Yom Kippur - End of the Ages by Chad Holland

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I mean grab your Bibles turn to the Book of Leviticus which is where we're gonna start tonight I want to take this opportunity as you're turning to welcome all the members of King of Kings also to welcome all the visitors here today welcome to Jerusalem if you haven't been here before welcome to our family here at King of Kings welcome all of those watching online tonight at King's community live in facebook live I got a note from our media team we have people watching from all over the world tonight including the United States Canada France Germany Finland India tonight come on India is watching tonight Hong Kong is with us tonight as well so happy to have you there Singapore and other places around the world welcome everyone watching online we're so happy also a special holiday greeting consomme to all our King of Kings family around the world too many to mention now but the congregations here the several in Jerusalem with Melek Amla came and Shimon Sassoon Mallika Malik pastor Sam is with us tonight pastor say I'm good to see you tonight and all the good things that God is doing through you knock a lot to Schuette no I do not worry and Tel Aviv too many to go through Tel Aviv Haifa hurts Aliyah New Bedford Massachusetts Heidelberg Germany and all the directors as well happy holidays have a pleasant Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur and upcoming Sukkot next week are you ready for his word tonight I don't know if you knew this but Yom Kippur is upon us most of us probably knew that I want to start off by laying a a deep foundation in the Word of God first so I'm gonna be reading quite a few verses to get us started but after we have that foundation we're gonna dive into and break apart some of these verses I believe tonight that that we have a call to not just lean into the Lord tonight but I receive this in worship I think we have a call to push in tonight there's gonna be some things you need to push past tonight to get your word there's gonna be things challenging your mind and your spirit you're gonna need to push past those things tonight to receive the banquet table from the banquet table of the Lord so I'm challenging you tonight do not sit there passively be an active participant in partner in the Word of God tonight amen let's start in Leviticus 23 verse 27 we'll read a few verses here this is laying the FIR the framework and the foundation of what is Yom Kippur the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves and present a food offering to the Lord do not do any work on that day because it is the day of atonement when atonement is made for you before the Lord your God those who do not deny themselves on that day must be cut off from their people I will destroy from among their people anyone who does any work on that day you shall do no work at all this is to be an everlasting ordinance for the generations to come wherever you live it is a day of Sabbath rest for you and you must deny yourselves from the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your Sabbath let's continue in Leviticus 25 verses 9 and 10 we add a few more features then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month the day of atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land consecrate the fifteenth year the 50th year excuse me and proclaim Liberty throughout the land to all of its inhabitants it shall be a jubilee for you each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan the fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you do not sow and do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the untended vines for it is a jubilee and it is to be holy for you eat only what is taken directly from the fields this opens up a little bit of what we understand about Yom Kippur you might say what was all that reading about blowing the trumpets I thought this was Yom Kippur not the Feast of Trumpets well some people don't haven't quite read the part or received the part that it's on Yom Kippur that we sound the trumpets to proclaim the year of Jubilee that's an important feature as we dive deeper tonight into what is young people what is it for well one of the things it's for is its to proclaim the beginning of the year of Jubilee the year of the Sabbath age it's the year where all of your debts are forgiven it's the year where everything you've lost is given back to you who would like to get back some things that were lost amen who would like some debts to be forgiven tonight anyone in the house need a debt forgiven don't point at somebody that's good yeah he always be like 50 shekels this guy right here there's so much going on the richness of Yom Kippur is thick tonight but but one of the identifying features is that it is the day where the year of Jubilee begins I found that interesting other elements it's the tenth day of the seventh month as a recap we're called to deny ourselves now we in a modern day we we sense that is fasting where we fast and we pray on Yom Kippur there's various kinds of offerings that were given in the temple including the food offering so just in case you weren't hungry enough when you were fasting had to offer a food offering just to remind yourself you're supposed to be hungry today focus on the Lord interestingly enough as we continue reading we're going to find out that there are not just one particular sacrifice animal but two which makes it unique from the other days what makes it unique from Passover people often ask me what's the big difference between the Yom Kippur since we sacrifice