Xenoblade Chronicles Explained (in 22 minutes)

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Long long ago Two titans were locked in  an eternal battle until... They stopped And then life began to grow on their bodies  and then they were locked in an eternal battle On the Mehconis lived the Mechons Who are like your average robots  except that they eat people And on the Bionis lived the Homs Basically just humans but with  a cooler fantasy sounding name And the strongest Hom is a  man named Dumban who leads   the Mechon resistance alongside his best friends Skinny Hulk Hogan A.K.A. Dickson and Mumkhar Aho was voted most likely to  betray his comrades in high school Dunban's signature weapon is called the Monado It's super important to the  Homs due to it being the only   weapon that can effectively destroy Mechons With its only flaw being that if you  aren't the chosen one it kinda kills you Dunban isn't the chosen one but he's so much  of a chad that he just kind of brushes it off During a pinnacle battle between the Homs  and the Mechon we see that Dunban gets   unexpectedly betrayed by Mumkhar Who ends up getting eaten by the Mechons With no options remaining Dunban  and Dickson charge at the Mechons For a last-ditch effort to push them back Timeskip time...skip A year passes and we're now met  with our actual protagonist Shulk pronounced "Shooolk" Who lives in colony 9 together with his  best friend and his childhood love interest ...you can decide which is which Wee-woo wee-woo The Mechons are invading again which is extra  bad because only the Monado can destroy them And only Dunban can wield the Monado And Dunban has developed severe  arthritis from his injuries So Shulk picks up the Monado and  whoa he can see into the future Giving him the chance to change destiny "Is he the chosen one?!" says Dunban "I'm really feeling this victory guys!" says Shulk "LET'S GOOOOOOO" says Reyn But then an even bigger Mechon  appears and this one has a face Which means it's an important character to  the plot and we can't beat it up just yet But apparently Fiora doesn't read the  script and rides in on a forklift like "Alright guys time to attack this thing head on!" And gets totally ultra owned by the  Mechon who take off with her corpse The next day everyone is  still sad and Shulk's like "There's two voices in my head...and  one is telling me to make them pay!" And Reyn's like "Are you sure  that ain't my voice in there bud?" But you can't hear any of it  because the music's so freaking loud So Shulk and Reyn embark on their  quest to destroy the faced Mechon while Dunban stays behind and takes  his arthritis pills or whatever But wait just one second did you  know that this game has side quests? Not 10, not 50, over 400 side quests!!! Woo!!!! And 90 percent of them follow the same format of "Hey! I was just taking a walk the  other day and can you believe it?   there was a bunny right there standing in the road Can you go kill uh...a hundred of them?" And that pretty much takes up most  of your time spent playing this game On the other side of a cave  the boys reach Guar Plains based on that one stage from Super Smash Brothers And it's at this point that the game  starts throwing a bunch of insanely   overleveled super bosses out into the open world And they all have super threatening  names like Immovable Gonzales   Graceful Ricardo and Gentle Rodriguez Basically if you get within 10  yards of them you're probably dead but at least you get to  listen to that sick sick music Shulk and Reyn end up saving a kid named  Juju who takes them to see his hot sister   who reveals that their colony was  attacked and destroyed by Mechons Shulk suddenly has a future  vision where he sees Juju getting   totally wrecked by a Mechon and is like "Maybe I should tell them about this...nahhh" Then Juju runs off to go defend his colony all  by himself and the crew has to chase after him They eventually find him getting  attacked by a Mechon but this one   also has a face and it can't be  damaged by the Monado and it can speak "Hey" And Shulk's like, "What's going on  here my Monado is supposed to destroy   everything that isn't human but it can't  kill these faced Mechon but it can destroy   everything that isn't human but  it can't kill these faced Mechon" But the faced Mechon can't really  kill them either so it's just like "Alright just fight me again at Colony 6 or   whatever and hopefully we  can kill each other then" and takes off with Juju On the way to Colony 6 the gang passes through an   underground mine shaft where  they meet the colony's leader Shulk has another vision of him dying and is like "Maybe I should tell them  about this.......nahhhhhh" Then Gandhi runs off to go defend his colony all by himself and Shulk finally decides  to tell the others about his visions And together using the power of friendship  they managed to change fate and save everyone ...well everyone who is important to the plot The actual villagers of Colony 6 were already  eaten by Mechons by the time they got there Maybe shouldn't have spent all that  time grinding side quests... whoops Outside of Colony 6 they're met  with a whole gaggle of