The Best Family Vacation Always Involves an Airplane

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good morning everyone this is gonna be a little bit different of a video i'm actually taking my family down to madang on holiday it's holiday weekend today friday so we've got a four day weekend so i'm just gonna go ahead and finish up walking around this morning and then get out on a 25 minute flight down to madang let's go [Music] all right so the first thing i'm going to do is the interior check i'm just going to walk you through real quick on what i do every morning first thing i do flip on the master avionics bus let this all warm up real quick and go ahead and start up here in the corner making sure this is zero cage this set up at an altimeter setting just to the known altitude that i know it is once everything is starting up i'm going to go ahead and flip all my lights on and do a quick walk around and also run my engine inlet to bypass normal and check to make sure all that's going right after that i'm going to check my pitot heat i click this on and this lower number should actually change turn it back off do my right one and the upper number should change i'm going to go ahead and put 20 degrees of flaps in for takeoff and then go ahead and work our trims on everything make sure our elevator trim is working our aileron trim is working and obviously our rudder trim we'll go ahead and set this all the way up for takeoff next i run this elevator trim all the way down to its max and then all the way back up just to make sure that it does not have any binding or anything like that next i'm coming over here making sure all these are back my flaps where i want to i check my circuit breakers coming right back up here i'm going to check my oxygen level make sure my hf is on and then start running through my autopilot checks all right so after the interior check i'm just going to do a quick walk around making sure that there's no damage or anything like that i'm not doing 100 hour inspection here this is just make sure that everything is the way it's supposed to be for takeoff checking oil sure we don't have any leaks anything out of the ordinary that i can notice on a walk around [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's get going finally all right igniters on fuel pump on low start my fuel on some over 14 energy will introduce my fuel [Music] all right get our generator on prop forward our v2 track our alternator all right we are 6300 pounds nearly so 59 and 69 so we'll rotate it 59 and 69 for coming back into land if we had two right away we're down there nine thousand broke tower november tango kilo good morning quest taxi me dang five pb copy inbound and up on traffic good morning actually all shows are one seven left like we'll be lining up departing to the west actually hold short one seven left november kilo all right let's go taxi and landing pad let me tell you guys traveling with family is the best i love it in the airborne facility taxi for one seven left enter backtrack lineup q a one two two one one zero two one clear to backtrack line up one seven left over kilo we'll have 50 knots by our taxiway right there or else we'll board on the runway after takeoff will pitch for 85 knots consider our epl emergency power lever which is basically in case fc or fuel control unit uh craps out on us then that's basically a fuel override then we will consider feather pull off shut off emergencies masters crack my door 85 and 84 flaps trafficking on my uniform focus 70 for have a good week all right ignition condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses 1330 rotate 59. [Music] all right torque is set airspeed's alive we're going to go ahead and continue att is right at 7 20 and there's rotate bump up our itt up to 740 a little bit and we'll pitch for seven and a half degrees originally and that's going to give us around 85 knots for our climb out and we'll just keep adjusting our itt so it's just as close as we can get to 740. all right well once we're over 300 feet we'll start taking our flaps out once we're over 90 knots and we'll go zero degrees and bring our prop on back to 2000 rpm all right there's 500 feet we'll go ahead and start making our turn out towards the been a gap that's our first i'm not really reporting point but that's where we're going to switch over our radios out of this airspace onto moresby now that we got our prop 2000 we're going to bring our itt to 720 for our climb kind of looking out where we want to go first and seeing the best route to get out of this valley i think i'm just going to hold off underneath these clouds first and then i'm thinking that the valley at the the bennet gap is just going to open up once we get up there a little bit further on up so i'm just going to remain underneath these for the time being and make my call tower kilo departed to correction time three five will be tracking zero one nine around climb niner thousand estimated thing on the hour [Music] contact mosby on one two zero decimal one hf six five and eight zero six eight at one five miles one two zero one six five nine or eight three eight one five miles welcome have a nice weekend all right and i'm hoping that the clouds will kind of slowly rise up to get out of this valley right here if not then i'm going to come back here and climb up over these clouds but i just don't think that i have enough climb performance to get out of here as quickly as possible um and so i'm hoping that there's going to be some gaps out here but turn our towels train awareness system off for the time being and go ahead and clean up landing light bypass to normal igniter is turned off and just verifying all of our t's and p's are still in the green temperatures and pressures i don't know if i introduced you to my son this is my youngest son chaucer he's 11 years old he likes flying a lot the rest of the fam not so much also i thought just as something unique we can do is we can actually shoot the approach down in the dang it's gonna be a nice day down there but we can shoot it just for practice once i get around this corner right here i'm going to know real quick if i need to jump back out into the valley climb up over this layer if it is a layer or if i can squeeze underneath of it i'm at 6600 i really need to have