You'll Never Believe What That Lumber is For

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I've got a fun flight for you guys planned today we're going to yaan again I've only been out there like two or three times it's a more challenging circuit for sure we're loading up with a bunch of wood up in the cabin but because I don't have a lot to go in the Pod I actually have to fill it up with bis weight actually have to fill up jugs of water to put in the first pod down here so that I'm not fcg so that's what those guys are doing right now Adam's getting the fuel truck fuel me up I'm trying to do a quick turn around so I can get out there before it's too late before the winds might change or the clouds might be rolling in so let's finish loading and then get out of here on 35-minute flight let's go ahead and dip our fuel 240 on that side 130 on this side we're on a hill right now so basically I'm just trying to get like the total number we're at 370 that's what I landed with so I'm good to go there okay the guys have this tied down here now like I was saying the drum uh it's just an empty drum as as far forward as we can get it and yeah this only comes back to about where the back seat goes not really even the back seat back seat's back there so that should work well for my CG we're already fueled up weather's beautiful they just sent us a text saying weather's great out there so let's get going got our fuel on igniter on fuel pump [Music] on and low start NG is over 14% we'll introduce our fuel been shut down for I don't know 40 minutes or so now so itd is coming up at a regular rate 635 it's a 35-minute flight out there like I was telling you earlier this is a more challenging Circuit by far um you really kind of have to have more of like a 800 ft initially 8 to 900 ft descent on your initial approach and uh then it kind of about I don't know almost halfway starts evening out to more like a 550 600 ft per minute on The Descent so it is a little more challenging it's just really tight mountains all close in but there's an incredible waterfall out there if you haven't seen the videos out there yet the most incredible one I've seen yet tier in PNG we've got 780 on the fuel Weight and Balance we've got 1973 lbs loaded our empty weight is 4242 that's good come up at 7200 lb exactly perfect gr to Tango Zulu request taxi yawan one PB Zulu taxi two Runway one7 left back track lineup one one ner 1 Z One ner clear back track line up 17 left no V Tanger Z this is actually my second Flight of the day out here I already had one I left at 8:00 in the morning it is now 10:19 in the morning but we had already loaded everything up from yesterday in the afternoon well I didn't our guys did so there really wasn't much going on figured this would be a little bit more interesting November Tango ready for departure November Tango Z Runway One 7 left make a left turn Cliff take off 1 7 left left turn Cliff take off no from 30° 5,000 1320 ignition condition flaps 20 Fuel and harnesses all right there is torus set 41y confirm maintaining 6,000 maintaining 6000 and there's 63 for rotate Lon 4120 the go estimate over at estimated aaro 035 definitely feel the density altitude today there's 0 de flaps and let's go ahead and bring our prop on back to 2,000 RPM and we'll also just bring our it to 720 make our left hand turn out of here looks like it's already clearing up since when I just came in here maybe 45 minutes ago weather report out at yawan sounded like it was about the same as my first flight which is absolutely perfect a little bit of wind Maybe on approach maybe like four to five knots at most landing bypass and ignition off Ro Tower November Tango kilo departed time 24 tracking 086 on clim 1 1000 estimating y on the [Applause] hour climb 1 1000 mil moves be 1 12 3 this one ler h of 8861 1 2 3 Niner 8861 at 5 no Tang if you're wondering what is all this wood going out to a bush location for well we've got some brand new missionaries that are moving in out there they're building three houses and also a translation house um or building or office or something like that I will go up there and show you guys probably in a couple of weeks we're going to be doing like 80 flights out of here in the next like 8 weeks so yeah we're going to be doing a lot of flights out to ya so when they start getting some progress on their homes they just got the ground kind of straightened up a little bit today so I'll walk up the hill with you guys and show you guys the progress probably on another video uh when I have maybe a little bit more time and probably what I'll do is on one of those times I'll probably be bringing my wife out here just so she can see a little bit more of what I do every day and just bring her along on a flight well while we're in the climb let's go over our strip chart what we're going to be expecting once we get out there this place is a oneway air strip let me just show you some drone shots of the place cuz it's absolutely gorgeous out there it's a oneway airst strip and the circuit is pretty tight as far as turning final basically my base to final I once I turned final I've got about 2 seconds before I'm committed to land because at that point because my plane's so heavy because the mountains rise so quickly I don't have enough time to turn and get out of the valley before the train is just rising up so you usually it's about after 2 seconds of wings level you're like okay if everything's looking good then we're just going to continue and I'm committed to land no matter what something runs out on the runway I'm committed to land no matter what when you get that through your head then it's an easy decision I think it was a couple times ago out here I had chickens on the runway but I was like well they're either going to get hit or they're going to move and I barely missed them by about six speed touchdown elevation is 4,400 ft touchdown slope is 8 to 9% so anything over 7% slope I add one knot per percentage of slope so seven I add one eight I add two you go you go you go all the way up to around 12 or 13 where I'm adding probably like five knots now the reason why is because as you come into a sloped Runway you have to match the slope before you flare you can't just flare because you're you have to transition to this portion and to do that you need extra knots so you can bleed those off so you don't just pancake in the ground 2 3 Niner November Tango Zulu transfer I don't think I'm going to get him on this one NOP we'll try HF b861 noer Tango Zulu transfer morning November Tango Zulu 17 miles to the east Koka 1 1,000 estimating ywan time on the hour requesting the transit nadzab airspace direct Koka yawan track 088 at 1 1000 so this morning I was able to just wiggle my way around all of NAD zab's airspace but because the day is going on now the clouds are starting to rise up that's probably not going to be an option for me to get over the last mountain range because the clouds I'm guessing are going to be a little bit higher than 11,000 considering these ones are already at like 13,000 almost so rather than having to go way around the airspace it's easier just to get clearance just to go through it especially on just a direct