Sony Playstation 5 - PS5 Unbox & Setup

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today we have a pretty special video because it's the playstation 5 and i'm very excited for it because i've been waiting for this thing for a while and not only that it's quite hard to get your hands on one these days so in this video we're gonna unbox it set it up and play some games alright so let's get to it [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right guys so i've been a sony playstation fan for a long time ever since the first one came out so yes i've been around that long but it's very exciting to see the fifth generation and what's cool about the playstation is that it's always been very innovative and ahead of any competition so far so this is the box that it comes in it's actually larger than you would think or at least compared to the other consoles so we got a nice picture there in the front little view of the remote the logo does say 8k 4k 120 and hdr and the ak here just shows the capabilities and the future proofness of this machine which i think would probably be used more for streaming and i would obviously much prefer the 4k 120 frames per second gaming so flipping out inside we have a little contents on the bottom everything that's included and this is the back of the box play like never before we can see how the ps5 can lay on its side which i'm not a fan of i definitely would tower it lightning speed ssd breathtaking immersion with the controller and that's what's quite exciting about this next generation is the controller because it has haptic feedback and apparently there's some kind of 3d audio technology also and of course we get pretty amazing games from playstation that are exclusive and also very backwards compatible with the playstation 4 which is very important and one thing that might be a little disappointing is the 825 gb storage even though it's fast it's a little bit small for today's standards and the newer games being much larger these days but the good part is is that it is expandable in the future and also with this disk version hopefully we're not going to be worrying about that as much because we're using a disk to store some of that data unlike the digital version that this also comes in alright so let's go ahead and open it up you guys can see on the top we have a handle to carry very nice there's only one seal on the top so it looks like there's just a paper outer shell and there's another box inside so very interesting packaging we got a little logo here a little tab so i'm going to go ahead and dump it and see what happens and so this is how the ps5 is packed so there's like this carton foam around it well it's like a paper cart so definitely not the best packaging i've seen but it seems to work i guess it has pretty good protection seems like here's a little close-up view of the card if anyone's curious and then we just got plastic wrapping all around it which reveals the console itself and wow first impressions it's definitely much larger than i anticipated it's quite tall now it does feel quite plasticky not technically expecting too much out of this we do have a really nice little cutout for the logo here on the top and it just has a very sweeping interesting design and right off the bat i'm definitely not crazy about the glossy black in the middle it's not bad looking by any means but it feels somewhat outdated already alright so let's set this to the side for a second and see what's in this box so it just pops open we got some paperwork looks like a quick start guide and some kind of safety guide and the quick start guide is quite useful kind of shows you how to hook everything up and all the ports things like that if you don't know what you're doing we get a two prong power cord and it's about four and a half five feet long a usb cable for charging the controller and it is usb type c a high speed hdmi cable which by the way you definitely want to use don't use your old hdmi cable because it won't be completely compatible with the playstation which requires a high speed hdmi and now for the best part the controller and this is definitely probably one of the most exciting parts about the playstation 5 is the controller and wow it feels really good i like the extended length here or at least it feels like it is and just feels pretty premium and this is what you usually expect out of playstation is that more of a premium feel they definitely deliver on the controller looks like they took the time and engineered it very nicely so we do still have the touchpad here in the middle and it's also like a button there's a speaker or a playstation button and then another button below that it looks like the microphone so controller also has a mic now which is pretty cool because it gives you the option to use this instead of like a headset so underneath we have the charging and the headphone jack port so we can see that it uses a usb type c charging and just looks really clean and feels really really nice so there is a new functionality with this controller where it pushes back on you with some heptic feedback it'll be nice to see how that works and how it feels when playing a game so that was pretty much everything for the box except for we do still have a support the playstation either vertically or horizontally which is quite interesting and the stand itself does you know feel pretty cheap and plasticky but i guess it does its job and not only that it is somewhat functional when you spin it it reveals the bolt here that pops out that you use to secure it in the upright position and when you don't need it you can put the bolt back in there so it doesn't get lost turn it and it locks it away yeah so that's everything for the box so pretty well packed and includes everything you need to get started so looking from the back we can see how thin it is and it kind of widens up as it goes down pretty unique and interesting a look this definitely will draw attention if you have it sitting you know on your cabinet somewhere for sure but here we can see we have two usb ports an ethernet port an hdmi output port and the power port so this is what the bottom of it looks like at the front of it we have a power button looks like an eject button a usb type c port and a usb type a port so the usb type c is very good for high speed external ssds and the a port is good for everything else so this is where our cd will slot in now