message - Lance Wallnau (2017)

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[Music] [Music] yeah yeah oh boy some fun you know it's very funny because the last time I was here we I was sharing with you my predictions regarding what was going to happen in the United States I don't want you to know at that point in time there were not very many people who were saying what I was saying but true to the Christian community everybody sounds like they were saying and after he got elected as judge drives me crazy about Christianity the same Christians and it's hilarious oh yeah the Lord told me yeah that's got that Cyrus thing yeah I think he got that for me so my gosh but it was my limo they torched of the inauguration so I had the distinction of knowing that they know who it was on the other side so I want to encourage you with a hopefully a timely message and what happen all over the place it's getting kind of nutty to things that are really hot right now is Robert Henderson's courts of heaven and subject I'm going to talk about which is called apostolic hubs which is essentially what you're doing here though you probably haven't got a you know mechanical drawing for it yet and of course revivals always in vogue and so everybody's still loving the revival flow but let me show you something which is that visual illustration of what's happening right now in Canada in the United States in the world can you guys see that pen that work if I have to get a black one for later anyway so this was called the sigmoid curve and here's how things happen this is called results or I'll just put some grapes here make it bigger for you this is fruit everybody say fruit and over here we're going to put time and on these this continuum here you have the moves of God and if you've been around for 30 or 40 years as some of us elders in the camp have well then we've seen the Jesus Movement and the charismatic movement and suddenly all PTL or 700 club or Huntley Street in Canada and then we had the big Full Gospel business meetings going on it then still we had mega church became a new phenomena then we had worship verse was integrity music and then it came out with vineyard came out and then boom there was all these artists just became independent artists and we had it we never a double ward didn't even exist when I grew up so they had a category for Christian music where we actually not only did it exist I mean the first Christian music this is how fast things have expanded since in my lifetime there was one lady named honey tree another blonde in every torrent kiss and Andre crouch in the disciples I mean that's pretty much that was it and you know if you wanted to have a I could Jesus festival if any of them didn't show up it was you were done I mean all you could do is Peter Paul and Mary songs in Memphis Jesus lyrics to them so so we've come a long way since then but I mean then with then of course we had the Toronto renewal then we had the short but exciting period of Lakeland and then of course we had the Pensacola outpouring which was a kind of Assembly of God version of Toronto where people didn't want to go to Toronto but it all worked a little something for everybody that's the kingdom then we have the phenomenology of the merger of signs and wonders into schools where churches and conferences and schools could emerge and so Bethel Andrew Wommack I hop you know they became kind of epicenters of Chris the kind of like Christian mecca's for next generation kids that want to go we're already gonna put York L sent him to Bible got a nice safe place at him do a revival camp for a revival Bible College and so we've had that phenomena going on meanwhile somewhere along the line we completely forgot the nation but we were having fun and so we had big conferences where people are coming out to be laid down lovers of Jesus and wild worship and signs and wonders and you can science schools and the entire nation gets taught how to become homosexual well we're having a revival and then we're not having revivals we're gathering in stadiums would cause with Lou Engel praying for revival while the nation's are being completely remem'er nests who are telling the next generation religion is irrelevant which we don't mind them saying that because we know it's relevant the problem is we have to co-exist somehow in the same universe and they have a desire to take over and Christians let's face it goats and sheep have different personalities sheep are very accommodating it's like all sure thing whatever you want there okay the Antichrist is coming sometime praise the Lord I don't know when hope it's not now meanwhile the goats taking over though and the problem is you have to understand that all ideology has a spirit behind it now I can tell you this but knuckleheads in the American academic community don't notice because their deceit ironically the smartest people are under the smart Devils remember that liberals are under liberal Devils and some conservatives are in a conservative Devils for all I know I just don't trust any Devils that's all I look at it I'm just bananas for Jesus so here I was I'm preaching I'm right in the middle of it I got my little Senate Mountain thing I kind of snuck that in there a decade ago and 10,000 people kind of ran with it I never wrote a book I didn't feel like I wanted to write a book Johnny I know it was writing great books everybody else was writing good books on I said go for it dye your bone then I noticed it was kind of like a it was a nice template for a discussion the seven mountains well it is because any Christian with ambition to be an artist that doesn't want to be a preacher it doesn't fit in a church but wants to be a musician or a businessman or make a million dollars for Jesus well there's a call for him right there we created a whole template for you just go get your mountain and we never really did anything with that but it makes for a great template and great talking points so meanwhile somebody else took the political mountain the academic mountain they took over the college campuses they took over the political they took over the media and the artistic community they station himself in your three highest populated cities and from there they control the apparatus that literally disciples an entire nation while we continue having the revival to window we wake up and realize they might not want to let us exist and we're fine coexisting with anybody's ideology until they start saying we will disciple you to do this and you have to bow the knee to bail this way now it suddenly gets very personal you can't preach this part of the Bible you can't tell your child that you can't say this thing in public have you ever published this you can go to jail be in prison and lose your job oh we're on our way back to Rome with Nero now here's the point there's a whole