Rosh Hashanah 5782/2021 Morning Service

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we'll get started in just a moment find your seats grab a monster and a homage well you don't need a human because it's all in them [Music] that was a test and i didn't pass just a couple more moments and let folks come on in and fight in their seats we're actually going to be starting on page 84. welcome welcome services this morning are officiated with me and our lovely cantor ray cohen who will lead us in all of our services so why don't we go ahead and get started on page 84 with the morning blessings please rise [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] please be seated before we turn now to page 96 for a psalm i'd like to just share with you a quick story which we shared last night but we will continue to share every day because all lessons i should say the most important lessons are the ones we have to return to on a daily basis when a sonic would age and approach death their khasi dean would humbly approach their master for a final blessing one of the most influential rebbies how is it that after all that you have been through through the pogroms through arrests through ransoms through poverty you have always remained joyful the rebbe responded every morning a voice comes to me and asks today do you choose to be joyful how do you choose to be today that is the question we should always ask ourselves every morning when we wake what is your choice do you choose to be joyful that's really what the songs are here to do to get us into a mindset into an attitude into a focus we i apologize if you are a mourning or observing your side please rise for the mourner's kaddish on page 98. together is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he euros with the first recitation of the ashrae on page 108. [Music] hello so many [Music] hallelujah [Music] we join together on page 112 psalm 150 hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m um [Music] ah page 132. [Laughter] saw [Music] is a is [Music] is [Music] [Music] if you look to the top of page 134 you will see the word hameleth is what is normally written here it says yoshi yoshev the king is waiting the king is in the field waiting for you in other words the khasids teach that god is meeting us halfway where are you the idea is that you should not just be sitting in your seat contemplating your own life while that's a part of it you should be thinking about how you can approach god your community the world this year how will you approach there's a great teaching basically that says or the king or the sovereign is a word that occurs quite a bit in the russian shot of prayers you see it all over the place we'll return to it several times today indeed it's the first word chanted today the cantor just chanted the first words hamela we did the puzuki de zimmer of the morning chants but this begins everything um this is how we enter into the shah free prayer one rosh hashanah morning the great hasidic master rabbi aron of carlin fainted he fainted when he came to this word hamelech don't worry i'm not going to faint although it's a little warm yes so if i do faint just think of me as a great rabbit that's trying to prove a point not that i just fainted he later explained what this word hamelech meant he recalled the talmudic passage that described rabbi yochanan ben zakai's encounter with vespasian of course the station was the general the german general that destroyed sacked and let jerusalem lie in ruin and rebel yokonan had himself smuggled out of the besieged city of jerusalem to plead with the roman general to spare the torah center at what would later be known as yavneh when rabbi yochanan entered vespasian's tent he addressed him as what hamela your majesty this is what a great rabbi did and the general turned to him and taught him a lesson you're deserving of death on two counts said the general to the rabbi first of all i'm not the king only his majesty's general secondly if i am indeed a king why do you not come to me until now why do you wait what are you waiting for i thought to myself said the rebbe of carlin if we address the almighty as king does this not invite the question if i am indeed your king why did you not come to me until now what can we answer to that what's your answer what are you waiting for for those who joined us last night that's the big question what are you waiting for you waiting for tomorrow you're waiting for next year we learned over the course of the past year things happen the world is set in motion we cannot wait uncertainty is and was always the reality it is up to each and every one of us to make a decision today i will no longer wait i will act i will behave in a way that shows that i am trying to fit myself to be of maximum service certainly to those around me to my community but this is our time right now to fit ourselves this is not a passive service this is active it is time for us now to get to work we now turn to page 136 for the fats [Music] [Music] is is [Music] they eat a lot [Applause] please rise on page 138 for the baraboo [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] god oh [Music] [Music] [Music] who [Music] [Music] please be seated page 148 creation is not something which happens really only once creation is an ongoing process creation is happening right now our sages taught that a human being is god's partner in the work of creation god and we create together there is still much to be done disease to be conquered and justices and poverty to be overcome hatred and war to be eliminated there is truth to be discovered beauty to be fashioned freedom to be achieved peace and righteousness to be established there is a great need to dedicate all the creative power which are creating god has given us so that we may join god in the continued work of creation [Music] [Applause] we turn now to page 150 as we prepare for the schema [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is oh is [Music] happy [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is page 154 shall [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] a