there is a bulge here for the disc version the all digital version is actually quite thin and it looks the same as the other side there but i feel like with the playstation you definitely want the disc version and the reason why is because the ps5 is still unique to keeping to its core of being a gaming machine not requiring you to be connected to the internet at all times like the xbox and i definitely like that a lot and i feel like by putting themselves more available to the console player and especially if you have a lot of disks and you don't want to connect online for whatever reason the ps5 with the desk version makes way too much sense so for what it is i would not even consider the digital version over the disc version at least at this point in time so on this side this panel here is quite clean nothing too interesting here so we have a pretty like matte finish on the outside of it but if we look i don't know if you guys will be able to see it too well but on the inside of it it's got a grainy pattern and it's a bunch of those little x and triangle and o patterns inside of it it's quite unique so yeah as it stands by itself it's quite a head turner and definitely looks very unique i like this logo here it's completely cut out and looks very nice so let's go ahead and try out the stand the horizontal way which just clips on and you guys can see there's two little hooks here and it should just hook on to the end of the playstation and then we can lay it down okay i think i had it on the wrong side the cd actually goes down looks like maybe i don't know okay yeah that looks like it's more correct so it's like a support underneath it that kind of holds it up you know because of its weird shape so if you wanted to put it somewhere in some cabinet or somewhere where it takes up less room you'd have to you know use that little stand for that reason now i don't like the way it looks like this or even want it like this so i'm not going to use it like that we're going to stand it up vertically and what's interesting is you don't even have to use the stand if you don't want i think you will get a little better airflow from the bottom if you do it already has a little step here where it can get airflow with no issues but if you do want to install the stand it does go on it just like this perfectly and these two little clips actually hook to the back of it if you guys can see that and then that bolt that we saw earlier cruise into here you pop out this little cap here and it screws through to hold it completely together so depending if you want to use the stand or not you can permanently install it if you wanted to to be honest i like it without the stand i feel like it looks more modern and more clean all right so for the next part let's go ahead and compare the ps5 to the old ps4 this is not the pro so it is quite a bit thinner and smaller and you guys can see how much a larger the playstation 5 is quite a bit larger and honestly i wish you know it was smaller the playstation 5 because this does make it quite limiting and where you can stick it like this thing you can stick pretty much anywhere in any cabinet or stand it up or lay down or you know but it becomes quite a bit of a challenge when you're gonna have to decide where to put this huge thing so yeah just for reference you guys can see the differences and you know they're quite large all right so for the next part let's hook up the playstation to a tv i brought this 4k 40 inch vizio v series tv it does do 4k at 60 hertz so it's pretty reasonable for this thing so i went ahead and connected the power and the hdmi to the television so all we got to do is plug it in and then the power cord on the bottom and we'll set the playstation here on the side somewhere all right so let's go ahead and hit the power button on the playstation and i can see some blue glowing right here very cool and it powers on and it does say 4k hdr right away and check out that boot up screen very cool wow that looks really nice so right off the bat impressive because it's displaying the introduction in 4k hdr already now this tv is not great with hdr but it does okay so it looks like it wants us to plug the controller into the playstation so let's grab our usb cable that was included we'll plug in the one side to the playstation and the other side which is the type c in the controller then we're going to press the playstation button on the controller and now it's asking us to choose our language we're going to click english and by the way it was talking this whole time so we can go ahead and choose to turn that off because i don't think i want it so here we're going to set up our internet connection so we're just connecting to our router okay connecting all right so it looks like we're connected it's asking us to adjust the display if we need to and we do not because it's just fine the way it is okay now we're going to be adjusting hdr settings so we need to adjust it up or down until we can barely see that sun image there so i'm going to leave it about right there and here once it's adjusted until it's barely visible choose that so here it's saying if you have a disc game that you want to play you can go ahead and start installing it while you're going through the process so we're just going to skip this for now so here it's asking our time so depending on where you live you're going to choose that so here we can control our power options i'm definitely going to go with the low power use because where i live power is extremely expensive and i don't want the console constantly running if it doesn't have to we're going to agree to terms so here we can choose to update the software which i think it probably needs to be done now i'm not sure so i'm probably going to go ahead and do that because this is a new console and we want to make sure you know we get the latest software just in case there's any kind of bugs it'll be ironed out so click on update and see what happens it is quite a large update but we are downloading it extremely fast surprisingly wow so it finished downloading and now it's restarting all right so it's going through a few i guess software updates and it's turning on and off itself so we'll just wait till it's done and so far it's very quick it's only been a couple minutes all right so it looks like our update is done and that didn't take more than about three to four minutes very impressive so i'm gonna push the