eschatology for that you've got to have a whole bunch of preachers coming out well it's all get to be n times Nero me any crisis coming to be Gemma the one-world government some are gonna be to come better go dig a hole in your backyard get your bomb shelter ready pack up your soybeans time to check out boys girls and every millennial who you're raising is rolling their eyes saying is that the extent of my destiny is that where I'm going in the future a hole in the backyard with cans of soy beans listening to your favorite endtime preacher talk about the dangers of Islam anyways let's go back to my diagram so everything I'm describing to you right on up to I'm telling you I'm gonna may be popular but this was the facts right on up to the call and Bethel and Heidi and Brandi caught all my friends I'm with him I travel with him I have to be nice we all get thing well work together the same platforms we hit a certain point I would say a result in terms of nations where we plateaued and what we have is a very profitable understand something you don't change something when it works if you're a ministry that went from pastoring to now stewarding 10 20 30 40 million dollars worth of influence with thousands of people coming to your it's you're not stopping to say let's take this out in the backyard shoot it what's God doing next that's what I want to know you're not doing that you're guarding that sapsucker not to mention you're getting older and you're raising up the next generation to keep it going even if it's sort of plateaus it's not exactly plateauing because it's kind of like it's gradually going but it's not it's not what it was you know why because this is called it's a sigmoid curve this is life this is you hate to say it this is well any married couple knows of your sex life well forget that illustration no this is this is the story of Empires this is the story and so if you want to look at it like look at like a way whoa whoa we rode this way it was wonderful it was great it's a great way but you see while we were doing that the devil was doing stuff to see we keep looking for it I'm gonna tell you some tough things now but listen I got a burnt limo to prove it if you have a heart to solve the problem God will draft you in I know people look at me and they go oh you're Lance well yeah you know you're kind of articulate you talk smart you're probably a smart guy let me tell you something I got a I get an invitation to go to Trump Towers my secretary didn't even listen to the invitation she called me up those are gonna get fired are you're gonna fire me over this one I found a boy smash there's two weeks old on the answering machine you ain't invited to go meet with Donald Trump well he's one of 15 candidates running I don't have a particular dog in this fight and I happen to notice a lot of good Christians running I know that because most of the prophets were already laying hands on a prophesy I gotta be President so Kim Clements my good buddy a great prophet we're supposed to meet at Trump Towers and have dinner together and he's invited the meeting well I'm gonna meet him there okay Kim I'll have the word of the Lord cuz he's a prophet and I was come a teacher prophet whatever I do so I'll just kind of draft off of that make a good Facebook post if nothing else Hey here at sometimes event so I get to the elevator and I saw us and I notice a Jan Crouch Paula why Kenneth Copeland Justin Franklin look all these real big TV preacher people and I go up just to make sure I'm on that list I go you know I know that I'm famous in my mind but I also know I also know how most people introduced me wherever I go I have no illusions about my my visibility they always usually say how many of you have never heard of Lance won't laugh after a while that really builds your self-esteem hey how many people never even knew this guy existed now I know why they do that because I had a high impact on them and they discovered that when they say that they mail me they'll go who's that well I think people like Lance Moana or names like Andrew Wommack we have a heart of time because our last names are hard to say so but give him perseverance we'll get this anyway I go up to the guys got the list at the Trump Towers and he goes I got a my actually on that list he said yeah you're definitely on the list you know why you're on the list I'm the PR agent paula white hired to put every to get everybody in this room and I personally put you on that list I said why is that he said because he did a little meeting in Florida with about 100-200 people about a year ago you probably don't remember it but rick joyner actually sent me on he asked me to do it so I dutifully went her up and did its little meeting with a hundred ton of people and some kind of a frame like a garage converted into a meeting place he said I was so impacted by that I knew you had something to do to contribute the Donald Trump and so I put you on the list so point number one your faithfulness and that which is small is the secret to God taking it when you're in the cave of a doula I'm gonna go with this David thing I think it's an accurate word I think this simply this is a cave of a doing I think it's it it's a portal or if you will a incubator for the curation and cultivation of people with extraordinary vision I'll tell you something some of you are so old at this stage in your life you're saying yeah well if I was a younger man I'm gonna tell you something age is not a factor in this God will take the matter of fact the more disqualified you are the more likely it is that God will use you just to make a point just for the sake of making a point to somebody else you look at that guy 75 years old he's doing it all right okay anyway so I'm on the list I said okay so I know that little meeting I didn't remember I preached my heart out I was doing my own sitting out and flow so up we go Trump Towers I think a lights little humble seat in the corner because I'll be honest with you I get I think it mr. CLE acclimated for places well I'm in the United Nations in Beijing or at Harvard it's a place it takes me I have to go in a sense build my inner man up to meet the environment that I'm in there's a reason why there's not a lot of Christians in those places because they got some intense demons over those places and then you got your own psychological profile that says well I don't really fit here I don't know well don't and then your main preoccupation it's like dancing they know in public if you're not a dancer it's you're not you're not interested in having a good time you're interested in not you know falling now they're interested not making a mistake so I'm I was focused on me I'm thinking gee I'm not normally insecure like this what is it I'm feeling feeling intimidated what is it that I can work with billionaires they've been around what is it