You Might Get in A LOT of Trouble Doing This in Some Places!

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whether you're using technology from the 1850s Gold Rush look at that that is a solid little flake of gold or a modern iteration of the same machine the hardest part about gold prospecting is not catching it oh my God look at the Gold almost any piece of gold prospecting equipment will catch gold just fine that's the amount of gold from one test pan it's a truly difficult part is finding it this was a little bit of a greedy pan you're relying on mother nature to put all the gold in one spot for you and sometimes it can take years in the same spot to narrow down where the goal is [Music] looked at a spot and thought geez I'd like to know what's on the Bedrock but there's way too much overburden because that happens to me all the time and today I've decided to move all of that overburden to find out what's on the Bedrock the dirt I go out of that little hole down there gave me over 100 pieces of gold so I think it's going to be a good little take 18 months ago that 100 spec pan peaked out interest in this spot that's the wrong way what I didn't know back then was this was going to lead me to a small Bonanza just last week fit so fit and that's just the thing about prospecting your knowledge is far more important than the equipment you use we're almost there we've got a little bit of a Bedrock crevice here but the cell the soil's still really sandy so I want to go down a bit further down there there was Clay and that's what I want I think we hit the paper oh yeah thicker hard packed play this should have gold foreign the best gold on the Bedrock but that's not always the case check the sand above because you never know saying some fine specks of gold I've got a little bit of black sand this is like a 50 50 pound with overburden and the pay layer at the bottom so I'm not 100 sure how well we're going to go oh yeah plenty of flower gold plenty that burns well let's see if we can get down to 100 pay and then we shouldn't get a diluted pan old ground that has not moved in a while dilution is the process of mixing low-grade or worthless dirt in amongst your Pay Dirt holds the majority of your gold you want to try to avoid this because it means doing more work for Less gold [Music] not as much black sand [Music] we still got good fine gold though that's easy 50 pieces foreign how big is the deposit how many specs what kind of goal how many Heavies all of this helps you pick future equipment and how to work the area still a decent spec count I'm impressed but I'm not super impressed it would be good high banking material I think we'd have a really solid day on that and a little over a year later I discovered that high Banking and spot would be quite profitable spot was guarded by huge wolf spiders my test pan was so good so it's funny how that can happen sometimes oh yeah yeah there was gold in there [Applause] this is how the day continued testing different layers to see what kind of gold came out of it all right we've got more Black Sands and maybe the Gold's sitting a little bit higher in that in that gray material a lot of fun see the first pen we had a lot of course interesting this is very high bankable it's not really panning material after several hours of prospecting it was time to move to a new spot now I haven't done too many pans on the bottom of that hole but the gold is so inconsistent if we were getting consistent really good pans it'd be worth panning but this is definitely a high banking spot because we're not getting less than 20 but the spec size changes and a high banker it could be really quick this is everything I got out of those few pans from the bottom of that hole so we didn't find a cracking panning spot we found a pretty good high banking spot for a number of reasons we left that spot alone for over 12 months but when we finally came back to it after the biggest floods in five years we were in for a bonanza of gold and crystals ready Creek prospecting it's simultaneously hot muggy and slightly cold which is strange we've come down to the panning area and I look in the creek and look look at this unusual thing look at that that has to be the strangest structure for a crystal I've ever seen the top of it's broken off it's kind of got like an agate composite because it's got all these different Rock rotted together I just aligned all our chakras all the chakras now we're both looking for crystals and we just discovered what is probably going to be I don't know what what there's a bottle top Prime old Tom distillers that is a super cool find so that must be the bottom I'm gonna go with that's the bottom of a bottle or an earthenware pottery hey is this that fragment my mother always said not to look at my feet when I walked but I think she was wrong oh this is not a good one it is look at that oh let's get into water oh like a pendant ready I don't know if it's glass or a crystal you want to come it's either gloss or a crystal oh that's a crystal oh it's a smoky there you go go prospecting you end up spending 10 minutes as a crystal Hunter and that's what you find oh why do I have so much stuff a high banker is capable of processing a lot of Pay Dirt using just one man and a petrol engine our petrol water pump pumps water into our spray bar system here there are jets along the edges of these bars that shoot high pressure water into the hopper I take a shovel of our Peter throw it in the hopper and the petrol pump washes our dirt for us that dirt then travels along the sluice box which has got expanded mesh and astro turf in