Elohim | The Names of God and What Are Their Meanings?

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[Music] and so would you do me a big favor welcome my good friend our fearless leader back to this pulpit to teach today mr. Ron Dunn thank you and good morning guys let's open with a word of Prayer father as we open this series and look into your names we pray that you'll speak to our hearts beyond our head and into our heart help us to catch why it is that you reveal these names to us and how they apply to us as we live life as the drama of life happens as the challenge of life happens speak to us in a great way father we ask that your Holy Spirit will speak as only you can thank you for your word thank you that so powerful thank you for truth a way we magnify and lift up and exalt your names these next nine weeks and beyond and some Jesus name that we pray amen all right well guys names are important aren't they they have meaning they have significance over Christmas I went up to Wisconsin and my dad's in Oconomowoc Wisconsin he's at a Senior Living Center and so on the way in because I started studying names I saw the sign welcome to Oconomowoc and I said my wife won't know what how kind of walk got its name right so we went in to sign in to see my dad there were two ladies there I said are either you from what kind of walk they said well we both are I said well what does the name mean what is the name of your city mean and they said we don't know so we looked it up and Oconomowoc was named by the Potawatomi unions there's a bunch of lakes and I kind of walk and a bunch of rivers and a condom walk and Potawatomi means where the rivers meet so I thought about that kind of cool so we as you know we were off for a couple weeks and I go down to Sanibel to start the year and we went over to Captiva and sandy wanted to get this piece of blown glass at a place called jungle drums so the guy was wrapping it up and I figured he's probably the owner and he was and I said tell me how did you name your place jungle drum he said would you have a cell phone I said yeah I sure do he goes and why do you have one said to communicate he said well long before cell phones landlines long before Telegraph's people used to communicate with drums that's how villages would talk to each other what's up and so he said I founded this store because I wanted to send out a message so 20% of 20% of the proceeds go here to preserve the island to keep it as it is and to help preserve endangered species on the island so we're it's a kind of our mission statement but that's what the why I named is Thor jungle drum interesting so we went out to breakfast at a place called Kiki's ke ke and so of course I said to the waiter how'd this place get its name it's a large two brothers Kevin and Keith they didn't know which was more important so they named it Kiki's names have meaning write names have mean they reveal different things about us and God reveals names to us because they it says something about who he is in a relationship and so the question is is it worth our time to study it is it worth our time to grow in it when we were kids we'd see a fuzzy animal we'd say look a dog or a doggie right then as you got a little bit older you would say oh that's a Labrador her that's a boxer that's a Frenchie right and then maybe your parents got a dog and then it became that's my dog that's my friend G that's my boxer then you named it Coco why because your relationship grew and so as we look at we look at the names of God they reveal as we grow in our relationship with him we want to grow an understanding of his names as well each of us is known by a lot of different names right dependent upon the relationship that we have most people know me as Ron well some people in business are more of an acquaintance call me mister dunne right we have some contractors working in our basement right now Shawn introduced me to some of the guys he used they call me boss I like that all right Ryan calls me Dad my grandson's call me grandpa kids on the team call me daddy D my wife has a very intimate name with me for me I'm not gonna tell you what that is [Music] and so what do you say to God when you speak to God right what what and why does God have these various things there's three primary names that he has Elohim Adonai in Jehovah and then there's subsets of that name of those names LLL Elyon elroy el shaddai Jehovah Jehovah Rapha Jehovah Nissi why do those names exist and we speak to him and we're getting on our growing our relationship with him is there value in doing that you might say we're on why is this so important how on earth can I possibly how we gonna remember all these names right well let me ask you this there's those lost does Atlanta have a pro baseball team what's its name the Braves they have a pro football team what's it name so we can go through and we can name every pro team that we have we know that University of Georgia is called the Bulldogs well if we went out of this state what's LA's baseball team called you guys know that how do you remember that all right but yet we can go and name why because a few things are involved time interests relationship so yeah we can learn these names and we should learn these names as we grow in our relationship with God so when Jesus taught us how to pray we went through the series he said four things don't be a hypocrite be genuine when you pray go into your private place have a place to pray we just moved into the new house the bench went with a donkey read it for me we put a rub right in the backyard so that's where I meet with God