ah please continue silently up to the top of page 158 um [Music] fm i please join me responsibly on page 161 [Music] you have ever been the help of our ancestors a shield and a redeemer to their children in every generation [Music] happy is the person who obeys your commandments who takes to heart the words of your torah [Music] you are the first and you are the last besides you we have no sovereign or redeemer [Music] you revealed your saving power at the sea when the children of israel pass through in safety they acclaimed you as ever-living god great and revered exalted in majesty and grateful for people to turn off their cell phones at this time [Music] you help those in need and answer your people when they cry out to you flip the 163 and it's you guys's turn at the top your praise to god on high ever praised may god be moses and the children of israel proclaimed in great [Music] at the exultation of the sea which they crossed in safety they redeemed the redeemed sang a new song to you [Music] is [Music] they [Music] is [Music] israel [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] the time [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Applause] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] we turn now to page 170 and the arc is opened and this year we reached out to folks who were going to give honors too and some were unable to attend for any number of reasons and we asked them to share a thought or word in honor of their aliyah in honor of their honor and we came up with a theme and the theme was really simple what is your guiding principle going to be this year and i want us to think about that as we have the ark open in front of us as we enter into this new relationship with a year a new relationship with time this is the opportunity to look at it what relationship will you have with those about you this year with time and what will be your guiding principle this year what will your focus be it's up to you 100 up to you and our first owner brooke effington states our guiding principle this year life is too short let's share our appreciation now appreciation page 170. if you look at and therefore on account of everything that we just read therefore we have begun this relationship the king is in the field we are ready to meet god halfway and therefore we offer and proclaim all that we are about to read 170. [Music] [Music] me oh he oh [Music] the bottom of page 172 the door by door [Music] [Music] [Applause] our dishes [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] the door [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] please be seated um on page 182 our lord guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking falsehood help me to ignore those who slander me to be humble and forgiving to all open my heart to your torah that i may know your teachings and eagerly do your will frustrate the plans of those who wish me o that i may praise your power your holiness and your law save your loved ones o lord answer us with your redeeming power may the words of my mouth the meditations of my heart find favor before you my rock and my redeemer say shalom at this point we turn now to we're we're not going backwards don't worry but uh we'll go back to we're going back to 180 that's correct yeah you have to sometimes take a step back to move forward wisdom all day guys all day real quick you feel the energy here it's nice to be with all of you i know you feel it just turn to your neighbor and wish them a sweet here send a kiss through your mask though those at home extend a wish to those around you what better way to enter into the beer katakuri the blessings on page 180. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] they are [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] not [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] there are oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] shalom [Music] we turn now to page 184 as we rise as the ark is open for avinu volcano and sue says my hope for 5782 is that we can find a way to all come together with compassion and understanding and we all say amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you the right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they [Music] [Applause] [Music] my is acceptable for you o lord my rock and my readings [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] they're talking [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh is [Applause] [Music] a rain [Music] is [Music] said [Music] as the ark is closed you may be seated we continue with page 186 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh we are now about to enter into our tourist service quick joke yeah all right it's you can tell it's your grandma okay it's a good one so mr schwartz everyone know mr schwartz yeah yeah went out right nice guy nice jewish guy so mr schwartz is taken into handcuffs okay not so nice of a jewish guy he goes to court and he stands before a judge and the prosecutor rises and says your honor mr schwartz was caught red-handed stealing a can of peaches from the local grocery and he admits his guilt the judge shakes his head and announces mr schwartz we cannot have theft in this community you must bear the consequences of your crime there are six peaches in this canon i sentence you to six days in jail for every peach stolen and the judge slams his gavel on the bench a woman rises in the back of the court and calls out your honor the judge immediately recognized her in responses mrs schwartz i'm not inclined to any leniency in this case to which mrs schwartz replies i know but he also stole a can of chickpeas [Music] it's all love why don't we turn to page 192 as we begin our tour service with aim kimono [Applause] tv me stephanie and andrew say our hope in the new year is that we are all safe laugh often and hug our families as much as they'll let us and let us all say ah man we rise now as the ark is open [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] may it be your will to open our hearts to your torah to fulfill the worthy desires of our hearts in the hearts of all your