Rosh Hashanah 5782/2021 Morning Service (2nd Day)

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um wow yes everyone we're going to get started in just a few moments welcome welcome [Music] come on in there's plenty of seats plenty of room oh it's filling up quickly well we we'll start in a minute we're missing yeah one half of our dynamic duo wonder twins remember that show wonder twins that was great yeah yeah those were the days so why don't we just turn around to each other wish us again a seatings are really important if you don't know someone closely give them a big smile they won't know you have a mask on huh welcome welcome good to see you all shanatova we will start with uh on page 84 with our morning blessings but before we rise these blessings are positioned at the beginning of the service so that we begin to think about the most fundamental spiritual aspect and that is gratitude if one wakes up every morning and starts counting what they are grateful for we all agree do we not that we will have a better outlook as we approach all of the things that will happen throughout the day what better way to start than with gratitude and i'm grateful for so much i'm certainly grateful for our cantor and and being able to share uh these holidays with him i'm grateful for each and every one of you for participating and by being here and and singing and chanting and for in so many different ways all of us participating i'm grateful for that and most importantly for me i'm grateful to god for the opportunity to have one more year one more year together one more year alive one more year to truly just celebrate life and how special it truly is let's rise on page 84 for the morning blessings fbi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 84 please be seated it says in the time to come all other temple sacrifices will cease but the sacrifice of thanksgiving will not cease all other prayers will cease but the prayers of thanksgiving will not cease meaning even in the world to come even when everything is perfect what are we left with gratitude and to express gratitude let us pretend for just today maybe that this is the world to come how do you know that this isn't heaven how do you know we don't so maybe maybe maybe we should just try and be a little more grateful i'm sure we're all grateful are we not so let's try a little bit more a little bit more and put some gratitude out there to each other i'm grateful for all of you we turned down to page 134 for hamelech if you look at hamilah it says in the traditional saturday morning service it says it does not say yoshev meaning that it is happening right now it is happening at this very moment that god is sitting on god's throne waiting for us to approach that is what we do today we prepare ourselves to approach god but that we also assume we can make the assumption at least according to our tradition that god has taken a step towards us will you take a step towards god when a sonic would age and approach death or hasidim would humbly approach their master for a final blessing one of the most influential rebels had reached advanced age and as qasidine came to receive the bracha with joy the rebbe gave the blessing one hassan asked rebbe how is it that after all that you have been through the pogroms arrest by authorities ransoms poverty you have always remained joyful the rebbe responded every morning a voice asks today do you choose to be joyful and i always answered yes i ask each and every one of you today as i have done for the past three services are you today choosing to be joyful we continue with hamelech on page 134. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] page 136 [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] they eat a dark [Music] [Music] [Music] before we rise for the borrow i just wanted to share some words to help us with our kavanagh and uh two things i actually have to say i need to do a little chuva yesterday i invited everyone to a 3 30 toshly that was called for three o'clock yeah terrible rabbi i got in trouble but i apologize uh i figure we start the year off right and the other thing is is that uh i'm not crazy i know now more than ever that there's two different mock serenes that have different page numbers so uh uh please bear with me i'm gonna call the page numbers from my monster which i believe is the majority yeah well we've been through this uh every year we will rectify it as soon as possible but there is a discrepancy in the page numbers please bear with me i'm not crazy calling out the wrong page numbers because i saw some crazy looks yesterday as if i was insane and i i started to think that maybe i was a little crazy so just bear with us and we will rectify that uh problem in 5783 okay all right so here i want you to think about this as we uh enter into this uh um last day of rosh hashanah chakri service so there was this wealthy man who wanted to protect his fortune so what did he do he hid his wealth in different places in his house and he died before telling his young son where he had hid the money and after the father's death the son lived in the home but he had no work very very little to eat he grew increasingly desperate and one day was counting on his last few silver coins when one of the coins dropped and went behind and fell into the floorboard and he crawled onto the dirty floor to find it he searched all over but he couldn't find his coin in desperation he pulled up the floorboard and found one of the sacks of golden coins his father had hit he opened a sack and was amazed at his fortune now he searched all through the house and found more and more sacks of gold but he never found the original lost silver coin what happened to the silver