[Insane Weather] Critical Flight Fail

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morning you guys it's another cloudy one here in gooka you guys can see behind me it's cloudy here it's cloudy where I want to go out to nambi a place I haven't taken you but maybe one time maybe two times ever but I think only one time Landing out there so it's been a long time since you guys have seen this place it's only a 22-minute flight out there just got off the phone with them they said it's been raining like crazy not really a great way to start the day but we're going to go ahead and prepare our plane I'm taking the least amount of seats so I can get out of there with the least amount of weight as well just because it's already wet and they're saying it's very very wet so and last week when I went in there when it was wet it was very slick I mean so slippery it took like 2third of the runway to really get down to a manageable speed I had a little bit more weight I'm going in empty today so that's good fuel guys coming now so let's get fueled and I'll go over the weather with you and get out of here [Applause] [Music] s [Music] now that I'm fueled up weather still here has not really changed much at all if anything has just gotten worse I can still do my f departure out of here but I want to make sure that I can still get back in here 20 minutes out 30 minutes on the ground 20 minutes back so an hour and 10 minutes total so Monday the 25th at 8:00 a.m. right this minute 804 actually and just coming in here zooming in all that blue that you see here usually just means a ton of clouds um usually when it's like that widespread it's a really stable environment so it's a really smooth flight it just means it's a lot harder to get in there and get down where I need to on the phone he was saying that I can maybe come in from the south the north I can't come in at all it's just all plugged in but there's still some clouds in the circuit so let's head over here to low clouds and we are going naromi right here and you can see that there is a lot of white clouds to the north of it that's where he was saying it's not looking good to the South he's saying is starting to look open but then you also have this lighter blue color which is usually just a scattered cloud clouds to broken so yeah we'll see coming over here to Cloud base right over do Nomi kind of just on top of it I'm guessing it's only be like a mile up the hill is where it starts getting down to 1500 ft for the cloud bases below that probably be all right and then lastly coming up here to our visibility that's showing about 1 and 1/2 to three uh probably 1 and 1/2 to 3 miles visibility kind of in that area so not looking awesome by any means so the biggest thing I'm considering is is I can get out of here and I can get out there but I want to make sure that I can get back underneath the clouds and up the valley that I need to so that's really the issue today is do I take the low route the whole way out there and just have to work weather all the way down The Valleys or do I just go up high and get out there and hope that I can find a hole to get back down so that's where flying IFR in the mountains is not really that easy because you have to get back down to where you need to get to and sometimes it's easier just to fly around all the weather and work your way up valleys and things like that so I still have to do my walk around we are fueled we're ready to go other than that and Confirmation out there that the weather is good enough for me to get in I've taken off as many seats as I can just to reduce my weight getting out of there cuz it's going to be really slippery and really muddy which is [Music] unfortunate I just got some pictures from the people that are out at Nomi right now and it looks so wet let me show you so this is the airst strip here you guys can see it's like standing water ground fog all the way to the end of the runway that's looking out towards the approach where you'd be coming in just kind of evaluating is it worth it to do a fight like this morning I mean the weather here is not so great but I mean I do have some holes over here so I could probably still squeeze my way in here cuz we don't have an IFR approach into here so it's all marginal VFR getting out of here is no issue whatsoever but they say waves of clouds are kind of coming in and going the chances of me getting out there when one of those waves is open uh might not be very good then this other photo right here this is not the runway but it's just looking off to the side of the runway and you can just see how there's just running water everywhere and the clouds are really low what I might have to do is actually call this flight I won't yet I mean it's not even 9 so we have all day cuz this is the only flight when it's sloppy like that and you go into reverse it throws mud up over the wind shield making it difficult to see out as well as this window on this side this window doesn't but so there's just a lot of those type of things that are going through my head right now is it worth getting them today just to do the flight or wait for a better safer day oh and on top of all that it's Monday now four my passengers have international flights out of Papa guini on Wednesday so that just adds to the the complications and stress of making these decisions as a