people israel for good for life and for peace and let us all say amen is [Music] [Music] [Music] all is is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] romeo [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] please be seated last year we went we just did a little and then we went right up this year we went all the way around so i thank you guys for the exercise i needed that and it was good to see all your smiling faces and wish each other with a torah present um what what a miracle to be able to share together torah and reading the torah together so we wish you obviously and the torah reading the blessings can be found on page 200 and the torah readings can then be found on page 202. [Music] [Music] oh increased understanding to appreciate and respect others point of view should be our guiding principle and we all say amen into that foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] uh virtually they say our guiding principle this year will be connecting we aim to focus on digging deeper into our relationships within ourselves with our families with our jewish and secular communities with those with whom we disagree and of course hashem this is easier to say than do and so we look for guidance and inspiration from our terrific rabbi and a beautiful high holiday service led by our cantor and we all say amen and also ifan and dan may say as for our family's guiding principle it has always been love patience guidance when asked for and just the right amount of tempting home-baked treats to keep us drawn together and we all say i'm then foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh me [Music] our third aliyah is virtually uh marlene and laurie strauss say to our cbs family may it be written and sealed if you have a new year that brings fulfillment and happiness peace and prosperity and all of ice very best things and we all say amen and andy and fred gruber say because our world is so deeply wounded we wholeheartedly embrace the practice of humility and authenticity by doing good deeds each and every day and we all say amen [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] he for a portfolio we call upon alan and susan shear mark and kathy franklin and our tour reader will be kathy franklin so susan and alan shearer say count your blessings and focus on the positive not the negatives and we all say amen and kathy and mark franklin say may this new year find us pursuing our passions laughing with friends and embracing our loved ones and we all say [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] dory and andrew gryce say our families hope for this rosh hashanah as well as future holidays is that as a people and congregation we may celebrate and worship freely and to remember all of those in this world who do not have this opportunity maybe hope for their freedom and our collective world to be at peace so that our future generations may revel and all of what the world has to offer by god's will and let us all say amen [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yummy robbie [Music] [Music] oh so um page 2080 [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] around the world that we can get together all of us in person next year and we all say named is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so uh please be seated we offer misha for those who are in need of healing and i'd like to offer a special miso [Music] compassionate one you are um healer of bodies who does wondrous deeds the wondrous body that you have made for us now feels a little more fragile with kobe the openings by which we perceive your world now feel a little more vulnerable we are anxious and frightened by the uncertainty of what is to come we love the lies we lead and we fear what disruption may come we love our family and friends and neighbors our children and our elders and we fear what illness may come we pray for healing the body and of spirit speedy and complete for all those who are ill from any illness any sickness both far from us and close to home strengthen the hands of our caregivers give your healing power to our medical personnel and mental health professionals give us your wisdom to our decision makers and public health officials strengthen our heart to comfort this challenge give us your discipline that we may not yield to panic and dread but may protect ourselves with appropriate precaution and calm determination give us your compassion that we may not yield to prejudice or bigotry but may reach out to our neighbors with kindness and solidarity we are grateful for our bodies and the life you have given us we are grateful to our communities and congregations who see us and support us we are grateful for those who are working to protect us we are grateful for your love and your sheltering pregnancy presence we know we are not alone and we all say amen [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are they [Music] i got to send a speedy recovery for those in need and let us all say um and we now turn to page 210 for the moffter aliyah [Music] the [Music] foreign [Music] this year as though it will become our memory let us all say amen dan and bruce harris say our family's guiding principle is to always think of others first before ourselves and to do whatever it takes to get through freshman year of high school for our son ryan and let us all say amen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] 109. [Music] [Music] will the congregation please rise [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] okay so please be seated the hosterra can be found on page 212. [Music] a is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] uh [Music] [Music] though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great job howard i feel like we should throw candy at you i wish may god and bless our ancestors abraham isaac and jacob sarah rachel and leia bless this congregation together with all other congregations then their families and all their dear ones may god bless those who consecrate synagogues for prayer and those who come to pray those who maintain synagogues those who provide for