Kol Nidrei 5782

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in the mirror of our eyes the other is reflected in the eyes of the other ourselves we look outward inward see how we have hurt and harm how hurt embeds even in the smallest wounds we give ourselves over begin to make amends begin to make ourselves whole good yanteth i'm rabbi benjamin zober and together with rabbi sarah's over alongside me we would like to welcome you to temple sinai we are so glad that you have decided to join us for coal nigeria services this evening as we begin our yom kippur observance if you are joining us for the first time are a regular surface goer or are finding your way back welcome for our services this evening we are using mishkan hanefesh a reform maksor it contains traditional texts with hebrew a translation transliteration it also has some alternative readings and some study texts we will include many of the traditional texts and some of the interpretive ones the rest we hope that you will feel free to explore on your own if you need a virtual copy of the moxor you can still go to sinairino.org scroll down and there is a little section entitled get the moxor click there and well i'll let you take it from there for everyone who is here in the building with us this evening thank you so much for accepting the honor of participating in services please take a moment to silence your cell phones there are many different ways to talk to god but on your phone is not one of them we also ask that you keep your mask on when you are in the building covering your nose and your mouth if you have a speaking part in the service please remove your mask when you arrive at the podium and put it back on again when you are done for everyone's safety as we do have people here who are unvaccinated if you need to take a massive break please do so outside in case of an emergency there are exits to your right and to your left we have designated these as emergency exits and so if you go through them we will assume you are in peril and act accordingly you need to leave for a non-emergency reason please do so at the back sanctuary the same way that you came in for everyone wherever you are there are a number of points at which we will ask you or invite you to rise if you are more comfortable remaining seated are unsure of your footing or need to sit early please take care of yourself first particularly if you are fasting it is your safe your safety that is of the utmost concern to us we will begin this evening with the lighting of our festive candles for that we are honored to invite judy schumer up to the podium [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign would now like to invite up our torah holders for cole nidre judy schumer doug goodman michael gordon steve matlis shalom gordon and naomi eiser [Music] [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] boys are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] with one voice assembled sages past and present declare all may pray as one on this night of repentance let none be excluded from our community of prayer with one voice god and congregation proclaim all may pray as one on this day of return let all find a place in this sacred assembly can be found on page 18. [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] me [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] little [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] let's [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] vows of abstinence in terms of obligation sworn promises and oaths of dedication that we promise and swear to god and take upon ourselves from this day of atonement until the next day of atonement may it find us well we regret them and for all of them we repent and all of them be discarded forgiven above they shall not be 20 all shall be forgiven the entire community of israel and the stranger who lives in their midst for all have gone astray in error and god responded i forgive as you have asked boys is [Music] [Music] is [Music] our is [Music] [Music] let's see [Music] to the bar which can be found on page twenty two [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] page 25 we read together day and night are yours creative spirit of the universe muted colors of twilight the radiance of dawn yours are the spreading wings of light the deepening shadows of darkness and ever-changing drama in the human heart too the struggle between darkness and light unfolds from sunlit heights of generosity the human heart sinks to the gloomy depths of selfishness although we fall you give us the strength to rise again call a nose hurt you word or deed to break free from wrongdoing and return to you all who hear your call to goodness are of christ all who reject emptiness and evil and acceptance from you we come into your presence this night of calling it ray aware that our shortcomings and weaknesses are many yet encouraged by your promise of forgiveness you choose freely the path of repentance restoring wholeness to our lives and holiness to the world can be found on the next page [Music] is [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] we do something a little different usually when we whis we whisper the response we say it aloud in full voice one legend says that moses heard the angels reciting this prayer and while he stole and so in the same way that we would not flaunt a stolen object in our home we do not usually say this prayer allowance but on this day when our souls are higher than the angels we are free to speak it with full