What Can We Do To Improve The Sinner’s Prayer? Delete It. | WRETCHED RADIO

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what am i supposed to say you don't understand what's it now you just blow it just answer the question it's been a disaster [Music] dear mr mr mr freel this is from owen i don't agree with the sinner's prayer but if it does happen in a local church what should the pastor or whoever initiated the prayer do so that the congregation doesn't walk away with false assurance yeah are we talking altar calls here or just sinner's prayer he just said sinner's prayer okay okay these things the question before i would answer the question is that was kind of bill clintonian well the question before the question that you got a question just answer the question but i do want to ask a question how does somebody get saved it's is it through a sinner's prayer well yes the prayer of a sinner who repents and trusts in the lord that prayer is definitely heard and god will receive anyone who comes to him in fact you can't really be a christian without a sinner's prayer was just reading through j.c ryle's rather short treatment on the subject of prayer and he said every christian is a praying christian because you can't become a christian without calling out to god without speaking to god without asking him for his mercy his acceptance his forgiveness so everybody's a praying person if you're a christian you started out with a prayer of a sinner but that's different than today's concept of sinner's prayer which you know how it goes just by your head close your eyes with nobody looking repeat after me dear lord dear lord i'm a sinner i'm a sinner no people can certainly be saved doing that because that is their heart and the pastor is helping them articulate it i just don't think that it is the best way to call somebody to salvation because you're putting your words into the mouth of the individual somebody might if somebody's being totally convicted by the holy spirit of sin righteousness and judgment when they say well what am i supposed to say the answer is talk to god and you know what they're going to say if they're being convicted of sin i am so sorry forgive me have mercy on me would you please cleanse me they'll know what to say they don't need a leading so can it be done well i wouldn't say it's a sin if you do it do i think it's ideal no and the reason is first of all we don't see that biblically we don't see it that somebody leads somebody in a sinner's prayer i'm okay with the prayer of a sinner to get saved but the sinner's prayer concept of parroting what somebody else says it's it's i don't see it as being biblical and i think we've seen the results haven't we what has been the fall away rate the number of people who have said the sinner's prayer and typically by the way the sinner's prayer usually has little to do with sin dear lord dear lord i'm i'm really sorry i'm really sorry i messed up my life i've messed up my life and um would you come into my heart would you give me a second chance see what i did there and what has been the fruit of that um evangelistic effort it's been a disaster so many false converts there's so many people maybe you're one of them you've asked jesus into your heart a thousand times but he doesn't seem to stick around question does jesus dwell in our heart answer yes question how does he get in there and the answer is he's regenerating you the fruit is repentance and faith and he then dwells with his child so what would i what would i say to make it better um [Music] i don't know that you can say anything to make it better i think there's things you could say to make an altar call better i'm not i'm not a fan of that i don't think you're a heretic if you do it but i do think that demands an awful lot of explanation you need to understand here's why we're calling you down to this altar and you better have a reason otherwise don't do it we're calling you down because we just want you to have a place where you can be quiet not distracted this these steps are not special there's nothing sanctified about this area of the building but if you want to come on down to well why would you have them come down why can't they just sit right in their chair why can't you tell somebody who's in your congregation if you're here today and you are under the conviction of the holy spirit do not delay right now in the privacy of your own heart bow your head demonstrating that you are suddenly understanding who the king is in this relationship and you call out to god now pour out your heart tell him how you've been ask him for his mercy beg him to receive you when you have his word he will you don't understand what's it now you just blow it i was just gonna give quiet i'm sorry for the person to take the time and and do that i i just don't see any need for the altar all it does is send the wrong signal oh i've got to do that to talk to god or i've got to walk the aisle in order to make a public profession no here's how you make a public profession of faith it's called baptism that's where you do it you don't need to stand raise your hand bow your head close your eyes walk an aisle kneel at an altar you need to call out to god now can there be people who were saved who walked an isle yes but statistically they're the exception not the rule so if you are currently loving the lord you did an altar call but your life it definitely was changed sweet you're bearing fruit cool don't think twice about it god was saving you but it wasn't walking it wasn't raising it wasn't standing it wasn't kneeling it wasn't doing anything but you calling out to god in child-like faith save me o god what was it that do you remember the martin luther movie when luther was just racked over his sin and his guilt and and ah who was the name of the priest that was kind of his mentor and protector he said it's and it's from a psalm oh it's just a few simple words like uh i'm yours save me that's that's as simple as it gets and if you've done that and whatever the form was don't question the state of your soul if you're currently bearing fruit this is wretched radio my sister-in-law not very bright named all of her kids bible names so there i am playing with my nephew the message i'm kidding that's not really a bible [Music] and that is why samson was the best comedian in the bible he brought the house down [Music] he brews his own coffee he bro hebrews
Channel: Gospel Partners Media / Wretched
Views: 24,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel, Christian, Jesus, Theology, Bible, Christianmedia, Witnessing, Religion, Preaching, God, Teaching, Media, Openair
Id: bRmQ4dYsiqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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