You'll NEVER build characters the same way again... (Ultimate Character Building Guide)

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should I level 90 my character are crowns a waste when do I stop farming artifacts I feel like I've worked so hard but my characters are not that much stronger welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build and this is my ultimate character guide this guide is broken up into four phases I'm gonna go through each one and talk about which parts of a character that you need to focus on at each stage so that you are never in a loss of how to make your character stronger in the most efficient way possible let's start with phase one the early game or experimental phase so for erlink you are probably somewhere pre-ar 45. during this phase you are going through the story and join the game and I highly encourage you to level up as many characters as you think seem interesting cool or you just like them for one reason or another to you but I'm gonna give you some guidelines so as to not waste resources I do think it is very valuable to experiment I do not think you should only build the meta units and only build what people tell you to build during this phase you want to experiment with again as many characters as seem interesting to you but again here are the guidelines so you don't waste resources I would level anyone up to level 50. anyone that seems interesting ning Wong seems interesting Lisa seems interesting saiyu seems interesting Kujo Sara level them up to level 50. you get two wishes it doesn't take that much experience and you get to see their power and what their kit can do and what they're capable of if you go go too much beyond that especially Beyond level 60 especially Beyond level 70 you start getting into the category of a big resource drain but pre-level 50 as long as you're not trying to level up absolutely everyone and you generally just stick to the characters that you like level 50 is fine when you're building these level 50 characters you're not going to have a bajillion gold artifacts like I do you're going to have mostly two one two three and maybe some four star artifacts at this stage you want to focus on if you can getting as much energy recharge onto the characters that need their burst as possible and just generally trying to get main stats the main stat is the one up here where this one says Elemental Mastery that's the main stat you generally want to just get as close to as at least a helpful Mains that doesn't have to be the perfect man stat but at least something the character can use so ning Wong scales off of attack so you would like to find an attack main stat her ideal would be a Geo damage bonus goblet but you're not always gonna have that so A stock percentage goblet is going to be fine for you and you don't need to worry about crit just use whatever you have try to get the right main stats don't worry about sub stats don't worry about set bonus unless you have absolutely no stats at all and then you can look for a helpful set bonus if you can for the weapons similar thing I would recommend taking the weapon up to level 50. another good safe spot that you don't need to worry about wasting too many resources and artifact XP You Can level your artifacts up at least a little bit because you don't lose that much xp when feeding those artifacts into better ones later but there's not really that much to talk about in phase one because it really is all about you experimenting I just want to give you the freedom to do that and not just focus on meta so that being said once you get to AR 45 now we're gonna move on to phase two phase two is the built enough phase this is the phase where the really the full potential of the character is going to come out they're definitely not Min maxed but by and large they're going to be doing all the things that they will be doing at a higher level just slightly less effectively so when you're when you're selecting your characters to be built enough you want to select of course and I'll cover this more in my team building guide but the main the main four to eight to maybe 10 characters that you're going to build to tackle the spiral Abyss assuming you're interested in that and you want to work on these five things first of all is leveling up your characters to level 80 and at this point we're not going to ascend them we're just going to keep them like I have like I have my Kaya here level 80 not ascended the final Ascension is very very expensive and at this stage of the game the stats you get from that final Ascension are just not worth it so you stick to level 80 not ascended energy recharge now is where you really want to focus on your energy recharge you need enough energy recharge to use your burst on cooldown again if your character is a burst dependent character which the vast majority of the cast are this is the biggest mistake I see if you're not bursting off cooldown it is very much worth it to use an energy recharge weapon if you need it to use an energy recharge Sands if you need it and lose some of your crit ratio to make sure you have enough energy recharge a character like Beto it doesn't matter if you have if you have you know 50 more crit if you're taking if it's taking you four times as long to burst you're doing no damage so make sure you have enough ER at this point assuming you have a good weapon for your character you want to focus on level 90 that weapon Nightingale weapon is not that many resources compared to other things and so you can and most characters scale off of attack and leveling their weapon is a must I'm gonna come back through here with exception with exception so hold your comments for a second for talents you want to love all your talents to level eight further those that use their talents and again I'll come back to the exceptions in a minute level eight is a good sweet spot of doable but not super expensive once you go beyond level eight they become very expensive so level aiding the useful talents is the correct stopping point you next want to focus on your crit rate and crit damage at this stage you want to focus on getting at least a 50 crit rate to 100 crit damage ratio ideally a 60 to 120. it's gonna be a lot easier or more difficult depending on your character's Ascension stat bonus so for example Zhang Ling Mike my jingling barely has a 60 to 120 crit ratio because I'm not using a crit weapon on her she doesn't have a crit Ascension stat and so she just naturally has less crit stats so for the character like Zhang Ling 50 to 100 is what you want to aim for but if you're running someone like a hutau she's got a crit weapon on her she's got a crit Ascension stat it's going to be much easier for you to get very high crit values so so for those you at least want to have 60 to 120 crit Ratio or even higher and for your