voice can be found on page 28. shaman is [Music] [Music] babysitter hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 39. fight up marilyn bowie come to stan to stand by the one you love that is the true essence of faithfulness the meaning of imanu so it is written in the psalms to proclaim your kindness in the morning and your faithfulness in the nights sing with joy in the mornings of your life when light surrounds you and the world seems beautiful and good and in the evenings of your life when you dwell in sorrow and the world seems dark do not despair can be found on the next page [Music] [Music] right [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] continue on page 43. when fears multiply and danger threatens when sickness comes when death confronts us it is god's blessing of shalom that sustains us and upholds us lightening our burden dispelling our worry restoring our strength renewing our hope reviving us together for on this day atonement shall be made for you to purify you from all your wrongs and pure you shall be in the presence of adonai we are about to turn to the standing prayer amidah we hope that as we say this prayer you will be mindful of your footing especially if you have been fasting also remember that there are special liturgical insertions which means that if you do stand and you will be standing for even longer than usual we turn to page 46 for the yummy death i [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] so afraid [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ah if oh [Music] is [Music] me is [Music] [Music] we turn together to page 57 who is righteous one who gives to others and sustains them so it is written noah was a righteous man why because he fed the animals in the ark joseph ii is called righteous for he sustained those around him for seven years of famine in egypt nourishing god's creatures made them like their creator thus scripture says adonai is righteous god loves righteous deeds the upright shall behold god's face so a river gives life to the land with its waters so the wise are like candles kindling light their students so the generous bring comfort compassion and gifts all are righteous for goodness and blessing flow from their deeds as scripture says they give freely to those in need their righteousness endures forever we turn to page 58 for the fatima aruth hakadosh eternal our god remember us be mindful of us and redeem us for a life goodness and blessing amen in the middle of page 66 our god and god of our forebears pardon our failings this day of atonement erase our misdeeds see beyond our defiance for isaiah said in your name it is i i alone wipe away your defiant acts this is my essence i shall pay no heed to your errors the prophet said as the cloud fades away as mist dissolves into air so your wrongs and mistakes shall be gone i will wipe them away come back to me that i may redeem you as you said to moses for on this day atonement shall be made for you to purify you from all your wrongs and pure you shall be in the presence turn now to page 70. help us to serve you truly with purity of heart for you are the forgiver of israel in every generation granting pardon to the tribes of jeshua we have no god of forgiveness and pardon but you you alone melech is on this night of atonement grant us god sense of your presence as we call upon your name speak your hopeful message to each yearning heart and answer the worthy petitions of each searching soul purify and strengthen our noble strivings and cleanse us of all our unworthy desires join us together in fellowship and in love and grant us the joy which comes from the enriching other lives help us to be loyal to the heritage we share draw us near to torah in wisdom and in faith strengthen our devotion to our people everywhere keep alive our faith righteousness and truth bless us with hopes to uplift our daily lives keep us steadfast our courage and our resolve at all times on this night of atonement help us god to be worthy of your presence as we call upon your name we continue silently until page 81 you may be seated when you are finished so can be found on page one [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] we turn to the v dewey it can be found on page 86 the ways we have wronged you deliberately by mistake harm we have caused in your world through the words of our mouths the ways we have wronged you by hardening our hearts and harm we have caused in your world through careless speech harm we have caused in your world gossip and the ways we have wronged you by judging others unfairly and harm we have caused in your world through disrespect to parents and teachers the ways we have wronged you through insincere apologies and harm we have caused in your world by mistreating a friend or neighbor the ways we have wronged you through violence and abuse and harm we have caused in your world through dishonesty in business for all these failures of judgment and will god of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement foreign [Music] um the ways we have wronged you through sexual immorality and harm we have caused in your world consumption of food and drink alchemy the ways we have wronged you by giving in to our hostile impulses and harm we have caused your world through greed and exploitation the ways we have wronged you through cynicism and scorn and harm we have caused in your world through arrogant behavior the ways we have wronged you by hating without cause and harm we have caused in your world we have caused in your world through