Waifublade Chronicles 1 | Definitive Waifu Edition - RamZaes

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all righty said last time I said at the center blade xvideo got 10,000 likes I would do a video in Xenoblade Chronicles 1 well okay then oh don't worry I'm not gonna have you enjoy the pain of having to look at these horrible nightmare faces again because thankfully Nintendo and monolith have made a definitive edition for the switch Hey look good like really really good so Xenoblade Chronicles released on the Wii in 2010 now remastered for the switch where they redid all the visuals of the zener bo2 art style but kept all the voice lines the same yep all of them so the game starts off with these two absolute mad lads having a cheeky go at each other but don't worry about that it's time to focus on the bacteria of said big boy yes the humans are better called homes home hub so in a great setup for a game the two Titans were fighting each other until frozen in time and now the humans who live on the bionis and the mix on the mechonis have been locked in a war where we then see these three handsome chaps Duncan mum car and Duncan has the trademark Minato blade with the awesome power of cutting through metal oh my goodness it's 5,000 degrees Celsius and it's got it through metal however the microrna too strong and advanced mum car revealing his traitorous nature runs away leaving the others behind but I guess a quick spoonful of karma showing him dying to the MEC on what a way to go out and we cut to a year later with British boy number one named shook and he's enjoying the British countryside way much better and he's getting real excited for the scrap metal but uh no this crap comes alive and British boy number two comes to help named Rhine so shook and Ryan live on colony nine on the foot of the bionis a secluded area where nothing much really happens although they still have an active military just in case the MEK on attack [Music] yeah this is easily best boy also I don't know why I tried to stop him but joke just refused to wear a shirt I know homes are so weird so he heads over to Dickson's the 1970s adult movie star I mean come on with that name and looks you ain't fooling anyone made and in his lab lays the monado blade where we cut to a flashback after the earlier battle listen short yes fury and with those bewildering words he leaves the monarda to show a weapon so powerful he could only use it at the cost of his right hand I'll say this is fiora Oh Peppa Pig got into half British paperwork jeez Duncan's sister yeah I don't see the resemblance so if you're in shock have a kind of a lovey-dovey thing will they won't they relationship and people such as Duncan alike come on choke hurry up and marry my sister I mean it's pretty obvious you like shock with the amazing food she makes for him this is great they taste so good it's always delicious but today it's amazing you know silk I hope every day can be like this Oh what's this a giant flag hurts that important but the to head back to Dickson's lab where Ryan does something naughty no not that he's grabbing the monado and Sapphira died chokes spiraling into depression his waifu gone forever or not but don't lie you mail your fans would be happy at that no the monado being the big brain magical sword it is does not cut through homes kinda ruins the guarantee on the box though anywho Ryan is like boy ignore my bad British accent but all squirt ash is telling us to get the ether cylinders for the mobile artillery unit that crashed into the row of houses say the three head into the cave to fill up on ether but at that place can attack by these weird machines not really MEK on I mean it would be pretty dumb having them echo and come all the way over here just to invade us here and with them is this creepy disgusting thing oh my goodness the mech on it has a face and it obliterates the artillery killing the colonel the tree are angry at the loss of best boy chase after it but us surrounded Ryan and ShoreTel fiora to get the heck out of there while they distract the mechs okay but like our swords they do nothing against the tough metal and when all hope is lost yes Duncan literally one handing a monado somehow saves the day and machines are so wait we are invincible nothing can go robbed and choked seeing the sword goes to grab it and enters into a slow mud phase where he sees visions of what will happen allowing him to dodge the attacks boy this sure ain't broken choke is invincible now I mean even with that mech on with a face he doesn't stand a chance wait why isn't the minato cutting through him isn't he made of metal and fiora where did you come from n fiora [Music] wait I was joking before I didn't mean azide no animecon flies off leaving the town shattered the Oregon forever shoot gets consoled through Ryan and Duncan the latter saying don't cry shook shook after a box of tissues says how he'll get revenge on the mek on for destroying the village and taking 4 euros life away [Music] in my head there are two versions of me Andy cuts to the two leaving the village and a bro quest for revenge and we get a flashback showing an expedition in the snow where Dixon found Shore 14 years ago curled up near the Bernardo don't worry don't worry anyway I guess with the big open by honest to explore I should actually talk a bit about the gameplay and firstly yes it's my favorite from Xenoblade with it being a better version of the one from Xenoblade X secondly it's explained to you so much easier than Zener both too especially with the tutorials and thirdly the side quests okay so like you talked the characters with exclamation marks and they give you quest but you kinda realized boy these are just fetch quest and so eventually the gameplay boils down to [Music] then running to wherever the map tells you to go which kind of made me not care about the quest that much I felt the journey was more linear compared to the other center blades as in chooks go for a revenge it felt kind of weird going back and running around and exploring was that just me no anyone no complaining so Ryan says eh we should go to colony six which is on the way to the mech vase and sword Valley also don't even mind that the two remaining colonies are named six and 969 but they definitely might have seen their faced mechon optician we go we also customize their looks a little because the game lets you change your armor for buffs and so on with these ether gems you can smell together in this weird minigame and as if this game didn't love me enough yes you can change the outfits of your look no matter what armor you have yes fashion gear is amazing and my duo look tremendous choke still hated shirts and Ryan wanted to be an anime cosplayer and also joining the exclusive foreign gang way horn gang oh my goodness it's my turn then yes limited to the month of July 2020 get your Ramses Horn gang shirts or two out there for you well how about some soy anime references or a big dumb monster go wife you called Ramona yes limited time only we'll be gone forever afterwards check the link down below ok bye oh that was weird anywho we make the long journey with nothing really notable happening yes nothing at all joke also learns that both his parents were there on that expedition who I found dead and only he survived like the manaro chose him and his sister further drive home that idea Cho gets visions of a singer who says use Lafourche oak wait what else you heard me use the power of the Minard oh who save the future bro I gotta stop eating them no Khan Fergus before bedtime anyway they reach the leg and have to cross a ghoul Plains a huge open field with weak enemies like this thing what the heck it's so easy I let my lesson and so this next bit well I would like to get more in depth but I'm juju to to juju juju ena well more accurately you save a kid called jutsu and his sister Sharla is ever so grateful and I mean her design is nice but like she really is the definition of average and personality and she's thought has this thing with Ryan even though her fiance is technically not dead but yeah it's just the two way fight for sure and I'd like to hurry dr. Melia you know for the thumbnail and all so pretty much he's from colony six but this other faced mechon called sword is a hungry boy who eats homs for dinner but for breakfast and lunch he likes veggies well they're gonna stop him and also meet this dude called the Thorin boy boy and the whole point of this saying is to show how show constantly gets visions of the future like a Thorin dying but at the same time is scared that what happened to fiora might happen again since he couldn't change that future but right now it's right time saves the Thorin letting Zord plunged to his death well not really because he comes back to life but we win and he's like hey choke there's a lot of mysteries in the world I'm not gonna tell ya because I'm dead say yeah joke just tell your friends about your visions and then they can help you change the future no what's wrong Hulk you're all out to get me especially that crazy Elvis I saw her my dream he's mine okay maybe it was just my imagination well the group believed but I faced with that faced mechon as a metal face and his name is metal face juju but he's not alone and has a voice too I can talk all right and yet still the monadic on crack metal face but what timing it's almost like this is a JRPG outcomes Dickson and Duncan here now wields a sword made by the former that can cut through mekin well except for the faced ones and Duncan you're really wielding that one hand today but without being able to defeat metal face it seems all hope is lost the gun until this giant monster called the telethia comes out of nowhere and scares off the machines shook at the same time gets a vision when he sees him beating up metal face plus some bird people and then tells the others about it Dixon says it's on a place called prison Island at the head of the bay honors were the high entia live a very