Xbox Activision vs FTC | Kojima Xbox Exclusive | Cheap Xbox Game Pass Tier | High on Life - XB2 247

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thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] what is going on everybody we are live brand new edition of the Xbox 2 podcast is uh well like I said it's live and hopefully everybody will be able to hear my co-host this time we spent a lot of time before the show making sure his audio worked which is something I uh I'm sure he wishes a certain uh TV show company uh would have done but welcome I'm Randall thor19 the man with the million and as always we have jezel muted you know I I'm gonna run this into the ground man I'm gonna run this into the ground my my buddy well Jazz Corden managing editor of Windows Central and super popular muted guy on German television talking about Activision Blizzard [Music] well you know shoppings as they say um but it was still pretty cool it was still still it's still a pretty cool experience man what happened was right I got DM and then and they were like oh can you can you come on our show at 9 15. and I was I thought they were talking about tomorrow the next day they're like oh no we mean like in in 20 minutes I was like oh my God oh my God scramble so I'm like I've just come back to Germany um I've been in the UK for a week and um so like none of my stuff was settled properly so I'm just like scrambling to set up my audio system and my microphone and make sure it's all working and stuff and I don't know what happened they said that they got some of the audio through on their end like for those who don't know um those are listening to this who don't know one on Twitter there's a clip of me on Twitter going on a DW news DW business news to talk about the Xbox Activision Blizzard deal but unfortunately there is no sound coming through so it's like they they introduce me and stuff and and then there was no sound but they said they were getting sound on their end um but something went wrong at least and uh and it's sort of like yeah so they said they did capture the audio and they're gonna they're gonna put it they're gonna put it they're gonna insert the audio for a rerun or something or something I don't know but it was yeah it's very very funny very very entertaining yeah let's say very entertaining especially for me because now everybody knows what it's like because every time before the show like today jazz joined the Jazz joined the show and guess what his uh was using a different microphone than the one he currently is using there's always some sort of audio issues with jazz so I don't know what it is man every time I use my computer it's just different different audio device decides the default we even put Jazz's face on the thumbnail which yes we did interestingly enough you guys are what guys I want you to bring up the podcast really quickly um because what you have it up so you're watching it yeah um uh someone sent us to me well the actual video up because it's funny because it's gonna be funny okay just for just for a second so someone sent this to me and he wanted me to to put it on stream so uh this is an honor honor of you Jazz so oh no there we go look at that oh no look at this I know I know there's a delay but when you see it magnifica ah man I'm I'm not looking forward to this uh you know while I wait for that to stream through you've been all right Rand yeah I've been doing your Victory lap patrolling your boy I'm doing I'm doing pretty good I'm doing I'm unfortunately though it is extremely cold here in the United States extremely cold here in Chicago so I'm like good negative oh good huh is that all you have to say is this is this your revenge I could see I could see your comic now uh The Simpsons comic yeah so so oh man well I'll have to I'll have to put that in the in the description on on Spotify so other people can see it but that's uh that's pretty mean comment bro enjoying my Misfortune well you're enjoying mystery loves company right yeah and that's why you're freezing it's karma you're being mean to me God God has sent a punishment to you specifically to make you freeze to death but what's the temperature there right now I've seen it in the news some somewhat about this polar vortex this is this has like almost become a thing now we're doing like a weekly weather report on the Xbox 2 podcast now yeah it is uh I don't know it's like negative 10 degrees with the wind chill of negative 35. it is extremely cold here but you know what it's okay I can I can stomach that because I'm from the Midwest we we're used to cold but I tell you what I don't know if I'd be able to stomach that epic fail on TV I just I just I just I just look at this this Simpsons thing where it says watch this Lisa you can actually pinpoint the second where's heart rips in half and there's that picture the picture of you face palming oh it's so beautiful I wish I could get this like framed like get the get that get that picture of you blown up and glorious [ __ ] get it framed put it on my wall or have it as like a special Xbox 2 thing or something like you could be our mascot or something I don't know I absolutely when I when I face pods I like completely forgot that I was on camera it's like oh that's like that's like the most like you know natural reaction that I had to it but oh well which happens right yeah I guess all right I'll take I'll take the image off so you know so so it's not up there anymore I just I thought I thought it was I thought it was hilarious it's funny it's funny it's very funny but um yeah we should have a great show for you guys uh I know everybody's bundled in for the holidays for the cold tomorrow is Christmas Eve so hopefully everybody can uh you know if you want to kind of move get away from the family maybe you can turn on some random Jazz so you can listen to us talk about all the great stuff that's going on in the world of Xbox right now uh we have a lot of topics to cover Xbox Activision versus the FTC uh Jazz click baiting on Windows Central gaming uh you're using your clickbaiting bro uh Microsoft confirms these games will never come to Xbox never yeah little that you know uh high on life breaking all sorts of Records kojima's mad XBox exclusive yeah we have uh we have a whole bunch of stuff to talk about um but let's do some housekeeping first and foremost uh this uh episode of the Xbox 2 is brought to you by betterhelp and Jazz it's the holidays bro right it will soon to be after the holidays and you know people get a little bit down once they're kind of away from their friends and family members and I know I just want you to know that I'm there for you I know you're probably thinking about maybe you know you're probably depressed after your everybody's been making fun of you over this whole jezel muta thing right oh great but so if you're ever feeling down better help is here for you Jazz okay so as the world's largest therapy service better help has matched three million people with professionally licensed and fully vetted therapists all available 100 online plus it's affordable to get started all you need to do is fill out a questionnaire and then better help will match you with a suitable therapist for your needs if things aren't clicking you can easily switch to new therapists at any times there are no waiting rooms and no waiting in traffic and no endless searching for the right therapist better help has been instrumental in easing the burden for millions and maybe it can help you too you can get your 10 off your first month at uh slash XBox two and a huge thank you to better help for sponsoring our show such as if you need to talk to somebody after your horrific deal after your epic face palm moment a better help is here for you brilliant indeed yeah like I got a few friends to use bet like seriously I got a few friends who use better help and they you know they say it's really good so you know it's uh you get 20 10 off first month forward slash XBox two spell all well so yeah um Rock handle roll Rand we've got some other yes a housekeeping we have the wonderful people at patreon who uh you know you can go to xb2 we do have an announcement Tuesday next week so what day is that that is Tuesday December 27th Xbox two plus one returns with with our guest the one and only Lord Cognito from ILP so he will be joining us on Tuesday uh live for all the patrons which will be exclusive for about a week before it goes up on Jess's Channel and all the different uh podcast apps across the world so I'm really looking forward to that because Laura Cognito is an amazing dude a great friend and I can't wait to talk to him about everything going on with Xbox this year and looking into what's going on in 2023 right yep indeedy do um we gonna we're gonna have quite a lot to talk about and it's gonna be really cool because I don't think I've ever sort of hung out with Cognito or in in a sort of smaller setting I've always been sort of on either his show or with the the lion Lords which is a you know a bigger show so this would be a nice nice intimate session with Cognito lots of certain not to make it sound too uh not a lewd or whatever but but anyways uh we've got some more uh how's came in to do real quick uh the patreon shouts so those who are subscribed on patreon one of the tiers gets you a free shout out well not a free shout out gets a shower show so I'll just run through those real quick and thanks to everyone on patreon no matter what tier you're on for supporting us to read those help out sort of gives us like a a cushion of support against turbulent times and you're gonna have to also get uh some some better better uh see uh better lighting next time you're muted on TV you know from that patreon money instead of you instead of using it for for a Diablo statue that oh my God you couldn't even fit in your room yeah well I figure I can I can like I figure because I use a Diablo statue for Content that I can it's a tax Rob right that's right that's true totally um so uh I might as well the tax man's gonna nuke me this year so I might as well but um yeah this is some patreon shout outs Ryan kuipel for an object Mythic Mighty Tyler Gunstar 75 moronic donkey 99 C money Mario Kart madman on YouTube and makazilla steaks man of Randall 419 Silas Eric Gregory Elijah Vasquez James Moore and Matt Salinas katriot's Ricky Fallon nerdy Meathead bright 101 Jasper sharp Joseph Campbell I'll be your maiden jazz Xbox International just to dwell Frank Mourinho P Bro King Justin Miller Ace of T and Madison on Tidy Tim Grizzly mofo g governor Grimm Daisy huffin Justin Sago Andrew Courtney wagon man achievement the skirker one-to-one Darren torpy Professor JJJ Butterball eight Ghostface Killer Wolfgang kpz and Ralph Wiggum thanks guys for your support and also all the other patreons no matter what team you're on thank you so much for your support and all that good stuff and uh yeah we'll be back on Tuesday and Xbox two plus one exclusively uh on patreon and then uh with the with a week-long exclusivity so yeah yeah and uh this week's patreon producer is Mario Kart madman who's a gaming news nerd culture let's play Channel where every week they put up multiple pieces of content covering gaming Xbox PlayStation Nintendo PC anime Comics movies and TV shows they also do unboxings funny shorts and funny amiibo videos on a regular basis the host of the show or madman doodle purple Berry and C money and they want to be able to reach 300 subscribers by the end of this year and making their way to the big 1 000 subscribers so thank you guys for supporting the show as a Payday patreon producer the link to their channel is in the description and uh yeah make sure you guys go check out check their Channel out and give them a subscription so they can reach their goals so yeah moving on from the housekeeping stuff well you know it's it's time to get into the nitty-gritty we've already made fun of jazz you know I saw a comment before the show started that was like man I hope Rand doesn't talk about this for two hours and you know what I would have I would have made fun of jazz for two hours because it's not often I get to do it okay normally it's I do something wrong because I'm always the one who hosts the show so any of the technical difficulties is my fault jazz is always kind of just in the background playing OverWatch too you know people love them he's got 80 000 followers on Twitter you know racking up all those new Twitter views right so oh yeah new Twitter views so it's like you know I'm always the one who gets made of I'm always the one with the name that people use like Randell cheaper Randell you know muted or Randall whatever whatever fits the bill like oh I I'm the one right now do you remember Randall criminal right not criminal yeah right so for once for chains you know Jazz has an epic fail on a global platform and I just wanted to celebrate and just make you know just just gently because you know I was proud of you for for like oh man my my boy Jazz has finally made it right National Television talking about Activision Blizzard as you know a esteemed uh what's the word I'm looking for here like someone with knowledge about the subject because you got the knowledge although although some people on certain websites or certain people on Twitter would say you're just a fanboy or whatever right but you know yeah that's you're a fanboy a blizzard you just I don't know how many times you've said it but like you don't really even care if Activision goes with Xbox you just want Activision to go at somebody be so kothic and get the F out right so yeah basically I just I just I just won I just want blizzard to be okay yeah so you know I I'm reveling in this moment because who knows if we'll ever see an epic face palm moment from Jazz ever again you know he he's gonna be going on to doing bigger and better things this might be the only time we can all sit here and have a good laugh at his expense because I'm sure I will screw up right I will say words wrong uh I will do things wrong something will go wrong with the broadcast where I mute myself for 10 minutes and everybody makes fun of me so just this one time let me have this just this one time uh I I'm pretty sure this won't be the last time there's a there's an epic foul for me but you know it's You Gotta Laugh right you gotta You Gotta Laugh if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at right indeed so look at some of these super chats uh we got one here from DB Cooper who says finally here for the live show since my wife is in the store shopping Jazz your face palm was epic I think it was a very epic face palm uh Supernova says Jazz do you think Jimbo has a hand on that issue yeah did did the PlayStation did Sony cut out your mic well what happened oh man maybe maybe they hacked me yeah I don't know yeah Elijah Vazquez has a member for three months says Little Jazz I know it must have been awkward to be muted but making on TV is a huge accomplishment how you boys have hope hope you boys have a good show and Merry Christmas yeah anybody listening to this later I know we get a lot of people listening it uh you know days later whether it's on the podcast apps or on YouTube I want to you know wish everybody a Merry Christmas and an excellent uh holiday with their family friends and loved ones I'll be pretty much buy my lonesome chillin by myself for the most part you know and uh living vicariously through people who are with their family and friends and their loved ones not even I mean I don't even want to leave the house it's so cold outside so you know I wish everybody a very happy happy Christmas and you know new year next year we will be having a podcast next week by the way and that one might have guests on it too I haven't really decided yet but we will be having a show next week because the Xbox 2 train you just can't stop it man you just can't stop it Can't Stop This Train contractually obligated uh flame says Jazz if it makes you feel any better I bet you made fantastic arguments against the 10 horses from California who thought rare was bought this year [Laughter] oh dear uh what else we got we have uh uh radamus not muted Cisco says Zoo member for 17 months this rain you don't have to make fun of Mew Jazz for two hours Chad is here all in good heart guys you guys the absolute best love you guys thank you oh we see we got we got miles down PA in the chat we got Fonz in the chat I was just recently on fonza's show you know Fonz has this program he uses where he makes a show like really nice looking does he do all these things but I broke it because I don't use a camera so Fonz had to actually go back to use stream yard the free version because I'm just a cranky old man who won't go on camera the show because of it I feel bad you know but we had a great show though I often wonder if we should switch to something like stream yard or no or um no no streaming our glass like 600 bucks a year to use bro what yeah like the free version gives you nothing and if you want to actually get the version that you know is good it costs like 50 bucks a month or something well we can afford that now I mean sure but like why bother when we just use Discord and do whatever you want in OBS no reason to use stream yard the only reason you the only reason you would use stream yard is because you don't want to figure out how to use OBS and you just you're just comfortable just giving away money to a company you know we can go on we can go on camera bro we can go on camera with OBS there's nothing stopping it I just don't have a camera and you know no remember I I said you know I'm a man of my word 100K I I'd probably do it but there there's no way I'm going to pay some company fifty dollars so I can stream myself when I can do it for free via Discord and OBS like please get out of here okay uh assassins out of here get out of here remember for 17 months says Mary ax missed everybody guys it's almost Christmas so I want to ask are there any updates on any Xbox Global publishing projects belfry Shaolin Etc well Jazz that's a question for you since you have all the code names are there any updates on Xbox Global publishing titles I don't have any updates unfortunately um honestly Microsoft's done a good job of plugging plugging the holes in the The Leaky leaky holes lately to be quite honest with you um so no I don't have any updates in a minute um I don't know if you've got this as a channel topic or a podcast topic or not run but this rumors going around about redfall right now which I realize isn't Global publishing but no because I mean it's just a rumor and all we know is that the game was supposed to come up by June so I don't know how I don't know how a game can be delayed when it doesn't have a release date but I mean supposedly the rumor was the game was supposed to launch around March or April and now the game's been delayed by four to six weeks and might launch in May I guess so we'll see that's the thing it's all it's all the unknowns with Xbox when are these games coming we don't know because Microsoft is super quiet you know hopefully cross cross fingers they have they're they're gonna bring in the new year uh shouting from the rooftops and showing off you know gameplay for all their big titles coming uh this year you know redfall included but it's just one of those things where could it be true maybe I mean I don't know we have no idea when redfall is supposed to come out and uh I mean if it does get pushed to may I mean that's pretty close to almost a year delay I mean it was supposed to come out in summer of last year I know summer starts in June and you know summer's technically what July August September it's getting pretty closed up to that almost one year delay um and I mean you look like I think we've talked about it before when you look at the release window like all the games that are coming out in January February March April May and June right it's pretty packed right you have all these bigger third-party games from Star Wars Jedi Survivor and Resident Evil 4 Diablo uh for Street Fighter 6 Suicide Squad you have you know Final Fantasy 16 you have a lot of these games planning their flag being like this is my date and they're big enough games where a new IP like redfall you can't really push them around like Starfield you probably could even though it's a new IP it's also God Howard and it's going to be big no matter what but a game like redfall needs its space needs its window of time where it's not really competing with anything else and when you look at like okay when could we potentially launch this brand new IP what day works best and you look at like February is packed to the gills obviously you're not going to be ready for January you look at March and you're like okay but then March has woh long Dynasty which is a Game Pass game and then a week after that it's skull and bones and you could be like well maybe if you're ready by then we can launch it against Colin bones because it's different type of games right but a week after that Star Wars and the week after that is Resident Evil so it's like you don't you know you don't want to launch against Resident Evil or Star Wars so immediately he's like okay well that's the end of March but then that's also when the the exclusivity arrangement for ghostwire Tokyo ends you look at April and it's like okay April there's really nothing there besides Dead Island 2 at the end of the month so that seems like an open window where you could slot somewhere in in April uh may you know you got Legend of Zelda which is going to take up a lot of talk in the video game industry right I remember when Legends Legends of Zelda breath of the wild came out 2017 along with the switch it was the only thing everybody like talked about it dominated discussions and won the game of the year so you know maybe you'd want to avoid that and then Suicide Squad at the end of May so I I mean there's there is a fine art of of like Hey when's the game going to be finished plus when is there a window that we can have to ourselves where red Falls really the only game uh that people are talking about you know it's do you think there's also an element of not wanting to step on their partner's toes sure of course yes 100 yeah Phil's always mentioned to me that they got to be a good platform for third parties and stuff and they don't want to step on the toes of you know because Xbox makes money off of all these games right they take 30 cut so you want to be a great platform for them and you don't want to you know essentially ruin the sales of Star Wars Jedi Fallen Survivor or Fallen yeah Jedi Survivor because you're also releasing your own game so yeah there's probably a bit to that too but also at the same time why would you release those you know games close to one another so the game could be delayed the game might not be delayed we don't even know when it's supposed to come out all we've heard is just rumors and you know who knows if any of them true so I know this is one of the reasons why people were upset that Microsoft decided not to show up at the game awards with new gameplay or at least a release date and this is why people are hoping that there is a showcase sometime in January February because it's getting pretty close to to like these games releasing and you know a lot of people it's just like you haven't seen a lot of these games and you know usually it's kind of like if you don't really see a lot of something and the release date's supposed to get close it's kind of like is that game actually going to make it right so you know her fingers crossed but Microsoft has a lot of heavy lifting in front of them to do uh then you know we'll we'll see I mean I haven't heard any more about uh a showcase you know all I heard which is weird because people started sourcing me like I'm someone to Source right if you want to Source somebody on the show Source Jazz has legitimate Insider knowledge about stuff all I have is just people that will whisper things to me and all they said was hey there might be a game showcase uh early next year but they couldn't tell me 100 either way if it was happening or not it was just that hey we're hearing some things stuff might be happening but uh in people's rush to be the first to post something on Twitter or on on Reddit people are like YouTuber Randall 419 and just Gordon confirm uh a game showcase and like confirm that you're talking about what do you mean we didn't I didn't confirm anything all I said is I had a couple people whisper to me that maybe there might be something that that there's they're starting to sound they're starting to be a little smoke in the air you know something might be happening but I don't know man that sounds like confirmation to me bro yeah right why haven't you written the article yet confirming it since you're confirming you know games that will never come to Xbox right I don't know well that's that's I'm just repeating what this is in the CMA thing man what are you talking about the Microsoft said so we'll see we'll see what's going on also I Gotta Give a big shout out I know it's not here to Xbox Trader gas Xbox Trader gas who uh you know I I I've been in Gaza shoes you know what I mean I've been there uh you guys gas has made some videos recently a heavily criticizing Xbox for certain things and Gaz is a really really good friend of mine and man is he is he just people just are not uh happy with him you know calling him a traitor you know that's what I've been calling them calling them I'm like hey Jazz or hey hey guys like you Xbox Trader hopefully your Xbox Exile is worth it you know repent and think of what's on what you've done um but it's it it's kind of what I've always said there are certain segment of of people who don't really care about you don't care about me don't care about fines don't care about dealer or culture don't care about like all they really care about is the platform they want to see the platform kind of get positive praise all the