the wayfarer and for the poor those who faithfully devote themselves to the needs of the community and the land of israel may the holy one praise be god bless them for their labors remove from them all sickness heal all their hurts and forgive them when they miss the mark and may god bless them and all the household of israel by prospering all their worthy endeavors and let us all say amen this is quite a year and i wanted to just talk about what really connects us all what does connect us all life isn't it it is the most important thing in your life how important really is your life we think life often through our intellect if i were to ask you to tell me about your life you're going to tell me what what you do for a living about your family maybe where you grew up perhaps where you went to school but that's only a small portion of your life isn't it does that even capture a fraction of who you are as a person we know what is essential to life if you cut off your breath your ability to breathe and you will see how important your life really is you'll fight for that breath won't you you'll fight for it you will want it more than anything in that moment you will truly prioritize what matters in your life you'll see clearly what's important none of us have really had that dramatic of an experience with life but it reveals how much that life force is in us and it wants to live in fact we use it as a visual to understand a word inspiration and notice that the word inspiration comes from the root that means breath anyone ever heard of eric thomas he's a great motivational speaker and he relates the following story he says there was a young man who wanted to make a bit of money and so he went to a guru right where else you gonna go you're gonna tell have someone tell you how to make money right and he told the guru i want to be on the same level as you the guru said if you want to be on the same level as me i'll meet you tomorrow at the beach so the young man got there at 4am 4am ready to go he was wearing a suit but he should have worn shorts the old man grabs his hand and says how bad do you want to be successful he said really bad he continued walk out into the water so he walked out into the water and when he walks out to the water he goes waist deeps and thinks this guy's crazy what am i doing i'm in a suit and i'm way steep in water i want to make money and i'm out here swimming what does this have to do with money i didn't ask to be a lifeguard i want to make money already in the water he said come out a little further walk out a little further and he was right to about the shoulder area and he thought man this guy really is nuts i want to make money but i don't want to be around this crazy guy any longer he said come on a little further he came out a little further and it was right here at his mouth he's about to give up and the old man says i thought he wanted to be successful he said i do then walk out a little further he came dropped his head in and he held the guy down a little bit he's scratching trying to get his breath and he held him down he was about to pass out the guru raises him and he says i've got a question for you when you want to be as successful as bad as you want to breathe then will you be successful and then it clicked seeking profoundness of life in this case the person wanted to experience life through success through making it as we say through making money even that is the profoundness of that person's life some of you seek it through careers some seek it through shopping some through power some through drugs honestly others through ideas like leadership torah even essentially we all seek to find some kind of profoundness in life what's the point it was a moment like this that the jewish people were rescued from pharaoh's pursuit you remember they made it all the way to the sea of reeds and they stood there and then what happened we as jews were saved at this very very moment this is the story of knock show maybe you've heard it the midrash relates that during the exodus when the israelites reached the reed sea it did not automatically part the israelites stood at the bank of the sea and wailed with despair oh my gosh oh i can't believe it we're going to have to go back you could hear the whining the complaining but entered the water once he was up to his nose up to his nose he couldn't what could breathe it's at that moment that the sea parted this was the profoundness of faith or basically how much do you trust in your life not shown was inspired inspiration again means breath your breath nacho small act inspired the salvation of an entire people one small act you have that you have that breath you have that inspiration if you take four breaths right now deep breaths in and out in and out in and out in and out this will jump start your engine you want a different perspective breathe deeply for four minutes and you will have a different perspective this is the most important aspect of life living your life to know that your breath is the end says essence of life that we all trust our next breast breath will come with ease do you take that for granted talk to someone with asthma to have that much love and respect of just life not your thoughts not your feelings not your intellect but life when jews make a toast we don't say to feelings to thoughts we trust that life is in us we are grateful for it and we trust it will be there do we not this life is bigger than each of us and we know that we are floored by how large this universe is 93 billion light years in diameter we inhabit a solar system with an average sized star on a planet with billions of people yet interestingly enough i spent most of my time thinking about me so massive and yet here we are this is the great hasidic statement that says keep two pieces of paper and do this actually do this keep two pieces of paper in your pocket at all times on one have written on a speck of dust and on the other the world was created for me in other words this is a statement i ain't much but i'm all i think about the odds of you being alive the odds of you being alive are one in four