mysterious group of people so that's where they go yes all the way from the faith do we go to the head and what do we see well one of the best looking areas ever in a video game serious Xenoblade has the best environments i swear so dicks in the thorin and juju leave while the game cuts to a cutscene or mechonis you know the other Titan where a lady who resembles a character from Xenoblade X for no reason is working on making a face to make on calling her lady meyneth anyway the four make it through a forest where they find the one the only other waifu in the game named Millia yay and so shall I shoot sir I mean shoots the air since she's technically a healer and the kind Melia gives her thanks for saving her can it be so crying from the pain runs away well tries to come on and finds us telethia and that crazy singer Elvis owner is thrusting his hips and also tells show catified the telethia aha you suck let me show you how to use that sword and yep he's Opie he says that the telethia can read minds they can read your mind don't worry mate mate in foil hatches soft that what do you mean I'm crazy Elvis then goes spawn but Ryan comes charging in and he disappears there's no one here I'm telling you he was right here he even taught me how to unlock a new power from the monado okay okay I believe you so Amelia joins a team and she's got a stick I mean rifle dual wielding blade stick who would you pick she's she says that she has to pass through this village and then on to a hometown at Aerith see at the top of the bionis and alrighty away we go stop the group climb among the trees away from the horrible terrible monsters Hill shook starts to feel a rumble in his belly I think he misses for llores cooking and especially those mouth-watering nopon burgers wait what's this an open village oh my goodness is so many no-show so uh thankfully Ryan arraigned them in and stopped soup going full caveman because these are important characters to the plot well importance is relative we need their help to shoot us up ahead to the higher points of the bionis but I guess the game has to worm in Sam Mele Ashok time on the balcony where she confesses her love I mean talks about how the telethia killed her bodyguards and she needs to defeat it to prove she's a capable bird lady chook is like hey I learned some tricks from a dead singer maybe I can help Mele are still worried that he's talking about his imaginary friend reluctantly agrees for shulk to help slay the Beast and the chief no point also says how they'll send their hero pond and no part of the highest warrior status to help fight may I introduce [Music] well Ricky's already better than taurah and Tutsis I like him no shock is the food so the bunch of jokers all head out to fight the giant tilapia seriously what the heck is she doing all right look left and right before crossing the river eventually the group find their missing telethia wait wrong one and managed to / blow it by stuffing its face full of ether and also Melia drop-kicking it so we killed another creature to help us out on a mission yay the gang all happy returned back to the village and find that Ricky is a dad a 40 year old boomer dad with many many kids well I don't know how he can tell them apart but at least he's trying to provide for his family the little furball Melia says to get to prison island we need approval from the high entia emperor so up we go to reach sea level so like how is the water floating is that a valid question to ask or is it dumb since this game has a talking walking dancing no pond anyway they say Prison Break Island yeah I don't know what I expected and spy next to it the high entia capital alchemor they teleport in with some guards go milady to Melia and take her away and since our safety net is gone the others come in to arrest us it then cuts to Melia showing wait she's actually the daughter of the Emperor oh it's not that shocking I mean she talks like this of course she had to be royalty so there's um a lot of um familial love in this bloodline would pretty much the Emperor the horny son having multiple wives one antia and one human Melia is half blooded meaning the pure anteus hater like this large lady and this other large lady but as you'll see this one it was more important than the other one thank you twitch tap correcting me on that doesn't have eyes for anyone but the throne and maybe Melia's brother I don't know like I said it's complicated so her dad is like congratulations on slaying the Beast have a crown also we arrested your friends her that goes according to the prophecy the message we found in a napkin at the local McDonald's it says the monarda user will destroy the high entia Melia says my future hubby shook would never do that but the king goes nope my words and beard a final I have sent a special investigator to investigate them we then come back to the group and see that investigator and it's Elvis he's real Elvis our buddy is like uh lul you're free to go explore this weird City and by