a selfish or petty spirit for all these failures of judgment and will god of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to withhold [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] m we read responsibly our god and god of our ancestors we are your people and you are our god we are your children we are the people who serve you you call us to serve we are your community and you are our portion we are your legacy and you are our purpose we are your flock and you are our shepherd we are your vineyard you watch over us we are your work you are our maker we are your beloved you are our lover we are your treasure and you are the ones we cherish we are your people and you reign over us we offer you our words you offer us yours so forgive us harden us lead us to atonement we turn to page 114 as we all rise for today yes uh is [Music] um is yes acts of justice [Music] [Music] [Music] i've been on my day you may be seated there once was a shepherd who loved god though he had studied nothing about god in the great scrolls yet in his simple love for god the shepherd made his own prayers and he would pray sometimes as he walked after his sheep or as he sat in the grass as they grazed or as the night fell and the sky filled with tiny lights one day he walked after his sheep and he prayed dear master of the universe today i shear my sheep their wool is soft warm i wish i could take the wool and weave a cloak for you and carry it up to the place where you sit it would just be a small thank you for the sun you sent down to warm me every day for your generosity every sunday another day as he was sitting in the grass he prayed it's your great one who made all things thank you for this mossy place you have put here like a pillow for me while i sit watch my sheep i wish i could gather the softest moss for as many miles as i could walk and make a pillow for your feet for your generosity makes the land for us creatures to walk upon the shepherd never said a prayer in quite the same way twice for each time he prayed with only the words that came from the living feeling in his heart one pleasant spring afternoon he was fishing in a small stream and he began to pray master of the universe thank you for this water that you have made so clear and for the worm wriggling on my hook and for the dinner that i will catch i wish i could cook up my fish and share it with you for your generosity feeds all of us living creatures now the stream where the shepherd was fishing ran alongside a road and as he prayed aloud to god a scholar passed by and heard him who are you speaking to ask the scholar to god to thank god that is not the way to pray to god god doesn't eat god doesn't need your fish for it is god who made the fish you are a learned man said the shepherd i'm just a shepherd i didn't mean to pray in the wrong way to god immediately he felt great remorse for he did not wish to insult a god that he loved so much so the scholar sat down next to the shepherd and said all right if you wish to pray i will teach you how to pray with all the proper words the shema is one of our most important and sacred prayers repeat after me is well the shepherd tried to repeat the strange syllables even though he was jewish he didn't know hebrew it was pretty hard for him after the scholar had had the shepherd say the prayer five times he brushed himself off and stood up and left the shepherd but immediately the shepherd forgot the prayer and he lost his appetite for the fish he'd caught now that he couldn't even think about how to tell god that he'd like to share it what's more he was afraid to pray to god that night as he looked the tiny lights in the sky he wondered if god was angry for all those silly prayers he'd been saying day after day the shepherd who had once been filled with the joy of god's creation now felt only the sadness of his own ignorance up in the heavens god can hear the clap of thunder and the sound of a butterfly's wings god can hear the songs of whales in the footsteps of centipedes god can hear oceans clapping the shores and the baby bird swallowing a worm everything god hears it once and everything god hears distinctly among the sounds of the world each day the prayer of the shepherd was like a little melody with wings that reached god's ear and god loved the simple shepherd's prayers that night the scholar heard a voice what have you done telling a simple shepherd how to pray the prayers in books were once living prayers prayers with wings but now they are old and some people say them over and over repeating them without understanding without care when you say them that way they're just words words without wings do you realize what you've done you have prevented that shepherd from praying a true prayer that gladdens god's heart to hear and gladdens his to say everyone must learn to pray in their own way the shepherd knows this simply and without schooling prayer isn't about words it emanates from the place without words go tomorrow and find the shepherd tell him to pray as he wishes and assure him that it is good and it is enough in the morning the scholar went back to the stream to find the shepherd but he was not there he asked along the way describing the shepherd's appearance hoping that someone could tell him where the man lived but with no luck at last said to an old man walking his dog along the road i'm looking for a man who prays aloud to god as he works and this man replied ah that would be the shepherd and pointing toward the hills added he tends his sheep out in those fields