BIG MONEY CASH OUT | storage wars auction pays off big time | I bought an abandoned storage unit

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mike rifle baby oh all that army stuff i think we just found a rifle whoa i've been looking for this thing in this whole unit i'm probably sure we're in slo-mo [Music] [Applause] we found a bunch of these boxes and they were all pretty good oh this sounds like monday honey oh a little silver no the the big one no no it's just unrolled oh that that's good sweat said silver nice nice sip yes deb's on the change there's another box underneath though and open it okay see that banana hit the spot yeah i had a banana too especially because the place wasn't answering the phone is that avon fitzgerald oh i thought that was a gold coin i got super excited okay it's a bunch of soap cut to the next scene that's that oil what do you think it is oil no it's not it's a shower curtain okay we got a whole bunch of new stuff huh patio chair cover so table spots table club it's all new that's coming to a market near you cut to the next box if you guys watch the videos we found a bunch of nice hats in the other videos oh this is like all the stuff that was in the other one same stuff same type of stuff let's see fitzgerald message dean they had a lot of use oh there it goes jacksonville florida super bowl sunday 2005. another super bowl in 2005. well another super bowl 2007. who's the super bowl people that was in jacksonville florida hawaii oh that's clean only if i was still going to hawaii oh i see a gucci hat back there we can still go to hawaii okay you want to go another time that might be the one legit gucci hat we find in here it does look kind of real especially with the tag on the side nice that's nice let's grab some more boxes and go through them this box says dutch oven you like touch oven no i don't all right brother you not let's see what a dutch oven looks like i always wonder i'm dead it's a duchamp oh that's pretty nice that's a nice little pot this is a nice pot for rice for vegetables vegetables pasta soup mac and cheese it's the perfect portion if you're eating by yourself it's the perfect portion proportional too bad i'm always feeding five kids yeah it's got a little messed up there you go let's open the toe time i don't get a haircut my hair oh you got the whole world and it's hank jewelry box jewelry or chocolate i hear dark chocolate's good for your heart those are all photos [Music] bless you [Music] no it's some gorilla glue and that's it so i'm a homeschool teacher yes you are and i'm getting tired of you giving but what do you got to say tips no all right you can't do everything oh i forgot to put something good times bro 24 character 24 carat magic in the end sucks don't tell jesus what um [Music] that's pretty nice come on baby you don't even know what it is look at the tie holder thing and then we have just a bunch of hangers shower curtain towels towels a bunch of towels rags oven mitts this all can go in the trailer it's a nice cell should i just grab the other one and say forget it grab it the night the getting mike back his knife i guess i'll just have to bite it with my teeth oh smarty okay it's a kerdi envelopes one of those liberty print one of these some of them look at that a little bit of those magazines right here i'm gonna get to it right now that was what we're going around garbage bags irish spring you need to wash your booty oh garbage bags ooh that's good fine throw away all your trash all right that wasn't bad i gotta sleep right now come on more new stuff i have a bunch of new stuff huh look at all this all this brand new stuff a heating blanket what is that oh another radio some deodorants this has something on it hard rock cafe cafe right now a cup hard rock beer mug cup thing that's what he went through yep you like this yep she did not go through it did go through it open it he went through this light bulbs towels this is actually very good for the market which market two radios concord the nice market all right bottom one might as well [Music] that will be your oil filters actually i'm going to guess two guess all you want i'm going to guess money dave's on this one a little baby welder no it's a torch two torches is it man do you guys feel the same thing on this one does it not does it kind of play slight excitement when the words are on every box yeah my three that's why i said dibs i need to release this what if it was an airplane it's a lot of razors both did oh yes oh yeah here all right stocking up sure half there's my hat all right perfect you see that people how much money we save mike at least 60 bucks i pay uh 20 bucks to shaver cords but little mama can't dip that's what's killing me we need to buy more storage units because we're getting low and cleaner so i'm getting low on soap and store and razor is kind of to my sword how did they wrap the box puzzle 500 i'm puzzled by the way they did this no they need to live in a house that style give me that and give me that stuff and not that poor painting stuff knee pads you're gonna need that oil filter all right cut to the next thing shaped box but like the other unit this is what was in the other unit and you guys all know me i love going to george so we are gonna go through really weird how okay she got everything blocked security device enclosed that's funny first drawer oh that's good stuff that's actually very good stuff double shot single shot yeah that's really good stuff i just bought some of these highlighters oh it didn't mean do that this is one of those things liz that was in the thing you asked these ones yeah i don't need those i just need the highlighter why don't you take the big highlights like is it for your notes on the sold items when you pack them yeah great minds think of that that's why i was thinking it stapler um what is this thing that's a ruler a value line imagine that imagine you give a man an inch and he thinks he's a ruler is that what that is huh give him a rope want to be a cowboy give him some pencils what in tarnation are those these are spider swords you didn't see the shorts coming at you some rice a hammer why do you have rice in that drawer i guess that's him a military shovel pick