playstation button on the remote so it looks like the controller itself wants to update also let's go ahead and do that so it wants us to sign in to the playstation i guess app i'm going to skip this for now do this later so here we're going to choose an avatar that we want to use and looks like they got quite a few to pick from i guess we're just gonna go with astro username just vlad okay i don't think it likes that i used a space let's try that all right so that's good so here's asking about collecting data i'd like to choose the limited data all right and there's our welcome okay so it looks like this is the main menu very cool definitely feels nice overall so if we go up we got games media search and settings let's go to settings see what we got here so yeah pretty intuitive menu here so lots of different options storage so here's the important part i guess we have 667 gb left on the storage which is not very much considering you know how big games are these days but eventually when sony lets us use the expandable storage we should be able to upgrade quite easily but for now that's all we have so yeah you can pretty much control everything you need in the settings here including your video outputs and refresh rates and things like that so let's see if the astros play room is available to play it does say play here so let's click on it we'll see what happens also guys i wanted to mention that i'm not sure if my tv is adjusted exactly correct for this but hopefully you guys be able to see on the video here that it does look really good and if i click info on the tv you guys can see that we are in 4k hdr 10. so we got all the goodness going so let's press any button so astral playroom it really showcases how well this controller works and i've already hear it vibrating and you know the speaker on it is doing stuff so i am still plugged in i don't know if i should be maybe i'll go ahead and unplug so let's go ahead and start the game so it looks like we got a bunch of generations of playstations going through wow that's pretty cool so the adaptive triggers are the ones on the bottom which is l2 and r2 okay so when you click it you can feel it there's a very believable feel to it wow that's a very interesting sensation wow pretty cool it's such a nice feedback so we got the touchpad on the top and you can draw anything you want on it obviously and you can also click on it obviously but yeah very responsive like literally as i move it very cool okay let's go to the next thing all right so here we have motion sense those astros that fell inside the remote you could actually feel them dangling inside it feels like something inside is there's something in there and it's wobbling around that's funny how believable that is wow they did a great job i'm super impressed with this feature very cool and also we do have a microphone that we can talk to now all right so we've got the playstation 5. [Applause] that's a super nice presentation wow guys holding the remote really makes you feel i i don't know what to say this is very impressive i never thought that sony would go this far all right so it looks like astro is ready to go okay so we're running around so every step that astro takes you can feel it on the remote [Music] literally all right so x is the jump all right so let's get those coins there so literally every step that i take i can feel it on the remote okay if we hold x he actually has some laser flyers and it comes through to the controller very well okay so we need to chop this up with our lasers there we go click the other one so we're going to click the box to hit with our hands i don't know guys i'm super impressed with this controller when you talk about next generation this is what next generation feels like when there's something so unique and so new and something you can be excited about and looks like the playstation 5 is definitely not getting it out of the park with this controller all right so here looks like we're going to need to grab these little wires here and press the box there and pull on them so i can tell that the footage is definitely or the game is played at 60 frames so it's very smooth once you go from 30 to 60 it's a huge difference i know a lot of people talk about 120 but for the normal folks like myself and a lot of other console players an upgrade from 30 to 60 is already a huge upgrade everything is just so much more smoother so yeah it looks like this is some kind of room here where you can i guess choose what you want to play next it's so nostalgic in here because they have all kinds of different playstations whatever this thing is so it looks like we can go in here and do something in here i definitely appreciate how sony included this game here to showcase the controller and just the capabilities of the new platform so definitely not a disappointment here and i know the kids will love playing this game and what's interesting is even adults would enjoy this thing especially having all that haptic feedback through the controller all right so i'm not gonna spoil it anymore for you guys with this astro playroom i'm sure this is a super cool fun game and we're definitely gonna get on it here in a bit but what i want to do next is i want to stick a playstation 4 game in here and see how that works all right so when we push this playstation button we can see on the bottom here we can choose where we want to go so we'll just go home and what i want to try is gran turismo sport and the reason i want to try that is because it is a driving game so there's a lot of movement in there i'm not sure if i put the cd in the right way or not but judging by the way it sits flat with the disc down the picture goes up yep that looks like it was correct okay so it does look like yeah we'll have to download a few things from the cd itself before we can even start it so we're gonna have to wait i guess while we're waiting go back to the astro playroom and run around a bit let's just run into somewhere random here okay so it looks like this is how you start a board okay so to access the map and click this menu button here okay so these are boards you can play i guess this is the first board here all right so i don't know if you guys will be able to hear on the mic it's picking up the water as i'm walking on it so the controller is actually giving me different kinds of sounds like right now i'm walking on grass and it's giving me like this grassy