Yet Another Epic Half Dollar Box Hunt

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all right everyone it's Rob with Rob finds treasure and we're gonna pick up two more boxes a half's at my grocery store bang first and then we've got a box to pick up and my backup bank all right everyone it's Rob with Rob finds treasure in order to save time I'm just gonna go ahead and cut to the chase I'm actually filming this after the hunt originally I had recorded me opening up both harrisbourg boxes the Harrisburg rolls and there's no reason to show those boxes I'm gonna use them for the live stream one of them did fun I did find an Ender in it though so there will be a silver ender for my live stream which is really cool but when I got my backup Bank box which you will see me open live in this in this video it looks like I got part of that same collection it was the yellow Loomis rules I had some silver Enders so without further ado let's jump into when I got home with all my boxes and opened up that backup Bank box live all right we're back at home and I decided to open this box in my house it looks like it's gonna be Loomis rolls the question is is it yellow ones maybe we got still part of last week's collection or is it the green ones where I skunked out last week let's take a look see what we got it's yellow oh my goodness guys oh my goodness we did it again you saw me open it live that's a silver and that's a silver too more silver Enders I can see right off the bat let me flip these around we could have the same collection box once again alright guys I flipped them around and kind of odd you know you would think that I went to open the box and I had two silver Enders that when I flipped them there at least beat one more but there's not the good news is there's two silver Enders the other good news is they're spaced throughout the box so whether the box is loaded like this or loaded like this or backwards you name it having those spaced out like that versus maybe in the same column or the same row that's a good sign there should be more than two silvers in this box so being that it's the same type of box same type of rules as my three epic boxes last week and from one of the same banks I'm thinking that we're gonna find a pretty good amount of silver in this box as well let's get this one started Oh for the first four rolls so far moving on to rule number five still looking for that first silver other than the two Enders hoping that we get it in this role if I can open it correctly I think we got one right here pretty certain we do 1967 first silver of the Box rule number six last four all had a 67 forty percent silver in it see if we got some more in this role that's a bad tear job it's a bad tear job but I think we got silver right there let's see if there let's see if it is silver when I can look at the whole roll hmm it's hard to tell but it's a no-doubter 1966 44 Center number 2 1960 and I thought there was another one back there three silvers and the first six rolls rule number seven two silvers in the last rule 3 for the box already can't we find more we do and that one my friend is either a really nice 40% er but it looks 90% to me is there a mint mark there's not it's just a really nice 66 4 silvers on the first 7 rolls and a 2 silver roll streaks can we make it three in a row let's see Oh guys one two three four oh my goodness let's pull these guys out 1967 1969 1969 1967 we now have eight silvers and eight rolls this box is doing way better than I thought with two Enders I thought I might be able to get to 10 to 12 maybe 15 but eight after eight is a great start rule number ten no silver in the last role to stop the street can we get back on some silver wants a bad tear job but it's a bad tear job but you can already see a silver right there and probably - probably - we've got another sandwich let me go ahead and open this properly this roll is tight this roll is tight I don't think I see any more on the ends but I definitely think I see two first ones in 1969 silver number nine - coins later 1966 silver number ten already after ten rolls and we still have a few Enders moving on to roll number 11 seeing if you still can find more silver and we do it's right there I haven't seen if there's any more on the roll yet and there's not but we've got another one and it's a 1967 and it's great shape silver number 1111 rolls moving down to roll number 12 decided to keep track of the silver count over here because I'm tired of forgetting and re filming so or editing the filming but at the end of the day if I'm marking off hash marks like that we're happy let's see what rule number twelve does we've got another one right in the middle right smack dab in the middle 1969 silver number twelve moving on to rule number fourteen the last roll didn't have any silver we have twelve silver so far - thirteen rolls this is one of the enders pretty nice the other size of 73d which will check for the double diverse as well but is there any friends along for the ride I don't think so it's just the Ender but it's a 68 d rule number 15 sitting on 13 silver coins so far in the box we only have one more under left and it's a few more rows way so it'll be a while for we see that one but we'll see another one first 1966 run roll 16 with 14 silver so far not a bad start oh that is got to be 90% got to be it's not holy cow it's just a beautiful 66 we'll take it moving on a roll 17 we have 15 silver so far that'll make anyone happy already and we know we've got a another ender still and we know we've got at least two more in this rule right here one right here and one towards the end 1965 first one of those and another 69'd roll number 20 we have two blinks in a row so we're sitting on 17 silvers still a great box by any stretch and we've still got lots more box to go and apparently we got lots more silver to go I can see one two for sure probably three probably three let's look at the probably three first sixty-eight no longer probably second one 66 and the third one 66 three silvers in that role that puts us back on 20 after 20 rolls roll 21 we have 20 Silver's after 20 rolls so far crazy if I'm more oh my goodness holy cow look at this how weird is that it's a whole stack of three right in a row in the middle a 66 a 69 and a 66 Rule 23 we already have 23 Silver's in the first 22 rolls last roll is a blank though but this one won't be we got one right here this one will not be a blank 1966 silver number 24 roll 24 and we already have 24 silvers in the first 23 rolls so we add to the silver stack in this roll yes we do we got one