Yahweh is...a DESERT PAGAN God! - Dr. Gene Kim

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we're going to look at the book of mark chapter 14 and we're going to read verse 36 mark chapter 14 and we will read verse 36 now before I read this passage I'm going to debunk the idea that God's name is Yahweh Yahweh how many Christian organizations you keep hearing saying Yahweh Yahweh so I want people to understand this is that Yahweh is not the name of God you got to avoid using this because the more Christians use this term Yahweh what you're doing is that you're supporting more of the Liberals now you might say why is that pastor because liberals in their college classes teach that how Christianity and Judaism got their name of God is that it's not from their own religion it's not from their own God they borrowed it through pagans that's what they have to argue so in order to argue date the Abraham and Moses got some tribal pagan god name out of nowhere for the name of their God they have to mention this Yahweh because liberals teach that this came from a pagan tribal God it's a desert God they would call it some sort of desert pagan tribal God which is why Abraham a desert tribe started his nation Moses and them people desert tribe started their nation so it they borrowed it from some sort of desert God can I tell you something my God did not borrow his name from some kind of desert pagan nobody now I was in liberal classes at Berkeley and they taught that and when I heard that I knew this before the liberals taught this in college I knew that but when I heard at UC Berkeley that confirmed my belief even more and guess what the professor was a Jew as well so don't say that I don't know what I'm talking about here using Hebrew you can even look up Wikipedia did you know that even Wikipedia and amateur source realizes a basic fact like that so let me read it right here Yahweh was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah his exact origins are disputed although they reached back to the early iron age and even the late bronze his name may have begun as an epithet of L head of the bronze age Canaanite Pantheon but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptian texts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan here's one source from William G Denver at 2003 be the article is who were the early Israelites and where did they come from so you're going to find out right here that in that source they're claiming that now remember who's before Christians the Israelites that these Israelites borrowed it from some kind of nomadic tribe out of nowhere out of the desert the name of their God Yahweh that's even found at I gave you the documentation and you can even look up Wikipedia if you doubt me now the thing is this is that okay then how did we get this idea we got this idea at the book of Exodus because basically this is supposedly his Hebrew name but you got to realize this in Hebrew to English it's not Yahweh it's disputed the King James Bible calls it Jehovah Jehovah it's Jehovah and if I'm going to translate that from Hebrew to English I'm not going to say Yahweh see Jehovah now the thing is this is that how this translation comes out is that the KJV word English time out English not Hebrew okay English was translated from Latin which in turn was translated to he from Hebrew see that that is normal through correct translation processes that's a matter of fact of translation processes with scholars now one example is if you look at acts 7 seven it mentions Jesus took the Jews to the promised land well obviously it's not our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it's Joshua but that's a normal translation from Hebrew to Greek and from Greek to what we have right here in our English King James Bible so that is normal so this is not an inaccurate translation when some people try to say this is inaccurate Jay didn't come out too later in the centuries well yeah because we're in 2018 and this Jay thing came out through translation from translation from translation okay that's just a common-sense fact now look at mark chapter 14 and verse 35 verse 35 now a lot of people they want to say this what they're going to argue is that well you know I want to use the language Jesus used when he talked to the Father and Jesus he spoke Hebrew and Capote and because he spoke Hebrew would it be best that I spoke Hebrew like Jesus - well I'm going to debunk that notion because one this word is disputed still you don't understand about translation from Hebrew because you got to realize this from Hebrew translation there are no vowels there are no vowels so that's why we're wondering so what you see is just a constant is yahwah see but because they said yeah wahhhh we don't know if it's gonna be that J sound because it's a Yoda concept okay I know that you don't understand that but okay but just forget that I'm just going Hebrew and Greek right here it's like a Yoda concept so it can go Y or J right here yo like that yahwah so it could go either or see that English I can prove it though because it was it went from Latin from Hebrew etc etc this one you don't have utmost proof because it's disputed there's no vowels right here so it could be either/or now here's the thing is that if you want to use the language Jesus used then look at right here mark 1435 and when and he went forward a little and fell on the ground and prayed when jesus prayed if it were possible the hour might pass from him how did he address God and he Yahweh there's even the Hebrew word there for you if you want Hebrew what Abba what you know what Jesus said when he prayed to God when he prayed to God you know what you're gonna see most of the time I thought you want to be a follower of Jesus and he's using Hebrew here too you know what he mostly used father wouldn't God the Father prefer that kind of relationship more anyways of a son and father talking to him but look at Galatians 4 if you don't believe me look at Galatians 4 since that is the spirit