Yom Kippur by Chad Holland

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if you have your bibles why don't you go ahead and turn with me to our main text tonight that'll be leviticus chapter 16. leviticus chapter 16. and as you do that let me just recap where we were last week we began a series for this holiday month called more than you think because god is in fact doing more in preparation for his return than we think he's doing and he's been doing it longer than we know he's been doing it check that out in the archives you can catch up with us a little bit but a quick word or two what is he doing you might say well he's preparing an inheritance for us he's preparing to give us the keys to his kingdom he's been a way preparing a place for us as well he's been filling the role of the lamb that was slain for sin and he's been doing all of that since the foundation of the world you know being the savior didn't catch yeshua by surprise it wasn't a last-minute idea he came up with at the foundation of the world yeshua knew what the job was going to be first peter excuse me it's in second peter chapter 3 verse 9. the lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance you say well if he's doing all this preparation for his return what is taking so long isn't he an efficient god can he do this faster well he could certainly do it faster but he's not slow as some of us suppose he is patient he's waiting for as many children to come home as possible this is answering a cosmic question it's a it's a big question on the earth why does sin have permission to run rampant in the earth why does he allow that when he can stop it he's waiting patiently that none would perish we're reminded that the end of the age and the days leading up to the end of the age will be very similar to the days of noah in that things are going well up to a certain point and if yeshua intervenes while things are going well people don't listen to him but if he waits just a bit longer things take a turn for the worse hearts start to open minds start to open and then they can hear the message of their salvation and his patience is proven worthy matthew chapter 24 37 as it was in the days of noah so it will be at the coming of the son of man for in the days before the flood people were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage up until the day noah entered the ark and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them away this is how it will be at the coming of the son of man you see his patience is wise because right now people are eating and drinking and being merry we have technological advances people are not listening yet but darkness is growing you can feel it if you're prophetically in tune you can feel corruption and darkness rising even prophetically you can look further into the prophetic books or into the book of revelation you can see the rise of the nations uniting in anger at israel it's a sign it's coming darkness is rising and people will start to consider who might save them from it that's his patience now we also mentioned last week and i like to do this at the beginning of every festival to make sure we're all on the same page with the prophetic timeline of god so if you've been part of king of kings of wild bear with me for about 60 seconds we believe the festivals of the lord are given to us as a timeline prophetically it tells us where are we at in his redemption plan the passover is the first holiday of the year and of course we know that yeshua came and died as the passover lamb john said there's the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world he identified him as the lamb it was the blood of yeshua over our hearts just like the blood on the lentils and doorways at passover in egypt that saved them from the death angel and he fulfilled that in his first coming and i i don't always like to use that term his first coming because it was actually like his eighth coming go back and read the old testament again how many times he shows up but in that earthly form i should say his blood at passover and he fulfills that first feast and then when he's in the grave for a portion of three days what is he doing during the feast of unleavened bread he is taking away sin he is taking away leaven from our life fulfilling that festival and on that third day it was prophesied that he would rise he rose again he resurrected on another festival day the first fruits is the name of the holiday and paul identified it and said i know yeshua to have become the first fruits from the dead thus fulfilling the prophetic implications of that holiday then we're commanded to count 50 days of the omer we count it until we get to the feast of weeks or shavuot and while we're commanded to be in jerusalem right here waiting for a gift from god according to acts chapter one and we wait on god's appointed holiday the holy spirit falls acts chapter two on another god appointed holiday thus fulfilling the intention of that symbolism which leads us then to the fall festivals the one come at the end of the year if you will some of them came earlier these are coming at the end think about it on the timeline they're coming more toward the end now and we said last week that the feast of trumpets is the next prophetically fulfilled feast because the bible says at the last trumpet he will come he will come back and return and so we're waiting for that last trumpet we're waiting for the feast of trumpets to be fulfilled at its highest level in yeshua's return but where would that leave us it would leave us right here in this week the days of awe the 10 days leading up to yom kippur the day of atonement and that's where we are today just a few days away wednesday night if you're new to jerusalem everything will shut down wednesday night probably even earlier in the day we like to start the clock a little