right here 1966 again supper number 25 and it's odd I found a lot of 68 in the first box a lot of 67 and 68 in the second box bunch of 90% in the third box and that looks like this is a box of 60 sixes I'm okay with that but right open roll number 26 one to give you a recap we have 25 Silver's in the first 25 rolls the box has been good we had one ender in the first 25 rolls we have one ender in the next set of 25 I'm hoping we can repeat what we just did hopefully it doesn't cool down but I won't know until we get into these rolls well it didn't cool down yet because we've got another silver right there 1968 silver number 26 we rolled number 27 trying to keep the silver dream alive and we do and I believe we've got to got this colored one for sure and this dark tone one as well let's grab the foreshore one out 1966-1968 rule number 28 with 28 silver so far guys it feels like it's 1980 again and I'm going to half-dollars the latest the last week has been and it doesn't disappoint we've got another one in the middle of the roll this one's a 68 roll number 29 has there more silver yet to be had there is one right there 1966 roll number 30 of the box sitting on 30 silver so far 20 rolls to go after this one and we've got a sandwich two more two more 1965 it's only our second one of those and 1969 roll number 35 we've had four rolls in a row with nothing starting to feel like maybe the box is cooled down hoping to see some silver again hoping to see some silver again we've got one two three a couple of Dark One's that I don't think are silver but we've got three for stirrer right here top of the roll all right let's look at this silver then 67 68 sixty-eight three more Silver's in that roll puts us at 35 after 35 rolls back on one parole average roll 38 guys and it's our final silver ender I can see that it's a 67 so this will be silver number 36 we had six of the last seven rolls didn't have any silver but the one in the middle had three so hopefully there's some friends along we're falling behind our one parole average no friends just the ender 67 but silver number 36 roll number 39 the box is definitely starting to cool down now but we've already had a great box so we're anything we get now is just extra and we got some extra 1969 silver number 37 roll number 43 Silver's away from two full rules in a box we'd love it and we're gonna get at least two more 1969 1969 roll number 41 can we get our 40th silver of the box we can right here at the end 1967 silver number 40 rule 42 sitting on 40 Silver's two full rolls for the box and this thing is tight does it mean because it's packed full of silver not packed full but it's got 1 1966 7 or 41 roll 44 hoping to keep finding a few more silvers in the box that'd be nice well ask and you shall receive we've got one more 1967 silver number 42 roll number 45 sitting on 42 Silver's it would be awesome to get 250 again not thinking it's gonna happen this time but you never know because you never know if it's gonna keep throwing silver at you 1969 silver number 43 roll number 47 sitting on 43 Silver's last roll as a blank trying to get some more we got one 1966 rolled number 48 sitting on 44 silvers possible nifc ender you've only found one on IFC in the whole box be good to find another one oh he's got some silver with them Wow there is silver with whatever the ender is the ender is just the nice 1993 no worries silver number 45 is a 1967 rule 49 sitting on 45 silvers it's gonna be tough to get to 50 but we're at 45 I mean come on and I mean come on two more just to get us within arm's reach I love it 1967 1966 two more Silver's 47 in the box it's bittersweet roll number fifty forty seven Silver's no Ender's we would need three to hit fifty but either way this box has been it's good to us let's see if we can end with one more though and we do we absolutely do and it's another 65 we didn't have many of those silver number 48 shy of 50 we just double-check yep shy of 50 but with two Enders I never thought I would hit 48 I was hoping for 10 to 12 15 not if it's a really great box I'll get to 2048 are you kidding me unbelievable let me go through this rule and get you guys a wrap-up whether you have it everyone another box of half dollars hundred have to be a continuation of that collection dump that we started last week really excited for my other box tomorrow I'm hoping it's the same yellow Loomis rolls when I go get it 48 Silver's we're good to them in a second let me tell you what else I found we did find the 2011 and I have seen only one in the whole box we had a 71 keeper coin I think it's in really nice shape I'm gonna keep it aside for now I like it we've down that rainbow toned 77 I love the way it looks love it we also found two more 74 d-double diverse is I'll put them on there I'll put one under the microscope so you can see it put it right like that you can tell by the double serif on the for the line through it you can clearly see the doubling on the are the you the s and on the T double serif there they're easy to find for me I find about one per every five boxes on average we got in one box I've got more than a whole roll of at this point they're just not in great shape I have yet to find one in great shape but that's beside the point 48 total Silver's between those five years 48 hopefully you guys enjoyed watching this half dollar home with me I know it's bittersweet because it's fun seeing someone stack silver it's not so fun when you're not I've had several weeks where I didn't we just haven't hit it nice set of boxes in the last week and a half again I appreciate you watching the long videos I know they can get long but I knew this box would have at least some sort it with the two Enders hopefully you enjoyed it if you did I'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting keep stacking and thanks for watching
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 21,012
Rating: 4.9434228 out of 5
Keywords: Coin Roll Hunting, jackpot, Silver, Old Coins, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunting, Jackpot, Half Dollars, collection dump, silver, best half dollar hunt, found silver, treasure, SILVER COIN SEARCHING, HALF DOLLAR HUNTING, SEARCHING FOR SILVER HALVES, COIN ROLL HUNTING HALF DOLLARS, coin hunting, coins, STACKING SILVER, SILVER SPOT PRICE, HiddenTreasure, epic, coin, roll, hunt, hunting, bank, bag, sealed, crazy, biggest, score, gold, major, huge, insane, half, dollar, cash, money, detecting, chest, error coins
Id: S509S7kNmqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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