You'll Stop Using the Sinner's Prayer After Watching This

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[Music] do you think you're a good person are you going to make it to heaven i hope so so do you still think you're a good person so you're going to think about what we talked about yeah for sure thank you glad i ran into you today what's your thoughts on the afterlife i just believe there's a place you go when you pass in this life and go on to the next and i believe that in that world it's just you know a better place it's joy it's love it's um probably i don't know i can't completely imagine it but i just hope it's a good place so where do you get these thoughts from um it's just my own belief just comes from within i think do you think humanity has been given a manual an instruction manual i mean when i get a car it comes with a manual an owner's manual do you think humanity has an owner's manual i think it's probably the bible if you had to guess but have you ever read it i've read parts i haven't read the whole bible you read your owner's manual for your car um no not really let's say something goes wrong a red light comes on do you read it then yes do you have a red light for life do you know what that is yeah i think that's your inner soul telling you you're not doing the right thing for the right reasons yeah it's saying something's wrong that's why you should go to the owner's manual of the bible are you familiar with the message of the bible yes you know i say the lord's prayer every night and you know i used to do that before i was a christian i i said it i think something like 10 years every night i'd rattle it off it was kind of like a sleeping pill i was only a teenager but it didn't really mean that much to me what are the first words of the lord's prayer hello what's going on baby i got a phone call i'm sorry sorry about that is that a red light oh geez it keeps calling i don't know what's going on it's not a red light what does g's mean g's it's like biscuits and gravy it's like darn it you know yeah what's the etymology of the word probably jesus yeah yeah so the lord's prayer says our father how art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven for thine is the kingdom power and the glory forever and ever amen just absolutely incredible god's kingdom is coming this earth and god's will will be done on this earth as it is in heaven his name is holy we can call him father so how are you gonna grow up catholic my parents you know catholic and um my step-brother was christian and to me it's all the same thing well there is a difference your step-brother better tell you the difference let me see if i can explain the difference do you think you're a good person are you going to make it to heaven i hope so i've sinned i asked for forgiveness but let's see if you are a good person and we'll use the ten commandments how many lies have you told in your life plenty so what do you call someone who tells lies a liar what are you a liar do you still think you're a good person i hope yeah i think i am have you ever stolen something in your whole life i don't think any of us are you ever stolen something whole life a little kid i did you started early so what do you call someone who's still what do you call something a thief so what are you for you you're not you're a lying thief so do you still think you're a good person have you ever used god have you ever used god's name in vain ah yes would you use your mother's name as a cuss word if you hit your thumb with a hammer instead of saying a filth word beginning with s to express disgust would you use your mother your mother's name in its place why not i don't know well it's dishonoring it's you respect her it's your mother she gave you life yeah and you've used god's name in place of that four letter filth word remember the lord's prayer hallowed be thy name godly jews won't even speak his name because it's so holy they won't write it down but you've used it in place for that word it's called blasphemy kelly and the old testament's punishable by death you know what the commandments do to us you know what the commandments do for us they show us how much we've sinned most of us say oh yeah i've done things wrong no big deal just little lie still little things from little ladies in little stores we we trivialize sin but sin in god's eyes is very serious because he's holy do you know what death is according to the bible it's passing into the afterlife right well that's what happens death is wages according to the bible it says the wages of sinner's death ever heard that verse yes yeah death is payment that god gives you for your sins it's like a judge sees a heinous criminal that's murdered three girls he says you've earned the death sentence this is your wages this is what's due to you you've got capital punishment because of what you did and sin is so serious in god's eyes not in our eyes but in his eyes he's given us capital punishment every human being is in a holding cell with a nice blue roof good air conditioning good lighting but we're waiting to die we're waiting to be put to death because we've sinned against god okay back to the commandments that show us how much we've sinned jesus said in the sermon on the mount whoever looks upon a woman to lust for her has committed adultery already whether in his heart have you ever looked at a woman with lust yeah you had sex before marriage uh yes have you ever hated somebody uh yeah i think so yeah bible says he who hates his brother is a murderer so i'm going to give you a summation of this little court case this isn't for me this is for you i'm not judging you you've told me you're a lying thieving fornicating blasphemous murderous