there was the atmosphere I was dealing with a presidential campaign and the spiritual atmosphere is already bad angels and demons colliding and I wasn't prepared I hadn't prayed in tongues enough that day or something I don't know but I remember the meeting goes on and I said to myself as many of us will do I said you know what I'm really here for it's not about me I'm here to intercede I'm gonna intercede and just kind of keep a low profile and hang out here in the corner just who knows why I'm here Kim didn't show up that dad you know what happened to him so I'm sitting there just praying and then like the Lord says me what you're doing is playing small because you're nervous see sometimes what Christians do is they cloak themself in a shroud of humility because they're actually nervous about screwing up so they stay hidden so they don't prove that they could screw up in public so I'll find you out if that's you in this room right now well I'm just an intercessor I'm just I'm just support I just help you know I'm not go there and pray for people yeah all right so I'm sitting there the meetings kind of going on and all of a sudden the guy kicks me out of the chair he leans over the PR guy says the Lord told him they're supposed to be in this meeting say something now I don't want to disappoint him he believes in me that's what y'all rival ice of course I'm of course I'm just waiting for the right time the right time what did I never I always been praying in her seed so somebody kicked my chair and said say something everybody in this world everyone in this room needs someone to kick their chair when they don't want to talk and speak up matter of fact how many of you needs God has sent an angel to go kick her chair chairs get good angels around the way please something remember I told you that so I remembered this moment is a rather interesting insight into Donald Trump because he said you know is it my imagination or for the last 10 years has there been a deterioration of public respect for Christianity is it not obvious that they Christians are being picked on and Lampoon and mock more and more they said you don't mind me saying so this is so classic and this is so interesting and this is so not comfortable for the church world to hear but here's what the next thing he said he don't mind me saying so you guys have gotten soft there is a time in america where disrespect had a consequence and you believed that for so long you've just gone weak and used to it then he paused and realized he's trying to sell himself to a roomful of evangelist said I mean of course we wait me me you us Christians I realized right then oh my god he's trying to market itself the Christians he isn't a Chris he's a Christian like I was a Christian when I went to church before I got born again you know somebody said what are you but I was actually going to a church so I thought oh wow he's trying to market himself does he is another Lord yet that's okay I kind of like that I I personally prefer working with a sinner that fears God or believes and respects in God then I do a know-it-all politician is going to debate me mentally on theology but be polite to my face because they think they know as much as I do about God so anyway he made that comment and he said let's take Bill Maher the other night he's just going off on Christians on politically incorrect couldn't believe and right then I felt the kick on the chair again so I said I better say something I said yeah everybody turned around because I didn't exist into that moment I was just this little ghost in the corner and the only thing I had to say was completely on another subject I said you know if it ever occurred to you mr. Trump that you're running as a businessman in it there are 30 million small businesses in the United States they roughly drive 70 percent of the economic engine 70 percent of the employment in the United States comes from 30 million small businesses well we've talked about Wall Street Wall Street Wall Street isn't the big machine it's like eleven percent of the it seventy percent is done by small businesses and one-third of those small businesses in the United States and Canada are owned by Christians evangelical god-loving Christians who simply want to be left alone and seek God's blessing in their life and not be dependent on anybody else each one of them represents three to five employees that means that out of 30 million small businesses 10 million of them are Christian businesses 10 million with 3 to 5 employees is 30 to 50 million people who are right now waiting for leadership from someone they believe understands business you'd be the perfect candidate to tap into that constituency it's dirty that wasn't his plan at all he had a better plan than I had although he'll need my plan for a reelection his plan was to go for the Democrats in the Rust Belt who have lost jobs to overseas stuff he was going to convert votes not go do a deeper dive on the untapped potential conservatives he was gonna go for the Democrats and bring them in he had a better strategy so he's just staring at me and I felt kind of silly right then 90% of the preachers in room didn't know what the heck I was talking I was speaking in tongues without an interpreter they're all turnt gay marriage and one guy kept saying mr. Trump you need wisdom you just need to think about how you're phrasing things it's offensive the only guy was trying to coach him and they're not being offensive like that's gonna help him get elected anyway so the conversation is done but when it was over the guy that I'm really into so then I said this I said you realize that the number one group within that 10 million Christian constituency of small businesses that have 30 to 50 million votes african-americans is the number one demographic way out of poverty for the african-american community it's not music or sports or athletics it's owning a business preferably a franchise that's there so there's your connection with the african-american community you're trying to be jailed well anyway silence was deafening at that point and they had to move on and do their TV thing downstairs and you know Fox News and all that so I thought gosh well it said something they had gone over like the Hindenburg disaster but I said it but the guy sitting across from me Bishop dr. pastor Daryl Scott was one of the key black leaders to a supporting Trump would end up on his platform with him doing his endorsement going around the country he comes over to me and says if you said that for no one else you said it for me because that is exactly why I'm behind this guy this is what will change the inner city it's going to be at Renaissance economically and it's gonna have to happen through him you'll do it so I made my Alliance when I found something else out you have to simply speak up you have to go where God