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I'd like to use a good chunk of resin today trying to get some of these so let's give it a try I suppose what enemies do we got here ruin stuff all right not a big deal when characters use Elemental skill Shockwave will be only stealing true damage I never really paid attention to what true damage does but in other games it basically goes through defenses oh we only have three enemies here in total I'm sure once we find the right team we could probably speed around this which is nice 59 seconds not quite a speed run but uh yeah that was just our first try here what is our first drop gonna be though that is the question what the flip is this triple Soul synth Bloom what does Souls smell like anyway I've always wondered let's hope one of them is good nope oh there we go we got a winner straight off the bat create damage attack Les go just needs HP I guess for our um ayato and this one is also bad well we're just gonna lock this one this one is unfortunately not pogger and this one is crit rate okay um subsets are garbage but crit rate honestly I have so many five-star artifacts I I should probably lower my standards at least for new artifacts so that I can get rid of some they are quite tanky though I gotta say 54 beat our time a little bit but I'm still not satisfied two of the others set I can really only imagine this for Xiao at the moment although there probably are some other characters it just sounds like it was built for Xiao this effect can be triggered once every 0.8 seconds that's probably the rate at which Xiao loses HP know why it's not going well Maya hutau what do you have there is that a crescent Pike very nice I don't know what's going on with me and weapons lately everything is going bad but yeah I keep swapping around weapons and never making sure that they're back to where they belong death Sands and Def Sands and she's missing an artifact oh God yeah a little better I'd say 41 seconds what do we got here moment of The Pact um that looks interesting we have HP percent uh goblet and we got our first Echo plume uh crit rate energy charge HP actually could be pretty good for ayato uh he does scale off of HP and also yeah I'm raising one of those artifacts we got earlier because I ran out of inventory space again we got HP as the last stat got a crit damage proc there not bad another HP Prock at 20. it's fine I guess guess I'm also gonna raise this plume all right we got an attack here so attacker energy recharge HP again I can't really complain we did like four or five runs in in the domain so far already got a pretty solid plume and feather I imagine by the time we get to other pieces the ones that are actually harder we'll probably have better plumes and flowers but still crit rate thank you need that and lastly another crit rate all right definitely not bad at all and then we have this pretty garbage Subs honestly but again I really need to get some artifact space uh well HP percent went up which is I mean the best I could really ask for and we got attack percent as the fourth sub it could be worse actually when what when I'm looking at it although ayato's weapon has crit rate on it so I'm not sure if I would actually rather need crit damage here which means I'm probably going to leave that alone for now but yeah let's head back into the domain for some more farming see if we can get any good drops we are gonna try and speed run a little bit see if we can get our time down so that was a 52 second run I'm pretty sure we've already done better we got a plume very not good at all and then an element to Mastery goblet I guess that might be interesting as an off piece for kazuha maybe next run I think that one was a little better but yeah not much 47. we got a solar Relic which is a HP Sans don't think that'll suit Xiao either and the subsets are absolutely atrocious anyway we also got a crit rate Circle it here uh the subs are not bad though for a circlet I am considering trying ayato here because it's uh three enemies pretty close together and that's it for the whole run and he has some really good AOE so we might try like a little Team Swap here soon this again no space left in artifact inventory it really feels like I I'm just raising useless art effects after useless artifacts to get space and then like two minutes later I'm full again I don't get it I don't think we've gotten anything good yet this one looks okay but again I want crit damage whatever let's see what fourth stat rolls if it's attack maybe we'll raise it higher it was and uh and attack percent as a matter of fact all right now watch it go all into death oh no we're not even at 12 yet 12 is the cursed one if it goes into death one more time I give up on it uh we got attack would still like definitely prefer crit damage over everything I'd be happy if it just leaves death alone at least and here we go nope God it's always like this I swear to God why does death have a higher chance to get bumped up this is why I only have bad artifacts whatever I cleared enough space to at least continue farming them hopefully we get something at least worth trying to raise so we can continue using our stuff I got another one of these funny looking uh pieces and uh plume of death here they're both really bad so yeah that was pretty fast 39 seconds I think that's a new record for us um I don't think the team is particularly perfect here or anything Benny and hutao generally don't go well together but uh we got attack stands here absolutely atrocious basically as bad as it can be except I guess it starts with four stats