time it's always positive 24 7. you never want to hear any bad news so sometimes when bad things happen like when Starfield or rentfall get delayed or games get pushed or Microsoft makes statements to the FTC that make them look weak right it's like please let please FTC let us acquire Activision Blizzard because we just we're just make we're just no good at making games you know presenting themselves as just like incompetent um to win over the regulators uh it's not odd yeah people people it's not hard to present themselves well people don't like that so they started turning on my buddy gas you know uh but I've been there Jazz I've been there there was people that wanted me kicked out of the Xbox Community like there's some leader of the community that is like hey you know what uh my word is law around here remember when I when I when I you know said bad things about Crackdown three and that whole storm there are people there were legitimate people out there who were like kick Rand out of the Xbox Community who is he anyways even though everything I said about Crackdown 3 turned out to be true and they ended up delaying that game for two years there are people that were upset I I dared criticize the Xbox platform how dare I do that there's things you should be kicked out of the Xbox Community way worse than that like what like uh play in Pub G for five thousand hours for example I don't know I mean you know I wish those days could return return I was really hoping war zone two I you know as I played war zone one for like 200 hours I was hoping it would bring my friends and us back together and uh it didn't and we played it for like 20 hours and it was just wasn't a good experience and why don't you just play OverWatch man I ain't playing they play OverWatch I don't I don't care for OverWatch I didn't care for OverWatch when it first came out I don't care for OverWatch now I'll support you in your Xbox Exile you have to do your punishment your Penance repent and um you'll be back in no time Exile will be over uh assassin says every Xbox YouTubers podcast should support happily jazz in his time of need by muting their mics and having their chats decipher what they're saying what has to be so the way yeah everybody should do that where it's like jazz is muted or one person's muted and the other person isn't so it's like they're having a conversation but you just can't hear what the other person is saying that'll be a really fun game or it definitely would be um uh we have one here from Silver Fox I said hey guys what do you think of the clista protocol I'm almost done and once you get to hang in the combat my opinion is awesome that is the uh that's the next game I'm playing um oh you haven't played it yet I haven't played it yet it came out when the wedding was going on so I couldn't play because I was doing the wedding stuff then my family was all here the week after and really couldn't play anything so this past week I've been playing high in life which I finished and the next game I'm tackling this weekend to fight off the cold is kalista protocol and I'm kind of very curious how I'm gonna like this game because I've told you before I love me some horror games I love me some dead space this is a spiritual successor to Dead Space we got dead space coming out in like a month month from now which I can't wait but uh talking about my advice what try and try and clear your mind of the fact that it's anything to do with dead space okay if you play it with a completely blank mentality like honestly it's a it's a melee game it's not a shooter you gotta gun but it's used in melee combos you know you can use it like a regular gun but there's so there's so little ammo it's more to like use it in the middle of combos to to make a quick shot to bring the enemies down quicker it honestly is a mellow game so if you play it with that expectation in mind I think you might end up liking it it's it's not it's very very imperfect it's a very imperfect game um but I I honestly really like it I haven't finished it yet um because we've ascertained I've already finished games these days but I was really enjoying it it's one one thing that I'm going to go back to if I ever stop being addicted to well for five minutes um but dude why are we so good right now it is so damn good right now but you know why since you mentioned it Rand can you give us your thoughts on high-end life because this game has been very controversial hasn't it what uncle is the protocol no highness yes it has been very controversial there is this I liken this little Rick and Morty thing like Rick and Morty became extremely popular and there was just a very very very small but very vocal minority that made it their personality to tell you that Rick and Morty's awful right that the humor is low brow and it's it's not it's not fun to watch and stuff like they would come out of the Woodworks to be like just show stupid and you're stupid for liking it right so high in life was I think always going to be this sort of divisive game right comedy games usually are especially comedy games in the vein of Rick and Morty where it's kind of yeah sophomore humor right a lot of swearing it's not me you know kind of low brow humor what a sophomoric potty jokes stuff like that right it was always gonna I think always gonna be very divisive because their reviewers are going to be like listen the the comedy quote-unquote or the talking guns I just it just graded I mean I just couldn't play it anymore three out of ten you know even though the game is 100 serviceable uh you know I I think I beat the game 11 hours enjoyed all my time with it but then again I am like the target audience for this game I am a Rick and Morty fan so I was kind of like I'm down for Morty being a gun I was just kind of surprised by uh how cool the game got as you progress like for for like you know Justin Roland being the creator of like squanch games like it had a very metroidvania-esque feel like you get a gun you get the reversal abilities like the jet pack or the power slide and each kind of level you go through you use those abilities to get around very much like a metroidvania um and that's what I would kind of call it a metroidvania doom because you come to the combat areas you'd fight and move on to next and have some story segments and some some comedy bits and some of it's some of some of some of it's really good some have me laughing out loud not gonna lie uh some of it of course fell flat like most comedy cans sometimes but I have to say I was constantly looking forward to all right you know I mean let me load up some high in life and let me play for a few hours before ending it all we like it was just a fun experience I didn't expect it to see I didn't expect Time Life to get as big as it did which Microsoft announced that high in life is Xbox game passes biggest 2022 launch and the biggest third party game uh Game Pass launch ever so um so they said here that they're happy to announce the high in life is Xbox game pass's biggest launch of 2022 the biggest third party game launch game Game Pass launch of all time and the biggest release of a single player only game in the service history and those stats are measured in terms of Engagement based on the number of hours played in the first five days of release No Game Pass has had some pretty some pretty big games maybe not like the biggest games right we saw back for blood last year launch uh which was a pretty big pretty big game plagues tale Requiem I loved it one of my favorite games this year that was day one you had MLB the Show 2021 and 2022 I remember when they announced MLB the Show 2021 people were losing their minds because they couldn't believe a Sony first party exclusive was finally was not only coming to Xbox but also going to be an Xbox game pass free to their subscribers where when Sony doesn't even put that game into PlayStation Plus right people were losing their minds and that was when we were all thinking man maybe this is where Game Pass turns the corner and starts putting bigger AAA games into its service because right around that time outriders was also announced for the service right um so there's been some big games uh Persona 5 even though it's you know a few years old at this point also launched but mostly Game Pass has been the home of Xbox's first party whether it's Halo infinite or Forza Horizon um Psychonauts 2 stuff like that and some high profile Indie releases and the fact that here you have high in life which apparently started as a stadium exclusive right nobody even really knew about until E3 this past year when they had a trailer for it um releases in December when you know most games don't come out right most most games tend to avoid the December time frame and it was just everything on Twitter was about high on life everything on Tick Tock was about high on life everything on YouTube was about high in life you started to see more and more people talk about it Benji sales would give us updates uh via his profile be like whoa you know it's like number two on on Xbox console Game Pass OR number number three on on PC game pass right and it was a kind of building up building momentum and then Xbox updated their most played chart and was like number four only behind fortnite Modern Warfare and Grand Theft Auto ahead of other free-to-play games like Apex Legends and Rocket league and you're like whoa this is this is pretty huge and then they came out and was like yeah it is so I mean what do you think about its success like I know you played it you really like it I quite enjoyed it I probably give it an eight I enjoyed it way more than I thought um I thought the gameplay was pretty damn good I liked how you know each of the guns added something different and you can kind of switch in between to get a different feel with different abilities I loved using the you know the dash to get around it was just a really enjoyable experience that uh I I didn't even really know I wanted until I had it but what do you think about the this kind of uh this game blowing up on Game Pass jazz well it's really funny you know because literally a sort of the week before high and life came out I saw like there was some I can't remember which website this was actually but there was some editorial that was once again calling into calling into question the viability of Xbox game pass of course um there was someone was uh I can't remember honestly for the life of me I can't remember because it was a little while ago now it was about about a month ago I saw this but it was the editorials on some website and it was like the retail Market on Xbox is completely dead because of Game Pass and no one wants to buy games anymore blah blah no one can make money with Xbox and whatever but then you've got this game high and live which comes out almost immediately after this editorial or whatever it was I can't even remember where it was I saw this um and uh it was it was like well that's a load of BS because this game um Not only was it exploding on Game Pass but it's also been exploding on Steam been exploding on you know on other storefronts and it's been exploding on Xbox two as a retail game not just on not just on Game Pass you know where you can get it for you know however many dollars or whatever a month um but also like at retail so I think that kind of like it once again kind of says to me that um Game Pass is a marketing tool and I think like the the the the people uh who might squanch games were made high in life they pretty much said as much on uh Major Nelson's podcast that week where they went on and they discussed like how the game had gone you know as a result of being on Game Pass because it totally it totally sort of it was almost like it spat in the Creek's faces because the Creeks were like oh this is 6 out of ten you know terrible game whatever and you act you had some Outlets that were really hard on it like giving it four out of ten which I think just things dishonest it's not a 4 out of 10 game by any metric in my view um but they they sure you know showed them but not only the Creek showed them it was like it's highly rated on user score as well it's almost like it's almost like it exists in spite of the big critics now which I suppose is half of the course of Rick and Morty right like but there's there is a snobbery towards Rick and Morty um and uh that kind of humor that you know that is you know for what for whatever reason you know um there's a kind of snobbery towards that kind of humor Rick and Morty South Park from like so-called highbrow critics you know um but yeah I'm kind of the target market for it you know so I haven't played it too much yet I previewed it at Gamescom um the build I played at Gamescom was fairly rough um um so it you know I was kind of worried that it would launch in a rough State and I think like it was a little rough when it launched and then they sort of they patched it up like the same week that it launched so it does feel a little bit like maybe it was a rush to the finish line for it but it does seem like they um you know that kind of Xbox must have known at some level that they had something special here and um and that's why sort of you know they got it in Game Pass and it's blown up like it has I think like um I criticize Microsoft the week before it launched saying like uh you know high and life comes out on Monday but you wouldn't know it because Xbox hasn't said a damn thing about it um but it looks like you know it didn't matter because now it's the biggest game on Game Pass so um certainly seems like they got the money's worth I'm really happy for it I'm really happy for squanch games I know it really sort of improves The Game Pass model when it comes to games that'll actually like resonate with people I guess I think like um Game Pass just doesn't work for games that aren't truly good you know and that's but you could say that about the whole Market maybe I don't know it's it's very interesting I guess and it'll probably high in life will be a case study it'll be a case study about games that you know don't review that well by critics but end up being like really popular like is it because of Game Pass that it's popular or is the game just that good you know it's hard it's hard to tell um the end of the day but well it's interesting because Justin Rowland was on Larry uh Larry or you know Major Nelson's podcast talking about Game Pass and he had an interesting quote he said before we decided to pull the trigger on and I spoke with a handful of other Studio folks who did Game Pass and I ultimately came to the conclusion based off what I heard that it is it's a value add because essentially there's a lot of people that would otherwise not have picked up a game and played it and those people if you believe in what you've made and you really feel confident that you made something special or different and we do with our game those folks can become evangelists in a way for the title which is something we've definitely seen I've seen people really talk about this game maybe more so than they would right and that's sort of think that's what exclusives kind of get you right everybody's like the exclusives whether it's God the god of war ragnaroks or the forzas or the Halos they kind of get that extra push that extra talk that you know in The Ether more so than multi-platforms right uh but then he also says a lot of folks told me that non-game pass games that ship versus Game Pass games they get seven times the sales hmm now what do you make of that because you mentioned earlier like oh people were talking about like oh game passes Microsoft shouldn't have done game pass because it killed the retail Market or whatever and I said good screw the retail Market Let It Die it was a dying medium anyways uh Game Pass uh basically kind of accelerated its death and not only that but like launching a console that literally can't play physical games so the physical retail Market on Xbox probably is dying if not dead considering you know the console that is sold the most for this generation can't even play physical discs right I think that's I think you know come to think of it the editor I saw was from a British outlet and they were using UK cells that it was an example and UK sales diet or is disproportionately gonna punish Xbox because they are the ones with the because it's all physical data they only have access to the physical retail Market um and of course Xbox is disproportionately um a digital call a digital platform now so I guess like that's another you know indictment of that fact yeah Roland he Roland said that uh Roller's research helped him conclude that game pass is quote a powerful tool to get a lot of reach if you really do believe made something worthwhile it's a pretty powerful tool and that's what I gathered in doing my due diligence on my own a lot of folks told me that non Game Pass games that they ship versus Game Pass games they get seven times the sales which is I mean seven times the sales is pretty that's not double right that's not even triple I mean seven times that's a lot um and then like Phil's always talked about that how like Game Pass helps sales it doesn't really take away and I don't know like you know the statistics because XBox doesn't share those with us they share them with developers and stuff um but you can maybe you could make an argument that hey all it's like it's like a really high level form of marketing where you have all these people playing this game liking the game talking about the game creating fomo about the game so then more people either decide to buy the game or subscribe to the service or buy it on the platform it's available on like steam you mentioned before high in life was what number two overall on Steam for the week you know so yeah I mean it's just one of those things where you create a great game and you'll be rewarded so I don't know I didn't expect this to happen and I'm sure they didn't expect it to happen now the question is does Xbox pounce on this because to me if you have this game right what are the what did they say this is um this is what the biggest Xbox game pass launch of 2022 the biggest third party game pass launch ever and the biggest single player launch ever right um to me if you're Microsoft you want to make a deal with the studio to either like make the game exclusive if you can if it's driving that much engagement to Game Pass and getting that many people to check it out or start thinking about maybe doing an Xbox Global publishing deal right have their next game be exclusive right because they're always looking for Content creators right Justin Rollins got a large fan base you know it's kind of built in on this so to me it's kind of like all right high in life did great and it continues to do great and it really is promote a Game Pass in a way that uh you know most other releases haven't been able to do and it's like but now we have to think about the future so you know hopefully Xbox is out there being like let's continue this partnership let's let's work more closely together in the future because you know I can definitely see areas where high and life could improve with a bigger budget right yeah um and you know that's some that's something I was thinking about I think I think it'd be I think it's a great get if they if they can lock the franchise down or do a a broader deal with them for like the sequel or something it's uh because Microsoft always says like when I speak to people at Microsoft it's like when I talk to them about sequels like you know when I was starting out starting I was a journalist and I first started getting access I'd ask them things like um where's our Quantum break so equal and they can't always say to me like our philosophies that games have to earn a sequel you know and I guess in their view uh rightly or wrongly Quantum break didn't earn a sequel but this is this is this is one game that I would have thought is Thoroughly and definitely owned a sequel um so hopefully this is the kind of like the scenario that Quantum break would have been in if it had blown up on Game Pass and hopefully Microsoft does capitalize on it because I think there's a major opportunity there like you say um but who knows if they will you know I kind of feel like this this would be a great kind of thing to sort of do on the low key while they're you know they're wrangling with uh Regulators over the FTC and stuff they can't make any big major new moves to acquire of the studios like we always talk about how you're interactive and certain affinity and some of these other Studios that I think Microsoft should acquire but like this is this is the kind of move that could do like sort of kind of under the radar you know to secure some future content for Xbox so I'm really happy about high in life and I think like Microsoft is uniquely positioned to help them polish up that game especially with uh in Tech um not in Tech in software you know because it is kind of Doom like ish in its combat mechanics you know you got the whole knife the execution and all executions and stuff like that which are hilarious by the way knifey is just yes who's who's your favorite okay how far did you get in the game I'm kind of curious I've watched my brother play in it though so I can't I got an idea of how many they're all they're all pretty good like Kenny's obviously the Morty gun uh you know straight up pistol you know solid uh sweezies the Needler machine gun right uh which I don't know I thought I thought maybe she was the best all-around gun like machine gun you could then like aim to kind of like charge a crystal to shoot through cover and she also had the the time slow ability uh and then they had um Gus who was voiced by JB Smoove hilarious dude he was the shotgun on and then you had a creature who was the one that just basically shut out little babies and it was it was their they were all fun to use so I would constantly be switching between guns just to just to kill people with and it was just it's always interesting to hear what they have to say in any given moment about any given situation you know I I don't know I really enjoyed high on life I mean it made me smile quite a bit so now but now I'm going to the dreary world of kalista protocol and a couple people that I you know I there are people who are like hey this game's really good like Colts really enjoying it but then a couple other people I talked to like I've never been so disappointed in the game I'm just like whoa like we're going from the highs and the lows here like people really liking it people not liking it so I'm like well I'm telling you man I'm telling you man it's it's all about expectations it reminds me of cyberpunk a lot of people were like a lot of people would solved but we're expecting Grand Theft Auto and when they went in and it wasn't like Grand Theft Auto they were pissed and I kind of feel like that about Kalisto protocol a lot of people went in expecting dead space I know I know I did I wasn't expecting dead space like you can I actually streamed the game on my channel a little bit so you can go and listen to My First Reactions of it um and I was like oh my God this combat is awful you know but then I started started vibing with it man I really did I started like I started getting it I started like adapting to it and working around it because there are some sort of things I think could be more intuitive about the combat like it's uh the whole the whole targeting mechanism in the game is automatic which makes it very difficult sometimes to hit who you trying to hit sometimes you know um but at the same time there's things you can do to work around that like you can do like executions and stuff which gives you a little bit of invincibility like enemies like stagger away from you when you're doing an execution so like that sort of gives you an opportunity to reorient yourself in the combat stuff could it be better yeah it could it could definitely definitely be better but I think you'll enjoy it for what it is if you go in with the right expectations and mindset that's how I kind of feel about it so now that we have uh this information about high and life do you think it can be surpassed right granted you know say it's that 30 million subscribers right because Netflix is constantly breaking their own records right one one one thing is like squid game comes out of nowhere stranger like it's their shows are constantly breaking each other's records mainly because there's more subscribers than ever before right and and two three years ago game pass only had 12 million subscribers now it has you know 30 million say so there's more people more people playing more people you know playing the games to break the records so what is it so knowing what's coming next year is there any game on the horizon that is poised to break more Game Pass records in your opinion or as high on life going to be it for quite some time um like do you see something like problems well let's see that's the thing I was gonna say starfield's got to be gotta be bigger than high in life right well the thing is man the thing what I think about high in life is is what you said about Justin Roland is that he's got an inbuilt fan base it's almost like it's an it's not Rick and Morty but the Morty gone is intentionally Morty isn't it because it kind of sells it sells it to the Rick and Morty fan base you know all the Rick and Morty fan base no matter where they are what platform they're on they're going to see that more you're going and immediately recognize oh that's Morty this is a Rick and Morty game it's got the same humor as Rick and Morty so you kind of get in that that sort of Ip tie-in without it being an IP tie-in and I think for me that kind of proves the point that Microsoft needs some of these franchises like you know uh how uh Sony leverages Spider-Man for example you know and and stuff like that kind of proves that to me that you know what we've said before in the