it and today I'm running what's called a Javi riffle the Javi riffle creates extra turbulent water to slow down the gravel so more gold can drop out of suspension over a year later I set about re-familiarizing myself with the ground I knew the gold is here but I had to make sure I knew exactly where it was sitting before I started processing it in the high banker now testing yesterday showed some pretty decent gold smattered across this whole flat section and that looks like it's staying true look at that that's the amount of gold from one test pan and we're able to process about six pans a minute with this High Manker so in the four hours that I've got to work today we should get a decent take fingers crossed now I've had to duct tape it because there's a few leaks going on I've got to address but nonetheless all right let's go yeah well at least the League's going that way it was going that way before I absolutely love high back but I definitely need to mention that it's not legal in every state or every country so please check your local mining regulations so you don't accidentally get in trouble foreign like automatic panning all you've got to do is add the dirt to the system and it does everything else this means these machines can make even low-grade ground profitable [Music] did that make anyone else want to pee we've got to do a test stand because for the last 20 shovels I was writing something that's very similar to straight clay and there's no point running it if there's no gold in it I get asked when to clean out your high banker all the time and the easiest way I can tell you to check is to make sure your riffles aren't packed if you touch the soil in your riffle and it's really firm it's time to clean out because you probably haven't got your settings right you want material moving all the time so we're going to touch this and you can see it's still nice and loose foreign we want to see probably at least five or ten specs to keep continuing into that clay all right we've got that oh we've got that that's heaps it's very fine gold but there is a lot of it so that should add up super fast through the high banker well at least that's the theory right ambitious and hopeful High banking is a numbers game once you establish you have more Pay Dirt then you can easily pan it's literally all about shoveling as much as you can into this loose box I just did another 50 shovels in about I don't know 10 minutes with a lot of digging oh my God look at the Gold there's gold here and there what I don't want to see is gold down here if I see gold down here that I've definitely got empty the mats these are all still loose it'll be collecting which is the main thing I might just have a look under the Javi plate and see what's going on and then make a decision about whether I want to do an early clean out or not damn that's a lot of black sand um I really don't want to have to do a clean out but I might just do the top piece of mine as more foreign black sand and gold I could see on the top of that minus Moss I think we are going to be in for a very decent cleanup oh my God oh it's gonna be a good day I have to work I have to work real hard because I've only got a limited time here oh my God I believe it's going to be a good day I believe it's going to be a very good day [Music] foreign it's just super repetitive digging all day in the sun there are basically three types of high Bank this is a mid-sized high banker these are perfect for one-man operations you can usually get them reasonably far into the Bush on your own and they'll keep up with one person shoveling all day then you have Micro High bankers and these are perfect for putting in a backpack and taking far out of the way just so you can get a small sample run done to know if it's worth trying to track bigger equipment in later and lastly we have really big high Bankers Mega High Bankers like my Keen these are for two or more people to shovel in all day without you having to think about it but you need a lot of ground to run one of those machines and usually this is more than adequate and it should also be noted that high Bankers are not legal everywhere we're lucky here in the state of Victoria to be able to use them but you might not be able to so please check your local regulations before going out and buying one of those some three hours later and the pump has finally run out of fuel but that gives me a chance to look in the mat oh look at that flaky hell yeah again nothing's packed so we can keep running there's one key ingredient you need for successful High Banking and that is an Old-Timers shoe bottom um I calling these the best lock for Prospectors so we just we keep that on the high banker did you see all those bubbles they could be a major problem and they're being caused by the driving Ripple to fix that problem I need to install a leveling flap which is a new feature project of mine Quick Test fans make sure that we're still on it and and yeah again super fine gold but enough of it to keep going there is at least 30 specks of gold in the pan and my minimum for high banking is 10. at 10 specks of pan as long as you've got the quantity of dirt you can still have a good day like Grand Plus holy crap there is gold in every riffle look at all those bits I got pieces of gold here got pieces of gold over here every single riffle has gold in it what I'm really checking for is to make sure there's no gold down this third of the sluice because if there's gold here we're definitely losing significant gold just on that you're going to lose gold regardless of the sluice box or the type of system