My Honest Thoughts on Granblue Fantasy Relink After 250 Hours

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[Music] I've already put quite a lot of time into GR blue fantasy reink playing for over 200 hours despite the game not releasing too long ago it's a game that I've been looking forward to for a very long time and now that it's here I want to give you my thoughts go through all the content of the game and how I feel about it and go over what the game does right as well as what it does wrong because there's actually quite a few things that I think should be discussed in this video but first of all many people that came into my live stream seemed to like what they were seeing but did not really know exactly what this game was so let's go over all of that ramble fantasy reink is an action RPG where you can play with a variety of characters explore large open areas in linear style missions as you complete the story or take on quests where you can party up with up to four people to fight against hordes of enemies or a big boss battle in an arena similar in structure to Monster Hunter sadly story quests can only be done in single player but the game does provide with a lot of very cool and exciting set pieces so you'll have a blast with them even if you're playing it by yourself now in terms of the actual story The plotline The Narrative it's nothing too special so I wouldn't focus on that it's a very typical anime esque type narrative although it does have quite a few twists near the end but let's just say that the game play the boss fights and the cool set pieces is what keeps me coming back to the game and not the story itself that being said that as you play throughout the story mode you'll be in these big open areas where you can go ahead and explore as much as you want you can find hidden Collectibles interact with these Omen Stones which present you with a challenging enemy or a Time challenge where you need to defeat a certain number of enemies before the timer runs out these are also typically going to be higher level than most of your characters meaning that they can provide some actual challenge throughout your playthrough completing the entirety of the story mode can take you probably between 15 to 20 hours though in my case I ended up taking much longer because I was doing a lot of the side content the game's presentation combined with its very fluid and action-packed combat that is very satisfying regardless of what character you pick makes for a very fun experience that had me glued to the screen for hours on end and whenever you hit those big story moments you get those flashy cutscenes as well as the impressive boss fights that are accompanied by frankly an amazing soundtrack you just end up with a very fun action RPG though at times I wish the game was a little bit more challenging now one thing to note about the story mode of grand blue fantasy reink is that if you choose to unlock various different characters through the use of a recruit character voucher none of them will actually show up in the story or have any impact whatsoever on what is going on and in fact in many of the game's cutscenes if you are playing as any of these characters they won't even show up in the cutscenes I found that to be a little bit underwhelming you actually start off the game with a pretty sizable roster of characters to pick from although as you're going through the story you'll be forced to keep the main character Gran or jeta in the party but you don't have to control them they can be one of your AI companions but to unlock the rest of the playable characters you'll need to trade in one crew mate ticket and then you'll be able to freely select which one you want to play with you'll be getting these crewmate tickets as you play throughout the game at a fairly good consistent rate so you don't have to worry about missing out on some characters or having some sort of gacha in place you'll be able to get the ones you want just fine but that being said all of the characters in the game are actually quite fun to play and they offer a variety of different play styles on top of that the game's customization allows you to pick many of the characters and make it so that those characters can be more focused on dealing damage becoming a support by applying Buffs to your party and healing the rest of your your allies or turning those characters into tanks on top of that each of the different characters comes with a unique mechanic so you are likely going to be finding a lot of characters that you're going to resonate with going into this game I thought that I was only going to be playing a couple of characters but as I tried each and every new character that I ended up receiving I kept asking myself if this was going to become my new main character on top of that each of these characters also have these Mastery systems which are sent large skill trees that you can unlock to gain access to new skills as well as boost their stats and gain some powerful passives that can actually completely change your play style so as you'll be playing throughout the game you'll be leveling up each character unlocking different skills and masteries and forging and upgrading their weapons and this is where the big content treadmill comes in where you are able to take on a bunch of side quests which you can do solo with AI companions or invite other players to play with you to to farm all kinds of materials even though the game doesn't actually require you to do a lot of farming you can very easily Coast through the game without having to repeat a single quest in the game but if you are someone that likes to optimize their play style or even someone that likes to try out different characters and wants to see what each of the different skills do then you are likely going to be interacting with these systems which you can think of as being the equivalent two pieces of equipment in something like monster hunter or any other jrpg and speaking of Monster Hunter why do I and so many people claim that this game is very much structured like monster hunter in many aspects while it is mainly tied to the quest counter where you go here and you can select all sorts of quests some of them range from fighting hordes of enemies survival where you just defeat as many enemies as possible for a set period of time and more objectives like that but there are of course the boss quests as well where you go in with a party of four and fight a giant boss fights where the monster has weak spots you can break multiple Parts the monster even has an enraged phase and so in that aspect it is very much like Monster Hunter and because you're going to be farming loot in some of these quests the game even gives you the option at the very end of a quest to press square to repeat that Quest without going back to the hub that being said the main story Quest the main key scenarios are all going to be solo so each player needs to take care of that progression by themselves