Starfield & Redfall | Trek To Yomi | Salt and Sacrifice | Gotham Knights | Embracer Group - WWP 321

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[Music] [Music] halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of gaming if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] outta game and got my halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of the game and if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of the game i'm all my halo gears and forza [ __ ] i thought i told ya i'm gaming 4k ultra textures make you throw up no anime no neo no tokyo [ __ ] four to seven on my scorpio it's looking looking super crispy not that ps4 pro snoopy [ __ ] with that nintendo switch goofy [ __ ] i like my master chief hit my marcus phoenix in the forza game with the orange mclaren that xbox got my hand shake and took a poop on my playstation wipe my ass with my hands and wiped it on my playstation my xbox clean sanitation i'm nba live with the animations i bought that x no hesitation i'm the best spots fish that's dedication smoother frames and faster lows more games in my box can hold 4k and better shadows xboxes for the pros xbox we play games playstation y'all list games y'all got them niche games we got them big names you can have your neck in your gt sport you can have your near in your ps3 course but over here our games are clear and i must admit i'm happy with my halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and it if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of gaming if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of game and got my halo gears enforcer halo gears and forza halos and forza halo gears enforce it if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of the game and if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of gaming bars nothing but bars that is a banger from none other than kids smooth it just seemed appropriate for the current time we are in it's it was only right it was only right the people demanded it people was asking for it and i delivered it is a catchy so even even though it got that sesame street that sesame street beat it was still fire we we need him to to remaster that i'm gonna ask him for that remaster because it sounded like the mic at that time when he made that song sound like he was recording with a potato shout out to kiss move man ladies and gentlemen hit that like button should have a good show in front of us got some uh guests coming through believe y'all will like them oh god's loud dover father you think it's all i think it's over for the bucks man the box getting cucks yes sir i'm kind of disappointed i wanted the i want the trend of like the big man winning something i feel you well it's like yo i mean and be honest like i want like the return of the big man to the nba because it's more fun that way been a bunch of like [ __ ] launching up threes all day yeah they couldn't they couldn't defend them threes and they couldn't like you know the way they played they can keep up with that so although you know jack had to find out the hard way that you know the light skin master race is taking over again oh man making a comeback i mean will smith set us back so you know they gotta roll up like thanos grab the glove and say i'll do it myself i feel you i feel you dog what's up everybody can you hear me yeah we hear you man what's going on good good evening yeah you're loud he's very quiet i don't know logical turn your mic up just a bit if you can i don't know how i set them on airpods today no you're okay i sound better than normal uh yeah then um then last week yeah i think so i had the wired ones in my mom's friend gave her air pods i'm like mom gotta give me these before you lose them she loses their phone like literally once a month so i'm like i'm just gonna snatch these uh can you guys hear me yeah yeah that's better chat yeah go ahead and hit that like button gotta oh yeah you know this man serious i mean oh twitter twitter twitter so you uh you gonna make another account or what's going on oh still appealing it i've got too much [ __ ] my life going on right now that it's actually kind of good my twitter's the activity yeah they really got you out of here for nothing yeah i know like this man what happened i didn't even know if i was doing anything like you're cool you can't even you can't even say like come on man or yeah hey guys or anything let's put it like it's it's that scary now for real yeah it's bad it's your game of the year that's not a happening obviously so you must pay me now isn't it delayed it's delayed but it's not getting it can't get game of the year to see it so um what what did you all say i'm supposed to cancel it box lost i mean technically but you can also look at it if it can't get nominated that means it's also not winning game of the year no the bet is it will get game of the year if it gets delayed he automatically loses because they can't get game over here it's just like you bet halo one game of the game of the year but it got it it couldn't get nominated remember have to go back to the tapes see what the what the tape said oh in three weeks when i move when i open up my computer i just have this giant spread list of smooth bits [Music] don't worry i i date him and everything so i got a giant excel feed okay okay we went we might start talking about buyout options because you know smooth is taking heavy let's here but you know smooth you can always win your money back you can definitely going to open sixes here so has anybody seen the likes of jack move we've been upset since uh memphis right yeah i mean it sucks that the sixers should have um jason tatum we should have jimmy butler oh god all right well okay there you go jack uh it's 548 rand how are you doing good sir what's going on bg what's up bond what's up jack ryan is this is my phone hey bg bg invited me because he literally said kiss move needs some help on sunday yeah he's going to be yeah i'm always i'm always looking out for smooth smooth i just want you to know i'm on on your side as soon as you know soon as i saw the news i was like listen i'ma contact the man with a million helps move out this sunday i don't uh you know i'm looking out for you smoove i don't know how much help i can be i mean when we you know it's it's a pretty bad it's a pretty bad week yeah i can't go i mean i'm not going to war this week i mean i got i got nothing first of all two things that happened two things need to happen you sound fine it doesn't sound like you're regular mike yeah oh [ __ ] let me check here i hear smoove lost another uh bet to bond though yeah yeah two things need to happen before this podcast even starts one you all need to put some respect on bg's name this [ __ ] been hitting the ball out the park like barry bonds on steroids since cyberpunk i don't think he's missed yet and you all have to acknowledge it you know you know it's funny when bg is the captain's annuals of video games y'all second of all if you are an xbox fan you all need to put a gag order on smoove the second this [ __ ] said that starfield was going to be game of the year and this that and the other you all knew it wasn't coming out it was like this was my fault once again it's always smooth's fault um and remember smoove also made a bet besides game of the year that will get a 90 plus on metacritic so you know that's not happening either oh man are you saying there's a smooth curse oh yeah it's been established this is without fail everything smooth says the opposite happens it's we've tested it out with everything for years it goes back this far rand right the eagles finally made the super bowl at the back up quarterback i text bg i was like yo eagles won the super bowl it's like how you know i'm like i already bet kids move it's in the bag this last year literally said bangles by three by three oh yeah they did yep they lost by three by the exact same thing like the opposite of what's move set yeah move yourself to start betting the opposite of what you want to happen right exactly that's what i told them i was like yo if you really want xbox to be good every video you should put up should be trashing xbox and praising nintendo playstation indeed he should have been he should have been like he should have been like halo sucked but no he said it was going to be good that it shouldn't be delayed and look what happened tragic let's do these uh we got a lot to talk about so we should get right into it do these uh this is weapon wheel podcast episode 321 we appreciate everybody for joining us you know tweet it out tell your grandmother come watch and all that good stuff uh we're on itunes google play spotify uh if you want to support the weapon world patreon links in the description for that that will give you access to the discord and the weapon will after dark which is like an extra uh show every week uh you can also become part of the channel memberships by hitting the join button you can get into the discord that way too and uh yeah um hit the like button um weapon after darks are very entertaining um so make sure you know check that out on our patreon and if you want to submit a video to be featured during the podcast there's a link in the description you can just drag and drop your gameplay and uh it will be featured one of these weeks all right let's get to the intros rand it's been a while sir yeah when's the last time i've been on a year maybe two years seems it seems like a long time it's been approximately five bets ago oh five bets ago that's yeah yeah that's how we measure time on uh weapon wheel right you know rand's big artillery so you know i call him out when he's when he's really needed you know what i'm saying it's it's almost like a like a jay-z feature you only call it when you when you really need it so i mean between you know xbox failing and massive chief [ __ ] the covenant i had to bring him had to bring matt yeah that's one of the topics it's been a week xbox drm nobody can play their games master chief clapping cheeks and uh brands we don't have games to play oh man interesting next uh jack move yeah yo what's good what's good what's poppin all right light skin master race uh pop and threes memphis what's up everybody it's the best spot kiss move is this like a spiderman mod on scifi yes that is none other than miles morales yes oh wow fire i've been uh pretty much doing a whole bunch of sifu mods playing through the game with a bunch of mods yeah it's pretty good um porter rock what's going on brother hey what's up god man i'm sorry order rock uh oh it's gonna be good today oh xbox community you couldn't live with your failures right you absolutely could not live with your failures and where did that get you right back to me hey little gizmo for yo hey yo bro yo i completely forgot about that rap yo smooth i swear to god put that [ __ ] on spotify man get to make that money we need we need a rematch smooth you got to do a rematch what's up we need a remaster the street that's the hottest song in the game in the streets right now we need those smooth i'm telling you you're leaving out a lot of coin on the streets put that [ __ ] on spotify [Laughter] what's up everybody yeah what's up everybody what's going on man thanks thanks for the invite bg all right uh logical not there right now okay there you go no i'm here my bad i was on mute is logical an xbox guy oh logical is here yeah [Laughter] hey i've been looking to get into conversation with porter rock too so this is this is perfect bloody sunday oh my god [Laughter] hey so this i like like randolph said look man it's a handoff uh you know uh thor it's it's hard to kind of come in here and defend xbox so i ain't gonna be doing a whole lot of that but i ain't going to let you jab them where they don't need to be jabbed we need the cap [Laughter] if it's a fact we're jumping them together that's why i probably have my sword but i'm a huge bite don't own no playstation y'all know how it is there's no need for one but microsoft is convincing us the other way right my brother my brother my brother logical this is what you need to do you need to get the ps5 because when you get it then then a light bulb is going to be like oh i get it now you know when you get that phrase you're going to be like now i understand ps4 and start collecting dust and i was like man i couldn't stop lying stop lying they're going to be calling you illogical oh man right and uh and lastly bond banned bond what's up man guys you gentlemen doing who did you piss off mom because i'm like yo his [ __ ] his account got obliterated he missed somebody are you guys having a great day or do i have to you know click on all your accounts and intricacies of your pronouns gender identity and discrimination keep messing with black female twitter keep going go ahead i know i got banned for saying is this man serious yeah yeah and it was a it was a yeah like literally those words for all the people that were blaming black women y'all should feel ashamed of yourselves no music woman got me banned so for all y'all accusing them y'all y'all need to oh you all need to owe those queens an apology no man because one of them got me banned it wasn't a regular nation all right to our fault is that when we see your twitter you go you go at them pretty hard so we only figured like rolling twice like like you know in a game of chance we were just rolling the dice that we like in those situations we're just having conversations but again if you say hey you guys come on man or what's up you get banned is what it is hey man maybe uh maybe elon muscle save you probably not yeah yeah i heard that too i don't know but uh all right let's get to the topics okay it's been it's been a bit of a rough week for xbox fans but we're gonna start start out on a lighter note um so the halo tv show i haven't watched but i'm sure some of you have watched i just want to say congratulations to master chief apparently he had sex on the last episode and it was with the the human the human leader of the covenant for some reason the covenant yeah uh jack you lose the virginity before you going [Laughter] opening have you been watching the halo series no no no i don't watch tv shows until they're finished um okay watch every episode so okay what do you what do you think about him mice are she finally having sex congratulations to that man this whole series is trash with the enemy i mean uh it doesn't fit his character you would not you would not even know the covenant existed in this uh show the covenant is like naughty the covenant was in the very first episode and like that's it they show more of like some asian girl on uh what's that one car movie in the like the deserts and [ __ ] um they made a game on it like you're driving mad max mad max you're seeing some asian girl on mad max playing it's like it's like really