I've Kept This Secret for 52 Years!

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when I was about 14 I saw on television a program  a documentary about this hallucinatory drug called   ald and was HED as an amazing miracle drug but  it began to get abused and they found that it   had terrible side effects and my buddies began  using L and they tried to talk me into it and I   said no I'm happy I don't need this stuff but  one day I can't understand why I did this I   thought I'm going to try it I guess it was the  power of pegr pressure and I looked up and I   saw an hallucination of a ladder of the word why  starting wide and getting narrow as it went right   up through the ceiling of the heavens why am I  going to die why am I going to lose everything   why is this thing called Death going to snatch  everything from me that I hold precious I was   cut into two and for the first time in my life  when I understood that I'd sinned against God I   understood the cross I needed God's mercy I needed  his forgiveness well Ray it's an honor to be here   in living water min Ministries here in California  we are super grateful that you've opened your   doors to us for those who don't know you who  maybe have never seen you could you just introduce   yourself to those who are watching on the other  side of the screen yeah I'm really a nobody from   nowhere with nothing but a love for God my name  is Ray comfort you might notice a very slight   accent that's because I'm from the country of New  Zealand I was born there twice I was brought up in   a non-Christian home my mom was Jewish my dad was  Gentile and uh when she met Dad she got wiped off   by a family they just rode her off and uh and so  I was brought up with no Christian instruction no   Jewish instruction just left to find my own way  very very happy childhood I lived about 50 yards   from the beach and I trained my mom to raise a  flag on our roof when dinner was ready when I was   out surfing so very very happy childhood one thing  that stays fixed in my memory is an experience I   had when I was 18 and I went to go surfing and  took my dog with me my dog wasn't well trained   I didn't bother to train him his name was Jordy  and whenever I mentioned I was going to that I   was going to the beach he would just go wow run  around in circles happy little Chap and he ran   ahead of me down the sidewalk and uh he began to  run towards the road so I yelled at his name Jordy   Jordy come back come back and he was so excited he  took no notice ran onto the road and he sit by a   car and I remember it was a slow motion experience  I remember seeing his body go under that car   out the back I dropped my surfboard a brand new  boy just dropped it on the road ran out without   looking I remember now picked up my little dog ran  back home sat at the base of our driveway with the   dog in my arms hole in his head blood dripping  from his mouth and I looked up and a man stopped   his car opposite where I was sitting walked across  it was the guy that hit the dog he put his hand   on my shoulder and he burst into tears and it  was so traumatic and that night we received a   phone call from the vet and he said we had to put  your dog to sleep and I remember thinking for the   first time in my life about the issues of life  and death why did people die why did my dog die   why did my grandma die my grandpa why was my Mom  and Dad going to die it made no sense and then uh   I be I began working at a bank I worked for three  years in a bank that's when I met my wife Sue left   the bank started my own business if someone said  what do you do for a living I'd say I mind my own   business what do you do my business was a surf  shop and a leather uh gear shop I used to make   jackets just like this to order for people and I  came in a wave actually there was a movie called   Easy Rider which had a a hero in the movie The  Star wore a cowboy jacket with fringes on it so   I made one cuz I liked it ended up making about 2  or 300 I can make them to order for people within   2 hours and so I was very very happy in my life  married my wife Sue we had our own house I was   only 20 years old my own business to do what I  wanted and then I had an experience and I'm going   to share with you today that I haven't shared  for 50 years it's been a dirty little secret   and there's a reason I've held on to the secret my  kids who are grown up don't even know about this   but don't want to share with with you because  it's so relevant to what I'm talking about the   surf scene uh was made up of guys that just love  Thrills when the surf was good they would take   risks when there was no surf they were bored to  tears so they're very open to drugs five of them   actually died I wrote a book called my friends are  dying years ago which opened a Ministry for me but   during that time I remember they were taking LSD  when I was about 14 I saw on television a program   a documentary about this hallucinatory drug called  LSD and uh they said how great it was because it   helped psychologists