artifact levels you can leave them at level 16 at this stage because again it does get exponentially more difficult to raise an artifacts level from 16 to 20 and you're going to be farming mostly artifacts at this stage so you're gonna want to have some resources available to level those artifacts to see if they can be upgrades to yours if you want more tips on artifacts I have a full artifact guide that I'm going to link in the description and the end card now for the exceptions during this phase for characters that scale differently so for example nilu nilu scales directly off of level nilu kuki characters that deal primarily transformative reaction damage so generally bloom hyperbloom or swirl such as Animo instead of stopping at level 80 you want to level them to 90. but the resources counterbalance because these characters generally do not need any or very very minor Talent investment nilu doesn't need any Talent investment I just have mine leveled up a bit for fun kooky just needs a little bit of levels in her skill so that you get some healing off other than that level 90 is the only difficult thing they need their artifact main stats are also going to be easier to get at this point and so you can focus on these characters in getting in getting correct artifact main stats but one thing that I forgot to mention is set bonuses should I worry about a set bonuses at this stage at this stage I would worry about getting helpful set bonuses you want set bonuses that at least add something so for a character like kooky a two-piece two-piece Elemental Mastery set bonus would be just fine and dandy only very specific characters Ryden comes to mind ayaka comes to mind that you actually want to specifically Farm their signature set for because the four piece set gives so many stats in general though as long as you have a helpful set bonus that's all you need for the phase 2 built enough stage let's go on to phase three phase three is min maxing for Min maxing you want to focus on level 90ing your essential onlys character so I if you didn't get around to leveling your kazua to 90 or leveling your cookie to 90 or your nilu or characters that do transformative reactions or your Toma if he's in a virgin team like that now you want to focus on getting them to 90. you also want to focus on getting characters that deal with aggravate reactions such as kaching Al Haytham or aggravate and spread those type of pseudo-transformative reactions you want to make sure you get those characters to 90 as well if you didn't before you want to make sure through this phase that you maintain enough energy recharge to burst off cooldown I see a lot of people get very focused on the crit stats and kind of let their ER fall to the Wayside don't do that if you haven't leveled your weapon to 90 then you want to start doing that now I forgot to mention the only exception for the previous phase of characters you might not need to take to level 90 is a character like yelon who doesn't scale off of base attack she scales off of Base SHP and so one of the main reasons that you want a level 90 a weapon is if they scale is because a large portion of your character's base attack comes from the base attack of the weapon it's a very important stat and it's not too expensive to do but for a character that doesn't use base attack like yelon you can get away with keeping it at 80 or at 70 depending on how much energy we charge you need but back to this Min maxing stage you want to make sure at this stage you can start getting your weapons to 80 or 90. I still haven't taken my weapon to 90 because I don't see the need for it I probably will eventually but for most characters you will want to get their weapons to 90 at this point you can also start looking at getting your talents to level 9. I would recommend the high value talents go to level 9 at this point and only the high value the medium value should stay at level eight so you can see my yellow is a perfect example I've left her skill at level 8 and her burst at level up to level nine you don't want to be focused on crowning character at this stage and you still don't want to be focused on leveling characters that don't need their talents leveled such as nilu or kazua well actually for kazua he does quite a bit more personal damage so you can get his to maybe level seven or something but it's definitely a much lower priority than the other things we talked about here four artifacts oh yeah Veritas inventor is another four-piece set bonus that you want to make sure you have for your animal characters even at phase two but it's at this point that you want to be farming for your character's best in slot artifacts at or at least close to it it doesn't have to be the very best especially if they've got some Alternatives that are pretty close in power then you can go for a different one that's similar in power so I think kitchen is a perfect example she can definitely use this as her best set but she has other ones that she can use that you can still go for at this point and your your goal now and you do want to level 20 your artifacts at this stage and your goal now is going to be to just crank out that crit rate and crit damage as high as your stats will realistically allow and this is where I start looking at Arafat quality this you can choose your own standard my standard is for a well-built character I generally look to have around 200 total crit value on their artifacts and then I consider them a pretty well built character the way that you calculate your crit value is you take your crit rate and you multiply it by two and you add it to the crit damage that's because crit rate sub stats roll at about half the number value that create damage substance roll and you generally want about an equal amount of both leading you to have a one to two ratio of crit rate to crit damage approximately you're never going to have exactly it can be more or less absolutely but approximately so my kitchen is extremely well built she has much above the 200 crit value minimum that I set for myself but you can choose your own you might say 180 is the right amount for you your standard might be much higher you might have a 220 crit value standard and some characters have other staff that they need to consider it's not always is about crit you want to make sure that your Al Haytham doesn't have zero Elemental Mastery like this one does you want to make sure your kaching has Elemental Mastery as well you want to make sure your ayaka has enough attack right so at this point if you're Min Maxi you're gonna need more than just this guy to tell you how to build every single character because each character has some things that they need to be focusing on but what you're looking for overall is the most helpful stats on all your artifacts as possible I'm not just looking at the crit rate on