show that Microsoft needs these sort of uh these built-in IP uh and um I don't know what you call them these established third-party IP stuff that could possibly give them um more exposure than they otherwise would have you know so could it be that Starfield beats high and life given the fact that high and lives kind of riding that Morty train I want to believe that it will but at the same time I'm honestly not sure I suppose it depends how viral Starfield goes um in a way uh and will it go viral you know you don't know you don't know if it'll actually be like super good you don't know if he'll have those memorable moments that sort of making I don't guarantee you it's going to have a higher critic score it's gonna have a higher credit score but who cares think like Morty the the Morty game uh the multi game high and life has like so many memorable moments and it's almost like by Design there's like so many Clips there's so many secrets so much for four fourth wall breaking stuff in it that like it's it's almost like a game designed for this this generation of marketing stuff you know so um yeah I uh I mean I'd be interested to see how Starfield affects all this stuff but I guess we won't find out until later yeah I'm just curious because I'm thinking like okay we got some big third party games coming early I mean early next year looks pretty crazy for Game Pass in general right Monster Hunter rise Persona 3 and Persona 4. um you have atomic heart in February you have well long Fallen Dynasty in early March granted I don't think any of those games are going to reach the highs of say high in life uh but those are some pretty big titles coming to the service in the beginning of the year yeah as miles put I would not call on Windows Central that was just titled Xbox game passing 2023 has no chill yeah right redfall I don't know if redfall will be as big as high in life but it does have co-op and then there's that you know star field which I think I've said before I think it's the biggest Xbox release of a brand new IP from them since gears like this is a watershed moment for Xbox uh Starfield like I it's probably the biggest name game they're going to release since sliced bread I mean you could say it's the biggest game they released since like Halo infinite but even when I think about the next like Star field and then like what's the next big game after that it will probably be Elder Scrolls right as as far as like the next huge big release that overshadows everything else so like I would imagine Starfield when it comes out will have those same like biggest Game Pass launch ever you know most new subscribers uh blah blah blah blah those sort of metrics uh that they would use there you know biggest single player game you know obviously it wouldn't be third party but um maybe this is kind of you know with with more eyes on high in life and game pass through you know different marketing avenues like Tick Tock because because really high on life blew up all over Tick Tock maybe it gets an audience that really wasn't concerned about Xbox or Game Pass to kind of take a different take another look at it and Microsoft sort of needs to rise you know ride that momentum into next year release quality games talk more you know uh and uh I'm very interested in seeing how all this plays out uh like what is the next big thing kind of like how Netflix is like well it's squid game but then it's oh stranger things 4 but oh no it's Wednesday oh it's the Dahmer show like they're constantly releasing things that went up the next and I'm like okay well what is the next thing to one up high in life so yeah um we have super chat here from Gunstar who says merry Jesus day you handsome [ __ ] love y'all P.S I'm drunk yay well we love you too Gunstar I hope you're having a great day man uh Sith Lord says happy holidays guys thanks for everything stay safe thank you and yeah if you guys are in the The Wiz the the what do they call it the blizzard bomb or whatever make sure you guys are being really safe uh JC says I want him to make the new conquers if what happens I have seen this the sentiment really yeah start appearing a lot about people would want um because there's always that like rare has this rare doesn't want to make a new banjo game I think it's pretty apparent I think they've said that enough and I I also think they don't want to do another conquer game they just don't want to do those style games and they would have to get a really good pitch from somebody right probably one of the reasons we haven't seen no banjo game a new banjo game is because rare hasn't seen a pitch that they've liked although I I like to imagine for all my banjo Bros out there that are listening you will see a new banjo game sooner rather than later uh it's quite just possible same thing with Killer Instinct maybe they just haven't gotten a pitch they really like from a developer that they trusted but now it's like you have the success for this and it's like man maybe these are the right people to sort of bring back a conquer and we talked about like hey maybe you do some Partnerships with them and be like be like hey would you like to do conquer and boom Conker's back although I don't know [ __ ] really needs to come back at all but either way it's interesting to think about um silent Cipher with the big Super Chat thank you very much he says Merry Christmas guys thank you for all the content over the Year hope you have an awesome holiday with your friends and family cheers to a stack 2023 as far as games go yeah it is looking pretty damn stacked um you know because I didn't really play that much this year Jazz you're you're making fun of me and uh yeah I've made more than you you did well although did you really though I mean did you did you did you really look you know you say my points playing a game for 15 minutes unlocking achievement and going to play something else doesn't mean you played more than me jazz no it totally does I applied more hours bro you may you may have uh you know for the first time you probably beat me in it in in two decades but yeah I also applied Elden ring more than you yes you did but you didn't beat it yeah because I had like three save files oh man I kind of like it's really annoying because I had to play all the ring for content right so I had like multiple SCI files I had a melee dude I had an Archer dude and I had a mage dude and we were like grinding all this content um grinding these save files for Content I just got super burned out I got like 150 hours in the game according to True achievements thing um but like man I was just kind of like um I don't know how to describe it I just so burned out when I went by the time like I got to um the Earth tree and stuff so I just like ended up playing someone else for a while and then just I don't know I'm not coming back to it I won't come back to it eventually but I'll have to be probably a while yeah you won't play it again for some some good amount of time yeah I will play it again I kind of like I'll come back to it like I did Dark Souls after like a million years or something um but yeah it's it is what it is yeah you had you had uh played 240 some odd games I played like 25 or something which was pretty low for me it's probably my lowest year in two decades um but you know like I mentioned plenty of times in the podcast I wasn't really interested in a lot of stuff that came out this year and I I rediscovered reading so I I read more than I probably game this year uh I think I read 70 books this year so I played a lot of indie games this year I think you did we played them for 10 minutes and then left because I ended up getting more achievements than you and more gamer score yeah no I don't I don't grind achievements no I literally said on the show that you had to play a game to get the last achievement even though you weren't enjoying it like I can't remember maybe maybe in the past yeah 100 I don't know no no no no no no no no no no no no absolutely 100 the legendary Mass Effect Edition this year as well or am I going crazy no I did not I did not no well Mass Effect was last year and I didn't bother to beat it on insane because what was the point because I'm not an achievement hunter anymore if I was I would have beaten it on insane no no even even high in life I didn't bother doing all the Collectibles I I got all the achievements except too but I'm not doing that anymore Jazz so no you you're completely wrong so it's just like you why you may have played more yeah you're 100 Call of Duty yeah well no I beat it on veteran yeah there you go 100 called you but good job but I don't have all the achievements yeah most of them most of them but not all of them but no my point is that I got more achievements and more gamer score and 10 times less games than you which means the games that you did play you barely played at all you know what I'm saying it's okay it's okay Jazz you you graze you know you play a game for five minutes and you move on to the next I get it you know all of its content again yeah I mean I understand but that's just not how I roll the current current book I'm reading for anybody that cares because I finished Ash as a man from the Sun eater series which I 100 recommend if everybody wants a good Sci-Fi book nobody cares nobody cares I don't give a [ __ ] in my podcast I'll I'll talk briefly I'm reading I don't care I'm reading I'm reading the heroes by Joe Amber Ambercrombie uh part of the first law world and it's pretty good it's pretty good what what are you doing anymore what I am reading this uh nice Indian restaurant menu that I got that that opened up in my town bro are you ordering something no but I did have chicken vindaloo yesterday and uh pretty much killed all of my taste buds in in my mouth it's a very spicy boy we have a we have a super chat here from Chuck Norris he says I'm 80 hours plus into Persona 5. thinking Xbox really needed its own jrpg especially since Final Fantasy has never come at Xbox according to Jazz yeah Jess what's that all about Final Fantasy never come in Xbox we teased your clickbait article uh can you tell us a little bit more more about this what's going on what do you mean click Bionicle what are you talking about what do you mean clickbait article yeah what what what do you mean Click by article well I was doing it was reporting exactly what Microsoft said let's see if in case you missed it if you're hoping for Final Fantasy 7 remake on Xbox we have some bad news Microsoft confirms that Sony has blocked these four games from hitting Xbox forever [Music] uh so let's see here um yeah so I guess in their one of their responses to the FTC which we'll talk about later they say quote in addition to having outright exclusive content Sony has also entered into arrangements with third-party Publishers which require the exclusion of Xbox from the set of platforms these Publishers can distribute their games on some prominent examples of these agreements include Final Fantasy VII remake from Square Enix bloodborne from from software the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 from Square Enix and the recently announced Silent Hill 2 remastered blooper team interesting that they use bloodborne considering that's a first party IPS that Sony owns I'm not really sure that helps makes their argument better I think it makes a little bit worse because did anybody expect bloodborne to hit Xbox I mean I certainly never did um I think the problem what I write in later on right gives you the full context here okay what is the full context let us know yeah the full context is they were they said right and I did write this in the article but loads of people missed it but for some reason um but that that point was that exclusive content is not weird it's normal right that's their point and they were saying like here look at bloodborne here look at this and that but they that the way they wrote it and the way they like use bloodborne as an example because we all know bloodborne's never coming to Xbox because it's only pretty much funded it so if in that vein does that mean we never get in Final Fantasy I think that's exactly what it means I don't think we're ever getting Final Fantasy personally one yeah I don't think we're getting Final Fantasy ever that's yeah I don't think we're getting Final Fantasy 16 either ever probably not no so is it click bait really or is it just reality well that's uh that's an interesting one um right now I'm kind of inclined to think there's there's nothing to suggest I welcome to Xbox there's no reason to think that it will come to Xbox for me sure I mean I think Tony would love to not have that associated with Xbox because that's like a that's a beloved nostalgic IP which is entirely Sony's whole remit of blocking Xbox from getting these kind of games that um are nostalgic for a certain age group I.E our range group so personally for me I think that's a game they'd lock down so again I don't think we're gonna get it could be wrong do you disagree do you think we will get it well I mean tough to say it's tough to say right it's using the same language that Final Fantasy 7 remake used where it was like PlayStation console exclusive not to be on other platforms for 12 months so people were like oh well Final Fantasy 7 remake will come in a year and then the year passed and it didn't and then it came to PlayStation 5. and then people got their hopes up about E3 uh and all they really announced was that it was finally coming to steam dashing fans hope so just because it says you know at the end of those ads like oh PlayStation console exclusive and not just PlayStation exclusive it's tough to say because you could be right right sounds you know I think um I think this is part of Sony strategy it's the obfuscation of the reliability of Xbox you know I think I think it's part of their strategy to say like yeah uh these are only time exclusives but then we don't know we're left guessing and that kind of creates this air of uncertainty around Xbox I think it's a smart strategy because it's working you know a lot of people are sort of like are these we've been asking for two years is this game coming Sony uh squarings want to say a damn thing you know and it's it's that question it's that debate that's undoubtedly hurting the the sort of The credibility of Xbox as a platform I think it's about credibility you know for me um I think it's a great strategy for someone you're putting out there because it is it is creating this number this the sense of will it won't it you know and that's what we're talking about right now will it won't it Silent Hill will it won't it it's this whole sort of debate um that's just gonna keep going on in perpetuity that Sony is created with its um with each strategy you know and when Microsoft tried this which rise the Tomb Raider they were very famously hammered for it and you know what when I was writing that article when I was writing that article um I wanted to find the the famous kataku article which attacked Microsoft for taking that deal and you know what I found what kataku have deleted it really let's delete that yeah they removed that article from their website so I had to like go hunting through the the internet archive to find it I was like hang on a sec where's this gone you know so I thought that was interesting but but yeah it's uh it's just it's business at the end of the day it's like I'm writing the article as well I don't blame Sony for doing this they're doing what's right for their customers and their shareholders and stuff to make PlayStation feel like the premier place to play you know and it's working it works you know if if we're sitting here debating whether or not Silent Hill will come and there's people like me writing articles like confirming that you know they're not coming because that's the that's the best available information we've gotten Microsoft themselves have compared the situation Final Fantasy remake to uh bloodborne you know that to me is pretty pretty telling you know like what more evidence you need that it's whether or not it's going to come or not um so I think if you're an Xbox fan I would firmly stop hoping for these games to arrive on the platform because for me I don't think they're coming I don't think someone else coming I don't know if that's coming I know this final fantas 16 is coming I think that's just it I think that's the business model that they're going with right now is to obfuscate and um sort of create this uh air of uncertainty around these games which are never coming to our platform you know that's just me um you know it could be wrong as well I think there's the only one that's there's a chance of it coming is Sonic Hill because you have to assume that um they want uh they want um they'll want that kind of me I want as much money as possible from that whole thing right yeah but again it's this there's no there's no real hard evidence that it will come you know no there's not but you know what game is coming to Xbox that was announced this week sifu one of the best games of the year yeah Seafood I obviously haven't played that um um do you recommend it for me right Seafood you're you're not good enough to Beat It bruh why not your baby gamer well actually actually you could play it on easy and you could probably you could probably do it that was the thing I write Mythic in words that's harder than anything you've played no no sorry yeah sorry it is it is no no so for real all you're doing is clicking Mouse buttons bro ain't hard anybody no click wow what are you talking about I'm just saying bro you don't even know bro no I don't know but I can't imagine while what are you doing like oh cue up your spell cue up to spell cue up dispel dispel dispel click click click click click click click we're always harder than any game you've ever played no it's not that's right it is it is right Mythic well writing it's hardcore bro this is 8 000 people watching it right now on Twitch because it's hard cobra either way sifu I would say I would say if they didn't add the easy mode uh you probably wouldn't be able to beat it well one because you wouldn't you wouldn't have the patience to actually get better at it to beat it you'd give up why not like you give up on most games wow because a lot of the reviews were like this game's too hard and it is difficult because of the way the game is structured uh if you die in a level like you you have set number of lives because you essentially reach old age every single time you die you you you you go from 20 to 21 when you die right and then I think the game ends When You Reach like 60. so you basically have 40 lives to beat the game and you think well that's a lot but the way the game was structured was if you're playing through a level and you die okay you went from 20 to 21 but if you died again before resetting your death meter it doubled so you went from one to two so you went from 21 to 23 right but if you died again you would go from two to four so then you would go from you know like like I said 21 to 23 but then you'd go to 27 right so if you were having a really struggle with a certain part of a level and you just constantly kept on dying those debts kept on adding up right suddenly if you died five times in a level that's basically like you know 25 lives that you've used up so it was very difficult for a lot of people to get to the end without constantly dying and getting really old um and what you need to do was a roguelike well yeah but most work lights like you die once it's like okay you know you don't it doesn't like double your death count so you know in in response to those issues that some people had that it was too difficult they have in Easy Mode where your death meter doesn't increase so if you die you just go up one one year so it's like you die 21 then you die again 22 die again 23. so you essentially have as many lives as as you possibly can have to be able to beat the game so with that you could probably beat it but it's still a little bit difficult because it's a lot of people try to play like Batman and it's not like Batman they try to Parry like it's Batman but but you'll get your ass kicked right so it's you need to get better at the game like At first I think the first time I played it I didn't even beat the first level and then okay I beat the first level but I couldn't get I couldn't get through uh the second level at all like I kept on just butting my head I just couldn't get through the second level and I think there's five levels in the game and then and then I I eventually was able to like I figured out the right way to dodge and parry and the game became a little bit easier and I started to understand more of the enemy's attack patterns and unlock better moves and eventually after 20 hours not only did I beat the game but I ended up beating the game only dying twice which is a far cry from the fact that like you know I almost lost all my lives in the first level so it's it's about repetition and getting better and you know not everybody wants to do that and I know you don't want to do it because you play 250 games but couldn't get as many achievements as me which means you played a game for 10 minutes and moving on the next game which is perfectly fine but bro you forget man I I play Monster Hunter and stuff and it's just kind of like that is what monsant is like you have to learn the weapons for repetitions and stuff like that maybe I like this more than you think because of that maybe we'll see I I love the game I think it's great so maybe I just won't enjoy it because it's not very good and that is you know the game came out February of last year or this year coming to Xbox in March so kind of around that time one year time frame also coming to steam because it was the next spot it was an epic exclusive um so come on all platforms now it's just a matter of will stray come to Xbox when it's one year anniversary is over maybe maybe not I mean I think that's an Anna pruner game right yeah those games typically do and Sony just has these long contracts with these games like you mentioned you know Final Fantasy 16 Silent Hill like 12 months and then the kind of will it actually come who knows you might as well buy it on PlayStation or PC now which hurts Xbox and then you know it's a year late Port so are people really gonna care if it comes to Xbox because yeah anybody that really wanted to play it probably already has so that's kind of one of the things I wonder if some dabs are like well we can release it on switch and PlayStation and PC and then maybe we can try to get that game pass money from Xbox you know because not everybody's big enough to you know Sony's thinking uh you know Square Enix is thinking that maybe maybe they are I don't know uh but then squaringiness is complaining that their games aren't reaching a global audience or complaining about their sales or whatever and it's just like you know maybe you shouldn't have locked your games to one platform I don't know maybe maybe you shouldn't have signed that deal with Sony like you know I don't know maybe it would have been better if you released your games on switch yeah you know but you know it switches the switch is the big platform you know but I don't know but then they couldn't make they couldn't make it graphically demanding like they want right so yeah yeah I guess we'll see I don't know I always thought like that what they did that Final Fantasy 15 mobile game did you see that it was like it was like Final Fantasy 15 but with Final Fantasy 7 like Graphics the original Final Fantasy 7 I should say like chibi cartoony characters I thought that was a really cool compromise you know because it's sort of nostalgic but you know at the same time it's kind of like you know you know you couldn't run that kind of game unless it was on um that sort of platform um but yeah a Square Enix is just an enigma I just don't I just don't understand this [ __ ] at all what what is Square Enix what are they what are they I don't know are they a real thing that exists in reality they're very strange curious creature you know I just I just I just remembered something uh about the um not necessarily something about Square Enix but our discussion about high in life and and at least a protocol right do you remember the guy uh the guy who I think it was Glenn Schofield the guy behind high and light or exclusive protocol was like they asked him about Game Pass and he was just like yeah I don't know about Game Pass I don't know about Game Pass for for a single player uh linear games like us oh yeah yeah right he wasn't he wasn't sure if Game Pass was a good thing for his game or whatever even though the dude has a has had a Sony marketing contract where clearly he's you know you can't say good things about Game Pass or whatever do you think I bet I bet he's marketing contract with Sony precludes Game Pass well of course it does because we've seen it but I just wanted to point out it was just like yeah but high in life is also your short single player experience and it's blown up on the platform so is Game Pass bad for that I don't know I mean I don't see anybody talking I didn't after you know I didn't see anybody really talking about at least the protocol after the reviews came out other than to say either oh it's okay or it's bad well I don't know you see I would imagine the budget for at least the protocol is significantly higher than the budget for for high on life oh dude I don't know man I mean higher life's got a lot of voice acting but I suppose just to Roman does most of it I just I just I just kind of thought that was interesting like you know he was just like oh Game Pass is good for single player games like ours narrative driven stuff should I write that article I might write it I might write it check it out click bait it a little bit yeah uh Supernova with the Super Chat says any idea why crytek use marios's photo from ryze for hiring staff on their tweet don't tell me there's hope yeah so