coin too often we think of stories like this that he didn't know where it was the treasure was hidden right before him we've heard stories like that have you not there's many stories like that that there's the treasure right before you you didn't see it or you didn't search for it but in this story it's a little different what's the function of the silver coin he never found it let us contemplate what silver coins we have in our life that are driving us to find something but we will never find it it's important for us to really seek seek our silver coins we'll talk more about that a little later why don't we rise now on page 138 for the borrower [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah please be seated we turn now to page 148 and we learn that creation is not something which happens only once creation is truly an ongoing process moreover our sages taught the human being is god's partner in the work of creation god and we create together there is still much to be done disease to be conquered and justice and poverty be overcome hatred and war to be eliminated there is truth to be discovered beauty to be fashioned freedom to be achieved peace and righteousness to be established there is a great need to dedicate all the creative power which a creating god has given us so that we may join god in the continued work of creation here is [Music] a [Music] we turn our attention now to ava with abounding love have you loved us lord our god great and overflowing tenderness have you shown us we prepare for the shaman [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] m [Music] oh [Music] is gather our people safely from the four corners of the earth and lead us in dignity to our holy land for you or the god who brings deliverance [Music] [Applause] they are [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm join together in the top page 158 by omar adonai elmo shelley moore da bear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mmm on page 161 through 163 why don't we raise read ezra in the english responsively page 161 you have ever been the help of our ancestors a shield and a redeemer to their children in every generation happy is the person who obeys your commandments who takes to heart the words of your torah you are the first and you are the last besides you we have no sovereign or redeemer you revealed your saving power at the sea when the children of israel pass through in safety they acclaimed you as their ever living god great and revered exalted in majesty you help those in need and answer your people when they cry out to you moses and the children of israel proclaimed in great exaltation at the shore of the sea which they crossed in safety they the redeemed sang a new song to you rock of israel arise to the help of israel our redeemer the lord of hosts [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] please rise [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we turn now to the congregational amita on page 164. baruch [Music] hey [Music] [Music] saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um um [Music] [Music] [Music] we turn to page 170 and the honor of opening the ark is extended to brenda and matthew rubin and they say our guiding principle of the year is empathy so let us say amen to empathy and find it in our hearts to be empathetic to those who are in need page 170. uh [Music] [Music] body [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as the ark is closed we thank the mayas for filling in for that honor and we turn to page 172 for the kedusha now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] please continue with your prayers up to page 180. [Music] um um may it be your will lord our god to cause love and harmony peace and togetherness to abide among us and view us with reference reverence for you strengthen our good impulse thus may we serve you and perform your mise vote wholeheartedly may no one hate us or envy us may no hatred or envy of others be found in us keep us far from that which you despise draw us near to you that which you love and deal mercifully with us for the sake of your great name and let us all say we turn now to page 180 for the blessing of the kohanim our god and god of our ancestors bless us with the threefold blessing of the torah written by moses your servant and pronounced in ancient days by our own and his sons the consecrated priests of your people fellow jedinu [Music] a [Music] is [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] shalom [Music] we rise on page 184 as the ark is open for avinu [Music] and emily and mitch rodder say this coming year we wish everyone kindness tolerance and compassion we are in a divisive time and the path towards each other starts in our communities small gestures lead to a big one bishalam the rudder family and we all say i'm a man page 184. [Music] avid volcanoes um [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] please be seated as the ark is closed oh [Music] [Music] [Music] to you cancer um if you turn back to page 184 real quick you'll see it says on shabbat that the aveeno malcanu is omitted what's the reason why well shabbat is a happy time is it not so we don't say avina volcano a happy period but aren't you supposed to be happy on rosh hashanah actually it is a time where we should be a little bit conscientious of judgment that's why we don't say if you noticed on every other rosh chodesh we sing hal do we not we stand up and we enjoy each other's singing it's a lot of fun hal is not said on rosh hashanah the idea is i love this is that the rabbis said and i honestly don't remember which one but i remember the the remark it says we don't do halal because it is too joyous they don't want you to be too