THIS is Why Bush Pilots have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

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good morning you guys what a beautiful day you guys can see behind me I mean it's absolutely incredible it's been so crummy the past like month or so but for the past few days it's been cold in the morning kind of reminds me of fall back home Andrew and I um I don't know if you guys met him maybe even one another video like like a year and a half ago or so he's one of our other Pilots we're heading out to dunga today I have a flight out there just pick up two guys and some coffee so I thought it'd be nice to bring him along on today's flight all right I feel yesterday not knowing that Andrew was going to go with me and I I think I feel for IFR Reserve getting back here but as you can see we really don't need that today so I'm taking off 64 lers so that I can get the most amount of coffee for these guys out of there cuz I'm picking up two guys as well as topping up with some coffee and this is really their only source of income so we're going to spend the extra 10 minutes defueling a little bit just so we can get as much coffee out of there basically come back here with my my VFR Reserve plus an additional 10 minutes on top of my VFR Reserve so while they're doing that I'm going to do my walk around of the [Music] airplane well because the airplane is a little bit on a slope right here they're not able to suck fuel out of this Wing so we're just going to have to go ahead and push it back down to the hanger then it's on level then we can get what we need out then bring it back up here so I'm going to finish up walking around so I can kind of complete one thing before going on to the next otherwise my brain is not going to be able to keep up with that and going a lose place and forget things [Music] so is it working better in here or no got it okay we do the other side all right cool Andrew's just pushing the plane into the hanger so that we're on flat level ground that way we can get a better accurate reading for dipping it I want 740 lb getting out of here 790 I've got 50 more to go okay more PB 50 more lbs right so about probably 25ish more I'll do the math but it's probably about 25 more all right well that still didn't quite get enough what we needed to obviously our pump is kind of dying I think so we're going to do a few more pumps so we can get it down to what actually we're looking [Music] for many many cranks later we're still 10 lb heavy but that's all right we're done cranking we've done it like three times got 750 instead of 740 but that's good enough with me we're still way ahead of schedule cuz I'm I wanted to get out of here at 8:15 cuz basically if you get out there too early you land into the Sun and you have this black hole effect where you can't see the runway makes Landing really hard when you can't see the runway so we want to get out here at 8:15 20 more minutes from now and then we'll get out of here all right our fuel is on we are finally ready to go but we're still on schedule though we've got 750 lbs of fuel and let me just listen to these while it's nice quiet in here low start in is coming up oil pressure waiting for it to come up to close to the bottom of the green especially on the first start of the day and's coming up over 30 so I'm watching that first up until over 35 and then my eyes go up to it and I'll probably be like 610 to 640 oh 6:36 it's always the same in the morning all right just confirming we've got 750 lbs of fuel and um we've got both of us on here all right we already did our controls I did my system checks earlier we'll leave our train awareness system turned on for now or switches and instruments we're going out 9,000 FTS if we turn other ones on see when I fly with other people I forget everything like say your voltage is in the yellow that's strange and I didn't realize I'm talking to you and I'll probably forget a bunch of stuff I'm talking just to my viewers and myself then I'm like oh I can remember everything like that but like Brad felt the same I flew with him like a week ago he's like I never forget this stuff you're making me nervous there's truth to that I don't know why definitely is crew 463 together and our empty we is 4330 5540 5547 wor than 10 so let's go 55 and 64 55 for rotate 64 for landing okay all of our T's and P's are now in the green fls are set trims are set Ro Tower good morning November Tango Z request taxi P two p no Runway 1 7 left the back Dragon lineup SL and ver one22 time check approaching 18 one22 c back track line up 1 7 left no go Z right clear on left clear on the right let's check that right over speed Governor check to 270 with n50 and it goes over I'm just going to kind of ride the brakes just for a second so oil come up a little bit quicker it's so cold out this morning well no it's not actually now it's the exact same temperature but it was cold this morning it was really cold this morning it seems like it is exactly it's either 19 or 20° every single morning every day of the year I'm always tempted not even look up here anymore but I'm like no cuz then I'll forget something or mess I've said it so many times 1390 for 1440 that's what I always say like you only have to remember like a couple of them flying around here okay we'll be 50 knots by our taxiway or we'll just stop on the runway after takeoff we will consider our EPL if that doesn't work we'll go ahead and feather depending on where we are so considering feather um if our EPL doesn't work then we'll go ahead and shut down cut off pull off and shut off and then depending on how high we are maybe 0 Dees of flaps or 85 then 80 you can make our emergency call C Masters and crack my door close to the ground everybody ask why you crack your door close to the ground so if the fuse Lodge bends up we can still