early here tack on a couple of days on the end of it as well whatever we can do you're going to hear a famous phrase get used to this phrase the holidays can you come fix my toilet after the holidays well i don't have any running water after the holiday i'll get to it after the holidays because the holidays last the whole month get used to that phrase after the holidays but now we're at the feast on the timeline of yom kippur the day of atonement it's the it's the moment where human history has to split you understand because there's a judgment coming it's going to split right there let's go to our main text tonight i'm going to share some foundational elements and then i'm going to share before i close something the lord showed me this week at a new level that i haven't seen leviticus chapter 16 let's start in verse 29 speaking of the day of atonement he says this is to be a lasting ordinance for you on the tenth day of the seventh month you must deny yourself and do no work whether native born or foreigner residing among you because on this day atonement will be made for you to cleanse you then before the lord you will be clean from all of your sins hallelujah it is a day of sabbath rest and you must deny yourself it is a lasting ordinance the priest who is anointed and ordained to succeed his father as high priest he is to make atonement he is to put on the sacred linen garments and make atonement for the most holy place for the tent of meeting and for the altar and for the priests and all the members of the community this is to be a lasting ordinance for you atonement is to be made once a year for all the sins of the israelites and it was done as the lord commanded moses lasting ordinance did you hear it three times just in case you thought it should have been done away with at some point he wanted to hit you three times with it lasting ordinance did you mean temporarily i meant lasting ordinance did it stop at a certain point i said lasting ordinance and that's why we connect with it today now what did we hear we heard that there's a high priest he does a lot of preparations you know when he wakes up that morning he has to do a certain bath he has to go through a certain bath put on certain linen cloth underneath then he puts on the special high priestly robes and clothes with the hat and the breastplate and all he has to do he's allowed one time a year that's one time to go into the holy of holies it's on this day of yom kippur he makes certain sacrifices first for himself to make sure he's clean then he can go in he starts to make sacrifices for the nation and he sprinkles all of the articles of the temple with blood the altar all of those articles have to be sprinkled with the blood as you learn a little bit more about yom kippur you realize that there are two special animals on this day the two goats right one is going to be sacrificed and one is going to be left alive and all of these elements are very intriguing because they deal with a personal sacrifice and washing and garments the two goats the people are called to fast then there's a forgiveness of sin we have the sprinkling of the blood and of course we know as new covenant believers the clear imagery that our messiah is the high priest but he's also the sacrifice isn't it interesting that on yom kippur there's two animals one must die one must live and only yeshua can fulfill that right only yeshua could die and live do you see how it all points to him do you see why the feasts and the festivals are not simply something the jews did some age in the past do you see why we believe all of them all of scripture all of the festivals all of the symbolism point to the savior of the world and we think it's important to be on god's timetable to know the signs of the times certainly yom kippur is about blood it's about atonement forgiveness of sin matthew 26 this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins repeated in acts 10 43 all the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name and like the people of israel once we say yes to yeshua god yeshua be my savior i can't do it alone i need help that's all that has to be said i've tried i can't i need help say that to god and watch what he does in your life but we know as new covenant believers that all of this is working in our life this blood atonement hebrews chapter 10 says therefore brothers and sisters since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of yeshua by a new and living way open for us through the curtain that is his body and since we have a great priest over the house of god let us draw near to god with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water all of the imagery is connected to yeshua from the temple to its articles to the holiday to the sacrifice to the priest and his garments to the animal that was killed and the animal that lived all of it is trying to get us to look at the savior and pay attention and i hope you're able to do that this yom kippur season we took a little different tone in worship today it was sensitive it was tender because these are tender moments we are in the week of repentance a lot of people think that yom kippur is about repentance no yom kippur is about atonement atonement happens after repentance feast of trumpets blows the shofar to remind us to start repenting and then we end up at yom kippur where those who have repented can now be made atone god can make atonement for us and for them now the passage we read in leviticus 16 it explains the work of yeshua connected with hebrews 10. i think that's pretty clear i think if you didn't know anything about this holiday and we read leviticus 16 in hebrews 10 you would see the obvious bridge between the symbolism in the temple and the actual work of yeshua it's not hard to see i'm not a guy who even goes really deep into symbolism like i'm not someone