happy i always thought that was kind of funny that you know well slow down you you ought not be too happy today and if anyone's ever heard me speak that's something that i try and work on is to find joy in just about everything that's my job i believe as a human being so i am almost in direct conflict with this holiday uh on some level because i think it's important for us to find the joy in everything in fact maybe we would be better off if we did sing hal on rosh hashanah but nobody listens to me at the higher ups and but maybe one day it will be interesting to see how traditions change the other thing i wanted to point out about avinu mokainu was at the bottom of page 184 if you look it says we all sung this together it says what is god doing god is giving and we are asking god to give us sadaka and khasid and i often think about this in the way god is giving us how do we translate sadaka often is charity right and that's what it says charitably but literally god giving us tzedakah giving us a little bit of guilt giving us something to take and tangibly hold that's often what sadaka is sadaka is something that a human being can take with them i pray that our eyes are open enough to see what it is over the course of the next year what god is giving us that we can take because it's also a relationship of give and take it's not just about god giving us and we are asking the jewish tradition has always been one that is interested in the relationship the back and forth what is god giving us and what are we giving god but also what are we receiving and what is god receiving just a few words of uh um maybe torah you can call it that before we uh enter into the torah service i thought it would be a good idea many of us have mentors in our lives do we not we have people that guide us teach us and really help us live life there's a whole industry around this a billion dollar industry around coaches you can get certified online if you want to be a coach anyone interested it's very very easy almost to get a certificate to guide someone but what does that really mean to guide somebody what does it really mean i often think about when i started my schooling at the university of minnesota which is probably one of the largest universities any other big ten big ten here a little bit yeah these are huge universities fifty thousand plus people huge campuses straddling either side of the mississippi river if you just without a map try and figure out how to get around you'll get lost you know that you need to have some kind of guy some kind of person or a map in this case help you you can't just go on your own i want us to look at the moxer is a map and your partner next to you or the cantor or i or the torah is your guide you've often heard this idea also of somebody who maybe it's often with men you ever hear this you go on a trip with a man i don't mean to get into gender specific stuff but uh they never ask for directions you ever seen this i don't know if that's so true because when you're really lost what do you do you have to ask somebody we do this in all sorts of places there is nobody in a professional world that hasn't had somebody help them isn't that right there isn't one aspect of life where somebody hasn't helped you but what's really interesting when it comes down to one's spiritual life how often do we not look for a guide how often do we think we understand it how often do we think we can get it i'll read a book and that will help me or maybe i'll just journal more or pray more and wondering why at times that that just doesn't work looking to be fulfilled in places where we can't the hasidic movement understood this and so whenever you read a hasidic story and it says or even a rabbinic story it says they learn from so and so learn from so and so learn from so and so it isn't just for us to figure out who taught who it's to tell you over and over and over again to listen up you need to in your spiritual life have some kind of guide we often talk about the several lives that are in us we have a mental a spiritual and emotional life some people call the mind body and spirit you hear this that's the catch word right mind body and spirit but what they're really talking about is your thought life your emotional life and your life force that we talked about yesterday who's guiding you in your life force who is guiding you or you just kind of haphazardly unconsciously go through the day and focus so much on what it is that you think the rabbi's understood this and i want to in this message and in this story think about that so there's a hasidic master shneer zoman who is the most well known who is most well known as the founder of the chabad labovich movement in the late 18th century but long before this is so important long before he had achieved that status he was a bright and promising yeshiva student and he became interested in what was then the radical revitalist movement of khasidim and decided to seek out its leader he wasn't a hasid he had to seek out his spiritual life so he found somebody to guide him rabbi dove bear the mageed of mesrich who had himself been the leading disciple of the qasid's founder baal shem tov one day shnoor zalman was challenged by a more traditional colleague about his intent to study with the magi why are you going to study with that guy what are you going to go learn from him this colleague asked schneer zalman why he didn't go instead to rabbi elia elia elijah the gaon of vilna or the vilna gaon who was the brightest at the time why are you going to study with this guy and not the brightest and here's the answer schneer zalman responded that in vilna he could learn how to study but with the magi he could actually learn how to become