trillion maybe this is apocryphal i don't know but it's clear that the odds of you being here are close to zero this brief spark of life the small chance that we are here is what we call life if you're essentially just a life then each and every one of you are connected to everything there is no separation between you and me our lives share so much more than what separates can i tell you two stories of life jay feinberg he got sick and was told that a transplant could save his life but it would probably die before before finding a matching donor a patient's best chance of finding a genetic match lies with those of similar ethnic background unfortunately the worldwide registry was not representative of all ethnic groups jay of course was jewish jay's families and friends didn't want to see him die needlessly they wanted him to have an equal opportunity to find a match so they launched a donor recruitment campaign resulting in the enrollment of tens of thousands of new donors in the worldwide registry but after four years four years they still couldn't find a match for him and despite helping many other patients in need he had to watch that's when his miracle happened a young man decided to run one last stride because his best friend had found a match through a drive held for jay one act sent a ripple effect he knew the odds were against him but he was determined to return the gift and that is exactly what he did jay's four year search for a donor came to a close in may 1995 1995. the very last owner tested in that very last drive turned out to be his miracle match jay received his plans transplant a short time later this is what we come to understand is the gift of life marrow registry adam kreif another story was a loving businessman and a family man he grew up in los angeles near us where he attended public school after high school adams spent a year in israel at barilon university and then majored in business management at usc after graduation adam began working at his family's watch business at age 24 he married and had three children adam was diagnosed with a deadly blood cancer doctors told adam that his only hope his only hope for defeating his disease was a bone marrow transplant from a donor whose bone marrow matched atoms thus began a worldwide effort to locate a match and save adam's lives adam's family and friends began began bone marrow drives where anyone could be tested with a swab of the cheek the potential donors were entered into a bone marrow registry so their information would be available to anyone in need of a match the jewish community you in this community responded it was overwhelming as soon as the testing stations were set up they were flooded by eager volunteers who wouldn't want to help hoping that their bone marrow might prove to be life-saving the gift of life donor program which provides the testing kits and maintains the registry had to hire additional employees to process the new donors the campaign spread for los angeles to other cities including israel altogether 60 000 jews join the global bone marrow registry in four months as a result to date 13 other people have found their bone marrow matches thanks to the donor registration through the thanks to that campaign approximately one in each 400 people registered becomes a donor and so the total amount of matches expected to result from the campaign is probably around 150. throughout the campaign adam insisted that he wasn't only looking for his own match he wanted to make sure the other people would also be helped he died in 2017. maybe you remember the story the profoundness of life as one of the 60 000 people who registered to help adam i was called two months ago i'm a match are you willing i was asked of course what connects us is the desire to be alive to be alive the donor registered called me with a sense of urgency searching for them isn't it remember when our breath is cut short there is absolutely no time to waste life wants to be alive doesn't it life wants to be alive they called textes and emailed all within two days it was quite interesting i don't i've never been stalked like this before when i responded a swab was sent and the match was verified on several occasions i was interviewed about my health history whenever faced with these questions we all realize don't we when they give you anyone done life insurance or anything like this they give you i mean it's 10 pages you realize at that moment how fragile life is don't you but then you realize also at the same time how life always continues to find a way it always does i went to the city of hope a couple of weeks ago for a physical and other personal tests to see everywhere were patients queuing and staff preparing all in response to live no one there was defeated everyone was ready to find that next opportunity to live life doesn't discern between age language upbringing political affiliation economic status the life that isn't all of us just wants to live today today the shofar is going to be blown in just a moment i know you guys know it's a call to action i'll read it again and you'll be like yeah it's a call to action that's a given but over the course of the next year everyone listen to this over the course of the next year you will be called on because you're alive will you answer may seem like a small request or a tiny inconvenience to you may open the door to a larger call can you hear it will you be aware you will hear the show for a call and you are called this year to fit yourself to hear it that's what you're doing here is to position yourself into a a place in which you can hear when you are being called to help you actually never know that the actions you take this year how they will touch somebody in the year to come do you you don't know will you be conscious the word holy or sanctity in hebrew but a better translation it means connected it means to come together the actions we take today from a sense of sanctity of life will build towards more sanctity more connection remember what connects us all is life to be holy in our tradition is to understand live answer the call to life and