ATTENTION! My Last Flight in Papua New Guinea

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welcome back guys here to game of papua new guinea andrew and i are here this is my very last flight here in papua new guinea before i head home on home assignment i'll be going into details sharing what my plan is for the future on this video just a little bit so stay tuned right now we're gonna go up and talk to some of the local people about their coffee plants here give you guys a little insight on how they get coffee make a little bit of money and we're gonna be flying out like 700 kgs of coffee beans today [Music] [Music] all right guys here's the coffee bushes handle the beans so i'm close to ready now huh so am i peeling mal or oh no yeah okay now how about you savvy i'm ready yes four days yeah now behind and by stop inside low back well how much my time and and then buy bicep goodbye um emmy can over five six months five six months oh okay people now how about you save him i'm ready i'm just red blood that's all or invite you by peeling okay so how much do i invite pull up in one playback or 50 kgs you think i'll sam anderson buy one back hundred diy pull up in one player times or kind of same and mi plus became uh popular time for practice popular time okay all right thank you brother well give me the lilly talk song or coffee now wait oh go go game all right well um 700 kgs today oh okay so 14 bags and about okay all right so you may can go lorry model thank you [Music] [Music] all right we're going to go ahead and load up 14 bags whatever gets us close enough to 700 and we have a little bit extra then we'll throw on an extra one as well but i don't know if we're gonna be able to get 15 bags or not unless they have like a half bag or something [Music] [Music] i'm over 14 then i'll get my fuel turned on and then introduce it low pressure is coming up all right itt's coming up at a nice slow rate all right now it's coming back down let's get our prop forward let's get lined up that way we're not sitting on a side slope rather than doing all of our pre-takeoff checks sitting here and just going we'll get lined up first let's get my nose real straight as i can great definitely a steep hill isn't it this is andrew if you guys this is the first time you're watching this video he's one of our new pilots or said this but do an observation flight so this is his first time coming out here and just second well second day flying with me like i said this is my last day flying here as well so all right field caps and selectors are good our controls are all free and correct uh takeoff trims are set up 20 degrees flaps are good all right so really brakes releases are committed on this um so once we're going down like we're just too heavy there is no stopping so we're taking off no matter what after takeoff if we were to lose engine power then we're going to consider epl consider feather turn to lowest terrain whatever that might be at the time 85 then 80 full flaps cut off pull off shut off emergencies masters and crack my door all right ignition inlet and lights be five five six five november tango kilo departure correction taxi traffic november tango kayla departing gamer for groco beyond climb 8000 all right 28 degrees 5 000 so let's go 30 at 5 000. there's 1270 and rotate at 61. we're just gonna keep the nose locked in right about there as much as we can you need to hold on to something you can hold on to that up there i tell people that because people have grabbed this i was trying to see what position it was to kind of get an idea of what it's around there and on bumpy ones like this you just hold it as tight as you can and just don't try to fight it because you'll just you'll be too slow all right ignition condition flaps 20 and harnesses 1270 rotate at 61 or whenever we get off the ground just bring it in really slow so i don't break my brakes loose all right looking at itt i can bring it up a little bit [Music] here we go we're just going to follow the ground all the way down and then put it right up for 7 40. like hit one of those bumps and got airborne before it was ready to go go back down all right well let's get turned on our course now that we're out over open area we'll go 10 degrees of flaps we'll go zero and bring our prop back go ahead right now and then we're going to find out if we can run by mount michael or not on the way back just depending on what our fuel is looking like it's gonna say it's really low because we're in the climate with big power but it's still 326 even with climb power so i think we can just because we're gonna do a straight end so moore's b5565 november tango tequila departure now pepper tango kill it apart a time at zero five tracking three two six and up to one zero miles left of track we'll be on climb amended one two thousand estimating time two six all right guys well i had mentioned on the ground about a project out of moonville that i've been working on now for about a year we started doing a community project out there to get them a building that they can use to not only house like their lawn mower and all their tools for the maintenance airstrip but also something that they could use as a community for meetings it has a solar charge station so that they can charge their phones as well as their like flashlights and things like that and also for the teachers to be able to charge up their laptops so we've been working on it really really reason why i haven't mentioned it really is just because i raised the money and gave them the materials and let it for the just the community to be in charge of building the building and stuff and it's just taken about a year to be able to get to the point it is now it should almost be finished now but that's why i kind of wanted to wait till now to see how much funds we still had to raise so we still have about three thousand dollars to pay for the remainder of the siding that's flying out there as well as the steps the wood for the steps and to pay for the solar as well if you guys would like to partner with me i've already just paid out of pocket for everything to get everything out there but if you guys are interested in partnering with me just