YHWH or Jesus?

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there is one reason why when you as a Christian see these words the bells ringing these words do not appear anywhere in the New Testament there is no form of them in the New Testament in the original writings in Greek yet these days the words are sometimes found in worship songs they pop up in sermons that should concern you they aren't New Testament words they aren't words that were part of any expression of Christianity until recently where do the words come from YH WH and then a made-up word made by adding invented vowel sounds and coming up with Yahweh sincere but misguided believers have latched on to this word out of the Old Testament spelled UDA Vevey in Hebrew the word occurs more than 6,800 times in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament when Jews the people to whom the Old Testament writings were delivered come to this word they don't try to pronounce it they recognize that the word is a hint of the real name of God so they say simply Hashem which means the name in Hebrew why the name because two Jews this word is unpronounceable if it was meant to be spoken out then if anyone could have come up with a way of pronouncing it it would have to have been Jews themselves but no surely that tells us something Hashem the name Isaiah the prophet wrote my people shall know my name what's implied Jews didn't have a name to call on but one day they would have however the usual way of applying a word to these letters for Jews has been to say Adonai Adonai means Lord in Hebrew in other words Jewish practice for centuries before Jesus and during the time of Jesus on earth was to acknowledge that these four Hebrew letters represented the one who is the Lord of Heaven and Earth the one who is in control the one to whom everyone would one day bow I don't I the Lord when the Old Testament was translated into Greek about 250 years before Jesus and the Jewish translators came to this word they used Kyrios kurios means Lord in Greek that tells us clearly how Jews thought about the meaning of this word when the Jewish disciples of Jesus wrote the Gospels and letters that became the New Testament they wrote in Greek because Greek was the most widely spoken language in the world at that time when they quoted from the Old Testament and this word was in the text they used the Greek kurios kurios means Lord the message of the New Testament is that Jesus has come and Jesus is the Lord the Jewish apostles effectively announced to their fellow Jews this mighty God who is referred to throughout the Old Testament this one who you only know as Adonai the Lord this is him his name is Yeshua yeshuaa means he will save in Hebrew when the Apostles broadcast the good news of Yeshua the Jewish Messiah who is able to save everyone who calls on his name they wrote in Greek because Greek was the most widely spoken language in the world at that time Matthew recorded how the angel of the Lord announced you shall call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins yes Yeshua in Hebrew was transcribed as yes in Greek when the New Testament was translated from Greek into English and other languages he esos was transcribed as Jesus we English speakers say Jesus because we have a unique way of saying this letter J Jesus a Spanish speaker would say hey sirs a German speaker would say yes was same spelling but different pronunciations there's absolutely nothing wrong with that it's only to do with the phonetics of different languages Jesus is Savior and Jesus is Lord for people of every tribe and tongue we receive him in whatever language we understand yeshuaa became yeses which became Jesus we are proclaiming the same Lord the one and only Savior why toy with any other name if you speak English proclaim Jesus this Yahweh business is nonsense let's learn from the history of the Jehovah's Witnesses they turned the Hebrew letters you'd have of a into English letter equivalence JH V H and then added made-up vowel sounds and came up with the word Jehovah the Jehovah's Witnesses don't deny Jesus but they've moved their emphasis away from him and on to the word Jehovah and they've drifted away they have become an exclusive sect it's not helpful to make the same mistake to take the letters you'd have of hay and use other alternative English letter equivalents yhw H and then add made-up vowel sounds and come up with a new word Yahweh surely we don't need another Yahweh set be careful it could happen it takes people away from the power of the name of Jesus there is only one name by which we may be saved Jesus this is a serious matter more serious than you may think get the word out share this video and this sums up my concern Psalm 127 verse 1 says unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it the Lord is to build a house the household of God if anyone else builds or attempts to build that house their efforts are futile they are wasting their time their work will be undone unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain that's how it's been translated in many English Bibles here is in the original Hebrew it's this word you'd have of hey that's translated as the Lord it needs to be crystal clear in every believers mind Jesus is the Lord it is Jesus who is building his house Jesus not Jehovah not Yahweh Jesus let's keep our eyes on him
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 24,742
Rating: 4.4321609 out of 5
Keywords: YHWH, Yahweh, Name of God, Jesus, Hebrew Bible, Greek New Testament, Kyrios, Adonai, Salvation
Id: CPTpbwHv5dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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