interesting there's some hope here I don't think there's hope what I think this is is that they literally haven't made any games for a million years and that's the only that's the only graphic they've got it's the only graphic they got huh yeah yeah that is literally what I think about that I don't think it means that rise is coming back I don't think it means anything significant I think it's literally just what what games do we make oh we made that game a long time ago that's that's kind of what I'm where I'm at with that um but I could be wrong you know could always be wrong you never knows the the industry works in mysterious ways and you know that Microsoft wanted content right I think I think Rice's was a great game I think it was very underrated it was it was imperfect game but it was also in perfect time it was meant to be uh uh it was originally supposed to be a um and a connect game you know so like the some of the connect stuff in Rise where you where you know you you command soldiers and you throw Spears and stuff using connect that was what the whole game was originally and then they kind of like realized somewhere through development you know what connect is actually really not great for this kind of game so maybe we should actually make it into a real game so it's kind of like the the hard pivot which I think is responsible for some of its issues but despite all that I thought it was really great game and it sort of charted a rarely explored uh medium which is sort of like the Roman Empire and you know the the Germanic um Germanic barbarians and all that kind of stuff I thought it was a really interesting game and I would love to see it come back but do I think this means it's coming back personally no um but who knows who knows would you like to see rice come back around I do I do that's one of the games I'm lamented not getting a sequel from the forgotten the Xbox One jet ah the Xbox one gen you put out a new IP and didn't sell enough and you you made you made deals with the the third party that let them have the I like Xboxes in a way where like they wanted people to make games for them because they didn't have a first party just remember at that point in time Xbox had what five Studios five internal studios in what do they had turn 10 making Forza uh 343 making Halo right um I don't think they had bought Minecraft yet right no they didn't they didn't they didn't know Mojang until 2014. hmm uh this was before the Coalition this was before the Coalition became the Coalition I think they were like weren't they like Microsoft Canada or um a Black Tusk but they didn't even release a game as black test did they well they didn't they did they were they were working on like Shanghai so what were Microsoft studios in the time that rise was coming out about or being made like 2011 2012 2013. uh lionhead with Fable right so so you had you had turned 10 with Forza you had three four three with Halo which uh then you had lionhead with fable where were the other Studios because Black Tusk uh uh didn't they have some smaller like remember the people behind the Gunslinger Microsoft owned them and then they got rid of them remember oh oh yeah what were they called um oh man I can't remember that or the people behind Deep Rock Let's Play press play press play yeah and then what about the people behind deep deep rock Galactic weren't they part of Xbox at one point just a pixel were the ones that did like the ma and stuff and explosion man right I can't I can't remember man that's a long time ago but might as well shut those guys down and they shut down uh press play which I think showing down press play was a mistake because they went on to make uh they wanted to make um do rockalactic which you know when they they reform the studio and um they went on to make deep rock Collective which absolutely blew up like it's a huge service game so it's similar inviting to see a thieves really you know um I'm really really happy for those guys by the way because every everybody's pointing out to us in chat rare we forgot rare all right yeah so yeah yeah they uh they didn't uh like I said they didn't have a lot of first party Studios yeah clearly um so they needed people to make games for them they went to certain Studios and in exchange for making the games they let them own the IP what a mistake what a mistake that was because that's how you ended up with ryze being made by crytek but rise but crytek retaining the ownership of of but cry attack retaining the ownership of the rise IP how Insomniac made sense of overdrive but they retained the rights of Sunset Overdrive right so I I remember hearing that rise to both Xbox and crytek wanted to work on Rise too but they just couldn't come to an agreement so they didn't make the game I don't know what happened with Sunset Overdrive I don't know who didn't want to make it did Microsoft not want to fund it the Insomniac not want to make it I don't really know but Microsoft was in a position where like they needed to kind of like bend over backwards to developers to make games for them so let them own the IPS and then like you didn't get any sequels from them partially because the games didn't sell well but yeah I always thought that like man imagine rise if it started off as like a regular game instead of like a connect game that morphed into a regular game but slash connect game like imagine if it started development with a Clear Vision instead of you know being a connect experience at first like I always kind of viewed it like oh you know this could be Xbox's God of War right it's kind of more melee focused uh experience right you could see a jump like rise one to rise two could be a jump like Uncharted one to Uncharted to where you know you you give the team more time or you know and they they nail what they want and then with the Xbox one gen we just didn't get that you know it was just kind of just like one and done Quantum break comes out and it's like well you know that was like a huge huge talking point and a huge narrative that like like content creators were talking about a lot was this this idea that Xbox just doesn't make sequels you know they don't they didn't like do that like the the jump from I know a lot of people say Mass Effect one is the best Mass Effect but at least from a technique that's a lie from hell yeah it's a lie but a lot of people do seem to think this yeah but you know but the at least on a technical level the jump between Mass Effect one and two was after significant yes yeah um so like I and and then you talk about Uncharted one and two significant jumps in quality and and budget and all that kind of stuff and it kind of like the the vision of the original game kind of realized and informed um you know with with a sequel and then like you know you've got a sequel you've already done your marketing it's already established so you know you spend all this money to Market Market your new game and then like Microsoft was just in this habit of Throwing It All Away throwing it onto the rug you know it's like Microsoft says like I said earlier Microsoft had this philosophy of games have to earn their sequels but they they won't even give some of these games a chance to earn a sequel like I think like um I think we'll see from I'm you know I hope that we'll see from Alan Wake too a Microsoft made a mistake and not funding that's that as a sequel you know I've got a feeling that we may well be in that sort of discussion in the future where it's like why did Microsoft fund this and why do we have to get a big games to do it this could have been a great horror exclusive for Xbox you know um and whatever but you know I suppose it's just these words and sharpens baby sharpens but we'll see what happens with this gin because you know the one the one outlier here I suppose is State of Decay too like State of Decay was a state of K2 was a rough game you know there's a lot of issues with it they made a multiplayer game multiplayer open world game with tethering which I absolutely hate with a passion I hate games that do this like why give me Tech why give me an open world and then not let me move around it um uh so you know but they've done all that stuff for technical reasons at the end of the day they use on real Engine 4 which supposedly isn't particularly great for streaming which is what a streaming data which is why Gears of War has these like massive Gates everywhere um supposedly um to sort of gate the the streaming of the next Zone I don't know how true that is I'm not a Dev but that's that's one reason that was given to me at some before at some point um but it's uh it's interesting to sort of think about where games like State of Decay will go and maybe will Microsoft sort of prove or disprove this sort of narrative that they can't put out a sequel you know I want to hope that they will prove they can do sequels now but no telling there's just no telling I'll still waiting too yeah again that's that whole waiting thing I mean just waiting and waiting and waiting damn jazz well I mean so you don't think you don't think uh them using the rise graphic means they're working on Rise too no I do not I personally do not how many I'm not why not and grass too could be a thing so is that oh is that one of your oh here we go here we go it's not it's not there's been there's been here we go there's been a rumor there's been a rumor for a while about a rise to among a bunch of other games that they were doing uh like leaked stuff that some of it came true so you know because why use that and not use like an image from crisis or an image from um what's that uh shooter that they made uh Hunter uh Hunted um no one knows what those are very popular game very popular game I don't I forget the name of it I played it for a little bit didn't really care for it why not use one of those why use Marcus from or whatever his name is from from Rise maybe that's something I think it's an odd way to tease I think the marketing team just looked in the folder of I was like oh we got this guy [ __ ] kneeling with the sword it looks really cool yeah let's use it maybe yeah that's what I think I think the marketing team just looked what stock footage they got pulled out a random game and just went with that that's what I think this is all right CJ unless you've got secret Insider knowledge I don't know I don't have randomly secretly the industry's biggest Insider no that's not true CJ says Merry Christmas you filthy animals appreciate your uh support CJ uh Andre says any chance of death stranding two on Xbox Kojima now holds uh the contract I think I can't tell with that emoji uh probably zero chance of death stranding two on Xbox just like the zero chance it's whatever the original death stranding one would ever come to Xbox the best you're looking at death stranding two maybe coming to PC game pass but I would imagine Sony's going to publish that stranding 2 on PC this time and not 505 games so there probably won't be that loophole you know what I mean so uh Dead Planet says can just one Xbox game studios game be closer than we think what do you think jazz no no I think I think like the yeah I don't know I don't think yeah jury's just out on everything right now you know like the the whole pandemic thing disrupted things and shifted timelines and you know the rumor is that you know we talked took talked earlier a little bit about it that the rumor is that your boy uh redfall is internally delayed whatever that means um I suppose it's similar to Diablo being internally delayed um because I I got a document that was pretty much completely accurate it was like everything that was on that document was accurate they even got the candle in the collector's edition um so all that information was completely 100 accurate um the only part that wasn't accurate was the the dates so I think like at some point they shifted from April to uh June um because everything else on that that document was accurate so I don't know it's just kind of uh there's still just disruption but there's not much just disruption because of the pandemic we've also got this sort of like um I know what you call it um they call it the great resignation don't they have you heard anything yes I've heard of it so the great resignation is this sort of like this phenomenon that after the pandemic a lot of people are sort of reevaluating their careers and their you know they're looking for something new they want to turn the page on the last few years and they want to find new companies like if you if you go on Twitter a lot or LinkedIn or whatever you'll see that there's like people constantly leaving and joining Xbox you know and it's not just Xbox it's like every damn company I've seen it in my company like I I took like a few months few weeks ago I talked about our window essential and like this massive sight restructure which um you know complete because a bunch of people left to join a competitor and um and that that led to me getting promoted managing editor inadvertently um I didn't earn it it was just it was just though there's kind of no choice here um but uh yeah kind of I think that's probably impacting development timelines across the industry as well right now um not just the pandemic but the sort of this phenomenon of people looking for looking for something better you know whether they're looking for a company that will let them work fully remote or they're looking for a company that pays more or whatever um people are just constantly leaving and joining you know this grass is green on the other side thing is it true I don't know is the grass greener I have no idea but I'll be with Windows Central to The Bitter End probably because I actually really like the website that I built up um so yeah that's uh I think that's probably affecting things as well but as far as dead planets about one game being closer I guess that depends on when you think games the games are like when you personally think the games are supposed to release right so unless you mean like this year I mean I think hellblade could be closer than people think I think I think there's a I think Cowboy is 50 50 for next year 50 50. yeah for for like fall September game and I think there are some people that think it's a 2024 titles I think that game could be closer um but you know like Indiana Jones is that game closer but I I see but I don't know if there's any sort of agreement on when these games are supposed to come out so it's tough to say like you know it's closer when you don't know like well what do you think you know I I think fables 2025 someone could think fables 2024 is that closer I I'm not really sure so it's it's tough to answer that like you know we we already know what's supposed to come in the next six months according to Microsoft at their E3 um unless you mean is one of those games closer like could Minecraft Legends be February or Forza Motorsport be January uh like that sort of closer I don't think I don't think that's true or you know we would know about that by now so um yeah I I like Kyle blade I think how blade I think could possibly launch this fall uh maybe a couple other games as well uh but I don't I just don't know we won't know until Microsoft decides to illuminate it for us Jazz to tell us what's going on to show us these games again because the next time they show hellblade2 that bet that the next time they show it it better have a date next to it Joe game three times you better not you better date it the third time at minimum you know yep so we'll see uh what else we got here we have uh Tom who's saying Merry Christmas to the Joint best Xbox podcast thank you it's always very humbling when people say that we're their favorite or we're the best or something because there's a lot of a lot of great shows out there so there is Donna taku says what about games like Contraband and project Belfry I think there's a good chance Belfry comes out next year yeah I think Belfry is probably a high a high chance for next year but Contraband I've been hearing sort of weird weird rumors about that game I've heard that like um it's uh it's it's having trouble you know I've heard that they're having trouble finding the fun and and stuff like that um don't know how accurate that stuff is it's unverified reports but uh could be the play opposite you know it's it's another one of them sort of like what is true and what ain't you know um similar to the Halo engine stuff you know like we we I put out a report a couple of months ago about Halo infinite maybe switching to Unreal Engine um you know is that true or not you know I still still don't know I keep hearing conflicting reports on that or even recently you know so it's some some of this stuff is hard to verify you know but when when I do have have something concrete that's when it appears as a report on Windows Central like all the stuff I had about Diablo being at the game awards the collects Edition all the additions that we're going to do the the open beta and on all that and the Early Access and all that stuff I had phys great physical evidence for that so like when when I put that out there that's when you know like you know it's it's probably true is because there's a report from Windows Central so we get into sort of rumor Bill stuff a little bit more on on the on the show you know which I think is fine um but yeah um I guess we'll find out we'll find out about Contraband I uh I hope it's in a good State because you know the premise of Contraband is very very interesting and compelling um this whole sort of this whole sort of idea of um uh you know the game revolves around heists and planning heists with your friends and the sort of service sort of driven game world I think that's super compelling and it could be really good it could be like another a sort of sea of Thieves success story if they do manage to do manage to get it all sorted but do I see yeah I guess we will I would guess we will um Jazz there was uh the survey that came out recently that suggested Microsoft might be looking at a cheaper add to your subscription for Game Pass you wrote about it I was the one who sent it to you so you're welcome for all the views you got on that I don't know did that article do very well we did all right did all right so basically there was supposedly because I don't know where the source of this was uh uh like was it Spanish Spanish I believe well from recent air but I believe it was like in Spanish was uh it was a survey talking about future subscriptions for Game Pass one of them was the family plan which we know exists they're testing it in two countries but still not available here in the US I do wonder when the that family plan is going to uh make its appearance in the U.S market or the UK Market um I think they're in my mind they're testing it right now to make sure everything's okay so when like the big games come out next year like for Star field like I figure I know to me it's kind of like that's the sort of game like feature you want ready for your big release like Starfield you know what I mean um so that hasn't happened yet but we know it's real but this survey was also suggesting that Microsoft is asking for feedback on would you guys be interested in an ad supported game passed here basically at 299 a month which is incredibly cheap um it would feature online multiplayer that you would get with it to play your online games and it would include Xbox's first party Library so just their first party games like Halo and Forza and stuff but no third-party content and new releases were delayed by six months so if star field comes out in May you wouldn't be able to play it in this ad supported game past tier until November and it'd be something like when you go to play a game you very much like how Netflix is right now where you watch something they show you a whole bunch of ads before you uh watch the content and it also so happens that Microsoft is also what the ad curator or sponsor or platform for Netflix right now is as well so what do you think about the survey and do you think this is something that Microsoft do you think it's wise for Microsoft to implement this is this is this how Game Pass is going to evolve in the future with more tiers lower price to your higher price tiers what do you think about this we talked about the idea of an Xbox game pass life of what feels like years at this point you know I think Game Pass is a vehicle for Access right one of the things that happened to me this week was my um my Samsung TV got the update the the update for Xbox game pass right on my TV so I don't even need to turn on my Xbox anymore to play certain games um which is really cool so the whole the whole thing about this is access right imagine imagine you know a sort of like a sort of you don't even like need to pay for Xbox game pass maybe like the they've got a tier where when this I mean so some of this stuff is server capacity right you know I don't think they want to do a t a free tier of Xbox game pass because it'll blow up blow up the servers but imagine there's probably a future where there's they've got so much server capacity that actually could do just a fully ad supported tier of Game Pass that makes maybe you watch like you know you watch like two ads or something to start the game or maybe when you pause the game you get after watching that or something like that I don't know because I'm probably giving Microsoft really scary ideas right now but um at the end of the day it's just like well you know if you don't want the ads then you just pay for what what it is right now you know um and I think like that that would be a good thing for devs guess their games out in front of more eyeballs um great vehicle for marketing and testing testing games out you know if you like if you just want to try a game out before you buy it and the only the only downside is you have to watch a few ads then isn't that really cool I think that's really cool you know so I think it's something something worth exploring um and I think it's something you know it was it was supposedly in a survey I mean I haven't been able to verify it you know but it looked pretty legit to me I don't know why anyone would fake that and also Microsoft did have a similar survey on the Xbox dashboard a while ago not about ad supporting games but it was sort of like it was something similar like would you be interested in a a cheaper version of excel canvas I can't remember exactly what it was but it does seem like there's something something that they're exploring right so I think like this is probably a thing that's going to happen because it helps it solves two problems for Microsoft I solves this whole idea of like how do we get Xbox game pass even cheaper for people and there's also like you know for their Bing ads business which I know you don't care about but this is like a huge growth area for Microsoft this is video ads which is like something they're they're doing with uh bing which is you know uh surprisingly a healthy business for Microsoft so um yeah I think it's something that'll happen I think it's something they'll Explore More and it only makes sense for streaming services you know like everything's about growth at the end of the day you know everything's about growth and if you've got if you if you're on Netflix or Disney plus and you've captured like as many users as you can the only way you can make growth is to sort of like add more stuff you know if you've got if you can't get any more users you've got to add more stuff to get to get more money you know which is why like now you've got Instagram has shops inside it and all that kind of stuff um so you know Netflix is exploring ads and all these other Platformers exploring that so I think it's a good thing personally and if you don't want it then you don't have you don't need to have it you just sort of you just subscribe like we've got now so um I think there's all sorts of things they'll uh they'll be exploring to uh help it but yeah it's just business right yeah but ads are a slippery slope bro slippery slope to go down what is that what is that were you not on that slippery slope with with the manscapes and the better help stuff and all that kind of thing I mean sure I guess you could you could make that argument uh you know and we we are on YouTube and there are ads and there are ads on you know podcast services or whatever but we're also not a trillion dollar Corporation you know are we not well I mean I wish we were but we're not you know um we're just two dudes that's a lot I canceled my Lamborghini the problem is like once once companies get that advertising Revenue they want to put ads and everything and like person like personally I it wouldn't matter to me because I'm not going to be subscribed to the ad tier right because I I'll see people when this survey came out that were like oh screw this I hate ads and I hate ads too like trust me I'm subscribed to YouTube premium and have been for years because I don't want any ads right um I have Hulu and I'm subscribed to the tier where you don't get any ads like if there's a tier I don't want ads at all I don't like being advertised to right um I like ads if they're funny so so people because then people like I don't want this infecting my games and it's like well it won't because you know you're not that tier is not for you and I do like the option for less fortunate Gamers out there because not everybody has the money to play all the games and Game Pass is already cheap at 10 bucks but it could be cheaper right we already see all the streaming platforms shift to add tiers like Netflix has one Disney plus is gonna have one and those are already tier but they're raising their prices because there are a lot of people out there that are perfectly fine watching an ad and they may think to themselves you know what I want to play Starfield I don't mind paying three bucks and watching five minutes of ads right that's how YouTube's kept free you know a lot of people watch the