and psychiatrists reach back  into people's hearts and find out what was really   deep in their psyche and was healed as an amazing  miracle drug but it began to get abused and they   found found that it had terrible side effects and  my buddies began using lstd and they tried to talk   me into it and I said no I'm happy I don't need  this stuff but one day I can't understand why I   did this I thought I'm going to try it I guess  it was the power of P pressure my buddies kept   pressuring me so I went around to a friend's  place and I said I'd like to try LSD so he got   a tiny little thing about the size of my pinky  cut it in half and gave me two halves and said   take it with a friend never ever done anything  like this before it was very surreal for me to be   doing this and so I took this and nothing kind of  happened for the first half hour we just listened   to music and then I drove home it was a 10mile  drive from where I was I do not remember driving   it was just weird it was very dangerous and then  I drove into the city to pick up my wife newly   married and I remember stopping to let people get  in front of my car just cross the road and Weeping   at the thought of all those people that they were  going to die and and I was just filled with this   emotion and uh I remember thinking to myself I  will not tell my wife what I've done because I   know she'd be really upset and i' determined not  to tell her as soon as she got in the car I just   said I took some LSD it was like my mouth ran off  without my brain being in gear and she just looked   at me and said I'm so disappointed in you and we  had to go to her parents house that night for 2   hours I was as high as a kite and I bluffed it so  covered for me when I B just out laughing for no   reason I remember seeing a hallucination of my  dog a little white dog walking about 8 in above   the ground floating in front of the television I  said look there's my dog and it was just weird and   here's what here's where it became interesting  and this is the point whenever I've shared my   testimony in the past I've said as a happy young  man I looked at my wife who was asleep at the time   newly married and thought she could die and I'd  have nothing to to live for with all my material   goods and tears just ripped down my cheeks as I  thought about the fact of the futility of Life   what it didn't bring out was the thing that  caused that deep thought was LSD now let me   qualify this LSD is a very dangerous drug a friend  of mine around that time stepped off a thousand   foot cliff her name was Janet and she died on  LSD another friend took drugs they don't know   what it was that he took but he was in a a mental  facility for 12 months and for that 12 months he   didn't say one word and this is a very dangerous  drug and it's still very very popular but it did   open my mind and that night when I looked at my  wife it was alas D that pulled something out of   my spirit that I just can't understand it was just  so deep these thoughts about life and death and   futility and I looked up and I saw an ucin of a  ladder of the word why starting wide and getting   narrow as it went right up through the ceiling to  the heavens why why am I alive why am I going to   die why am I going to lose everything why is this  thing called Death going to snatch everything from   me that I hold precious my mom and dad brother  and sister and uh everything I hold dear and   that night I just cried out why didn't cry out to  God didn't even think God was hearing me although   I used to pray every night out of habit I said  the Lord's Prayer but it was just an empty kind   of thing that I did to get to sleep but God heard  that cry and uh 6 months later I came to Christ   now the reason I've held on to that story and not  told anyone the secret that I that I used LST was   because number one I was the director of a drug  prevention center on the city in the city I was   in it was in the city of and it was uh on the  street called High Street which is unfortunate   choice of street names for a drug Center High  Street it was called the drug prevention center   but what happened is when I came to Christ that  night when I cried out I saw the words of Jesus   and The Sermon on the Mount you've heard it said  by them of old you shall not commit adultery but I   say to you whoever looks upon a woman to Lust For  Her has committed adultery with her in his heart   when I saw those words I was cut into two I didn't  realize God saw my thought life and for the first   time in my life when I understood that I'd sinned  against God I understood the cross I needed God's   mercy I needed his forgiveness so that night  on that surf trip about 3 from my home I came   to Christ I was brand new on the inside and what  happened was that what happened to me happened in   California to literally thousands of people across  the country there was what called what was called   the Jesus movement happened right throughout our  country in New Zealand it was a big deal thousands   of people