its desire to live we must do everything in our power to celebrate life and connect this is simply why we say we now continue with our shofar service on page 244. let's actually do page 245 and i will read the english we'll do the bracha together and then we will of course sound the shofar [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] please rise [Music] [Music] [Music] summon us to our creator to rend god true devotion renounce your sins and when you miss the mark in transgressions false aims and unworthy striving fill your hearts with a new spirit of loving concern and forgiveness give heed to the sound of the shofar the blast that is blown my [Music] [Music] [Music] on ah page 246 give heed to the sound of the shofar the shrill quivering notes of the shofar sounding its message of warning a cry of alarm and awakening urging us to labor together to combat war and violence accept the challenge to battle against fear hate and destruction remove from your midst all oppression banish all greed and contention give heed to the sound of the shofar the blast that is blown oh my people tequila chevron [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] [Music] give heed to the sound of the shofar the loud clarion call of the shofar bringing new hope to the suffering and strength of those stricken with sorrow bring to israel assurance of healing peace and redemption renew your faith and devotion to god's torah people and land remember the covenant in fashion kingdom of law and compassion give heed to the sound of the shofar the blast that is blown o my people tequila [Music] ah so [Music] uh to walk by the light of your presence and let us all say please be seated we continue with the ashrae on page 250. foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] there's okay oh [Music] [Music] [Music] 252 and rise as the taurus scroll is returned to the ark [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we'll go right into the ark [Applause] is a tree of life to those who cling to it blessed are they who uphold it its ways are ways of pleasantness pleasantness all its past or peace turn us to you o lord and we shall return renew us as in days [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] new [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] please be seated page 266. [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we now jump ahead to page 279 for the knee which was the first prayer at least in in my jewish journey that i really fell in love with and i'll tell you why when you have a schliak when you have somebody representing the community in this case our canter praying on behalf of the community to make and declare a statement like in this prayer i'm not perfect i don't do everything like i ought to do or should do and yet i'm still here leading you in prayer i thought it was one of the most important parts to my jewish life the great equalizer there is no one in this room better or worse there is no one in this room higher or lower that we all although i'm a little higher right now anyways i just thought of that i don't know if i like that but you'll see that there are some synagogues where the rabbi and cantor will be down there i know i just i'm not high oh guys no no no no i don't do any of that stuff i only listened to about three quarters of what i'm saying sorry i'm not high i'm you know what i'm moving on in any in any event in any event we are as a community walking together shoulder to shoulder together and we will get i think more distant that way more distance that way i'd like to invite you to join along uh in reading in the english if you're hebrew uh or the hebrew whatever you're more comfortable with on page 207 79 279 [Music] [Music] your [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] israel [Music] [Music] for you mercifully hear the prayers of your people israel praise are you who hears prayer please rise on page 280 for the amidah [Music] hey [Music] who [Music] so [Music] [Music] the [Music] again [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] me [Music] the ark is opened on page 282. [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] say [Applause] [Music] he said [Music] they are [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] how many shall leave this world and how many shall be born who shall live and who shall die who in the fullness of years and who before come my own become [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] who shall perish by fire and who by water by sword and who by wild beast who by famine and who by thirsty [Music] [Music] who shall rest and who shall wander who shall be serene and who disturbed who shall be at ease and who afflicted who shall be impoverished who shall be humbled [Music] [Music] wrong [Music] me [Music] me [Music] like i but repentance prayer and deeds of kindness can remove the severity of the debris so [Music] [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] we now turn to page 302 as we recall the three major things of the day mafiodzip and shofa wrote with hope i come before the lord to plead i ask for the gift of expression so that here before the congregation we are able to come together for god's power and celebrate and song the glory of god's works preparing one one's heart is a human task while the power of expression is a gift from god oh lord open my lips that my mouth may declare your praise and the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart find favor before you my rock and my regime redeemer we now turn to page 304 the ark is open and for the musa alaynu debbie gabriel says a good principle guiding me through these challenging times is expressing compassion for folks you don't know what it's like to walk in their shoes and understand their service this principle along with justice for all challenges us all during this historical time to be more fair and sincere in dealing with others additionally being humble means not doing your own horn after doing good deeds for the other the real award for good deeds in the knowledge and let us all say also carolyn heightman says my guiding