potentially in theory open the door ignition Inlet and lights are done November Tango Zulu ready for departure November tangul Runway 1 s left make a left and Cliff take off 1 s left left turn Cliff take off November Tango ignition condition flaps 20 Fuel and harnesses you can get yours necklace is complete 1390 rotate [Music] 56 all right here's speeds alive we're about 720 on the it there's 50 continuing there's rotate all right there's over 85 we'll go 10° of flaps and it is absolutely perfect weather out today yesterday prob on back to 2000 get our back pressure Trim in and our it on down to 720 let us sit there for a second tower November Tango Zulu departed 22 tracking 087 on climb ,000 then get 54 no Z1 climb ,000 5 miles contact m 1 23 decimal liner HF 861 no contact 5565 1 2 3 998 8 6155 6515 no from Tulu that's a lot of fives that is it's been so long since I've flown this way I forgot what the frequency was yeah yeah I'm such a visual guy that I have to have things written down myself for me to even like so like when I go to places like either morby or cans where you have a lot different things than what you're normal hearing it's really difficult for me to be able to like hear it process it and then spew it back out I'm just like especially when you go to can's when you get some approach that you've never heard before or some request and you're just like oh crap play Stand by wait a minute you want me to do what yes I don't know if you ever noticed this one too it's kind of helpful is the vssr verticle speed required so if at any point you just want to know like what's my feet per minute to get to my destination you look at that number be like if I descend at 15 15 ft per minute from this altitude it get me to my altitude on the ground really that was a new one so there's probably so many features on here that I don't even I don't even use well I didn't know about that and we were going to mang and the I was flying with the the guy that made this program oh I took him to M he was asking me like how do you use it what do you use it for and then we're on our descent to mang and he's like and I was trying to figure out like okay I'm going to set my um altitude and look for the blue arc to show like where I'm going to use like so you know you can L look at this and I was like no and he's like yeah that number right there if you do that it'll take you to the ground from this altitude cuz it's already tracking he's like so if you're ever just curious and you forgot to set that up just look okay give me 500 ft per minute it'll get me to my destination interesting okay well that's good to know I'm sure there's so many things about that that I have no clue cuz I'm like I just don't it has like it's like great stuff but I'm like it's just extra information that I don't really care about it's like the G1000 like there's so many layers and so many things it could do it is but you only use a handful of I've had so many viewers like say like oh my gosh that's I'd rather go with the steam gauges no no this this has all the information that you've had spread out here and on some other iPad in one screen and then some so your eyes look here and they bounce around at 4 in apart instead of like 4 ft apart I'm just going to let them know that we're going to remain OA outside of the controlled air space of nadab because it's just an inconvenience to have to call up them but I'm probably not going to get them on this free I be well maybe 123 ner It's usually the 1207 that you don't get them on the way out that way so all right just quickly scanning make sure everything's set up correctly Andrew before we climbed in here we were talking just about kind of you just got here and started flying what a year and a half ago is when you got got here to New Guinea I mean you you grew up here March of 22 and then I started flying a of last year and you started flying when August 22 so just over a year and a couple months now all right let me call morby morby 123 Niner November 10 go Zulu [Applause] transfer reading strength two November Tango zulu5 miles to the east groa 900,000 estimating D nunget Time 5 and will remain OA [Applause] naab transmission broken remaining OC [Music] and a affirmative OCA nads at 1012 estimate Den 5 and reading use strength 1 to two [Music] broken secondary 8861 8861 secondary nov Tang Zulu okay so you grew up in PNG from from uh what point uh so my parents were already missionaries when um I was born they went back uh I was born in back in the States and they brought me over 2 months and then I graduated high school 12th grade 18 years old I went back to States youve spent more time at PNG than America at this point yeah it started getting close uh because of when you count in Furlow and stuff it started close right before I came but now that I've been here 2 years it's pretty much even again okay a little bit more here and how has flying been as far as like I mean you grew up here and you've been on other flights as a kid and what you had in your mind of what it would be like to be a pilot here in New guine how has that turned out to be uh it's a little different I mean the flying when you're a kid riding around you have no idea what's going on but uh when you you have no internal stresses at all like I'm here for the look at the trees man look there's a bird and now like when you start flying so you're not looking around you're trying to stay alive and stay out of the weather yeah um no I'm loving it though it's a blast for sure that's good that's good to hear I think our schedule is way busier and like time on the ground with like the people we serve is a lot less than I expected I 100% agree with that yep I think when I came I had the idea that we're going to be able to like really invest into our ministry or and with the missionaries and things like that and spend