on a bench and then when it's weather like this I have a chair in my office closing barn door I shut the door and I have my time with God and then he says speak to your father know who it is that you're speaking to and don't buy don't babble so go ahead and take out your bifold key verse our Father would you just toss the praise that our Father we're not an only child we're an adopted son our Father who art in heaven you're above it all hallowed be your name and that's the crowning point of the prayer it's the reason why we pray it's the reason why we exist the hallow God's name to bring glory to him well what is his name the prayer goes on and everything points back to that your kingdom come your will be done give me what I need so I can Havel your name forgive me as I forgive others so your name will be held leave me not in temptation deliver me from evil give me a break help me through life so that your name can be held what are his names what are his names so take a look at the number of time just gave a few passages there of how many times it talks about lifting up and glorifying God's name Psalm 8 verse 1 this is King David speaking o Lord our Lord o Jehovah our Adonai how majestic is your name in all the earth you have set your glory above the heavens the name of the Lord and this is proverbs 2 Solomon David's son the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run to it and are saved here's an Chronicles I'll give thanks to the Lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people Psalm 124 our help is in the name of the Lord the maker of heaven and earth then a psalm 34 verse 3 it says magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together so I'm over the age that yeah I have one of these right because sometimes I'm reading something and the print appears too small right so I take this out and then that magnifies it it helps me to see it bigger so now I know what it is so what we're told in Psalm 34 is to magnify the name of the Lord why because what's true about every one of us God appears too small to us God's too small Louis we don't see him as he really is and so sometimes we have to pause and magnify his name so that we can exalt them together we can take a look at his name and what he reveals about us through his name so that he can be lifted up we're not making God any bigger God is big God is huge we're gonna talk about the name Elohim this morning God is fantastic here's what we're gonna do over the next nine weeks as hutch said Robert Barnes and dandy oughtta go and hutch and myself we're gonna study and we're gonna dig and we're gonna magnify the name of God as we study and we come back and share that so that we can exalt God's name together and the challenge for all of us is just to take this little bit of time that we can talk about it twenty or twenty five minutes on the front end is not a lot of time for what we're gonna talk about but it gives you a starting point so that then you can take this and go take a back home and get on your bench and chew on it and then start talking to God beyond just calling him dogs and doggie get to know his name get to know his breed get to know the depth of who he is speak to him as your Elohim call them out as Adonai Jehovah Jehovah Rapha Jehovah Nissi take it to a much more personal in-depth letter in in depth level calling out his characteristics as you plead with him and see what that doesn't do with your relationship them we can do this guy's if we can name every football everybody every baseball team we can certainly learn nine names of God and then go beyond that on ourselves and look at the rest of these so today we're gonna look at the name Elohim go ahead and turn over on the top of the page here it's a very common story one that's I think prior but in this room knows is a story of David and Goliath right what was it about David that allowed him to do what he did as a young shepherd boy delivering food to his brothers here the Israelite army is camped against the Philistine army they're being taunted every day by this by the Philistines and by this giant nine foot eight inches tall five hundred pounds taunting saying we don't all have to fight let's do a one-on-one send your best man winner take all the other becomes the slave of the other on his battle and David comes to deliver lunch and he hears this giant taunting the Israelites and what does he say and why did he know what he knew here's David who in practice was a shepherd fundamentally who's gonna be king but in reality what he was was a worshiper of God so as he was watching sheep he constantly was in communication constantly in relationship with God he knew God was real he knew of God's power he called upon God's power he called upon Elohim to help him what a lion came to get the Sheep when a bear came to get the Sheep and he took him on because that was his job which he was doing the God's glory ain't gonna happen he called on God's help kill the bear killed a lion here's a giant so he says to King Saul who is this guy that's taunting the God of Israel I'll go take him on and so Sowell puts armor on he goes get this stuff off of me he goes out with a slingshot he only needed one stone ain't put the giant down use this here's what he says as he stands before the giant but David said to the Philistine you come against me with the sword and spear in javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Jehovah of the Lord of hosts the god Elohim of the armies of Israel whom you have defiled stone-dead fix his sword cuts off his head David new Elohim my question to you is who's your Goliath