like the most trash show and you know the worst part about him [ __ ] cannon of the covenant is cortana's in his head so cortana had to watch him back oh man look so i said this is um this is uh what what's the company paramount's what if moments that's all this is it's nothing to do with halo this is what if paramount you know don't don't tidy don't tie the two together because i lost interest when his helmet stayed off this is the multi-parts this is the multi-version there it is this is the halo irregular verse so like just the only thing that's the more accurate of the show is covenant weaponry just basically like hits you like a rocket launcher it's like if you get hit by a plasma bolt you literally explode you get hit by a needler you disintegrate so there was one spartan that got hit like 20 times for her shield to fall off and once her shields down like she's getting shot point blank by plasma rifles not even flinching or dying she's just like oh my god uh like the whole the whole show was just absolutely not and i'll say this too this the part that pisses me off the most there's nothing unique about uh master chief his whole entire storyline is being copied by the female spartan who's doing the same she removed her pellet out of her back he remember he removed his she removed hers he now have feelings she now have feelings and i'm like dude this is halo master chief is unique to everything halo who he is emotions who are who he is as a character is totally different and every time we see him make a move she copies and i'm like ah not original another thing that bothered me is like rand i don't know the lore as much as you do but i'm assuming that a spartan wearing the armor is exponentially more powerful than a spartan outside of their armor correct yeah so how was master chief beating down two spartans in armor when he was unarmored i mean they're still incredibly powerful unarmored but it i don't know it i think they decided to take his helmet off and stuff just uh they i mean they wanted to be they wanted to be a tv show and they hired an actor so they want to see him act and they want to see his face out there so uh i think that's probably why they did it uh and it's really pissed off the fan base though because now people are they don't they don't like what he's turned into because they they think he's not really master chief you know 343's made up this whole like it's a silver timeline so none of it's canon it's just you know whatever it is you know what they're going to have to do with this uh show they're going i don't know if you guys are familiar with battletech or robotech but they're i mean battletech or mechware but they're very very like lore sensitive so there was a cartoon that came out for tech in like 92 and it was so bad it was like so like against the lure that to retcon it they basically said the cartoon was propaganda by the enemy they're gonna wreck on this show and just be like this this whole show was covenant propaganda to show you how master chief is really weak and my own my other problem is this um in the episode they had the uh one spartan female she was like dragging trucks and like i don't know how much how much is a warthog way miranda you probably know i i i've never i the only the lore i know is from the games and stuff and i've never read any of the books so i don't know we'll say it weighs two tons car whatever two three times this chick was lifting a warthog on a pulley system unarmored bg right now if you can lift a warthog unarmored three times and you are a virgin the first time you get into those sweet walls every split just flew out of her body i'll go through the wall wow right they're too busy trying to sell it every episode and it's like it's failing every episode like they were doing good the last two but then i mean no they weren't it wasn't i won't say good it was an enjoyment to watch outside of the halo universe but then when you just see him get you know he's smack clapping cheeks it's kind of like yeah you just fell in the deep end really quick like jeez you took his helmet off on the first episode he's clapping cheats by six episodes because he just met the girl because because part about the show is you've seen his ass more times than you've seen the covenant that's a fact you've seen his ass more times his bare naked ass or that other bad guy you've seen more naked men than the covenant i assume they're doing this to try to make him more relatable because with them with the master chief in the game really translate well to a tv show would yes because he's the advocate yes that's why he never takes off his helmet but you are right in that either making him more relatable because most xbox fans are [ __ ] virgins oh my god you went there it worked out perfectly and even without the you know we've not seen his face for like two seasons he was very relatable yeah he he was very very reliable i just think i for me it tells me the directors and the actors couldn't pull it off where you can explain emotions with the body movement so they just went with hey we'll just use your face you know just take the helmet off and we can see the crying and all the sadness all in the face rather than how he approaches different you know scenes and how he approaches you know going back and seeing his human history he should have it with his body not necessarily with his face channing tatum or some [ __ ] like that if that was the case like i don't understand like i don't understand like i every preview and screenshot i show i always keep seeing that [ __ ] dude's face and i'm like bro like it's turning me off from wanting to watch the show like i want to see man i hate him seeing him tweet that he's the master master chief i'm like dude no you're not you're an adaptation of whatever paramount was trying to put out but you're definitely not master chief it shouldn't be turning you off someone should be turning you on but yeah i'll make a bet right now that master chief will cyber [ __ ] cortana in some virtual world my god a bit uh relating relating to halo uh so just transitioning into the the game so joseph uh joseph statten um he did an interview short interview i think it was the kind of funny x-cast guys uh said a few things in the interview like um that he admitted that you know 343 they're not happy with the state of halo right he's not happy with the fact that they're currently doing six month seasons and he and i'm paraphrasing but he said pretty much that the reason they're doing it is they're not currently capable of doing of doing like three months or whatever you know season is three four months because they're working they're still working on other stuff like co-op and forge so you know they're they're just not capable of doing it right now i guess the manpower the time the the hours and stuff like that but they want to get to that he's you know but they're they're aware of everybody that everybody's not happy people are you know upset with the state of the game they're very much aware and they feel the same way did anybody go back to uh season two or you like me just said this game did nah we played it a while we played a halo night too so it's pretty good but i will say this i mean the game at his base form is good i mean the the shooter mechanics everything about the game as far as first-person shooters is great the lack of content is the problem i hate that they feel that hey hey we dropped the ball when you dropped it you're dropping the ball not necessarily drop the ball but you're dropping the ball by missing deadlines by not adding co-op and not adding forage at least within six months at least forge in within six months so that way creativity does exist in the game and because the lack thereof there is in the game um people are getting bored with it because not a whole lot of creativity with it it's still [ __ ] that's what it is seriously it is oh yeah it was it was good the first week but it's been the same [ __ ] for six months i mean i'll go back i'll go back to halo and the um halo i'll go back to it when the battle royale war zone mode comes out whenever that comes out whether it's next year uh that would probably be next year but no i didn't go back to season two i don't think there was enough i think most people feel that way that there's just not enough um right you know to really go to go back right now and uh because you know it did get a boost obviously uh you know we can only measure on steam i think it had went to like twenty thousand uh concurrent players peak well i think it was like yeah yeah what uh what up well 20 000 plus let's see it was like 20 000 i think um you know the day the day in the week that uh season two uh came out you know which is still obviously a bit a big drop from the 250 000 you know the first week but we'll see man uh we will see an xbox that climb from 14 to seven or so okay well i beat the campaign i could imagine four just could be intensive depending what they want to launch yeah but what what why is cohob so hard though like i didn't call it like what like i don't understand why co-op is such a big deal in terms of it's taking so long to implement it am i mentioning the performance issue that they're running into because you got the the series x that runs you know beautifully and now i i can't speak directly to it because i'm not a dev so don't don't quote me on it but i will say what they're trying to do and i know they're trying to get away from the older platforms they should have just done it with halo they should just gotta got rid of the other platforms do and put it on cloud for the rest of them because them trying to manage both and i don't think they do they have a big enough team to do what they're doing because if you look at epic and you look at all these other games that are battle royales they got a pretty big team behind it that's only focused on just this game you know and it just it doesn't seem like that with 343. do you think do you think co-op on xbox one platforms is what's holding everything back i don't know this is full of [ __ ] what's he talking about they have like the largest budget ever one of the largest teams ever you all needed just because i said don't quote me i didn't know that yeah he was questioning that's what i'm saying if you don't know you can't be making those assumptions i didn't i was questioning it they they they they have the perfect budget there i had i said it's a team there i didn't question money i said the per what the perfect example of what 343 is what was the nickname i gave them last week or two weeks ago damn what's good i forgot about it uh i don't but real quick according to google from 2016 they had a studio size of 450 uh that's probably grown exponent a lot since then yeah but not everybody at 343 works on halo infants right los angeles lakers of basketball some of the people master chief collection some of them work on the multimedia stuff right i think the problem with halo infinite's co-op as the portal rocks question is uh it's so they're doing four player and it's a big open world and halo's respawn system has always been tied to uh okay ar are you out of uh combat right and then everybody will respond but like how do you manage that when i could be leagues away from you and who's the respawn beacon like essentially like how do you how do you balance that uh i think that is an issue they were working towards uh trying to fix and stuff like that um as for like xbox one issues i mean who knows who knows how like last gen is impacting any of this stuff but i think it really has to do with like the classic halo respawn stuff where it's like yeah somebody could be in a single player mission but then somebody else could be in the overworld and if that person dies does the person in the single-player dungeon get transported to the guy up top or how does that all work i think that's a lot of questions to answer and figure out okay uh all right yeah they announced four player co-op yeah yeah for the single player so why don't they just do like a fire team or quick selection type respawn system like hey this players in this area but this place in this area like select and zoom in like like in other games if that's like the big issue because i don't like it yeah i don't know maybe they wanted maybe they maybe they wanted to keep it you know strictly halo like how halo's always been yeah but sometimes it always works yeah i mean if i was working with them i'd be like brother i got it people but we gotta keep moving like we can we gotta knock out like for me at a certain point we got to get this low-hanging fruit out the way like like with like because the way i see it man we're talking about co-op here like god damn like what are we doing like let's let's just do something quick let's get something out of there hey this is the system you can have a four player fire team and you can select which player you want to respond to now if people have some type of backlash at that point the backlash isn't you no longer have co-op they just don't like the way co-op design you can work with that but at least you got co-op so shut the hell up and enjoy some co-op we'll we'll come up with a better system but at least you know what i'm saying like hey let's do it let's get let's get these little w's out the way you know let's steal some bases you know hold on i also think what what also happened was when they decided to finally hit the 2021 date i think they pulled everybody off who was working on co-op to finish the rest of the stuff so nobody was working on co-op and nobody was working on forge it was all focused on all right we need the campaign out we need the multiplayer out this is what matters we'll put everybody on it and they were able to release it but then okay now we gotta go back and do this stuff and we're behind because we pulled everybody from these projects and it just kind of kept on compounding and it was like okay well now it's going to take even longer i mean hey realistically in hindsight halo should have been delayed another year it should be coming out this fall uh because then you know co-op would have launched with the game and forge would have launched with the game they probably would have been able to build six months of post-launch content right so it's just i think it was just one of those things where they're supposed to launch the 2020. uh they couldn't for whatever reasons coveted related whatever it's just i i think the game was going to get delayed regardless of cover i just don't think they were they were ready and they just ran into all these problems and uh i mean i've i've been saying that for a long time like i don't really think the leadership of 343 is the best uh and i think i think management has a lot to do with that um so we'll see if joseph staton is the man for to turn it around maybe he