beyond that low hill there the scholar found the shepherd silent and sad watching his sheep shepherd he said i spoke to you yesterday about your prayer and i was wrong god does not mind that you do not speak hebrew and read the holy books he asks only that you pray as you always have forgive me for it is i who do not know how to pray you pray the true prayer the prayer of the heart that night as he looked up into the darkness the shepherd prayed dear master of the universe knows all things thank you for this quilt of blackness that you have embroidered with tiny white dots and lay each night across the fields if i could i'd weave a cloth of my best sheep's wool for you to wrap around your feet on a chilly evening for your generosity is in every breath and every breeze and thank you for sending the scholar and for hearing this my simple prayer we have been so consumed with how we do things we have forgotten why we do them right now things are not normal things are not the same things are not right and because we have become so fixed and rigid in how we do what we do whether it be ritually politically or even the things we do for our own pleasure because we are so rigid about what is right and what is good we are miserable what was left of our joy or meaning or comfort we can no longer reach but we can get it back because it was not always this way everything that is now fixed and rigid was once spontaneous and new we stopped stressing and fretting over how it looks or whether it is exactly right especially now when so much cannot look like it once did we can begin to remember how to reconnect with what feels right it is often said that one generation's kavanagh is the next generation's keva the spontaneous heartfelt prayers of one generation become the fixed and said prayers of the next kavanagh those spontaneous heartfelt prayers they reach us in a different way a way that is current and honest when they become habit when it becomes rigid and stale and unremarkable when it does we need to break loose we need to find a different way to engage with the same tasks artists may change mediums musicians they try new styles and genres athletes cross-train to keep from getting injured we are not injured when we are stuck but neither are we enrich and when we convince ourselves it is the only way to do it we are at a loss we have an opportunity right now because nothing looks like it should nothing feels like it did and so we can sense our discomfort embrace the need for change and instead look to our joy to find it again joy does not need a specific place or particular words we can find it anywhere if we first look for it in us at this time we all rise for the eleno on page 116 [Music] [Music] [Music] come on oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] more perfect governance [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you may be seated this holy night concludes with memory our last thoughts always are of those we have lost we miss them especially tonight yearning for their presence at our side the service we have shared once was theirs they spoke sang the ancient words they prayed repented and yearned for better lives as we have done flawed in their deeds imperfect their faith they still drew strength from their tradition as we seek fortitude in ours what was good and beautiful in their lives once gave us joy and now inspires us to retire the knowledge that they loved us deeply brings comfort to our hearts so we light candles of remembrance and gratitude and we speak this timeless truth their memory is a blessing now and forever we pray that their goodness will live on in our lives planting seeds of kindness and hope for generations to come our thoughts turn to the loved ones whom death has taken from us in recent days and those who died at this season in years past our hearts open as well to the wider circles loss in our community and wherever grief touches the human family may their memories be a blessing in this year and always at this time we remember norm robbins terry gregory grayson corbett rabbi richard hirsch joe johns sherwin cider arthur ashken jack robinson betty williams pamela walker barb brady mary jane ludwig kaplan elizabeth ruth wrestler james cross peter a alzberg phd eileen jenkins selma four steve strauss andrew verratti donna matlis charlie perlman rabbi michael cook sharon perlman mildred milly small allen dabro william labovick jim valentine eli kane david stucker we commemorate the art sites of israel silvershare jules hamburger rachel m melner julian etreckovitz edith shelley cavalli melvin feldman samuel greenblatt harry kahn sheldon levins lewis reeb it burke norma e holden william mayer sandy medvin leopold newberger lillian rutkovitz cecilia abbott lynn conley lewis zucker anyone wishes to add here so please do so when my eyes be yours to those names we had the ones that you pulled in your hearts or have shared in the comments karisha tome can be found on page 122. if it is your custom please rise [Music] [Music] amen may the source of peace bestow peace on all who mourn and may we be a source of comfort to all who are believed together we say amen i would now please be seated like to invite michael gordon up for some announcements this evening to all here in person and to all that are joining us virtually shana toba and like jay had stated in our annual appeal message wow even within the last two weeks i've had to remind have to be reminded that we have to go with the punches as they come we have to be ready and willing to make changes