explore I mean we have to do a bunch of side quests including this extremely hard lizard man fight I can't understand why there's so many of them it's so hard I got even enough to definitely not looking up guides online and finding the best party set up is that it's these mad lads and heavily chasing the fight okay it's what I do best while then the king and brother get Milius crowning ceremony ready indeed most insane lady Fanta suggested through the trial the Tomb Raider a ritual that killed many ancestors trying to prove their worth but she has to cosplay as Lara Croft Melia agrees except for the whole cosplay thing and instead wears a mask yeah sure you'll definitely like that Melia mil plata tells her apprentice tyria Skywalker some law dumb pipe how she hates humans and wants to eliminate Melia sanctity RIA to kill her and her friends the others then come back to see the master Melia give a speech before the cave exploring shook then gets a vision he will soon have a really fun time with someone on a beach but also Melia dies at the tomb worried about her they decide to save the bird lady but are blocked by some ninjas excuse me we ordered room service and our lady however we win and Elvis Amelia's brother kellian come in and are like yeah we should have taken care of that ourselves and Kellyanne goes look I want to help my sister the napkin McDonald's prophecy clearly states no bird people may help Duncan goes Big Brain and says humans are not bird people so we can save her and I guess Elvis is human I mean obviously and he guides them there so on the journey shook wants to learn more about the king of rock and roll and he says how is from a long line of seers who can all see the future and use the monado then we see Melia go ahead with a scanner saying yep she's a bird lady and when the group reach that same spot Ryan tries and nope he's not a bird lady and sets off the trap now can I say I was so worried here that this be one of those Ryan gets annoyed at the whole group getting on his tail and leaves or something no they just yell at him for a bit and move on good job we're not doing a JRPG trope game anyway while the group had to make their own way there we see Melia go into the final area where she speaks to an AI of the first emperor who says he is happy she is part human because it will save the entir in the end this bamboozled the bird lady but out of nowhere tyria attacks the group then conveniently arrived while another telethia appears meaning we have to fight them both yeah that was easy so tarea disappears after telethia explodes and Melia is happy there everyone saved her anywho they return and the dad is like yo that's crazy also a year after my death you will be queen no stress no stress joke is then called to the king later and he's like boy why do you want to kill the MEK on joke guys they caught my waifu hi yes I too know the loss of a waifu you see my fourth wife died yeah yeah hurry up old man fine so the deal is that when the Mekons attack they lower the ether levels on the bionis and he says how according to another prophecy he found on another napkin this time at KFC no they don't eat bird people there I ask that the monado will save everyone and says ok you have permission to attack the MEK on jokes like I want to get a prison break island first and he responds at the bird people aren't allowed there so that means no to you too but also hey can you please marry my daughter I need some more human genes in the bloodline and yours look mighty fine and strong choked remembering his wife who is dead and never coming back reluctantly agrees we then cut to the mechonis with a pear shaped character known as vernéa listens to someone order a strike on Prison Break Island which faced mechons including metal face and the silver mech we saw of talking to vinaya earlier they lead a force to attack alchemor choking the others having a picnic Amelia's garden get alerted by looking straight up I know the matron are attacking Prison Break Island the king himself goes there to make a barrier but in doing so awakes the secret a change ient naked man please don't be British please don't be British in Peru ah blimey the group then rushed to the island seals 2 seals and find that two old men the giant says his name is zanza the creator of the monado and says boy if you wanna win against the faced mechon just dad let me boost that sword up a little okay chook agrees and the sword doesn't really change much however just as that's done murderface uses the sword of Longinus from an anime no one watched and kills zanza the trident has some properties that dissolve matter also by the way am I the only one who thinks metal face really looks like that evil Digimon from the first movie know anyone then the old man dies I mean show CAD like 10 visions of this I'm sure he couldn't stop it however before short can attack metal face the other mecha tax and inside he finds the most shocking thing about the game inside the mech is a girl the wig and then