Xbox Series X: One Month Later - Things To Know before Buying...

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so the xbox series x has been released a little over a month ago and i'm going to give you guys my review give you guys my feedback things i like dislike it's a opinion review it's not an in-depth review you know in your mind that you won an xbox series x it's just some things that i noticed that i just want to point out now if you guys missed my playstation 5 one month later review make sure you guys check that one out you guys seem to love that one and this one is going to be pretty much the same exact style first things first i want to point out the design the design of the series x definitely did grow on me at first i was like this is a boring looking system but when you get it in hand this is a gorgeous nice little system you know what they say less is more they didn't really do too much with the design it has a cooling fan on the top and overall it's just a bold looking console it's simple but effective and it works and it looks nice i love the fact how this has a cd drive unlike the series s which i'm going to make a separate video talking about that so i could be able to play my old xbox xbox 360 and some xbox one games you can basically play the entire xbox catalog right here on your xbox series x and i absolutely love that backwards compatibility is remarkable on xbox and to go alongside with the design it is a matte finish so if you have greasy hands this is a fingerprint magic so be careful it's gonna get smudged up but chance of you touching your console every five seconds it's very slim unless you turn it on i absolutely love the green accent on the top even though i thought that was a light when i first saw the console for the first time it's actually just like a painting inside so it just gives you the illusion of it lighting up xbox kilted man less is more absolutely and even like the unboxing experience that's one of the best gaming unboxing experience that ever like ever man like the unboxing it's just like it's all black inside so when you open up the box it's like the console lift up it's a remarkable unboxing experience way better than the ps5 ps5 had a bunch of white cardboard and styrofoam it wasn't really a pleasant unboxing experience but the xbox they presented you with that console and yeah bravo to microsoft for both the design department and the unboxing experience they definitely did knock that one out the park now i know you know who cares about the design who cares about the unboxing experience but just certain things i just want to point out i want to talk about the controller this controller is flat out amazing this is way comfortable than the dual sense controller although i still like the dual sense controller for fighting games such as model combat tekken street fighter even though street fighter isn't on the xbox street fighter 5 that is i absolutely love the xbox series x controller and for someone who missed the xbox one this is like a totally brand new console um if you're coming from the xbox one you're gonna feel right at home with this one but just coming from a ps4 to just the series x and ps5 if you want to be technical this is definitely a new experience for me and the textured grip on the back you're gonna definitely feel that at all times so you guys see that texture grip on the back man absolutely love that so for hours of play you're not gonna feel any fatigue-ness sweatiness that tactile and feeling and even that same grip is on the trigger itself except for the bumper on the top and the analog sticks stay nice and concave and just holding it for the first time it just feels natural it just fits in the pombia hands the controller size is even perfect too in my opinion now i was coming from the xbox 360 and i you know that controller was comfortable but you had that big battery pack on the back and you constantly feeling that but now that we have a nice slim back you don't feel nothing and it just it feels so much more comfortable than the 360 because that was my last xbox console now at first i wasn't a fan of the controller taking batteries but i start to appreciate that and you know why the ps5 dual sense controller that dies so quickly man it's an improvement but it's still i rather have a battery pack because well it lasts so much longer than a iron battery and microsoft or xbox sells a play charge kit but it's sold separately i feel like microsoft should include it in the xbox i mean why not you know what i'm saying that they should have did that but they gave you batteries to start off with but then you're on your own you have to spend 24 i believe that's how much the kick cost yeah i feel like they should include that in the box period you know literally period and if sony would have did something like that i would appreciate that just give us battery packs so we could purchase more packs along the way and that would help the longevity of the controller so what would you rather spend 25 on the battery pack or spend 70 on a brand new controller i mean do the math yourself so i like the approach that xbox took but i hate the fact how the play charge kit isn't included so that's unfortunate i didn't purchase it i'm still rocking out with the old-fashioned batteries and it's so funny because when i was using the xbox controller i'm thinking this is a pro controller from nintendo so i'm pressing b thinking it's a to accept and a to the b i don't know i got confused but i gotten used to it one month later because the controllers feel so similar to one another for the most part i love this controller and especially you have the the elite controller xbox makes you have different color variations to choose from i got to get that elite controller next man i know it's 200 and 200 for a controller is an arm and a leg but that elite controller is going to be something else and to be able to swap out the analog sticks and and the d-pad and just have that customization level is going to be pretty sick all right so shift and focus to the console itself yes the user interface the user interface been controversial because the ui is 1080p it is not a 4k ui and i think that's a little disappointing because when you're switching games you're gonna get a split second black screen because it has to switch resolutions versus like the playstation everything is so seamless because everything is 4k and you start to see that the text is blurry a little bit you can still see it and i understand it's just a ui so it's going to help you get to point a to point b you know who cares but old microsoft can fix that you know seeing