it just feels like it starts with four stats to rub salt in the wound because it has all the flat stats plus a death percent it's like I almost feel disrespected a little bit better honestly but I think I have a decent plume already one more condensed here and then we'll try changing up our team a little bit we got another stance here death percent yeah just not good in general and then another plume which is not as good as any others we got so yeah make some more condensed ayato is still built somehow so we're gonna go ahead and try him out electrocharged might be pretty good actually I'll need to practice a little bit but let's just give it a try I think this is the first team I was trying in abyss and it was working out decently well preferably we would have everyone's bursts already but that's not the case unfortunately but we at least do have his e because of course we do let's go ahead and start this over everyone needs a bit of healing as well anyway starting with ayato's burst here increase our normal attack a little bit um we're gonna go back to Sarah to do a Raiden burst that actually she wasn't horrible though for my first try 51 we've already had worse runs with the hutau team alright and what do we get for that another plume yeah two flat stats on the plume that's a no-go honestly then we have this one which again looks okay but I think we already have better ones we can come back to it in a second here let's just go ahead and do Raiden's burst now oh yeah I think that was that may have been a record there 37 I forgot it was 30 something oh this is the first thundering Poise we've gotten that's a circlet right uh it is a crit rate circlet uh I think I would need crit rate for Xiao actually because he might be rocking staff of Houma unfortunately the stats are absolutely atrocious but if we get crate damages fourth it might be worth raising got an animal goblet crit rate sub yeah no crate Orchid damage and I know every character doesn't need great damage but most of them do so this goblet could be decent because it's a goblet with animal damage and there is at least a crit rate there so we're gonna lock it for sure this one we're also gonna lock just because we're desperate let's go ahead and give this another try here try and be a little quicker with it we have Sarah's burst we're going to use that for Shogun now oh 37 35 another record this seems pretty POG solar Relic that might be the first one here as well attack percent Sans crit damage element to Mastery could be pretty good it starts with four Subs the that's uh obviously preferable and another plume here again pretty pretty mediocre last condensed here then we'll check out a few of those artifacts that one was a little bit Rocky but for the next run everyone has their burst we are getting so many of these today and I can't help but chuckle every time I look at it uh we have a cryo damage goblet with actually pretty nice Subs crit rate attack energy recharge I'm gonna lock that one I don't think I'm gonna raise it right now though because yeah but as an off piece perhaps a death goblet not gonna bother locking that one of course we will be dipping into some of our 115 fragils but for now let's sort by Vermillion Hereafter I think I got a couple in here the locked ones are the ones with any sort of Promise we're going to start with this animal damage hoping crit damage but I'd be happy with attack percent or even like energy recharge I would accept it's HP percent which whatever let's get up to eight basically if it doesn't go to crit rate I'm gonna give up on it for now since we are still in the middle of running artifacts after all and I went to HP percent at least we got this just okay looking sand that starts with four Subs so I'm gonna give it a chance probably up to eight I just went to five and we got flat HP uh let's see if it goes to create damage next if it does then I'll not give up on it yet but no it went to elements of Mastery which I don't really need for Xiao I guess so yeah that one's also done let's see what happens to this crit rate circlet at Fourth sub yeah crit damage energy recharge I mean it's not unacceptable if it goes to attack or energy recharge now which it didn't it went to Flat def the worst it could have I don't know if I'm necessarily gonna give up on it right now but I'm not going to raise it anymore and just hope we get a better Circle it yeah we have this flower here which actually isn't horrible I guess it went a lot to HP but at least ayato can do something with HP so there's that already sort of give up on this one because it went to death so often but it's actually not bad it's just that I don't really want crit rate for him and then this one is pretty horrible as well I don't know why I even still have this one locked we can lock this goblet for perhaps kazua at one point so let's go grab five more condensed resin real quick I wonder if we could to ar-60 with uh all of my fragiles I mean probably that's a lot of resin it would just take forever to go through it but yeah 100K XP I'm not gonna do the math someone else can do the math if you really want to but uh I have a feeling it would get me close at least but yeah I think this team is actually pretty good for now especially once I get a little bit uh smoother with it oh yeah that may have been it was 35 was our best now we got a 33. honestly just the time it takes to walk from the entrance to the middle takes like 10 seconds so I don't know how much faster I can really get with it solson bloom again well that's horrible anyway and then HP Sans nah not really I don't need