a torah scroll goofy statement isn't it how to become a torah scroll how many of us intellectually are going to read the torah today we'll sit there and we'll read all of this stuff and we will rationally try to explain or intellectually try to explain something and maybe throw up our hands and say i don't know or have some kind of intellectual conversation in our mind but what schnier zalman was trying to say was that this needed to become a living breathing aspect of my life that's what torah is for torah is to bring out within you your life it should be an expression of things that you want to give to life are you about love you say you are then let torah be the expression for you to show your love do you believe that you are about tadaka and khasit as we just learned from avinu volcano do you believe you are a person of khasid of kindness how many of our colleagues and friends wrote beautiful statements about understanding compassion tolerance love are these just words that we say are these words that the torah will help be a place for us to express these things that we hold so dear or is it just another intellectual statement we make and then when we leave here or when we turn off our screen we go back to what was salman the first rebbe understood this he needed to become the torah school one more thought the second teaching comes from another important clausitic master rabbi yehuda arya liba the guerrilla the guerra rebbie best known as the author of the spot emmett and this is a mystic so i just love him the language of truth he states that all the sections of the torah that tell of the holy ancestors are there to show how the torah was made out of their actions the task of human beings is to make this clear to show how every deed takes place through the life energy of god four the human being is god's partner in the act of creation it is so important for us to understand that the actions that we take the deeds that we express in the world are not just ours but they are an expression of god in the world that's what we need to raise to consciousness your actions just aren't yours they are god's expression in the world what a beautiful thought may we find ways in which to bring more tzedakah into the world more hessed into the world and more ahava more love because as representatives of god's people on earth i can expect no less but let us not do it on our own let us find guides to help us along the way the torah will be our guide this morning as a prism in which to look through and hopefully enlighten enlighten the world and let us all say amen we now turn to our torah service on page 192. [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] we rise as the ark is open and arnie sis says my biggest hope for the new year is that our democracy comes together on all sides with conservative mutual respect by everyone including little little divisiveness and little incivility hopefully resulting in in significant solutions to our many challenges as a country and let us all say amen [Music] by you moshe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am is [Music] [Music] [Applause] the [Music] [Music] said they are [Applause] [Music] love of i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they [Music] [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] may it be your will to open our hearts to your torah and to fulfill the worthy desires of our hearts in the hearts of all your people israel for good for life and for peace and let us all say amen [Music] on i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] then [Music] oh hey please the torah blessings can be found on page 200 and the tour reading for the second day can be found on page two hundred and twenty [Music] [Music] and barbara and howard cooperman say we hope that we can all be healthy safe and loving for our family friends and fellow man throughout the world and we all say amen tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our family's guiding principle for 2021 and 2022 is to stay well and safe and promote these values to all those families and friends around us and we say amen and jay and esther hoda say remember the importance of faith family and community and let us say amen [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] is [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] paul and daphne horowitz and our core reader will be daphne daphne and paul horowitz say our guiding principle is adventure we have and will continue to make everything in our life an adventure and lisa and joe green say our family's guiding principle for the coming year is gratefulness while it's true that none of us know what's coming the one thing we can't control is what we do with the moments we are in so filling our lives with the appreciation for the moments and experiences we are given is going to be our focus and let us all say [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh on behalf of myself and especially my circle of loving family i wish all of this congregation and year of the most meaningful thoughts and deeds and let us all say amen for our fifth elliot our tour reader will be tommy halliburton [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for those who are in need of healing we offer a special nisha vera as the entire year concludes for all those who have suffered from any illness this year in particular the coronavirus compassionate one you are uma so healer of bodies who does wondrous deeds the wondrous bodies that you have made for us now feel a bit more fragile the openings by which we perceive your world now feel more vulnerable we are anxious and frightened by the uncertainty of what is to come we love the lives we lead and we fear what disruption