pilot here in Papa New Guinea do you press it or do you wait until a little bit better or do you just assume that it's going to be good enough day two and yes it looks the same but out there they are saying at least at 6:30 they said it is good it rained an inch and a half between yesterday and overnight so on that realm it's absolutely no different it's going to be very slick I'm going to be reducing my weight getting out of there and yeah planning on a very very slippery Landing so we're just reloading all of our cargo now and then hopefully in the next 5 minutes I'll get an AOK to go and I'm out of here just got a text saying that it's all right they sent me a couple pictures out there and it looks doable getting out of here is obviously not so awesome but let's go ahead and get [Music] started all right it is coming up nice and slow today over 35% NG and it tops out at 629 all right generator's on now that he's removed that alternator get a prop forward I leave this up here so I don't forget it when I get on the ground but Brad is going to be sending me messages for what the weather's like before I head back out of there back to here because as you can see it's not looking awesome here either we're 5520 on the we so 55 and 64 64 to land and 55 we had to come back in which we will not be able to come back in today cuz there's too many clouds CLS are set indicated and verified at 20 BR Tower good morning November Tango Zulu request taxii 1 L2 1 Z2 0 C back track line up 1 7 left nov Tango Zulu well they sent me two pictures of what it looks like I'll throw those up on the screen so you guys can see what I'm expecting when I get out there a lot of the lower clouds are down low and just kind of like high overcast as well um but there's a lot of low clouds that are down at the bottom of the valley that are supposed to be moving up into the valley later this morning so that's why it's important for me to get out there as soon as I can if the clouds come in once I'm out there that's completely fine with me because the valley just just drops off thousands of feet and it's super wide and I can make an IFR departure out of there no problem and very safe getting in there I can't do an IFR approach because we have nothing going to do the IFR departure out of here um it's just our own company IFR departure because there isn't anything specific yet for here I think there's one coming in another month or so I think on October 16th we'll actually have approaches coming into Gro for the first time ever which is pretty exciting and it gets down fairly low I'll get to go fly those with you guys hopefully someday soon all right we're going to be 50 knots by our taxi way otherwi will just stay on the runway full reverse heavy braking going off cut off pull off and shut off after takeoff we pitch for 85 knots consider EPL then we'll consider Feathering it and we will go off a littleit to the right lowering terrain there's less houses over there I know it is IMC stuff out there today but that's what I plan on doing and depending on my height we'll go 0 degrees get Best Glide and then 8580 full flaps Masters off crack my door ignition Inlet and lights are done harnesses are done 20° as always so 1390 on the torque November Tango ready for depart and traffic in the zone Runway 1 7 left make a left t for take off 1 7 left left turn clear take off November Tango Z ignition condition flaps 20 Fuel and harnesses checklist is complete rotate 64 1390 all right torque is set air speed's alive there's 50 continuing and there's rotate we'll go 10° of flaps I'm basically just flying out 3 miles in a straight line I heading a 170 starting to get brighter already so almost coming to the top of it kind of breaking out a little bit here and there and we bring our it down to 740 746 let's zoom in on this a little bit give myself just a little better situational awareness get back on my track there we go so a little bit thicker than I was kind of thinking so it might take a little while for it to clear off unfortunately all right less than a mile to go before I make my left hand turn out to 17 6 seconds 5 Seconds 4 seconds and we'll start our turn going out that way oh shall my turn just a little bit getting there a little bit sooner than I wanted to I'll go ahead and pull our prop on back to 2,000 RPM might be a little while before it clears out here at gooka unfortunately that's not good all right let's do autopilot on nav nav let's go ahead and turn our q& down to 1010 and then anticipation that that's what it's going to be trim for 100 knots confirming our autopilot is on or a nav GPSs which is GPS steer Center up our heading bug we're pitching for 100 knots so we get up to our altitude as quickly as possible I've got filed for 9,000 7500 and it's still thick so I might be going up to 11 we will see all right 43 so 06 nari Ro Tower November Tango Zula departed 43 tracking or will be tracking 156 on climb amended 1 1,000 estimating nambi 06 making the decision Corner 11,000 and two the weather looking into the South and Southeast of the field uh it's thick um looks like to the sou correction the East Northeast um it goes all the way up to probably 10,000 and to the South the level is probably the tops of the clouds were probably around 75 to 8,000 662 1207 6622 no all right well it's clear out that way we're just going