sends you got to open the door through some unusual means that you might not even be recognizing it's connected to something you didn't even manipulate it was just you out of your obedience going someplace and they knew somebody sees you here so even opens the door for you that makes sense then when it's time to speak up speak up it doesn't even matter if what you say impresses the person you're trying to reach someone at once again God is in the periphery of destiny in your life moving you where he wants you that guy was the guy I was supposed to talk to and connect with not Donald I'm gonna help Donald got elected before it's over I will help him get elected but it's not him it's the unusual little other way so the exact way in which God leaves you Sonny when he can't I get a call from Darrell actually he says you got to come with me I go what we got another meeting at Trump Towers and you're like a strategist go al not exactly I mean heels no he goes listen we're having a lot of problems I've got black lives matter we got we've got incidents in the arena we've got violence the media's all of us we're gonna meet with all the african-american clergy I want to interrupt hours I said I'm not who notices yet but I happen to be what it's a small detail but I sometimes make note of it I said I am NOT exactly the person who should be at Trump Towers for a minority you know uprising he said no you don't get it at the rate in which Hispanics and the African American community is and is multiplying you're a future minority so you should come for that reason I said I'll go to represent for the future minorities of America he's the come on me I need you to go so I go I went to the second meeting from there now before I go I find that my friend Kim Clement has had like a brain bleed a stroke and I'll tell you what I haven't elmo's people this but the angel that probably talks to him came and visited me we were very close obviously we would have been having dinner in New York and I wasn't used to hearing a prophetic word like this but I was getting a prophetic word at the level he gets a prophetic word and I don't normally prophesy nation stuff I normally prophesy individual destiny stuff and I don't I do it I do it selectively because if I start prophesied over people they don't want to hear me teach and I'd rather take their army to prophesy you know what happens to your prophet used to people look at you in the moment they look at you and they realize oh he's looking at me then they'd rather buddy start pulling on you birth see something it's like the prophetic kicked out of the chair so I don't do that all the time yeah but I'm sitting there else and I hear this voice like threading through my ear Donald Trump is a wrecking ball the spirit of political correctness like and I hear the next president will be Isaiah 45 45th president is Isaiah 45 and I thought where he 5th president will now try the spirits I'm hearing a voice that thoughts coming into my head like I'm talking to somebody I said were 12 so I said I'll prove this spirit right or wrong pretty quickly not by discerning of spirits but by Google so I went to Google and I typed in what number president is Barack Obama and it said 44 I said huh he got elected twice I know that see I'm keeping up on the news in America and then it says of course the president whatever number he gets when he goes on office is the same number he has for the duration of office so he's 44 for two terms the next president's gonna be 45 I thought whoa next presidents 45 I wonder I tell you truth I wonder I didn't know what I'd say have 45 plus I wonder when I say have 45 is so I get my Bible into I open it up and I'm reading this thing and it's like oh wait a second that says the Lord thus says the Lord to his anointed oh it's an anointed candidate to Cyrus Cyrus Cyrus I remember cyrus whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him and I will loose the loins of Kings to open before him the truly gates the gates shall not be shut I'm gonna go before him make the crooked places straight and I have a little note there it says crooked places read it in the deaths in the Dead Sea Scrolls or in the Septuagint which is the Latin translation of the Bible the Dead Sea Scrolls which is the oldest manuscripts that verify Isaiah's scripturally accurate because it dates itself back to the quorum community and it literally says I will go before you and make the crooked mountains straight I will break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in the Sun of the bars divine well that's the gates of hell that are at the top of the mountains of influence and I will give you the treasures of Darkness oh there's going to be an economic turnaround under trouble which right now Wall Street is that it's record highs the hidden riches of secret places that you may know that I the Lord called you by name I'm the God of Israel for Jacob my servant's sake and Israel mine elect I've called you by name I serve this is a hundred and fifty years before the guys even born Cyrus wasn't even born Isaiah prophesied in the hundred and twenty years before he shows up by name I am the Lord there is none else there's no God beside me I girded you oh whoa wait a second though you have not known me oh this is gonna be some interesting theology God is anointing a candidate that doesn't know him this will make me real popular most my preaching circles the person God has anointed doesn't know him how's that with new theology make you even go crazier I just go back to chapter 44 because Dutch says the Lord to a guarding Cyrus he is my shepherd oh wow he's a national shepherd he literally is an apostolic pastor to protect the nation that's crazy talk and doesn't know God and here after all my years of Benny Hinn teaching about the anointing don't move don't disturb that electing their spirit I've got a flyaway I like a dub just killed the healing because a miracle got lost cuz somebody sneezed in the third eye so I thought the annoying so fragile God anoints rough Kings like Cyrus calls me Shepherd it so anyway right away I start going out with that word and of course that went down like a rat sandwich everybody was I don't telling you saying people that right now are bragging about how God told them this God told man maybe they have one word one cute little word they use with Trump's name and they like inflate it like Oh like they were saying it all the time but I'll tell you when I was out there saying it I was very lonely I had one prophetic lady with pink hair nyan cat ker some place prophesied about Trump that was about it the only voice in the wilderness so say hello it's that you Lord is that I could think of was I'm not super prophetic but I had a dream and I had this dream and I share that dream with some some people before cuz Trump was in The Apprentice I didn't know Trump