is you know maybe maybe a year from now we'll be talking about how great halo infinite is again and how much content there is right so well i'll say this too the problem is i believe they're trying to do too much with one ip and i say that because they're trying to do battle royale they're trying to do multiplayer uh halo at his core and they're trying to do a co-op um storyline and i think that battle that that battle royale is getting away because i mean if you look at if you look at epic when they will start when they first started with um uh what's that freaking game fortnite they had they they talked about this whole co-op storyline mission build your own city they just do that in trash and said hey we're just doing battle royale you see uh cod split up the two there's war zones and there's cod and i think microsoft is trying to tackle all three with one ip and it looked like they're trying to do it all within one video game that's going to best they had five plus years let's just accept what it is 343 is trash they need a new developer 343 is not the developer for halo do you all think that uh oh that's what they were they were oh for three studios halo 4 halo 5 halo infinite 043 so do y'all think um because this relates kinda to you know uh maybe halo should have just been next gen only do you all think the series s will be a problem um or is currently a problem no no no not even not even close uh confidently say either way it was going to be a problem for the wrestling or not microsoft doesn't think it is so i mean because yeah i think it was the guy from digital foundry he said there was a couple of developers he didn't name any specifically who said that they've been having you know uh trouble with with the series with the series s you know so i'll say this so the word problem is pretty ambiguous because it might denote that something big might happen which we don't know it goes i think it was memory related or something like that the only thing is this like if we're going to do a comparison between the three platforms switch playstation and xbox xbox is the only one that has two separate architectures that the first party have to contend with and that's pretty much all you can say xbox first party developers got a console that has two unique architectures in the sense of how their design nintendo does it sony does it and that's really and then that's it and that's all we can really say how is that event you know does nintendo and sony first party have an advantage because they only have to worry about one school over as compared to xbox you're wrong on that it's not just two because they put their games on pc and live yeah i mean i'm talking about because the conversation specifically consoles you're right because the developers also have to do day one on pc who knows what to do in cloud but i'm just talking in the sense of the console as a baseline the xbox series s is technically the baseline for xbox right while playstation is just that one school and for nintendo is just that one school they didn't put themselves in a position where they have a junior baseline now how big of an impact that is you know i i i like if i was on twitter i would talk my [ __ ] right and exaggerate but in reality i don't know i could we don't know what that leads to in terms of game design or whatever i had yeah i i think it's like i feel like it it shouldn't be an issue in just a piggyback or periodic the xbox they're the same architecture just one's a week um but they they offer the same like they're built on this performance they use the same damn the the xbox series s dev kit is the xbox series x dev kit it's like this one unit that they use and they just have to they'll turn some settings off or whatever um the thing is is that if you if a developer can if they're going to make games for the switch i don't want to hear [ __ ] about the uh a series s if you're still porting games to xbox one s and ps4 and 2013 xbox one i don't want to hear [ __ ] because like at that point it was like okay then it can't be that much of a pain if you're still uh going out of your way to put games on 20 20 2013 hardware yeah i think that the digi uh the digital uh foundry guys were saying that they thought the memory might be a problem yeah specifically memory yeah yeah not like the gpu or the cpu or whatever yeah also their performance is there just you can't do too much with with the low memory also we can't compare crosstalk games because at a certain point we want to be done with crosstalk so we can't say you know at a certain point these games at a certain point can't be made with xbox one or ps4 in mind actually the crosstown game is looking better i looked at gotham freights gameplay and holy [ __ ] you know i think at a certain point when when developers move on and now it's just about and even if we include switch a lot of multi-players don't go to switch because of the hardware so there's a lot there's many there's many games that switch misses on on just because of the hardware or it's a streaming version yeah but i think ultimately when when this current gen kicks into full gear xbox 3's 36 is the bottom denominator out of all platforms and then it just goes up from there and then that's just how it is it's going to be easier for all everybody at that point okay um this so this xbox the commentator this from my perspective being a playstation fan that only concerns me with third-party multi-plats because that's where all of it lies but as far as my first party exclusives i ain't got to worry about no xbox series s that ain't my problem being held back at that point that's an xbox problem it is what it is you better hope spider-man 2 is not uh multigen you know you just don't know okay i would say it is dope for ben and wes looks really impressive football crosstown game really really impressive you know i don't know i don't know if they did a different build but it looks really impressive but yeah i hope sony also moves on phone from ps4 at that point and really take advantage real quick but somebody already showed propensity to do that because they already have exclusive games so it's just it's just timing i guess yeah so this uh xbox drm situation so normally when like either console goes offline when you know they have an outage i never even talk about it but because i guess this was down what three days uh became a bigger conversation um so it was down like three days i guess people can play play their games offline so you know i don't know all the details because i don't have an xbox so yeah i mean y'all could uh get deeper into it but um so that's something that affects xbox and not playstation you could play your playstation offline games offline i guess so uh does this also affect the windows store like when this thing went down were people able to play halo on pc but not xbox yeah i i first had the issue when i was trying to play track to yomi and i just went and played it on pc and it was i was fine but i was the only reason why i went that far is because i was trying to get addict to like i had to i was like hey we need to cancel our game chair until the [ __ ] gets back up because i want to play my game and he was like nah man he's and he was like no just wait it out whatever so i just played it on um the pc so it apparently it wasn't like um it didn't impact i'm assuming i only tried with one game and that was the only game i was playing at the time um but if i had to use that example it didn't it didn't impact on pc and it wasn't consecutive like odd it was down all like the entire time it was on and off because that day the first day um i tried it was like all right whatever then i tried it later that night i played then the next day it was down again and that's when i wanted to try to cancel the game share and um by sunday um i was i had no more issues related to that but some people were completely down um some people said they they didn't have the issue because of the whole my home xbox thing i honestly don't know i still to this day ram probably have better intel on what occurred and who could access games offline or online um i i wasn't testing my console i still haven't tested my console to see if i could play offline the way the way so the way xbox's licensing system works is you get you get two licenses when you buy a digital game you get a license to the console you bought it on and a license to the account that bought it right right uh and microsoft set up this home console system where you can essentially make someone else's console your home so the license basically goes to that and anytime you're logged into xbox live uh with the account you can play play whatever so like i game share with one of my buddies and i have been since 2014 which allows us to kind of trade off purchases i'm sure kidsmove does the same thing with addict right so essentially i can essentially i can buy every game uh at thirty dollars right and we get two copies but the drawback from that is i cannot play my games offline right uh which is what it is you know like i know the consequences for doing it and i'm perfectly fine with it now if the way microsoft has it if you're if you don't touch any of that stuff and your home console that one that you're playing on is your home you should have no problems whatsoever playing any of your games offline uh the problem i think hap would happen here is microsoft has their authentication servers and all that stuff when people buy games and i think something happened with those where people were online and they would go to start a game or something and it would reach out to the servers and the servers would ping back that said person didn't own game so even though they did and even though they had the license the servers were telling the console that they didn't actually have the permission to play and it would block it would it would block them from starting the game i'm pretty sure that's kind of what happened uh jazz had reached out to microsoft to get some answers on that on that front and um yeah i mean it sucks nobody should be locked out of the games they purchase especially if you're not game sharing like like you know me and kit smoove are uh if you're just doing exactly how microsoft intended the system to work and you're locked out from your purchases that's that's pretty shitty um but hopefully they found the flaw they fixed it and they won't ever have to deal with this again yeah see so our game sure too but i didn't have any issues with mine so i don't know how wise i didn't i didn't have any issues either so it seemed like it was kind of random and about to explain that because so so we we did game night or halo night with uh j-rock uh that night and we played all night with no issues no lagging out i mean there was some sometimes it seemed like it was loading slow i mean but again that could be somebody playing on the xbox one version of the game uh and affecting everybody uh so this this it's kind of hard so i'll say this it doesn't have i don't have too much of an issue with drm per se because i haven't had this issue more than ever so um it's kind of like i get what everybody's saying is hey drm i want to own my stuff and i should be able to play offline i agree with you guys on that totally if they can fix that they definitely need to make some updates and make some changes because that'll be a nice nice start about that that that'd be you know great for us xbox owner but for for the if for for what it is this doesn't happen that often we don't run into these issues like this all the time they launched cloud gaming for fortnight and again you see the issues that it occurred it wasn't properly prepared and when it when you're not prepared things like this happen but you get things back online and you get back to running things so for me yes i want to be able to play my games offline and nobody should be affected that way but is it as big as we made it out to be due to the fact that this doesn't happen often hopefully never question between uh game sharing and game pass how these [ __ ] making money it's funny i've actually had that conversation with executives at xbox about game sharing end game like how they making money well i mean according to phil game pass is profitable i mean whether you want to believe them or whatever but you know i mean satya is the one who gives this game a 70 billion dollar check to go by activision so it's got to be got to be happy with the performance so far but made a public statement saying that yes yes he has i'll find a video for it i got it he said i was going to just piggyback on porter rock that was the conversation we was having last time no you said profitable go ahead ryan get him fast and profitable i have yet to see a statement from phil saying that he said uh there's there's quotes out there i seem sustainable i've seen i've seen game pass i said i've seen i've read about the third parties not just microsoft i saw him statement saying that gamepad's sustainable but every time the direct question about game pass being profitable and this is so far what i've seen so i would love to see this interview or article he always kind of sidesteps it brings up all of xbox and then say xbox is profitable yeah well maybe maybe game pass isn't yeah if you read it between this moment if you're reading between the lines he stifles game pass and ensures that xbox is profitable yeah because they're in user acquisition mode so they're probably burning money to get users and then eventually be profitable uh but um did i tell you that last time it's because they're looking at spending if you look at the spending that it takes to them get where they are today we talked about this porter rock thank you rand for backing up but he talks so like third parties third parties get paid in various ways like right indie devs will get a lump sum it really depends on what they want so i mean nobody's forcing third parties or indie devs to put their games on game passes that microsoft comes in with a check and he's like here you know so with with microsoft let's say by an activision right that doesn't infer that game pass was profitable because netflix did the same exact thing no no you're right they were borrowing money every single year for almost 14 years to keep up so they could buy the new shows buy the new content because ultimately the end goal was when when netflix becomes profitable they could sustain that system forever so i understand microsoft investing but the question is just right here right now is game pass profitable and chances are at 25 million subscribers is not at this point in time yeah i mean we microsoft isn't very upfront about their numbers like playstation is or nintendo is or what i mean like playstation not anymore you would imagine like if satya thought the xbox brand had no future or wasn't doing