marched on the streets did marches  for Jesus but what happened is when I came to   Christ uh television crew wanted to know what had  happened to me now I didn't look like this this   is reasonably well tasted I was surface is just  trying to look as much like seaweed as you can and   I had arrived I hear on my shoulders it was Sun  bleached looked like plumers rope and my clothes   were very strange you know big floral shirts and  turquoise pants Etc the television wanted to know   what had happened to me cuz it kind of radical  and so I gave my testimony and in that testimony   I shared what I shared with you today that I took  LSD and my mom saw it and was so heartbroken that   I was drug addict in her eyes and her friend's  eyes well it was like me taking a spoonful of   alcohol and then being called a an alcoholic but  my mom didn't understand that and she was really   heartbroken when she saw that television program  so I determined to leave that out of my testimony   it's been 50 years since I shared that but I was  made a brand new person in Christ and it was kind   of radical uh because I'd found everlasting  life it was like an explosion of gratitude   burst within my heart and still after 50 years  still motivates me to do God's will but I got a   printing press immediately and put it at home and  began printing gospel tracks I got a billboard uh   with scripture on it and put in the front of their  house I gave out tracks to anyone I met I shared   the gospel with any when I met I had sign writing  professional signwriting put on my car I purchased   a 34 seater Big Bus and had sign writing 12 in  high professional sign writing Jesus said I'm   the way the truth and the life the gift of God is  eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord on the   front window of my business I had John 3: 1-16 for  God so love the world Etc painted a professional   3-in sign writing so that people would hear the  gospel I got a soap box put it in the heart of   our city and began preaching the gospel to people  that did that almost every day for 12 years so if   anyone could have been considered a religious nut  in those days it was me nowadays I'm much worse   because I've got everlasting life and so there's  this explosion of gratitude people say how come   you're so zealous look I'm a normal biblical  Christian when you read the book of Acts they   exploded with gratitude and at the Peril of their  lives they preach the gospel that Christ died for   our sins the gift of God is eternal life through  Jesus Christ Our Lord so that's my testimony   that's why I'm a Christian and that's why I'm  alive I want to share the love of God by any   means possible now let me tell you what happened  after I wrote the book my friends are dying I   began getting trusts give me money to print these  books and print literature to prevent kids getting   to drugs this is like 40 years ago how old were  you at that time I was in my mid 20s so I wrote   this book and it became a bestseller and uh  I became to get a high profile in our country   as a drug expert I really didn't know anything  about drugs except for for that LSD thing but   I had this drug prevention center that I ran and  the reason that was a prevention center is I use   Christianity as a means of prevention if you're a  Christian you won't want to take drugs because you   love God and you want to keep your body clean of  that which is uh impure and I remember one point   a national television program called up and says  can we come and interview you uh someone's died   in prison someone snuck drugs into prison and  he's dead and we want to interview about that   and I said sure come around now put the phone and  I thought I don't know anything about that and   I looked up and there was two drug addicts that  were in the drug Center and I said excuse me can   you come here can you tell me how they get drugs  in prison they said yes they inject oranges with   LSD they put it under postage stamps they sneak  it in this way this way and that way and about   20 minutes later there was on National Television  sharing how they get drugged into prison through   stamps poster stamps and and so I became this drug  expert and it gave me a high profile and it gave   me ability to share the gospel and from that an  itinerate Ministry opened up where I would go to   churches and teach how to share the gospel because  it became known that I preached the gospel in   the heart of our city I began doing that for many  years and then I got an invitation to go to Hawaii   and teach so we went there and taught somebody  sat in the teaching and the teaching I did was   a radical teaching called hell's best kept secret  let me give you a little synopsis of why is kind   of different Jesus had go to all the world preach  the gospel to every creature and that's what we   should do share the gospel with people but when  you look at scripture something strange happens   before the gospel is preached and that is there  epitomized and how Jesus dealt with the Rich Young   Ruler