the difference between 1080p and 4k that's a significant difference in my opinion so hopefully microsoft can you know put out an update to fix that uh but other than that the ui is not too bad it is a little bit more complicated compared to the ps5 the ps5 is a little bit more simpler to get the point a to point b you have your recently played games on the top and then you have your my games and apps everything is right there and then yes you have some ads there but come on guys everything you need is right there essentially and if you want to search anything you just press y and you can search up anything you want so it's not it's not rocket science to learn the ui on the xbox but if you've been coming from the xbox one you're gonna probably feel a little disappointed because this is the same exact ui as the xbox one but like i said i skipped the xbox one so this is a totally new ui now i absolutely love quick resume quick resume on the xbox is just it's the best thing since sliced bread i'm gonna say right off the limb right off the bat it's the best thing since sliced bread to be able to play kill an instant and then switch to do maternal then switch to control it does it just doesn't get no better than that guys everything is just within seconds if not maybe just one minute but there are some caveats to it because well it doesn't work all the time i would say it works eighty to ninety percent of the time and that's still a very good percentage but then you have that ten percent where it's like it didn't save my last session so there's no quick resume um but when it works it's just like it makes me smile every time like man like going back to the ps5 is like man i wish sony would have a feature like this but unfortunately it's just not present on the ps5 but it's still important to make sure your games are saved don't just rely on the quick resume even if your console is off like just completely off you yank out the power cable quick resume will still work guys like man quick resume is remarkable and then even the xbox will tell you quick resume game pass on the bottom like it tell you exactly what's what and speaking of game pass game pass is another reason why i even picked up an xbox so if you get your xbox today if you're lucky enough you have a plethora not plethora but you have hundreds of games right there available unlike with the playstation you have to buy certain games like and by turning turn around you're spending hundreds of hundreds of dollars while meanwhile if you just subscribe to game pass which you can start a trial i think right now they have it for three months for one dollar this is not streaming you're downloading the game so you don't have to worry about any lag or delay and the thing is if you have game pass ultimate you could play online too so it doubles as xbox live gold yeah it's just the list goes on and on with xbox game pass now i'll be honest the download speeds isn't as fast as the ps5 the ps5 had that insanely fast custom ssd while the xbox series x has just the standard ssd it's still fast but you got you got to take that into consideration and also what's weird is the xbox doesn't have wi-fi six i don't know why why not the ps5 has wi-fi six right out the box so it's a little bit more future proof having that wi-fi technology if you're just stuck on wi-fi five five seven years later you're gonna have a very slow wi-fi card now yeah wi-fi six is gonna get old too but it's better to have that one step ahead than just having just wi-fi five it's fine now but think about the longevity also there's no type c that is another weird thing um right now you guys probably not gonna care about that but longevity where things are gonna start adapting to type c you're gonna miss you're gonna really do miss having a type-c port on your console i'm happy that sony at least included one but microsoft unfortunately no type c is present here now the fan noise you don't hear nothing what i mean nothing you don't hear nothing this is something that time will tell throughout time once the xbox start to collect more dust maybe the fans will start to wrap up a little bit if you guys want to see a fan test video like five six months later from now i'll be happy to make a video showcasing the fan speeds between the two consoles ps5 and series x yeah that's gonna be interesting it is so crazy to say that everybody wants a ps5 you don't really hear too much talk going on with the xbox but come on man show show xbox some respect at this point getting the ps5 is like a status symbol and what's important is it depends on your friends if your friends have the xbox then it would be feasible to buy an xbox because you could talk to your friends and play with your friends but if a lot of your friends have playstation then unfortunately the better experience will be on playstation but that's just how it is you know whatever your friends are that's where you should probably be at i just picked up the xbox just for good measures and just good times i just missed playing halo gears and some of my classic call of duty games and believe it or not the xbox is more powerful than the ps5 but the ps5 has a faster ssd and we don't know how the developers are gonna utilize the power the extra power on the xbox versus utilizing the ssd speeds but i think they're gonna probably utilize the ssd speeds more because the power difference isn't really too significant you know i'm not a developer i'm not a coder the ssd is more important than the computing power if it's the same relatively the same but all in all the xbox series x is a fantastic choice for next gen although you're missing some blockbuster games such as the last of us part 2 goes to tashima final fantasy 7 remake street fighter 5 just to name a few and ratchet and clank you're missing out on a lot but this is still a fantastic option from quick resume the game pass the controller i see microsoft making the biggest comeback with the series x and i feel like microsoft they know what they're doing now
Channel: SimplyPops
Views: 236,007
Rating: 4.7643514 out of 5
Keywords: Simplypops, xbox series s, xbox series x, series x, xbox series x review, ps5 vs xbox series x, playstation 5, playstation 5 vs xbox series x, xbox series x startup screen, xbox one x cyberpunk 2077 review, xbox one x smoking, Microsoft, Xbox, PS5 vs Xbox Serires X, Xbox series X 2 months Later, xbox series s vs xbox series x, series x gameplay, xbox series x controller vs ps5 controller, xbox one x, xbox series, xbox series x vs ps5
Id: ENaW8r4vsQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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