what he thought he wouldn't greenlight a 70 billion expenditure like the largest purchase in microsoft history amen right i mean well the thing is sadio is all about that though i mean he look at microsoft office is a subscription service like you can't buy office anymore sure no no it fits microsoft's overarching like theme of like game subscription services and the cloud yes and still so and that's probably phil's greatest uh thing he ever did was he sold that stuff to satya and and forcing satya to invest in xbox like nope like they never did so it's uh you know yeah i mean who knows if it's profitable right now and you're right he may sidestep that and say sustainable uh but he's he's on record saying the division itself is profitable so um yeah it's like it's interesting and protorock that goes back to what i was saying like you can if if the loss if the losses were is within your margins and you can stay sustainable because you know that this thing will balance itself out eventually because the amount of spending that they putting towards gaming and they're looking to gain that profit back via game pass so that's why i was saying last time against again twitter was having issues is that they can they're probably got within a profit margin and saying even though it's an l right now we're in within margins where eventually this ship will turn around and we're going to profit more than we spend on gaming so i completely agree with that logic the thing was when we were talking about that on twitter spaces it was in comparison to playstation and what i was saying is right playstation's making profit now they're not going to adopt this model like imagine you're working for playstation and you tell your board members hey i got a great idea let's do subscription service so we can start losing money for the next seven years they're gonna look at you like we're more profitable than we've ever been and now you're telling us to lose money you're fine right and that's the point where i was trying to make what's good for microsoft and the intended goal is not the thing for sony to adopt and that's the point i was saying it's two different strategies that's working for their company because ultimately they have their own ultimate goal well let me ask you a question question do you think and this for all the ponies uh just playing all the uh playstation guys um do you think eventually they're gonna have to or they're gonna be forced to let's say microsoft microsoft hits on all cylinders they're delivering every quarter uh they're gaining subscriptions irregardless of what's going on in playstation and how they've been profitable do you think they'll be forced to move into that decision so during their first party games the only the only thing that could make for sony to do anything is if they're losing money and not making money right look at because look at microsoft right so sony's hitting on all cylinders they're the top publisher yet microsoft's still doing what they want to do so it's not really oh [ __ ] microsoft making money subscription service now we got no as if sony strategy is still making their money still making them profit they're just gonna do what they do the only time they need to force anything is when shit's going wrong like right like we're losing users or everybody's leaving playstation for xbox because of game pass then sony will be forced to do something to mitigate issues but i think i think it depends i think jim ryan even said he doesn't know what the future's going to hold even even even in that article when they came out with ps plus that very first thing he said we're not doing day one game pass or we're not putting our games day one on playstation and he said well if we don't do this we're gonna have to lower our investment and that's not good for our fans and our games but then he literally went on to say but i don't know how the how the future's going to change maybe people expect this in the future maybe xbox season eats into their market share uh maybe you know like well there we already know sony's making a bunch of live service games like is sony going to sell those live service games for 70 bucks in an era where all these other live service games are free to play or on a subscription service of some kind you know right like so i don't know i don't know like border rock's right like they'll probably if something drastically changes where sony's you know uh income level drops their revenue they might consider it i'm of the opinion i think if sony were to go to a day one subscription model i think they'd have more subs almost overnight than game pass has because i think sony's a lot of sony's games are more impactful like you put a spider-man 2 on playstation plus day one i mean you're gonna get millions upon millions of subscribers same like god of war ragnarok like come on like sony has these big blocks buster games that people really buy in large quantities like you would think that a lot of those playstation fans would then subscribe as well so like i don't really see how they couldn't rack up 50 60 million subscribers and potentially make more money that way or in the future than selling it individually at 70 but you know i'm not jim ryan i just think jim ryan puts it is putting them in a place a place if they need a pivot you know i don't think it's right i'm not you know i'm not sure you you know one way or another like so many other people i just think he's like on the back end like yo get this [ __ ] ready just in case that's that's what i think remember when they were hedging their bets with pc ah don't worry about horizon it's just one game it's just just one games and all the rest of them aren't gonna come and then a year later like hey we got the whole slate coming everything's coming i mean they say what they need to say at the time you know so it's like right now the time is to investors we can't do it because our games are this quality and they think could go down who knows how the market changes in four years and jim left it out saying that they don't know so yeah i don't even think it's their first party games my bad broken but i don't even think their first party game that they're talking about i think it's the third party investment that they'll have to make in order to for it to be successful because yes you can put your own first party in there but that's only going to get you so far it's the third party content that we see from uh microsoft that's you know that's getting added every month you know something that's sometimes spontaneous you didn't know who's going to come this month and it just happened and so i think there's a i think it's not necessarily necessarily their uh first party is content it's the third-party investment that they will have to make no i think it is the first party because that's what they're specifically saying so we gotta we gotta listen to what they're saying that's true they specifically said first party triple a right they didn't say indies they didn't say third party let's go back but if you go back to what your randolph was saying you know you say you say what you need to say at the moment true moments it changes so that's that's that's where i'm looking at it from is we've seen these things change really really fast especially with jim ryan yeah it's not that it's bad it's just the guy got to make a change because he see where the success is you see where the the the conversation is and where the money is going and so yeah you got to make changes you need to be ready for it on the fly yeah and plus he might not even be the boss in three years right so he can't win a company right but you got to look at this when when for sony's looking at when they're talking about their first party aaa they're looking at 20 million selling games they're not talking about the two three million so from their perspective like spider-man sells 20 million horizon sells 20 million god award sales 20 million last of ourselves 20 million like we put these games day one on these platforms they're not gonna sell 20 million anymore they're just not it's not gonna happen the cells will be dramatically cut at that so i think so what they're specifically talking about is first party triple a i think that we're going to see because hell they had shadow warrior they want to ps now like a month or two ago right um they had odd world odyssey day one on ps plus drawn to death rocket league so sony has done day one games on the subscription service you know so the concept of d1 games on subscription is not new to sony they've done it before they just never did it to spider-man or to gran turismo or to these big blockbuster titles so you know so we so i think we just need to specifically see what sony's coming from what sony's really saying is if we know this game is going to sell 20 million we're not going to put it day one because we know this is going to be the high top-selling big blockbuster game but hey this little indie from house mark i know we might throw a bone or if we get odyssey 2 or some other third party you know they even did like grand theft auto that was day one right the remastered or whatever uh three yeah they got three yeah a month later uh they got three in vice city right or three yeah so they've done day one games is i think what they're trying to say is you're not gonna get god of war day one you're not gonna get spider-man you're not gonna see wolverine day one you're not gonna see spider-man two day one you're not gonna see the next naughty dog day one but you might see some indies maybe a third party because at that point you're not gobbling the whole exclusive game you're just putting a little extra cash to put a day one and gate on psnow which is not the same as a first party exclusive so i think you're gonna see day one titles it's just not gonna be their big triple a day one that they think is gonna be them 15 20 plus million because you gotta let's be honest this is the first gen that sony first party sold 20 million if you look at playstation one two and three they don't sell 20 million none of them none of those games i think the highest selling was gran turismo at 14 15 million they never had a game that sold 20 million let alone four in the same gen that's not normal and they're probably like on a high like they never been on before they're like holy [ __ ] this is new to us and i think they're trying to maintain that momentum right right jack you're good yeah yeah jack don't get into it he you know he he let he let them right after this so um right after this one so the the sony cfo uh pretty much came out and said you know um as a result uh this related to the financial reports and everything like that he pretty much reiterated similar to what jim ryan said months ago about the quality of playstation titles uh you know deteriorating if they put games uh their you know their first party games into a subscription service and you know all the you know the mathematicians the you know the the armchair cfos all the dudes with with business degrees came out on twitter and uh started doing the math themselves and said nope he's wrong it could work this way and my thing is like once again i don't know but i'm gonna trust this man over y'all i'll trust any cfo over any dudes on twitter because you know you you look at these these dudes resumes whether it's the microsoft cfo or the sony cfo these dudes manage banks in when they were like 30 years old right now they're in their 60s you know managing the money of huge billion trillion dollar corporations so i'm like you know what bro no offense i ain't going to listen to you on twitter i'm a listen to that guy you know so am i the only one who think is crazy that like dudes be doing their own math when they don't actually have all the numbers i mean doing math when you don't have like the budgets of the games and they're projected yeah revenue and sale yeah i mean it's a you know we don't have we don't have the full picture so yeah yeah i i would never i wouldn't do that i mean all it is is there's a bunch of people pretty much taking um the size of their the the cfo the vp or whatever or their preferred platform sony says it's not um that quality is gonna go down uh xbox says it's sustainable so the xbox fans are gonna be like all right it's sustainable game pass works playstations i know it doesn't work you see here's our proof i mean at the end of the day i think scenario both can be right because uh whatever applies to sony well to microsoft may not apply to sony and and vice versa um but you know what i mean like i'm not and people get it like twisted i'm not mad or upset at playstation doesn't want to put these games to in this subscription service you know what i mean i don't have like an issue with that but the thing is that the thing i can't stand is the fact that people take sony logic and try to apply like all right this is this is just this is what it is this is why it doesn't work and i'm like you can't do that but okay i think i think so i agree with smoove a lot of it's you know the conversation the arguments whatever um i think i think when it comes down to it if if if every if everybody's just calm and looking at it it's just you got two different perspective about the same system and then like for the xbox side sustainable but the fan base within xbox is happy because they get to enjoy value and they got access to a whole bunch of games maybe some of these guys didn't buy a lot of games and now this is the first time they actually had a library of games you know what i'm saying and you know and i'm not that's not throwing shade but there's probably they could be hey that's that's on them that's for them to decide right if they're happy and they're enjoying these content you never know i think we call agree that on every platform there's gamers that only maybe buy one or two games a year if that i think we call agree every platform has that group of gamers where by the end of the gen they maybe played 20 games right we have those guys right a system like game pass opens the door for them where hey you don't have to do this huge financial investment but you still get a huge amount of titles right and there's a lot of gamers that are happy about that right on the playstation side the places aside want those quality big budget titles from their opinion right and sony's been delivering that and they don't want a system that could potentially harm that then that's really what it is right and the reason why they have this uh assumption of fear is because they look at xbox and like ram look at xbox they're kind of dry over there issues issues issues i don't want that to to on playstation and there could be a false equivalency that game pass could be maybe an issue to reason why this is happening there's no proof to that but it's just a it's just it's just