but any sort of side quests can be done in multiplayer either with randoms through matchmaking or with friends something else to note about gramble fantasy reink and its similarities to monster hunter is that once you beat the story and you enter the end game you'll be doing a bunch of these quests some of them will be highlighted much like key quests in Monster Hunter and eventually you'll get the equivalent to an urgent quest which will allow you to rank up so that you can tackle the extreme difficulty quests and then even further further into the game you'll be able to tackle the maniac difficulty quests which not only have a lot harder boss fights but they actually add new mechanics to these fights making them that much more challenging that being said I want to address the topic of difficulty in this game as depending on how you're tackling the game and how you're progressing the game can be extremely easy but also at the same time you can make it harder for yourself so what do I mean by this basically as you'll be leveling up your characters and up grading their Mastery trees doing the traditional progression if you are playing solo you will have to do the same for the rest of your party and if you are someone like myself that likes to swap characters around there may be times where you don't have characters that are well geared especially if you are spending a lot of Mastery points and resources into upgrading a lot of characters at once and so once you get into the harder difficulties you may be somewhat underleveled or underpowered to tackle some of these challenges however if you're someone that likes to focus on a single character make it your main and try to max out everything as much as possible then you are likely going to find that this game is actually not that difficult even on the harder difficulties and it's not because the monsters don't deal enough damage because once you get into extreme and even Maniac they actually do a lot of damage and are able to on-shot you with some attacks so you definitely need to pay attention to the mechanics and have to be careful to dodge incoming attacks you can't just face roll and tank everything however the thing is that in the end game as long as you have a well-geared character and somewhat decent AI companions you'll be dishing out so much damage that the game simply won't have enough time for it to use these tools to pressure you so that you actually make mistakes leading to your deaths and of course this becomes much more apparent if you play online with three other players with each of you maxing out a single character where you are able to absolutely destroy a boss's HP and in some cases you'll be able to take them down before they even have a chance to use their main mechanic so again depending on how you're approaching the game that may affect how easy or difficult it can be for you that being said you can always Farm those materials as much as you want to it's not a gacha game even though the franchise that this is based off is so you don't have to worry about running out of resources you can simply add the items that you want to look for to the wish list and with a very convenient and nice quality of life feature that this game has you can simply walk up to the quest counter and look for quests that will reward you with the exact item that you have put on your wish list and seriously I hope that monster enter steals this and we see this in Wilds but that's another thing about gr blue Fantasy reink A lot of times the game just tries to make sure that you have as much fun as possible and anything that may detract from that they kind of just put to the side and try to ensure that you have as much fun as as possible by streamlining some of the more boring and tedious processes with another good example being the ability to after you finish a quest select the option to repeat that Quest without returning to the lobby even while you are in multiplayer which will cut down a few loading screens and just make the overall process a lot faster so whenever you're farming for some specific items that is just going to speed up the process and make things less boring and again please Capcom steal this idea I would love to see this in Monster Hunter Wilds there is a lot more Monster Hunter DNA to this game Beyond just the quest structure like for example in the big boss fights the monsters will have an enraged phase you are able to stagger and topple enemies you can focus and break monster Parts you can paralyze and debuff the monsters and again you'll be able to tackle on these quests as a party of four but I don't want you to get the impression that this game is Just boss fights because there are these big areas for you to explore and the game does actually give you a good reason to go back to these Maps after you beat the campaign to collect everything that you may have missed and you can even do that in harder difficulties with the proud difficulty being unlocked once you reach end game I can easily see myself putting in hundreds upon hundreds of hours into this game just because of how fun the gameplay Loop is but also just how satisfying the combat feels how each of the different characters feels so unique but at the same time all of them are very fun and very powerful in their own ways and with you being able to customize so much about their kits to the point where you can have three or four different play Styles depending on the character you're playing I believe that gr blue fantasy is a game that provides a ton of value to the players that like to scratch that build crafting itch while at the same time having this very satisfying combat system that is akin to Monster Hunter but also a lot flashier much more arcadey and that has a ton of charm and personality if I were to dumb it down to a couple of games I would say that grand blue fantasy relink takes some of the best from Final Fantasy 16 and the entirety of the monster hunter series and I think that what you end up with is a very rewarding game that you can keep on coming back to especially as the developers have already stated they will be adding new characters and endgame raids to the game so you'll be able to have a lot of fun with it for a very long time there's still a lot more that I want to talk about in regards to to the end game but I want to spend more time with these characters level a bunch of them up to the camp to truly then be able to make a proper end game review of gramble fantasy reink but until then I'll be making many more videos and guides about this game so if you are interested in that please subscribe to the channel and let me know if you are having fun with this game with that being said thank you all so much for watching my name is dark hero and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 33,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SYs4qkxneGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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