Cessna Caravan - landing with 47 knots wind!

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270 270 the heading to accommodate assessment 208 fly heading 015 B vectors for spacing speed uh 110 Speed 110 indicated no T no T Al you can expect vectors for 5 six Milow short left 20 F2 25 passing level 177 1 with information kilo 20 descent alude 7,000 ft 984 descent 7,000 984 25 4 2 28 is part of the sequence so speed now 230 L speed 23 41 T 5000 ft traffic below 5000 ft cop traffic T Al and no Tang 3,000 ft turn right 250 right 250 3,000 T normal speed normal speed T Al I 41 for spacing fly heading north heading north 4 51 674 T Alpha forther right heading 320 right 320 Tang Alpha Tang Alpa what is your best spe on fin I can do 160 to 1 mile T maintain speed 1 120 for Time 1 120 now decelerating Al 6 74 T Al 2,5 ft 2500 Jango Alpha T ala left 300 set the localizer track the localizer in pump the low shortly spect lower shortly heading 3 to intercept the localizer T localizer alive large slope captured 7 right heading 27 right heading 27 two2 checks completed and now a speed 13 until 3 mil fin no problem 1 3 to 3 milango alao ala perfect preing traffic just landed cont Tower 118 doing a great job here thank you over the tower T Alpa very good day 674 Tango Alpha High 28 674 Tango Alpha Tower number one for 28 26 37 cting 47 continue and the parking is Sal here today but take off 674 Tango Alpha after landing vacate on EO taxiway I will locate on Echo or on N that's okay with you no yeah no problem 27 43 67 4 28 2 take go Al check Landing checklist is completed aircraft is ready for landing 451 Tower continue number three forway 28 270 40 minimums minimums 41 and we are keeping minimum Pro speed 451 disregard on a minimum approach speed 4 67 for T Alpha nice landing vacate left Runway one ners contact left contact go I say 7 Juliet after right Bravo 26 3way 28 2 fore spee that
Channel: Guido Warnecke
Views: 447,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NZmQI5r_zaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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