and we take the blood and Passover since we sacrifice when we take the blood why did God need to did he accidentally repeat himself well first of all at Passover we took the lamb but on Yom Kippur we don't take the lamb we take the goats it's very different the imagery you can do some research on what the imagery of those two things is we take one on Passover we take two on Yom Kippur the blood is still that which makes atonement for us through faith they cast the Lots for these two goats one of the goats had to be sacrificed and the blood sprinkled but one of the goats was to be kept alive those of you that are members here at King of Kings you've heard me say before it's so important on Yom Kippur to remember the two goats that one had to die and one had to live because your shoe was the only one who ever did those who else has a sacrifice who else have has a king and a redeemer a prophet and a rabbi who could both die and live he's the only one on the face of the earth and throughout history who could fulfill the commandments of the sacrifice of yom kippur he's both the goat that is sacrificed and the goat that we kept alive thank you Lord for your blood and your resurrection from the dead we read this in Leviticus 16 to repeat the parsha the priest is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all of the wickedness and the rebellion of Israelites all of their sins and put them on the goats head he shall send the goat away into the wilderness in the care of someone appointed for the task we're not supposed to do any work on this day it's a Sabbath you see some of the other feast days and the Sabbath day itself says don't do any regular work go back and read your text you'll find that it says don't do any regular but on Yom Kippur it says do no work at all and the way we decipher that today is this if you have a profession and you do that kind of work all week long well don't do that kind of work on the weekend don't do it on the Shabbat but on Yom Kippur it's different it doesn't matter what your profession is and it doesn't matter what kind of work you don't do it my kids love this one dad can't slip in chores you see I can slip in chores from time to time on Shabbat because I tell them well that's not your normal work so you can do chores today but on Yom Kippur I can't slip it in because they remind me dad it says no work at all I say you're right now get in the kitchen with fasting together maybe we want to do it sure now who knows we blow the trumpets on the 50th year to symbolize the year of Jubilee and our debts being wiped away Yom Kippur is also the only day of the year where the priests would go into the Holy of Holies making atonement first for himself then for his family then for the people of Israel through the sprinkling of blood that is confirmed in Exodus chapter 30 verse 10 it says once a year Aaron shall make atonement on the horns of the altar this annual atonement must be made with the blood of the atoning sin offering for the generations to come it is most holy to the Lord let's look at a new covenant reference just so you don't think we're living all of our our emphasis is not living in the Tanakh it's not just in the older Testament but but the New Testament connects us with these themes as well look at Hebrews chapter 9 verse 6 now when these things have been so prepared all the things we just read the priests are continually entering the outer Tabernacle performing the divine worship but into the second only the high priest enters once a year not without taking blood which he offers for himself and for the sins of the people that they committed in ignorance the Holy Spirit is signifying in this that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed while the outer Tabernacle is still standing which is a symbol for the present time according accordingly both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshiper perfect in his conscience since they relate only to food and drink in various washings regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation but when the Messiah appeared noticed past tense as a high priest of the good things to come he entered noticed past tense through the greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this creation and not through the blood of goats and calves notice it's Yom Kippur doesn't say Lambs it's talking about Yom Kippur but through his own blood he entered the holy place past tense once and for all having obtained past tense eternal Redemption friends the the debt payment the blood atonement that we receive has been done in the past tense what a big concept there's nothing you're trying to live up to now there's no redemption you're trying to gain through your obedience do we need obedience absolutely we just thought a whole series on that but your obedience will never get you the blood atonement that was already done for you your obedience can't go backwards your salvation was already purchased that's why the writings is always in the past tense it doesn't say that one day he will go and do these things it says that he's already done these things and you've already obtained righteousness you sit now in the seat of righteousness because what he did for us in the past already the next time the enemy comes to you Temps you teases you remind him where you actually sit that the work was already done for me it is finished I sit in the seat of righteousness because of what he's already done for me I now get to obey notice the word get to I get to obey because I love him I need to obey because of the fruit it will produce in my life I have the privilege of obeying because