principles is to approach the new year with good humor common sense and an open heart tolerance and understanding we all say amen and virtually rosalie and ken asarch say kenny and i have tried to help our community by vaccinating patients and providing therapies to help patients we hope our families and friends stay healthy amen and safe amen the elenu the great elenu can be found on page 304. oh [Music] she [Music] new [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] on page 307 thus it is written in your torah the lord shall be sovereign forever and ever no iniquity was seen in jacob nor any perversiveness in israel the lord their god is with them and their acclaim that the sovereign is heard in their midst the lord was enthroned as sovereign and jesuit when the heads of the people assembled when all the tribes of israel gathered together we turn now to page 310 as we prepare for the shofar blasts tequila ah [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] and so the psalmist saying gracious and merciful as the lord whose wonders are to be remembered the lord sustained those who are reverent and will remember the covenant forever the lord remembered the covenant an abundant kindness forgave page 321 the shofar is sounded [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] blue [Music] today is the birthday of the world on this day all the world's creatures stand before you in judgment some is children son as servants if you look upon us as children than pity us as parents pity children if you look upon us as servants then we depend on your graciousness when you judge us o revered and revered and holy god on page 323 and thus your prophets proclaimed all inhabitants of the world all dwellers on earth look when a banner is raised upon the mountains and when the shofar is sounding listen on that day a great shofar will be sounded in the exiles in assyria and those cast away in the land of egypt will come to bow down to the lord on the lord's holy mountain in jerusalem the lord will be revealed to them with a piercing presence which will flash like lightning the lord god will sound the shofar and march amid the storm winds of the south the lord of hosts will defend [Music] ah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is please be seated that was a long run yes it should cost you cancer on page 200 or 332 the threefold blessings our god and god of our ancestors bless us with the threefold blessing written in the torah by moses your servant pronouncing in ancient days by our own and his sons the consecrated priests of your people hello barfing i'm kidding [Music] is [Music] page 334 [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] name we rise on page 336 as the ark is opened and yael and mark ending say virtually our family's guiding principle is practicing gratitude and let us say amen to them [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] me in [Music] please be seated as the argus closed page 338 [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] you oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] on page 342. [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] my okay so it is written in your tour the lord shall reign forever and ever if the prophet two proclaim this promise the lord shall reign over all the earth on that day the lord shall be won in god's name one to the torah and the name [Music] we ask those who are mourning or observing your sight to remain standing as we pause on this day of remembrance to remember our loved ones from whom we have been separated by death but to whom we remain close to the binding links of memory we are grateful god for our capacity to remember for the ability to retain in treasured possession that which we once held dear we are grateful for those precious things which death cannot take from us the lessons and experience which our loved ones shared with us and gave to us above all we are grateful for the assurance that there is no forgetting before you and our loved ones are held in everlasting remembrance may the memories of those whom we lovingly recall inspire us to lead lives worth remembering in tribute to our party those who mourn now rise to praise your holy name mourner's kaddish again can be found on page 300 and 46. together [Music] [Music] [Music] harmony and peace in the heights grant harmony and peace to us to all israel and all humankind and let us all say amen just a few brief announcements uh please be seated uh before we conclude uh this morning's service this afternoon service uh with adona llama on page 348 uh please join us for tosh lee at 3 30 at the arco station if you need to know where we are specifically just ask afterwards and we'll give you directions it should be a lot uh a lot of fun and uh uh so please join us and then also tonight in this room uh at 6 30 we will have a second uh uh evening uh the second night of rosh hashanah we will be having services and then of course join us tomorrow morning at 9 30. also of course we have services for shabbat chuva shabbat chuva is at least in my opinion the most important shabbos of the year so please join us for that uh starting at seven o'clock this friday and then um like all jews we gotta start thinking about food for after yom kippur so please rsvp for uh the break the fast here uh should be i'm already i'm already looking forward to it uh breaking the fast and it should be uh a great time to see each other as well so please make sure you rsvp for that and we've included on page 348 with i don't know [Music] [Applause] i don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] they are sorry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Congregation Beth Shalom, Santa Clarita
Views: 436
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Congregation Beth Shalom, Conservative, Judaism, Jewish, Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, Synagogue, Temple, Preschool, Religious School, CBS, SCV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 34sec (11614 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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