Why I refuse to level up my Yoimiya

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okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do gentian dailies we're gonna do as much farming for yamia as i can possibly do in the next hour i wish you could transmute weapon ascension materials so that i would just never have to farm ever again it's fine 80 is fine this is good this is good don't actually have a great sands like i can borrow jeans if i need to goblet also nothing crazy um these are the two pieces that we really need a timepiece and a goblet fallen leaves adorn my knight not the electro swirl i forgot cosmo doesn't do much in here [Music] usually i'd be happy to see this oh [Music] oh that is so funny that's hilarious [Music] darn it dang it again the one time i don't want emblem save set again all right let me get some more resin [Music] it knows same set again and they're both garbage [Music] oh okay honestly pretty nice but not what we're looking for today oh my gosh [Music] it's snowing [Music] okay i'm on a 50 50 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 pity please and if i lose my 50 50 please let it be early and please let it be gene okay first tempo w's only in here okay 50 50 w's we got this and you got this you guys got this okay good luck good luck to everyone w are just two elves keck people doubters people doubters that's not funny hello you know be awesome if i could pull some shinobu constellations but that's like a that's like a that's like a if you want to type of wish after the [Music] i'm feeling last mediocre so far i think we're around the 30 30 35 uh pity range come on pyro princess everybody's skipping you but i'm not gonna skip you i'm not gonna skip you please come home i want to be a young me a gamer i want to be a your via gamer no i want to be a rare young mia gamer please [Music] we're not getting it early we're not getting it early i want to put evil dish away [Music] i want to be low spender dish [Music] [Music] oh i'm so happy i really thought i really thought i was gonna take the l there i have her 180 of you who thought that i was going to take the l and the biggest l today's biggest l is awarded to shinymon who gambled 32 000 forks uh into into l and that's gonna go right into the pockets of christmas socks who voted with 50 000 forks that i would win my 50 50. we're getting the bow no sir because i think rust works just great for her okay and it also frankly i know it's not about aesthetic but i just can't believe how much thundering pulse does not match her aesthetic at all now we we move on to phase two where we see how she does i'm gonna keep her at level one and we're gonna test her out with um the best build that i can muster all right six thousand hp we got her team ready to go this this looks like i spelled probably wrong um yeah she sends with crit rate so i will probably keep her with a crit damaged circlet hopefully i can get some more you know something on this on a on a piece for her later but i'll get her obviously her currade's going to go up but before i do that i would really like to see what she does what she's capable of at level one just for you know just for fun and also because i'm a little short on talent books you know i gotta work with what i got here which is not very much i've been leveling too many characters and i need to level my uh i need to save for for anyone who i end up building in sumeru all right this is nice but [Music] wow four thousand four thousand four 400. i haven't even buffed her yet okay well let's let's see how she is like fully buffed over here [Music] okay 8 three thousand i'm saying that i did so fast wait i need to test more let's test her out in a domain i wonder if she could handle like a boss [Music] code has a 125 brief rate 260 feet no way she's actually insane even at c0 wow i mean look at her go i mean she's she's definitely she's definitely holding her own maybe maybe let's try her out against a boss i wonder if she can take out right and shogun at level one all right pyro princess let's see what you can do [Music] yeah 10k look at that i saw 10k in there go yumiya go yumiya yeah 78 100 go off queen [Music] i don't have her af but look at the physical damage i'm doing what the heck dude [Music] [Applause] so good you did so good that was awesome just barely just barely yummy awesome she's doing that much damage at level one that's so great and also her crit rate her creator will improve [Music] you
Channel: dish
Views: 408,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J13cr7NW-LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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