who's looking for it i'm not a guy who's trying to make it happen this number means this and that color means that and that animal means that and you know those horns mean that i listen i hope it all works out the way you believe it and we probably have dozens of different opinions in the room on what they all mean i'm not even a guy who's trying to hunt that stuff down but when it's that obvious you better embrace it yeshua is the high priest and the sacrifice but listen even though he's working to forgive us of sins and atoning us for sins on yom kippur please don't think that this is just a cosmetic holiday this is not just something light in and on the surface level the work of yeshua was meant to go very deep into us it wasn't only meant for the outside now some of the things you know right off hand you know that he forgave us of sins yes he did but did you know that he redeemed us from death and those are two different things remember the sermon series he's doing more than you think he didn't just forgive us of sins he redeemed us from death do you understand that you can be forgiven of sin and still have death he said no i'm going to take care of both of those for you remember the wages of sin is death so even though you're forgiven of sin you've still committed sin there could still be death he said no i'm going to take the sin away i'm going to take the death away so he didn't only forgive us of sins he redeemed us from death but then hebrews said he didn't only do that because we could have sin in our life he could forgive us he could take away death from our future and we could still have the knowledge of all the bad things we did and have a guilty conscience and live with it and god said no that's not what i want for you i want to take away your sin i want to redeem you from death and i want to clear your guilty conscience he's doing more than you think but his work continues even further colossians chapter 1 verse 13 and 14. listen to this for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sin so now we have forgiveness of sins a redemption of death a clearing of our guilty conscience and now we've been rescued from darkness yeshua is going deep on this he's not doing the surface level it wasn't just like hey guys i'm going to sprinkle some blood you're going to be forgiven to go about your day this was i'm going in deep this is an internal surgery of spirit he rescued us from darkness you say pastor chad did he do more than that yes he did thank you for asking matthew chapter 6 and in his own prayer he says and forgive us of our debts as we also forgive our debtors did you know yeshua takes away your debts he could take away your sin but you might still owe somebody no he's going to take care of that too he's going to take away your sin redeem you from death clear your guilty conscience he's going to rescue you from darkness and he's going to take away and erase your debts he's doing more than you think but even there and i think this is really where my spirit gets stirred up with excitement most of the things i just mentioned sound negative right forgiving of sin that sounds a little negative because we had sin redeeming us from death death is certainly not a positive thing a guilty conscience that doesn't sound positive rescuing us from darkness yeah darkness does not have a positive connotation to it and for erasing our debts that does not sound good and so there's this image sometimes we have and this is what i want to correct today we have this image that the work of the lord is so wonderful because we had dug ourselves a hole and he jumped down in the hole and he got us out of it be careful that's not the full gospel he didn't just go take away all the negative stuff and get you out of the hole he didn't just take you from negative and leave you at zero do you understand when you forgive somebody's debts that was negative and you brought them to zero when you take away somebody's sin that was negative you brought them to zero to neutral now they're just neutral zero and god would never want his people to live like that he doesn't bring us from negative to zero and leave us he has a great inheritance for us in the future it's not just getting you out of the hole it's getting you out of the hole filling the hole building a foundation and building a mansion on it that you get to live in he's doing a lot more than you think and he's been doing it a lot longer than you think you say where did you get that strange theology from well i'd like to remind us that just a few short weeks ago we did a sermon series called the least of these and i read a passage for you that at the time really fit what we were talking about but now it fits an even greater purpose isn't it amazing when god's word can do that it can fit two things wonderfully well at the same time to this listen to god's heart through this message deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 12. you got to listen for his heart if any of your people hebrew men or women sell themselves to you and serve you for six years in the seventh year you must let them go free see that's the redeeming the forgiving the releasing the erasing their slaves let them go free but that would be negative to zero but listen to the heart of god in the seventh year you must let them go free and when you release them do not send them away empty-handed supply them liberally from your flock your threshing floor and your wine press give to them as the lord has blessed you you take people from negative not to zero you take them to prospering that's what god wants for us on yom kippur and the principles were already laid out for us in the torah he's letting us know what he wants even in the example of our own slavery history and if you don't know about that history go back a few weeks on the archives i give you a good history of it