to continue on let's zoom out on here I need to go back way it's clear right here I'm not really at my minimum safe yet to go out that way so I can't just go that way cuz well as you can see I can't see anything out there right now it's just pure clouds with it having this many layers too oh I hope I don't get stuck at n Romi at least I have a place to sleep if so but um yeah not looking awesome looks like it might be a while before it clears out too all right Landing light bypass and igniters turned off we'll bump our it to 720 and our prop right to 2,000 RPM for our best climb going all the way up to 11,000 all right finally starting to clear up so let's go heading mode anticipation that we can get going out that way here in just a second so basically if I'm going to be remaining IMC in the clouds basically then I'm going to have to be on some routes getting out here I'm fine for right now cuz well I'm above all of this part right here but looks like there's a good chance I'm going to have to go back into it so I need to head over to trabo so a ytr and we're going to go direct to Tavo because we're at the end of the valley there is no mountains the only mountain is by trabo and I'm already at 11,000 so get leveled off here and go direct to travo now let's go ahead and bring our torque on back to 1250 for our cruise wait okay clouds are sitting in the approach area of the end of the strip probably changing often lovely well I have my instrument reserves today which is basically I get back to groga with an hour and a half of fuel so if I cannot land out here and I don't have any other place like s moou or something like that that I can go touch down and just sit it out and basically at that point I'm coming back this direction if they say it's no good then I'm going to mang immediately cuz I don't have any other options at that point all right we're 13 miles to the South now so here we are we're heading down to Tabo so let me just bring our flight plan over here to represent more of what we're doing here just to give you an idea of my plan of action to be able to get in there because well yeah I'm looking awesome right so I need to put in 40 South trabo next this is definitely not like America IFR stuff is it and that's just my midpoint so if I start breaking out at that point then I'm all right so I need to get up to 112 for my next little tiny tiny little segment so I'm just going to go on up now before I get to Tavo CL finding that we're at 1250 on the torque 2,000 the RPM morby 6622 November Tango Zulu no Tango Zulu good morning go ahead good morning no joy 1207 November Tango Zulu 1 18 miles to the South on climb 1 1,200 estimating narabi time 12 conf 2000 negative I'll just be at 11,200 for the next 5 minutes and then back down to 11 11,000 November Tango Z rep traffic 2212 time Nar Robi time 2212 November Tulu one12 one z12 thank you all right one z12 so we can click our autopilot down just because we're just now about 40 ft High 1012 on our secondary standby as well yeah I have a feeling a really bad feeling that I'm to be out here for a while as uh it's is a lot thicker than I was kind of anticipating or hoping but I knew I had to get out here because I need to get out here to be able to get the people out here that's really what's most important is being able to get these guys out of here cuz like I said they have an international flight tomorrow and we were supposed to get them yesterday so yeah it just adds to the complications of being a bush pilot hey we're coming up to trabo now we're at 1 1,200 till 42 Sega then we'll drop back down to 11 at that point um worst case scenario is I'm going to have to drop down out into this area here which is just lowlands they go all the way down to basically sea level uh 100 ft is the deck out there so basically I can just head out that way start my descent even if it is IMC because there is no mountains out there until I break out or until basically I get to my fuel Reserve or what I need to head back so I know that I'm not going toble to go back to Koka right this minute so what I can do is put in right here I can put in mang preemptively so that I have an idea of what it's going to be to be able to get out to mang so right now it's saying I'm going to be landing in mang if I fly this route basically get to nari and immediately go to mang it is going to be 400 lb so if I burn 100 lb that's about 15 minutes or correction 20 minutes basically I have about 10 minutes of kind of mucking around out there before I have to just go okay well I'm going to mang because that's really my only other option at this point is to head straight to mang because I don't want to go I don't want to go land at let's say simou in hopes that it's going to clear because if it's already coming in with how many clouds as you guys can see are out here I'm sure this is kind of a boring video from the outside perspective um I don't I don't have the time to to mess around I just need to make a decision quickly but that's why I'm doing it now so that In the Heat of things when my brain is already kind of like working on high workload so I might not be talking as much depending on what I do up there uh I have it in there ready to go to head straight to mang and morby 6622 November Tango Zulu all right so there Tang Zulu November Tango Zulu be tracking up to 15 miles