I Took Apart The Xbox Series X And...

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fact that this console is only $500 is insane

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tbw_2445 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That looks like Mac Pro level engineering and quality for $500.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Honest_Instruction_1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is one of the best breakdowns. Very easy to keep clean and I love the design. Kudos Microsoft.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrbill317 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Crazy engineering from Microsoft.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NatiHanson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So based on this that internal NVME can be replaced. Can't wait for the community to look into this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/greySoul03 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love the fact that the ssd is removable in case it does fail.....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xH0LLYW000Dx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yo that was nuts. No one can say that this system is cheap in any sense. Looking at their strategy to build the most powerful console is really showing and exciting. This is way more than an investment and I can’t wait for Tuesday.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/agaldam1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Could Microsoft oc the XSX? It seems like the engineering is almost overkill

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bigbromboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
a big thank you to microsoft for providing the xbox series x seen in this video i'm sure this is exactly what they were expecting when they sent it out all right we've played the system we've talked about my impressions on it we've done it on boxing and i know what you guys have been waiting for we're finally going to tear down the xbox series x today and see what's going on inside of this system because it is quite heavy and based on the the render and the teardown that they did with some of the press earlier this year it seems like a lot of thought went into the system when it comes to overall functionality so yes i am very excited to tear this system down guys enjoy this video make sure the like button down below helps out a lot and if you're new here make sure you subscribe down below so looking around this system figuring out how it opens up was actually fairly easy in fact i know a few people already took the backing off of this system posted online it appears we have two screws on the back here one is under part of the sticker here and then the other one is under what appears to be almost like a warranty quote unquote sticker down at the bottom here so we just have to remove both of those and then unscrew what i believe would be torx screws inside and i've had some questions about what tools i'm using at times and i actually went ahead and got a new set of torx head drill bits just for this project to see how they would turn out it's a company called owl tools i've never used them before but i figure we'll try them out here and i can give you even my impressions on if this is a good torque set to pick up if you're looking to kind of add to your tools for tearing down systems or other things these torx sets are becoming more and more necessary overall for working on systems since both companies just seem to really like security torx bits okay so we have one warranty pad sticker thing off of it i'm actually going to attach it right to the top there so we don't we don't lose it and then i have to unscrew right in here which i might just be able to kind of cut away at the sticker around it yep and we can measure up very quickly which one this is it's probably either a t10 or a t8 as that's usually what they like to use for these systems for microsoft looks like the t8 fits very snug so we'll go with that one so with both of those screws out the back is clipped in so it does have some extra support other than just those two screws it does look like it's meant to be open from the bottom first as it has some tabs here and then the top sort of has this lip right up here so otherwise though you can see it is clipped all the way around it's fairly thick plastic as well remember we have those vents at the bottom and the reason i point that out is because some were asking if that's a good spot maybe to clean since we did see like sony for example have the playstation 5 as a spot to kind of vacuum out and looking inside of here right now it might be since we have the heatsink right here and that large space down here it's actually a pretty good spot to try to get at this side of the heatsink where dust would definitely build up see one thing i've mentioned with systems when it comes to overheating problems is generally that dust will get caught on the other side of the heatsink the side you cannot get to most times because it's like completely enclosed inside of the system they would use a fan shroud or something to try to kind of funnel air through but that's where it would pile up fortunately it looks like where we have that opening on the bottom you do have access to this side of the heatsink remember the fan is at the top here so air to be pulled in and up through here but if you get some compressed air and maybe blast it into here through those holes or take a vacuum to try to pull any of that dust out it should actually clear a lot of it out also we do appear to have one of those microsoft easter eggs for their hardware where they'll put like a master chief riding a scorpion as an example on the motherboard for the xbox one x here it looks