time with them but it's it's always like yeah here's your crap see you later bu like I mean it's like once every two months maybe that I have time maybe three to be like three at least maybe more to sit down and have a cup of coffee with them if I want to spend a half hour chit chatting I can do that but to like actually have time to really enjoy our conversation it's very rare and I think especially when I was starting flying because I didn't know like I mean I'm still learning a lot of the weather patterns and like when when is it going to go to crap really quick and not getting caught so it's like it's nerve-wracking to stay like it's stressful to be like all I know what the weather was when I landed yes if I hang up for an hour now I'm going back in out to there the blind you know just like no idea what's actually building up out there sometimes okay so I came out here to yah and did my checkout this week I have never seen it it wasn't like a bad weather building it was just weather building because the winds had shifted from going out to the ocean from in from the ocean so I left the N get a 7-minute flight to yawin and I was like oh there's a couple clouds cuz this was the second flight over there a couple clouds on the mountain and I was like okay yeah it's starting to build I landed the yaan it was a quick turnar around like less than 10 minutes out cuz it was only just those guys got off I it took off 10 minutes later and it went from a couple clouds at 6,000 on the rid shop to a full wall up to 9,500 and I was like oh man so like I jumped over that immediately dropped back down to 5,000 landed to an nit and I was kind of expecting them to be ready to go cuz I was like I'll be back in 45 minutes no one's around I'm like I run up to their house I was like we need to go now or we're going to be here till tomorrow yeah it can change so fast I always tell people like I'll fly down to mang so 30 minutes down to an egg pick the people up I'm already fueled I just got to unload passengers put another load on I'll fly back and and I'll be telling them all the time yeah you see all those clouds there's mountains in those clouds I flew through them you could see all of them and in that short like 40 minute between the mountains turning and coming back it's completely engulfed in cumulous clouds yep so basically from like May till about now I really enjoy I love the dry season like I love the cold nights and cold mornings but and I also like the more stable environment even though it might be just absolutely crummy weather widespread it's predictable it's smooth it's completely widespread so you get a lot of IMC time I enjoy that what I don't enjoy is from like December to April where it's like beautiful mornings and then up to like 50 60,000 ft buildups in like 20 minutes and just like oh yeah I went through coming out of wewak I was like oh yeah we'll just pop through these clouds I was just by myself so I don't really care and I'm like climbing at like 950 to 1,000 ft per minute and then all of a sudden I went in the cloud and I was like boom I just got hit and I look down and I'm 3,400 ft per minute in 5 seconds like that's how it just and then it also throws you back down it's it's so rough so there's an upper there's a downer yeah it's absolutely crazy sometimes how fast it changes it's it's it's a cool place to fly I'm me enjoying it it is yeah I like the challenge of it I think like what are your thoughts on if you had to become an airline pilot especially after flying in an environment where you're single pilot you're making all the decisions yourself to someone else is making a lot of those decisions or I think initially I would love it because I would love to learn the new systems like a 737 to me would be amazing to be able to look at that cockpit and know what's going on I agree I think once I got proficient at it it'd be like all right I need to move on need something else that's exactly how I feel think that's where I'd be like here it's like okay like this airplane is a very simple airplane so that's like not that great as far as systems and stuff but then what you have is the complicated weather and I think for me it's not even so much the weather it's the air strips that's like what I think would be so different in the states like here it's like the easy part is getting from A to B and for me what stresses out is knowing like when is the air strip too wet like when am I going to get stuck when am when is it okay to land and I'm like you're buzzing at like 80 M an hour 90 M an hour trying to like look down at the grass and be like is it too long is it short enough and it's hard to tell I think that's that's the stuff that I think keeps it more interesting for me it was the opposite learning it was more getting a to B that was the stressful part for me and The Landing part I I was like a this is I love this stuff but I have landed before and then the second you land you're like that was the wrong decision and I haven't gotten there yet and I'm always waiting for it like i' so far every time I've landed it's been all right there one time I landed it's hard when the grass is all uniformly tall it looks cut yep and then I landed and I was like oh that's way longer I thought it was like they just cut it and I was like they haven't cut it it's just all the same length across the top yeah I was like I've landed once where they were they were in the middle of cutting it we were going there for a survey so it was like okay if the survey doesn't happen it was way upic in sewi and it's like if this doesn't happen today like it's not happening like in the future kind of thing and I was like well they've already been spending like 3 days cutting it so I'm like kind of I flew over it twice I'm valuating and I'm like okay I'm empty I've got this much fuel I've got one guy Raa guy on