that you're using pants looses trommels dredgers they all lose gold it's just got to be with intolerance all right look man we don't have much time left so we are going to do a little clean out from underneath the Javi riffle I might just test pound and see where the best gold is foreign ERS Moss which means that the dirt can actually fall through the other side which is why we've got a piece of astro turf sitting underneath it that is back so whatever's actually called in here is not going to be all the gold that's at the top we haven't cleaned that astro turf out at all once again we're going to clean this up properly at home this is just to have a look oh man look at the Ring of gold at the top yeah there you go hell yeah because the driving Ripple only has super fine holes in it we're only collecting the really fine gold up the top all right lucky horseshoe um I bless you with Golds and old timey luck foreign four hours of high banking it was time to do a clean out the biggest problem with Reedy Creek concentrates is they're full of tin non-magnetic black sand and makes it hard to see the gold and for that reason I take my concentrates home and clean them up properly with the Miller table remember you can always clean gold up at home but you can only dig it out of the ground on the creek spend your time extracting concentrates not cleaning your gold well I don't think that's even go to work I'll just go to try and swirl it back to show you some of the gold but it's just all through the sand look at that black sand the black sand in my area is tin so it's not magnetic it's very hard to separate from the gold but you can see that this sort of very fine gold is just going to be all through that tin I mean you can see specs everywhere this is a job for at home with the Miller table besides cleaning up those concentrates there was one other thing I had to do and that was take advantage of the water and a seasonal Creek I'd never seen water in before and what I found was potential new ground just yesterday Geddy and I found this interesting deposit in a brand new Creek that we've never found gold in before this Creek I have never seen flow but because of the floods we have a trickle of water in here I mean this is this is what it looks like during a flood at the moment it's quite difficult to get access to this Creek meaning getting a high banker in here is fraught with problems whereas The Rocker Box is actually quite light and easy to get in The Rocker Box or gold cradle is not a sluice box you put dirt into the top classifying plate you take your leader on a stick fill this bad boy with the water pour the water over your dirt the dirt then lands on the top apron this is where most of your gold is collected before dropping onto the lower piece of carpet in this case I thought I'd put a Javi riffle in here just for some fun and see what it catches whilst you're pouring the water you rock the box side to side like that that rocking action works the gold into the matting much the same as what happens when you shake a pan side to side and the gold sinks to the bottom of the riffles back in the day this invention allowed the gold prospectors to process more dirt more efficiently with less water which is perfect for this little seasonal Creek foreign there are a couple of things that you need to know about this ground the first is that there are no indicator minerals the reason that there aren't any indicator minerals here is because all of the indicator minerals are iron sulfides as soon as they come into contact with oxygen they evaporate this means that there's no black sand or Iron Stone and the gold here is not good or nothing meaning you get very little fine gold or you get a chunk so what we're hoping for today is that we let a chunk roll down our Rocker Box and that's our gold there's a few more micro pieces in there but that's the main flake that we got from that test pan foreign you have to kind of think of these machines as old-timer High Bankers by today's standards kind of slow but back then an absolute miracle [Music] and I'd be lying if I said that they weren't very messy they're not the most pretty method of catching gold that's for sure I know I said it's not good or nothing and that is not a large classifying place exactly why I bought the gold monster out so I can check for nuggets later big big brain as I said at the start of the film this is not a sluice box and that's why there is no electric pump hooked up to this there's nothing in there to prevent water washing the gold out other than the shaking action to get the gold to sink into the carpet if you have constant running water over the top of the carpet not likely called what's going to happen is there's nothing to stop the water picking the gold up and pushing it out when there's no new material running over the top of it and the matting is looking well like batting that's been processing dirt however in our main payload area we have hit a boundary layer this is Clay down here no matter what system you're using you want to check any changes in your Pay Dirt because the change could be really good or a change could mean that there's no gold at all and you've got to know what's worth processing see I just gave away one of our Biggest Secrets I don't know where the gold is our gold pens show us this test pan is the one that's going to tell us whether or not it's worth trying to process that clay oh it's totally worth trying to process that clay because there is still gold in it just remember I'm not out here trying to get rich off gold I'm participating in my hobby during a past time