may come we love our friends families and neighbors our children and our elders and we fear what illness may come we pray for healing of body and of spirit speedy and complete for all those who are ill from any disease both far from us and close to home strengthen the hands of our caregivers give your healing powers to our medical personnel and mental health professionals give of your wisdom to our decision makers and public health officials strengthen our hearts to confront this challenge give us your discipline that we may not yield to panic and dread but may protect ourselves with the appropriate precautions in calm determination give us your compassion that we may not yield to prejudice or bigotry but may reach out to our neighbors with kindness and solidarity we are grateful for our bodies and the life you have given us we are grateful for our communities and the congregations who see us and support us we are grateful for those who are working to protect us we are grateful for your love and your sheltering presence we we know we are not alone and let us all say amen [Music] is [Music] is [Music] they [Music] [Music] [Music] our first horoscope we call upon ken greenberg tom mendelsohn with the congregation please rise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and for the mofthira leah betsy klein says my guiding principle for 5782 is to continue to be a partner of hashem with my actions and my words and denise youngwood says my guiding principle for this year will be doing acts of kindness i will provide support to others during times of sorrow i will help people during times of illness i will support local projects or events that help to improve the lives of others in the community let us all say i'm ready [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] will the congregation please rise [Music] is [Music] a new machine [Music] or [Music] please be seated with pogba at times my heart just gets going i uh i think if we could bottle that it would be better than coffee in the morning don't you think um i i just wanted to share a few words of uh um before how reads enchants this uh huffed her off of the second day of rosh hashanah it is on the second day that we read this for one particular reason at least in my opinion we had yesterday isn't that right it's very similar to today in fact the tradition says this is yoma rito one long day we talked about that yesterday but what is different about today the prayers are pretty much the same the haftarah is a little different but how's going to read a word several times that's very important this word is ode again although yesterday may have happened and you may not have gotten to everything you wanted to get to we have today we have today it goes against sometimes what we talk about that we need to act today because you don't know what tomorrow will bring right we understand that but russia hashanah comes and also says there are things yesterday that you were unable to get to isn't that right you're a human being did you get to call all the people that you wanted to call to and make amends to them did you get a chance to reach out to your loved ones and tell them did you get to everyone did you did you reach out to everyone that you needed to did you hopefully you did but ode there's still another chance there still is life in the day and that's the focus of this haftarah on page 229. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is i don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may god who blessed our ancestors abraham isaac and jacob sarah becker rachel and leia bless this congregation together with all congregations them their families and all their dear ones may god bless those who consecrate synagogues for prayer and those who come to pray in them those who maintain synagogues those who provide for the wayfarer for the poor those who faithfully devote themselves to the needs of the community and of the land of israel may the holy one praise be god bless them from their labors remove them from all sickness heal all their hurts and forgive all their missings of the mark may god bless them and all the household of israel by prospering all their worthy endeavors and let us all say let's all actually turn to page 236 and as a community at the bottom of the page read together where it says for jewish communities of the world together may god grant the blessing of peace and tranquility honor and abundance joy and achievement to our brothers and sisters in jewish communities throughout the world may they know the comfort and the inspiration of our faith the strength and the solidarity of our people the meaning and the hope of our heritage may they draw confidence from the knowledge that they are in our prayers and may they see the fulfillment of all their worthy desires amen we now move to the shofar service and i just wanted to before we it is it starts on page uh 242 but we will actually start on page 245 244 sorry about that i'm just bouncing around a little bit but i wanted to share with you some thoughts about just brief brief all right they're gonna sit they when i say brief that means to them 10 15 20 30 maybe even 40 minutes i just wanted to share with you two thoughts about the shofar uh the first one is why is it bent if you see the show far it's that's not how it grows on the animal is it i was under the impression that's what it looked like and then they just removed it did what they needed to do and then you could hear the sound of the shofar but that's not at all how it is it is boiled and twisted why isn't it straight it's an interesting idea because if you look at some of the older ideas of the shofar when you look at the temple times the horns that they had were