what it will share of truth to other people and yet the price has already been paid for me I mentioned this phrase last week we were talking about Rosh Hashanah Yom Tallulah the Feast of Trumpets and what it symbolizes we said this even as the last Passover of a Yeshua initiated the beginning of the new covenant age so the final trumpet will sound and will culminate the end of this age I'll break that down for us a little bit in the Bible when Yeshua was with his disciples at that last Passover meal remember he took the cup and he passed and he said this is the new covenant in my blood take it tonight and we begin the new covenant age that was the night we began the age that we live in now we'd call that the new covenant age we live in it right now and it started when they all took the cup but when the final trumpet sounds the Feast of Trumpets right the final trumpet sounds it ends this age this new covenant age comes to a close it kind of book ends with the Feast of the Lord that's why they're so important to understand their prophetic in nature a quick summary would sound something like this the first feast of the year that's commanded his Pesach or Passover and we know that Yeshua has already come as our Passover lamb his blood was shed it was put on the doorpost of our hearts and we were saved we were taken out of Egypt out of slavery of sin we were put through the waters of immersion which we call the Red Sea the whole nation went through the waters and we found ourselves at the foot of the mountain of Mount Sinai and we received the Word of God that was Passover and in Yeshua's day he died in the Passover season he became literally the Passover lamb for us and then the next feast was this feast of unleavened bread where we didn't eat leaven for several days throughout the week leaven is like sin according to the New Testament and so while Yahshua had died as the Passover lamb he was in the grave during the feast of unleavened bread what was he doing taking away the sin of the world the symbolism is almost impossible to miss then three days after Passover we have the feast of firstfruits how long was he in the grave a portion of three days when did he rise again on firstfruits God knew what he was doing he put it all in place there's no accidents his calendar is perfectly timed this is why we have to understand what the feast days of the Lord represent and he's done those three physical acts for us already then we begin to camp Almera we count fifty days to the feast of weeks Chev what's we call it and what is given on Shavuot well in ancient Israel we got the law of God and in the New Covenant we got the giving of the spirit so we get the law and the spirit on the same holiday can you imagine the timing of God you know he didn't accidentally fall into these things you know it wasn't like a conference in heaven I guys that y'all realize what we just did it's very well timed out which means Russia China is what very well timed out which means Yom Kippur is very well timed out Rosh Hashanah the Feast of Trumpets it it proclaims the coming back of the Lord that physical act of coming back and of course we know that it's still in front of us historically right and then after that Feast of Trumpets we will get to this this prophetically symbolized day of Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement we will get there one day it's been done for us we walk in it now and yet the final culmination of that day is yet to come and we'll understand what that's about and then of course we end up with Sukkot listen to this passage here staying in Hebrews chapter 9 for a moment remember I had mentioned Passover began the new covenant age Rosh Hashanah ended or ends the new covenant age when he blows the trumpet it says for the Messiah did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one let it be known that there's a real sanctuary in heaven by the way he entered heaven itself now to appear for us in God's presence nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again the same way the high priest enters the most holy place every year with blood that is not his own he's obviously talking about young Cuban he uh schewe would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world but now once at the consummation of the ages you had to hear it consummation of the ages plural not consummation of just one age we're in the new covenant age right now it started with Passover it ends with Rosh Hashanah right that's one age but it says here that the final Yom Kippur is the closing of all of the ages isn't that interesting there's more ages than just the one we live in there were ages before us the ademma cage with adam how things worked between Adam and God and sacrifice and sin and blood and the garden there was Noah's age that Noack age how things worked there with the new laws that Noah was given and he was to take dominion over the earth after the flood the Abrahamic age we've already proven multiple times that Abraham had to walk or he was asked to walk in covenant with God and to obey His commandments precepts statues and laws Abraham had laws the Mosaic Age which is one of the more famous ones where the law is given and now we live within the boundaries of morality and law the prophetic age the writings of the prophets and what it all points to and now the new covenant age but it's Yom Kippur that is the culmination of all of the ages you see Russia Sharna is the culmination of the new covenant age but Yom Kippur ends all of them it's the final chapter it's the final act if everything that has been created so far which is why it holds such great significance