what it means in hebrew how the jewish people were commanded to be set apart from the other nations when it came to having servants in their household but did you hear the heart of god get them out of the negative and don't leave them there get them into the positive god has given us access to our inheritance and remember this is the inheritance that has been prepared since the foundation of the world matthew 25 34 then the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed by my father take your inheritance the kingdom that has been prepared for you since the creation of the world he's been thinking about it he's been thinking about you you say no i'm just i'm just another number in in this big wave no you're not you are not he's been thinking about you how do i know that because the bible says he's gone away to prepare a place for you that means he knows what you like he knows what you're created for he knows your destiny he knows your preferences he knows everything you never knew you always wanted because he loves you specifically and can i take a moment i just sense the holy spirit right there if you'll just give me a moment to listen and be sensitive somebody tonight needed to hear this word god loves generally yes he does and because you're his child you fall under the general umbrella of love yes you do but please hear me tonight god loves you specifically he knows your name he knew you before you were born whatever giftings you have he put in there and when he was dying on the cross he wasn't thinking about just a mass crowd he was thinking about you your name came into his mind and heart what you have done came into his mind and heart and he wanted to forgive your sins he wanted to redeem you from death he wanted to clear your guilty conscience he wanted to erase your debts and rescue you from darkness and then he wanted to build a great inheritance for you and have you be prepared in your destiny to rule and reign with him when he returns god loves you specifically by name please take that with you this week somebody needed to hear that word thank you for that moment let me give you our first key phrase of the night yeshua's atoning work takes us from debtors to inheritors take that with you say that to yourself in prayer on yom kippur father thank you for taking me from a debtor to an inheritor because he didn't take you to zero i promise now let me move to this this moment where i think the lord had maybe touched a button in me a little differently than he normally does on yom kippur it'll be a little personal but i think you can grab it as well if we go back to the original passage in leviticus 16 that we read beyond the three times this is a lasting ordinance you heard twice that it is a sabbath day a day of rest and you might say well why is that so important why is the sabbath day being emphasized here well if i take you through all the other festivals you might recognize a pattern that in the other festivals of the lord there are things you need to do for instance at passover we're commanded to make a special meal the meal must include certain things and those certain items mean certain things to god and so that's what we do here in our families at king of kings corporately we do passover and there are certain things we do there are action items and then the feast of unleavened bread what do we do we have a a menu we must keep passover has a menu unleavened bread has a menu it means don't eat anything with leaven what it means is get creative in the kitchen and i do like to brag about what my wife makes on unleavened bread this thing called matza crackle is amazing unleavened bread with the layer of chocolate ganache and then she's got this caramel thing then she's got sprinkled nuts on top and then she freezes it it's amazing so when i think of unleavened bread i think of that it's a happy memory then we have the the feast of first fruits the resurrection and of course we israel had to bring our first fruits there was an offering we had to bring there was something we had to do we had to load our carts and go to jerusalem and we had to present the offering something we had to do or should we go to rosh hashanah the feast of trumpets what did we have to do we had to blow the trumpets we did it last week what about sukkot coming up in just a few weeks what do we have to do we have to invite visitors in we have to build a temporary shelter we have to eat outside there are things we have to do but on yom kippur please get this on yom kippur the commandment is do nothing nothing don't get creative don't come up with anything do nothing you say yeah but should i do no you shouldn't it says don't work have a sabbath rest don't do any regular work don't do any other work you might think of don't do anything oh okay i god you're tricky i get it i get it god don't do anything but certainly there's going to be a special meal maybe i have to prepare some special food no i'm going to take that off the table as well yom kippur fast wait god so i don't get to do anything i don't get to eat anything well maybe it's a sacrifice maybe i have to bring a special sacrifice maybe that's what the key is no no sacrifice you don't get to do anything you say man there's not much through this holiday is there i don't get to do anything eat anything bring any sacrifice i don't get to bring it i don't get to be involved in it at all yes you got it you don't get to be involved at all in your own salvation and you know who's doing all the work the high priest remember what i said earlier the high priest gets up early in the morning he has to take a special bath whether he needs it or not he has to take a special bath anybody ever wondered why yeshua was immersed in the jordan high priest had to take a special bath put on special clothes burn the incense make sacrifice for himself then make sacrifice