faced Mechon   including that one from the  beginning of the game who's like "Hey Shulk remember when I  totally killed your girlfriend?" And Shulk goes "AHHH!!!" But the Monado doesn't do anything And then Dunban and Dickson  show up and they're like "AHHH!!!" But they don't do anything either Nobody does anything so  eventually everyone just leaves Dunban officially joins the party and  they continue up the Bionis to a forest   growing on its back Don't ask me how it's all  not falling into the ocean   gravity just doesn't exist in this game I guess A cutscene plays where we see a bird  lady fighting against a crystally dragon She fires a giant pee laser  and manages to scare it off Meanwhile Shulk is also starting to  have visions about visiting an old   giant chained up at the peak of a tower And that same bird lady is also in those  visions so we know she's going to join the party Hey thanks for the spoilers stupid Monado They soon find the bird lady passed out  somewhere in the jungle and Sharla's like "Okay guys this is gonna sound crazy  but I need to shoot her with my   really really big gun and it's  gonna bring her back to life   but I need these specific ether crystals  that are found somewhere in the jungle" So Shulk searches around for the crystals   and ends up finding a mysterious  silver-haired anime boy along the way "Hi i'm the Komaeda character and i'm gonna  give a bunch of vague details about the plot   that implies that I know more than I let on" Then some Telethia appear and Shulk  tries to fight them but his visions   aren't working against them for some reason "No you gotta use this new Monado power  that dulls their perception but you   have to refresh it every 6 seconds  because it times out very quickly" "Wow! That sounds like it really breaks the flow  of battle and will get annoying super super fast" "It does!" So Shulk manages to beat up the Telethia  and brings a crystal back to Sharla Who shoots the bird girl with her  50 caliber bringing her back to life After a quick talk the bird lady whose name is   Melia explains that Shulk's visions  are probably about a place called PRISON ISLAND but to get to P R I S O N I S L A N D They have to pass through Eryth Sea   which can only be accessed through  a portal in the nearby Nopon Village It's here that they meet a Nopon named  Riki who owes so much money to the   local government that the citizens  make the party take him with them That's not even a joke  that's literally what happens At Eryth Sea they reach Alcamoth a floating  island in the sky inhabited by bird people And it's revealed that Melia  is actually their princess   but her wings aren't as big as the other  High Entia because of her mixed blood So they just kind of dangle there all sad-like Melia meets with her father who's like "Congratulations on beating the Telethia!  I've decided to make you the next Emperor or is it...Empress?" And her half-sister is like "Nuh-uh! She's  not even pure-blooded her wings can't even fly   they just dangle there all sad-like" "How about we send her on a solo  mission into the High Entia temple   that definitely won't be  a trap set up to kill her" says the totally not evil lady So Melia travels to the  tomb all alone and surprise   her half-sister is waiting there to kill her But Shulk and friends saved the day  so I guess it was pointless in the end Melia gets sworn in as the next Emper...ess And Alvis has a secret meeting  with the current Emperor where he   shows him a vision of him totally  getting wrecked on Prison Island -oh I mean uh- PRISON ISLAND Yeah and Alvis can show people  visions because that's just   one of the many perks of being a  mysterious silver-haired anime boy Suddenly the Mechon start invading  Alcamoth and the Emperor is like "Hurry! Let's go to that place  where i'm supposed to die!" So the party follows him to PRISON ISLAND Where they meet the giant shown in Shulk's vision "I am the one who created the Monado   free me from my prison and I shall  unleash its true power" says Zanza "Okay!" says Shulk "Wait Shulk maybe there's a reason why my  ancestors locked him away for all of eternity I don't know just a thought" says Melia So Shulk releases the giant and  gets his Monado enlarged but   suddenly the faced Mechon appear and kill Zanza Oh and also the Emperor Using the extra long enhanced Monado  Shulk starts slashing up the Mechon   revealing that one of them  is actually piloted by Fiora and the other one is actually  that guy from the intro and the other guy from the intro is actually... Dunban?! oh wait we already knew that But Fiora doesn't seem to remember anyone and   so the faced Mechon casually  retreat back to the Mechonis The party makes their way further up the  Bionis through a snow-covered mountain where   they enter the temple that young Shulk and  the Monado were found inside 10 years prior Alvis starts ranting to the party about  the intricate details of the Monado   and how ether works but it's all  gonna get retconned in like five   minutes when the big twist happens so  i'm not even gonna bother explaining it Moving across the Mechonis sword  they once again encounter Mumkhar   who gets his butt