of Jesus Christ the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit those two witnesses compel you to also cry out father in your spirit well there's something in me that wants to say Yahweh no that's not some clean spirit right there if it came from this kind of a God then you got some kind of spirit the spirit that should compel you to say God's name would be this one where did this come from now look at Galatians chapter 4 we will read verse 6 if you don't believe me this is what the Bible says Bible don't don't listen to me and because ye are son see that your son God has sent forth the what spirit of his son into where your heart crying within your spiritual nature Jesus and the Holy Spirit compel you and God also himselves a father the whole Trinity compel you to cry out what I have a father but no you keep using this one I thought you're a follower of Jesus you wanted to do what Jesus if you want to do what Jesus said you should ignore what scholars and preachers are saying and not listen to them where did you get that idea jesus said this that that no the Bible never said that the Bible said Jesus said this which pastor you were listening to okay look at Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 when the disciples even asked Jesus to pray teach them to pray you know Jesus even said how he taught them to pray make sure you say Yahweh no you know because it's a famous prayer right Matthew chapter 6 and verse 9 it's a famous prayer verse to Matthew chapter 6 and verse 9 excuse me verse 9 after well yeah verse 9 after this manner therefore pray II what our Father Jesus instructed and taught you to say what this not what when did this come from by the way this isn't when Jesus was teaching right here the New Testament right here is translated to Greek this is not Yahweh right here in the Greek New Testament you don't understand now let's keep going to acts 2 this is utmost proof go to acts 2 now I'm going to have to wrap it up right here so I'm going to jump to Galatians 2 as well if you're fast enough jump to Galatians 2 and then but I want you to go to Acts chapter 2 alright I want you to go to Acts chapter 2 if you're fast enough then jump to Galatians 2 alright I'm gonna go ahead and far away with acts 2 all right well I want to do what God wants do you believe in that do you believe in that all right who gave the languages was a you or God God if God gave you a language to call upon his name in that language wouldn't he prefer you to use that now let's look at Acts chapter 2 if you don't believe me okay so look at Acts chapter 2 and verse 21 and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on what call on what name of the Lord right okay so it says name of the Lord here so Peter is preaching to them and he mentions about them calling on the name of the Lord right okay calling on the name of the Lord and you know how he's preaching it to them in their own life which is now look at Acts chapter 2 if you don't believe me don't believe me look at verse 6 now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in what his own language verse 9 Parthian x' means ela might dwell in mesopotamia judea cappadocia pontus asia fergie a Pamphylia Egypt parts of Libya Cyrene strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Crete's and Arabians do we hear them speak in our tongues and wonderful works of God do you think they were all preaching Yahweh Yahweh Yahweh or was in Hebrew or was it in their own language and Peter told them that through this preaching process calling on the name of the Lord so use 1 plus 1 equals 2 right here okay with this one plus one equal Church it equals 2 so that's 11 right there you see we got one guy saying Yahweh still so the point is right here is that God wants you speak to him as son and father he does not want you to be bound in some tradition of Judaism God really hates that because in Galatians chapter 2 if you don't believe me Galatians 2 what did the Bible say what did Paul do in verse 14 but when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel I said unto Peter before them all if thou being a jew live us after the manner of gentiles see that doing what other foreign nations in their language do and not as do the jews why compel us this is what i want to say to ask two messianic jews i want to ask these yahweh people and all these guys why compel us now the gentiles to live as do the what see God does not like that God because who started the different language this was a Satan or God he expects you to keep that division of languages otherwise you wouldn't have done that but I tell you who wants to do one world language I'll tell you who wants to do one world language one world government all the nations combined I don't have to say Antichrist right here y'all can guess right there so you see right here so no one is going to make me a Korean and we and preach against me and say oh you didn't say Jesus in English you didn't say Yahweh you didn't say yahushua or whatever what not that's that's even a fairytale name okay that's a made-up name whatever okay so Yahshua stuff like that but anyway so the thing is this if I'm going if there's a Korean praying in Korean and he says yes to neem okay don't bash him over the head there's a Grecian saying yay soos don't bash him over the head don't bash a Hispanic person saying hey soos and don't so hey or yeah or jaw or whatnot who cares God wants you to speak in your language and talk to him in his language because he ordained the language not you and by violating and you to go to a selected kind of language it shows in elitist attitude and even let's be honest racism okay God divided the languages and nations for a reason he wants you to worship God in your language in your nation you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 231,685
Rating: 4.1528115 out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: BLgshZe4T8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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