the Rich Young Ruler ran to him and said  good Master what shall I do to inherit Eternal   wife and Jesus said why do you call me good and  they said you know the Commandments and he gave   him the Ten Commandments he said what's that for  well it's to bring the knowledge of sin it's what   happened to me on the might night of my conversion  you've heard it said by them of old you shall not   commit adultery seventh commandment but I say to  you whoever looks upon a woman that brought the   knowledge of sin it's very similar to a Doctor  Who's got a cure he wants to give to a patient   who thinks he's healthy patient says I'm really  well and healthy should he give him the Cure or   should he show him the x-rays well he shouldn't  give him the Cure because he won't want it because   he thinks he's well he should show him the x-rays  and the x-rays or show his NE where he thinks wow   I'm in terrible D Strait's going to be dead in  two weeks what should I do now he's ready for the   gospel because he's seen his disease my teaching I  did called how's best kep secret just says you've   got to open up the Commandments you've got to  show them the x-rays before you bring the Cure   of the Gospel so a Pastor said in the teaching in  Hawaii and he disagreed at first and so I gave him   literature to read and he began becoming convinced  that it's very biblical and it was used by spurgen   Wesley Whitfield Moody all those down Through the  Ages they always preceded the gospel with a moral   law the Ten Commandments to bring the knowledge  of sin and eventually he invited us to base our   ministry in Southern California particularly bring  the teaching to the church in the United States   so we prayed about it and over a 3-day period 13  really weird things happened to show us we should   come to the US it was really God's hand directing  us and just one of those things was I mentioned   to a friend I'm thinking of selling my house he  bought it on the spot just like that bought my   house what is going on even my mom who was Jewish  said when she got real upset when I said we to   live to in the US she got really mad but then she  admitted that 3 days earlier God had spoken to her   heart and said we're going to live in the US so  was 13 different things happened like that so he   came to the us to bring this teaching and things  were very quiet for the first three years until   I got a phone call from a preacher named David  Wilkerson very famous preacher wrote a book called   The Cross and the switchblade and he had heard the  teaching he flew me to New York ra shared it with   his church and then another Minister heard about  it filed me teaching it to a thous pastors and he   screened that video to 30,000 pastors so suddenly  I had this ministry that just landed my lap and   it was God opening doors and then sometime after  that the actor Kurt Cameron from growing pings   heard the teaching he didn't even register what it  meant first time he heard it it didn't register to   him and he listened to it again and suddenly hit  him how important it was so he called me and he   wanted to combine Ministries and he kept saying  for about 12 months how can we get this teaching   to the church he wanted it to explode and to  bring it to the church and opportunity came   that he got to preach hell's best capap secret on  an International Christian television program our   website got over a million hits actually collapsed  and the network said come back and do some more   of this teaching he said no what we'll do is we  create a television program teaching Christians   how to share their faith and we called it the way  of the master so now it's 9th season and it goes   to 190 countries so I'm an awe and what God has  done with this little nobody from nowhere who has   nothing but a love for God Ray what was what  was the reaction even just going a little bit   back here what was the reaction of your wife your  family your friends in that initial moment when   you said man this is I need to run for Jesus you  mentioned that you had a good life you had a good   job everything was good and now you're radical  you know putting doing all of these things for   the Lord what was the people around you what was  their reaction as they were seeing you transform   in this way well my wife Sue was brought up in  a Christian home so she understood she was very   very uh accomodating the night of my conversion  I actually called her just after I got got saved   cuz she let me go on a surfing trip we were newly  married she didn't complain that I was leaving her   for three days to go on a surfing trip 100 miles  away so I called her and said are you lonely and   she says yeah and I said well don't worry because  God is with you I'd never spoken that like that   before and she immediately knew what had happened  and so I came back my mom and dad were um my dad   was understanding my mom was a little standoffish  being Jewish my brother and sister were kind of   standoffish and they they've softened over the  years which is wonderful but