The MOST powerful smartphone! A17 Pro vs 8 Gen 3 vs Dimensity 9300 vs Exynos 2400 vs Tensor!

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welcome to another chipset comparison we're back with a new and improved video which includes the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 mediatech dimensity 9300 Apple's a17 Pro Samsung xnos 2400 and Google's tensor 3 whether you want to edit photos render 4K videos or play some hardcore CPU intensive games you're going to need an amazing setup but before we dive into a juicy comparison hi I'm Olive your host here at versus and I'd like to thank hide me VPN for sponsoring this video make sure to check out the link in the description to get your first 3 months free but more on that later to ensure these tests are as Fair as possible we've made sure all of the devices are charged to 100% battery capacity with the help of a lux meter all of the phones have been set to the same brightness level we've also set the highest resolution possible activated game booster and set the refresh rate to Adaptive wherever possible we will also be keeping track of the temperatures from start to finish for those of you who haven't watched our previous video this right here is a timer it helps you keep track of how long each phone is taking to finish a task here is where you can see the temperature of the devices as they are running at full speed and lastly we have the battery levels now that you are aware of where everything is located we can kick off our tests one last note we do Take 5 minute breaks between some hardcore tasks to give the phone some space to breathe Adobe Lightroom is going to to be our first task one of the most handy programs developed by Adobe it helps you import and comprehensively edit a large number of photos it's a really useful tool for us here at versus right so we wanted to really go over the top here by first applying a preset to 50 JPEG and 50 raw files it looks like quite the close competition here but the winner is H gen 3 with 20 seconds followed by exos with just 1 second more dimensity is a super close second at 22 seconds with the A7 Pro coming in with 50 seconds and lastly we have the tensor with 54 seconds if you feel the results are passing by too quickly then you can also take a look at the chart that we've prepared for you at the end of every single test that was a pretty hectic start and I'm positive that we've gotten you excited for the rest if you're enjoying this video so far then do not forget to hit that like And subscribe Button as it helps us out a lot and it also lets us know what type of content you enjoy the most all righty presets are applied so is time to render you can see the temperature slowly starting to creep up and up and up and I've always wondered if our extreme tests would cause any of the phones to overheat and crash but thankfully this hasn't happened yet the a17 pro completes the task first in just 3 minutes and 45 seconds next comes dimensity with 4 minutes and 41 seconds in third place is the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 with 6 minutes and 11 seconds followed by exos that finishes just 3 seconds later with 6 minutes and 14 seconds unfortunately the tenser comes in last place with a whole 10 minutes and 44 seconds that was a pretty nice test to finish up Lightroom and it is crazy that it took the tenser so long to finish nevertheless here are the final results once again now that we're done with Lightroom we can move on to Adobe Rush what can you do with rush you may ask the answer is fairly simple you can edit videos on your phone in quite an easy way what we've done here is create a timeline with a 4K video which is just over 1 minute long we've used some b-roll that we have stored from some of our previous videos and then we've also included some graphic animations into the mix however it seems like there are still issues with the exos chipset with regards to this app as it crashes and leaves us hanging shortly after this happened the race between the A7 Pro and mediatech reached a conclusion as the former will land first place by finishing the task in 53 seconds the latter in this case will take second place by coming in at 1 minute and 24 seconds Snapdragon finished at 2 minutes and 23 seconds and then we have the tenser there also seemed to be a problem here which we didn't experience in our previous tests it took over an hour for the video to render and we know that the tenser 3 is not that slow perhaps it's due to the latest update from Google because since then some apps haven't been working as usual next is kind Master it is a free video editing app and and we have also added some videos here and rendered the video in 4k let's see who is the fastest this time and wo dimensity renders the video in just 15 seconds followed by 8 gen 3 with 24 seconds Samsung's exos renders the video in 29 seconds tensor 3 needs 33 seconds and surprisingly the A7 Pro finishes in 46 seconds so dimensity wins here even if it was very close with 8 gen 3 the pixel and the iPhone have a lot of catching up to do here next in line is Microsoft Excel 60,000 lines are present in this Excel file and we're seeing the results coming in super fast with A7 Pro readying the file for editing in only 6 seconds Snapdragon and mediatech get there in 10 xos in 11 and tens are in 13 seconds all the phones manag to lock this down in a short amount of time and it just shows you how much companies have been able to stack computation in these small things over the years so now that we've seen performance in Lightroom Rush kind Masters and Exel let us have some fun and play before we started playing we made sure performance or boost mode is on if the device has the option and we run an app that displays some stats such as frames per second unfortunately the app no longer works with the pixel since the latest update it is therefore not included in this test Bloons td6 is the name of the game which is a standard tower defense game the main point here is to see how quickly the frames per second drop on the respective smartphones in a normal game you will hardly notice any frame per second drops which is why we are exaggerating a little we don't just send a few units we send thousands at once and you can see how the phones start to struggle the A7 Pro drops from 60 frames per second to under 37 frames per second the dimensity drops to under 19 frames per second the exos also drops under 18 frames per second and the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 drops to under 11 frames per second it's super strange why the Galaxy s24 Ultra performs worse than the Galaxy s24 Plus in this case but I guess that's just how it is and we're only showing you the results now let's take a few