really kind of 7000 to get through this gap comfortably and i'm not necessarily seeing a clear-cut viable option so i'm going to go ahead and climb on up right through this hole and get on the top i'm going to go ahead and bring our ig top back on up to 750 or 720 i should say and we're pitching for around 12 degrees initially just to bring our sun down to 99 knots for our best rate of climb all right now that i'm up here looks like we'll just continue on our 100 knock with an itt of 720 so at 7 30 right now let me bring it up back and looks like there's a nice hole that we can get through the bin and gab just nicely you guys are a pilot you'd like to pick up one of these checklists you saw me just as i was getting ready to take off this is a take off and landing checklist i've got it from turbines to cessna 152s to just like a piston like a complex plane maybe with retractable gear as well so a couple different options that i have for these great for replacing your paper checklist it covers all of your required and critical items for takeoff and landing so that you're not missing something critical like your landing gear or something and it's not just going off of like a gums check where you're just going off memory or something this is a really quick visual cue to know oh man i haven't flipped this one here i need to do that one or sometimes if you're getting busy in the pattern you kind of forget if they've given you landing clearance or something this is an awesome tool though called the link down below i've got them on my website all right so let's go ahead and um put up my autopilot on here i'm at 9 000 that's what i'm going up to so looks like that should just get us through nicely [Music] go ahead and level off here hit our heading mode and altitude select on our autopilot once we get around this cloud i think it should open up nicely then we'll get the approach set in for my day before that i actually have a white monster i'm going to enjoy it 400 zero two all right well let's go ahead and hit procedures down here and go ahead and select the approach we're going to want zero seven lnf plus v and we are going to pick out we're going to come in via whiskey delta so let's go on down to whiskey delta minimums at we don't have everything we're going to go down to 740 today and let's just go ahead and activate that now but first of all we're just going to go around this one last cloud right here to make it a little bit smoother for my family until we get set in all right so we want to have basically 5 600 feet by whiskey delta what i'm going to do they've already put it in there for us i'm just going to hit enter on each one of them you can see it's changing it oops to cyan and i can basically go all the way down to the final approach fix and that's basically going to give me vertical guidance it's not gonna link in with the autopilot fly it down but it's just gonna make all my little magenta boxes go down like that so i'm coming back here we want the 5600 we'll come down here and we'll turn it to let's say 700 feet per minute it's because we're a little high up it's completely fine all right we're just right at the very top of these clouds isn't this cool i love it like this all right now let's go ahead and get back on course might as well just hit direct 2 and then nav nav okay so now that i've got a quick second here let's get our atis 127. decimal eight there are nine runway two five wind variable three knots visibility one zero kilometers or more smoke and haze cloud few one thousand five hundred feet scattered five thousand feet qlh one zero one two temperature and viewpoint note available caution bird strike hazard exists acknowledge information bravo all right let's turn them off sorry i didn't realize you weren't on the same frequency as me all right so this little dotted line right here is 25 miles that's when we have to start talking to the tower down to madang that's also the same time we're going to start our descent down to start getting into the approach you also have to turn around there i'm gonna go to each one of these little dots and then come on straight in on the runway that way actually been a really long time since i've flown because i've been training brad and jeff kind of off and on back and forth so i have really not been flying much it gives me a little bit of understanding and give them a little bit of grace for missing a couple of things the other day brad forgot to turn on his his air down here which isn't at the end of the world we were up to 16 000 it was just him and i so we didn't really need any environmental air blowing on us because it was already cold but i just forgot now my family's oh the back there melting because i forgot to turn it on for them so i can understand even i get overwhelmed on like getting everything done and it's just normal when flying when you're not flying and you're not doing everything exactly the same all the time it's easy to forget things so i'm going to go over my approach even though it's going to be a vfr day getting into medeng i'm going to go over it just to refresh my brain on what i'm going to be doing next so just verifying this is medenk 07 gnss rnav we're coming in whiskey delta 5600 descending to 36.90 and then continuing to send on down the approach so our actual um straight in l-nav we've got the actual q and h on this one so we're going to do 640 on it so i can actually change my barrow down here down to 640. through these clouds here go ahead and set up 118 decimal one so everything's ready to go when i need to talk to the dang tower and aren't these clouds just absolutely perfectly beautiful so awesome looking now doesn't it feel weird going in through a cloud it's dark sometimes it's now it's raining on the windshield a little bit oh now it looks like we're going hyper speed all right doesn't it and then when we come out it'll probably give us a kick on the way out uh hopefully everybody's not getting sick back there let me go ahead and slow on down now make the bumps a little bit less for everybody see what i mean when you come out of the cloud it like kicks you out almost a weird sensation isn't it yeah vertical track right let's head on down that's going down to 5600 it's already actually put it in right there for us we need 700 feet per minute and if we