very straight and you can actually get a great sound out of a straight shofar rashi the great commentator makes an observation one why is it bent because there is a debate during this season what does it mean to be humble what does it mean to be reflective and look inside when you look at yourself do you beat yourself up i should have done this i ought to have done this i could have done this looking back over the year and at times the idea was that when you are humble like that how does your body actually look when you see someone that beats themselves out a lot they get hunched over don't they and rashi points this out he says that that's what the shofar is supposed to allude to that part of you that needs to look at yourself and maybe get a little humility a little bit beating yourself up but then on the other hand what is it that we're supposed to do what do we do when you hear the shofar we are going to rise stand up stand up you would think if that's the thing you should probably sit because we do this actually during the week when you do talking and what do you do you put your head on your your fist or you put it down you are lowly but not at the shofar the shofar is supposed to be a call to action when you stand tall and proud with your chest out i've made mistakes but you know what i stand tall and i'm going to move forward as hal just read oh i'm going to try it again and this time i'm going to try a little bit better do a little bit more what a beautiful thought the chauffeur is bent but we stand tall with our chest out humble but with pride what a nice thought the other one is what is this uh everyone know what a karen is it's changed hasn't it the karen in hebrew is literally the shofar that is the karen that is the karen not to be mistaken with this modern day idea of a karen that's asking to see the manager everyone know what i'm talking about okay so the karen is something that protrudes our points out actually the karen is specifically speaking the sun is out it's a beautiful day yes and you have blinds anyone have a house and you have blinds what are those fancy ones plantation blinds is what we have right you have those and you know what i'm talking about right and when the sun hits it right what happens it divides the light you ever seen this it's beautiful isn't it that's a carrot the jewish tradition that's the light that the light is split and focused the light is split and focused to create beauty that's what a karen is so every time you look at one of these you see it in a different way there are a lot of things kind of the brighter the light the darker the shadow that's union thought right the idea here with the karen the idea here with this light is that we also have to look at the brightness but we also have to take a look at what's dark let the bright shine but also be aware that because of that light there is also some darkness that's what the shofar is and sometimes you'll actually see it if you look at ancient uh ancient old moxa rain you could oh hello you can actually see pictures of this karen coming out of the shofar are these cairns these lights flying out of uh uh people you know you'll actually see that a little bit in medieval art and then i'll conclude here if you remember like the medieval art if anyone's interested in that kind of stuff you'll see karen's coming out this idea that sparks of light and that's what the shofar is supposed to give to us sparks of light a caring for us to grow change remember that we ought to stand erect which we're about to do with pride but also with great humility it's with that that we say the bracha on page 245 please rise [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] tequila [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] join with me at the top of page 246 where it says give heed to the sound of the shofar the shrill quivering notes of the shofar sounding its message of warning its cry of alarm and awakening urging us to labor together to combat war and violence accept the challenge to battle against fear hate and destruction remove from your midst all oppression banish all greed and contention give heed to the sound of the shofar the blast that is blown [Music] tequila [Music] [Music] [Music] together give heed to the shout of the shofar the loud clarion call of the shofar bring new hope to the suffering and strength to those stricken with sorrow bringing to israel assurance of healing peace and redemption renew your faith and devotion to god's torah people and land remember the covenant in fashion a kingdom of law and compassion give heed to the sound of the shofar the blast [Music] tequila tequila [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] to you amy cone for a beautiful beautiful blowing of the shofar that truly was a tikiyaga dola may it continue to ring in our ears in this year we continue with returning the torah to the ark on page 252. eileen mann and mark winger say our guiding principle of 5782 are maintaining the health and safety of our family and our community and helping to heal the division in our country and let us all say amen [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we turn now to page 258 it is a tree of life to those who cling to it blessed are they who uphold it its ways are ways of pleasantness all its paths are peace turn us to you o lord and we shall return renew us in days [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] please be seated page 266. [Music] it got dark [Music] the [Music] [Music] is [Music] they eat [Music] [Music] [Music] page 279 [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] for you mercifully hear the prayers of your people israel praised are you who hears prayer we rise on page 280 