and shovel you know what you want to know what's ironic about life military are pretty wise people right they live by a coat over is it isn't it ironic that almost every one of these are all blacks almost all of what like every military person owns a shovel why because the productivity that goes into setting up camp and doing all those things yeah every almost every military service man has one of these shovels almost every physical work needs a shoulder to think about here oh come on baby come on baby don't be pencils and it's arts and crafts and pencils little mama does love her dabs sully buttons and an alien and an alien a couple patches a little eagle patch yeah you like that box you want to get it okay no okay thank you got a pirate over here loading like a monster everything just perfect because you don't want to deal with the lady anymore man which you guys in the beginning was being uh at first i thought pirate was like ah she's tripping for no reason no she's being i realized she came out and she's being mean to me and i didn't deserve it she didn't he didn't try to beat her she's being passively mean too it's like she's attempting to like not just like and you know what i'm not gonna let her you know why because we're happy today today is a happy birthday we're finding the empty canvas bags and all their happier all their military buttons yeah and highlighters oh wow oh i found the dog tax they were military police yes yep there goes their tanks oh wow they're medals these are actually really good that's nothing buttons all right all right we found a good item oh look at this box guys come on yeah all that high quality h2o i was going to say 2-0 that's it that one closed last drawer we have rooster caps that and plates um more plates try this one kiki do you love me kiki do you love me but it never ever feels [Music] in non-aspirin what the hell is not aspirin like what is that supposed to do give you pain i mean pro friends and kids drugs oh these are cool i'm gonna dip on these look at them these look what you call it you should dip the whole box mike no it's good for you like if you need your stuff when the laxative like when the world ends and i need to have an extra headache formula it's not headache relief stuff questions what do you mean you only sneeze one time we must be able to find something good yes who sneezes just one time doesn't make your snake make your body find something good or whatever oh that means dust smells like a little that's all going to say like propane huh envelopes um some cotton balls glass flashes this is where the rat lived i hope you don't jump out at me you see it was there nothing good in there nothing good i thought there was this this this is the rat's house right here yeah he was chewing through those envelopes like crazy all right pause there mama you're gonna shave your head cut my ponytail off i gotta i gotta let this suntan come in evenly on top that's gonna grow better when you take it off oh ball spot oh look at that don't mind the spot chicago police department is that the big sticker you give the kids really bad all right let's see what we got here oh two guys fishing looks like a nice day look this is me and that to you look at there's three of them little dogs just chilling you said that this is me and that's alex yeah yeah coming from the person has a nice comfy seat in the shade behind us express papers could be old pictures or something let's see what we have there i knew you were going to do that what happened he dropped a million q-tips oh these look like magazines oh what are these should i put a pair of these on ah look guys gloves for you to wear cleaning out the kind of defeat the purpose already well maybe you should these are good ones oh all of a sudden i'm dipping things you're allowing me to dip i'm dipping things you need not things that you feel like you want kiss my acting back deb's always dev started because it's things we need oh this has a purse in it um things i need that's what i do dab you weirdo what's up that's a big old chicago sticker though let's just really say plexiglas shoe stands in here come on like what pasadena flea what are you doing in dollars flea market see i told you they were a flea market vendor didn't i yeah they were displaying the shoes they're a high dollar flea market you want to dip these no he wasn't a fan and she was selling stuff at the flea market they were doing that after they retired though they retired first okay that's nothing that is a purse a point okay just enough she's watching this too very nice first where the camera up there hi oh yeah their camera systems are excellent here all right hoping we don't hoping we don't hurry up and get this stuff out for she could take our 100 deposit maybe just go buy lunch or something i'll buy our lunch i'll buy your lunch you know what terry what you want for lunch let me buy it for her she must have obviously had a bad day hey but you have to think at her job she doesn't get paid that much so for her to just go battle that's 400 bucks i mean hey it's i think it was worth it okay cut enough for the drama this thing is like super taped up it came from san francisco metropolitan no i don't know maybe san francisco maybe sacramento airport smf is sacramento it came from one of these sports fans oh that we found diamond bracelets and stuff in the first one oh yeah that was a nice oh vintage oh there we go pantyhose here we go this is where he kept all the jewelry oh he kept them nine twenty seven dollars shoes nine dollars [Music] oh my lord it's it is dusty in here to mama from is it little mom it's a book do we want to open this one that says lamps painting and craft no bamboo bridge bridge no we don't want to open that do you okay come on box get a little interesting please get a little interesting what is this okay we have some brand new shower curtains one two three packs a brand new shower crunch we have the ride or dies chocolate slides we have another pair of ryder dyed chocolate slides which i'm not going to open right or die chunk or slides okay and two boxes of shoes those chunks have been through a couple of shoes no that was so tiny well no that might be men i'm gonna wear these right now you