HP sounds for mini characters yeah so the actual run lasted 21 seconds but we still got a clear time of 37 which means it takes 15 seconds to get up there that seems a little bit long def Sands nah flower bad so this time the Run lasted 17 seconds what do we got 32 I really don't know if we can get better than that honestly we'd have to basically like one shot those three guys so we got a HP goblet which is unfortunate because the subs are actually quite good minus that depth that would only get boosted probably and a flower which looks alright but again it's a flower it needs to basically be perfect if especially if it starts with three Subs next drop is a solar Relic again but attack percent this time it has cred right there so uh I guess I won't give up on it right now looks potentially all right but yeah I don't think that one was better 35 no I don't think we have good plumes for this set yet so we're gonna go and lock it uh and then here nope and Def Sands and nope back to getting more condensed resin we go we're just gonna pop uh actually four of these I wish they would just let us hold on to infinite condensed resin that would be nice could just really Farm it for like 5 hours straight if I wanted to yeah honestly I think the burst animations are slowing me down so having three four stars might be nice because they don't have animations I don't think that one went particularly well oh 32. I think that is a tie for our record well since I thought that one didn't go particularly well we might be able to get a sub 30 at one point I don't know yet uh we got another feather here it's absolutely atrocious God it's so ugly and then an HP Sans same story not great so let's continue on this one might be good this one might be good if we can just hurry up and kill the ruin guard real quick hurry die ah maybe maybe 30 ah so close if we could stop ending the battle with Binny because it takes me like a quarter of a second to swap to Shogun and she's a tiny bit faster which I think saves us another quarter of a second Echo plume not good and Echo flower ooh well great great damage you know could be good I'll lock it for now although I'm pretty sure I also have a decent one of those ah this one is a complete bust complete bust oh God and back to Shogun okay 38 seconds God we're so bad three plumes what's this one not great probably not gonna keep it this one I don't think any of them are really worth walking I guess this one maybe oh if if this one got caught in the blast that would have been a sub 30 but now it's gonna be a 31. ah uh another goblet physical damage starts with four Subs probably not gonna lock it healing bonus circlet I can't really imagine that being useful right now no hurry go no I don't think so 29 let's go yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to beat that I literally raised my hands in the air I don't know why I'm I don't know why I'm trying to speedrun so hard right now probably because I knew we were gonna do this a lot and that was like the one thing I could really do to make it slightly more interesting than just checking artifacts at the end of the runs uh but 29 yeah I'm satisfied with that so what do we got here Flower of Life bad and Sans um bad unfortunately because it had the right main stat the only way I can really think to make it faster is to have like a Mona or an ayaka let's go ahead and grab three more of these I think they are the fastest sprinters they really don't feel that much faster but maybe the ruin guard didn't get hit by shogun's burst at all so that is an automatic bust not this again well I think we've gotten a couple that have some promise in the meantime um yeah whatever let's go and check this one that starts with four Subs crit rate energy recharge maybe even elements Mastery although yeah with uh ayato I don't really use him like that and it went to energy recharge that's fine energy recharge your crit rate I would prefer more energy recharge I don't think I need that much though we'll get it to 12 and if it doesn't go to crit rate I'm probably gonna give up on it more energy recharge well I mean I guess if I only have energy recharge from the plume but I would rather save weird anomalies like that for other pieces yeah whatever I mean I guess there is some value in having a piece with 28 energy recharge on it maybe for someone else even I don't know it is kind of a strange Niche set and then it just has to smack Us in the face of the flat HP roll um not happy with that one but I got it to 20 so I'll probably keep it locked for now I think I will try this one raise it a little bit at least I'm just tired of having full artifacts anyway so I have to lower my standards what what did we get elemental Mastery I heard ayat is just generally not that good for vaporize which is the main reason I would have him with elemental Mastery just child is better in general can we get a crit rate roll at one point or just flot deaf it's flat deaf we have no more four star artifacts I guess still like 1300 not four stars another flower really bad and uh HP Sans oh three flat Subs oh maybe that was under 29 27 what I think that was about as close to perfect as I can get another thing is we need to start with Mona so we don't have to swap out that waste time I got another Sans here which is Elemental Mastery and a plume with flat def I don't trust it already even though it does have created damage yeah if I can't kill him with Raiden's burst there's no chance to get any good time he's actually really tanky right Raiden's burst just does a massive amount of damage don't see many flowers on