a fear so on the playstation side hey we're happy the way the system is you make quality titles we're doing we're not doing anything different that we haven't done the last 10 generations a game comes out you buy it or you wait for a sale and there you go and you play it it's the same system we did on nintendo super nes genesis n64 yada yada we're not doing anything different then we haven't done generations before a game comes out you buy it or you don't buy it or you wait for sale but ultimately it's the quality of the titles that we want we don't want that to change right whether whether it's valid or invalid or we're just being fearmongering whatever it is sony's fine the way they're doing just push the quality content we'll pay our 70 dollars if we don't wanna buy so many dollars just gamefly or we'll buy it use or we'll wait for ourselves and we know sony games they go on sale real quick it's not like nintendo like if they were like nintendo there would be a problem they don't go six years at seven dollars they just don't them [ __ ] since themselves and within two months you know you buy 70 games two months later 49 dollars and you're like oh [ __ ] so yeah right it's already on sale right now from amazon yeah you could you could wait i mean believe me you like unless you really really want to play a game day one you wait about a month or two that's just dropping price real quick like playstation games for whatever reason don't hold value like nintendo i don't know i i can't explain why but it doesn't really matter yeah i think that's all it is one fanbase is happy because of this system another fan base is happy because of that system my opinion each platform can have his own unique identity right they don't need to be the same let playstation do playstation let xbox do xbox let nintendo do nintendo and then you decide what you want to pay for and then leave it at that and add a tidbit today it's funny when i see playstation guys talk about oh it didn't sell hard copies i'm like they make more money you buying it digital because they didn't have to ship it to you they didn't have to ship it to a brick and mortar so you can go buy it and they have to pay three or four different people before they can get their check or as they as they get their cut and so it's funny that you just said that um that's why we like when i see those numbers charts pop up i'm like dude come on playstation probably want you to buy digital they're only providing you the hardware because or the hard copy because you're asking for it but more than anything they want you to buy that digital version because even if they give a discount there's still more margin profit margins in a digital sale than they would if you did a heart a hard copy sale sony sony reported 71 percent of their game sales is digital so yeah like playstation nation's hard on like oh hard copy hard copy but the majority of playstation guys are buying their games digital right i couldn't i can tell you last time i bought a physical game bro yeah yeah majority is all digital but it's good to have the option for physical but the majority of purchases are digital and sony like the sony even went a step further they don't allow digital purchases and stores i don't know if you guys know this but did you just like three years ago you can't buy a game a game card like you can't go to the store and say oh let me buy um elden ring as a digital thing from amazon or whatever they don't sell those games no more like you could only get digital games from the sony store nowhere else there is no store that sells sony digital games at discounts or whatever it just doesn't yeah you can walk into best buy and get like a game digital on a digital card yeah the only thing you could get is just playstation money or the ps now cards or the ps plus cards that's it yeah there is no digital purchases in stores they they pretty much consolidated just their store so now i so now amazon or best buy can't even get a cut of the digital purchases no one get the cut they should make it collectibles they should make the hard copy the physical collectibles versus making it a um a game they should just make it put in the collectibles category that way you know people buy less because i keep saying in the comments where people like well what about the people who want to buy it as a collectible yeah well charge them a little more well i think i think you can't force them though i think the physical i think i think the physical i think the physical is just good will for the people that still don't do it because it's still 30 29 so that's still significant when 29 percent of your purchases is physical there's still a significant margin it's not like if it was 2 or 3 then that would be like all right we're kind of bg do you remember you're probably gonna be the only one that remembers this this is so far back remember when like guys like the truth setting you free were hating on people that would game fly [ __ ] and they're saying oh you guys support the devs then they would game fly anyway and be like well um i got a family and everything like this [ __ ] is kind of going full circle remember red red box don't use game fly support the devs don't buy used then it became oh well i got a family and i don't care about them like i have a wife and kids shout out to persona what was it yeah what was that um uh total recall i got five kids to feed oh man all right it's it's time to get to the biggest news of the week so uh unless you're living under a rock under a rock you've already learned starfield and red fall were delayed right so these were the two well starfield was the was the really big game um coming from xbox and bethesda this year it's the game the really the only game uh they were looking forward uh you know xbox fans were looking forward to uh red fall you know it was kinda you know here and there people weren't weren't sure about it we haven't seen game play for either either one there was some leak it got gameplay and twitter turned into a [ __ ] storm you know the jokes ensued you know the baron box the sahara box you know five hour twitter spaces uh and and the delay itself wasn't wasn't necessarily the bad thing or the reason this was the [ __ ] was so big it was simply that that currently there is no other xbox like first party game that we know of coming out we could learn more about uh you know something at e3 and i i'm gonna give phil spencer the benefit of the doubt that they're strategically delaying this now and gonna announce something at e3 i'm gonna give my boy feel the benefit out i believe that right um but but it's bad you know it it was it was a bad day right and i think this might have been the first time i've ever seen like a publisher come out you know and then i was like listen both our games are being delayed i don't know if i've ever you know really really seen that so it was just a you know a bad day overall and like you know it's the last game that uh xbox dropped first party that was uh that was halo infinite which dropped in in december so if they don't actually release anything the rest of the year that's actually actually going to be 12 months um but like i said i'mma get feel the benefit of doubt and it looked really bad because they have more studios than anybody and like what is it i don't know i've heard different numbers i've heard 30 40 what's the official number rand of the actual studios dale there right now okay so it's it's a lot studio it's a combination of studio and teams yeah i think it's 30 teams and like 23 studios i just can't remember exactly what those what that figure is like you said either way it it was a sticker shock it was we we all had to stick a shot i mean even for our playstation guys knew that this was going to come ruin their year because it was definitely going to win gotti of the year no uh so i know it kind of it hurt everybody's feelings you like it was a relief for the playstation guys before xbox guys like dude what the crap and i think in that moment because it was such a big announcement that we all you know responded in a way that you know that seemed like we're all against xbox you know like i tweeted out the next day i said i had a day to breathe i said gaming doesn't stop irregardless um i've been gaming before it and i'll be gaming after this announcement like i said i'm not excited about it it was bad all the way around guys don't don't start beating me up about it i'm still standing on it they shouldn't have done that but i i wonder if it has something more to do with other nuances than just than just the game itself like red fall we didn't see anything i expected either all right hold on but we seen them build up to it that's just that's the shot up to nothing you haven't seen yeah they build up to nothing they build up to nothing at this point but all [ __ ] are playing same game you've been playing since 2013. hey hope like people said i'll get better for the doubt y'all it's almost been a decade of hope hey look i'm with you anything goes at this point anything that's related to the to the starfield you know better hope whatever you want to call it misleading the lies whatever anything goes at this point but like i said they were building up to a point in which uh if starfield came out it would have been beautiful but because it didn't it just ruined everything and you have to ask him why did you put this out or why did you even put videos out that you're going to release this game and then the fact that you go in the the day before and take pictures smiling and then say hey yeah we're going to delay this six months i was like well that's about the most bs i've ever seen it was disrespectful they were out to lunch they were out to lunch they were doing you know the the circle yeah the the dev the dev uh circle and everything talking about how great the game is going to be you know just every all of that you know going on a world tour and everything in the game and you know they clearly knew at some point like within like a month before like yeah we're not going to make this date you know because if if you if you delay the game seven months six six seven months before the the actual release date then you'd been new like you ain't gonna make it you know so and you know something else that somebody pointed out that like kind of made the the situation really bad for xbox is playstation has released the first party game on xbox this year and xbox has it [ __ ] and that's and that's mlb issue but it's true and i thought about that i'm like yo that's kind of crazy that that's really nuts yeah yeah it's i mean like it's a it was a sad day it still is i mean it's still disheartening because like i said i want i y'all know me i vouch for this on twitter all day i'm all about star starfield i'm all about bethesda i'm a huge fan of their games played beat uh pretty much all of them um but not all the fallouts but i beat the majority of them and i love the bethesda games and it's when they delayed it it was like i took a vacation for this guys i already scheduled my vacation i was like hey don't ask me y'all took you you took a vacation on hope hey i took a vacation on a date i took a vacation on a date 11 11 22 you call me a dead beat at that point because i am playing starfield and i want i don't want to be bothered for an entire week oh that's nice people are taking vacations on something i've never even seen a game play for hey but we know we expected to see it in june see this this whole mantra that hey there was nothing there was something they built to it they gave us a day when they got released hold on hold on but you're acting as if there was no like like i can see if they if this was wolverine and they say hey we're delaying we'll bring you you don't have a date you don't have any content out there you don't have a build up to it that makes sense but you look you're talking to guys who they gave a firm date they put it in their video 11 11 20 22. we knew that that was going to come out and we knew they said hey we're not going to watch it about the game well listen to what i'm saying though they put information out there thank you rihanna or like but beyonce this [ __ ] gonna be fat as [ __ ] it's it's it's bethesda with microsoft budget i just told you i'm a huge fan of their crap this way before tell them what happened last time i'm not worried about anybody else yeah uh cyberpunk fans were not very happy it turned out biggest disaster in gaming yeah but that was also fame boy false and and and uh freaking uh cyberpunk city project redspawns yeah but but a lot of it has to do with the investors they missed a lot of their own deadlines because of their own lack of you know uh preparations we didn't get involved we that just happened though for but everything leading up to that date we heard hey we're going to show have a showcase in at our e3 um and you know we're going to have the date is already locked in they put all these i've already said it microsoft has to deliver on the deliverables and they didn't and so that's the same for bethesda did or did not they did not they did it i'm sorry and they didn't uh make that clear they're still going to show this game this june but it almost doesn't matter because it doesn't come out and it better be an amazing showing man you know you know what uh microsoft bethesda and their game studios are right now they're [ __ ] ben simmons what the [ __ ] they are [Laughter] oh it's coming you have to go to bed now playing oh game two oh game three oh not the theory oh next month oh he's gonna be on the bench oh he's gonna make the team we haven't even seen the [ __ ] on the court yet like this is really everything everything altering their lives and planning vacations and like i said nobody can even tell me if this game is in first or third person that's how little we know of the game uh we assume first and it's going to transition to third in some situations that's how their game some of their games go right yeah yeah we don't know yeah i think you'll think that cyberpunk would be third person like the witcher and then when they said first person people are like oh [ __ ] i don't like that we haven't we have no idea what this game is going to be like and i i've never seen more people hyped for a game from a developer that has not put out an amazing game in over a decade and for a game that has not had anything shown and that's fine i get what you're saying your your points you know i mean you can make those points however it's still with those and we know what they've done this is yes for years hey but they also haven't had the budget that they just had they just got introduced to when they got bought out by uh um by microsoft so we know what they can do without capabilities if we've learned anything about games budget never does really anything as