He Came Back 10 Years Later to Apologize to Ray Comfort...

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and we have met before we have met before when uh 10 plus years ago I was walking down the pier with one of my friends and you you you came up to us and I wasn't a Believer at the time that's kind of the only understanding that I had is God is love and means I could do whatever I want I can I just say God is love and I'm good to go and then you came and and confronted me you walked me through the law and it it really hit me actually I was really upset I didn't stay for the whole interview in fact you walked off I walked off I got so upset I got I I remember feeling like I was like I want to just grab this man's camera and throw it in the in the water right now you had asked me if I about lying and I said yeah you call him a liar so what are you a liar and I remember being upset and I was like I'm going to say something to this guy I was like I'm going to do something asked if I was a thief and I was like nope never stolen anything you had asked if I had ever pirated music before and I was like oh I have so you said what does that make I said a pirate and and you asked um if uh taking God's name in vain you did yeah looked with lust uhhuh as about the point I left I I couldn't take the heat we didn't even get to the gospel I just didn't want anything to do with it I felt so convicted so upset and I was like who is this man that pointing sin out to me you can't do that you can't judge that my my friend's a a a pastor he would tell me you're not allowed to judge me and actually for years that sat with me I I I um started going to my friendch church and I remember just reading my Bible fervently so that one day I would see you again and say I'll show you you know how you can't tell me about this stuff I actually met my wife uh at that time and and uh it's funny she lived in Pennsylvania there she is she was in school at the time and she said Chad I saw this really cool video they're showing me at my college at my University um it's this guy on the pier he talks to people uh about Jesus on the pier I was like did he have an accent and she was like yeah and I was like does he have a mustache and she was like yeah and she's like you know who it is I was like don't ever watch this man's videos ever again I got I legitimately got mad at her as my girlfriend at the time I legitimately got mad and then she showed me the video video that she was talking about and it was uh it was the one with the the the Neo-Nazi guy with the uh 180 white people are up here and then there's and Jews so the white man is the best man what's the purpose of man's existence to get drunk and have a blue mohart what was Jesus christor no he was a Jew and what did Jews do they lie I commit adultery about every 2 minutes maybe I watched it through to the end I was like is that what this is that what this man would have talked about like I wish I had stayed till the end and that like once that happened it changed me all of a sudden I realized like the things I was told the things that I believed it's it sounds all nice but it takes you nowhere that's you know and and now here I I come out here I would be out here every Tuesday or Friday with with our church doing evangelism giving out giving out these guys are you a good person tracked but yeah we we kind of exclusively use Living Water stuff now so encouraging thanks for sharing that yeah and you know I always wanted to I always thought after like you know truly being born again I would come back and see you one day and give you a hug and say thank you for what you've done through my life but to cry so yeah oh great to meet you we've been to the bookstore a couple times we listen to the podcast now too and it's been I've seen my husband grow so much in the faith and his love for other people and wanting to share the gospel with them it's just been so night and day so thank you to Ray and for your ministry and enjoy the podcast yes very much I'm the only insane one amongst the four% I'm just kidding that's funny yes we do oh that's great thank you guys yeah this lady's aunt was trying to distract her through the whole interview you wait till hear what she said about me at the end could you say that again what did she say uh she said you're you think there's life after death I do um I don't know if I would necessarily say that it's love life but I do think that we have experience after death I think we have a Consciousness what is it if it's not life that I can't answer but I think we're just kind of uh Consciousness in our human bodies and then when we die we shed the body and we transfer into the great Consciousness how frightening sort of float around as a spook for eternity little a little bit yeah are you afraid of death I'm going to say no now but when I'm close to it I'm sure I'll be AF well that's honest of you yeah are you an educated person are you well read I would say I'm well read yes what's the world's biggest selling book of all time I don't know that what's the Bible oh the Bible is the is the biggest selling book of all time that's worrisome are you familiar with that famous story where the Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus and said good Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life what do you think you have to do to get everlasting life I don't think you have to do anything besides just exist and do your best I think even the evil people get everlasting life I think hell is only on Earth Marissa the Bible says after you die you got to stand before God are you a good person yeah I I yes how many lies have you told in your life ooh too many to count you stolen something yes so you're a lying Thief yes you still think you're a good person I do have you ever used God's name in vain absolutely you love your mom I love my mom would you ever use her name as a c word no I would never use my mom's name in pain yeah cuz you respect her yes she's number one you don't respect the god that gave you a mother you've taken His holy name and used it as a c word I don't know if I necessarily that's not my God yeah I know that's normal right the first ten commandments is don't have your own God don't make up a false god and we tend to do that a God we feel comfortable with one to go and appreciate your honesty Marissa of course Jesus said if you look with lust you commit adultery in your heart have you ever looked with a lust absolutely so here's a summation of your court case on Judgment Day you've told me you're a lying thief of blessed Fe and an adulterate at heart here's another question for you have you ever heard the Bible verse the wages of sin is death no it's very famous I'm sure I've heard it one of these days my aunt over there she's was my confirmation lady so you are you Roman Catholic I was Catholic okay anymore let me go back to that question yeah the wages of sin is death saying God is paying you in death for your sins like a judge who looks at a criminal who thinks lightly of murder just laughs it off the judge says I'm going to show you how serious your crime is I'm giving you the death sentence this is your wages this is what this is what you've earned that's not my God and Marissa sin is so serious to a holy God he's given you the death sentence you're on death row and your death will be evidence to you that God is deadly serious about Sin now if you're guilty on Judgment Day will you go to heaven or hell I don't think either exist well the Bible says all liars are of their part in the Lake of Fire said the Bible knows everything let me just finish cuz it's so important okay I know you think this is a big joke but Marissa I do not think that this is a big joke I'm deadly serious I really care about you and where you spend eternity care about me yeah I certainly do I wouldn't Tau you like this if I didn't right so what did God do for guilty sinners like you and I so we wouldn't have to go to hell this this interview is taking a turn I he's a gospel preacher I like him up on YouTube okay yes I am um I don't think we worship the same God you've heard of Jesus dying on the cross yes almost everybody has yes but they haven't heard this and Marissa if you can just stay with me for 30 seconds don't anything distract you I can do 30 more seconds that's probably you please okay please please do that and don't be distracted okay the Ten Commandments are called the moral law you and I broke the law Jesus Paid the fine that's why he said it is finished when he was on the cross he was paying the fine for the law we broken concentrate if you're if you're in court and someone pays your fine a judge will let you go you say you're out of here even though you're guilty someone paid you fine and it's legal for him to let you go well God can legally take the death sentence off you because of what Jesus did on the cross he can legally let you live forever because Jesus suffered and died rose again on the third day and if you'll simply repent of your sins and trust in Jesus God promises he'll give you everlasting life as a free gift right please think about what we talked about will you do that I'll oh I'll think about it you will yeah that so encourages me could you say that again what did she say uh she said you're a Catholic and a Jehovah's Witness and a lunatic so real quick here are three things to help you grow in your faith The Living Waters podcast the evidence Study Bible 200 of the most commonly asked questions of the Christian faith and much more the stter kit four of the most popular gospel tracks available at livingwaters.com if you haven't seen 180 you've got to see it it's a life changer it's had over 6 million views you can watch it right now by clicking up to your left
Channel: Living Waters
Views: 290,080
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Id: Snxd7xrrVeE
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Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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