was gonna run Robb's I had a dream he was gonna apprentice I had a dream that he was coming down an escalator I was going up an escalator and I was dressed in a sweat suit and I ran into him and I said hey man I went to military school I did go to military school hey so you went to New York military academy he went to New York we both loved the military schools that you know knew each other and then he sets them to me he said well you're a Christian right I go yeah he goes I'm a Presbyterian you might be interested no and then I didn't in no trouble the Presbyterian in my dream I thought I was interesting and I had a sweat suit on I thought really embarrassed so what's interesting profile so I had a sweat suit and I had an inside my pocket I had the outline of a book I thought I wish I had written my book on the seven mountains and stuff because I'd love to give it to him I'm I'm not ready and the books not ready and I woke up and if you ever have a real dream from heaven one of the ways you'll know it's a dream from God is that it frequently will stir your spirit and pull you out of sleep so there are dreams that you have the last minute to consciousness what the alarm goes up and you remember them and they frequently are prophetic but the ones that are the real zingers are the ones when you have them you sit up like that and you go what the heck was that and you and because the dream pulls you into consciousness so I wrote that dream down so I remember that one oh man I heard Donald Trump say he's a Presbyterian I freaked on it but hey he told me that in the dream I didn't know that was real then I thought oh my gosh I'm in a sweat suit I'd better write that book so I wrote a book and after I got the Syrus word I realized most people really don't want this guy for president Matt then I'm watching the meetings constantly he's having to stop while people are doing violence I mean I can't believe our brain-dead Americans are that they watched that and they let it happen and they didn't say what's wrong with this what's wrong with this picture meeting after meeting he's standing interrupted take him out take him out take him out take him out and I said my god this is like a deliverance meeting with Lester Sumrall he's casting out demons out of those seriously he's casting people out the demons don't go people go with them goodbye goodbye hope they go okay so I'm saying where is America where the Christians in America I'll tell you where they are they're so infatuated with the revival move watch this so infatuated with this revival move this call to prayer this call to painless awakening as a consequence of our remote intercession and spirituality that they aren't ready to get involved with the battle that's a wineskin and guess what revival is a wineskin you can get stuck in believe it or not because real revival is going to keep morphing on you it's going to always show up in a container you didn't expect in a way you weren't looking for and in retrospect we say well is ooze the street 19:08 sure they didn't know that then it was some goopy place that used to be a horse stable because the front porch of the prayer-meeting broke down when they got there too many people eating too many waffles so we have this thing I'm telling you this is this is why so while this was going on here in America we have a revival obsession our prayer obsession our intercessory obsession I'm going around saying we better engage the mountains so back to the mountain theory if you've never seen this before is a good time to go look at it let's do this one one two three four five six here so we have the church Mountain over here having its revival over here meanwhile this menacing brute called it's like Frankenstein called government is starting to put its hands around the nation it's getting its control on media so now media is working for said government academia that all the professor's the college is working for that gun in other words this is an ideology you can't understand progressivism isn't just like democratically at Minkus or Christians would like to make it like oh it's left-wing right right Democrat I'm I'm like Switzerland in the second world where I'm a neutral no you're not it's either for Jesus or against you there's no neutral Jesus who taught you that so what you have is you have this this this monstrous growth of government taking place and of course as it continues to grow it continues to swallow up business so that even even the corruption of businesses working their academia and then the arts the artists the media so it's happening as government which is where Satan openly wants to control everything anyway Antichrist spirit is a false government democracy is a leveling for it's a wrecking ball that knocks it down and says stop getting big and invading territory you aren't authorized to go into that's what actually democracy does it's a it's a it's a revolutionary idea that says we don't want a king or a dictator telling us so the government continues to expand and here's what I want you to catch what's going on right now in in America God did something unusual we had 100 and say you know like 120 million let's just say we have a hundred million people that voted out of a hundred million people that voted 160 thousand actually determine the outcome in our country they did it in five swing states then nobody was paying attention to small states ever it's the interesting thing with the founding fathers they were just geniuses they said the election should be determined by the most votes because the most votes could be a concentration of privilege and power in New York and Los Angeles which case if you had you know most people there you can determine this city nobody no one else in vote really because this whatever the two cities want everyone's gonna get but to really make it fair you have an electoral system where every little county has its say because they're all part of the great nation so there's a to electoral votes here and seven over there and 20 I'm gonna be proportionate but no two cities are gonna decide what happens it'll be the whole nation has a voice it's why you got to go to Iowa and go visit little Iowa what it's two or three votes but you got to go there because you got to find out what the farmers are struggling with and try to convince them you're on their side then you got to go over here to this area Wisconsin or into you know someplace else where the factories are closing down and talk to the workers there cuz Nick it's a brilliant system because it forces the candidates to have to know what's really going on and package a message they go back with Washington which has to address all those issues it's like a word of wisdom in a sense so out of that 100 million voters 150,000 determine it in five swing states and that comes out two point zero zero zero eight percent