this piece I'm also seeing Oh it has energy recharge too or I might look at this piece it has a ton of HP percent that's really good for her again you'll find more info about this in my artifact guide but it's really important not to just get hyper focused on the crit stats although they often are the bottleneck of a character's damage other stats are really really really really really important as well including energy recharge Elemental Mastery if the character uses it HP if the character users uses it attack if the character uses it and so you're going to want to look for artifacts that have as much of those helpful substance as possible but generally at least 60 to 120 crit ratio you know up to 80 to 160 or higher start level 20 your artifacts and start looking for upgrades that have other better stats there's great tools such as the damage Optimizer you can just Google gentian damage Optimizer that can help you figure out which artifacts set and stats are going to be better for your character and which will be upgrades or not but that's the end of level 3 but there is a final and fourth stage we have to talk about and that is character simping for character simping you will select a handful of characters that you just love that you that they're your favorite characters and you want to get the most value possible out of these characters for these characters you want to level 90 of them regardless and it's not based on meta it's just based on who you love I level knighted my writing long before I used her in an aggravate team before aggravate even existed there was no real reason to level 90 her except that I wanted to make her the best she possibly could be so that's what you want to look at you level 90 just because you love them the second thing is I will repeat myself again you want to make sure you maintain enough VR to burst off of cooldown Just because because you love the Elan you got her an amazing crit ratio you got it Aqua simulacra weapon but you still don't have enough ER to burst on cooldown you she's all Sizzle and no steak she looks good and she smells good but behind closed doors she is not someone that you want to hang out with you can show her off to your friend friends how pretty and amazing she is but when it comes down to actually hanging out with her she is a terrible person to be around that is er make sure you have enough ER obviously if you have a level 90 of their weapon at this point you definitely need to you can even go for their signature weapon if you want to if you're just that much of a SIM for that character again I certainly am with Ryden I don't even use the engulfing lightning barely at all you can see it's on my Toma I almost always use the catch because we're testing every character at c0 so I don't even use her best weapon ninety percent of the time but I still wished for it same with Shen has because I love these characters and I just want wanted them to look their best it's at this point only that you also want to consider crowning your characters of course you can Crown your characters for meta reasons but almost definitely it's gonna take a pretty long time I'll say this to have good enough artifacts that it's worth actually popping the crown on your character I realize that it's a that it's a guaranteed upgrade but it is expensive it takes a lot of Mora and resin to do but of course if their favorite your favorite character it is a guaranteed upgrade you could you should definitely do it but you just want to make sure that you walk the line between actually getting all your characters geared with artifacts if you still don't have gear characters geared with artifacts or really really copium artifacts you don't want to be crowning talents because you should be putting that resin towards the place it can be the most useful and speaking of artifacts during the character simping phase this is the time where you just Farm artifacts until your hair turns purple AKA forever because that is basically the end game of genshin is min maxing artifacts until you get the absolute best things possible I have farmed my artifacts for my ride in for so long and at this point her ratio is quite quite excellent she's probably my Best Built character by far we are definitely in the character simping phase with this character I did want to add or correct or clarify just one thing on this phase because it's not just about simping for characters at this stage it's also the hyper Min maxing phase and the hyperman maxing phase is basically when there's a concept called horizontal investment and there's vertical Investments and horizontal investment means investing in more a greater number of characters and vertical investment is hype is more investing into one team or one character in particular and at this stage the simping phase or the hyperman maxing phase you are more concerned with vertical investment so you've already built enough characters that you need and so now you're doing everything you can to min max into one character and of course you know you do if you're hyperman maxing into a team you do want to Crown the relevant talents right crowning things like ryden's burst has really high value like eula's burst probably Bennett's burst has really high value yilon's burst Singh chose burst these are these are crowns that you can justify that you can use there's probably more correct to call those hyper Min maxing whereas a character simping would be crowning right in skill there's no reason to Crown ride in skill so you you could almost add a sixth phase and have hyper Min maxing and then character simping but probably if you're at this point in building your characters you know what to do at this stage and so I'm probably preaching to the choir at this point but just so you know when I say character simping I should be more correct in saying hyperman maxing because it is optimal to not just Farm artifacts forever and eventually go for that Crown right there is that balance you want to farm artifacts to a level that is reasonably High then go for the crown then go back to farming artifacts you don't but you don't want to go all the way to Crown with still bad artifacts but and you also don't want to go all the way with artifacts without crowning hopefully that makes sense let me know in the comments if you have questions but of course there's only so much I can go through in one video and there will be plenty of amazing tips that our wonderful Community has in the comments so make sure to check those out if you haven't seen my artifact guide check out that video right there and subscribe for more bye for now thank you
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 48,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NFS08nx5vYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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