like they have the master chief helmet just as part of the fan so pretty cool to see that it's right behind the back one of the first things you see when you open it now with this back off we can pretty much see everything inside of the system now at the top we have our fan the motherboard is dead center here like i said our heatsink is right here and then we do have our power supply and disk drive on the other side so it's all basically laid out as we saw previously in tear downs earlier this year people would pick things up and just try to jam it inside of this box now some of the first screws i'm going after are right above where the fan is up here and they're the most obvious ones it does look like these two would be holding some of the plastic in around that underneath that fan and then we have a larger screw here that has kind of rubber around it which may help to kind of avoid any extra vibration but i assume when we get some of these screws out we can start actually taking things out and sure enough with just those three screws out unplugging the fan here the entire fan appears to come right out so it doesn't take much to get the fan out and that would of course allow you to clean it if you need to if a lot of dust does pile up in here or even up here in kind of the vents although i guess you can get to it but sometimes you might get some dust kind of stuck in here you can pull this entire fan out and clean it it is a large fan it is pretty big but i do like that it's pretty easy i mean it was five screws we had two for the back here unclip the back and then three and they were all t8 screws so as long as you have a t8 uh bit you should be able to get the fan out in like a couple minutes now is where things start to get a bit more interesting we have this cable here that was attached right in there ribbon cable that runs down and around it's marked usb and it appears to run to this module down here that would be for that front usb port and sync button right there and then at the front we can see it it is marked center chassis so we do have to get this out and i'm not seeing a ton of screws so there might not be a lot actually holding this thing in i do see a screw here around the disc or the optical disk drive as they label it here and we should also have the power supply to get they also have like this big piece of like rubber going all the way around it once again to try to cut down on vibration i assume and i guess maybe even act as a bit of a support so just it looks like i just have a few screws and i am really starting to think that it's only going to take like seven or eight screws get this entire thing just out okay so after some minor problem solving at this point i figured out what you have to do to actually get this part out and seemingly the board itself because remember there's no screws at the top holding this in vertically so the only place they could have these screws is at the bottom that's right they're under the stand remember the stand that's supposed to be impossible to remove you can remove it and it's not that bad it was all right so figuring it out was kind of annoying but here i'll show you how you do this there's a latch down here and what we do is we have to kind of go in there with some sort of tool and there's a tab that we lift up and it'll allow us to turn this and then remove it so i have the piece of plastic held up there this turns just slightly and then it lifts off that's it it has this one little stopper here that's keeping the whole thing from turning so that's literally the only thing holding this on when you're trying to mess with it if you decide to attempt to take this off and then once you do have this bottom piece off we can see some screws here here here and here and those are just holding on the plastics and that center piece this is basically everything just keeping all the rest of this stuff in place that we've seen so far okay with all the screws removed this piece which has looks like a tab down here right there will pop out and then we have this piece that is mostly there as a safeguard just to help hold the sata and power cable down to the disk drive which is now free this also has kind of rubber bumpers in here that way any vibration from the disk drive itself can be lessened at least as much as possible you can still hear it when it's on of course but we'll go ahead and unplug both of these cables and once you do that your disk drive will just lift right out really not a lot to say about this blu-ray disk drive here really it's slot loading it reminds me very much of what's in something like the xbox one x currently it's just more status quo for these disk drive units and who knows maybe next generation the one after this we won't even see him anymore all right now everything seems to be loose inside of here so we should be able to just kind of take this out like they did earlier in the year with digital foundry and austin evans and that is i guess everything else and that it wow that is a massive heatsink the other pieces left inside would be our power button and our disk eject button as well as our usb port down here along with that sync button all of that is modular so if you accidentally break your usb port on the front here it is not part of the motherboard and it technically can be changed out all right so i guess we'll start by removing this belt is what we'll call it this rubber piece that goes all the way around here it latches right there and we'll just go ahead and put that over here to the side and we have what appears to be our power supply here our heatsink on the other side and our two boards right in the middle so here's something i really like the power plug itself on the back sometimes they'll get loose in different systems depending on how well they screw them in i