GIANT MAGNET Pulls Astonishing FIND out of the Canal

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magnets away here it comes oh look at all the bubbles look at that I just got a cannonball yeah it's coming we've got ourselves a safe oh it's full oh my gosh yeah awesome good day and welcome back to another magnet fishing Adventure we are back with a new phone a new gimbal new microphones and everything because last time we were here I fell in the canal well the phone didn't I jumped jumped in after it so I got completely wet but before I jumped in the canal we found three guns so this is a hot spot so we're back with Denny young wi give hug hug okay so we're going to try and stay dry today and find some treasure and not lose it so let's do it you have a wet suit no I forgot my wet suit I should have brought it magnets away rro magnets away mate yo so we're going to start here and a guy came up to us when we were here last last week and he said I know another spot where there's loads of safes so stay tuned for that but we're going to start here again cuz we had a hot spot then we're going to work our way over there it's going to be an awesome adventure you stay dry this time don't go in the water magnets away okay let's see what we've got first cast oh got some stuff on there that one looks black and crusty doesn't it that's a fishing lure yeah fishing lure there some crusty bits definitely some stuff here then fishing lure yeah oh tro on the Rope while we're magnet fishing down here yopi is all the way down over there he's got an inkling I don't know if I can zoom in that far there he is all the way down there on his own poor yopi all right actually he's got a friend down there if he gets a safe that'll be pretty cool we'll be down there in a second yann's just pulled out a knife is it a knife it's a knife yeah oh yeah oh yeah that is an old one it's like still in its um what do you call it the pouch which the technical term for that but it looks like it's been wrapped up in sticky tapeo well we found three guns last week in a short amount of time he's got a knife already who knows what else is going to come out this week cool find nice one yo oh I've just got something big down here yeah I've got something big here my gosh it's just a huge crusty pole have a look at that one with some fishing line on there oh my gosh if that's down here there's loads more to find down here what Ste steering wheel for a motorbike an oversized one okay let's go again oh we shall call you Thor from now on I'll do I was going to help you bit it's a bit heavy it's a bit heavy oh my gosh I just got something big down there oh yes I'm just going to pull it up real slow it's almost going to be here come on what is that all right I need an extra magnet on there Wim bro let's see what we've got wimbo have a look over there it's not light okay oh what is that oh that's a frame of a motorbike a motorbike oh my gosh we got a motorbike waa that's an old one that's a very old one what's it called zund zund zund zund yeah it's a German brand zund I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to get away from here on my zund okay that is one of the best zund dubs I've ever seen it's also the only zund duub I've ever seen look look at the license plate on there n it's not the license plate no it's only that you come from from Holland okay so how old is it then Danny very very old very very old like as old as whim every time why you do that man why we don't he asks this question as if he doesn't know the answer to it maybe it's cuz you put my magnet stuck on big metal items I've got it on footage I'm going to kill [Laughter] [Music] wimbo what just happened whim came over put my magnet on the metal right and then he's walking backwards laughing trips on the thing Yi just picks yeah I'll help you up you help me thank you very much yeah okay it's cool it's a cool F oh my gosh you do one hand I'm doing all the way to my left hand making you look good wiim br yeah yeah all right cool let's go again second cast I get a motorbike I'm stoked I told you and that is why right there we pick on wimbo that is why we pick on wi because he's Relentless and we don't feel sorry for him we don't we C again oh last week he did that to me tripped over a motorbike that was the funniest thing I think I ever saw I like like this thank you very much all right Karma might treat you nicer this week I'm still calling you old though the women on the uh comments don't seem to mind they love wimo he is single by the way so most eligible bachelor actually he's not even wimo I apologize sir wimbo has a sword now oh yeah yeah he's been kned yeah seem like us with ro we're elest yeah now yeah we must be called sir sir yes thank you very much sir sir yeah oh look at this boat here Nikki all right Nikki is here that's a good luck sign Nikki's at home with Johnny hey Johnny and Nikki we're going to catch a safe for you [Music] H just another piece of crusty bit covered in muscles we can put the muscles back in but I think it's time to go to another spot so we're leaving this spot and we're going to a