for the amidah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeshua [Music] 18. [Music] put it on [Music] oh said he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i said [Music] m [Music] young is sealed how many shall leave this world and how many shall be born who shall live and who shall die who in the fullness of years and who before [Music] um [Music] who shall perish by fire and who by water who by sword and who by wild beasts who by famine and who by thirsty [Music] [Music] who by earthquake and who by plague who by strangling and who by stoning who shall rest and who shall wander who shall be serene and who disturbed who shall be at ease and who afflicted who shall be impoverished and who enriched and who shall be humbled and who exalted [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] i share [Music] me [Laughter] um [Music] [Music] but repentance prayer and deeds of kindness can remove the severity of the decree we turn now to page 288 for kadusha [Music] [Music] our [Music] is [Music] [Music] tom we continue on page 304 with the great alenu this is actually where the elenu came from and we offer a series of verses and natalie and gary freiberger offer this bracha our guiding principle for the upcoming years to find ways to serve our community in person we ask is the sovereign of the universe establish your sovereignty over us help us to acknowledge your rule not only with our lips but also with our lives may we bend our will to conform to your will and may our hearts find a light in serving you may our every act proclaim the lord god of israel as sovereign and god's sovereignty rules over all page 304. [Music] [Applause] [Music] the last [Music] oh [Music] please [Music] on page 310 our god and god of our ancestors establish your glorious sovereignty over all the world and your glorious majesty over all the earth show all who dwell on earth the splendor of your power we again listen to the sounds of the shofar tequila [Music] shivarim teruah [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] knew [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] who remembers even what we forget help us to remember who we are and what we are keep us from forgetting that we are your children and that you want us to love each other as ourselves help us remember the jewish past we have inherited and keep us ever mindful of the jewish future which we must secure and enrich may the memories which guide our actions inspire us to lead lives worthy of being remembered we turn now to page 321. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] say [Music] today is the birthday of the world on this day all the world's creatures stand before you in judgment some as children summous servants if you look upon us as children than pity us as parents pity children if you look upon us as servants then we depend on your graciousness when you judge us o revered and holy god we turn now to the verses of the shofar wrote the main thrust of today o god who revealed yourself to our ancestors at sinai amid the loud blast of the shofar whenever we stand we are in your presence may you always be present to us help us to sense your spirit when we yearn for truth and righteousness when we strive to create the good and the beautiful when we work for justice and peace may our daily deeds bear witness that you who revealed yourself to our ancestors reveal yourself anew through us page 327. [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] please be seated we turn now to page 332. remember your compassion and suppress your anger remove from us and from all your people pestilence and sword famine plunder destruction and iniquity persecution plague and affliction every disease and disaster all strife and calamity every evil decree in causeless hatred inscribe all of the children of your covenant for a good life and may all living creatures always thank you and praise you in truth oh god you are our deliverance and our help praise are you like our god to whom all praise is due our god and god of our ancestors bless us with the threefold blessing written in the torah by moses your servant pronounced in ancient days by our own and his sons the consecrated kohanim of your people name is [Music] [Music] shalom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] live on [Music] is [Music] shall [Music] we rise on page 336 as the ark is opened in the book of proverbs it is written through me will you your days be multiplied in the years of your life be increased oh god of life inscribe us for a good life inscribe us in the book of life as it is written in the torah and you by clean to the lord our god have all been kept alive to this day and let us all say amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] on this day bring us closer to your service so that we may be well and so that me that we may be spiritually alive all of our days as we are on this day may righteousness blessing mercy life and peace be ever granted to us and to the entire household of israel and let us all say amen as the ark is closed you may be seated page 338. [Music] [Music] [Music] 340. [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] rise on page 342 for elenu [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so it is written in your torah the lord shall reign forever and ever the prophet two proclaimed this promise the lord shall reign over all the earth on that day the lord shall be won in god's name one the name [Music] [Music] yes those who are mourning or observing at yard sight remain standing for the mourner's kaddish on page 346. we pause on this day of remembrance to remember our loved ones from whom we have been separated by death but to whom we remain close to the