we all have challenges we all have things that hit us put fear into us anxiety into us worrying us do you know Elohim I'm convinced that to realize they realize they're real the reason that there is addiction the reason that there's so much worry there's so much fear there's so much anxiety in the lives of men it's because we don't know the names of God if we knew Elohim we can take down whatever giant with him that is facing us in life Elohim here's where we're introduced to the name Elohim Genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning God Elohim created the heavens and the earth that Elohim is one of the most common names of God used in the Bible over 2,000 times Elohim refers to his power to his strength we're introduced to Elohim and it's the only name that he uses in the book of Genesis Elohim created Elohim created Elohim created God is able to create something out of nothing and nothing's impossible with him look at what Psalm 33 says by the word of the Lord the heavens were made and all the stars by the breath of the mouth for he spoke and it came to be he commanded and it stood firm understand this difference we can't create anything we can design things we can manufacture things but how about someone said to you go in that room over there and create something out of nothing speak it into existence we can't do it that's what God did and when you look at how he created it and he rested on the seventh day he created when he started he created everything so we could recreate itself with seeds with reproduction powers all did all the animals what he created on this planet what he created in the universe is so incredible our mind man has been in existence for 6,000 years 6,000 years we haven't even reached Mars yet right think of what eternity is gonna be as we get to know God more and more and more and discover his greatness and discover things that our little minds can hardly even comprehend right now but we need to pause and catch who Elohim is in our life because it gives us power for living for since the creation and the world God's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made so that people are without excuse nowhere in the bible does God ever defend himself or try to prove that he exists the Bible simply says this the fool says in his heart there is no God there is a God and he's an all-powerful creator who can create something out of nothing why does evolution come along I you know this was part of when when Gail and Walt and a few other guys like Ken grabbed me and said okay you want to be mentored let's walk you through some real Asics understand some things why does why was evolution introduced to mankind it's not natural it's natural to know that gods their job tells us that the lion speaks out that God exists it roars calling out to a god defeated he says that nature naturally shows us that God exists if you don't wanna listen to that ask the birds they'll tell you if that doesn't convince you ask the fish they'll tell you all of nature naturally lets us know that there is a God who exists you have to be educated into evolution why because if you can remove God's fingerprints then you don't have to deal with a god and so if you don't want to deal with a god if you don't want to surrender your life to a higher being then you have to invent a way that he doesn't exist and take him out of it but it's not reasonable and why would we what does the word Elohim as we're introduced to Elohim what does that word mean literally it means strong one L is God the strong Almighty God and we're introduced to them as a creator who can create something out of nothing and it's plural so L is God oh he ms plural so we're introduced to God in Genesis 1 as an all-powerful strong plural God and as the Bible as we get deeper into the Bible were shown that yes he's a triune God so for people that say Jesus was just a prophet she's a good man pleased a prophet one God they're missing Genesis 1 they're missing Elohim look at what John 1 says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God he was with God in the beginning through him all things were and without him nothing was made that had been made Jesus was there Paul explains it further the Sun is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation for in him all things were created things into heaven things on earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him and before all things and in him all things hold together Jesus is at the center of all of it we worship a triune God we're gonna do stew the Holy Spirit who hovered over those waters Genesis chapter 1 triune God Elohim all right before we go to the tables talk up just a little bit about Elohim so we understand when we're speaking to God when do we want to call him Elohim when do we want to call on the name Elohim Elohim is the only name used by God in Chapter 1 from chapter 1 verse 1 to Genesis 2 verse 3 there's 34 verses God uses the name Elohim 35 times in 34 verses why would he do that as he gives us his word and we open it up the first 34 chapters were here in Elohim Elohim Elohim Elohim 35 times what's he doing to us what's he saying to us what's he underscoring to us catches guys what he wants us to know in our life is that we have an all-powerful strong Almighty God with whom nothing is impossible he creates something out of nothing nothing is impossible for him call it out tell me what's impossible for God if it doesn't exist he can speak it into existence he's above it all he created it all for purpose that's the God that we're bowing to that's the God we have access to that's the God