did notice that the xbox series x is like rock solid it doesn't move at all and that's because the screws are extremely long they go all the way through and they screw into the other side where it's all metal so it's it's very stable it's not going to get loose on you like if they had screwed it into plastic or something so that's actually a good idea for microsoft so i've been working out the different screws from around the power supply right here but they went a little further just to make sure it's not going anywhere at all when you move this system around or stand it up vertically or horizontally any of that it actually has a lip that goes underneath this piece as well so i'm going to lift all this up while i'm at it but looking at this side we do have our wi-fi along with three screws holding it in so microsoft put screws all over the center chassis to hold it together it this whole thing kind of reminds me of the panasonic q where when you open the back of that it was in like this shelf configuration you had pieces take out and that was all kind of screwed together from the top yeah i'm getting kind of those panasonic q vibes with this system so with all the screws removed from this guy right here it lifts up and we can see our power supply plugs in up here and then it also runs down around there as well so we can go ahead and remove both of those and lift this up and there we have our power supply it is a bit more serious than the one that's in like the xbox one x or any of that and it looks like they put a lot of thought into how they were gonna route the power around in kind of this more pc tower like design it's replaceable completely as we would expect but it's certainly not the easiest thing to get to right away so it does look like we have another wireless chip here for networking with antennas sticking out here and again if we have it turned in this orientation it'll be kind of sticking out the side or if you stand it up directly at the top here so we have two different ones i assume this one would be for the controller uh maybe bluetooth and then we have one for wi-fi here as well or bluetooth so they do have two different antennas there for different things pretty cool to see that but this has to be removed and then we have even more screws here to get this piece of metal off we also have our cable that is combining both boards on either side of this aluminum block so after removing that piece of metal there and carefully unclipping the cable here with this little latch this board will lift right off of here and remember we have two different boards sandwiching a fairly large piece of aluminum right here in the middle and this board for the most part seems to have the south bridge right here and it uses this cable to help communicate with the other board i like the aluminum design having a big block in the middle because it'll keep these boards from flexing under a ton of heat that's something microsoft dealt with quite a bit during that 360 era and it seems like they've continued to kind of work out how they can make these boards as stable as possible under a ton of heat while it's playing games so so far from what i've seen here this is a good design so i was trying to figure out how this came off but there's no screws and it just kind of pops off that's a pretty pretty sturdy sound coming from it when you kind of push them together but i want to be very careful with this cable here because keep in mind we are routing this cable through it and uh that's going to be kind of annoying i think overall you know the more i'm looking at this the more i'm i don't think people who repair consoles now like i'm happy that i don't do it as much now because now i'm looking at this and i'm like wow just to get down to the chip itself there is like a circus going on here right now to make this happen this by the way is part of the reason why the system is so heavy here yeah that's uh that's a solid piece of metal and here we are this is the bottom of the board this looks to be a compartment for the ssd itself and then over here is where the memory card would go in and it does look like they're doing what i think they were going to do which was cool the memory card up against this aluminum block so it would work well of course to cool it but yes it does tell us that that memory card is going to be running fairly hot when in use okay with the bottom piece removed which they mostly just kind of bent this around the edge here to kind of clip it down we can see what looks like the next evolution the next generation of the x-clamp look at that thing they actually have it set up and wow that's some solid metal by the way with four separate screws around the edges so i guess at least for this they have officially retired that old x-clamp and i like what i'm seeing here with this design minus the fact that it's torx screws because why not right but i really like what i'm seeing here with this let's go ahead and take a look at the ssd they do have uh more kind of thermal padding underneath of there as well so it's yes they're they're making sure that that ssd does not overheat at all and so much so that some of it actually spilled over into it not a big deal it's not going to do anything that's going to harm it any but it is indeed removable it is socketed in looks like we just have a torx screw here this would then lift up and i mean it looks like a typical m.2 drive i don't know if people will be able to pull information off of this or upgrade it or any of that i'm sure microsoft has their own proprietary or proprietary partitions and stuff set up like they did with the xbox one but it's good to know that if the ssd does fail it is replaceable at least at a factory level to throw the whole thing out just keep in mind how far i had to go to get to this