opposed to talent you'll actually find more quality games but you can find the talent like that's that's the real problem now in the industry is is the talent in keeping it and that's why like yeah that's what they said didn't didn't people like fallout 5 though it wasn't that was like 12. followed by four or four before i mean yeah fallout 3. i mean yeah sure but i mean people still enjoyed the game right i mean it wasn't it wasn't a fallout 76. yeah wasn't it yeah it is while 76 came out later right but i'm saying like fallout 4 if even if it wasn't as good as three was was nowhere near like as bad as [ __ ] it was terrible but it's awesome scrolls online was great skyrim was great oblivion was great and now they're doing skyrim and oblivion are 11 15 years let's look look at what they said like like porter rock said let's take the information that they gave us they said this is going to be more relatable to the skyrim series not the fallout series so if when you get excited for those type of hey bigger budget this is the game we've been wanting to make for 11 years or whatever years i think was like 20 or some odd years they wanted to make this game never had the budget i'm having a headache and i really need your help with this one keep going i really need your help so let me say this i can't even say the word anymore okay this individual works for nintendo this individual or that individual because you know we can't use gender pronouns so his the new name is that individual that individual used to be the individual but people kept talking about him like he was still or that individual was still amazing he took my shot lady they were about that man in the current era like he was in the prior era it's two different areas you can't take what somebody did over a decade ago and apply it now to today with a hundred percent certain it doesn't work like that there was never yeah we got we have to rename him to that individual now jack because you know you can't say that anymore you were gonna um so who's gonna go puerto rico i think you were gonna yeah yeah so i i'll say this to to to play devil's advocate for logical i can understand being hyped for a game based on the developers like for example i'm hyped for wolverine but i didn't see no gameplay all i saw was just you know a bar in nashville where everybody got [ __ ] up and then some clothes yeah but i'm basing that off of insomniac's pedigree but at the same time i didn't say in this podcast that you know wolverine's gonna be game of the year i didn't do that either i kept it all i'm saying so it's just a level check you could say hey i'm excited for this game the developer traditionally does this i'm looking forward to it it's just whether how far you're willing to take that hype i'm not gonna say wolverine is to be game of the year 2024 contender i'm not gonna do that i'm just looking forward to seeing if they could replicate the magic of bringing this character to life in the same way they did with spider-man and that that's about it that's as far as i'm gonna go oh but i'm not gonna be out there talking my [ __ ] and say hi 2024 i don't care what game comes out you're done i'm not doing that i'm not doing that what's the topic here i i i had to take my dog out what's the thing oh red fallen yeah red fall in starfield so you know we're on the delay now so we're in the main course huh yeah so what did you when you first saw this news rand and uh you know you went through you know throughout the day what were your thoughts he knew last week he was getting delayed zero bethesda information right they're like locked down tighter than fort knox um i had feelings that red fall was getting delayed in fact i've been kind of like talking about that i don't know months now on the podcast being like i don't think red falls summer i think it might get delayed to fall clearly they delayed it later i was honestly shocked that starfield got delayed um because i know what else xbox has in the pipeline and i know they don't really have much especially in a year when they don't have any other announced games i knew this was going to be very very it was going to be a time on twitter and social media like i was just like oh man people are going to go crazy people are going to go nuts um this is a product of microsoft's late investment of xbox yes this is a hundred percent that like none of the studios that microsoft acquired uh are essentially ready to put anything out like and i know bg you listen to the xbox two sometimes i saw you there last week when i said pokemon's garbage yeah it was crazy to me yeah yeah don't do that brother i love you don't hurt my heart like that i'll call sign that statement i got i got you ryan yeah yeah pokemon's not but i i told this to kids move like over a year and a half ago i said kid all their games are 2023 and beyond and kid was depressed because he thought they would be more you know what i'm talking you remember this kid right yeah i remember the conversation yeah i was like all their stuff is 2023 and beyond because i knew what their pipeline was i know how it got affected by covert every everything essentially got pushed a year right so i was like don't expect anything in 2023 or 2022. that's where bethesda came in clutch because bethesda had two games essentially for 2022 and i'm like well if that holds at least we have starfield and red fall right and then it got pushed and that really exposed essentially the late investment in xbox because you talk about last year you talk about 2021 and people talk you know xbox had a great year right they had metacritic publisher of the year quality seems to be there but you know to do that they had to lay two games from 2020 right because 2021 was only going to be forza horizon 5. that was it right until they delayed halo until they delayed psychonauts 2 right and they had the late port of flight sim 2022 like i don't know what's going to be announced at the game showcase like i have an idea but i don't know like release dates are kind of wonky now like who knows when anything's coming out right so like if i had to guess forza motorsport might be ready this year uh the project belfry potentially could come out josh sawyer's game pentiment that obsidian's been working on i think that might be ready there's been rumors for a while now about a gears collection like remade in unreal engine 5 like one two and three could potentially release um so because so because there was no games they could delay from 2021 to 2020 and make it look better you delay these huge games and it just exposes that like jesus like what went wrong right like how is there nothing here and yeah i'll say i'm i'm incredibly disappointed uh you know like i was really looking forward to star field like i'm a sci i'm a sucker for sci-fi right and i like i like i like i like elder or elder scrolls a lot so i'm like i'm down for whatever they're doing like red fall um even though i like the the vampire stuff is kind of i still am a big fan of arcane like i love dishonored and i love prey and i really like death loops i'm like i'm their day one cause like porter rock said about uh you know the pedigree of insomniac with wolverine like the pedigree for me with the arcanes there so i'm excited yep so you move both those games it's like man xbox got nothing and it's like all right well [ __ ] right i guess i guess you're waiting again but that's where this is where this broke people this this is the straw that broke people's this is the straw that broke the camel's back the sing right because now you're essentially telling xbox fans to wait again and people have been waiting for god like years like we all were like hey xbox you need to invest in first party and i've had 2018 yeah yeah i've had so many conversations with phil in 2015 and 2016 when he would ask me what he needs to do what what and i'd be like number one you need to and he has to put you on the page that's what he needs to do first yeah he actually wouldn't i would be in conversations with phil and you know we would talk about you know my feelings toward xbox and what you know i thought needed to be done and stuff and my first like thing was like you need to buy more studios like you can't go you can't go in the next generation with like five right like you need you need more studios and you need quality assurance so these games are good right and you know if it was always like you know you're not going to tell me what his plans were but that was essentially my thing because that's what i wanted from xbox because i felt like that's where they were lacking uh tremendously and was was their first party uh first party games comp especially compared playstation number put me on the payroll because jack will attest when i was telling smooth they need to be buying studios move was telling me no they don't they're fine like what's so weird is when they had five studios they still figured out a way to drop a at least one major game each year now they have like 20 something and it's like no i don't know it's weird well the investment decreased and then phil got the promotion and then the investment came back but yeah all the studios they ended up buying all had previous contracts they had to you know fulfill so you're ending up in this situation where like i said anybody who's listening to my podcast i was telling people you know the first two years of this generation is gonna be light for xbox it's there's nothing there yet and like so i don't i don't think anybody who listens to xbox two is like like oh yeah well you know like this is a surprise but this opens up the whole like management issues you know people talk about like how can this be especially because like when you have 23 studios you know with activision you have like 30 like how can you not get out one game yeah how can you not do that and you got to put focus somewhere yeah it's just like i can't really you know want like people will be like well phil's bad at his job or matt booty doesn't know what he's doing or whatever and it's like i just i mean i disagree with the people that say they have bad management but it's like i don't know any different than you guys like i don't have any extra inside information i don't know you know like if these games are in bad states or like what's going on at like undead labs or initiative or you know bethesda i just it's i just feel for the like i just feel for xbox fans because kids move's been out here for years being the best spot and i want him to live his best life and every single time it seems like something happens and it's just you know i i and people like i also think some of this is because let's be honest here bg right let's be honest a lot of this a lot of xbox guys are feeling a certain way because playstation guys are going to make fun of them for the next year right right to do with it you know you're going to get trolled you know it's going to be on twitter trolling people and stuff i'm not the soldier on the field i'm the commander-in-chief i got my forego but ukraine will be mine all right in position you know i just i just i just need that w for smoove you know not for me i'm fine like i'm i'm disappointed but like i'm not angry like there's this isn't this isn't anything to get angry about there's real world issues to get angry about yeah versus wade and how that's gonna affect my sisters like i'm angry about that i'm not angry that two games get delayed and if they didn't delay these games and starfield came out and starfield was bad like you know bond's been saying about like bethesda's games last ten years we would have crucified him for for being bad and then the narrative would but that's why i said the delay isn't really the problem is the fact that you have nothing else yeah that would be that that was the heartbreaker right so it reminded me it's like when halo infinite got pushed out of lunch people was like well why are you mad i was like because they got nothing else they announced for lunch i'm like there's no backup and so i'm like all right all right we'll wait to the you know the [ __ ] no no no they denounced the halo delay after the [ __ ] showcase so that was worse so that's why i was upping my feelings there because it was like well what are they gonna do give us a surprise event i was like nah it is what it is we got yakuza right um and then with this event it's just like okay so i went into 2022 with two confirmed [ __ ] games right and they were both delayed on the same day that i'm like whoa dude what the hell's coming out then yeah like i was like scoring that's not the game i'm like i'm not even looking forward to scoring so that's where it bothers me is the fact it'd be different if last year they announced all these games coming out in 2022 and the star field was like the biggest one and that was pushed along with red fall then i'm not as mad i could just i could fight my way out of twitter awards with that but the problem was i can't because i was like well damn i don't know what's coming out it's empty it does it feel like it's it's man it feel like it's unfinished this year's it's already done that's the problem like our our xbox ended when this announcement came at least that's how it felt um and again that's why this this showcase showcase has to say we're putting all these games day and date in game pads and this is go back to the porter rock conversation about profitability they may have to tweak that margins and increase it because they have to put out something in game pass so they have to put out some type of third party that's that gives us an up you know to feel valued as appreciated um as as a consumer because they launched we held out for these two games like i said this is why we kept saying this is part of the reason why we said it's game of the year because again it was xboxes yeah so it was it was that's what it comes down to so one thing i am happy about is i won't have to hear y'all dumbasses be screaming in november and december about playstation got no game well that's the other thing because now they got no games come fall christmas time that's the other thing is like sometimes like okay you trolled the playstation fans when they had nothing last year in the holidays right and the playstation fans trolled you two months right when when when they had a returnal and ratchet and then okay the playstation fans trolled back when they had horizon and gran turismo and the xbox fans were like well we got stuff for the end of the year but now that animation is gone right like dude i don't know if you guys have noticed but there is like a legit civil war going on in the xbox yeah yeah yeah especially today yeah versus xbox yeah xbox xbox got no games do me a favor smoke a decade later hey seriously do not do not make a bet with bond about xbox for the next year and a half yeah the bet i need