in the eternal prophetic picture you might say what Chad you you left out Sukkot that's such a fun holiday how did you leave that one out because Sukkot is the next stage it's that sabbatical age it's the age if you read revelation 21 it's the age where it says Yahshua comes down out of heaven and he dwells with mankind again the way it was supposed to be there's a new heaven and a new earth this earth isn't here anymore why because the great yom kippur has happened and it closed all the ages and Sukkot opens the new age it opens the age to come the age where there's no more sickness and sin and and disease and crying and pain it opens the age where there's no son anymore su in we don't need that son because we have the light of the world Revelation tells us that when he appears on the new heaven and new earth there's no need for a son physically because the light radiates from him you say wow what a new concept no not a new concept it's the concept that was given to us in creation when God said let there be light and there was light and he saw that it was good day number one but the Sun wasn't created till day number four that means for three days or three whatever you like to call those things before there was a Sun it's hard to define what they were right three of those things there was light with no Sun because Yeshua radiated his own light that's Sukkot that's the next age but it's yom kippur that brings the culmination of all of the ages it's the finality of everything that God has been building toward this particular section references the differences of yeshua sacrifice versus that of our history in the Mosaic Covenant number one the high priest would offer it in the earthly temple in tabernacle but Yeshua did not do that he offered the perfect sacrifice in the heavenly tabernacle the heavenly temple one that was not made with human hands which means it has no stain on it not even one I don't know if that that was good news or bad news to you tonight we are so dirty hear me we are so dirty in our sin the fact that we touched the stone to build the holy temple made it unholy that's how good we are friends congratulations that's why the prophets say even our righteousness equals filthy rags we couldn't even build the thing right without putting sin in it so he couldn't make the perfect sacrifice there he had to go to the place that had no stain nobody had touched it nothing had ever been done wrong the perfect sacrifice and the perfect holy temple in heaven on Yom Kippur for us that's the first difference heavenly temple versus the earthly one second the high priest needed someone else's blood he would use the animals blood and Yeshua said that's not good enough that's not loving enough I will use my own blood I will be the sacrifice and you have this amazing picture where he's both the high priest and the sacrifice all at the same time that's you know you got to see the depth of yom kippur how could he be the the the the goat that had to be killed and the goat that had to be alive how can he be the high priest and the sacrifice all at the same time the depth here is so rich the third thing that was different was the earthly priest had to make atonement every year that's how effective it was every year but Yeshua only needed to do it once again past tense he needed to do it past once so that he doesn't have to suffer over and over and over why because Hebrews even told us and this really is good news tonight this is not being facetious Yeshua's sacrifice could do something that the other mosaic sacrifices could not do and you say well they all took away sin yes they did well your shoes took it away forever and the earthly one had to do it over No but still they took away sin let's give him some credit for that yeshua still did something the other ones couldn't do it says that yeshua sacrifice could cleanse the conscience of the worshiper we we as sinful human beings as much as we might repent and ask forgiveness and try to change our ways and get accountability and make changes and help there's that guilty conscience that wants to stay with us now sometimes that guilty conscience his name is Satan right he's that Whisperer don't ever give in to the lies of the enemy who's trying to whisper there was demonic forces in your ear trying to whisper you're not worthy God must love you no one loves you and oftentimes as we've taught before the enemy likes to whisper in the first person grammatically makes it harder to hear the difference it's one thing that he says oh you are so bad that's not first person that sounds like someone else said it but when it sounds like I am such a bad person in your ear now it's hard to discern between who just said that was it my brain was it my spirit or was somebody else telling you that because he likes to deceive us in the first person but Yeshua sacrifice could cleanse the conscience of the worshiper that means he didn't just take away the sin we committed in the past he took away the guilt connected with the sin of the past you know some of us have a lot of a lot of trouble with this this idea of getting rid of the guilt of the past we have courses through our Counseling Center about getting rid of the guilt of the past I thank God that he forgave me but I know he still remembers it because I still remember it but because Yeshua's work was past tense he can go backwards grab that guilt and say you don't need that anymore I took that from you I have the power to cleanse the conscience of the worshiper and a goat could never do that we're so grateful Holy Spirit for revealing that to us the great Yom Kippur the culmination of all