ssd it is certainly not something i would recommend most people do so it is still somewhat tension filled with those screws you can see how much it kind of bent up after i unscrewed it looks like they have some plastic guards here just to make sure it doesn't make direct contact with the board or put too much pressure just in the middle here with all those components yes this is significantly better in terms of build quality than those x clamps that we're so used to now and with no screws left we should be able to lift this right up there we go flip it over and there is that beast of a chip that microsoft work with amd so much to create i mean this chip is massive wow what an effort to cool it by the way look at this thing this is the this is the generation now of stupidly large heatsink like comically large heatsinks we saw the playstation 5 heatsink we didn't really talk much about this one because we haven't seen it in person like we kind of did with that where they picked it up and everything this is a big heatsink this is huge so that's where part of the weight comes from it comes from this heatsink the vapor chamber and then it also comes from the aluminum block that's kind of holding everything everything's sort of screwed to you know what i'm looking at this system i honestly have no idea how microsoft released this at five hundred dollars there the quality of parts inside of this system is like outrageous and for anyone that's wondering it looks like it is just all copper on the bottom there so i guess you could technically use liquid metal i don't know if i'd recommend it though because so far with my experiences of this system it hasn't gotten loud at all i'm going to drop some mx4 on here because like i went this far i might as well but the system hasn't gotten very loud for me and maybe over time it will but keep i mean it's going to be in like vertical orientation i'm still pretty nervous about liquid metal when i have something vertically and all this but i don't think this system would benefit tremendously from it anyway it's just it's designed so well to be able to accept a chip like this and the amount of power going through it and the heat being put out it's just i mean it's microsoft's best built system i've ever seen now here on the outside we can see thermal pads all the way around so that all of that ram all the way around the chip will share this same vapor chamber with the chip itself and yeah plenty of cooling here also on any components down here that would be accepting power any of that also cooled against the aluminum block microsoft just basically said look we're going to jam this big chip we're going to make it so it can accept all the heat into 12 teraflops and we'll encase it in aluminum and a massive vapor chamber if we have to you know i also like the split board design because otherwise if you think about it the board would have been fairly wide i mean it would have been like a normal sized motherboard instead they took it split it and just kind of set it up side by side so that they could shrink the board down slightly so it's less there's less width to it overall and that's pretty cool it made it so that they could make a mini pc tower basically so it didn't have to stick out really far or be really really high or tall so i think for what microsoft was working with it was a pretty good job well now i'm going to put mx4 on this i'm going to go back through some of the pictures that i've been taking because whenever you take something apart that is fairly expensive has a lot of screws you always want to take pictures as you go through and then group all of your screws i've done that so i'm going to go ahead and start putting this all back together and we'll regroup here with my final thoughts and ladies and gentlemen that's going to do it here for the xbox series x tear down i have to say i'm pretty impressed overall with what i've seen inside of this system the quality of the parts inside are very very high i think for the most part microsoft came up with a good way to split the board while also making sure they are very very sturdy inside with that large aluminum block directly in the middle of them and then that massive vapor chamber heatsink it's just impressive stuff and i gotta be honest i'm a little surprised they managed to get this system out with the amount of power that it has all of those quality parts at 500 it's very impressive stuff also that t8 that i said i would tell you guys about and how it went through it worked out well this is uh this is owl tools they're not sponsoring the video it's just a random bit set that i found over on amazon for any of the torx screws i'll i'll leave a link down below if you want to check it out but well from what i could tell the t8 held up pretty well over what were a ton of screws initially when i was first taking this apart i thought it'd be pretty easy straightforward no this is one of the most complicated systems that microsoft has released so far so i can't tell you it's a good idea to take this one apart at home in fact it's a terrible idea don't take this one apart but it was interesting to take a look inside so let me know what you guys think about this system down below thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Spawn Wave
Views: 1,679,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, xbox series x, teardown, take apart, whats inside, whats inside the xbox series x, video games, spawn wave, spawn wave media, xbox series x cleaning, how to clean xbox series x, should you buy, how to take apart, how to, how to take apart xbox series x, xbox series x gpu, heatsink, ssd, xbox series x ssd, master chief helmet, tech wave
Id: EFAdFprWKm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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