podcast or watch videos and they're perfectly okay perfectly okay watching the ads to get free content I mean a very good example is publishing like there's so many so many websites now like Washington Post and and and Business Insider and stuff they've all got pie walls you know you can't read full article without hitting this payroll thing and that's because um everyone's using ad blockers you know so it's kind of like you know it's like what what you know you want free content or you want cheaper content there has to be some business model behind that if you if you still think Game Pass is too expensive or you think you you know um YouTube premiums too expensive for whatever then there has to be a way to monetize otherwise there's no point of business you can't pay people you can't run the servers you don't have a business unless there's monetization right so [Music] um that's sort of like just the the way it is at the end of the day and I think like as long as it's an option and it stays an option then great but at the same time I kind of hear what you're saying about it being a slippery slope because right now we've got Phil Phil's a nice guy you know we've established this Phil's a nice guy it's a it's just the thing you know feel feel the nice guy but what if what if the next fill isn't a nice guy or if the next fill is is evil what if it's dark Phil you know and what if what if what if like uh by Monday yeah yeah okay to find growth we'll put even more ads in games maybe even ads in games your own you know uh slippery slope and all that so I kind of see what you're saying but at the same time I kind of just highly doubt that it'll get to that point you know um well see like Vagabond says Rand don't say that an ad in the middle of the game is just unacceptable right like and when I first saw the survey I was like yeah this is really cool like I'm for you know less fortunate people being able to subscribe to a cheaper tier and support it if they want because it's not like they're forcing you to choose it like you sign up for it if if you want it and some people are okay watching ads right and I'd be I'd be like all right I'm not gonna subscribe to that tier I Got Game Pass ultimate I won't ever see any ads I'm great if other people want to watch ads before they game or during their game more power to them if they want to save money who am I you know but also at the same time we've seen ads creep in I'll use the dashboard as an example we've seen ads we've seen a dashboard that had no ads and then suddenly slowly but surely ads started creeping into the dashboard right and at first it was kind of just stuff for Xbox or game sales and stuff but then it started to be like sometimes it would be a McDonald's ad and sometimes it would be this ad or that ad right and people then started complaining was like well I want my dashboard to be free of ads and look look at like the the blowback of the current iteration of the dashboard where they're trying to make things right they're trying to change things but the one thing that doesn't change is those boxes of ads in that corner that they want you to see so you went from a dashboard that had no ads to a dashboard that does have some and you know I don't particularly mind it so much but other people do and like I'm you know but there's always a sense of like all right well you know if you have one tier that's really cheap like what happens like you said years down the road you have some new management in but they're not as consumer friendly as Phil and like all right well now you know what now there's two tiers that has some ads and before we were just gonna keep it to ads before you game but now okay now there's ads when you game right there's just that slippery slope where you have to just be kind of be be aware of like right now and into the future if you're right it probably is not going to be anything it's just going to be people that want to save money and they're okay watching that so hey that's great more power to you want to save some money play some great games three bucks is really insanely cheap uh I'm all for it because I love the idea of more people playing games you know but then sometimes you know things might take a dark path um but then again like the survey doesn't doesn't mean it's going to happen right we've seen tons of surveys we saw a survey where Microsoft's like what if we bought your old your your digital games from you and we give you money right there was that survey well that hasn't been implemented so just because they send out a survey doesn't necessarily mean you know things are going to happen and they have all these patents for all these ad sort of things uh you know so it doesn't necessarily mean 100 for sure uh that sort of stuff is happening but it does suggest that Microsoft is thinking about new ways to reach more people right maybe the ten dollars is a barrier uh some people in chat are saying just release more games and don't do the ads it'll get people to come to the platform and you know there's some truth to that you release more successful games like high in life you know how to bring more people to the platform to subscribe but you know the business is always looking at future down the road and maybe you can make the argument that something like this is more suited to other countries uh you know like Brazil or other places where maybe prices are too high and they can kind of lower them and get those people into the ecosystem for cheap although I would imagine they would still do it here too but like if you're if you're a PlayStation gamer and you're just like you're happy with PlayStation whatever you know three three dollars to play Starfield is it becomes a no-brainer at that point you know um so I don't know it is what it is a big place you know it wasn't the it wasn't the ad tier that really caught my attention though because I figured something like that could happen especially with Microsoft being the provider for Netflix I thought maybe that's something you could bring to game pass because Game Pass is a streaming service a lot of streaming services have ads right and we've seen patents saying that people are working on it so it's like that's not the interesting part of this the interesting part to me was the idea of them holding back new releases from Game Pass for six months I thought that was the interesting part because I think a lot of the value of Game Pass is structured around Day One releases well right that they must have died uh from eia play you know I think because AI plays obviously that's the model in the I play you on EA play you get the EA games like a few months after launch true so like six months here maybe maybe the mentality is maybe this isn't for them maybe it's more for like their third parties and [ __ ] um oh I don't know it's clear that they wanna they wanna they wanna protect the um uh they want to protect the the retail model when it comes to this low entry point it seems like yeah and is this is this the replacement for Xbox Live Gold jazz yeah there was that whole discussion as well because for three bucks it gives you Xbox Live Gold that's a lot cheaper than what they currently sell for ten dollars a month and even for sixty dollars for a year is this their way of getting rid of Xbox Live Gold being like well for three bucks you can have multiplayer and if you want to use Game Pass you can is that an interesting replacement instead of outright dropping it which is what everybody wants them to do but you know for monetary reasons maybe they can't is is this in your opinion a good replacement for Xbox Live Gold I think like Xbox Live Gold needs to die and it needs just from a branding perspective if nothing else they need to they need to get all every aspect of monetization when it comes to subscriptions it needs to be part of the Game Pass marketing brand because they're not marked in Xbox Live Gold Xbox Live Gold games with gold is terrible get rid of it let it die and yeah I think like this could be this could be what they use to replace Xbox Live gold with you know because then you still you still get Xbox Live Gold if you're not interested in Game Pass you don't have to look at the ads or whatever and if you're still someone who wants to buy the games then fine but this sort of like maybe it acts like a gateway drug to Xbox game pass like they get a little taste of it and that kind of thing um but yeah I uh I don't think Xbox Live Gold is going away anytime soon um because you know the there was there was kind of like there was a this sort of mentality that it would go away you know and I think we talked about it this idea that they'll eventually drop the paywall but then you look at what the economy is like right now and it's kind of like is that smart is that smart business decision to kill Xbox Live Gold in the middle of the current economy probably not right um but I don't know I could be wrong I could be wrong says I can't buy a soda for three dollars and ran once day and date no ads did I say that I said it was interesting about the day and date thing I I didn't really get to expound on my my point but my whole my whole thing was that game passes value is is based around Day One games like high in life is talked about because it released day one it wouldn't have the same impact if it released six months later that's just a fact right and I understand like you know ads are going to support this so it's going to be cheap right and it's not a tier for me so I'm perfectly fine with that my line of thinking was if Xbox is exploring these things to get Game Pass in front of more people to get it cheaper so more people can subscribe I bet you they're also thinking about tinkering with day and date and what do I mean by that well what's to stop them from saying hey we're restructuring our game past tiers now this is just my Pie in the Sky when I saw these things I was thinking like if I was a corporation and I wanted to kind of rearrange some of the stuff how would I do it right so you introduce a really cheap tier three bucks ad supported only first party new releases are delayed six months nobody's really going to complain about it because it's so insanely cheap and it is three dollars for all of Microsoft's first party games right online multiplayer so people can be like we don't even need Xbox Live Gold this is a great value for anybody that um anybody that wants it but like currently you have ten dollar tier with Game Pass console and Game Pass PC and it's an incredible value everybody talks about it how Game Pass is the best value in gaming and then you have ultimate at 15 which combines both of those and you get streaming right but what if Microsoft's like all right here's the basic tier three bucks you only get first party new releases are late six six months but then they restructured the second tier and the second tier is like you get the entire Library first and third party right at 10 bucks or whatever it would be um and no ads because that would be the thing it's like well you could go for the ads at three dollars but you'd have to wait for new releases or you can pay 10 and get the entire Library including third party but you don't get any ads but day and date releases are delayed three months so if you wanted to play Star field and it came out in May you'd have to wait until August as a company it's like okay well how do I get people to subscribe to the highest tier which is what I want them to do I want them to pay me as much money as possible what if they made day and date exclusive as a perk to Xbox game pass ultimate so you could subscribe for three dollars to get ads but games are delayed six months and it's only first party you could have the second tier where it's normal and you get all the games including third party but you have to wait three months and you have no ads but then you get Game Pass ultimate which gives you PC which gives you streaming gives you console and its biggest perk is that you have Day One releases and no ads and it's first party and third party you know it was just a thought that came to my mind but then again I'm I wonder why I want to know what Chad would think of that I'm sure chat would hate it I'm sure there's a lot of people calling me names right now like Ryan you're so stupid they never do that or whatever it was just a thought I saw because it's like if they're experimenting with ad tiers and like holding back games for you know six months or whatever I would imagine they probably thinking about ways they can reconfigure the tiers where the perk of Game Pass ultimate would be day one because right now Game Pass ultimate is just it gives you PC it gives you console and it's streaming and honestly I don't like the biggest value for Game Pass ultimate is really that it combines gold and console Game Pass because if you're a PC user and Microsoft talks about has talked about how their biggest growth is going to be on the PC side of things a PC user doesn't really need Game Pass ultimate because they don't need gold to play multiplayer right and most PC users don't give a [ __ ] about the console so what's the point of subscribing as a PC person to Game Pass ultimate right it only really kind of fits the console person because they need gold to play their multiplayer and streaming isn't even a thing yet according to Microsoft and their responses to the FTC it's not even really a market nobody really streams right so I was thinking well like how could you increase the value of Game Pass ultimate for everybody right including people on PC and I was thinking well man if if you made if you made Game Pass if you made One releases which is the bread and butter of Game Pass which is why a lot of people consider it a better service than PlayStation Plus because PlayStation plus plus doesn't have Day One releases like that could get PC players to sign up for the extra money if like oh well I need this tier to play these Day One games and the only reason I was thinking about this was you know the idea of them being like Oh well six months delay for the ad tier I was thinking well if they're thinking about that maybe they could be thinking about other things now that's probably not going to happen it's just kind of something I was thinking about and I don't have a bachelor's degree or master's degree I'm not in marketing I'm not in business I don't know the numbers you know so I was just it was just something that came to my head like if I was that how could I add more value to Ultimate to get more people to subscribe you know the value of game passes day one you and you'd make it like that's the tier you want to subscribe to um anyways that was just that was a I thought I think I I think I even floated that idea to you didn't I I can't remember maybe you did I don't know questions but yeah I think like I think you're right at the prom that might well be restructuring coming um and uh now would be the time to do it before you know it blows up or doesn't blow up as the case may be um so I guess we'll I guess we'll see what happens you know next year I think like um that you can't the state of the economy has probably given them a lot of a lot of food for thought about you know how can we get more money how can we can reach more people how can we you know reposition some of this stuff because the world has changed you know especially with regards to Tech you know um the I don't know if you've seen Tesla's share price uh I would not I would not like to be a Tesla investor right now um but it's not just Tesla though like a lot of people are saying like it's because of the Twitter thing but I mean that's probably that's probably an aspect of it but um all tech stocks are down really badly like Microsoft Stone I think something like 25 even apples down which is which is crazy but the the world has changed um there's a there's a whole sort of like there's a rift forming between east and west and you know a lot of people are nervous about what that could mean for you know gaming because like before it would look like you know everything was going to be great for gaming uh for gaming growth especially with regards to China but you know since all this stuff and China's regulations and you know restricting access to games for the for their youth and all this kind of stuff it's kind of become this sort of like um it's a big worry that you know actually maybe maybe gaming isn't going to grow that much because it's not gonna it's gonna be sideloed to the West you know um don't know how true any of that is and I certainly haven't done a super thorough analysis of it but there's a lot of anxiety out there in Tech in gaming and uh especially with shareholders and and those the people who are so minded you know when it comes to some of that stuff so um Microsoft's probably looking at ways to extract more cash out of its Western audience which is probably where you know the they're probably thinking now you know um you know the mobile player was a big big aspect of the mobile play was like China it had to have been China and now it's looking like being in China could be a risk could be a risk factor you know um you know we don't we don't know if uh a lot of this stuff's gonna pan out we don't know if China and America and and Europe will even be friends anymore because of the the whole not that they were super friendly before but like this the whole thing with Ukraine is is driving uh a new wave of and and animosity between countries you know so I would not be surprised if we do see a lower restructuring for for Xbox next year and you know not just Xbox but other companies as well uh speaking of restructuring I just want to mention this briefly but did you see that Activision's chief operations officer left to join their crypto what a company to to leave to then go to a crypto company like oh my crypto is like they must be offering him a lot of money because crypto is not in a good place right now you know I used to get emails every single day months and months ago I used to get emails every single day about from crypto companies or crypto Bros wanting me to promote something of like their website or their thing I don't get those anymore like those stop coming in they're all in jail [Laughter] yeah did you see that um that oh what's his name now I can't remember his name but the guy the guy from the FTX Exchange he's like they've they've said he perpetrated the biggest fraud in U.S history this guy um with the with the the whole the whole crypto stuff the crypto King I can't remember his name is now but he's on he's on bail for 250 million dollars it's nuts man um but yeah all this stuff with crypto is uh it's it's kind of funny but also painful you know because uh I got I got friends who are pretty deep in crypto and they're not having a good time right now um oh well it is what it is yeah um what's the next round we got a super chat here from I'm gonna crumb uh talking of ads and Game Pass Doritos in Australia is giving you a free month of ultimate when you buy a pack so I just see that I did see an ad on my on my Xbox dashboard uh something about something about um about uh Doritos yeah uh painful discourses do you think ever wild is still happening yes I believe ever Wilds is still happening uh Paris is in the chat I see Paris enjoyed Wednesday I wonder if he binged it instead of uh you know we gotta get parrot we gotta get we gotta get Paris on for an Xbox two plus one you know yeah we need to get power soon Paris is definitely on the list of people on the list of people um I uh have you watched Wednesday you're interested in Wednesday not yet I just seen I just seen the memes on on Instagram the the little the little dance the the dance yeah it's all over it's all over like YouTube shorts and all over Tick Tock and that little dance thing but sure you know you know when you hear Andrew K you should do a little dance bro you should do like a fortnight Dance I mean like the dance you did when nobody could hear you on the on the same little thing you did a little dance to face palm oh man yeah but uh I would not be surprised if XBox did a um add to your game pass I think I honestly I think it's inevitable I I really do think it's inevitable I think that's gonna happen at some point yeah I agree uh who knows when but I do think like he's mad he went yeah he went to other other other creators other platforms and they were just you're mad bro right uh he described the games as kojima's described the new game as a completely new game one that no one has ever experienced or seen before and it basically is like a new medium uh didn't you say that about death stranding well it's no death stranding was a strand game it's totally different okay totally different way you played a strand game before because I certainly so I haven't I have not played a strong game before well I did I played death trending but yeah so Kojima said that the game was pitched to a large number of potential Partners but Microsoft was the only one to get the concept while the others start thought he was mad quote I tend to get easily bored part of why I've been able to make games for 30 years is because new technology replaces the old so quickly the tech you use today may not be applicable tomorrow and I'm interested in figuring out ways to incorporate the new making the wrong choice can result in failure of course it's a bit like a space program in that way the project we're working on with Microsoft is one I've been thinking about for five or six years already the project required infrastructure that was never needed before so I discussed it with lots of different big companies and gay presentations but they really seem to think that I was mad it was ultimately Microsoft who showed that they understood and now we're working together on the project including the technology front so this is going to be it's going to need service like it's kind of kind of like when he's when he's talking about like you know needing technology it's the obvious the obvious thing there is they're talking about service yeah it's going to be some kind of cloud-based game some kind of I don't know what you call it uh is it going to be a multiplayer game do you think you think he's talking about he's talking about social social features does he need to play Fab and and and that kind of thing or is it going to be a full-blown multiplayer game is it like some kind of like uh I don't know maybe it's even a competitive game maybe just kojima's never really made a competitive game before um but you know when he's talking about getting bored and stuff like that that kind of makes me wonder you know what kind of game could this be you know if even Sony was like yeah we like we we love you Kojima you know we like having your name associated with our platform but this is just too ridiculous for us this is too ridiculous even for us we we accepted your death stranding which is basically a mailman simulator but this is too far what what the hell could it possibly be that's too far it makes me worried you know it makes me worried if my even Microsoft is like do they actually get it or do they just want kajuma's name on it is kajima really taking them taking them for a ride is because Jim is just like oh yeah this would be great you know emotional's like oh my God it's Kojima let's let's just let's just hire him you know makes me wonder you know are you do you have faith in his mad game Rand do you have a face yeah I enjoy me some Kojima bro I like his games quite a bit so yeah I do too I like their stranding I'm looking for for the death stranding to I mean whatever he puts out I'll play so the question here like it's interesting because it's like I did presentations to holding companies and everybody thought I was mad and Microsoft was the only one that got me I think there's a little bit of both of like Microsoft getting him but then Microsoft also wanting Kojima to like work with right because I think that goes a long way to show that they're willing to work with Japanese creators which is something that Xbox sorely lacked in recent years and it's like hey if we can work with Kojima and make it make something out of this make something good then we can work with you too maybe you should put your games on your platform or maybe you should sign that deal to uh you know make an Xbox Global publishing game or something right because Kojima if you if you talk about names in the industry who what names who's who's bigger like I'd argue he's the biggest I don't mean like first I'll go no Brian Fargo no I'm saying when you talk about a game director like can you even name any anybody out other than Kojima like okay Corey balrog maybe from the God of War Games who from Fargo yeah whatever Jess no my name's Iceland I I know you can but I'm just saying Todd Todd Howard is Todd Howard Todd Howard's another one you got you got Kojima you got Todd Howard they're in the class by themselves Pete I'm all in you yeah but not for good reasons not for good reasons maybe maybe someone would say Vincent Pella you know maybe uh you know uh speaking of Peter mulling you he's back on the scene did we talk about this yes we've talked about this yeah he's making a crypto game yeah so I I do think Xbox really really really wanted to work with Kojima um you know and I'm I'm just very curious to see what he wanted to do that would cause other companies to be like dude you're freaking mad bro like you know but then like what companies did he present this to because from all rumors right this was the game he was working on with stadia oh yeah and then the whole stadia folded and Xbox sort of picked up this game you know at least that's what you know Jeff Grubb who's remember Jeff Grubb was the first was like the only one saying this draft grub when the whole abandoned [ __ ] happened remember when abandoned everybody was like that's Kojima that's that's fake Kojima you know he's working on that that's his next game and then it turned out that it