YOU Can Draw This NEON SIGN in PROCREATE | digital art neon sign tutorial

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you can draw this and procreate or actually we won't be really drawing but let's just say that you can create this in procreate all you need are the brushes that are already in procreate and some free files that I will be giving you links to in the description first of all thank you for sending in all of your artwork of the previous tutorials if you want to get a chance to get featured in one of my next videos that make sure to share your work on instagram and tag me in the image now let's get started first of all our canvas it's 3000 pixels by 2,000 pixels and to get started with our neon sign first we'll make a background and we'll be using a photo for that it's a free photo that I got through unsplash and you'll find a link in the description to get that exact same photo but of course you can use any photo of a nice-looking brick wall concrete wall whatever you like to import a photo into procreate you have to go to the wrench and you can select insert photo to select a local photo on your iPad there we have our brick wall it's nice in place so let's just tap the arrow there and let's zoom out a little bit now our entire canvas is filled with our brick wall now if your image is a bit smaller your photo you can just use that arrow and use those handles to make your image bigger or smaller just make sure that you have uniformed selected that way the ratio of your photo will stay the same now let's prepare our brick wall for our neon sign to do that we will go to the magic wand and we will go to use saturation and brightness and we will turn down the saturation and we'll also turn down the brightness a bit I've turned down the saturation to 28% maybe we can go a little bit lower even let's say 20% and the brightness is 37% and now we will duplicate this dark layer you can do that by going to your layer palette and swiping to the left on your layer and then select duplicate now this version of our brick wall we will make even darker so we'll go to the magic wand again and then to you saturation and brightness and we'll turn a situation down even more let's say 30% and a brightness down to 35% and we'll go back to our layers now of course we don't want our brick wall to be dis dark entirely because we will be making a neon light which will shed some light on this wall to make part of this wall a bit brighter we will select this very dark layer click on it and go to mask now we can paint on this mask with black to mask a part of this layer and we'll do that with the soft brush which is under airbrushing and we'll set it to black and I have my brush size at 30% now let's see the opacity is at 28 don't just gently glaze in the middle here to brighten up that area where our neon sign will be I'm just making circular motions to brighten this area that looks good it's time to add our text and adding text and procreate is super easy you can just go to the wrench and then to add and then to add text and I will be writing art with flow but you can write anything or type anything that you would like for your neon sign let me just type art you can't really see because my color is set to black but believe me it's art with flow let's go to edit style let me just pick another color let's just pick a bright pink and you can pick whatever color you like and we will be using another font and I downloaded it at the font comm and I'm also leaving you a link in the description if you want to use the same font i'm using i'm using falling button here it is and you can just adjust this slider here to change the size of your text we can drag this handle here to give it a little bit more space let's see you can make it even a little bit bigger we can just use the arrow tool and drag in this corner there there we have the beginning of our neon sign now we will be duplicating this layer a couple of times to realize or to make that neon sign effect so let's swipe to the left and duplicate this layer and I want the lowest one to be black so I'll just turn this one off for now and I'll go to edit text and then click my color circle here and set it to black you can double tap in this area to select the blackest of black 100% black or if you want gray you can double tap here or white here but we want black for a shadow we'll shift this shadow layer a little bit otherwise we won't be able to see because the pink one is on top we'll go to the arrow here and just go down and right a little bit like this and now we'll click on the layer the black one and we'll use rasterize this way it won't be text that you can adjust anymore but it will just be pixels and the reason we are doing that is because we want to blur this layer just a little bit we'll go to the magic wand and use Gaussian blur now let's just go to four percent just a slight blur for our cast shadow let's duplicate our pink layer so swipe to the left on the layer again and click duplicate but this layer will start to add some light to our neon sign and we'll do that by changing the layer blending mode click on the end and then go to add you can't really see it right now but we are going to shift this layer just a little bit but going to this arrow and we'll go up onto the left a little bit now you can see a slight shift now we'll go back to our layer pallet again by clicking these two squares and we will duplicate this layer again and we will rasterize this one because just like the shadow we will be blurring this one so we'll go to the magic wand again and - Gaussian blur and let's blur it let's say 15% there it's already starting to look a bit like a neon sign don't you think if you are enjoying tutorials like this step by step procreate tutorials then you might like my patreon page where I share a lot of fully narrator real-time digital art tutorials in procreate and if you're not interested no problem we can still be friends and you can still follow all my tutorials here on YouTube let's continue we are going to make a new layer on top off all these layers that we already created we'll go to these two squares and then click the plus to make a new layer and we will start using the light pen which you can find under luminance right here the light pen and for this light pen we want to use a slightly lighter color than we already used you can pick up the color that you already have by holding your finger on your screen and I'm just shifting it to a lighter color and like I said you can use any color you like to make your own neon sign and now we will be going over our letters we will be writing our letters with this light pen all right our brush size is at 20% and the opacity is at a hundred percent I will start writing just try to make smooth lines and it might take some practice but you can just undo or make a new layer again to start over now one thing you need to make sure or to be sure of is to not let your lines cross just keep a little gap so like here with the T we make these small stripes here to get that neon sign effect so here we need to stop and then continue here and with this T again we'll make these two little lines here so don't go over the same area twice don't let your lines cross this is a little bit too light so we can't turn down the opacity of this layer you can click on the end here and just use this slider and go to let's say 70% what I'd like to do now is add some glow because it doesn't really look like it's really glowing yet so we'll make a new layer just above that shadow layer so just click the shadow layer and then click the plus to make a new layer on top and we'll use the soft brush which is under airbrushing and we'll use that pink that we used before and we will set our layer to add get a nice glow effect and just glaze on top already see that light shining it's a bit too much right now so we are going to turn down the opacity and we'll do that by clicking the 8th and let's turn it down to let's say 50% I like the way that looks now of course our neon sign needs electricity it doesn't just come out of nowhere we need some wires to make it look extra real and we'll draw these wires just above that shadow layer click the plus again and we'll go to calligraphy and use the mono line brush and I'll set it to black now we will be connecting letters that are separate from each other so the a and our and a T those are separate they need to be connected through a wire but the W and the I for example they're already connected and don't need a wire so let's start connecting are at E and 8 and the are the t will go down to the F connect I and a T and the T and the H and H will go down to the F and F will go to the L and let these go down here and meet up there and it'll go down to get some electricity from somewhere below that's it now you can create a neon sign of your own in procreate I hope you enjoyed the tutorial let me know and I will see you next time for the next digital art tutorial
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 201,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anyone can draw this neon sign, you can draw this neon sign, digital art neon sign tutorial, procreate text, you can draw this, anyone can draw this, free procreate brushes, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, procreate tutorial, art with flo, digital painting, procreate ipad pro, procreate easy drawing, digital art for beginners ipad, ipad pro procreate drawing tutorial, procreate, art with flo you can draw this, neon sign, how make something glow in procreate
Id: xQfrbGur9gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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