of all the voters it was a remnant of Christians that determined the outcome of the election a remnant mass it was like a cosmic upheaval after the election their protest he never we had a lecture is they're proud they're stopping the streets of New York with rage in frustration well blitzer on CN n pulling out his beard in anxiety they don't know what hit him the inauguration was like going to some dark dystopian Batman set it was raining out there they had barricades all over with police wood helmets the Sheep politely going to little prayer meetings in little groups like this anarchist birding breaky destroying things hundreds of thugs with hoods and Lynch you had to avoid certain parts of the town three limos their mind gets burnt i we interview the person who tortures and does not see symbols on the limo why did you do it this is a statement against corporate greed knucklehead the limo was run by a Muslim immigrant you talk about idiotic a Muslim immigrant was being driven by a Hispanic guy working part-time this is your mind on liberal drugs point zero zero eight and here's the truth while the Sigma back to the sigmoid curve the curve basically says things have a life cycle of results and over time they plateau and decline the true art of a great awakener or a prophet is to anticipate anticipate down here before the plateau that there's another wave coming and it's not the wave everybody's on they'll ride that horse into the sunset but that's not what's going to ultimately change the nation so here's the first thing you have to casually I pray to God you get this when you pursue I'm gonna put the mountain here spirituality spirituality is the first thing loving God with all your heart soul mind and strength and being filled with the Holy Ghost is the primary first order of business but if you think that you can affect the rest of these mountains that are shaping right now nations to be sheep or goat nations revival alone is not the vehicle because it only talks to us it's the height of narcissism that we are revival obsessed with us you want a real fast track to getting the breakthrough physically emotionally mentally spiritually financially get involved with the wave God's in you seek first God's Wade and God will take care of your problem but we've made a cottage industry about having God somehow mystically meeting our need well forget about your need get engaged with God it's the interesting thing about how prophets get people heal a sense of wonder evangelist like a hottie Baker will pray for you you'll get the miracle right there a prophet will tell you your destiny because in order for you to fulfill that destiny you obviously have to make it through the momentary contradiction of the physical problem right now therefore the prophecy about your face in the future means you cannot die now because you've got to be there so the prophecy heals just like the miracle gift heals because one way or another you've got to catch up to your face in the future when Paul was on a ship going to Rome that was sinking in the middle of a storm because of the stupidity of the people in charge of the ship an angel came visited him and said hello I have come and I am here to deliver you because you have an appointment in Rome before Caesar in other words when God puts your face in the future it delivers you from premature death till you get there and I'm telling you the secret for a nation is not to have God just trying to do a sudden miracle in the next election or a miracle over here you have to actually think a little more strategic you have to see what is God's prophetic call for Canada as a sheep nation then you can pull yourself through the present phase into the next move of God but if you only focus on revival signs wonders a bit let me say this that this will drive you nuts but there's three or four premises that I work with for a decade that were wrong that I didn't realize were wrong until I really got to school by the facts one you don't change a nation by evangelism see because all this thing well but just get the Word of God out to get more people say get more people but if they feel the Holy Ghost doing signs or one of them more people get saved the more like more God there is the nation wrong I can show you nations where they have Christian majorities like the United States of America eight percent of the nation is raging secularists Antichrist seventy five percent still happen to believe in God and love the glove the Bible traditions the 8% however are in control of Hollywood the New York Times the Democratic Party Harvard Princeton Yale and most of the Wall Street corruption that is funding it it's not about how many people you get saved is how many saved people can get access to the gates of influence you're called to be the head and not the tail being content with your private revival meeting in the chapel of the Titanic isn't how you keep the ship from sinking you actually have to have a prophetic word and get it to somebody who's working up there and the booth where they're looking for icebergs is their revolve courses revival there's revival of a much different sort it's called Reformation Reformation is an on fire visitation that deals with the structure of institutions revival is a separate party that you have away from the institutions unless revival in Canada and the United States morphs into Reformation we will lose these sheet nations because the devil is already turning them into goats this here's a real hot potato why do you think the transgender issue is the hottest issue right now in the LGBTQ movement because it has to do with changing the nature of something from one thing into another that sheep nations are being transformed into goat nation and in nature you're seeing men becoming women and women becoming men you're watching subjectively man define reality rather than objectively acknowledging that there is a voice and a truth that exists out there anything that dares to impose a standard of truth on human freedom is considered to be intolerance when in fact the essence of the flaw of the entire progressive movement is that they cannot tolerate diversity of opinions regarding their beliefs in the name of free speech they will shut down the church that's the irony of what happens when you have an antichrist spirit running government so evangelists have only matters and I can show you cases and nations where 50 percent of population are Christians but it's the three to eight percent of the population that's secular in the high places that control it so the answer is at getting 51% or 52% it's like expanding the plane we have 300 seats hearing coach but we have been basically in the cabin we've got a co-pilot a pilot and you know the flight attendants who's determining the direction of the plane the remnant in the cockpit I don't care if you got 500 people