that he's going to do the survey I'm like trying to determine like I know I can land no issues but it's more of like can I take off cuz I can't really tell and it's draggy seic grass and like the second I landed and it just like felt massively draggy a lot of it was because they still had a bunch of clippings on it I was like oh that was wrong I was like oh man you're like sorry guys everybody out I'm going to take off by myself they had like 100 people cutting with knives too so we got out and I was like all right everybody only work on the 10 middle the 10 ft in the middle don't worry about anything else right now just just just this part cuz I have to get out of here and I was like I was like all the ladies can you guys clear all the grass Off The Runway for this section or or else this is not going to end well we've got we we're remaining outside of NAD zab's control airspace so you can see up here it's 13,000 ft this one starts at 8,000 ft so we're just going to go on the edge of that one and this one starts at 10,000 so in mornings like this where the weather is absolutely perfect this works out great and then you can see it's all yellow up here let me zoom up a little bit further it's all yellow along this which means it will'll be within 1,000 ft of hitting over those and then there's a little area right there that is brown so that's the area I'm going to be going through and then just heading on down to dunet so let's look at their chart while we're just make sure it's dunit we'll be landing a Runway 11 one we'll be kind of coming in from this direction and everybody flies the C it's just a tiny bit different clearly the way I do it is correct but but Brad I know he flies has a little bit different so I come in over the field and just fly straight across I think Brad flies over this Ridge here and then joins in mid downwind okay but I just feel like that's a lot for me to do quickly joining slowing speed because this is a higher Ridge here so I opt just to fly overhead and cross the ridge down here at 6,300 FT to 6,500 ft it's right around in that and then I've got B are kill here I've got basically about 600 ft to drop by the time I actually get onto my downwind so it's a little bit smoother for passengers it's just a nice gradual kind of going down it really lets me kind of get in the mindset of what I need to do and also really visualize the whole circuit turning okay I'm visualizing like what I'm going to do for my go around if if the winds or this or that so that's how I do it so you'll find whatever when you get out going out here what works really well for you but so probably 6,500 here slowing on down and getting to 5900 here I'm going to be turning like 5 600ish 57 I'll probably be kind of low and then just kind of level up 5400 usually what happens but 54 turning final and 5300 is my go around but we're so light today I could probably even take that down to 5200 ft but if I'm heavy it's going to be early up because you can see there's this Ridge coming down it's kind of like you can actually see the Horseshoe so you really want to get down and before that so wind socks on the left hand side you land 1% going downhill and then back up the hill up to I think 11% and then those for the viewers that's what it looks like we'll be coming in this way so yeah I love the valley out here it's absolutely just gorgeous take off penalty is 370 so that's going to reduce on how much coffee we can get out of here because we'll have two passengers but um yeah not too bad all right all stations dung 123 Niner Kodiak November Tulu one0 miles to the West 900,000 shortly on descent circuit 5 z d nuget see if it's still 5-0 yeah it is 5-0 so I said 54 this is 52 yeah they do have 10 knots on the tail right now ah okay that's probably pushing Us in there pretty good then all right we wanted 60 around 6,500 ft to get over top of the mountain Runway let's do heading mode Runway 1 1 0 advisory within 10 miles I don't like all that red and yellow it's distracting to my eyes to see what I want to see unless there's a bunch of clouds out I don't ever fly with it on all right there you go now you can see it 500 all right thankfully the winds dropped down to two knots right across the ridge but it's going to get bumpy I'm guessing on the other side of these right a little bit of left Rudder end now that we're zooming down all right review rep is set in at 63 lights and Inlet are done we'll fly fully overhead so everybody can hear that we're here make sure they get any kids or chickens or dogs off the Runway if we have to go around it's probably going to be 5200 ft today or wherever the it looks like we're need to get out of there depending on the winds to be able to do a 180 with these ridges as close as they are I set up my heading bug to be perpendicular for my base all right so now we're going to go 5900 but I'm just going to put this at 5400 for my turning [Applause] final all right wind sock is just hanging limp I don't see anybody on the runway at all I was just in here earlier this last or this week so grass is good or be 123 Niner November Tango Zulu in the circuit did not get after landing yeah about 6,500 is probably the lowest you can get through here 10° and slow on down to 5900 ft 500 morb at 861 November Tango Zulu in the circuit dung report after landing November Tango Zulu all right we actually got him all right prop and harness is done Landing clearance and flaps to go yeah coming out the full circuit like this for this place it really just kind of kind of lets my brain kind of like slow back down and be able to think a little bit clearer than just like coming from a descent down into okay we're in ring now and you're kind of going fast especially if you're high up this still a mile wide for a downwind or is it it's a little bit I mean a mile I think this one's actually a little