kicked by Dunban However Shulk stops Dunban before  he can kill Mumkhar and is like "I don't care if he killed thousands  of people from our village and your sister if you kill him you'll be just as evil!" "Wow that logic really sucks but you're the  protagonist so I guess I have to believe you" But then a rock falls from the sky and kills him  anyways so I guess it all worked out in the end At the entrance to the Mechonis  they once again meet Mecha Fiora and   Dunban tries to tell her that if she doesn't  stop being evil she's gonna get grounded But then the Mechonis leader  shows up and he's like "I'm sure you already know by  now but the faced Mechon are   all under my control and I also wiped  their memories so don't try using the   power of friendship to bring them  back because it's not gonna work" "Fiora you gotta wake up! Remember...friendship?" "Hold on I think i'm starting to remember things..." "Hey cut that out!" So Fiora turns against Egil and  gets yeeted off the Mechonis   and naturally Shulk does  what a sane person would do and dive bombs after her while the rest  of the fortress plummets down to the ocean Shulk wakes up next to Fiora and is  like "Hold on she's not moving after   falling thousands of feet directly onto  her spine I wonder what's wrong with her I know she must be thirsty!" And gives her some water by kissing which is  kinda gross but it brings her back to life somehow So Fiora joins as a permanent  party member and then me   the player is like "Oh cool let me see how she plays" (groans of increasing discomfort) "Never mind" Shulk and Fiora reunite with the rest of the  party and enter a village full of surprisingly   peaceful Mechon with their leader being Egil's  father who gives them the mission of killing Egil Which they gladly accept On their way back up the Mechonis which is  surprisingly easy thanks to all the elevators They run into Egil's sister who  gives us that sweet sweet backstory Long, long, really long ago The Bionis and the Mechonis lived in peace The Mechons lived on Mechonis and  worshipped Mayneth the soul of the Mechonis And the giants lived on Bionis and  worshipped Zanza the soul of the Bionis But both species still made time to  chill out and stare off into the sunset Until one day Egil's bff Arglas  came into contact with the Monado Little did he know that Zanza had  hidden his soul inside of the Monado   and took control of Arglas' body Zanza using Arglas' body then began a war against  the Mechonis that would last thousands of years Egil never forgave this betrayal and swore  to take revenge against Zanza and the Bionis ...End scene Oh and side note Egil's sister is also responsible  for putting Mayneth's soul   inside a Fiora when she was mechanized Which explains why she has a split personality  and also her eyes glow red sometimes At the Mechonis capital Shulk confronts Egil  who tries to explain that the Bionis is about   to reawaken and that all life on Bionis will  be used as a sacrifice to supply it with ether And that's the reason why the  Mechons were sent to destroy   Homs in order to starve the  Bionis from its ether supply But Shulk wasn't really  listening and stabs him anyways So Egil gets mad and reawakens the Mechonis They fight again at the heart of the Mechonis  but this time Shulk decides not to stab him Which helps convince Egil to change his  ways and everyone lives happily ever after Then Dickson shoots Shulk  in the heart and Shulk dies And then another Shulk comes out of Shulk's body and this Shulk has even longer anime hair! Turns out that Zanza was actually  inside Shulk the entire time After he was sealed away on PRISON ISLAND He once again put a part of  his soul inside the Monado Which was found by an expedition  team including Shulk and his parents Zanza sucked away all of their ether  killing them in order to revive himself He then used Shulk's dead body as a vessel constantly sending him visions and leading him to   the day where he may revive  himself at full strength Which is right now With his newly awakened body Zanza has  a sick DBZ fight with Mayneth-Fiora Before turning Mayneth's soul into a second Monado And at this point the party is like "Hey maybe we  should grind a bit more before we take on a God Let's bounce" So they escape on their ship   just before Egil and the Mechonis get  straight up obliterated by the Bionis As the crew is flying back to the Bionis  Dickson ambushes them with a bunch of Telethia Thankfully Melia's brother shows up to defend them "Hey you forgot to mention me in the  video i'm an important character too!" But then he gets turned into a Telethea along  with every single other pureblooded High Entia That's right it's plot twist time... again Turns out that the Telethia are actually  the true forms of the High Entia   that they revert back to when  exposed to high amounts of ether They were originally created by Zanza  for the purpose of exterminating   all life on Bionis in order to supply  it with enough ether to reawaken In the second noble sacrifice of the past  five minutes Melia's brother uses the last   of his willpower to charge at Dickson  giving the party a chance to escape They