Yes Prime Minister: On Education

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write me a speech with a Snappy 20 second piece for the news bulletins that should win back a few seats prime minister give a lead to those responsible for the nation's education of course prime minister and finally this morning the Prime Minister visited St Margaret's School witness on his Northwestern tour the school has set up its own little manufacturing business where the children make a variety of goods in the school carpentry shop for sale in the local community the children do their own sales and marketing and use the experience they gain from the Enterprise as a basis for their maths and business studies the Prime Minister was presented with an example of the school's output and in conclusion I must congratulate you on all the hard work the discipline and the success of your Enterprise you set an example in British education which other schools would do well to follow we need more schools like Margaret and I shall always treasure your present no prime minister ever lost a seat if he could help it that was the 6:00 news from the BBC I thought that was okay didn't you that was fine my joke went down well my joke better than Channel 4 coverage anyway they didn't describe it as the Prime Minister tour of the Northwest they said Jim hacker in the marginal constituencies that's true isn't it yeah but they shouldn't have said it like that that's biased reporting reporting the facts anyway there's nothing wrong with visiting the marginals but what they said was still true but it was still biased to say it oh darling I'm not interested in your paranoia I was interested in that school yes parents queuing up to get their children into it what a pity they can't all get in more coffee why can't more parents send their children there no room there is room actually School numbers are falling yeah but that I mean poaching in the other schools so what's wrong with that well the other schools wouldn't have enough pupils they'd have to close great so Margaret's could take over their buildings Dar you couldn't do that it wouldn't be fair who too the teachers in the schools that have to close but the good teachers would be taken on by the popular schools they'd be needed what about the bad teachers it wouldn't be fair on them what about being fair on the children or are the Bad Teachers jobs more important I me it's no good no who's to say who are the bad teach teaches it just wouldn't work why not well it wouldn't work why not what do you mean well I suppose schools were like doctors I mean after all under the National Health Service you can choose whichever doctor you like to go to can't you yes and he gets paid per patient well why don't we do the same with schools have a National Education Service the parents could choose the schools they want and the schools get paid per pupil exactly there be an outcry from the parents well no not from the the parents from the Department of Education oh I see and who has the most votes no the dees would block it fine get rid of them get rid of the Department of Education I don't understand you get rid of it abolish it remove it expunge it eliminate it eradicate it exterminate it get rid of it get rid of it I couldn't do that why not what does it do I could do that local government could administer the lot we could have a national board of school inspectors and the rest could go to environment and I could send that house Trend idiot Henry to the House of Lords go wonder what Humphrey will say whatever he says I want to be there when you tell him to witness the clash between the political will and the administrative will I think it'll be a clash between the political will and the administrative won't
Channel: milkandoreos
Views: 272,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Education, Yes Prime Minister, Jim Hacker, Government, Bureaucracy
Id: 1e9gq9sYIuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2009
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