Ray Comfort Confronts a Mormon

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[Music] say if you're a mormon uh yes sir remember my family was a mormon growing up to be honest i was raised in a mormon church what do you mean born again it's interesting give me something to think about [Music] so lua tell me what do you think happens when someone dies well to be honest i was raised in a mormon church so we believe in the afterlife and the three levels my family was a mormon growing up lds you're just growing up with it you know it's always just kind of pushed at ya see if you're a mormon oh yes sir so you haven't been born again what do you mean born again yeah john chapter 3 jesus said unless someone's born again they're not going to enter heaven he said marvel not that i say to you you must be born again i'm not an active mormon to tell you the truth but uh so what's that called what sort of mormon are you called a jack mormon because as you can see i'm at the park watching my kids play basketball but uh beer so they'd frown on that yeah they would but oh well i'll repent later tell me what a mormons belief happens after someone dies so our belief after someone dies is that everyone goes to this place called the spirit world and where souls go to those who didn't receive the full gospel are taught it so that everyone is able to receive salvation do you realize you've got a huge problem that you should be trying to solve do you know what it is no you're going to die one day and you don't know when it's coming everything in you should be searching for truth you know you love your life yeah i like my life do you think you're that evil that god should give you the death sentence no i don't think i'm evil most of us don't that's because we make the mistake of judging ourselves by man standard rather than gods are you familiar with the team commandments yeah how many could you name uh not many how about the ninth you shall not lie i've heard of that one have you lied i have a couple times just a couple are you a good person i absolutely am i'm going to give you a standard to judge your morality by the biblical standard the ten commandments how many of the ten commandments can you name i heard the uh oh how many lies do you think you've told in your life oh man i think i played the fifth on that one you have lied of course have you ever stolen something sure yeah so you're a lying thief yeah let's go to the third commandment you shall not take god's name in vain have you ever used god's name in vain said say that every day that's blasphemy do you realize that it's not giving god's name to you honor it's letting it roll off your tongue so it's meaningless it's using it as a substitute for a curse word to express disgust very serious i appreciate your patience with me this is putting the heat on you but you're handling it really well jesus said if you look at a woman and lust for her you commit adultery with her in your heart have you ever looked at a woman with lust just my wife when's your last look at pornography no i don't know at sex outside of marriage no you're a virgin no i mean i'm married to my wife did you have sex before you're married yes we did that's sex outside of marriage yeah all right so i'm not judging you but you've just told me you're a lying thieving blasphemous fornicating adulterer at heart and you have to face god on judgment day sounds about right yeah so if he judges you by those 10 commandments you're going to be innocent or guilty sounds like i'd be pretty guilty so you've earned your wages yeah so would you go to heaven or hell probably hell then so does that concern you um well that's assuming that there is is an afterlife which i you know not 100 sure on that well you can be you know why they tell me jesus didn't lie the scriptures don't lie it's appointed a man wants to die and after this the judgment and the bible incessantly talks about an afterlife the resurrection of the dead we're going to stand before god lord i'm not trying to drive you to mormonism because it's different from what i'm saying mormonism says you have to do things to merit eternal life it says we're saved by grace after all you can do i believe um as i do my best and repent of my wrongdoings that that i can i return to my father in heaven as as clean as i can and it's it's up to heavenly father and jesus christ on whether the work i did here was enough wait how do you know if it's enough i never know it's that's what's heavenly father that's is that kind of scary it is um feels a little nerve-wracking to think about it mormonism says you have to do things to merit eternal life it's up to heavenly father and jesus christ on whether the work i did here was enough now tell me what did god do for guilty sinners so he wouldn't have to go to hell do you know he died for him suffered and died took him on their sins blood from every poor that kind of thing he took upon himself the sin of the world now most people know that mormonism preaches it so does christianity and catholicism but this may be the game changer for you if you can just hang on to what i'm saying and get a grip of it the ten commandments are called the moral law you and i broke the law jesus paid the fine do you remember his last words on the cross uh uh father ju forgive them for they know not what they do