this set so it's not good anyway energy recharge Sands horrible Subs foreign oh that was that was unfortunately what okay what the hell there must be more possible because I kind of messed that one up a bit I don't know how we got to 26 I think Mona really is helping here I'll do a side by side of Mona running to the entrance and someone else usually I'm using Shogun and see how much of a difference that makes I got another circlet here with healing bonus sadly Subs are actually not bad but healing bonus uh attack percent Sans just bad why I'm not even asking for perfect artifacts here I'm just asking for for not bad ones another healing bonus circlet on Vermilion Hereafter I have more healing bonus circlets than anything else I think on this set really bad Subs on the plume uh so whatever we're out of condensed again we have 204 resins so we're gonna make our final five here before we wrap up our farming and kind of just see what kind of set we can make probably nothing good I haven't really seen any good especially on Vermilion but maybe we get lucky in these last five no stop it that's a bust already next drop solar Alec HP percent uh attack percent circlet that was pretty fast 26 I think that tied for our best so far uh that was a pretty good one though I think 25 might be possible uh no and definitely no why do we keep getting the triple flat dude that must be as rare as like good artifacts the triple flat I would have to think so but we get tons of these and no good artifacts why can't you give me no triple flat and two good artifacts there is some promise here we gotta goblet two Sans goblet is trash first sand is trash second sand is also trash are you gonna give me another healing bonus thundering Poise crit damage oh ooh hey that might be actually pretty good well crit damage I think I need crit rate here but still attack crit rate two deaths which is very sad but it starts with four if we don't get super unlucky this could be decent definitely uh then we got a feather here with HP great damage element to Mastery nah not really this one has promise at least we're gonna lock it the final run let's see what see what happens foreign oh wow okay that was maybe oh 26 again I thought that one was like really really good we got super lucky because I think the other dude kind of went next to him I usually don't show like my full runs or anything but maybe for like the best time I will uh because that probably was it and here we have a HP goblet and this I'm not sure how much resin that was but it was a decent amount you know we have 48 of these 39 of these I still don't think we can make a four piece set anywhere unless it's going to be garbage we got a couple all right plumes uh okay flower this circlet uh it's just pretty bad it just went to Def too damn often but that's just how it is every single time I raise anything that would be three pieces though do we have a single attack yeah we do the worst one you can imagine could technically make a four piece set but it'd be atrocious and the Goblet we would need Hydro damage bonus we have nothing of the sort so we could make a bad four piece set I think this is looking even worse in terms of the ones we've already raised a bit we hear an attack stands which there's at least crit damage on it I guess an animal damage bonus we got HP percent there's only crit rate a crit rate circlet which I'm probably gonna end up raising because it's the only one we got we did get a crate damage over here and if it rolls a decent amount into crit rate I might use it instead but yeah that that is a big ask let's go ahead and get it to four let's at least see which defense it chooses the flat or the percentage it shows the flat just to be an extra bastard but now it'll feel justified in going for percent defense because it hasn't touched percent defense yet oh no it doesn't care about justification we'd have to use this one in terms of attack stands we have this which has crit rate on it so and then the two deaths again and I think that was our only oh no we have two other attack Sands um both even worse I don't think we got yeah and here's an okay one if it rolls into like crit rate on the fourth sub oh yeah this is like the one I locked but honestly more than crit rate I would like flat defense please don't give me no stupid crit rate man this is so annoying it gave me the next worst thing if it gave me flat defense it would have been at least a little funny yeah so I can't really do anything with any of these pieces honestly I guess we only did use this amount of resin I don't know I'm gonna have to math it in post-production because I forgot but it really feels like we got maybe two or three usable pieces out of both of the sets so kind of unfortunate but yeah I guess I'm done running for now but I'll do it off camera and and hopefully we can get a decent shelf set running at one point until then make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed it's always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 463,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, new artifacts genshin, xiao build, ayato build, genshin impact ayato, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact 2.6, ayato genshin impact, ayato genshin, genshin impact game, genshin ayato, ayato, genshin impact xiao, xiao genshin impact, genshin 2.6, genshin impact leaks, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact guide, genshin impact tips, genshi, build, genshin impact reacts
Id: 8hVHYlanFcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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