wasn't just like we were saying from the beginning but it's just like but grub from that point was like it's not Kojima because kajima is working with Xbox even though obviously kojim was also working with Sony on death stranding too and nobody I mean I believe Jeff because Jeff has been proven to have lots of great sources and you know he kept on talking about it and Jeff was super confident about that yeah and he was eventually proven right so um I'm I'm excited for this I don't know when we'll see it you know so I think somebody asked earlier you know is any is any Xbox game Studio game closer than we think could this Kojima game be closer than we think because Kojima is pretty damn efficient I mean he he got barred from Konami basically this contract was up he he started Kojima Productions and three years later boom he turns out that's stranding right which is a big game and who knows how fast he's gonna be able to turn around death stranding too you know while a lot of Xbox's internal Studios seem to take a lot of time maybe Kojima gets his game out faster than we think maybe we actually see what his game's like at E3 this year maybe we see it at TGs I don't know um but all I do know is that he's he's very creative he has his fans but he also has his detractors as the run-up to death stranding uh really showed so you're right like what what is this game is it is it is it a multiplayer social experience is it a single player only experience is overdose the name of the game like Tom Henderson had sort of said well I was I was wondering like is Kojima gonna use the AI stuff that Microsoft has exclusivity over because Microsoft has you know this this whole chat algorithm thing this chat GPT or whatever that's been you know the subject of quite a lot of controversy in recent in recent times Microsoft has a I don't know if many people know this but Microsoft actually has exclusive rights to leverage some of that stuff as in a commercial context now I don't know if that covers chat GPT maybe it doesn't but it does make me wonder like could could is this like the first game that sort of uses Microsoft's exclusive license to AI uh models from openai in a game you know but then I thought well if he's pitched this to other companies and it was previously a Google game maybe not but I don't know that's the kind of thing like I would expect to see from Kojima the first game that actually uses one of these weird chat algorithms to create NPCs or create Dynamic content because it really is scary you know how good it is like you can just say you can say to it write a World of Warcraft Quest and it will literally write a law accurate quest for World of Warcraft it's it's insane I don't like it's it's scary a little bit scary you know um but yeah that's just the world we live in I guess no Alex the Super Chat says Hey guys sorry if this was us already but did you guys see about that redfall delay rumor have a great Christmas fellas yeah we talked about that at the very beginning of the show you know it's hard to say if it's been delayed considering it had no release date anyways other than like coming before June or coming before E3 you know we'll have to wait and see um you know we is there an Xbox showcase early next year hope so crossed my fingers and if there is that'll be the time to really tell us when the game's coming because you're gonna have to and I I did see uh redfall tweeted today they showed off a little gif nice little particle effects going on looks like a glory kill taken after ID so yeah I'm very excited about redfall I love me some arcane you know yeah all kind of sick yeah um what else we got here uh oh Gamers Sue Microsoft jazz yeah game assume Microsoft this is this is my this is my favorite story of the week um actually is it uh yeah it is it's kind of just kind of funny you know kind of funny I think I think but uh let's say what what what was so funny about it what what made you laugh well it's just kind of like these guys PlayStations yeah probably they probably know some of them some of them probably are on Twitter and have YouTube channels you know that talk exclusively about how much they hate Xbox I would imagine you know yeah well it's it's kind of like they they're so invested in in consoles and the console war and all this kind of stuff they're willing to fight and spend their own money in court because they will have to spend money in court you know to do to to to do this um I think that's insane I think that's really strange you know because there's no case to answer you know they'll lose uh if the case even goes ahead it'll be it'll be a straight loss and um you know especially if we get into a point where all the Regulators have proved it the European unions approved it um yeah you know the the ftc's praying that the European Union wants to block it because that'll give them more clout or whatever but you know if the European does approve it and the so far the signs are pretty positive because Microsoft's been very friendly about unionization and a lot of Activision Blizzard staff are in Europe they've got like thousands of customer service employees in Ireland and Germany and France and stuff like that so you know it's it's kind of like it's it's more it's more of a labor thing in in Europe than it is in um America where it's more of an IP thing so I think like the European Union is kind of like probably really going to be a little bit more positive towards it I would think um that's my expectation but you know if if all Regulators approve it it's just kind of gonna just kind of put these guys in a bad position and what what what do they get out of it you know it's it's so strange to me but then again we see we see these kind of things all the time like it's it's really easy to sue people in America right that's the stereotype anyway um so I don't know it's funny I don't really know like how the law works there but I'm sure Hogue law has got a video about it oh he he kind of he kind of ripped that whole thing just making fun of it you know it's just it was just I don't know it it to me it was just like just a bunch of Fanboys like I mean they just like they jointly described themselves as having the expressed interest and intent and ensuring the industry remains competitive with the utmost Innovation output choice and price constraints now and in the future like what a bunch of baloney bro I mean that that's like that's like Lion that's lying under oath right there this is what they have to say if Microsoft proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard is allowed to proceed the video game industry may lose substantial competition and Microsoft Bay have far outsized Market power with the ability to limit output reduce consumer Choice raise prices and further inhibit competition dude I was gonna I was gonna ask you to read it in your in your Fanboy voice I forget what my Fanboy voice is well you're kind of almost doing it there yeah it kind of reminds me of Francis the Boogie sounds like uh a lawyer is just taking advantage of some um some kids some some console warriors on Twitter being like yeah I can do this and you make some money or whatever I would imagine so uh but uh Xbox you know since we have this whole thing might as well talk about Xboxes and Activision's response to the FTC uh which came out yesterday uh one of them played good cop and one of them played bad cop uh Activision really went in jazz did you see how hard they went in on the FTC yeah I'm gonna read this stuff because this they bro they set anitrust law exists to protect consumers not competitors ooh we're already digging in the FTC is doing the opposite with their baseless ideological driven suit to stop the Microsoft Activision Blizzard deal the facts about this because he's he's Celtic stuns to lose a lot of money if it doesn't go through it's the only bad thing about this the only bad thing about this deal is that Kotex going to get paid though yeah a lot of a lot of Activision higher-ups have got a lot of stock they desperately want this to go through because they got they're gonna it's like millions of dollars maybe even more billions of dollars at stake for for some of these individuals you know and they'll probably go off and invest in crypto nft games and [ __ ] like that I don't know but um it's just it's just it's just funny but yeah around re read it out the facts show this deal benefits Gamers workers and Global competition but the ftc's annoying facts along with precedent and business reality their case rests on the unfounded fear that Microsoft will make Call of Duty exclusive Xbox three reasons that make no sense one Microsoft doesn't have the ability or incentive to withhold Call of Duty too a single game doesn't stifle competition in three the FTC has just made up nonsensical definitions of markets that it claims will be dominated by Xbox which currently in third place on all counts the FTC he ignores the facts one taking Call of Duty exclusive would be a disaster for Xbox buy what's holding Call of Duty from other platforms Xbox would torch trust alienate gamers in a road much of the value of Call of Duty and they lose billions of dollars if that weren't enough Xbox already made a 10-year commitment to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo and keep it on Steam they made the same offer to Sony and then offer continues to stand these commitments totally undermine the ftc's supposed concerns about harm but the FTC has refused to engage on them other than to accuse Xbox of breaking past Promises to the European commission an allegation the European permission itself publicly refuted the next day on top of it all it's widely known in the industry that Activision is currently adverse to multi-game subs and cloud services so the ftd's theory is that Xbox will withhold from competitors something they never had in the first place that's desperate and destined for failure two the FTC ignores that no gamer franchise is enough to make or break a gaming platform Call of Duty faces intense competition worldwide that includes China based companies aggressive expansion in the US and Sony's War chest of Ip across Games Movies TV and music three the FTC cites non-existent markets that they fabricated just for this case as in literally made up like their concocted cloud gaming market and high performance console Market limited to Xbox and Playstation which by the way has over twice the market share too long didn't read this deal benefits consumers and increase competition dftc ignores the facts instead they're protecting the world's biggest gaming companies from more competition for maxbox the FTC is blinded by ideology and has lost the plot and protect competition not competitors it's um it's it's just utterly beautiful oh yeah that's beautiful it's it's just it's perfect it summarizes the reality of all this stuff like the FTC you know talking about like oh we need to protect the cloud gaming industry there isn't one and they're the only company that can really do this is Microsoft Amazon and Google or Google already bowed out so like that their their implication is that Sony can somehow someday compete in Cloud it can't it can't invest that much money cloud and it's shown the lack of interest in doing so so from for them to to to cry about an industry which doesn't exist which is you know basically what Activision is exposing to here it's just it's just beautiful you know and it just sort of completely it just dismantles everything they've said like whoever whoever wrote that is you know it's just perfect it's beautiful yeah but yeah I mean what else can you say about it right I mean it's it almost makes me want to make a video about it just because of how spicy it was you know but even still I'm not wrong Oracle about it because it's just super damn spicy but you know it the Microsoft uh they they did like you say they did a good cop bad cop thing right they did the uh they did the opposite the attack division where they were kind of like yeah Brad Smith put out a statement saying we're still willing to work the FTC but they also said um they said the FTC violate the fifth amendment I don't know if you saw this they denied Microsoft the right to due process by not by um opting against giving them a hearing you know because they ignored Microsoft's plea to to be you know um they had more Microsoft's play to be heard they ignored the offer to find Solutions which you know Microsoft says that is a a constitutional violation which imply I think the the implication there is Microsoft saying like we will literally take this all the way to the Supreme Court to make this happen that's what that's the kind of like that's the the take that I'm getting from that I don't know if you agree with me on that yeah no no the fact that they're bringing up they're bringing up constitutional rights now well that is a thinly failed threat to take it all away well they have well Xbox or Microsoft rather in this case has to attack it has to be as aggressive as they are because you know they they're going to want to acquire more things whether for it's for Xbox or whether it's for the company and they they can't have this sort of thing stopping them from doing it right so they need to basically destroy this before like you can't back down from this because if you back down from it like what what about when you want to acquire something next and they and they just stall you out like so they have to and I think they know they'll if it goes to court they'll win so I think what Microsoft is hoping for is that the European commission passes it and that the CMA passes it right so if you get pretty much everybody except the FTC to pass it I think they can close the deal right and the FTC because like what the FTC filed doesn't prevent them from closing the deal then the FTC would have to file an injunction with the federal court to stop the deal from being closed which then would take it to court right away which I think is exactly what Microsoft wants but I would imagine if the CMA and the European commission both agree to let the deal close or you know agree to being like yeah this is fine I would imagine the FTC will come to the bargaining table right because what they're trying to do I think is they're just stalling they're just like hoping their whole like thing is like they're basically trying to like stop people and then like oh well you're supposed to be Numb by this time and you'd have to pay this amount of money if it's not closed by then we'll just wait you out right so I think it really comes down to EC and the CMA I I think if both of them block it this Deal's dead like if it comes back the European commission and the CMA blocked the deal I think Microsoft is going to have to walk away I don't think they can fight all three but if both of them pass it I think they'll be like we're good we're going to close the deal do you want to come to some solution FTC no okay well then we'll see you in court filing injunction with federal court and then whatever but I don't even know like I'm not a lawyer so like maybe I'm what I'm talking about is completely made up [ __ ] because I don't know anything uh maybe every people should just listen to Hogue because whatever but that was kind of my read on it uh I could be wrong but um um I just like the spiciness of it because Microsoft especially Activision Activision just they had no chill on this whatsoever Microsoft Microsoft's like statements were more like uh the acquisition of a single game by Third Place console manufacturer cannot upend a highly competitive industry that is particularly so when the manufacturer made clear it will not withhold the game the fact that Xbox's dominant competitor has thus far refused to accept Xbox proposal does not justify blocking your transaction that will benefit consumers giving consumers high quality content in more ways at a lower price is what the antitrust laws are supposed to promote not prevent um any suggestion that Microsoft statements to the European commission about xenomax for misleading is incorrect Microsoft especially said it would honor Sony's existing exclusivity rights and approach exclusivity for future games on a case-by-case basis which is exactly what it has done the European commission agrees it was not misled stating publicly day after the complaint that Microsoft did not make any commitments to the European commission nor did the European commission's rely on these statements made by Microsoft about the future distribution strategy concerning genomex games because they also made mention that there's three future uh Bethesda games that are exclusive and people are trying to figure out what those are I would imagine it's Starfield uh red Fallen Elder Scrolls 6. um yeah I think it's fun yeah but um I don't know it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out I just I just need to get to the part where the CMA and the European commission either say yes or no and then we'll you know see where it goes from there I've asked people at Xbox like what what happens if this deal fails and you know there is a there is a plan B so um it's not like the whole platform is riding on this deal they've got like they've got thoughts about what they would do if it did fail and stuff like that but they all also tell me that they really don't think it will fail so there's a lot of there's a lot of confidence in general we have a super chat here from risket for the biscuit Tim Tam is better and then ajh says Penguins is greater than tim tams and then Tom says risket is wrong Penguin better no idea what's going on risket then says Penguins puking Tim Tam's fist bump I don't know I don't know what any of this means I'm confused I don't know what it means no I I don't know no idea what's going on here I did see special Nick was in chat trying to trying to say that he he you know predicted stuff but does does he ever usually usually it's when he when he means Nick's always mean to me Nick Nick will Nick try taking your place he was like hey you know it sounds like jazz isn't a good co-host anymore you know uh do you have use for someone who could take a space who's basically a really handsome person from Australia who leaks games and I replied to him like do you know anybody by that description because Nick Nick thinks he's like you know God's Gift he's just like I'm just so handsome right uh it's like I don't know you know he's actually doing a podcast here in a minute but maybe we should just keep on going so more people watch Xbox too than watch Xbox era you know um let's see the CMA also revealed that uh their public documents from uh the people that sent in emails which I still can't believe the CMA is like yeah guys write us emails tell us why we should let this deal pass or why we should block it and uh they said that because that's super ignorant they they don't have a clue and that's basically an admission so they revealed that three quarters of the public response was in favor of the deal and that a quarter basically wasn't and that I think they actually got in total they got like 2100 emails in total or 2100 emails no wait there's 2600 email 2600 emails or 500 of them were like basically either mean or unintelligible or work from the UK where they had to completely disregard and so 2100 that they could use and out of those 2100 uh three quarters of them were in favor of the deal basically using all the you know uh talking points that we've talked about here in the show previously or that Microsoft has said um versus like the quarter that was like you know very much like you can't let Microsoft do this what about Sony you know uh so yeah that's that's all that's going on with the the ACT Xbox Activision update every single week you know hopefully there's new stuff that happens early next year because I think we might find out kind of what's going to happen with the EC in january-ish so maybe maybe maybe all this could be put past us you know instead of constantly stuff same stuff I just really like the Activision's response they basically just they basically just called FTC out on their [ __ ] which all right that's fine by me oh man people are oh I get the biscuit board now what the hell is a Tim Tom I don't even know what a Tim Tam is I don't know what the Tim Tam is well I don't what is a Tim Tam I've never heard of it I've heard of a penguin penguins are great I don't know I don't know what a Tim Tom is you know do you know do you have penguins in America penguins the Chuck the chocolate chocolate I don't Jacob I don't think so oh man that is that is horrible I'm never moving to America can you imagine it can you imagine a country that doesn't have penguins I guess that's America for you baby but um what's your favorite chocolate bar run that's interesting question candy my favorite candy is probably Reese's Peanut Butter Cup oh yeah I I love me some Reese's uh but like Milky Way maybe for my favorite candy bar milky ways are pretty good um you know I I love me some chocolate you know I didn't like Snickers for a long time because I didn't really like peanuts very much so I wasn't really a fan of Snickers kitkats are really good I like kitkats I love kitkats I do like cake do you have KitKat chunky in America no I don't think so never never heard it you don't kick a turkey oh my god well KitKat chunky right it's basically a big ass KitKat just a single like thick KitKat I I had a feeling that was that was like British only but yeah the KitKat junkies like just a huge kick out it's amazing it's super good um that's one that's probably my favorite actually KitKat chunky sick um like do you have lion bar in America never heard of lion bar I never heard of never heard of these things these must be UK exclusive well I think some of the some of this stuff might have just have a different name in America because you have Mars Bars right yes I want to say yeah yeah we got infinite Umbra saying begun the biscuit War has and Tom's saying take your tim tams and go straight to jail what is going on here yeah but Tim it sounds like Tim Tom's of the Australian version of penguins by the sounds of it so basically Australia is like these are similar to England and Britain but they've just sort of got like rip-off versions of all the British stuff so like for example they've got Vegemite instead of Marmite which is just what you know it's just weird you know and um they got kangaroos instead of badges I guess maybe they do have badges in Australia I don't know are there badgers in Australia they've got platypuses instead of ducks what the hell is apply force it doesn't it doesn't even make sense it's like it's like someone it's like the Platypus is like a child designed an animal basically but how do we how do we get on this dungeon I don't know because whatever this war going on here I don't know team time is the best biscuit ever made a penguin made a penguin tried to emulate but failed unfortunately UK suck at biscuit making like KFC biscuit or something right like a a biscuit is a cookie yeah that's what we call cookies the biscuits yeah in Britain a Cookie's specific type of biscuit I gotta give a shout out to uh player Essence in chat great dude and he just hit a hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube so oh congratulations congrats to you OJ that's uh that's that's super impressive Maybe one day hopefully I can join you maybe maybe later on next year at some point in time yeah I didn't I don't know I didn't I didn't know biscuits were cookies yeah biscuits biscuits cookies like you call every kind of biscuit cookie right but like improv cookies cookies what do you call something that isn't a cookie I mean like like what do you mean the cookie is a cookie and then other things are other things that have names what are we talking about I I know what you call it like is there anything like like do you call an Oreo cookie yeah scenario is a cookie say I know Rio is not a cookie yes an Oreo is a cookie it's not a cookie man chocolate chips in it and [ __ ] I mean what how is Oreo not a cookie it is because it's a brisket it's a brisket what the [ __ ] I swear you UK people and Australian people with your weird Oreo's a biscuit man if if it's if it's a cookie right it's got chocolate chips in it like people try to say in chocolate chip cookie but that's what a cookie is you can have like you can have a cookie without chocolate chips in it it's still a cookie right monario an Oreo's Got Cream in the middle so it's not a cookie man it's an oreo Cookie doesn't have cream in it man but I saw a cookie has to have chocolate chip what about like uh sugar cookies yeah you kind of don't have you can you can have a cookie without chocolate chips but typically when you think of a cookie it's a chocolate chip cookie I don't know you guys are blowing my mind like so Oreo's a biscuit s Chips Ahoy is a cookie chips aho is a cookie yeah so what other what other cookies have been thinking of or eating my whole life are actually biscuits oh man I don't know I don't know because I don't know I don't know American stuff I don't know American stuff that well I'd have to like I'd have to inquire I'd have to ask around you know cookie sandwich um I like that I like that a sandwich cookie yes yes yeah say I I can I can accept that it's a sandwich cookie but the fact that it's a sandwich means it's not it's not like a typical cookie you know yeah uh Big Papi Mofongo says Oreo is a cookie quote milk's favorite cookie they use that in the advertisements they call it milk's favorite cookie oh they don't call it cookie in Britain it sure is alcohol cookie here not cooking man it's a biscuit s yeah General do you have custard creams in America but you don't because Supreme's kind of like our Oreo Donna taku says what about shortbread cookies that's shortbread it's not cookies sure bread um [Laughter] oh man you've said it yourself it's shortbread it's not a cookie man I mean he's he I just read the super chair he said shortbread