or that's one of the seven last sayings just before he dismissed the spirit he said it is finished do you know why he said that because the plan was done the work was done yeah the debt has been paid we broke god's law jesus paid the fine if you're in court someone pays you fine judge can let you go even though you're guilty you can say there's a stack of speeding fines here but someone's paid them you can leave and he can do that which is legal and god can legally let you live forever he can grant you forgiveness of sins on the basis that christ died for our sins rose again on the third day he'll impute righteousness to you in a second because of what jesus did that's what the bible says god commanded his love toward us and while yet sinners christ died for us now i know what we've talked about hasn't been comfortable for you but i really appreciate you listening if a patient sits and listens to a doctor talk about a terminal disease that's not pleasant but if he has a cure then it becomes pleasant when he realizes a cure to his dilemma and jesus is the cure to the dilemma that you have of death you could leave here and die death could seize upon you 54 million people die every year 54 million a lot young people just aneurism heart attack thought they were healthy but he just died while playing volleyball so what do you think about what we talked about today uh i feel like uh started off fun and then came heavy on me it's been as uncomfortable for me as for you i can tell by your body language you weren't enjoying what i was saying but i love you enough to tell you the truth i care about you can't see that now but i do really care i love you and even though i've just met you and i want to tell you the truth and i want to tell you how you can find everlasting life so do you think about what we talked about yeah i will seth i'd encourage you to get before the lord and put your trust entirely in jesus it's not after all you can do it's a free gift of god you can't earn a gift it's like saying to someone who gives you a car they give you a brand new mercedes you say oh that's great i appreciate this gift here's 10 cents if they take your 10 cents it's not a gift it's an exchange you've purchased you've got a good deal so salvation can't be purchased by anything we do it's a free gift of god and when you truly put your faith in jesus alone for your salvation you'll be born again god will give you a new heart with new desires so you love that which is right and pure and just i want you to think seriously about this and what i'm trying to do is not drive you back to mormonism because that's different from what i'm saying biblical christianity says that we're saved by grace through faith it's entirely a gift of god it's not by grace after all you can do as mormonism says biblical christianity says there's nothing i can do to save myself it's a complete free gift of god because of what jesus did on the cross he purchased everlasting life you can't do anything to save yourself it's all god's amazing grace that saves us he didn't die because the romans took him and crucified him because the jews pushed for it he died because he was god's sacrifice he was the lamb of god that suffered and died for the sin of the world once and for all so when i repent and trust in him god imputes righteousness to me he makes me righteous he makes me clean so i'd have to earn god's favor it's a free gift it comes by god's amazing grace and i appreciate you listening to me very gracious and uh what do you think about what we talked about uh i thought it was interesting it was interesting give me something to think about thank you for your time i appreciate you stopping by and the random act of just enlightening me on life in the gospel i appreciate that a pleasure to meet you when i go into a menswear store for the first time i really appreciate it when an attendant says if you're looking for jackets our most popular items are on that rack over there and they're on special at the moment so welcome to our store here's some of our most popular tracks and they're on special at the moment we call this the starter kit it's made up of 100 of each tract and 50 10 commandment coins these coins are really easy to give out just begin with a warm good morning and then say something like i've got a gift for you it's a coin with the ten commandments on one side and the gospel on the other i've even tossed a handful of these on the sidewalk among teenagers as i rode by and you should have seen them fight to get one this is the good person test and comic form and who can resist reading a comic then there's 101 of the world's funniest one-liners and these really are funny just say this will lift your day it's 101 of the world's funniest one-liners and of course it contains the gospel and finally a super popular million dollar bill just say did you get your million people love these or you could just put it down somewhere it's sure to get picked up these 300 tracks and 50 coins would normally cost 38 dollars but they're on special on the starter kit for just 29 go to livingwaters.com click on the store and then tracts
Channel: Living Waters
Views: 535,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KAeIaeUB8Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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