to help finish off this project i'll show some clips of it what i have and then at the end of this video i will also try to show a little bit of footage that i had i was hoping to be able to get out there so i could actually do a video on the ground and show you exactly what it looks like right this minute but like i said this is my last flight and we just haven't had not had an opportunity to get out there before i am going on home assignment in the description will be the details on how you guys want to give towards that project and if you don't see the details down there anymore it's because we've already raised the money and i've just taken that stuff off if you guys are wondering like what do you mean by this is like your last flight here in papua new guinea and does that mean that there aren't going to be any more videos after this no i had a little bit of forethought and i've been filming as many as i can over the past year but with training it's kind of made it a little bit harder to get more of those videos filmed for you guys but um i should have about a year's worth of just weekly uploads so i'm gonna just switch to let me see where the mountain i'm wanting to go to is i think it's that one way over here um yeah it is i'm gonna go to the monday morning schedule and i'm gonna not upload on the fridays at least for the time being i do have a new type of content that i'd like to also introduce as well as the ones that i already have saved and if you're interested in finding out more about more the specific details um on what that's going to look like you can go to my patreon page i have a lot more videos actually describing that that i am doing a little bit different i was planning on doing helicopter training i'm not doing that anymore and like i said if you want more details on why i've chosen not to do helicopter i have some videos kind of going in a lot more detail on my reasoning and why i'm not doing that on my patreon page as well so we're gonna go ahead out and check out that whole mountain in front of us mount michael it's 12 000 feet it's pretty much on the way back um somebody one of our friends is wanting to hike up to the top of it and he wanted to see what it looks like with my 360 cameras i don't think i've actually ever flown over the direct top of this mount i've flown by it hundreds of times but i've never flown over the top of it actually at 12 000 or 12 000 is going to clear it um it's very close to twelve thousand okay let's take a look i forgot how tall these mountains are around here it's eleven nine sixty six so close to twelve well 12 will do it just perfect when we jumped off and hit a bump like that i don't think that's ever happened ever where it got off the ground before i wanted it to no it's usually just sits there heavy and just this thing has that one particular has a ton of undulations that just throw you around [Music] [Music] yep we're gonna be landing with 360 just fine so that's still with our climb power so we'll probably actually land it with more like 380 by the time we come back and glide all the way down from 12 000 feet not just like 15 miles out any cold today or anything i'm good all right so we should be all right just going down pretty quick all right i've already got and i just hit the vertical speed and altitude select together and it will level me off right at 12 000. there is alpha november charlie i believe departing garoka he just said he was at 12.5 and there you go you see how poor our it already disappeared that's so frustrating he's going all up to 31 000 so he'll be well clear of us all right we're now 12 000 our speed's going to be increasing once it gets up to about 125 usually is when i start to just slowly pull it back just to make it as smooth as possible usually by the time i get back down to 12.50 it's sitting at 1 30 indicated as long as we're below 700 ict we're all good so i don't know if there's any towers up here or not but i'm curious to see and then we'll check what our landing fuel 371 i'm just going to go ahead and put in basically like 5600 basically turning final and then it will also just give me what my vertical speed like uh required is gonna be so let's just i'm just gonna put it at a thousand because i know it's gonna be probably around that bring that line over there it's probably gonna be around there i'll just fly straight over it so i can do my 360 cameras to kind of stand for a better view i've never seen the top of this this is actually pretty cool well it says it's 11 966 unless our q and h is off it's definitely not 11 9 six it's more like eleven five don't have the altitudes on the charts like to clear up with like a margin of 300 or four hundred feet like i don't know there's a couple places they could camp up here it'd be mighty cold 11 degrees that's not too bad but at night that would probably be pretty chilly don't look very comfortable anywhere oh it really doesn't it's probably going to be breezy up here too but yeah uh there's definitely probably no trails up here i don't see any all right well go up the little waterways yeah all right well garoka is just 19 miles ahead straight ahead of us i'm going to call him up in here in just a couple of minutes let him know that we're actually coming in from the asaro south area so i might as well just put this on we'll come back here and we're going to hit direct to because see it's not giving us any information but if we hit direct to vertical traffic it will give us what we actually need oh yeah we've got 900 feet per minute on our descent croco tower november tango kilo kilogram good morning again november take a kilo one seven miles to the south one one thousand on decent here's circuit two seven and we're coming in more from the asaro south area [Applause] uh it on my motorcycle a few times okay um yeah it's a really fun i have enjoyed flying with you just these whopping two days i know yeah i know i'd enjoy doing some other flight instruction with you too so it's a bummer i'm not gonna be around for that excited to get back to the states for a little bit i am yeah very much so so yeah i'm looking forward to that and i'm looking forward to being able to do a road trip and enjoy