she takes the wig off and it's fiora somehow alive however she doesn't remember her hubby shook and flies away with metal face then we see the King give his final speech and kicks the bucket meaning Melia is the Queen Elvis and the background whispers some things to the spirit of zanza but don't worry about that don't worry so kellian is like well my sister is too young and dumb to be the ruler so I'll do it for a year till then the others also discussed fiora and how it was weird she doesn't remember them hey at least he's still alive I used to believe my father did not love me to the Madonna I love you Wow Ricky's sad too because of empty belly Ricky we already ate us homes don't get upset just because we're hungry not hungry must have a small beef Kelly and then summons the group to say all right we're finally gonna go on the offensive and attack the MEC on with the humans and nopon he also says how there's a report that for your overseeing going to galahad fortress on the sword where we saw duncan fight earlier elvis says he will guide them there and the gang all get ready while Charlotte goes to Melia when she's all alone and says hey you know I've been riding a fan think about shipping you and shook so like don't lose okay I need this and you wonder why people don't like her we then cut to the fortress with Fury's mech being repaired but the voice of Lady meyneth coming out of her amazed that zanza was still alive oh not anymore and she says how she loves shook but doesn't know why and wants to see him again metal face sees this and also remembers wait isn't that Duncan sister Lee and hey you seem to have a thing for Duncan I mean don't we all line sew down the arm we go a very very cold place Oh cup of tea also it's slippery oh no not the spiders [Music] yeah dumb spiders however here they are confronted by fiora who doesn't call shocked by his pet name instead saying he's the heir to the monado but then wielder of the monarda there is a matter I must speak with you about and he takes her hostage telling Schalk to given the monado for her life choke obviously agrees and out pops the one the only man with the wig but then he takes the wig off and it's mum car yeah you know that dude who ran away in the opening I know it's hard to remember but it's him and it kinda explains the whole hatred for Duncan thing Melia is like long no and blast him with ether allowing Shope to grab the sword before we fight the man however half of heard the fight a whole lotta faced mechon drop from the sky along with this golden one who says his name is eagle the leader of the mechonis well gee you want to show off he ignores the group's questions grabs monkey fiora and leaves well I guess we've got to keep traveling down to sword Valley with who says hi then by leaving with Elvis well that was pointless anyway they arrive at the fortress breaking their way through very easily mind you yes nothing will stop choke getting revenge for his waifu but inside they find this green goo which is the extracted ether from the bionis the mechs put it into their weapons it ascends a great life forms come on guys it's no time for a swim also by the way since we are nearing the end here I want to mention in case I missed some aspects of the game and you want my opinion on them I do string three times a week over at twitch and you can come over there and ask me what I think on Xenoblade and who i think is best girl although you probably should know that by now anyway back to the base where mum car appears and we fight again but easily win this time allowing Duncan to get his revenge but short goes no we don't kill humans only bad machines however fate doesn't care and kills him for us [Music] yeah No any hero who cares about him the group goes in and find a girl and fiora waiting to fight however fiora like the real one you know the Peppa Pig voice tells Maynard who I guess is in control of her body to help her hubby shook and so many things free to attack the golden mech however a girl stops this and is like come on really it turning against me huh fine the next space mech I'm making I'm wiping its memories okay but then meyneth goes all power crazy road destroying most of the fortress [Music] [Music] and together they fall along with the rest of the gang all the way down to their deaths and that's the end of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 but wait a minute my footage says there's still a heart for the game to go including the DLC expansion but youtubers lock this up behind a 3k like gold I'm sorry but a doobie Howard B though say you know what to do if you want the final part to this game about the British boys love for his wife er and nope on burgers man I think your would have liked it too [Music]
Channel: RamZaes
Views: 249,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xenoblade chronicles, definitive edition, melia xenoblade
Id: mTq408JAqF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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