ain't gonna put them on i'm not i'd rather sell them at the market then mess them up with all this stuff all right let's grab another box come on good stuff let's find rifle baby oh all that army stuff i think we just found a rifle whoa i've been looking for this thing in this whole unit ah come on baby or i might have just found oh wait oh man hey that's a nice pair of crutches it's like two pairs i got two pairs of crushes because i thought it was a rifle mike probably need one there you go here we go which looks to be like okay some pictures pictures pictures pictures what is that a label maker mini fashion iron it's really iron okay baster kill em be in there be in there oh kill him oh look at that i thought there was red specks in there but there's nothing but moon babies look big too oh did we just find them look at you not one you got a girlfriend these are not those are like uh seeing like prescription glasses you gotta grow your friends on me let me see come here i gotta go oh no i got a wife let me go okay sorry these mike you look too little for my head let me see um a little bit huh they look nice on you i was trying to think of a nice and honest answer hey thank you appreciate it honestly you're saying ray-bans those are stoner shades those are those uh chps but yeah those are good those are like the good easy oh look at you are those weight bands too no no you look like e40 these are something else still got a little bit like e40 yeah yeah with the way the glasses on band-aids band-aids these bandits only split proof container huh battery protector oh flares [Music] is actually very good we're going to dip these right here the little iron you want to put it back in i'm dipping it you got a problem with this i'm getting a problem with it because you know how much you can't dig that much stuff when we split a locker come on because that means that you're gonna have to pay for it you don't just dip everything come on because you are a teammate and you have someone else on your team my slapper exactly exactly we'll slap him because that's the person we're going to owe the money to for dibbett no i'm not keeping oh what's this what is this oh you can go through that here this i think the lady here got everyone on edge why'd you say that because she was just so mean you're saying disregard them they're stupid storage fires yeah some uh some yards we should be done today okay oh yeah those are like towel racks no someone's super nice when they're showing the thing don't be rude if we just said that the lady here was extremely rude i would never run from here right but we wouldn't do that right we're not haters we're not never been a hater never will be don't know how to be you're not with your life it's not in my blood not in my blood never would hate baby you just put it up your mic what is it this stuff yeah what's going to bring out boxes ah she made a she made a fake gucci outfit oh look that's pretty let's fit one of the girls come on oh my goodness that's funny no you wouldn't put that on one of your kids oh look at this says jordan okay that's a little yeah this is real jordan right here that's a nice jordan is that a penny it's a jordan it's a nice beanie yeah oh my gosh breaking stuff again jordan beanie what does that say just for something i'm upside down all right i was gonna do this one but big daddy oh you were gonna open this box yeah it's okay yeah oh okay well you can open this eight you got this no it's not too late you want to pause and just look at those boxes just because i know you're here with me and you love me and you want to go through some boxes this is the deal right here what see this box it's just for it is what it says so should we open it we'll open it or should we save it for it yeah is that your floor no no you're looking for the knife ticket you don't want to lose it so i'm just gonna sit here you got a knife mike gonna open the box in an unorthodox way there you go you guys are dangerous well mike is this oh i got you a card look he just cut me look at the cardboard oh they're more oh yeah oh yeah because oh they have the theft things on them those are plexiglass thingies all right so this this this is just i was glad you unboxed this right now you know what you probably were glad here put that back in here mike she missed the whole box up for us we gotta maximize our space we're getting kicked out of here in the next 10 minutes and officer uh no no uh what do you call it uh a fun sucker no officer no authority anyway guys you guys know me little mama you know pirate you know that we've been doing this for a long time you know that we're always california where's our turf california's our turf the united states is really our turf but california especially livermore and danville california is our turf and no i'm not gonna say turf california is a place we've been buying for a long time a lot of us buy and if you buy you guys all know that some places can be extremely nice and some places can be extremely rude but it's all how you come off on someone if you come out for me rooney i'm gonna be rude back to you so please let's just share the love and let's all get along but for her one star one star you ever seen someone yell someone you're about to see someone know someone you see she brought someone by her she talked nice and sweet when she had other customers i could have been an extremely a double s and been like don't refer me here that lady is rude i don't know what's crawled up her and she's inventory towards storage buyers i don't see why we're bringing them money maybe doesn't like us storage buyers maybe she had a bad experience maybe we go buy some flowers drop them back off on the way back we haven't having fun i can use those flowers i think i'm gonna bring her some flowers anyways for now peace out if i brought the flowers you'll see it on the next clip if not stay tuned go to little mama's channel because she is gonna drop a video after some time after this video from i don't know just bye
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 22,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0siG4iVtrtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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