Massive Gold Nugget Haul continues – Virgin Patch found with Metal Detectors in Outback Australia

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might strike it big might get out here with  nothing and instead a big hole in the pocket   for the expenses probably got a gram there thank  goodness after a week we are in the second week of   our gold prospecting trip to some new areas  in the pilbara region of Western Australia   there's a lot of country out here with only a  few known gold mines on the maps this part of   the world hasn't been fully explored yet and  it's therefore full of potential but combined   with a lot of hard work in the Relentless heat  while being surrounded by thousands of flies another bright and early start this morning here  taking advantage of the cool hours Clint already   started detecting with the 7000 today on his  patch that he found yesterday so he's hoping   to find a few more maybe deeper ones there  because the 7000 is just known for picking   up bigger bits that are a little bit deeper which  the 6000 here maybe can't get because it's Out Of   Reach so yeah good luck I hope he's going to  find a few more my plan was to work uh yeah   an area nearby but unfortunately it's either  our Bluetooth speakers or the detectors they   interfere with each other so I decided to yeah  walk a bit further so that his machine runs as   quiet as possible hopefully I can continue the  run or I'm going to find a new spot I'll also   compare the countryside and have a look um if  there's any more white patches which uh seems   to be the area where Clint found the patch in the  white quartz hey guys we're back at the patch we   found yesterday I was going to try and have a go  with the seven but it's playing up with my speaker   going back to the six and I've got a signal  straight [Music] away right amongst those other [Music] holes [Music] oh yeah another little one hopefully there's some more running  down the hill I've just started heading   down the hill and I've picked up about six bits  so the camera was a bit far away but I'll bring   it over set you up and see if I get a  few more you can see I've got one two   three a couple on the other side of the tree  and I've got a couple down where the detector   is there have a quick bit more of a look  though they've all just been little ones we didn't bring a chain to grid this  patch properly but Clint covered the   ground systematically by following  a pattern along an existing little   drain coming off the flat the trick is is to  swing the coil of the detector low and slow   trying to cover the ground completely  almost like painting a wall [Music] that one sounds alright nice little little one I've been  getting a fair few in the it's   like a little Shear running through  here so hopefully they'll keep going settle down [Music] 0:03:59.680,1193:02:47.295 [Music] another nice little one got a bit better  Target down the bottom or half way down that sounds a bit better oh yeah nice little one that's my tummy rumbling that's probably a point 2 or point 4 as I continued metal detecting other nearby Flats  Clint was busy digging more holes on the new patch [Music] yes this signal was another piece of  gold and those gold signals kept on coming so i've got a fair few bits sort of running  down here in the middle a couple over the   other side and I'm just going to move  around these trees and start working   my way down it's a bit hard to film every dig  cuz there's so many it's good problem to have probably a nice bit over a gram I reckon oh I listen to that well that sounds good I can see it another little gram I reckon starting to get a  bit bigger than this morning hopefully there's   more I need Krissy back here to give me a  hand oh that's all today that's all today   you emptied all the tin yeah boy I haven't  been filming much cuz it's just every two   steps is it yeah setting it up nice unreal big  patch you got to help me here well my battery   is flat now use the seven yeah how much battery  power do you have left it's beepin' yeah Clint   has probably dug about 20 pieces by now and I'm  going to fire up the seven now and I'll just go   over the areas where I can see the holes  it goes all the way down this gully here yay didn't take long first signal oh I can see it where is it here there is more gold on this  patch another sharp little one [Music] that's a maybe one but yeah I'll  definitely make sure by scraping off the   top soil and and then I'll check again at  the moment it's not much of a signal yet yeah that's a definite might be another nugget that's another small little bit number two  so Clint and I are working areas far enough   away from each other so that the detectors  don't interfere and yeah I'm just going over   the ground which he detected with the six  just to swing a different coil different   detector and see if it picks up any more  nuggets that the other machine didn't hear here's another one of Clint's gold  holes with another signal next to it I could see it in the pile that's another  sharp little one probably point2 of a gram   $20 it's nice when they add up like that  so quickly yeah I spent the morning walking   around trying to widen out this patch  area or yeah find new run that didn't   happen but now I'm even happier to be back  here and having a look over the patch itself there's not much change in  the threshold just because   we're right on the patch here I'm  definitely going to give it a dig oh yeah I got it another small bit it's an oddly shaped one  that's why it sounds so wobbly nice another sub grammer and Clint is digging  gold over there as well by the looks of it yeah   it's not guaranteed that you walk around in  a random area and you start finding a patch   like that so I reckon that's half an ounce  that came off it by now but we'll have a   look at the camp what it says on the scales  it's just a very special thing to discover   I'm glad those areas are still there they're  getting pretty rare Krissy's working up the   top she's getting the seven out to look for  the deeper ones and I'm just following down   the hill got a hole here hole here I'm just  getting a couple over here so so I'll set   up the camera somewhere here and we'll see  how many's here just sort of following the   shear down and it's keeps going virtually all  all the way to the creek good so far [Music] it's going good two bits close to each  other other on there there there and   just there it's looking all right starting to get a bit hot so just   making me way back up to the bike and  I got another little piece Krissy's   already at the bike I'll dig this one  up and then save the rest for tomorrow tiny little wiry bit 30 pieces you said that's close to 30 yeah 0:13:58.760,1193:02:47.295 [Music] boy yeah that's probably twice as much  as yesterday's lots of little bits I'm   going to say 13 grams I reckon 11 and a half couple fell off oh no too small that's  the smallest one I've ever found yeah 11 well done nice 11 plus what I got maybe half   a gram plus the six yesterday  yeah that's right so definitely 17 and that's what is in my container  but those ones I found somewhere else   those ones yep and those ones  are off the patch here awesome   day good little patch yeah well the  patch is getting bigger and bigger [Music] start where I left off yesterday down that gully  yeah just keep going see how wide the patch goes and yeah once you know how big it is then we  can grid it sounds good with the Sixes together   I think it should be we should be able to work  close hopefully it's mainly digging yeah not much   walking that's right and hopefully a few bigger  ones yes they've all been tiny little ones but   they all add up 34 little ones added up  yesterday they did yeah let's do it let's do it Clint is detecting down at the bottom  and he hasn't even detected much in   between the scrub here so this is where  I'm going to concentrate my search today I'm finally onto my first  decent sounding signal for today [Music] right on the edge of a hole [Music] it's in between my fingers here just [Music]  there yeah nice bit probably point three of a gram $30 they all add up [Music] can I see it yet there it is it's small got it I've been here for 10 minutes  probably I've got a Target [Music] oh still in there Krissy nice [Music] sounds like a good one [Music] oh oh nice chunk Boah biggest one two  grammer at least I go three look at that wow it's a nice one that is a  nice one biggest one yet good one got my third signal sounds not  too bad we'll see how big it is sounds nice and wobbly another nice thin one looking good you got to have a listen to this one [Music] can't I see it yet yes long skinny one probably point two of a gram Clint hasn't  done too much work around here there are   no holes up there so I'm just going to  continue my work around just this spot here [Music] oh nice bit have a look at that  definitely getting hot sweat is   dripping off my face and my hair onto the  gold here it's not easy getting it [Music]
Channel: Outback Gold Fever
Views: 171,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aussie Gold, detecting, gold, gold fever, gold nugget, gold nuggets, gold prospecting, gold rush, GPZ 7000, metal detecting, Minelab, nugget, nuggets, off grid, outback, outback gold fever, prospecting, Western Australia, GPX 6000, patch, australia, metal detectors
Id: Z5i0c_fiaGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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