and decisions minute to minute so yes as i previously mentioned last week if you have not received your vaccine or you have doubts non-politically please reconsider we stand we need to stand together and rid of what this is this never-ending nightmare so yes even with the past year and a half of covet crisis your temple board sinai board and committees are still making sure the buildings and programs continue on to mike samba thank you for what you do next of course is our rabbis for the dedication to the jewish community always going above and beyond for each of us to the many volunteers we have on our board in the committees especially maryland roberts and the jewish practice committee as their work often goes unappreciated again i remind you all of my plea this year and that is to gain some more volunteers as we are short-handed in many areas we need a couple board members at large a cfo and a secretary dave levine in honor of your wife peggy thank you again for blessing us with the high holiday flower arrangement last and definitely not least mitch liegler thank you for donating all the led lighting throughout the building not only is this a gift now it's a gift that i'll keep on giving as it will give season significant savings electricity cost again mitch if you're joining us virtually to jewish nevada thank you for donation the donation to helping us fix up our classrooms with the technology which our teachers and young learners got to use this past sunday for the first time i hope to see some of you this sunday at 9 30 am to help build our super unfortunately jay cannot be with us tonight so you have to endure another minute or so with me for the holiday appeal jay titled the holiday appeal looking back looking ahead investing in temple signup as jay and i have already mentioned last week there's a lot happening here at temple sign we were successful in renewing a contract with our rabbis for the next five years we painted and upgraded all the cyanide school classrooms updated exterior lighting reorganized the memorial in the sanctuary to include the electoral for work and last but not least another project which we just completed which is our new gift shop it's now very visible every time you walk into our lobby hopefully you can all enjoy this beautiful sightseeing yes a lot accomplished thank you to all but there is much more work to be done and we still need your help although we myself and a few others are capable of some maintenance work there are some things we can't do without a professional server for example the lighting in this room has all been lifted and all the electrical wiring had to replace for the led light we only completed the first part of this project the second part is to place all the existing lighting in the sanctuary with the led lighting donated by match these projects are not easy or cheap general maintenance and supply costs altogether have been rising steadily over the past couple years so what amount should you donate to temple signer well there is no easy answer there are those who can do more and we appreciate those bigger donations for those who can we ask for at least 180 dollars for family if you cannot do that much we are happy with what you can give again please give generously where you can remember as jay would say just 50 cents a day we ask that your donations are made to our general funds to give the board the opportunity to use the funds widely wisely in areas that are needed donations can be made at sinairino.org click on donate and select the high holidays as a reason for your donation now for some upcoming events um we will be back tomorrow morning at 10 a.m morning service via live stream and then we have the 4 p.m talk young kid for service for 8 00 for ages 0 to 8 years we assume registration is required if you have not had the chance to do that okay yeah um from five to eight tomorrow evening we'll have our afternoon service via live stream the afternoon torah yitzker and nila services all run back to back and begin immediately as the preceding services end visit sinairino.org to download copy of your unit square book 8 pm we will have our virtual break to fast via zoom registration is again required it will be similar to our ishmael zoom and we have after that we have after friday night services and we will be back on friday september 17th for our normal 7 30 we'll call it shabbat service via live stream and cyanide school is still on this sunday at 9 30 again we're also building this help is appreciated um we will be wearing masks while we're putting it together and suit coat starts on monday and that is it for some of the announcements so i wish everyone an easy fast and may you and your family and friends be inscribed some say that the yom kippur service does not end but is held until the morning so our closing number is not necessarily a closing song but something that may hold us until tomorrow it is a song that we have been singing for the last month and it is our practice to sing it as it offers serenity confidence and helps us to confront ourselves the challenges of change you can find it on page 124 in your mosore [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] we wish you all a song a meaningful and easy fast and we will see you tomorrow you
Channel: SinaiReno
Views: 334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _ABbhD_w_mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 25sec (5185 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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