You Should Be Using These Characters for the Best Party Composition in Granblue Fantasy Relink

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creating the ideal party composition is a key part of gramble fantasy reing as you want to make sure that your team can cover every weakness on top of being able to deal plenty of consistent damage have the ability to crowd control the enemies and just overall make the fight a lot easier for you and especially because we're getting harder content very very soon with a new patch adding lucilius to the game a level 200 raate boss fight that we have actually been able to take a glimpse of and in there you see that lucilius is capable of wiping out an entire party in just a couple of seconds and so whenever so many of you guys have been asking me what in my opinion is the ideal party composition and what party I'm going to be bringing for lucilius well I decided to make this video for you now of course the first piece in the puzzle that is making the optimal party composition is going to be what character am I going to be picking which one do I believe is a good option as a playable character and there's actually quite a few here so let us quickly run through some of them now one of my first recommendations would be the main character as they're actually quite a competent character being able to apply debuffs to the enemy while at the same time dealing competent damage and having all sorts of utility that they can provide to the team having two ways to apply defense down through armor break as well as miserable Mist which also applies attack down is certainly going to make fight a boss that is 100 levels above you a lot easier alternatively you could opt to go with substitute and failings giving a 70% damage cut to your allies and using substitute to make sure that nobody is wiped out by those big aoe's that will be one-shotting people is surely going to make the fight a whole lot easier and then of course as the main character you have access to a heal a cleanse that provides regen deep of immunity and even a revive there's a ton of options when going with the MC though I do understand that the captain isn't everybody's cup of tea now Catalina I think would be a very good pick as well because not only is she capable of dealing plenty of damage but her party-wide utility is also insane not only is she able to freeze enemies letting everyone else in the party deal damage to the boss but being able to provide invincibility to the entire party or a 15% defense bonus as well as Stout heart which has an inherent 20% defense bonus these are just insanely good party wide Buffs and sadly the AI Catalina would not be making good use of these skills but if you choose to go with Catalina as your playable character I really to believe that you're going to have much higher odds of beating any sort of content including lucilius on your very first try now Yoda might seem like a bit of a odd choice but I personally like him a lot just because of how many defensive options he has not only does he have invincibility whenever he performs a combo finisher he also has a built-in Parry that is able to give him supplementary damage so he is able to stay up close to the boss and keep on dealing damage relentlessly but on top of that he has one of the very best party wide utility in the game it's not as good as invincibility but he is able to provide mirror image for everyone else in the party as long as he cast this skill whenever he has the triple shroud Marks full which doesn't take a lot of work for them to be full especially if he uses sigils and he is actually a pretty decent character at dealing damage not a top tier for sure but because he is able to keep on dealing damage when others can't and he has that party wide utility I believe he is going to be a pretty decent choice so if I want just a very safe option as my main character I could go with vain so vay would be very good thanks to his Rampart skill being able to protect everyone and he's also just a very reliable character since he is able to heal through everything so I could totally see myself playing as vain for the main character now that being said because I do believe there will be opportunities where you won't be able to hit lucilius at close range I feel like fairy would be very valuable here because for one if you have fairy signature sigils you can inflict attack down and defense down nearly permanently as long as your pets are available that is already amazing she's also got a slow if I I don't think slows are going to be particularly good against them but if you need good CC you have slows you have hin Ron which is a very pretty decent tool to be able to increase your damage and also provides you with invincibility so again you're able to boost your damage output but still Dodge an attack like if he has a big AOE that one shots you you can pop this and you dodge it she also has out Hearts so that is another bonus she's just a very solid character that again she has very long range on her attacks so I feel like she's going to be very very good against lucilius she can also be the support character um if you were to play her as a support you probably wouldn't go with these two skills but I think I feel like fer would be a good main character but then for the rest of the party I feel like oan is going to be a one of the best characters to add to your team because oan not only does he have paralysis which is the best CC in the entire game deals tons of damage on top of that he can lower the enemy's defense and because he's going to be at level 200 the defense down is going to be very valuable and the poison is just more damage over time maybe the laser beam is not going to be very well against a humanoid character in the sense that it doesn't likely have multiple parts that you can hit but maybe he does so it's going to be good I just think that oan is going to be very good with that and for the rest of the character slots I think that se fre is also a very good option here I have a very big suspicion that lucilius will have a good emphasis on debuffs from everything that I have read about him so having the skill salvator which provides you with debuff immunity is likely going to be very important and also the fact that you get drain being able to heal HP as you deal damage that is also going to be very good and of course seek freed has Mirage which is one of the best Buffs in the entire game being able to have a 70% defense bonus is just really really good I can totally see SE freed being a really good character to bring on any party for this fight so without a shadow of a doubt I want secre to be there and then for the final member if you really want to go the defensive route you can go with the main character because not only is the main character have the ability to heal your team with this skill they are also able to provide you with damage cut so you combine that with SE fre you're never going to die but of course you can also replace the captain with kostro and you know kostro has more damage than the captain thanks to where sigil has the ability to permanently decrease the enemy defense as well she also has a very nice healing spell she is able to decrease the enemy's attack let's not forget about fantasmagoria one of the best Buffs in the entire game because it Stacks with everything and disruption is also a very nice spell that is going to remove a buff from the enemy and who knows maybe lucilius has a buff that makes all of his attacks one shot so yeah I would likely go with a team like this I feel like this is a very solid option and then maybe you change your main main character around depending on what you like to play for myself personally I feel like Lancelot vain peral even Yara and fery are likely going to be the options that I like the most but yeah I think that these are very solid teams for lucilius for sure personally I wouldn't like to go with a character that has a very strong mechanical Focus like for example I wouldn't want to go with Gand goza or Vaga for example that takes a very long time to get off his attacks and I also wouldn't want to go with it because even though he is my favorite character in terms of how much fun he is to play it has this big problem that you know his Transformations take up a very long time but yeah the the problem with it is that a lot of times you're going to enter God M and the boss is going to move or you're going to lose your chance or you need to save up cooldowns to be able to use in godm might ID is this very weird character in terms of DPS but at the same time is also a very powerful character in the sense that he also has something that he can do very well like if lucilia stays at range for a portion of the fight you can stay in Dragon form and just use ranged attacks so I feel like it takes some skill to understand it has a lot of commitment issues but he can be a very solid character for a lot of fights as well but yeah my my top three choices as playable characters would be peral Lancelot and fery these would be my top three choices if I am to take a character that has short range I'm going with lelot because he is very easy to play he has a lot of voice to dodge damage and he can also freeze the enemy so he has a lot of utility there he doesn't rely on anyone saving him cuz you know a good lelot is not going to take damage I believe I was able to do a fire dragon without getting hit once with him so like if you practice with lelot you can totally do fights without taking damage and hopefully with this party composition you'll be more than prepared to deal with lucilius and any sort of upcoming content coming into gramble fantasy reing because who knows after all we might be getting even more level 200 quests added to the game which I would really love to see and if that's the case you're going to want to be prepared because a lot of things that we're not going to be taking into account right now such as attack AB Buffs or defense down debuffs are going to become a lot more important let me know how you feel about my party composition is there any member that you would swap around and are you excited for the lucilia raid let me know all of that in the comment section below and with that being said thank you all so much for watching my name is dark hero and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 45,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oqG8aPwdlz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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