who through Christ we can now go to him has adopted sons and speak to him one-on-one like a friends talk to talks to a friend Wow Wow but we have to magnify that because we let it get too small we let things get too big and we shrink God down what we have is so incredibly powerful and the day when we see him face to face we're gonna say what were we thinking why were we so concerned why was I so wrapped up in this little stuff when you were there the whole time and you called me to know you to be a part of your plan that I can actually be your man and actually do things for you on that planet Wow let's remind each other of this this is truth Elohim the all-powerful God with whom nothing is impossible X Nilo is what theologians call it Elohim X Nilo you create something out of nothing what I'm face today seems so impossible to me God but your Elohim so when you're on the bench and you're saying our Father who art in heaven how it be your name Elohim I need you today because what I facing is impossible for me but you can make it happen and watch him work because his name can be exalted he wants us to exalt his name and he will work in our lives if we give him the glory that's why he does things for us Hebrews 11 verse 3 by faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command at Elohim zku man so that what was seeing was made out of what was what was visible then Jeremiah God Elohim made the earth by his power he established the world by his wisdom and stretched out his his heavens by his understanding let's talk about a couple just a couple examples of Elohim at work and then we'll go to the tables walk through the history of the Bible look how God decided to establish the nation okay floods over God decides I'm gonna raise up a nation slip through that nation the whole world will know that I'm Elohim I'm the one true all-powerful strong God so he picks a guy called Abraham to start a nation interesting thing is the guy 75 years old he's married to a barren wife what is God saying to us from the beginning when he establishes his nation I can do the impossible I'm Elohim so yeah I'm gonna take a 75 year old guy with a wife who can't have kids and that's how I'm starting a nation cause it announces it and it waits another 25 years now he's 99 in Sarah laughs right hello heem right from the very beginning he's showing who he is now he fulfills his plan by hiding this family in Egypt and now this this nation can grow under the protection of the Egyptians because they're not gonna kill their slaves their slaves are doing all their work and so the nation can grow without anybody attacking them and so one day Pharaoh realizes that they outnumber us and God calls Moses and said it's time taking the people out go tell Pharaoh let my people go and so what does God do the very first day of the Exodus he backs up the Israelites against the Red Sea puts him in a possible situation no weapons no protection surrounded and nowhere to go gonna be slaughtered but slaughtered by Pharaoh would change his mind and what does God do nothing is impossible for me parts the Red Sea and swallows up the army that comes after God's making a statement and from that the whole it says the entire world the word word went out and everybody said that's the one true God the God of Israel now moved 40 years ago had the first day into the Promised Land what does Elohim do he puts them up against the walls of Jericho again no weapons they're not trained soldiers they're up against walls are impenetrable just walk around the walls for six days and the seventh day start making some noise and the walls come tumbling down Wow all right now the nation grows you know that the whole Bible is a story about our real enemy Satan raises up the Midianites and Amalekites and they're picking on Israel they have an army of a hundred and twenty thousand men who are coming to wipe Israel out God raises up Gideon Gideon we're going to war Gideon can't so I'm gonna put out a fleece because the numbers don't work out we're outnumbered four-to-one I'm gonna put out this fleece if you say we're gonna win then didn't have it be wet on the top trying to bottom okay done I sorry God don't be mad at me today have it be drying the top we're going to war I just want to make sure this is right thirty-two thousand people going against 120 thousand people God says to me tell whoever is afraid go home twenty-two thousand guys see ya ten thousand we got ten thousand guys no good against hundred twenty thousand God says that's duster to me take him down to the river the guys would you stick their head down and drink I don't want guys who lap up looking around keeping their head on a swivel those are the guys I want 300 300 300 men we're going against 120 thousand men yep that's what we're doing Gideon no weapons take a trumpet this is real stuff I mean this really happened right this elohim announcing who he is underscoring who he is okay Gideon it's the middle of night we're going break it up groups of three hundred hundred hundred round the camp will the trumpets many nights Amalekites wake up they don't know what's going on they start killing each other they don't know fighting against they wipe each other at the hopefully not one scratch is on an Israelite its Elohim that's the God that we can speak to on our bench the God that we meet with these authorities in the Bible are so incredibly amazing about when Jesus was born hey Mary you're with child impossible never been with a man nothing's impossible with Elohim you're carrying the savior of the world that's eloheem what are you up against do you know