track sometimes it's a pain because they don't have radar and so they want you to have give them F radials as you pass along each point and then and there it's just a lot of extra work still waiting on my clearance from nadzab basically you've got the upside down wedding cake going out right this one's at 13,000 ft if we come up [Applause] here there's 13,000 ft come over here which I'm not going to be going in that starts at 8,000 and then this next one over here starts at 10,000 so you can see I'm only going through a sliver of their airspace H but still technically I do need clearance to go through their airspace looking ahead the clouds have not risen up as much as I was anticipating I was kind of guessing they already be at like 12,000 by now because that's kind of what the forecast was showing is just a lot of building up getting back into groa the forecast was that there's going to be some rain starting to build kind of in the gaps getting back into the valley but with how nice it is I don't think that's going to actually happen today at least not by [Applause] noon Transit ads up airspace 1000 directa yawan 1 Niner you guys can see how I've made these uh strip charts and it has my circuit kind of just a nice downwind and stuff I wish I could draw in here but you got a mountain right through there and there's a low spot right at the end of the runway so basically what I'm going to do is not fly quite like this because I'm coming in from really kind of the West so basically I'm going to come around the runway that way everybody knows I'm there cuz if I just enter in here there's a huge mountain they're not even going to hear me until I'm on short down on short final come around and then rather than doing a circuit like this I'm just going to do a teardrop infantry right into a base so I know I want full flaps to this area I know I want 4 900 ft by this last Ridge push over get down as much altitude as I can in the last 5 seconds before turning final we're just approaching our top of descent now looking straight ahead there's a lot more clouds out here now than there was on the first time the first time there was no clouds on any of The Ridges but this is kind of what I was expecting for this flight so you can see the lighter area up in here and it kind of goes around and the dark areas those are all the highest mountains and the light area is where the valley is so what I'm kind of anticipating I might have to do is head out more towards down the valley to work my way up into it it's a fairly tight Valley once you get into it we set up 1,000 ft per minute so let's go on down turn this down to 6,000 ft we'll put it at 900 [Applause] initially it zooms on by and then there's a 1150 12200 as it starts trying to level back off at 900 we'll put it at 1,000 we'll even out there go have to turn to the left here because yeah I'm not seeing any clear Pathways to get into that Valley yet so we'll just head on down here it's completely open just like I was thinking right here in this big wide wide Valley go ahead and start our checklist those selectors or fuel selectors and our brakes are good turn our terrain awareness system off our vref which is our landing speed 7,000 now which would be 74 we're going to add two knots because it's 8% on touchdown 8 to 9% we're going to add two so 76 knots lights and Inlet and a board if we have to go around it's power up 20° of flaps immediate rightand turnout resetting our it to 740 guys like these boxes never seen one these are takeoff and Landing checklist box all your critical items for takeoff and Landing so they keeps your eyes up and out like they are absolutely vital here because you don't want to be using a paper checklist where you can potentially lose your position this items things like that it's a very tactile so I I absolutely love it check out my website if you'd like to pick one up I've got them for simple airplanes complex airplanes turbines and as well as you can even customize them to say whatever you want on there now all stations yaan 23 decimal Niner November Tango Zulu Niner miles to the West 900,000 ciruit time on the hour yawan fors V 8861 November Tango Zulu in the circuit yaah one cancel correction report after landing all station yaan no B Tango Zulu in the circuit [Applause] yaan well we are 5 miles away a little bit less don't see it yet lots of clouds but I think it should open up by the time I get over top of this [Music] Ridge there we go straight ahead only about 2,000 ft higher than I wanted to be got 10 knots of wind coming out of this direction which means I'll probably have a headwind for landing cuz it's going to hit the Hill and then turn but then it swirls around over there and so then I have a headwind for takeoff figure that one out but almost every time I've got a headwind for landing and takeoff when I go over to by this waterfall it is it's spectacular the first few times I came out here I didn't have any instructor with me so I didn't really have a a good good Baseline exactly how I'm going to enter into the the Circ and everything so I've come out here a few times came out with Brad and went over everything that I learned with him and then we kind of came up with a better game plan between the two of us that I like a lot better kind of entering into the circuit this way cuz then you have a good opportunity to look at the runway so that they all know that you're here yeah look at this waterfall as we go by hopefully they can clear off all the animals there was chickens on takeoff and a dog up to Circuit altitude of 5100 ft let's go 10° of flaps we just come out here a couple miles and do a tear drop back into our base coming over this hill right here 4,900 ft really close to a tree really close to a tree go 1.5 there we go 1.5 miles if I can kind start coming up with like exactly the same every time makes my life a lot easier so 1.5 miles out last time I felt like I turned around a little bit early dropping to 4,900 ft at the river will'll Go full flaps there's full flaps checklist is complete slowing to 86 and then 76 over this last Ridge before turning final there's my 76 knots already 500 finel crosswind all right looks good I'm committed now headwind 500 [Music] at 861 November Tango Zulu on the ground ya when cancel s all right I'm going to unload this with the help of a bunch of people and then I'm going to do a time lapse back to gooka so stay tuned for this flight heading back to gooka get this fuel off though [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 584,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papua new guiena, flight vlog, missionary bush pilot, bush pilot, kodiak, mission aviation, MAF, ethnos 360, aviation, flying, vlog, crazy, insane, landing, takeoff, cockpit, pilot, kodiak 900, kodiak 100, cockpit view, bad weather, flying a jet, STOL, IFR, becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Travel, ATC, ATC audio, Flight vlog, flight simulator, flight sim game play, FS, FS2020, flight sim, international flight, solo, plane crash, most dangerous airport, lukla, airport, nepal, crash
Id: B2sJT7afymQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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