right of track do weather mil track okay so I'm seeing some Hol down here if I can get down there I'm not going to worry about it now because I want to just remain at my minimum safe but you can see this lighter area right here that's a big Valley so I'm kind of hoping and expecting that some clouds are going to start breaking up up there where I can make a quick descent just like this little line shows basically right around that little mountain and then up the valley so this is a huge kind of horseshoe shaped Valley can't really tell but it's at the top of the valley so all the clouds that are coming off this lowland up here they start moving in saying I'm hoping that this Valley right here is going to be open and that when I get there I can start making descent out this way and then come back up the valley like that that's my hope I don't know if that's going to work but that is what I'm kind of hoping for just kind of knowing how the terrain works and what it usually does that would make sense in my head right once we're here at 42 Sega I can go back down to 11,000 which means 20 more seconds so we're going to go ahead and just turn our altitude bug here back down to 11,000 our vertical speed we can just go down at like whatever 200 ft per minute that's fine get our vertical speed and altitude select at the same time it turns the altitude select up here White and then the vertical speed green so that means that's active and the altitude selected it's selected so once it gets to that altitude it will turn green and at this point I am starting to look for options not really much not really much once we get to 40 South chabo is where I'm going to start my descent heading out that direction we're just about up to this Valley that I was kind of anticipating and hoping that it would be clearing uh no let's just talk about kind of for myself as well as I do get there I approach speed today according to my weight I'm going to be 5100 lb so 61 knots is really Landing out there Landing weight out there which is really good for me because I want to go absolutely as slow as possible that I can cuz I'm anticipating it to be very wet now I mean it is like 700 M long but even on a dry day it will still take a good portion of the runway to really come to a controllable speed oh I'm going to treat it like it's like driving on Ice just pumping the brakes I'm going to go in heavy reverse initially pumping brakes hard brakes at first and then pumping if I'm starting to slide in hydroplane when you go in reverse it kind of makes the one the plane to want to like yaw to the left so I'm just going to anticipate the second it I start feeling it in my butt I'm just going to come back out of reverse and then go back in heavy baa keep going over and over like that so that it's pulling it but it's not long enough to like pull me off center so basically it's just going to slow it down kind of like I'm pumping the brakes but I'm doing it with beta and a little bit of reverse because heavy reverse takes a second for it to like basically spool back up kind of like a turbo oh yeah this is super thick it looks like I can barely see the ground below me barely so that means I'm thinking probably 1,500 ft will probably do so once we get to sou trabo um Okay so let's just figure out here I still have my yep still 400 lb getting to mang so basically once I get to South Chava what I'm going to do here is I'm going to put a timer here oh that sounds horrible that down for 15 minutes then we're going to turn it to go down once we get to salabo okay I have you know what I'm seeing visual here not amazing but enough to where I am going down looks like that's the ridge going into the sari Valley that actually looks even better option right here so I'm going this way 11 miles out so all right let's get our autopilot on here I want to go down to 5800 for pattern altitude and let's see what's my arrival Landing Runway 01 let's just go direct nambi at this point actually let's just do activate leg there so I have all my fuel calculations it on the big map throw terrain on that way I have a lot better visual representation of what I'm looking at here all stations RI 1207 kak Vango Zulu 8 miles to the Northwest 8,400 on descent circuit time 06 all right this is actually looking really good I'm looking to see where nari is though around this hill I believe this little Hill right here with those clouds that little Hill right there should just be right on the other side of that so yeah getting out of here looks really nice as well um oh wow look at that waterfall that thing is huge my 3D or my 360 camera is probably going to make it look puny but that thing is massive okay well let's go ahead and start slowing on down okay now I want direct nambi so that my OBS is on caution terrain thank caution terrain right I'm just going to go ahead and start my uh timer now just in case I can't land and can't see it could be right up this Valley here oh that's not looking good that's not looking good at all oh wait no there it is oh that's sari Oh shoot that's sari sari looks good that's one option option I could do I can land at uh sari and um cuz it's so clear out here oh man all right let's get some slowing down I don't even see no RI at this point up in those clouds and man once it gets cloudy like that 20° of flaps I'm going to go out this