adulterer at heart 100 who thought he was a good person which is called self-righteousness and that adds to your sin so here's the big question this is where we're going with this if god judges you by the ten commandments on judgement day you're gonna be innocent or guilty guilty heaven or hell probably hell there's no probably hell it's definitely the bible says all liars love their part in the lake of fire no thief no blasphemer no murderer no adulterer no fornicator will inherit god's kingdom so you're up the river niagara without a paddle i think we all are well what can you do how can you be saved i you just ask for forgiveness and believe in god and believe that he has died for us his son died for us yes and no yes or no believing believing in god doesn't help because that's just like saying to a judge when you're guilty i believe the judge exists and saying you're sorry doesn't help because it's like saying sorry to a judge he's going to say of course you should be sorry and of course you shouldn't do this again you're going to jail right so every single one of us under god's wrath we're hopeless and helpless so tell me what would you do if you're in court and you you were found guilty and you had no excuse all the evidence is in what can you do the best thing i just think you have to own it you have to own it but you really don't want to own this one because this means you're going to end up in the lake of fire so you don't want to own it but you want to be honest what you do is you throw yourself upon the mercy of the judge and the bible says god is rich in mercy to all that call upon him now tell me what did god do for guilty sinners so he wouldn't have to go to hell he gave his sons life he most people know that but they don't know this and this changes everything kelly the ten commandments what we've looked at is called the moral law you and i broke the law jesus paid the fine do you remember his last words on the cross just before he dismissed his spirit he said three very profound words i shouldn't i don't i said it is finished why do you think he said that because his uh his father's wish was carried out yeah well in other words the debt has been paid we broke god's law jesus paid the fine he suffered for our sins he took the punishment in our place god made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might be made righteous in the sight of god it's like if in a court of law and you're guilty of speeding and the judge says there's a stack of speeding tickets here but oh someone's paid the fine you're out of here even though you're guilty he lets you walk because someone paid your fine and even though you and i are guilty of serious crimes in the eyes of god worthy of death and damnation we can walk we can live god can take the death sentence off us all because of what jesus christ did on the cross the bible says jesus christ has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel and then he rose from the dead defeated death the bible says it was not possible that death could hold him and if you'll repent and trust in jesus god will grant your remission of sins once and for all now this is the difference between catholicism and biblical christianity catholicism says that you have to do something to merit eternal life in some way the bible says there is nothing you can do except call on god's mercy and he'll save you by his grace grace means unmerited unearned undeserved favor when i became a christian nearly 50 years ago i didn't deserve the gift of eternal life i don't deserve it now after a lifetime of being a christian it's a gift and if i give you a if i give you a a lamborghini a brand new lamborghini and you say aha i'm going to give you 10 cents for this and you flip me 10 cents and i take it it's not a gift that's a purchase so we can't offer god anything for everlasting life it can only come as a free gift and that comes through repentance and faith in jesus now repentance is different than confession of sin or confessing to a priest repentance is when you turn from sin perpetually it's not something you do it's something you don't do as a christian i don't commit adultery i don't look at pornography i don't last after a woman i don't lie i don't steal i don't fornicate don't do those things because i'd be a hypocrite if i did i want to be genuine in my faith but i want to deceive myself so that's what repentance is and faith in jesus is the same sort of faith you'd exercise if you trusted a parachute when you jumped out of a plane ten thousand feet you see your danger you don't want to hit the ground at 120 miles an hour so you put your trust in the parachute fear is your motive and in that respect fear is your friend not your enemy it's telling you put on a parachute you're going to perish if you don't and kelly what i've tried to do is put the fear of god in you today hoping you'll see that the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom and you'll see that that is your friend not your enemy do you have sin what's that do you ever say yeah i fight it all the time i've got a sinful nature just driving here i was tempted to look at so many different women that's just pulling at me and the bible says it's the adamic nature that stays with us when we're christians if you've ever read a famous book called pilgrim's progress by john bunyan he's he's got christian walking along suddenly a man jumps out behind a tree and grabs his flesh he grabs his flesh physically and he says who are you he says i'm adam and it's that adamic sinful nature that adam had him passed on to us is that what we have to fight until we are eventually glorified and passed from this this life into eternal life so you've got a continual battle but