of the ages not just one but all of them we've mentioned Yeshua is both the sacrifice and the great High Priest he interest a heavenly temple to offer himself as the sacrifice he is the priest and the goat / lamb depending on which holiday we're talking about he is also the goat that is sacrificed in the Azazel the scapegoat as well mentioned in Leviticus 16 I remind you of this it says the priest is to lay the hands his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all of the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelites all of their sins and put them on the goat's head now one day you get to be in the presence of the Almighty and get to ask him exactly how does that work how does how does how does me putting my hands on something make it make it go through me and out that thing and what makes the goat goat's head absorb that I don't I don't know but the commandment was to put the hands on the goat and supernaturally through faith all of the sin was transferred to this poor scapegoat this is why in our in our traditions and in our history and in Judaism on Yom Kippur as we prepare our songs and our worship and our readings and our blessings we will read something like the alphabet prayer the the all sins type of prayer these are all the sins we committed why because that's what we were told to do place your hand on the goat's head and start confessing all your sins and the sins of the people then we often read or we chant the Isamu the prayer of our guilt we are guilty and we take that humble approach that we're guilty but tonight I want you to hear this from Isaiah 53 our closing verse remembering the commandment to put our hand on the goat's head Isaiah 53 says this surely Yeshua took up our pain and he bore our suffering yea we considered him punished by God stricken by him and afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was upon him as the goat and by his wounds we are healed we all like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned to our own way but the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all it was like he just went to your shoe his head on the cross and said thank you today you get to be the young people goat today we're touching you we're touching the crown of thorns as it bleeds as you were suffocating on the cross as we're putting our hands on you there's a supernatural transference not an accident that God had commanded it ages before perfectly timed to where we could lay our hands on your schewe and say today we thank you for being that young key for sacrifice and yeshua gladly took it because he knew that if he took it upon his head that at the great ending of yom kippur that great day that closed all of the other ages altogether it closes all the books once we read from them they're all closed now the culmination of the ages with the sin on his head he could cleanse the conscience of the worshiper finally and he could do away with this earth and give us the earth that is to come propelling us to the last feast of the prophetic timeline which is Sukkot the last one in the line the Sabbath age and through the blowing of the trumpet not on Rosh Hashanah the blowing of the trumpet on Yom Kippur was where the year of Jubilee started and the debts were forgiven are we grateful tonight where Yeshua his word his work being our sacrifice being our high priest all of these elements of Yom Kippur the symbolism we've spoken up tonight we add it to the knowledge of the scriptures of the atonement Yeshua bought and we proclaim in faith today that Yeshua we receive every one of these elements from you today can you stand with me let's pray prophetically about receiving these things you know there's often an offer there's an offer to us but there also is an act of receiving if you're comfortable with your hands up go ahead if you're not comfortable that's fine make your heart open take whatever posture you need tonight to receive this you're sure we love you we are grateful people we thank you for taking away our sin we willingly tonight and symbolically prophetically we lay our hands on your head and we say take our sin tonight wash us clean sprinkle your cleansing blood on us tonight we receive you as the great High Priest whose sacrifice was so good it only needed to be one be done once in the perfect heavenly temple we receive you tonight as the sacrifice itself we received your blood we receive tonight the cleansing of our conscience we receive the work that you have already done and we apply it to today's needs we look forward to the final trumpet of this age but we also look forward to the yom kippur trumpet that starts the year of jubilee that starts the Sabbath age that starts the celebration when the ages all come to a close and God if you can be in charge of the ages if you can be in charge of the timing of the Sun the Moon the Stars the rotations the feast days as they were woven in and out of history all of their meaning if you can be in charge of those things so seamlessly why would we ever not want you to be in charge of our life with our hearts open in our hands ways we received tonight your gift of yom kippur and we thank you for your cleansing even as we confess all of our sins we confess our guilt we say thank you that when you look at us that's not what you see [Music]
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,444
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Sermon, Message, Preacher, Chad Holland, Yom Kippur - End of the Ages, Look to the Sky, Yom Kippur
Id: DrJ6jnRpzqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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