that I think is really cool and fun and because I know this is nugget or nothing ground that one spec is an indication of gold that means if there is a speck of gold in that clay there's a chance there's a nugget foreign I'd run a whole bunch of shovels through my rocker box and I'm kind of curious to know what's in the apron foreign I am in no way shape or form expecting to see a lot of gold but this is about the experience today and testing the ground Yeah Yeah Chris I know but now show me the gold so I'm being completely honest I am a little bit nervous about what's going to be in this pan because I didn't see a single Speck of gold on the way down and normally you would so here we go here goes nothing no Black Sands no heavy indicator minerals just paranoia oh bit look at that that is a solid little flake of gold I'm real happy about that piece and there's a bunch of micro going along with it heck freaking yeah we're going to do more I'm gonna do more it takes me approximately 50 seconds to fill and then completely empty one hopper in The Rocker Box on the same count it takes me about three minutes to fill and process one Pan's worth of dirt so by my hillbilly maths panning is three times slower than rocker boxing but that might not hold up in court oh my God is that the head of your enemy so why am i showing you this at the end of a video that was focused on high banking simply put this gold deposit is going to have to sit in this position until we have the right piece of equipment and the right weather to process it remember it's not the gear you use it's the knowledge on your ground well I have had my fun for the morning so we're gonna clean out all of it and see what kind of gold we got I say we me and um all my friends rocker boxes do produce a lot of concentrates they simply don't shed off as many of the heavy materials as the sluicebox does and it's for that reason that we wash the mats multiple times to get as much dirt out as possible I didn't do nearly as many shovels this run as I did the first run so whatever goal we get in here will be a nice little bonus the main goal take should be in the mat what near future Chris didn't know was I was in for a surprise I mean let's be real I probably only did maybe 20 shovels so if there was any gold in this I'd be very surprised ah yeah oh actually actually they're nicer than the first run those little crunchy bits are nice but I want to know if we've got any more the main mat hadn't been checked for either run so I was hoping there was going to be a few more flakes in there oh here we go this is the first clean out of that mat usually I will have to go home and Bash the Jesus out of it in a tub to get all the fine gold we're coming out of the bottom but we'll do that on the creek after the first band I would really hope to see some fine gold but hey at least we've got a little bit in the top apron anything anything oh yeah oh yeah they're caused little bits too oh yeah look I know it's not a bonanza but I'm really happy to have found gold on a creek that I've never found gold before and with an 1800s technology that was likely used on these very gold Fields over 150 years ago that is some nice coarse chunky gold and I reckon there's gonna be a lot more of it here let that be a lesson to any Claim Jumpers claim jump is all buried it was finally time to go home and end the week with a way up ever seen a fungus that looks like that before looks like the tree sneezed I'm finally getting around to doing the full cleanup from the high banking session that I did I just wanted to show you what Miller table looks like at 50 this is where we're up to and we've already gone through one of the two pans that have got of concentrates [Music] that is looking good oh man this week's weigh-in we're only weighing the gold from the high banker that's because The Rocker Box gold is mixed in this snuffle bottle with a whole bunch of other test panning I don't want to contaminate the results with that being said this is the gold that came out of my high banking session I think that is a pretty dang good take say what you want about fine flower gold I love it and right before we weigh up the gold I wanted to mention that over on my patreon account this month for Christmas we're giving away two one gram guaranteed gold jars of Pay Dirt as well as two gold specimens that I dug out of a hard rock mine it only costs a dollar to sign up and there's no long-term commitment the link is in the description below if that's something you're interested in scales are all teared off and this is a really nice line of gold from Reedy Creek so I'm going to guess that there's one gram there leave your guesses below well not too bad 0.85 that gold is worth 71.50 Australian at the time of recording for just three hours on the high banker Dragon I should make a return trip thank you so much for watching my film please give your dog a big scratch behind New Years for me until next time peace and I'm now
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 401,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, how to find gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, gold nugget, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, mining, river gold, where to find gold, metal detecting, gold price, treasure, lost gold, pirates, gold ore, coin collecting, rare, Dan hurd, crypto minin, gold stacking, pioneer pauly, jeff williams, shorts, trending, gold rush 2022, parker schnabel, service dogs, boxer dogs
Id: 1tojTEgpLlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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