I can't blame them   because I it wasn't normal you know to see someone  transformed like this but I found you know if I   could go back and talk to myself I would say  get your Doctrine worked out before you share   the gospel and it's a easy thing to work out and  this is this is what to work out salvation is of   the Lord God Saves people we don't cuz I ran  around getting little prayers said by people   getting decisions from something like nearly 30  of my friends CU I thought that's all there was   to it I'd pray God forgive my sins so you do this  and you'll have what I have and I created a lot of   false converts and I actually badgered my mom and  dad in a nice loving way but I did Badger them I   was like a bll in a china shop and and now if I go  back and do it again I'd say to myself be rich in   Good Works cuz family aren't impressed with words  they're impressed with Works they want to see your   faith by your works the Bible says so is the will  of God by your well-doing you're put to silence   the ignorance of foolish men so if you're wanting  your family to be saved just buy them gifts when   it's not Christmas show them love mow the lawn  when you're not asked to do the dishes when   you're not supposed to and they'll say whoa what's  happened here and uh works good works can speak   louder than a thousand sermons preached from the  housetops ray who is Jesus to you he's my savior   he's the creator of the universe I don't breathe  without his will he's the one that pulled me out   of the Grave so to speak I talked before about  gratitude um I can't put into words how grateful I   am I can't tell you how lost I was the night that  I cried out why I was horrified at the futility   of life when I got saved I was like a drowning man  who's just pulled out of the water the last second   and so gratitude explodes within my heart and  it hasn't gone down after 50 years it's just as   strong and gratitude is the high octane fuel that  drives me to do the will of God if you follow me   around you'll find that 24 hours a day almost I'm  serving the lord right in the middle of the night   I'm editing videos for a YouTube channel twice a  day I get on a bike with my dog wearing sunglasses   we got a local College twice a day where I  interview people and share my my faith and all   of that book writing Etc it's all motiv motivated  by the fuel of gratitude and it comes back to he   that has forgiven much the same loves much you see  before as was a Christian as a young businessman   long here though I had I was kind of clink outut  as a guy when I worked in the bank if you'd sum me   up you say was a good young moral man he's married  got a house he's doing a good job m- us BN with   unlawful sexual desire like every guy eyes full  of adultery drinking in necky like water and if   God and His Holiness had done that which is right  he could have picked me up and damn me in hell and   done that which is right and good and just but  instead of giving me Justice he gave me mercy so   when I look at the cross it breaks my heart that  Christ could love me that much a rich like me and   I don't say that because it sounds spiritual I  mean it from my heart I'm so grateful that I'm   saved from death and I'm saved from the grave and  the horrors that this world lives in to think that   there are literally billions of people out there  that are tormented by the fear of death that's   what it says in the book of Hebrews they are held  captive by the fear of death all their lifetime   and so when I share the gospel with students  around at the local College I say to them do   you think there's an afterlife and they say yeah  I don't know do you think about it much yeah all   the time say you're afraid of death and they go  yes and I look in their eyes and I can see they're   thinking how did this guy know they're saying I  didn't share this with mom or dad or my friends   I don't even think about it it so haunts me but  he's brought it out me I'm terrified of dying   and so my motivation for sharing the gospel is an  empathy with people just like I was and we've got   the most glorious gospel in the world Jesus Christ  has a abolished death that's what the Bible says   and brought life and immortality light through the  gospel Old Testament God promised he destroy death   and the New Testament we're told how he did it so  if you're a normal biblical Christian you too will   be a crazy man or crazy woman you too will seek to  save that which is lost and you too will look at   Jesus on that cross and say oh God you did that  for me I'll do anything for you so Jesus Is My   Lord he's my savior he's my very life as scripture  says for those who are watching and you know maybe   are saying I've called out to Jesus many times and  nothing happens you know I've I've set the sinner   prayer I've stayed up at night saying God help  me come into my life and nothing happened nothing   changes what would you say to that person that's  watching right now first I'd read the seven on the   mount and get a good revelation of the