sound i guess and then when i hit stuff it also makes you know noises there too so there's a lot going on here with the vibrations and the sounds all right so here i think we need to pull it probably so it does give you a little hint on the left there what to do all right so now we got a little rope to walk on if you guys can see it's windy here and the controller is making windy sounds so i just want to say that you gotta experience this game no matter where you're coming from this is definitely a unique experience okay that's am i supposed to help this guy somehow i feel like if i push the wrong button yep oh wait no that's hilarious whoa okay wrong button and i die and also guys i wanted to mention that the playstation itself is very quiet practically no sound coming from it so the disc is spinning right now and it's not loud either but i'm going to bring my mic in so you guys can hear so there's some air coming up here overall it's quite quiet it's not like you can't hear it obviously you can hear it but mostly it's the disc right now so overall much quieter than the older systems once they heat up they really start to rev up and i would hope so for this large size that you know it's getting plenty of cooling as it needs all right so it didn't take long and the gt sport is ready to go so let's go ahead and push play okay so i guess it's updating something so i'm just going to go ahead and wait until it's done because i definitely don't want to confuse the system i'll just go ahead and enjoy some more of this astros playroom [Music] so this is restarting and it doesn't take long to get going i would say about 30 seconds from the start which is not bad at all all right so the gran turismo has downloaded and started automatically on its own pretty much starting over here because i did not sign in into the account but right off the bat it looks really good now i'm used to this game in the regular playstation not the pro so this is probably going to look already a lot better than normal now i'm filming in unfortunately 24 frames per second so you guys are not going to see the smoothness of the motion but i'll be able to tell you guys how smooth it is all right so let's just go to the arcade mode and do a single race i guess all right let's just go with this alpha here red's fine automatic for now so let's see how long this unload time is going to be normally this is a while [Music] all right well that was pretty quick so here it's asking us what kind of steering we want to use i guess we'll use the analog stick and the brake and acceleration on the bottom ones let's go ahead and start it all right so you guys are not gonna see but i can tell you right off the bat here it's smooth as butter that's beautiful now another thing is the remote is definitely not acting like it did in astros playroom because it's you know not using the functionality it only does the vibrations that's about it so i don't have any kind of heptic feedback or anything so okay so let's change our view here i guess we can be inside the vehicle look around plays very nice actually so yeah as far as the picture quality it looks really good so it's probably not the best game to show off the playstation 5 but you know it is an older title that i think would probably be played especially while we're waiting for the new gran turismo game and that's what i'm really excited about now another thing that i'm really excited about is we do have the logitech g923 with the true force feedback that should work very well with the playstation 5 and this game so if you're interested in seeing that stay tuned for another video but yeah with that said guys i'm really really impressed so far with the ps5 itself and the astro playroom is where it really shows what the console is capable of so i feel like if games can get to this level at least playability and control interaction i think we got something really amazing here with the playstation 5. so the developers take their inspiration from this little astro playroom game i think we would have a lot of excellent games for our enjoyment with this remote and also the design is very unique and very interesting so this thing really demands attention once you see it you can't take your eyes off it because you're wondering what it is and i know there's some people that don't like it but it is what it is and you have to give it to them for pushing the envelope i do wish it was a bit smaller but as long as it performs and gives us years and years of enjoyment it looks totally fine with me and if you're doubting about the ps5 i'd have to confirm but it's definitely everything that it's been hyped to be also guys i forgot to mention that the controller has a dedicated button to mute the microphone so once you click it it turns orange and that actually mutes and it pops up on the screen that it's muted so if you don't want your microphone to be on you can mute it and you can actually go in the settings and default it to mute it if that's what you want but as far as the controller goes itself it's a beautiful controller and sony did an excellent job with this next generation and with all the haptic feedback and what this thing can do this thing is awesome and i'm probably going to pick up a second one because it's so good and there's more games now that you can play together so that's kind of cool so overall i'm really impressed and really like what i'm seeing and i can't wait to see more games that are going to come out for this system so we're going to put it through its paces and enjoy it and we're actually going to make more videos so if you like this kind of content then stay tuned and if you enjoyed this video then hit that like button so thanks for watching and i'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: Just Vlad
Views: 1,514,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5 unboxing, playstation 5, playstation 5 unboxing, playstation 5 review, playstation 5 setup, ps5 controller, ps5 gameplay, ps5 unboxing and setup, ps5 review, sony ps5, sony playstation 5, sony playstation 5 unboxing, ps5 console, sony playstation, ps5 console unboxing, ps5 gaming setup, playstation 5 game play, ps5 gameplay graphics, ps5 review and unboxing, ps5 astros playroom gameplay, ps5, ps5 games, ps5 cyberpunk 2077, ps5 pre order, ps5 vs xbox series x
Id: 6dN-zDitRwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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