in coach if they start saying Allah Akbar you get nervous why because a remnant controls the direction of nations that's why getting more people saved doesn't matter unless you get saved people in the right location remember that it's competitively obvious when you think about it it's not whether your child is drunk or sober it's whether the driver is drunk or sober in the car you should be concerned about who's driving the car but Christians had a kind of a glorious escape mechanism because unfortunately been taught that if we can just get more spiritual it will alter the landscape so Christians are taught to get more into sin then what do we have we're gonna have more prayer man watching right now I predicted it and right away the cover of magazines more prayer more prayer organization more per let me tell you some prayer can at times like me at Trump Towers be a cop-out for lacking the courage to open your mouth well remember lysing an entire group of people in intercession our goals have 1 million people listen 1 million pacifists interceding passionately will not change an election quote me on that one a hundred thousand activists who are prophetically anointed and passionate intercession can transform any city or county the devil knows that he does it without prayer he just doesn't with activist so this next move right here is actually a move to do what to unpack the spirituality focus prayer revival evangelism and say do we continue doing that of course we do but what if the children of Israel had continued you to simply march around the tent of meeting rather than the city of Jericho waiting for the tent flaps to fall down that's what we do we do all of our prophetic acts conveniently distant from where the battle is then go home high-fiving each other only to wake up to a horrific piece of history the next morning there's another b5 God the only time I get shipped out on Facebook is when I made fun of the Harbinger series you see everybody's reading the Harbinger in North America because we collectively have more faith for judgment on America than we did for Donald Trump think about that we 1 million people made that book a best-seller what we got more unity and agreement about America going down the toilet than we did about Trump climbing out of it so I said pardon me for pushing the envelope but I said when the shemitah book came out and all my business buddies are talking to me about how they're pulling their money out of the market they're gonna invest in it going down I go oh yeah they're leveraging numbers they're gonna they're gonna make a fortune cuz they're anticipating the shemitah is gotta hit this your meters gonna think it down when it goes down cuz the Harbinger the shemitah boots the saga the shemitah October boom and forgive me but I said the shemitah won't hit the fan I said God's gonna save North America God's the business the same in America stop betting on it going down then I run a book somebody said to me everybody and his brothers claiming they have prophetic insight on Donald Trump the election he had the trump card mr. that you're the only nut that actually wrote a book while he was 15 points down the poles and published it I did write it I wrote it during the Feast of Trumpets right there in the end of September during the piece of Tabernacles not because of my spiritual time even because I was sloppy I'm getting it launched I launched it during the Feast of Trumpets and I arrived in Jerusalem there on Rosh Hashanah being course part Jewish I was happy to be able to send it off on the waves remind rabbinical forefathers would have sent the word of the Lord from the Wailing Wall and off it went and I was down there meeting with some dignitaries and doing some with low-level diplomats no one to impress you too much they were second and few ambassadors here so maybe a first lady but they're not not much anyway son there at Mount Zion Hotel haiya lives get a message sorry about your guy there huh well what do you mean I mean did you hear about the Access Hollywood video that came out wow that's a lie right yeah this week I just launched he goes up to bat Wow what oh man you better check it on the internet buddy you better say something do something what I stood I sigh could you not I'm in the Mount Zion hotel there in the land of my forefathers and I'm I'm reading the transcript of what time Trump said as that ie they Irish me hi and right away like an old prophet God why have you deceived me why did you allow your servant did I not say this is not the word of the Lord spammy I had people calling me before this way it's getting a little too involved politics there buddy and now you've got a good ministry got to get reputation I mean everybody knows who you are but you're still growing all the time people always talking about it just back up from this politics tub that's like I can't help it the Lord's pulling me in a direction nobody else wants to go in and after I asked the Lord when I was in Trump Towers in the middle of the black lives matter uprising there are different towers I'm saying what am I doing here I don't know anything on politics I don't think about race relations since I can't even to describe how the chromosomes work in transgender is I don't understand any of that stuff thirty years I got a degree in a Bible seven mountain why am I here the Lord says I'm only answering your prayers every time you pray in tongues you tell me this is what you want to do [Applause] every time all these years I'm saying I pray in tongues all the time I'm like mr. Magoo I just pray in tongues and bump into divine appointments the Lord said well that's what you're telling me you said he want to be I want to help Donald Trump that's what I'm hearing stop praying in tongues if you don't want this like home so the first chapter I wrote the first chapter I wrote 10 years ago Donald Trump would desert that it sees the destruction himself and decided that he was doing I'm going to be a playboy billionaire but he was going to settle down and get married to one woman because he didn't want his name and his brand tarnished by another stupid marriage he had already failed twice he made a decision he was never not that happened again he was going to become anonymous 10 years ago typical of the devil to go back 10 years and find what you said before you made that decision I said there's nobody can recover from this after I do my kvetching well it's like the Lord are you done it's like okay I'm trying to do damage control well I could tell them can I tell them the Lord said well you better tell them something say something there it is again like they kicked under the chair say something so what do I say you let the prophesy it was bubble up I grabbed my iPhone I said well maybe thirty thousand I get like sixty to a hundred thousand people watch my videos this is an