bit wider I think I kind of go for that little second Peak right there I'm kind of like trying to fly just almost over but just off to the right of just a little bit and this is about kind of by the time I get a beam the numbers is really where I'm kind of coming up to my 5900 ft for pattern altitude okay and then once I'm seeing that I am a beam there that's when I go my 20° of flaps I mean we can't for the viewers you can't even see where it's on the other side of those ridges over there so there's our pattern altitude yeah we're 1.9 miles so it's a little bit wider of a circuit for sure 63 73 83 so I'm going to slow on down got 20° of flaps all right winds left cross one right now four knots what 5600 turning base really this River and there's like this kind of Hill over there it's kind of shaped like a triangle going up like a pyramid it's kind of like just on the left side of that is really where I'm turning so there's 83 knots that's what I'm looking for 5600 is turning base all right right about here so yeah right about the river is where I like to turn a little of power out slowing down to 73 knots 5,400 turning final hate when the airplane's this light it's hard to slow down to 63 knots it's hard to keep the pitch on Final right on that air speed yep all right coming up to 5400 still don't see the runway there's 73 there's 54 so I'm just going to hold my altitude and speed for a second all right now I'm seeing the Run Way full flaps checklist is complete to 63 knots all right winds are good all right two not headwind 3 not crosswind check it when I get closer 500 on The Descent 550 little bit fast aiming for the right at the end of the runway we're just going to Coast over we're not going to flare just going to hold it still a little bit fast 600 then descent 500 all right we are committed three knots crosswind why not Tailwind not it's fast this one's always weird cuz you're going downhill oh and your natural instinct is to flare and it's like so hard the first few times I came in here like don't flare don't flare don't flare a crap I flared all right well we're going to get some coffee while we're here on the ground hopefully so stay tuned so you can see how we do that well Andrew and I are just going to walk on down it's a nice day this is our only flight today the wind I feel a little bit on my face which is good so I'm not in a hurry whereas if it was a Tailwind we'd be leaving right now before it gets any stronger but because it's nice we thought we'd just walk around and take a look at the community show you guys a little bit um have some Drone footage for you guys as well and then go down here and just show you so we've got like an 11% slope starting here at the top the picture doesn't show any slope at all but it's pretty steep here and then down about that area is where it kind of flattens out and actually goes back up a hill 1% and you don't really see it too much unless you're Landing but you definitely do see it and feel it when you just keep floating forever it feels like so let's go down there this is at the end of the airst strip and it looks like my saturation on my video is really high anyway Andrew and I just walked down here just to take a look at it together and just explaining how I do the approach cuz every pilot just does everything just a tiny bit different so I like to aim for the very end of the runway which is right here really even before the cones so that I'm coming over the top of this just like 3 or 4 feet the only like I was saying to him is the only way I do that is if it's nice and calm winds if it's really kind of whipping you around you have to do it all over the place like I had to like a couple days ago I don't do that I try to come in probably like six feet over the top of the runway so that I don't rip my gear off but then basically right as I cross the nose crosses the Threshold at the end of the runway I go idle and flaps up so that I just start sinking I push my nose over so I'm not just bed bleeding off air speed too fast and so I can kind of basically match the slope just like we match the slope going up a hill I'm matching the slope going down a hill and then just letting the plane lose all of its lift with no flaps cuz what does it take 7 Seconds to like put the flaps up or put the flaps all the way up so within 7 seconds I'm on the ground no matter what which is nice because then it gives you a lot of room to be breaking going up the hill and you can kind of see a little bit of the downhill Hill here and then uphill here in the video but not much so anyway out here they do mainly gardening they do coffee for money out here but for food the majority of them live off their Gardens and just like all the other Highlands places they have like sweet potatoes lots of different greens lots of different vegetables things like that everything grows out here at amazing cuz it's like 5,000 ft exact same temperature just about every day of the year so looks like we have maybe one knot of headwind for takeoff which be nice we're not full up but we'll probably still use like 65% of the runway maybe probably actually 70% of the runway probably today so we'll get going I'll do the time lapse back to groa thanks for watching and see you guys next [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 54,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papua new guiena, flight vlog, missionary bush pilot, bush pilot, kodiak, mission aviation, MAF, ethnos 360, aviation, flying, vlog, crazy, insane, landing, takeoff, cockpit, pilot, bush, cessna 172, cessna, kodiak 900, kodiak 100, cockpit view, bad weather, flying a jet, STOL, IFR, becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Travel, ATC, ATC audio, Flight vlog
Id: S1xEE61OD4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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