land in Colony 6 and Shulk is placed  on life support barely still alive thanks to Alvis... doing... something I don't know he's a computer and he  has cheat codes we'll get to it later Meanwhile Shulk is floating around  inside of his brain all depressed   because he just found out he's  been dead for the past 10 years God, get over it When suddenly Alvis shows up inside  of Shulk's brain and gives him a vague   but inspiring pep talk that manages  to break him out of his coma Shulk returns just in the nick of  time to save everyone from Dickson Dickson pees his pants a little bit  and scurries off to Prison Island -oh god not again- PRISON ISL- -island Prison island you get it The party confronts him again but  this time in his true form as a Giant Fiora is like "Dickson why are you so evil?" And Dickson's like "I don't know they  never really fleshed out my backstory" So they kill Dickson and Shulk  sheds a single manly tear   before the whole party is suddenly  teleported into the solar system Okay i'm sorry if something doesn't  make sense in this explanation it's   probably just because Alvis did it  off-screen with his computer powers because he's a computer and he's  also the Monado and he's also a god and he's asdfasdfsdf- Zanza tries to do the ol', "Join me  and we shall rule the galaxy!" thing But Shulk is having none of that and so  begins the long and difficult final battle Or at least I assume it was supposed to be I'd already completed all the  side quests and was max level   by that point so it was kinda over in five seconds Hey it's not my fault that a God has  lower stats than the local mountain trolls So Shulk manages to awaken the third  Monado which is actually Alvis' true form Well, besides a computer And obliterates Zanza once and for all With god now defeated Alvis sends Shulk back  in time to witness the birth of their universe ...that didn't sound crazy at all Long, long, super-duper long ago Zanza and Mayneth were originally scientists  performing experiments to create a new universe Using a supercomputer run on the A.I. known as Alvis However an accident caused the destruction of  their own universe and the creation of a new one One where Zanza and Mayenth were gods with   Alvis kind of overseeing the both of  them as like a non-interfering super god Zanza and Mayneth then gave life to all the  creatures on the Bionis and the Mechonis However as these lifeforms advanced they  began to ponder what lies beyond the   The Bionis and the Mechonis Zanza feared this because the Bionis  requires ether and being left behind   would mean the disruption of the ether cycle  and the death of both the Bionis and Zanza So he created the Telethia with the purpose  of exterminating all life on Bionis so that   he could start over again and again  perpetuating his existence as a God However his power was eventually  surpassed by a new God Shulk is then given the option of  deciding the fate of their universe   as the wielder of the true Monado He ultimately decides that  the world has no need for Gods And that the future should be  decided by all of its people And so he tosses away the true  Monado and a new world is born One without the Bionis and the Mechonis  where all life lives together in harmony And on top of it all Fiora even has her old body back The end... So this is why people say Shulk is canonically  the strongest smash brothers character I mean Mario may be tough but he never  became a god and rewrote the entire universe Actually I never really played all the  spin-offs so I could be wrong on that one So there you have it the entire  story of Xenoblade chronicles There's absolutely nothing else we could  possibly be leaving out it's all over ...besides the post-game! Woo there's even more!! Ahh kill me please! okay okay okay the video  is already 22 minutes long   and if I spend another week editing  it I think i'm actually gonna go crazy But I do have a lot of the  art made for it so if this   video does well then I can definitely  make a follow-up video pretty quickly And if you have any games that you'd like to see   me cover then leave a comment  below telling me what it is I'm planning on being a lot more  consistent with my upload schedule   in 2021 so i'm gonna try to bust these things out Big thanks to my friend Harmonia for drawing  the art for major scenes in the video And Vex for doing the art for  the Bionis and the Mechonis If you enjoyed their work then give them a  follow their links are in the description You can also follow my Twitter for updates  on when videos should be coming out If you enjoyed the video then leave a  like and a comment and subscribe for more It'll really help me out in  the forbidden YouTube algorithm And of course thanks for watching  hopefully I'll see you next time
Channel: Chase Kip
Views: 1,938,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xenoblade chronicles, xenoblade, xenoblade chronicles definitive edition, xenoblade chronicles explained, chase kip, chasekip, xenoblade chronicles story explained, shulk, xenoblade shulk
Id: 6mtNXpm8m24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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