spiritual  nature of the law the Bible says of the Messiah he   shall magnify the law and make it honorable and  that's exactly what Jesus did in The Sermon on   the Mount the greatest sermon ever preached by the  greatest preacher who ever lived he expounded that   law get angry without cause you're in danger of  judgment Bible says if you hate someone you commit   murder if you look with lust you commit adultery  in your heart so every time you look with lust   and for guys particularly that's like a 100 times  a day you've committed adultery every time you've   done that so get a glimpse of your own sinfulness  and realize that if God is just you would be   damned in Hell realize that you're worthy of death  wages of sin is death God is paying you in death   for your sins and then secondly once you've  understood your your sin against God ask him   to help you to be contrite to be genuinely sorry  to find a place of biblical repentance because   the Bible says God grants repentance he helps us  repent because we're so wicked and so hard-hearted   and then exercise Faith now most people have  got a wrong WR understanding what faith is some   people think faith is believing in God despite the  lack of evidence that is ridiculous there's more   evidence to God than anything creation testifies  to the genius of God's creative hand the building   tells us there's a builder the painting tells us  there's a painter painter could have died a 100   years ago but we still know there was a painter  because paintings don't paint themselves so   creation flowers and birds and trees the Sun the  moon the stars puppies kittens the marvels of the   human eye the miracle of child birth everything  we see around us screams of the genius of God's   creative hand so we know God exists we don't need  Faith don't have faith there was a builder you   know there was a builder because buildings don't  build themselves when the Bible speaks of faith   it means trusting his integrity and people don't  realize this that if you have a lack of faith in   God you're insulting him if I say to you watch  your name and you tell me I said I don't believe   that you're going to be insulted I say where do  you live and you say down such and such a road   I said I don't believe believe that either if I  don't believe you it means I think you're a liar   you're a deceiver you're trying to pull a wool  over my eyes I don't trust you try saying that   to your boss I don't trust you you're going to  be without a job say it to your spouse going to   be sleeping on the couch We Trust our doctors  We Trust our dentists We Trust brain surgeons   We Trust Pilots we exercise trust all over the  place well if we can trust man who is failable   how much more should we trust God when he says  whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be   saved believe that because the Bible says he that  believes not God has made him a liar let none of   you depart through the from the Living God through  an evil heart of unbelief so just as you never   mistrust your spouse or your brain surgeon or your  pilot you just trust them trust in God trust them   with all your heart and don't go by your feelings  if I went by feelings I'd never evangelize if   I went by feelings I think I was unsaved my  salvation is dependent upon the promises of   God and as I believe God's promises I have joy  Bible speaks of joy and peace in believing if I   said I'm going to give you a million dollar in  20 minutes and as a down payment I'll give you   a$ 100,000 right now you look at it and say whoa  I've got a million coming you know in a in in a   half an hour you have an instant joy in believing  money's coming know it's coming well believe God's   promises and you'll have joy in believing we  have joy and peace in believing scriptures say   so that's the stumbling block for most who never  get anywhere they say God I've asked this Jesus   into my heart nothing happened well there a lack  of genuine deep repentance and a lack of trust in   the promises of God he has Faithfully promised  Abraham staggered not at the promise of God but   he was strong in faith being fully persuaded that  what he had promised he is able also to perform   so believe God's promises R how long have you been  Faithfully walking with Jesus now it was April the   25th 1:30 in the morning 1972 so it's something  like 51 years or something like that what is the   the greatest lesson in in these last 50 plus years  of you walking with Jesus what is the greatest   lesson that you've learned as you've been walking  with him it's what I've known for all the time   of being a Christian and that is lay it all down  silly little kids story or silly kids little story   about a train uh that wanted to be free from the  confines of the track was called toel or something   like that it come down this hill he'd look over  at the Lambs and the Little Ponies leaping in the   fields and he was envious he didn't want to be  stuck on those tracks so one day he jumped the   one day he jumped the tracks and all he got