spot where there is more safes apparently and to be honest after my experience the last time I was here I'm kind of happy to leave here leave it all behind and I'm even happy to be leaving dry this time so we've just arrived at the next spot but we need to kind of like replenish our energy and I don't know if you saw last week's video but we had some of these delicious Dutch treats are we going to do it again and uh it's this small biscuit which is almost a mini death sentence of Joy because if you try to eat it in one go everybody everybody to do it it's delicious but it's uh okay in you GOI yeah yeah that's cheating that's there we go another [Laughter] one oh my God the master together oh yeah I can't breathe mate the big stuff is everywhere I have to say I did better this week than last week we made it through no thanks okay let's get back to the action we survived another day well let's go sir wiro go there's no excuses now we've had our Sugar Puff yeah now we need some saves now we need some saves out of one of 10 one being not so high 10 being the highest what are the chances we find a safe at this spot 10 10 yeah how's that for positivity 10 out of 10 for positivity for you wira I've written a Christmas song for our next Christmas special I'm going to have it recorded ready to go oh okay dodgy dodgy down here yeah that's a sneaky part huh well we never would have come here without this hot tip that's sure let me introduce you to Teo hello I'm Tim I live here in ut I was born here it's a very criminal over here and so where did you dump the saves I know for sure there's one over here for sure there's a safe here okay yeah I know there's a little one over there I know there's a little a big one over there ooh okay let's get to work huh 10 out 10 10 out of 10 you said okay I've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight magnet fishes these safes aren't going anywhere let's go Danny get it get to work mate 50/50 on the profits first throw can he get the safe if not you know I no no no oh it's clear in there it's actually clear you can see down there see that magnet you can't see out too far though well I'm going to get my magnet in there I'll show them how to find a safe okay here we go in the long grass oh oh almost oh my gosh not again okay magnets away let's get a safe all right let's see what we get First cast at this spot well I got a crusty pole that's not a safe got a money box oh he's got a money box yes wa y look at that woo well it is true there was safes in this canal oh yeah looky lookie oh it's full oh my gosh it's full oh is that passports in there oh my gosh nice one what's in there look at it's full of these things what are they are they like some type of Dutch it's gone it's gone it's gone it's totally dissolved been down here a long time yeah oh from the bank it says Ro sport SP ban savings yeah oh savings account another one there's a lot of savings going on in this safe what's in that one this one diamonds in there oh it's being come on come on come on something something it's all just so dissolved even if it was even if it was money it would just be gone by now you know so crazy that's so cool first safe of the day one nice one you're going to get some more going to get some more who's motivated now nice one yeah oh a pumped let's do [Music] it I am so sorry about that oh I've got something big who was that was that whim oh my God oh I've got something over here look look at the bubbles oh yep I'm on something massive look at the bubbles there oh just got something big here oh my God is that a cannonball I just got a cannonball I just got a cannonball oh my gosh how is there a cannonball in here looks like yeah it looks like yeah hell fist bump how how did I get a cannonball in this little thing here was right close to the edge that's awesome man that's an awesome one yeah I think it's I think it's a real one yeah yeah man drink thank you very much I don't know how I'm going to get this off man it's to protect your Castle hang on maybe we should get a photo yeah if you want to get one of these magnets Link in the description below they work here you go WI two watch it before you go into water the magnet's loving it one two it's almost going to break his kneecap oh my gosh that is a dream F that's a cool F man I was just I was just saying we're here to find knives guns safe with with money and size Canon balls in this spot I was not even thinking about it awesome yeah it's a was it's I tell you what if that hit you you would be like just bam oh so really I I didn't expect this also no it was right there yeah yes unbelievable unbelievable I'm going home now find find of the day this way to the beach this way to the mountains coo awesome yes it's n n uh for for fence or something it's round all over yeah oh my gosh unbelievable man shocked awesome thanks sir wiim bro you're welcome we'll use that to defend our Castle yeah yeah yeah all right it's heavy too yeah it's very heavy Yi got canall have a look cannon ball it's a real one it's heavy huh not not for the game yeah y oh here we go here we go it's uh snow