the name Elohim God underscores it for us he's Elohim all right let's go to the tables [Music] [Music] [Music] let me ask from the floor as you guys were discussing and as we are getting ready to go deeper into this series what's the value of doing this what's the value of knowing these names of God of understanding what it is that he says about himself in these various names what did you discuss at the tables great relationship a deeper more meaningful relationship also well we were talking about the the names that we we give to our wives and we sign cards and we say soul mate and best friend and lover and every one of those has a much deeper meaning yeah there's so much depth in all that right no doubt I was sharing at the table and I go up to Wisconsin my aunts and uncles still call me butch that was my nickname when I was a kid but there's a warmth to it for me when I'm up there because it brings back here I know why they call me butch right it's like it's the only place I go on the planet where I'm called butch but I kind of like it look at what's going on around the table you know one of the beauty one of the great things about the buzz that's in this room every Friday mornings you're doing life together you all as you as you look around you can tell story about each other there's history that's that's developed in this room over these eleven years that we've been meeting and there's so much richness in there and there's so much depth in there the same thing is true about God he wants us to know the stories that are involved that he tells us about himself and yes he shows up in a drama of life in a real way and so we can call out his name and it takes that conversation even deeper and takes well we understand what he did then that's why he wants us to tell the story we can apply to our life now turn if you will to Genesis 17 take you to the story of Abraham Abraham's now 99 years old he was called God went to her the alp went went to the Chaldeans and called out Abraham at age 75 in Abraham and Sarah it wasn't working so they gotten you know they ended up trying to manufacture themselves and Ishmael was born that wasn't the plan now it's 99 and God shows up and says now when Abraham was 99 years old the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to him I am God Almighty I'm Elohim walk before me and be blameless I will establish my covenant between me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly and they have this conversation that goes on throughout chapter 17 into 18 and in 18 verse 9 he says then he said to him where is Sarah your wife and he said there in the tent he said I will surely return to you at this time next year and behold Sarah your wife will have a son and Sarah was listening at the tent door which was behind him now Abraham and Sarah were old advanced in age Sarah was past childbearing Sarah laughed ourselves saying after I've become old shall I have pleasure my lord being old also should I shall I have pleasure my lord being old also so what she's saying is I'm old and sore you it's too late right so then the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh saying I shall not bear a child when I am old is anything too difficult for the Lord didn't chastise Sarah for laughing let me ask you a question are you laughing at God what are you facing I'm gonna suggest to you that if you don't go to Elohim and call out his name no matter what it is that you're up against it's a formal laughing it's a form of saying that's a Bible stories that we're reading this is real life that I mean this is a big old problem I got I'm not going I'm not calling on Elohim for that it's our way of being Sara when we're doing that God was pretty gracious there and we do have a gracious God but we have a God who wants us to know he's Elohim do you know the name Elohim do you realize that we have an all-powerful God an X Neil Oh God a God who can create something out of nothing with whom nothing is impossible for him it's a message he wants us to know 35 times as he gives us the Bible and says here's my word learn about me 35 times I'm Elohim I'm Elohim I'm Elohim nothing is impossible with me I'm the strong one I'm the Almighty God I'm the Creator I'm your God call me by my name one of my names is Elohim spend some time on that name this week guys let that sink in realize fall to your knees before Elohim whatever it is you're facing take a Dilla lean there's nothing that's impossible for him all right next week Robert Barnes is gonna come and we're gonna unpack the name Adonai all right close at your tables we'll see you next week one thing for men meets a Cabernet Steakhouse and Alpharetta Georgia on Friday mornings from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. if you live in the Atlanta area or visit the area on Friday we would love to have you join us in person and if you have been blessed by this message please consider supporting one thing for men online
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Keywords: Men's Bible Study Topics, Online Bible Study, Men's Group Bible Study, Video Bible Study, Spiritual Growth, Bible Studies for Men, elohim meaning, elohim, the names of god and their meanings, names of god, the name of god, the names of god, alpharetta, elohim is the almighty god, paul hellyer, elohim messages, One Thing for Men, Ron Dunn, bible study for beginners, bible study with me, men's retreat, bible study tools, names of god in the bible, small group bible study ideas
Id: lDi2QURXlS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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