cookies or what do you call a cookie then when it's a cookie what do you call it a cookie what are you talking about yeah but not everything's a cooking nobody dude I'm telling you here in the states here in the states nobody calls these things biscuits that's for you weird people that lost the war it's shortbread it's not it's not it's not a cookie if it's shortbread it's shortbread I mean I don't think I've ever heard of anybody called I've never heard like I've heard people say shortbread for something but I've never heard of my life someone's call cookies biscuits yeah but would you call shortbread a cookie what the hell is shortbread oh God isn't isn't shortbread a cookie no it's a biscuit well I don't know you'd have to send me a picture because I I don't know I don't know I don't know what shortbread is then oh what the hell do you call a biscuit KFC oh you never get when I think of a biscuit I think of like a biscuit from KFC you know like what what is a biscuit from KFC what do you mean you don't know what a biscuit from KFC is no that's blowing my mind you don't you don't know what a biscuits from KFC it's got chicken on it no it's just like a biscuit bro what are you talking about what is a biscuit what does it look like uh it's like bread that's like you know it's like you heat it up and it like spans so it's like you know it's like a nice little biscuit I'm sure everybody in the U.S knows exactly what I'm talking about so it's bread yes bread sorry toast I wouldn't say it's toast it's a biscuit but what makes it a biscuit s it's the right name but it's you just said it's bread yeah a gun's a gun says it's a piece of bread Jazz a biscuit is a piece of bread oh God damn it yeah Colin Prime says there's got to be screwing with you I think so too man I think it's okay so bear with me one second I gotta switch over to another headset man anyways enough enough of that tangent about biscuits and cookies and stuff uh uh Xbox lost Playstation One Stop talking food talk Xbox games oh wait yeah you are the clown Xbox lost PlayStation one Matt I can't believe I just ran just making America clown ruining my language man thanks for the money now you're now uh you're hidden on the channel appreciate it there's someone mean I don't know some PlayStation dude that sat here and listened to the whole show like subscribed and wanted to Super Chat and being like you know how many games it's like okay whatever dude I'm sure you can go to a different Channel and peddle your BS I'm not gonna I'm not gonna stand for it here I'm gonna crumb says it's a scone jazz anyways I think uh we've come to the part of the Q a we got some wonderful questions here from the patreons at xb2 we almost have like 200 patreons which is incredible I never thought we'd reach that much so um I'm gonna answer some of the questions here keep in mind that we also have Xbox 2 plus one coming next week on Tuesday December 27th with the one and only Lord Cognito from ILP and defining Duke should be a really good show can't wait to talk to him about everything Xbox and then next week on Friday we'll be back with another Xbox two and we'll probably have a bunch of people on um I need to kind of figure out like who would want to be on so the talk about you know whatever we want to talk about because who knows what's going to happen this week but that's probably what we're gonna do is is have a bunch of people on on Friday to talk about gaming and Xbox and stuff so yeah uh risk it for the biscuits toasted bread it's not a biscuit what the f but let's get to some of these questions jazz uh bro hit the wind is crazy outside and it's it's cold uh Jamie Mahon says was just curious if you two ever play any games online with each other or if that's a rare occurrence it is pretty rare because the time zones more than anything it is like we've only ever played once it's it's it's not just the time zones but we also like have often Divergent sleeping pans like Randall be getting up when I'm just about you know ready for bed and stuff and also we oftentimes don't like the same kind of games I've ran realized Battle Royale but I hate Battle Royale I absolutely the one time we did play a game was Battlefield 5 I think or Battlefield one yeah we both like battlefield but Battlefield sucks right now so but we'll play the next Battlefield did you see by the way speaking of Battlefield the uh one of the lead devs of Battlefield 1 returned to EA and no who who came back I can't remember his name on the top of my head but yeah one of the one of the lead developers on um battlefields some of the best battlefields has returned to EA so there's like it's kind of like there's a bit of Hope him in the air you know especially for me I got opium Tom says in Super Chat cookies come in bags and biscuits come in packets whatever that means right and uh uh I just think you said you I missed his Super Chat I didn't see it so just at me in the chat and I'll make sure to read it uh ranting geek gamer says Randall always saying he doesn't care about PlayStation Fanboys ruining his day but at the end of the day they kind of do that nah they never ruined my day never I I'm having a great day I always have a great day and uh I I like play Such fine boy says something I I almost immediately forget it so it's just like it just doesn't not really I don't really see a lot of their stuff because I have a lot I have a lot of them muted so you can scream into the void on my tweets and the only way I ever really see it is if I go into my own thread to look at stuff but uh I mean hey how could my day be ruined when he gave me two dollars to you know say uh you know you have no games or whatever okay I'm not the one hanging out on your podcast waiting to subscribe so I can give you money thank you you know what I mean yeah uh let's see so yeah me and Jazz we've only ever played once we're basically on at the opposite times of the day um but maybe we could make that more of a patreon thing play play with people I don't know uh Eric says Rand why did Microsoft say they took away bloodborne from Xbox I think they were trying to say that um a lot of people didn't read the full article I I wrote in the next paragraph maybe I should put it in the same paragraph but you know um I wrote that the reason Microsoft put this out there was because Microsoft was basically saying exclusive games are normal you know they were explaining to the dumbass Regulators who were like oh my God exclusive's bad Microsoft was trying to very calmly like like you would explain to a child they were trying to explain that exclusives are common in the industry you know that's that's where that's where that came from it wasn't them crying that they didn't have access to bloodborne it was then being like look exclusive to normal Sony's got this that and the other you know the the story there was like Microsoft seemed to imply that Final Fantasy 7 remake is a permanent exclusive for me um but yeah I guess we'll wait and see on that one yeah I guess so uh let's see what we got here uh ranting gamer says yeah sorry about mentioning Ryan seems to get annoyed from them more often than not anyways this might just two cents my apologies oh no need to apologize um did I get annoyed by them not really sometimes you know I think my rant the other the other week had people like oh man they really piss off Rand but some that rant was more for humor's sake rather than you know well actually that wasn't even really about PlayStation fans that was more about Xbox fans that was more about Xbox fans every time you criticize the platform they always turn around and say well PlayStation did this it's like I they may have done that but I'm not talking about that like what did what is Xbox not showing up at the game boards have to do with PlayStation not showing up at the game awards like I'm not talking about that and who cares if PlayStation didn't you know um but no they never never impact enjoyment in my day I don't let this stuff impact my emotional well-being right because that's how you go into a spiral if you let what people say or you know impact how you feel about yourself or how you've you feel because I'll be honest like you know I've battled depression in my life uh quite a bit there were there was there was moments in my life you know when I was homeless when I was living in my buddy's car that I mean I'll be honest with you I I thought about ending it all I know it's probably heavy for a Christmas podcast which is why you you know you should talk to somebody like better help who's sponsoring this podcast and get 10 off your first month but like honestly like there was times when I was younger that yeah I thought you know bad thoughts about certain things because I I let how people perceive me not like online stuff more like stuff to do with like you know what was going on around me um and even when I first started YouTube there like one of the first things you need to do about YouTube is you need to build the thick skin right and I would focus I would read the comments to my videos and everybody be like great video ran great points really appreciate your take on stuff and then there'd be one being like you [ __ ] suck or you fat piece of [ __ ] right and I would see so I would see these 200 great comments and then I would see that one or two that were like extremely critical or they hated me and I would hyper focus on it right and there was a point where like yeah it started I I think about that it's like man is that true right but I just kind of just eventually just learned to brush it off like it doesn't whatever who cares you know so uh you know people can make fun of me like you know I post my picture on on social media and and most people are very very you know complementary but you know I know that I'm not the best looking dude and I know I'm a big guy so when I see a comment being like you know fat ass or whatever you're like it doesn't bother me I I've grown past that you know what I mean but there were points in time where like I I dwelled on that and it really really bothered me uh where I would I would think about it and ruin my day this is like years and years ago but nowadays I think don't give it any any extra mind don't don't care I've like I don't know being a YouTuber I guess is sort of uh uh made me face that and then and then overcome it so it's a point where it's like people can say awful things about me or whatever and I I don't think like once you know everything's done here it's like I don't think about it again and it's just it doesn't it has no bearing on me whatsoever yeah I I was inside I was the same way when I first started writing articles and people to comment on Windows Central back when we had a comment system I'm trying to get trying to get our comment system back on Windows Central because I think it's really important that people can express themselves even even if it is negative sometime um but I used to be like that too I used to like see these comments and be like oh my God they're so mean and ignore all the positive stuff and just focus on the negative stuff but I've changed the last couple of years I I'm just so numb to negative comments now like I don't it doesn't even register with me like I focus way more on the positive comments and um I think that just comes with time almost like practice just almost like training yourself you know um to realize that there are there is so much more positivity like you see like the there's like a thousand people watching they're watching the 99.9 of people watching in a positive context there's just that sort of weirdo 0.1 where it's like they're watching they hate watching right it's a very strange kind of people who do that um but there are people out there who do it but you just can't pay them any mind because it is the vast it's not even it's not even the vast majority uh minority it's like it's like a shrinking minuscule completely unimportant aspect of of the day-to-day life of a content creator at the end of the day um I just literally it doesn't even register with me anymore it used to but it just doesn't know um and that's that's good because I think all on the end of the day is released to a better product right like the the I put my face in the thumbnail for this show right the face palm face there would have been a time where I'd be like oh God I'm not putting my face out there no I just don't give a [ __ ] that's okay you know but yeah I I you know I'm overweight and I look a bit rough my Beard's not not super great at that time but dude they gave me like 15 minutes to prepare for that show I was like quickly run my hair through a brush yeah it was like you each you know for for was that German official television or state television or whatever like no no it's like it's like a free satellite business news channel right I was exactly speaking but I was expecting a suit you know like looking all Dapper yeah dude I I didn't have time I was like I didn't have time to tidy up my my background or anything like that I just sort of tried to put a soft blur on things like I had no time to prepare whatsoever but it's also like who cares like I'm not I'm not there to look pretty I'm there to offer some analysis you know I'm not an only fans model I'm a I'm a I'm a games journalist like you know who cares what I look like I certainly do not care you know um I try to look at least presentable but I'm not I'm not I don't cry that I don't look like Keanu Reeves or someone like that you know it's all good man yeah it's all good we have a question here from William who says am I the only one happy with the games Xbox is putting out I'm struggling to keep up with all the Game Pass editions that I want to play and finish and then I'm looking forward to games like wulong Aura redfall and Liza P Xbox is finally not rushing out games when they aren't ready so we are so we are likely to expect greatness from first part releases going forward now I'm sure you are not the only one who is happy you know there are plenty of people who love game pass because there's gives them a ton of games for their backlog they can go through and they're just like you know what whenever these first party games come out I'm happy so I would imagine you are not the only one who is happy with the game's Xbox is putting out I'm pretty sure I've said on the show that I'm I've been pretty happy with the games that have been coming out as well because like like I say I don't have that much time to play apply a lot on PC anyway and the games I have been in Xbox have been kind of fun little you know palette cleansers like call the lamb excellent game absolutely excellent game you know I really want to go back and play that death's door also excellent game I reviewed that um a lot of these are smaller kind of games but and that again they're multi-platform games but I don't really care about exclusives because I play exclusively on Xbox anyway it might as well be exclusive to me because I have no intention of buying a PS5 anytime soon so you know is what it is yeah I think people people people put there's a lot of conversation and controversy revolves around exclusive content you know like Sony has this why don't I have this why don't I have something comparable to compare that to but I'm like someone who's like I don't really care about you know I don't really feel the fomo in the same way you know I'll get God of War Ragnarok when it comes to PC maybe eventually because I think a lot of these games are going to come to PC because that's the market now you know so I with that in mind it's sort of like increasingly like I can just wait because I've got enough to play I've got enough to play and not enough hours to play at all you know but if you're someone younger maybe and you you do go through everything real quickly and you can focus on a single game because that's another problem for me as well Focus I get bored easily you know playing the album ring 150 hours across three different save files you know dude killing the same bosses over and over again um I did get a little bit burned out on it you know um but there are there are people out there who are posting their screenshots 900 hours in album ring yeah oh doing PVP and all that kind of stuff you know so um yeah that being said you know if I do slash play it on World of Warcraft I've got 179 days Play Time on my main character so what's that in real money 179 divided by 24 uh wait is it about 24 or multiplied by 24. yeah multiplied by 24 sorry I'm not good at math 4002 4296 hours on this single character and I've got about 10 characters so there ain't nothing that's also like 15 years worth it ain't nothing yeah I guess but I play a lot in my point um well yeah but now not everybody also is like hyper focused on first party so they're happy to play whatever's available and you know so I know sometimes it might seem like everybody's upset or whatever but that's not the case yeah most people are just rocking rocking wherever they've got access to yeah yeah foreign object in the super uh in the uh patreon says on the topic of a way to Breathe new life in a gears franchise I know the idea of a first person survival game set in the gears Universe has been thrown around but hear me out what about a Diablo inspired gears game a top-down mix of looter shooter light RPG survival experience co-developed by the Coalition and blizzard I think Rod could easily meld division of both Studios into a fresh new entry in the series this is assuming the ABK deal goes through of course I know you you probably all over that jazz right I don't know if GEOS lends itself well to the class model I mean I suppose you could have like that they kind of did try to engage tactics but even there it doesn't work that well they do a sort of stealthy character that has a personal invisibility field which is something that I don't think you see much in the regular game like Jack Jack has a personal visibility field but none of the soldiers do um and uh you know I don't know if it lends itself that well to the class based model when you first started talking though I started I I got it the other way around I thought he was asking for a uh a sort of third-person Diablo game where maybe you play as a Demon Hunter and uh and a barbarian in in sort of like over-the-shoulder combat now I think that would be amazing but can you imagine like playing the demon or Necromancer or something in in that kind of viewpoint very intimate very sort of in your face hyper violent on real engine game I think that'd be sick um but I kind of want that for Starcraft as well I've said that on the show you know they should bring back Starcraft ghost make it like third person action game make it like gears and all that kind of stuff I think that would be really sick but I don't know I don't know if we're gonna get that stuff it's nice to dream it really is nice to dream but we'll have to wait and see again yeah um Nate Miller says holidays are fried so fast approaching what is your go-to Christmas food oh um hmm that's interesting we're having a traditional German Christmas dinner tomorrow because Germans celebrate Christmas on the 24th not the 25th uh well they open their gifts on the 24th at least 20 on the E in the evening um but you know it's um we're having a kind of like braised beef with a I don't know what you call it like a special kind of gravy that will brighten it's called it's super super delicious and don't play a potato dumpling we always had for dinner we always had beef tenderloin with like mashed potatoes and stuff and it was pretty damn amazing but I always look forward to um in the in like we'd have brunch and we'd have um uh like well what was it called like scrambled egg casserole it was just like I wasn't scrambled at casserole it was it was this uh casserole that was like egg sausage it was just like so damn good and then we also had french toast with it and then my mom would make these like crisp like cookies that were like kind of u-shaped and they were I forgot the name of them like croissant croissants or something yeah yeah croissants yeah and they were just so good I always look forward to Christmas uh for those and one of my aunts when I was younger would always have would always like bring she was my godmother she'd always would bring me uh because my family when I was younger uh like we would have a Christmas party the on Christmas Eve where like so like my dad is like this my dad has like seven brothers and sisters and like everybody's got kids and nephews so they'd all come to our house on Christmas Eve and we'd have this huge party and Santa Claus would come this is obviously when I was a kid Santa Claus would come and you know the kids could tell Santa what they wanted and blah blah blah we stopped doing it on Christmas Eve and then we do it the weekend before so it'll be the Saturday before like everybody would come and you know be the one maybe one or three times a year where family get together and you know people would bring food right and my aunt would bring uh these like cookies that were like it was like Ritz crackers and like peanut butter but then covered in chocolate uh uh they were kind of like big oh my God they were so freaking good and everybody would be jealous because she would make a like a can for me like a tin for me and I would just like go up in my room and hide them because they were just so freaking amazing um but yeah those are always things I remember from like Christmas food and stuff so and no not biscuits cookies rip uh Silas wants to know just now that you are in a position of great power at window Central methodically building your media Empire have you had to adjust your reporting because of your new responsibilities are you more leery to leak anything since your promotion and have you started using Rand as a resource for your new visibility being a YouTube Star I'm sure he has lots of strategy on how to deal with Fame and all that money that comes with it you know all that money yeah sure well I I haven't adjusted my report in at all um you know I I am like the managing editor of news at the minute that's my role so it kind of like um how I want to report things is now pretty much up to me you know I made those rules which is awesome um so no the report hasn't changed at all um with regards to leaks if you're asking why haven't I put any advers on this because I haven't really gotten any you know I put I leaked a lot about Diablo 4 in the run-up to the game awards and stuff but I know not not a lot of people are super interested in that maybe from from the from the general Xbox Community I don't know um but you know I haven't stopped leaking at all you know I've leaked out a dab before I leaked um some other stuff here and there and random places um but as pertains to Major Xbox leagues no I haven't I haven't stopped that and I won't stop that because at the end of the day it's my job my job is to find information now and Report information that you guys are interested in what has changed my reporting though is YouTube uh Google's algorithm because um Google is the top source of our traffic Google discover which is like their news platform comes up on the sidebar on um comes up on the sidebar on the Android phones and stuff like that so Google is like a hugely important resource for traffic it's like the most important resource for traffic the whole internet is controlled by Google you know I don't know if people know this or realize this but you live and die by the algorithm whether you're a website whether you're whether you're a YouTuber you live and die by the algorithm and Google changed their algorithms a lot this year so like some of our reporting and some of our you know some of our um uh practices of I had to I had to adapt to what Google wants now which is different to what it wanted this time last year so that's the only changes that are being made really a lot of the changes are for the better they're sort of like Google wants you to update your articles more frequently which ultimately leads to be more up-to-date information they'll punish websites that don't do up-to-date information and stuff which is why we update a lot of the Articles we got frequently just stuff like you know upcoming games or best Xbox games and stuff like that so updating those more frequently but as pertains to the general reporting now it's all up to me now so I get to choose how to report the things and uh I'm not going to change anything about what I'm doing my losses congrats jazz on the screen time you got on DW news yeah thanks so much I mean I got I got them to say too bad he didn't get any audio time yeah well they said that they captured my audio at their end and they were going to reinsert it when they do a rerun so we'll see we'll see if like my answer actually does get out there but ham Solo's here he says hope Shakespeare is chilling he is he's upstairs chilling having a good day took him out a couple times freezing cold he just loves the snow he likes to lick the snow although I think we we uh we were taking him for surgery in February because that CIS thing's got to be removed yeah any and he has lost a lot of weight so but he he eats his food we I give him so I don't know hopefully nothing's seriously wrong uh Ryan and the patreon question says how these season a great time together around for multiplayer what are some of your favorite multiplayer games or gaming memories during the holidays for me Tower fall has become a bit of a Christmas tradition with the fam I mean I think I talked a little bit about it last time or maybe it was on fonza's show and I talked about Christmas Christmas for me was when I got Nintendo games and Sega Genesis games so my memory gaming memories of the holidays are basically like playing all the new games I would get and maybe I should explain this so like you know our family opened up presents on Christmas Day I know there are some families that open up on Christmas Eve you guys are heathens