head over to this page right here we need 718 feet to be exact here with another cloud so i'm just going to slow it on down a little bit that would just make our transition through the clouds this is a small airplane some you guys forget that and it does get thrown around pretty easy in these little clouds uh just for everybody's sake let's make this as comfortable as possible iron's probably puking back there by now uh no he's eating well that's not good he's not eating no he's not eating he's just got all right there we go now we're out let's go ahead and call up tower here in just one second we're having problems with the radio just the other day so your circuit is 0-2 requested to shoot practice 0-7 gnss via whiskey delta [Music] report established whiskey foxtrot november tango kilo number correction that's uh let's go ahead and start up our landing checklist our selectors our tos is off our vref which is our approach speed we're going to be landing with 6 100 pounds so 68 knots is going to be our approach speed or vref all the way down yes we do actually just fly vref all the way down not like i know what vref is but yes that's what we use all the way down and it changes with the weight of the aircraft why is it called foxtrot because if you say f it kind of sounds like s on the radio so if you say foxtrot then you know it's f that's why oh all right 30 seconds before we join in at whiskey delta go ahead and slow it down a little bit otherwise the turn sometimes it just overshoots the turn quite a bit 10 seconds to go once this next thing once the next leg actually transitions now we can turn it down to 36.90 and it'll automatically turn it down to the next leg if you do it before you get there it can't go to 36.90 it only goes to 3700 and we'll go ahead and increase that slow this on down at one minute to go i'm going to go ahead and configure the airplane with 10 degrees of flaps prop forward add about 400 to 450 foot-pound of torque and that's going to give us 110 knots and that's what we fly the kodiak on approaches after this we want 2100 feet on a heading of zero five eight and our missed if we had to go eight this is zero five eight i'm gonna go ahead and set my bug up for that right now zero five eight and we'll be climbing straight ahead to twenty one hundred not sure if you guys can see it i have this i do not have my altitude select on this approach otherwise it just always continually tries to even itself out which just throws your whole approach off okay let's go ahead and push our prop forward bring our torque to 450 10 degrees of flaps get ready to start turning once it flips i'm going to go down to 2100 feet on my altitude i'm going to bring my torque on back just because we're a little bit light today bringing it back to 350 to start getting my speed down to 110 then i'll readjust my power all right next section down to 2100 we need to tell her when we get to whiskey foxtrot which is coming up here in a second coming in down to 110 now let's help the autopilot go ahead and level itself off otherwise it just wants to go back and forth back and forth until he gets finally settled in there's 110 let's bring our torque ever so slightly up until we can notice oh there's our speed it goes up one knot then you just bring it right back down rather than making massive adjustments make it as easy as possible for you by making really small adjustments on approaches really will help you go ahead and adjust our vertical speed after this we're going down to 1100 feet and then after that we go down to our 640. get my power up a little more just like get my speed in just not quite getting my 110 knots and i'm looking for all right now we're actually getting visual with the field 49 more seconds before we have to make our call finish this up we'll do bypass landing light on if we have to go around power up 20 degrees pitch it for 73 or 12 degrees and maneuver is required prop and harness is done 18 seconds to go bank tower november tango kilo whiskey foxtrot this time november 10 approach hello how's that it's so much hotter oh i know when we go past like 5000 feet you can really feel the humidity just faking us uh a little bit more that's as high as it goes but there's 200 feet to go to 1100 feet just letting me know next one is all the way down to our minimum our minimum safe altitude of 640. 17 seconds to go let's go ahead and turn that all the way down to 640. at this point this is a real approach i bring it all the way up to a thousand feet per minute so i can get down as quickly as possible break out if there is any type of weather i also have to decrease my power a little bit because i'm increasing my descent rate that way i can break out as quickly as possible and get in here marginal vfr if it was an actual bad day november tango kayla two mile final zero seven zero all right let's go 20 degrees of flaps there is our minimums we got full flaps to go there's our proper harnesses done a one not a tailwind we have been cleared to land and we'll go full flaps checklist is complete 500 landing speed 68 at the slowest so we'll go ahead and start slowing on down now we'll go for around the 500 foot marker a little flat right now lots of right rudder for approach 168 knots i'm just slowly bringing my speed out and we'll just let it roll out that's the tower feels so sticky i know it is sticky down here 32 degrees out right now which is i don't know 90 something maybe high 80s guys i hope you guys enjoyed that flight down with my family we're going to be here down just for the weekend and then flying back probably shooting a video on the way back as well because well i never get to fly anymore so well if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to check out some of my other videos into the movement area i've got quite a few videos on my channel with um yeah a lot more even exciting flights than this one so thank you so much for taking the time guys and welcome today [Music] all right see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 123,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, airplane landing, airplane, flight, plane, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, simworks kodiak
Id: 0bOZm8KfJbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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