rain that's the weather in the Netherlands Sunny one second actually how have you caught a tree he has caught a tree with his magnet I've never seen that before what is going on he's got a tree that is the find of the day the tree I mean not the Cannonball but yeah the weather in the Netherlands Sunny 1 second rainy for the other 99 yeah cool huh look at the hail coming down it's heavy yeah very can you see the hail bouncing off us here look at it I'm for myself yeah oh my gosh ducking cover duck in cover oh my gosh we're getting hit here with him it's really hailing now I'm glad oh my gosh what is going on here he's stuck in a tree come bro we're getting smashed now what is going on there's so much chaos happening I just can't figure out what's going [Laughter] on oh my gosh well he's getting a good workout today it's absolutely Halen here today he's going in the tree this this is some good footage here don't look away don't look away aw okay go oh yep yep yeah oh come well done yeah [Laughter] almost it oh that's so nice glad it wasn't me this week you can film thatly look at the rainbow oh there's a rainbow oh yeah it's really low it's very low in the buildings yeah look at that that's the lowest rainbow I ever saw in my life I'm not too sure if it's on the footage but it's just here right there we must check for a port of gold what do you mean I've already found it I've just got a cannonball yeah and now it's sunny again good old Netherlands that's Netherlands yeah yeah back to the action let's see if we can you the the camera is just as wet as last week oh my gosh I got it oh you got it you got it I'm going in I'm going in oh my gosh got it yopi oh it's still on the phone's liquid detecting charge okay how do you got yopi what do you got Yi cash register a cash register oh nice okay we got a cash register oh yopi yeah that is cool go yopi this takes to long for me okay let's see if there's any eels or money inside of this thing oh money oh anything could come out of this right now let the money come out let the diamonds come out Yi still something yeah that's the cash just a draw I can see something blue there yopi what's that blue thing here here oh yep it's a card Yeah clean that off I with the yeah yeah that's good oh I heard something click click click click click oh yeah what was what's on there yopi a bit oh you got one coin a coin nice [Laughter] got everyone look at no it's a shopping cart of a shopping oh shopping chart okay sty in it oh yeah okay stomy yopi so there's loads of stuff here but now that we've got this C cash register out Danny there's another one over there yeah for it's a big one oh a big one sounds like it and it feels like it all right I think this one okay okay if it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck yeah maybe it's a it's a duck will you keep it down there yopi I'm trying to [Laughter] talk there another C here another C need a bucket of water there you go your shout then yopi visa visa for lunch nice let's have a look in there that is a Crusty safe full of mud all right let's go get the other safe then we're going into the Dodge area I'm not too sure what this sign here means maybe this is an old area because it's got these old photos of this spot it says from 1758 were're up the I don't know what this mean this field they were using it okay 150 years long so this is an old spot and that's why there's a cannonball here all right where's the safe then Denny oh I can hear it yep that sounds Hollow to me oh were you trying to hit me then Tim that was close pull it's coming oh look at all the bubbles oh my gosh yeah it's coming we've got ourselves a safe oh oh yeah all right one two three oh no okay we've got a different plan now we're going to get the um safe and pull it from the other side because up there it's going up a hill we couldn't get it yep I got it okay I got a good good spot now okay here it comes here it comes here it comes [Music] that was spiky ah oh my gosh it's so big it's on it out there and you're on it here okay 1 2 3 here it comes what is that it's a b it's a trash B what all right so that's just a trash bin like the one over here I thought it was a safe because when you put your magnet on that it has that Hollow drum sound thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it subscribe if you did we'll see you soon for the next R when yobi gets wet right Yi yes ha [Music]
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 174,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnet Fishing, Fishing, Bondi Treasure Hunter, Magnet Fishing Amsterdam, River Treasure, Bondi Magnet Fishing, Best Magnet Fishing Finds, Metal Detecting, Treasure Hunting, Treasure, Strongest Magnet, Magnet Fishing USA, Found Treasure, mudlarking, magnet, treasure hunter, magnet fishing police, Treasure Hunters, Fishing Videos, Magnet Fishing Police, cops, crazy, antique, history, fishing video, treasure, Sword found magnet fishing, sword, magnet fishing magnet, Found a Sword
Id: fmO2Csgj0bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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