you to make for me kids move right now is the cowboys won't win the super bowl make that bet if you can do that for me not even smooth can help you out there bro you need a lot more than that no but all seriously i think what so we all we all agree i think every game a reasonable gamer could agree that delays are good for the game itself we don't want a guy game release right but i think the reason why xbox is getting hit hard it's not just because you know specifically to 2022 we got potentially no games other than maybe four to one sport eight but it just seems like this is the same conversation we keep having over and over going back to last year it just seems like there's not a year where we really don't this doesn't come up going back to like four or five years ago it seems like every year it just keeps playing yeah it just keeps bringing up like like what's going on like and after a while the conversation gets old right i think it's kind of old like because it's not like playstation didn't go through it with the ps4 we all remember sparse i think we all remember that where it was very light but i think the difference i mean yeah so i think the difference between sony and microsoft this is why i think the real difference is sony was the one that actually coined the term sparse they did it to themselves but they admitted yo we we're looking shady out here everybody just ran with it but i think with sony admitting like we got to do something one way or another and that's where you saw sony double down on exclusives second party they they just jim and they got there yeah they're like oh we just got slapped across the face in front of my wife and you think it's gonna stay that way nah i'm gonna go to walmart and buy me a gun and i'm gonna come back you know that's what sony did right so sony went back in the gym they they realigned their first party they did they actually they went yeah they went after second third party games you know keeping them away from xbox oh yeah i mean we got conversations about that but they actually saw you know why we gotta do something we can't we can't have this conversation as far as linger for four or five years we can't do that we got to do something and i think that's the difference sony somehow found the problem they found an immediate answer to us party yeah this you know this is the problem and what happened you know what happened i'll tell you what happened there was a man i'm sorry there was an individual let me correct myself myerson oh my god that that person decided to sell his playstation 5 and buy a pc because playstation didn't have enough games and look i gotta tell you guys a secret god is a ps fan so don't piss him off smoove what you did was sacrilegious and he's like oh yeah okay you better buy that ps5 back you better get it back all right let's move back if you're trying to yeah um so i just i just want to say bad luck i i just want to say you know i did a lot of bragging and you know um you know a lot of taunting on twitter already and in my video uh but yeah i did see this coming uh i called it multiple times you know throughout the whole year i just did not believe that starfield was gonna make it this year you know mainly because for one it's a new ip we know when it comes to new ips it's things never go as smooth you know when you're creating something new it never goes smoothly they run into hiccups they run into bumps they you know a lot of a lot of unforeseen things when a new ip you know if it's a sequel i would have had faith in it because all you're doing is improving upon the original and isn't this like uh oh an engine that's a little bit altered um than what they've uh worked on before creation or something yeah and and um and and they anytime a developer uses the word ambitious and and you and talked about the scale of a game i'm like yeah that's that sounds like a delay to me because they they're they're doing a whole lot they're doing they're trying to do all the right things that's important yeah it's it's a lot of the right things in a lot but some of those things end up getting cut or they realize okay we can't do this or it's gonna take more time to do it and i know every you know everybody was telling me like oh you know this is their rollout this is how you know uh bethesda the show has is trying to show their games you know show it five months before and then you know release it release it five months after that i'm like okay cool i think they've done that with with two games right and i understand they're trying to do that and you know i got i got crucified on twitter for criticizing uh concept art you know they tried to nail me they tried to nail me to the cross for that and uh i i just i just knew that was a red flag there's no reason you should be showing concept art in the same year that your game is supposed to come out that just that just doesn't make any sense if you if you want to hold off on game play i was like you know i still don't trust it but okay but showing concept art in the same year just doesn't logically make sense to me nothing was making sense so i was like nope this game's not coming out and uh ended up he ended up being right i actually believe that redfall had a better had a better chance of coming out than stuff than starfield yeah but i know the other way around but i didn't think both of them were gonna get delayed and uh and that's why i said i think it has something to do more with rainfall i think that i think this whole bug thesda came out and they're trying to they're worried about the reputation of of uh of a red fall and again randolph you hurt my heart because i'm a big vampire fan too jeez but it's like i think they're worried about that reputation of putting out a quality game without bugs and i felt and i in my heart i felt like when the news dropped i felt like it was red falling i'm trying to you know clear their name get away from this whole book that's it because they got a big budget and they couldn't they shouldn't be doing that again um that they pushed both games because they still trying to look but look this is what i feel but this is why you know they ran they they they say i'm a menace they tr they think i'm a bad guy on twitter like oh bg let people have fun bad guys they think that i'm just like this evil person who wants to ruin and take away everybody's fun like i'm the grinch or something like that trying to take away everybody's christmas no i just see things and i call them out and then you know it ends up true and then people realize oh he wasn't being a jerk he wasn't being malicious he was just you know trying to save you just you just happened to be right all right just stop being a window jumper that's all stop jumping out the window saying oh this game is going to be game of the year before you even seen the game it's going to be the greatest thing since pants with pockets because i can tell you right now it had it had a better chance of being game of the year this year the next year it's not winning game of the year next year that's a guarantee yeah so so how could you say it wouldn't but how come we can't say it is versus you can say it wouldn't because it got the xbox third little while because it was coming out next year hopefully what's next year brought to the wild too yeah but i mean like i don't think it is i don't think it had a chance against elder ring this year that's true i think that's the hardest part i think it'll be one and two one but either way one of you one or two wait wait wait starfield launching in 11 11 what they have are they in the window of winning they would be in the window yeah but who knows okay because it's the 15th of the drop off yeah and who knows you know what like don't be surprised if starfield gets delayed to eleven eleven twenty-three [Applause] if all those bangers they showed two years ago come out in 2023 yeah if well maybe i wouldn't care so if hellblade launched earlier in a year then i wouldn't care if you if you tell me hellblade 2 evolved in [ __ ] i don't know contraband is all coming out in 2023 and they're not like okay i'll take that if starfield has to come out in november well vowed and contraband were supposed to come out this year and they got delayed so they got delayed to 2023. and look i mean but i don't know i mean i don't like xbox hasn't dated anything because dates are fluid so yeah and gotta listen god of war and final fantasy could come out next year i i think those could possibly be the latest i think god of war is 50 50 right now yeah i think yeah i think we've got a lot of wars coming out in 2022 it's coming out this year you wanted to because you don't want no more competition yeah the competition can delay their games because they really don't got to compete xbox got nothing i i believe if sony doesn't announce a god award date in june it's not coming out this year that's what i think yeah yeah that's potential you know i want i did want to say this hey i love this game remnant of ash one of my favorite games to play man yeah i love that game bringing up bowls [ __ ] because you got nothing else to play listen quick question right because i'm glad you brought up the the investment part but let me ask you this and this is just an opinion base right do you think also that microsoft xbox kind of bit off more than they can chew in terms of like it just seems like they want to do so much all at once right they want to do they right they they got into the blue pass now they got into day one pc then they say let's go wow and then the most simplest aspect of all which is console they even kind of made it harder for themselves to be like let's create two separate consoles so it seems like they do so much when really everybody was just simply asking just make more games that's what you're doing i mean you got to remember covert happened i think they had oh man i i listen we can deny and i and i want to i'm not like all i know what you're saying but i don't want to say it anymore because me i'm tired i hate that it's an excuse but i know it's real like i'm in texas y'all and my office finally just opened up their doors to for everybody to come back to the office it i so i get it that is still relevant and so i think they had all these hopes and dreams of purchasing all these studios in the world shuts down i mean and you have to adapt to the world at that time yeah so yeah i completely agree with what you're saying with cover that that's not my that wasn't what i was saying in fact if anything i think if anybody remember long enough who was the first gaming studio developer publisher that actually got [ __ ] on because they were one of the first to take that's sony you know it's only sony was [ __ ] on first for being one of the first in the industry to take measures for kovid yeah they were opted out of all the events or whatever that they were they they opt out of all the events and nobody was giving them the thing about oh [ __ ] they're they're really they're looking out for their employees no it was they have nothing to show anyway that's why they're dropping out so believe me the whole covert thing is real but here's the thing every all the studios were impacted under the same conditions how was sony nintendo still able to navigate and find ways to bring content on their platform and what i'm asking is this microscope but with microsoft the combination of you know let's do game pass let's do day and date on pc let's do mobile let's really push cuz you saw sony sony in the beginning was pushing on streaming right hard they had it on tvs blu-ray players and for whatever reason they're like you know what we're gonna throttle back and we're just gonna focus on pc and console whatever acquisition versus first party you know you see but what i'm saying is so so what i'm asking is did microsoft potentially on top of late investment or they believe whatever did they bit off more they can chew i mean like did they do too much that's a good question because xbox had a lot to do to change people's minds from last general they were and bond would say there's still a a joke a punt you know a punching bag so they need they needed to change things they needed like they couldn't compete straight up with sony right so it's like what do you do you change the game you're playing you go to game pass right and you have a company that actually can support it the trillion dollar uh you know bankroll with with microsoft so you're right like okay you're doing two consoles you got game pass you got all like but i think each one of those are kind of separate like the studios are just like hey you need to just focus on the games the console team will focus on the consoles the cloud team the people building the cloud will focus on the cloud like i think maybe it's possible xbox but off more can they can chew with with all the studios they acquired like essentially in a short amount of time right like you went from five studios to like what like 15 in america a couple years then you acquired bethesda and now you're acquiring activision um although like bethesda is more like plug and play right like they basically just came as a full package and you know matt booty doesn't have to oversee him um but i think xbox needed to do these things puerto rico like they needed to change people's perceptions of what xbox was and you know like they had to deliver a subscription service with the cloud thing to kind of fit in with microsoft's overall like business philosophy and all these things take time the thing with like nintendo and sony is like their pipelines and they're like it's already structured like everything's already going you know it's like you just you just let it go and xboxes was essentially they were just building it at the end of this of the end of last year you know like it's it's because you uh so with sony the dude from uh gorilla right because he took uh shoehay's place he's the yeah he's the one who goes to all the sony studios see how the game is coming yeah is phil spencer the one that does that for xbox does he actually no that's matt booty that's matt booty runs into the studios so is he going because that's a lot of studios now like he has to go to every studio travel across the country because they're in different spots and games that's a lot to do i would assume bethesda you know whoever did that for bethesda which was what he pete hines maybe still does that i think it's all good i think altman's son is the one running before okay okay um but yeah it is you know so booty would be the one in charge of first party and i think bethesda reports directly to phil so he'd be the one looking at that like right yeah there's just there's just a lot now and and maybe they haven't perfected perfected it like sony has because he's been doing it for a while so yeah um that's why i said he was comparing you