that's what repentance is and you don't do it earn everlasting life you walk in repentance because you're grateful to god for his gift of forgiveness is this making sense yes you know what kelly when you give up trying to be good and say god hi i'm not good i need to trust in your grace then you'll be born again and god will give you a new heart and a new desire so that you know that you've been forgiven he that believes has the witness in himself the bible says like a kid who touches a heater doesn't believe the heat is hot he knows it's hot he's moved out of the realm of belief in the realm of experience that's what will happen when you're born again new heart new desires so you're going to think about what we talked about yeah for sure thank you glad i ran into you today can i give you a book we've published called the bible's four gospels sure yeah would you be embarrassed if i pray with you oh no father i pray for kelly thank you for this divine encounter that you have prepared his heart and that today he'll understand his own sinful state and find a place of genuine biblical repentance and trust in jesus and pass from death to life because of your mercy in jesus name we pray amen [Music] i know what's going to happen in the comment section people are going to say why didn't you pray the sinner's prayer with kelly well let me answer that let me address it once and for all the sinner's prayer is not biblical you can't find it in scripture and i actually used the sinner's prayer on 28 of my friends as a new christian and 27 backslid they didn't actually backslide they didn't slide forward in the first place because i instigated a false conversion they didn't understand what they were doing they were just trying jesus to see if it's as good as everyone says it is so think of what nathan did with david when david realized he had sinned against god he didn't say david say this prayer after me and really mean it from your heart now we left david to seek the lord and we've got psalm 51 where david cried out have mercy upon me oh god according to loving kindness according to multitude if you tend to mercy splat out my transgressions see if a man's committed adultery against his wife she's not interested in me coming along with him holding him by the hand and saying you tell your wife for sorry now say this after me dear wife i'm sorry i've committed adultery that's ridiculous i shouldn't have to lead him in some sort of apology and sinners shouldn't have to be led an apology to god it should spill from their hearts so i fear god i don't want to mess around with people's salvation i don't want to inoculate them like i did my 27 surfing bodies by doing something unbiblical so i just commend them to god's faithfulness and he saves people in his time because you know your methodology will reflect your theology what you believe will be reflected in what you do and if you think we save people you'll go ahead and pray the sinner's prayer without any concern but if you really fear god and realize salvations of the lord you'll let god save people and not do something that's just mere man's tradition i hope that helps god bless you this is what i give to people when i want to get them on camera i said would you like to do an interview on youtube our channel's got over a hundred million views and i give them this card and immediately makes them smile and on the back it's got over 500 000 subscribers it's got a quick response code where they can run their camera over it and take them directly to the site and then it says hidden message take pic enlarge they can take a picture of this gospel presentation and enlarge it and read it their leisure and people do do that because they're fascinated they're curious they want to find out what it says if you're like me and you're a little nervous to give strangers tracks or the gospel on it and you want getaway time this is perfect you can say to a stranger excuse me do you like dogs and immediately give them the track they'll see the dog with the sunglasses it'll make them smile and say it's a youtube channel it's free it's got over 100 million views and they go whoa i'm going to check this out so you can get these cards at when i go into a menswear store for the first time i really appreciate it when an attendant says if you're looking for jackets our most popular items are on that rack over there and they're on special at the moment so welcome to our store here's some of our most popular tracks and they're on special at the moment we call this the starter kit it's made up of 100 of each tract and 50 10 commandment coins these coins are really easy to give out just begin with a warm good morning and then say something like i've got a gift for you it's a coin with the ten commandments on one side and the gospel on the other i've even tossed a handful of these on the sidewalk among teenagers as i rode by and you should have seen them fight to get one this is the good person test and comic form who can resist reading a comic then there's 101 of the world's funniest one-liners and these really are funny just say this will lift your day it's 101 of the world's funniest one-liners and of course it contains the gospel and finally a super popular million dollar bill just say did you get your million people love these or you could just put it down somewhere it's sure to get picked up these 300 tracks and 50 coins would normally cost 38 dollars but they're on special on the starter kit for just 29 go to click on the store and then tracts
Channel: Living Waters
Views: 986,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: soLhahpZMgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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