binding links of memory we are grateful god for our capacity to remember for the ability to retain in treasured possession that which we once held dear we are grateful for those precious things which death cannot take from us the lessons and experiences which our loved ones shared with us and gave to us above all we are grateful for the assurance that there is no forgetting before you that our loved ones are held in everlasting remembrance may the memories of those whom we lovingly recall inspire us to lead lives worth remembering in tribute to our departed those who mourn now rise to praise your holy name again the mourner's cottage can be found on page 346. together [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] who makes harmony and peace in the heights grant harmony and peace to us to all israel and all humankind and let us all say amen amen you may be seated uh before uh we conclude with adonalam uh just a few announcements uh join us uh already it's shabbat is coming very soon so join us here at seven o'clock on friday evening and also on saturday morning at 9 30. it is for me i think one of the most important shabbats that we have shot this is how we want to say it shabbats that we have uh with shabbat chuva the shabbat in between rosh hashanah and of course the upcoming yom kippur interestingly enough there are only two days in the jewish calendar where rabbis gave sermons you believe that isn't that interesting it was on this shabbos and then the one prior to of course passover somewhere along the lines i guess the rabbis couldn't help themselves and they just started talking every single week should we bring back just doing it two times uh yeah so come next uh this next shop is this this upcoming shabbos we'll learn a little bit about chula because it's really in my opinion the most important principle the entire world is dependent on shuva remember that chuva means turning and what is the earth actually doing it's constantly turning and moving and growing and evolving all life changes all life including us and that's what we focus on this shabbat what better way to do that than to celebrate with your family your friends and your community here together on this shabbat also thank you cantor and thank you amy and thank you for uh this beautiful service i want to thank you all for coming out today uh and finally i just wanted to also say we will thank everyone there are so many involved and we don't want to miss anyone so we will send uh this year cantor and i will again send a video to the entire community in our sukkah sukkah of course is a place where we gather and we will gather our gratitude in there to thank everyone who made this rosh hashanah and these yami no we are truly truly grateful and uh finally um i think it's always interesting that we have to talk about food uh but uh uh at jewish events where i can it's just it's always very important to talk about if you haven't rsvp'd for or break the fast i know i know we're already talking about break the fast but it's coming fast hopefully and uh so let us know if you're coming because it's a great way to end uh this holiday season uh together with a meal uh at the break of fast which will be uh you know in nine eight days at this point so oh soba and then we also have to remember thank you very much we also have to remember on yom kippur it was a great idea that if we're not eating we need to also remember that there are people who not necessarily by choice don't have the same food security that many of us enjoy on a daily basis and it is up to us not only as members of the jewish community but of our larger community to think of those in need think of those who maybe miss a meal and i always use this statistic in the united states of america a country in which there has never been more wealth ever before and probably never this is it's unreal the amount of wealth that we have 17 million children go to bed hungry tonight in our country 17 million children will go to bed hungry look it up if you don't trust me it is unreal what little we need to do to make that change so please consider bringing something for soba what little acts we can take and change the lives of people immediately uh we conclude with a donald on page 348 but first but first there's more yes um yes uh i don't think that i get to say that enough to you um it's a pleasure to share the public with you thank you uh thank you sophia for accompanying kara and i era rosh hashanah the first day and meet today as you can see i can't do it alone so i appreciate it um dina ormany will be joining us for cole nigre and yom kippur assuming she gets on the plane from hawaii on saturday but uh so sophia don't go anywhere uh and uh now we can conclude with can i just say one thing about sophia i will say she if i may she came in uh um and really filled in a position and i think beautifully uh and and thank you uh in particular uh for coming in and uh and uh helping but elevating uh there's a part in our our our kaddish that we say it twice right that we uplift and we lift up again and your accompaniment has truly lifted our community may we merit uh uh to continue to raise each other uh in the coming year and let us all say amen i [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: Congregation Beth Shalom, Santa Clarita
Views: 140
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Congregation Beth Shalom, Conservative, Judaism, Jewish, Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, Synagogue, Temple, Preschool, Religious School, CBS, SCV
Id: B394RXsdJh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 49sec (9769 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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