for the altar then make sacrifice for the people and what did the people have to do i'm going to show it to you right here that was it they had to show up and receive the gift that the high priest was presenting for their sake and that to me this year was something new that i think the lord just said chad i want you to highlight that in your own life because oftentimes i've been so readily looking at the work of the high priest or the temple of the sacrifice and what it means and the goat and lay your hands on this one and then kill that one and there's so much richness there that finally the lord said yeah but what do the people do and so i was like let me go read it again the people you know they got things to do you know they got a no no and no nothing what yeshua is saying is this i love you specifically i think of you by name and if you will be still and let me do this i will forgive your sins i will redeem you from death i will rescue you from darkness i will clear your guilty conscience i will erase your debts and i will build a great inheritance for you if you will be still and let me do this work for you the symbolism of the high priest and the people on yom kippur is for us and you can experience that touch of the holy spirit this year if you let him our key phrase here even as we are commanded to rest on the sabbath day of yom kippur so we rest in the atoning work of yeshua let the real high priest do the work this year let it not be cosmetic let it go deep into your spirit because it's all foreshadowing of yeshua's work i want to close tonight with a lengthy reading let it wash over you for just a moment sometimes there's nothing better than the purity of the word just let it wash over you so let me close with this passage from hebrews chapter 9 if you're taking notes it's about four or five verses but only the high priest entered the inner room and that only once a year and never without blood which he offered for himself and for the sins of the people that they had committed in ignorance the holy spirit was showing by this that the way into the most holy place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still functioning this is an illustration for the present time indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshipper they are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings external regulations applying until the time of the new order but when messiah came as high priest of the good things that are now already here he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not made with human hands that is to say it is not part of this creation he did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves but he entered the most holy place once and for all by his own blood thus obtaining eternal redemption the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean how much more then will the blood of yeshua who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to god cleanse our consciousness from acts that lead to death so that we may serve the living god he traded in an annual sacrifice for an eternal one he traded in an animal for a perfect sacrifice of himself and he traded in a temple and tabernacle made with human hands for a heavenly temple that no sinful man had ever touched final thought you know when you read the new testament you come across this passage where the religious leaders of the day were very angry at the lord because he claimed to be the messiah you know what i'm talking about the book of john he claimed to be the messiah and they were going to stone him and this is when he he pulls one of his disappearing acts and he says for which one of my miracles are you gonna stone me i love that it's a great comeback it's a great one-liner they say we're not we're not going to stone you for all your miracles all your awesome works you know it's such a it's such a crazy conversation to be having we're not mad at you because you raised lazarus from the dead hello wake up did you hear yourself he raised lazarus from the dead shouldn't that be the focal point no we're mad at you because you claim to be the messiah and you claim to forgive people's sins they hated him for that how much more do you think they would have hated him if they would have realized what he had actually done i mean they were stuck on the whole forgiveness of sins you're like yeah but man he was doing so much more than you think and i hope that's something you can focus on this yom kippur that yeshua has done far more than we think he's not just taking away our sins but he's cancelling our debts preparing an inheritance redeeming us from death cleansing our guilty conscience rescuing us from the kingdom of darkness and he's established us as righteous and he's granted us eternal life that we did not earn that we did not deserve can we pray together thank you lord father we just want to take a moment to publicly acknowledge the season we're in thank you lord that you have sustained us and you've brought us to this season we thank you lord that during this season whatever we are connecting with in our expression of prayer and worship or expression of tradition whether it be the al-qaed prayer the asham new prayer from the sadhur whether it be fasting praying with a group or praying alone that we would embrace how much you've actually done for us that we would not sell you short we would not let the enemy tempt us to think small but you've done so much more and we thank you that you love us personally that you've been doing this work for such a long time in our life thank you for these great seasons of the year in yeshua's name amen [Music] you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 479
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Id: YsZvy73QfTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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