seconds to talk about hide me VPN if you're someone who's seeking for greater privacy as well as greater Freedom or perhaps you wish to access blocked or region bound content well then you'll want to hear this next part hide me VPN is one of the fastest offshore vpns with 24/7 support and crossplatform access enjoy 10 GB speeds across 2,300 servers globally you can also navigate the web with a trusted Ally smart guard proactively guarding against malware tracking ads and fishing threats in real time plus they don't start logs ensuring your actions remain yours best part you can start for free click the link in the description to secure your online Freedom with hide me VPN simple secure and yours geekbench will be first on our list what is geekbench nah none of you are going to be asking that question but just in case it tests functionality of devices along with benchmarking the CPU by modeling your real world usage one of my favorite things about geekbench is that it gives you these single core and multi-core scores separately you can run multiple processes at the same time with these multi-cores and in turn makes it easier to multitask and run more than one app at once single core scores have arrived the A7 Pro Takes the Cake followed by the 8 gen 3 the dimensity the exos and lastly the tenser looking at the multicore scores the A7 Pro is still the leader close to the dimensity next is the H gen 3 the exos and the tenser the difference between the tenser and the rest of the chipsets is quite significant and tutu is up next small but important information and tutu is incomparable on Android and iOS due to the kernel and development language being different nevertheless that's not going to stop us from you know doing these tests and allowing you to use these results as you please that being said I'm glad we had this test on our list because dimensity actually manages to reach over 2 million points here with their Powerhouse chipset Snapdragon is second as exos rounds out the top three A7 Pro and tzer will take their respective places at fourth and fifth by the way feel free to interrupt and comment on anything you feel is interesting regarding any of the tests or the phones in the comment section let's keep it going Full Speed Ahead 3D Mark helps you relate your score to Real World game performance by estimating the frame rates you can expect in a selection of popular games I think this is super useful because compared to I don't know 10 15 years ago a lot of people are gaming on mobile phones now higher points equal better results and to make this test about flagships we're obviously going to be choosing the wildlife extreme stress test once again 3D Mark puts the phones through 20 loops and tells us the best and worst result for each phone which is much appreciated this also lets us see how consistent the results are when we look at all the loops together for the best Loop the Snapdragon is at over 4,700 points with the dimensity also doing a super good job by getting over 4,100 points the exos also performed very well with over 4,000 points the A7 Pro is somewhat disappointing here with over 3,400 points as always well almost always the tenser has unfortunately ended up in last place for the lowest Loop the Snapdragon performed the best shortly behind is the A7 Pro and the X dimensity sliding into fourth and tenser in fifth place next up is geekbench ml a new addition to the geekbench squad it basically measures your mobile devices machine learning performance it can also help you understand whether your device is ready to run the latest machine learning applications we have chosen the mpu test running through these tasks at full speed will be the A7 Pro which was the only one to get almost 6,000 points it's closest competition achieved half the score as dimensity took the silver medal tensor gets the bronze medal and I think we have a problem here with both Galaxy devices we have carried out the test several times to see if we have done anything wrong we also looked in some forums to see why the score was so low but found absolutely nothing do you have any idea why this is the case if you do let us know in the comments let's move on to the last test gfx bench is a high-end Graphics Ben Benchmark that measures mobile performance with next gen graphic features across all platforms we have selected four tests to see which chipset is the strongest at the Aztec Ruins test dimensi performance is the best second place is the Snapdragon next one is the tenzer the a17 pro and lastly is the exos surprisingly the tenser wins the second test after that comes the dimensity then the Snapdragon then the exos and surprisingly the A7 Pro is actually in last place next test we have the tenser in first place once again then the dimensity the Snapdragon the exos and then the A7 Pro in the low-l test almost all are on par except for the A7 Pro before everyone thought that the iPhone was totally bad and had nothing to offer in gaming well that's not the case either way you can't compare IOS and Android directly with this test but we wanted to show you the test anyway so here are the final results Snapdragon takes the Lightroom preset while A7 Pro takes the Lightroom render in Adobe Rush the A7 Pro takes first place with 53 seconds followed by dimensity with 1 minute 24 seconds then comes Snapdragon followed by tenzer which took over an hour which is unusual so we're not too sure what happened there and unfortunately there was an error with exos as it was completely unable to export the video dimensity takes a win with kind master and then A7 Pro wins XL balloons and geekbench 6 and tutu also goes to dimensity best and worst Loops of 3D Mark go to Snapdragon and geekbench ml goes to A7 Pro in the first test on gfx bench dimensity takes the win but surprisingly in the second and third test tener takes the win followed by A7 pro winning the fourth and last round A7 Pro was able to utilize the battery of the device the best with 78% left and unfortunately the Galaxy s24 plus drained the most battery with 66% left at the end of the tests we put an insane amount of effort into this video so if you enjoyed watching it then please don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel to be a part of our versus Community if you aren't already and with that being said we'll see you in the next video and until then take [Music] care oh
Channel: Versus
Views: 26,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a17 pro vs snapdragon 8 gen 3 benchmark test, which phone is the fastest, smartphone benchmark test, dimensity vs exynos benchmark test, dimensity vs 17 pro benchmark test
Id: lZvIfFeQbnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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