impressive number but I mean it's not it's not like you know Fox News I did I say hey I just found out about that Donald from the window from the window the Mount Zion hotel looking at overlooking the Wailing Wall god oh my god I just heard about this let me tell you something and I right away I start to read a letter I got from a friend of mine Gordon Pennington poor Gordon Pennington I mention his name Gordon he said he's his email INBOX blew up it should Apple shut down his computer he had so many because I mentioned his name I got a letter for my friend Gordon Pennington let me boom this thing goes out and I said here's what I said I said let me tell you what's happening right now will you talk about doubling down why would God allow this to happen it was a 10 years ago this conversation they're gonna make it look like he's a whoremonger right now like he's talking like this right now that God if I could prophesy had pink hats on their head of the inauguration it's coming they're gonna all be protesting is this is old history and since it's Donald Trump who he is does it matter why did God let it happen why is God going to be exposed like this could only be one reason this is the circumcision that is humbling him in preparation for a promotion I know everybody's telling me he's done let me tell you something God has now taken all room for boasting away from him and he will know that his election is the result of the fidelity of certain people that look past this because they believe in him and he will be committed to that group talking about us I said this was shown he'll never be able to say as a proud man would it was my strength that gave me these every now and then he is pimping it's all about his strategy but if anybody brings up back to this Hollywood it's like well maybe it wasn't a strategy maybe it was the grace of God also a little bit he knows he knows because there was a circumcision of his pride so that when he got in it was by the grace of God and a remnant point 0:08 that looked past his fault but here's the interesting thing I had no idea 3.5 million Christian voters watched that video and decided they agree with me and would support him anyway and that's where that remnant came from when I did when I sent when I hit Send I told my friend Tom has I said I feel so frustrated she'd be back in the United States right now this is a major crisis he said the word of the Lord goes forth from Jerusalem lanes he said I'm gonna pray that the word of the Lord will go forth reppin it's the largest response I've ever had to any post thing I've ever done 3.5 million Christians Washington and I believe it was important that plus the book plus the other stuff was aiming for the remnant because a rent is my point a remnant the Bible says will shift the battle at the gates that's what I'm trying to tell you and go for passionate spirituality first but then after that if you do not actually have prayer without works is dead and passionate spirituality without corresponding action has no effect in changing a nation you have to find out what issues you resonate with that you care about deeply enough to allow God to take you into the middle of it even though you don't know what you're doing even though you don't have any background in this subject and God can make you someone who can influence the outcome of big events do you believe me on that well father I thank you right now in Jesus name for the grace of the next layer of what's coming Canada needs the Apostolic anointing come together we'll talk about that in another session the apostolic hub how do we come together and create the muscular cohesion that can shift the narrative of the nation as Canada's not called to be a goat nation my god absolutely absurd the United States isn't called to be a goat nation either but if the church doesn't exercise its spiritual muscle and let the latent potential the body of Christ become acclimated and activated in an area that we didn't expect let me tell you something else well I'm praying you'd be shocked how many prophecies in the Bible with prophets were not fully accurately understood Joseph had a dream that was absolutely accurate and completely misinterpreted its application he was called to be a ruler in a political arena in the world system and kept thinking that he was going to have a revival community at his home with everybody bowing down and recognizing his spiritual leadership God's calling for him was government and economics it wasn't the church Abraham had 13 years of a wrong move he thought Ishmael was it 13 years the great father of our faith was convinced let Ishmael live in nice sight lateshbhai 11 God said not him there's something new coming not impossible I'm too old too late let me tell you something the moves of God often come what it's too late because God's in control of time suddenly Ishmael isn't the move of God it's something doesn't exist yet in a year it'll be called Isaac right now it's just God contradicting the Prophet Abraham at the wrong revival he thought Ishmael was the future it was Isaac so father I pray that you'll help every one of us acclimate our dreams our visions and our sense of the future to the greater picture that you're the God of the mountains you're the god of business and arts and media and academia you're the God of politics and governments you're you're the God that solves the issues we look the government's and the United Nations to deal with a can't because they're not anointed to do what you do Lord so we pray for boldness and clarity I prayed this for a mental sweeping of our heads so that we can occupy a bigger dream made say something there's a lot bigger plans God has for you than the dreams you've had in the last decade he's got other stuff in mind and it's always bigger and better than what you were imagining you won't be frustrated with the new model vehicle that's about to show up so lord I pray give us the objectivity and the ability to become disinfected with what we thought you were going to do and embrace what you actually want to do give us the ability to fall in love with a nation mandate in the practical ways that will be necessary for the outworking of this miracle I pray that each one will get a local and a national and an international revelation of the spheres of influence they're called to go and move in and occupy and I thank you Father that nobody is exempt from this calling no individual is safe from the call of God and that their tongues are taking them places their head does not know in Jesus name and I thank you for it amen and I'll meet you in the future god bless [Music] [Music]
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 4,637
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: 4EQETyAmtsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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