I don't know why you'd open up presents on Christmas Eve but we opened up stuff on Christmas Day and then about an afternoon like two o'clock or whatever my grandparents would come over and we always would look forward to that because our grandparents would get us actually more things than our than our parents did and usually more expensive stuff so we'd wake up and see the presents on the tree wake our parents up open up the presents but we're really waiting for our grandparents to come over and then they would come over in their big Cadillac and the Cadillac was just full of presents and they'd bring them inside and then you could pick them out and my grandma was always the one who bought the games for me and back then it was easy to tell what was like a game case like the Nintendo Game case or the Genesis one I remember one year going like they bring in all the presents from outside and it just like filled the whole room and I'm not kidding when I say it like filled the whole room and um I was looking through the presents and I was like I don't see any game cases did I not get any games this year I saw a bunch of like you know clothes boxes and everybody's like you know open up the presents so I was just like I opened up everything and I didn't see any games and I had like four closed boxes to open I'm like close like I don't want to open up clothes right so I start to open up the the close boxes and inside wouldn't you know it for video games oh brilliant they they they tricked me into thinking I was getting clothes but instead they put the video games inside the clothes clothes boxes oh man so my my gaming memories are like yeah like I think I got Genesis for Christmas so hooking that up Sega CD or 32x all the different games so it'd always be like me and my brother going downstairs after Christmas and just playing playing video games but I don't really have any multiplayer memories uh just more like playing with my brother and just trying out all the games we'd get uh from our grandparents I remember one year I think I think it was like the 32x she got me and I remember just like this look my mom gave my grandma like I can't like how I said no and you got it for him or whatever like you know one of those like things yeah some good memories of that some some really good memories I am my best Christmas memory or at least the one that stands out for me the most I had like I had what I believe was covid17 okay when I when I was uh when I was very very young uh well not very young about 13 14 something like that 12 maybe even I had really bad flu like crazy flu and it's because I drank out I had some serious illness probably I drank out of I drank out of a fountain in in my local town which you know I was full of pigeons um I did it on a dare oh well something like that and um yeah it was a mistake I got really really ill it was really ill for like two or three weeks all my glands were swollen I was constantly like uh my mouth was like exploding with saliva constantly it was salivated it was so weird I had like crazy temperatures and hallucinating and this went on for like three weeks and just as I was starting to get better I mean Christmas have rolled around so I had like I had like three weeks of school and then like that sort of getting better sort of connected up to having the two weeks off for Christmas as well so I had like basically five weeks off school just basically doing nothing but playing video games and um and on Christmas I got Silent Hill too for Christmas and it was like it was sort of like the moment that I knew I was better because I was like oh man I I don't feel I feel up to playing this so it was kind of like I've survived this strange disease which the doctors didn't know what it was the doctors had no idea what I had so I think it was covered 17. and um and then I survived into playing sonic L2 which was absolutely incredible but I was too scared to fight with the music what a Christmas gift yeah it's very very it's not the most Christmasy game in the world but it was uh uh very very fun a great experience you know I was so hyped about Pyramid Head the scene of pyramid head and all the marketing is like you know the whole sort of the the sort of cat the characterization was just so weird and unique and yeah that was that was my most memorable Christmas for gaming I think yeah uh got a couple questions here from C money he says what do you think Xbox would be still missing after the ABK deal goes through hmm oh my god um some people would say Sega they probably they probably are missing some Japanese Studios the thing the thing the things that they miss are kind of the things that Activision Miss they they still need an RTS Studio to look after Asian Empires and hopefully Starcraft so they still miss something for RTS and strategy games they're relying on second party for that stuff and clearly they believe in strategy games as a driver of growth or game pass on PC um I've heard Age of Empires 4 has done very well and it is a driver of you know Game Pass subscriptions on PC so strategy studio is what they're lacking and they've got world's Edge but world's Edge is like I don't think they're big enough right now so maybe they need to grow world's Edge buy studio and merge it in there or something I don't know they also need a fine game I think like even though fighting game's a niche Community around them is so passionate and the the Esports and the streaming potential and stuff like that I kind of feel like they need an answer to you know Smash Bros and stuff like that I don't know um and Killer Instinct is just right there waiting it's just waiting for some someone to do something with it so there's that um but I think for me the RTS thing is probably the bigger fish to fry right now um but we'll see what happens with that it's hard to say yeah some people would say Sega some would say Capcom you know it's like a soul to that issue with the with the um the RTS Studio because they got Relic right yeah but uh more and more and more what's the name more and more uh he also see money else says what does Xbox have to do to change the narrative in 2023 besides just releasing games and what if anything could be done to combat Spider-Man 2 on PS5 I mean I don't think you need to combat Spider-Man 2. you know every game's gonna have their big games like that'd be like saying what is PlayStation gonna do to combat Starfield although I guess you could say Final Fantasy 16 but um yeah I know it's not going to touch Starfield whatsoever starfield's just gonna dwarf Final Fantasy 16. I'll fail this is funny yeah stuff is going to be a monster it's gonna be like this this event in gaming where like user generating content keeps it going for years and years and years we're going to hear about like the latest the big mod for Starfield you know or some some crazy modders have created like a whole new campaign on one of the blank planets and stuff starfield's not going away it's going to be an absolute tour de force and you know that's my belief you know might launch a little buggy or something and people be like oh my God it's Boogie blah blah blah people will be playing that game for a decade I mean honestly what does Xbox need to do in the narrative that besides just releasing games I mean that's the narrative isn't it releasing games and yeah and and showing people what you have and not being so secretive about stuff so the link the way you change the narrative is just you release high quality games and you release them on a regular consistent basis and then all that stuff goes by the wayside I think one thing that could do is change the narrative is um they could and this is something I know won't happen but if they got rid of Xbox Live Gold that would that would uh have a strong message of differentiation against Sony because I don't think Sony will be in a position to ever get rid of that but maybe Microsoft isn't either and he's completely a moot point but I think that is something that would really move the needle if they got rid of Xbox live gold and they were like we are the platform that online multiplayer is completely free that would be the strong sense of differentiation that Xbox would have over the platforms so like so like Sony has its bangers whatever Microsoft Nintendo has its portability and its IP Microsoft could be the platform where Microsoft's the platform of value right now it has the the cheapest console uh the cheapest next-gen console New Gen whatever you want to call it and I also have Xbox game pass that's the differentiation right now so if you don't if you want to double down on that differentiation when it comes to value and and saving money how do you do that you get rid of Xbox Live Gold so but I think that'll change the narrative by releasing games like Ryan says and uh you guys say yeah uh let's see infinite Amber the Super Chat says great talk fellas merry Christmas happy holidays to you too in the chat I gotta get going for Xbox infinite with guest guys tonight Shameless plug you guys make sure you tune into uh Xbox infinite with risket in the crew and that apparently gas as well Xbox Trader gas who's on Xbox exile uh zatana says Paradox interactive another realm interesting additions so uh ranting geek Gamers to talk about the Redfield delay the rumor we we did talk I actually talked about that twice now yes so we have we have talked about that um the the long the long and short of that is we don't know if it's true or not yeah can't really delay someone doesn't have a date I mean I guess you could say it's been delayed if it releases after June but other than that it's just kind of like they said it was coming before June so if it's March or may I mean they're not wrong right uh C money says you have the ability to have one thing come true gaming related in 2023 what would it be and why well we know jez's APK finished blizzard with Xbox kotik gone right is that your is that your uh wish your one thing come true I don't even care about activism just just say a blizzard man if the concession is Call of Duty has to stay independent gray just give me blizzard I don't care about Call of Duty I don't care about chronic Crush I just want blizzard under Xbox is my absolute number one gaming dream above absolutely everything else I would trade every every deal every acquisition for Blizzard at Xbox um because I know I know that I know they'll it'll be better I know it'll be better in every sense um than it was undercoating although you know things are changing right now but I think that's largely in part to the fact that things got so bad in the first place they're there to really re-examine things but I I think things wouldn't have got that bad in the first place if they were under Xbox but I don't know uh what else what else do you have one um Number One gaming dream for 2023. number one hellblade 2 releasing there you go nice hellblade 2 releasing and it's everything I wanted to be and I can just troll Jazz because it's amazing because he doesn't because he's you know complains about hellblade too uh we got a question here from eddie27 blizzard have put up pre-orders for World of Warcraft Alex strasia statues for 1100 pounds will you be buying one next to jez to go with your Diablo one no no I like I actually saw the oxtraza and I was like man should I should I no um no I don't I don't like Alex strasa enough as a character I quite likely this badass but Alex Strazza nah if there was like another character that I really liked maybe but uh man I don't know where to put it like my my app I had to sacrifice my Amazon Echo to get that um to get that uh uh that statue in my room I had to sacrifice my Amazon Echo I don't know where I'm going to put that now or if I'm even gonna have a speaker at all I don't know first world problems eh I guess so I'll get a super chat from Chennai Avalanche says that Contraband is the most ambitious game yet what would that entail I don't know I always think those are PR buzzwords like everybody's next game is their most ambitious game ever isn't it at least it always seems like you know like coalition's next game is most ambitious or three four three it just seems like this part for the course oh yeah I don't know I'll tell you what Mike's ambitious it's the first game that they've developed that's gonna have dedicated servers and there's a live service game so it's kind of like it's destiny-esque in that context there's going to be social hubs there's going to be you know where you can meet people and stuff like that and I've never to my knowledge I don't think they've developed a game like that before that has that kind of dedicated server infrastructure and all that stuff so with that context it is their most ambitious game yeah but you know we'll see if we can pull that complete off basically they're trying to make like from what I understand is the sort of you know like GTA was going to have those heists and stuff and they did eventually add them but it kind of felt like they're sort of riffing on that whole thing a little bit but I don't know to be honest um we'll have to wait and see yeah we gotta big super chat here from one bad mother the year started with acquisition season ended with the face palm and had a lot of male filler in between but no matter the news you guys consistently entertained thanks for the year friends thank you for always being a great friend and a supporter OBM yeah thanks so much ma'am um let's see we got more questions I think we do I think we do um let's see uh okay we went through those okay we got one from I'm gonna crumb hey guys we're at Christmas I hope it's not too stressful and it's just relaxing I got two questions one I think everyone's pretty much in agreement that Xbox will have a show late January early February I'm seeing a lot of comments about the optimal length time between being around 30 minutes cold gas and fans listed 15 Xbox first and third party I think releases in between now and June it's 30 minutes 30 minutes realistically long enough two minute trailers for each game seems a bit low to me what do you guys think for me it has to be 90 minutes and two if you guys could take any IP past to present and if any developer make a spin-off what would you guys pick it could be any genre as well I love ghost story games to make a focus first person Fallout horror setting a massive Vault space a massive Vault Maybe see this is where you kind of set yourself up for disappointment about thinking about the length of things and right um one assuming that there is a show which okay let's go hypothetically let's assume there is one but you're now you're speculating on length and like how it has to be 90 minutes because they have 15 Xbox games coming which you know whether or not some of those are the Game Pass games or whatever uh I'm not sure it'll be 90 minutes because you look at even the Nintendo Direct how long are the Nintendo directs usually just 30 to 40 minutes I mean yeah and like the state of plays are 20 to 30 minutes this isn't like E3 this is going to be like if it actually even happens it could that's the thing it I could see it going many different ways I could see it just being like here's a Showcase of our first party games coming between now and June and here's redfall Starfield Minecraft Legends and Forza Motorsport and Aura and that's it right I could see it being um you know here's our first party games and then some select third party games but I think expecting something to be the length of an E3 showcase I think is setting yourself up for disappointment because I don't really think that's going to be the case yeah if there is a show I'm expecting something smaller more Nintendo Direct like and yeah maybe even experimental well I expected more to focus on first party stuff yeah rather than like third parties so the problem is it's all just speculation you don't even know if it's actually happening so now getting into the Nitty Gritty details of what should be there and how long should things be shown and time lengths and stuff like what if they were on it to just be like we're gonna show five things and each of the things they show are 10 minutes long or something like where's 10 minutes of gameplay of redfall and here's 10 minutes of gameplay of Starfield or people be happy with that um you know I I I don't know uh so we just number one we gotta wait until Xbox officially announces it which who knows when that will be and then you know we gotta wait and see what they actually want to talk about so don't put I guess I guess what I'm saying is don't put the cart before the horse um as for is that the sign I believe that's the saying isn't it don't put the card before the horse I think you just might that up I don't think I made that up I think that's a saying I don't know I think you might that up don't put the car before the horse yeah I think that's true it even doesn't even make sense like you don't put the card before the horse is that like saying don't run before you walk maybe I don't know it's just a saying bro like maybe I should look up Google let's see let's let's go to Google I know I'm right because that is a saying don't put the cart yeah right here don't put the car before the horse uh reverse the proper order or procedure of something uh to do things in the wrong order people are putting the cart before the horse by making plans on how to spend the money before we're even certain that the money will be available so now people are like do we even know the show's happening now we're talking about the length of shows and what should be at the show when we know when the show is happening yeah anyways uh he also says uh if you guys could take any IP past or present and have any developer make a spin-off what would you guys pick Coalition Starcraft yeah there you go um yeah I don't know I don't know I have to take a I have to think about this maybe I'll come back to it achievement if XBox had a theme park what kind of attractions would we see Forza roller coaster Halo laser tag Ori bouncy house what kind of food would they serve and what franchise would make a good roller coaster that's interesting I think you could do like a Halo roller coaster actually you could do like like flying a pelican or something you could have like a Halo like Lego set or something well you could do that too you could do like warthog warthog go-karts yeah what about like a hellblade hellblade like uh Mysteries or were you going like the fun house there's like all different mirrors oh yeah all right oh my God you could do an evil within escape room oh there you go that'd be messed up man what about what about uh oh what about one of those uh State of Decay ones where you go through and like peop like people try to jump at you like try to scare you like like a haunted house or something haunted house yeah um what else could you do I don't know I've been to me okay sleeping now have a bit too many theme parks in my life so I'm probably not once what food though food oh you could have uh well if they land the ABK deal like World of Warcraft does a whole cookbook of food you could do Pizza just have pizza there that's all you need is pizza hello pizza pizza I can't even think but yeah a Forza roller coaster Halo laser tag interesting you can just have sea of Thieves bananas everywhere I guess you could well those are all the patreon quest thank you guys you uh two can become a patron at xb2 uh we got the Lord Cognito Xbox two plus one coming on Tuesday so that should be interesting we'll take a couple more questions from chat and then we'll get out of here because it's getting late and it's also getting cold and I'm getting hungry and jazz is getting tired um so let us make sure you add me in the chat so I can see your question and then just for the end of the show I'm gonna throw up Jess's image here again watch this Lisa you can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half oh look look at that you know uh Nick made this uh Nick major face palm a um Emoji an emoji in his Discord I was gonna um I was gonna add that emoji to the YouTube channel you should you should have you should add it to the Discord as well as an emoji I've already added to the desk okay uh BFG says if in the future playgrounds Fable release is finally and is successful do you think it's possible Fable Fortune the computer car game canceled in 2017 can come back somehow I mean it's probably this I wouldn't be surprised if there's a card game within Fable that's maybe based around Fable Fortune you know like kind of like gwent was in Witcher I wouldn't be surprised if that's like a side thing you could do because like even like games like Valhalla had those things right so yeah I'm I imagine if fibo's gonna be like a full-blown open world uh RPG um they probably need some kind of in-game activities like that yeah um Ethan says snickerdoodles or gingerbread cookies uh what the hell is a snickerdoodle I was about to say is like uh Snickerdoodle I mean I know what a gingerbread cookie is but it depends on who makes it what's a snickerdoodle I don't know I guess I'll go with gingerbread cookies uh John says if you could pitch a game to Phil Spencer what would it be about and what would you name it ooh you know I remember talking to Phil in 2015 and being like he asked me in 2015 if there was a game that if I if I could pitch a game and make get it made what would what would be my game that I would want and I told him I wanted Alan Wick 2. [Laughter] oh you're getting it I mean I'm getting it so I got I got the game I wanted I guess now if I would be like Phil I want Quantum break too I don't know yeah um I know some people would be like Killer Instinct or banjo or whatever um I just want Starcraft yeah I love Starcraft universe so much Alfred says do you expect Indiana Jones to be exclusive or multi-platform I've said on the show that I expected to be multi-platform but who knows I actually heard that it was multi-platform my expectation is that it's multi-platform so yeah if it's exclusive that's a big surprise but oh look at this we got a huge Super Chat here from hargit Chennai he says happy Holidays happy New Year he's giving away Modern Warfare 2 vault Edition as well as Prime Evil with some and Diablo 2 oh Diablo 2 resurrected Prime Evil Edition oh my God that is incredibly generous of you Huggy you didn't have to do that if you do redeem the codes for either Modern Warfare 2 or the Diablo 2 make sure you uh thank ourgate for his generosity he's like he's like Santa Claus I wonder how many games he's actually given away which is uh it's incredible I was actually gonna do some giveaways today but didn't have you done any headset giveaways on the Discord uh not yet something I I need to find a bot for I need to talk to our lovely moderator team blue and Jen see if there's a bot for that um but yeah if if you guys are interested by the way we are gonna do some Discord giveaways in the near future for for review units that I need to get rid of so uh Xbox headsets you know random Xbox accessories charge docs maybe even things like xcloud controllers and stuff so uh yeah the just the Discord links in the CH in the description where I run uh no oh wow in the description of the pocket of the on YouTube I don't think so oh wow look out for it on uh we'll add it to the description later I guess uh because Ron's useless okay why do you want to be like that bro well I guess I'm useless you could flick the Discord man I mean uh I didn't I have it like set up and I just I think I had it all set up before Discord was the thing we were doing so it just kind of automatically just adds stuff so good man well we'll get we'll get this toy down so um before we get out of here uh what are your plans for Christmas bro well uh I've actually got to do a lot of work next week because I was hoping officially we close now Windows Central is officially closed next week but I've still got a load of stuff to do because I had I had a week off when I was in England so I gotta do work that's my that's some at least part of my Christmas is going to be finishing off work I haven't done yet um but we're going to eat a lot of food tomorrow probably chill watch movies hang out relax my brother's visit in Germany for the first time so my brother's spending Christmas here with me which is awesome I'm really pumped about that and uh yeah I guess and also uh we're gonna do actually two plus one with Cognito on Tuesday so it's gonna be a lot of fun and then we're gonna maybe do a panel the next week but we don't know for sure if we are yet yeah is that right well we'll see we probably will well I mean we're doing a show regardless it's just a matter of if it's just me and you or if we're gonna have a bunch of people so yeah um yeah but yeah if you guys enjoyed the show make sure you hit the like button subscribe if you're new if you're listening to this later on iTunes or Spotify make sure you you know give us a five star review if you feel so inclined uh Zatanna says Starfield guests January 23 2023 223 20 23 or 3 23 23. uh neither of those uh at best it'd be 5 23 23 or 6 23 23. yeah I think stuff feels more realistic if it ain't just delay that right yeah uh but yeah thank you guys for being here hope everybody has an incredible Christmas holiday stay safe if you're impacted by this blizzard because you know cold because it's it's not snowing here it's snowed only five inches but like it's freezing cold it's like negative four degrees but it feels like negative 24. that's crazy yeah we'll be back next week got a couple podcasts to do look forward to seeing you all again and uh we love you all and have a marriage rule Merry Christmas Merry Christmas later
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 126,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0mGfrQcRk8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 12sec (14172 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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