way here and make a left or right hand turn out of the valley that way I can see off my left and then this going to feel a little more comfortable coming up this way and coming around 5200 I'm basically at circuit I mean I'm sorry the runway altitude right now this is not looking awesome 4,800 so yeah 4800 is uh I'm basically 500 ft above the runway at this point I don't even see the runway like at all at all that's why I have these OBS so I can kind of get a visual picture all right well cust um ay QB sari Runway 07 3400 34 so 40 400 oh man I don't see anything up there it's 100% locked in now nothing all right I'm going to go land at some Bari it's beautiful weather down here I'll wait for a text saying it's clear but I don't want to waste any more fuel cuz basically I can land here and get up there is that's all I have though see what is my fuel right now I'm at 610 all station sari codiac November Tango Zulu in the circuit Inari all right it's going to be super slick here as well but it is like a 10% slope so I'm going to add 1 2 3 knots to my Approach speed cuz it's 61 so 64 I've got 15 minutes of time I've got 11 minutes now basically I can get up here and then get down to mang that's the best I can do for now 4,300 3400 turning final that waterfall over there 64 I want 84 right here on downwind those selectors are toses terrain terrain pull up pull up 6622 November Tango Zulu November Tango Zulu Tango Zulu diverting and landing in the circuit simari reporting in on the ground uh we'll call again on the ground November Tango Zulu no T Zulu right here's the waterfall there's 84 we're slowing to 74 now top and harness is good gear and flaps to go we want 70 correction 64 final going to 74 now winds are looking nice all right full flaps checklist is complete 70 correction 64 knots 500 let the river right hand turn out right zero knots of wind looking good 64 knots right one not a headwind 64 knots committed oh wow that's slippery that's like ice looks very soft right here too all right I'm going to turn up hill today push my yolk for for oh shoot come on you know you want to do it yeah that's so slippery all right I'm off the Runway so I'm leaving it here turnning my fuel off up here and shutting down 6622 November Tango Zulu on the ground sari cancel s T November Tango Zulu and I'll just advise um if I'm able to get up to nambi I'll let you know that's the plan hopefully the tank okay well that did not go as planned so we're going to wait it out here I'm going to shut down and then uh maybe I'll walk around with you guys a little bit here [Music] well that didn't go quite as planned so what I'm doing now is I'm waiting for the guys up in Nomi to text gooka to text me to let me know when it opens cuz I can't see up there it's only like four or 5 miles up the hill but I can't see it looking out that way it looks beautiful so I can just hang out here this is my only flight for the day so I'm just going to wait here until I get confirmation from them and really by I mean if it's not cleared up by like 11: or noon it's not going to clear up today cuz the way these clouds work they just pack up in there and once they're there they're there to stay so also waiting on the weather down in mang so I can know if I can leave here I can go down to mang and land down there with my VFR Reserve not my IFR cuz I'm now using it to get down there and I'll land down there with an hour of fuel so anyway I'll show you some Drone footage of this place I got a couple of years ago [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] so this whole area up here all this brown stuff is just basically overrun it didn't used to be here that I remember um I don't know maybe like I guess it's been like seven or eight years ago now since they've done it but they've cleared all this off up here in case you land long or something have a bad landing and slide up here this place is like ice I mean it is so slippery on this Red Dirt dirt it it really feels like ice even just pulling in the parking Bay the reason I turned uphill is because I've done it going downhill and I you just basically turn sideways and then you just start sliding down the hill sideways so yeah didn't want to do that today getting out of here should be absolutely no problem it's super clear out that way clouds really are not doing anything at all so which also means they're probably not doing anything up the hill at Nomi you guys can see how wet it is I don't know if it's showing up on camera or not but look at this everywhere it's like that I guess that's what you get after like an inch and a half of rain in the past 24 hours I just got a text saying that it is now open don't know if it's going to be open for very long so I'm out of here if you want to see what's going on for this next flight click this link up here and uh see if I make it into naromi or not today
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 415,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papua new guiena, flight vlog, missionary bush pilot, bush pilot, kodiak, mission aviation, MAF, ethnos 360, aviation, flying, vlog, crazy, insane, landing, takeoff, cockpit, pilot, bush, cessna 172, cessna, kodiak 900, kodiak 100, cockpit view, bad weather
Id: VDwOcvPrOqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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