was  disaster because the train isn't designed to find   Freedom leaping about in a field it's designed to  find Freedom within the confines of the track and   that's the key to successful Christianity Jesus  said come unto me all you that labor and heavy   laden and I'll give you rest take my yoke upon  you that's a yoke and learn of me for I'm Meek   and lonely of heart and you shall find rest your  soul so become yoke to Christ give him everything   there's nothing in my life that I've held back  about a month after I was a Christian I remember   kneeling down in my my business and just saying  God I give you everything I realized what I've got   now I've got everlasting life nothing else matters  I give you my business I give everything to you   and I think the next day a guy didn't know walked  into my store and he says you're out of here you   don't have a lease get out I've bought this place  and I was out I had no business and I started   making jackets from home and the city came around  and says H you can't do this this is manufacturing   in a residential area you got to get out of here  so I got kicked out of my house making jackets and   that made me move to the square in the heart of  town where I began opening a pre pring so it seems   that God's hand guided me but that key that key  was laying it all down that day nothing has held   back he he gave me everything the breath I breathe  is by his permission I have eyes because he gave   them to me a brain that works because he gave me  a mind that works and so I I realize that it's   my reasonable service and Paul says to the Romans  I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of God they   present your bodies as living sacrifices holy and  acceptable God which is your reasonable service   so lay it all down and he'll give it all back R I  just want to want to honor you um you know part of   the the reason why this channel exist is because  you you've been so adamant in sharing the gospel   and uh in the moment that I gave my life to Jesus  I was looking for the gospel cuz somebody at my   church asked me one of my leaders asked me and  said what is the gospel and I couldn't answer   I couldn't answer what the go gospel was and so I  began searching and I came across your channel and   I was honestly I got bored and the reason I got  bored is cuz I was like he's he's saying the same   thing over and over I was like why is he saying  the same thing I didn't know what the gospel was   you know and uh some point the Lord revealed to  me he's sharing the gospel and it came alive in my   life and and that's when I I truly believe through  that seed and through other seeds that were   planted in lots of prayer obviously from family  and friends um I lay down my life completely and   I think that's why a major part of why we're  here so I just wanted to honor you um for your   work and what you have done and What the Lord Has  Done through you for those who are watching who   are in that place who maybe are listening to you  right now and are saying you know what I I want   to be all in I want to give my life to Jesus I  want to have what what Ry has and I want to be   there I want to do that could you pray for those  who are watching right now yeah I'd love to thank   you for sharing that it's very encouraging  father we pray for those that are watching   for any Christians that have not laid it all down  that this would be the moment they present their   bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and acceptable  to you help them to understand that you have the   right to everything they have because you're the  maker of their soul and body and every blessing   that's come their way came by your permission so  may this day they be truly born again again May   there be a spark of fire uh begin within their  lives so where they say with the disciples we   cannot but speak that which was seen and heard and  may you use them in a wonderful way to reach this   Dying World with this glorious gospel in Jesus  name we pray amen hey everybody I hope the new   testimony has blessed you has encouraged you just  wanted to let you know that if you are in need of   help that we have people that are ready to speak  with you so down in the description box below in   the comment section uh if you're watching from  YouTube if you're listening from our podcast   just look for the link that says talk to someone  who cares click on that fill out the form and   somebody will get in contact with you locally  now this is only available to people in the US   right now but we are working to get resources  for our International viewers and listeners but   for right now if you are in the US and you need  help you need to talk with somebody please fill   out that form and somebody will reach out to  you God bless you and we'll see you on the next testimony
Channel: Delafé Testimonies
Views: 985,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9xrz2SGVWWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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