the road trip a lot so i think i like not being the white guy hey white man i'm just like sticking out like a sword film all the time yeah i'm looking forward to just being anonymous and just nobody nobody knows me that'd be awesome all right well i'm going to go ahead and track first straight in just with my heading mode we'll hit obs um if you don't need to but 350 and you can see all those little boxes come out so if there's a lot of clouds and you're coming in here to goroka on a morning that does have a lot of clouds and you can't see it this is a really nice way to extend your center line so that you can just fly to that and then look down your boxes and go oh okay that's where i know i need to go to at least get there exactly yeah down on the box yep and we'll start pulling power out because we're still pretty high up that's the left rudder pressure and i already got my vref set in there going down we'll do inlet now popping harness is done oh it's gonna be a quicker descent once we get up there as well but just below 138 we'll go 10 degrees of flaps push over on the nose when i put flaps in i'm just looking at the little green circle my flight predictor and just kind of holding in the same position that it was already in and as it goes you just push push push push push otherwise the nose is just going to lift up right like in small airplanes you don't really notice it as much but now remember tango kilo three mile final three five right three five right click clear to land 35 right no vapor tanker all right 20 degrees of flaps and this one and if you just hold it there until it kind of stabilizes then the pressure slowly backs off again as well this has the automatic trim that will help it does but it's still usually about like so you just don't need to travel yeah part time two six front climb uh men did not above one to zero thousand trails mating and this place is going to throw you off because there's a three-person way 5600 feet at 1.8 miles that's going to give you a really nice descent profile even though it's going to look like it might be a bit high yeah so let's just that's that there's 1.8 56 40 something tiny bit high let me just slow down to 71 knots now checklist is complete but 600 of the cent 500 oh kind of bumpy all over get my right rudder trim in there still is the hardest place you'll find to land in png i get no exaggeration like to have a nice smooth approach it's very hard to get your speed but i'm just going to keep a couple knots above just so that all this kind of bouncing around it bounces above but not below i got a couple hawks up there we're still about 500 foot per minute on our descent and it's kind of bouncing between 450 and 650. we have a big sinker long sinker oh my goodness there we go and now we're out of bed below idle get our flaps up this is our only flight like i said at the beginning of the video if you guys want to try out some of this kind of coffee that we're flying today i have just a few bags that i was able to bring back um that i've already actually packed up and everything so that you guys can actually try you guys have been asking for like two years if we can try if there's a way that you guys can try some of this coffee so again i'm just bringing a very limited amount so check out my website if there's if it's still on there then there's some available but i think it's going to go pretty quick because it's just what i can get my bags without displacing much other my wife's stuff so guys thanks so much for joining me on my last flight here but remember to stay tuned from here on out on mondays at the regular time i'll be still posting and i sure do appreciate you guys watching my videos and sharing them with others hey i'm here in moonville uh this afternoon i'm just going to show you guys the progress of the community building that we started here i think they're almost finished hopefully we'll be able to get some solar panel like i told you guys in the past but i'm going to jump up there show you guys inside so you guys get an update see what it looks like all right hey this floor will look last a long time yeah so that um i didn't really show up but it's kind of like green siding and it's similar to the stuff out here but it's green and it's going to go down underneath all the way around now this blah this blend okay nice so this this little room right here is where we're going to be putting a charge station for their phones or flashlights or whatever and as you can see they've built a couple of shelves here we'll have solar right directly above us and then they'll come down in here and i imagine they'll have a door here and locked up and whatever else so uh public seven okay if you teach us uh okay nice now are you storm or coffee underneath or you thinking blow your money but wonder house house okay awesome community tours airstrike yeah so here is uh where they keep their hf radio right now and that's what that tower is and they were saying that they're going to actually be moving that over and then underneath here they're going to be putting like a room down here for the hf radio this will all be covered in and then putting like the lawnmower down here and tools for working on the airstrip shovels things like that so thank you if you were part of um providing the funds for this i know the bus drivers flight sim group has done it as well as another foundation sent money i think we're still going to need a little bit more for the solar panel i haven't bought that yet and they're always adding asking to add more cement flooring and everything else so trying to do it within reason but still giving the best thing that we can out here but being able to use the resources at other places as well so thank you guys for being a patreon and remember really do appreciate it hope you guys enjoyed this little update see you next time
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 207,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, airplane landing, airplane, flight, plane, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, simworks kodiak
Id: GFA07GvcHmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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