know first i mean studios that they own or already had a relationship exclusive relationships with versus microsoft acquiring and i think there's a two-party iran you can correct me for wrong there's a two-party system right going on right now and i think that's where the where the conversation has been dropped is that microsoft is doing all the requ acquiring xbox is trying to handle all the um the the gaming side of it and it seems like it seems like as they're working through something microsoft is hey we're investing so a part of that investing is inquiring and then you got to pick up other information other games and things like that i think that's it's getting overwhelming for them it seemed like it yeah i mean i i do think matt maybe struggled in the beginning because i did i do think he actually got help i think he has people uh helping him because 15 studios is a lot but you know but the thing is bg nobody wants to hear that yeah nobody wants nobody wants the nuanced explanation they just won't and i get it like people just you just want some gamers we just want the games you ain't got no games you suck i'll go wherever where the games are so like anybody's upset or whatever disappointed by this say i get it like i'm disappointed it's just i just like i said man i just want to see that w from kids you know like i just i need to see that divorce papers and get the playstation but this is why but this is why but this is why i be you know i'll be telling smoove and like xbox dudes like since microsoft went on this acquisition spree for some reason i think they i think they're like now they now believe that the solution to everything is an acquisition when it's not like they they see and they see something go up for sale or they see a problem with xbox and the first thing they go to man we need another acquisition that's the solution but you got to remember like we said there's something you always want more girls than guys in any club um here's here's the real question yeah that's not a solution at all for this one who's gonna get a w first microsoft and xbox or black baron oh man this guy you gotta remember that was their biggest problem oh man i get it so they overcompensated because it was the yeah there's a bigger problem yeah that was the biggest problem with the lack of studios or first party cause you look at the situation he had where people can fly or i mean not people can fly but uh we're freaking who's that was supposed to do scalebound you look at that relationship and he's like dude they didn't finish a game that could have you know settled all these issues before they moved into the next generation where people had a really big title to play that everybody's excited to play it had that game launched we wouldn't be having these conversation or the conversation would be different i won't say we wouldn't be having this conversation i'll say the conversation would be different and so when you you look at it and they was like hey we relied on a lot of third parties that didn't come through for us or the relationship for sony in a japanese studios was all there due to our f ups in the 360 era um we can't get those titles that everybody want to play those japanese titles on our console because sony has you know that's that's their that's their home base their nintendo so it's like the thing they had to do first to fix anything and everything was buy studios but the problem is they didn't have enough content coming out and so we seeing it and so the gap that they visually saw and they they can put in their planner and say hey from this window to that window uh we're not going to have any games now it's more apparent to us and we're seeing that because we're the end user we we we see it on our ending we're not supposed to see that part as a consumer we're not supposed to see stocks running out we're not supposed to see game content not coming in coming out or coming out on time uh that's the part that's not supposed to affect us you know he just doesn't rate games good or bad so to kind of wrap this topic up how confident are y'all that they have something lined up to show at e3 that that's not gonna like completely you know fix this wound but it's gonna like alleviate it a little bit make it feel a little bit better no i can tell you exactly what's gonna happen right they're gonna have an epic showing i think the show is gonna be great but it's gonna be bittersweet as [ __ ] because all the [ __ ] we see is going to be 20 23 and beyond there like the the redeeming thing is going to be like you know some of some like double a [ __ ] from game pass maybe um you already cursed the conference you just [ __ ] it up no you did good you did good you're good you just just don't gotta be good he did good because he said next year so that means it may come this year so he did good but the good thing is um thanks to this delay i probably won two bets not only the game of the year bet the uh not the metacritic that will be pushed back but not only the game of the year bet but ain't no way in hell microsoft xbox is selling more now in no game well they've been out selling playstation uh um they uh okay no game the us bet right y'all y'all gotta go into that yeah and i'm definitely gonna win that no game i were arguing whether it was the u.s better or worldwide bets move settings it was definitely yours why would i bothered with the worldwide bet why don't you do stupid things i mean xbox has gotten me excited multiple times but i've had that there's things that i know my man did you just curse xbox move what's going on the conference is going to be great so it's going to be true as long as he doesn't bet you that it's going to be matter if great it's it's whatever he thinks the opposite whatever he thinks he just happens to put money on it a lot of times hey so he's we're going to erase this part of the segment we're not going to have kids he already put he already put into the i think the com i think the conference will be good i don't know if it's going to be like epic like people want it to be or the people expect it to be i think it'll be [Music] before you continue before you continue back when you told me things ain't going to roll until 2023 right that means this year's show would have to be epic because we would have to see most of the fruits that are coming next year it depends depends on what i don't know the show and depends on what they're they want to show i think they'll focus on stuff coming between now and e3 next year they need to they need to uh so you know i guess it depends like i guess that whatever your you know what you think epic is um i think you'll see a vowed and i think you know you'll see contraband and i think you'll see compulsions uh i don't know they just showed hellblade so it's tough to save to actually show hellblade again okay um i think obviously you're gonna see i think you'll see starfield and red fall um you know there's there's other projects that are in the works that they could they could show like you know i mean we'll see like i i'm not gonna see what they're gonna do for third party i'm not even looking at first party right now because well i think i think you look at what they everybody sort of said or at least the common sentiment was last year's show was really good one of the best shows they've had in a while that wasn't really too focused on third party outside of like smaller indie titles for game pass so i'm not really sure if like big third parties will be there especially if microsoft has a lot that they can show themselves like right the coalition's new project supposedly like you know like jeff grubbin has talked about is that gonna be there right maybe um i don't expect to see stuff like fable or perfect dark or indiana jones uh stuff that's like 2024 and beyond right who knows i don't know if microsoft's restructuring this because maybe there won't be a deep dive of star field and red fall now so now they have more time so they can essentially show more stuff but i do think they're very well aware kid they're very well aware of what's going on in social media and how people are feeling so oh yeah maybe they do go the extra mile yeah maybe i'm expecting them they need to drop a bag on something like like they have that party no no for real for real like like because i feel like i do feel like um my game pass ain't working uh this year dude so um they got they got to drop a bag on something like i don't like the only way to show microsoft that you're you're disappointed and that is cancel game pass bro all right all right all right well if they don't drop all right so i don't see it i would you know 2024 it's not not next year i don't think what a new tomb raider or a new perfect dark first uh perfect dark because i think something tomb raider just started production or pre-production from what they're they've been saying so i think perfect dark comes out before the new tomb raider is that yep yep yep you just ruined it bro oh man there's no way a new tomb raiders come out before a perfect dark i mean if they want if they want to continue the the hype that tomb raider had i mean i don't think it would come out before if it's just now getting started man smooth put it out in the ether it's set in stone can't argue that huh hey man after this it's really even let's say if the if the jew showcase is really really good does that still alleviate the drought for 2022 like that's what i said again like like yeah sure you gotta let's say they showed good gameplay for vow but it doesn't come out this year you know like is the show like one is the showcase really enough because the showcase just shows no right no you just feel a little bit better and the number and the number two let's say if microsoft announced gotham knights day one on game pass i think that'll happen but let's see if they did is is that no no no no no no do something bossy they gotta get modern warfare two in that [ __ ] like what really would it leave me i think i think warfare modern warfare would be easy to get a game pass i don't know what they put in game pass the playstation artist was so played hold on so i would say this is how i look at it modern warfare would probably be easier to put in game pass today than it ever was i think modern warfare that's what i think modern warfare is impossible because sony has marketing rights yeah that's right i forgot about that and i think and i think that marketing rights is like what two more years or something like that so yeah the next two place two uh call of duty games plus mine plus modern uh warfare or plus warzone two so you know so you so so really microsoft michael so microsoft can't really make big moves on call of duty like super big movies once they acquire activision they could potentially renegotiate with sony but modern warfare 2 is not yeah that's not going to happen before modern warfare 2. so what really what would be like the big satisfactory thing because like blackberries sony got the marketing right to the harry potter yeah that's what that ain't happening so like day and date like but like what black man was saying date doesn't mean much other than saving money because playstation pc gamer could still play those games what else is going on oh yeah get them in game pass sometimes but does that really does that really fill the void yeah at the end of the day i mean start feeling red fall you would have been able to play it on pc you won't be able to play on playstation so i don't think it fills the void but what i will say is are you gaming to come to the last question is is there something in front of you that is interesting enough that can take your mind away from it yes it's going to suck i still think it's going to suck it regardless of what comes out but you have to look at is is there enough content out there available for them to grab put in game pass that keeps you busy and that's what 2021 did it put it gave a lot of people a lot of busy work so you can prepare for the star fields the red falls up you know the other vows and the hellblades it it gave you a lot of busy work a lot of good ones i hate to use busy work because that's a bad word to use because a lot of great games yeah i gotta know what i mean i know i know what you mean there was there was enough entertainment i got i got so i think even though this all concerns us about the exclusive games i think even if microsoft show isn't the best i still think people buy the consoles and droves regardless of no games they already kind of have like the demand for these the new xbox consoles are far outpacing the demand for the 360 and the xbox one similar time frame and they don't really have like they don't really have much and they haven't really released much so i think xbox could put out fours a motorsport and a couple smaller games maybe a gears collection and probably sell out of everything they ship because i i think us as like the hardcore gamers doing podcasts we put extreme importance on the big exclusive games but like i'm not sure that translate to general gaming public who's just going to wants a next-gen system yeah still going to fall out yeah yeah like what it does it probably really negatively affects game pass because i don't think people will subscribe uh like xbox wants them to without star field so like how do you replace star field and what do you replace it with like is gotham knights a good replacement yeah i mean it's a dc property it's got probably you know so people know it from that uh maybe it's a good a good fit um do you go to bandai namco and offer him a shitload for elden ring i don't know like everybody who's bought it on xbox just got it i'm not i i don't know i don't know what they do i don't know if they just kind of like all right here's the games we got for this year and we're just we got everything going for next year and that's what we're gonna focus on but i only don't think eldon ring is would be a good thing because i think everybody that cause you know eldon ring is not for everybody right we already know that so any anybody that would would try it out that's not a game you try that it's we all that's not a game you like oh i'm just gonna try this no you're not gonna try this this game is gonna try you out okay so i don't think that's like you know what you say didn't you say it was easy like i said it was easy but that's for me that's not for the that's not for the average person that's good that's using game pass though um you know so that's the only reason a lot of people did try out this game though bg because it's so significantly more than any of the other games so it had to be some people jumping onto it not knowing what to expect yeah i just don't know if you take the chance and you know i i mean i don't know man i mean what about okay like if you're if you're if you're sarah bond and you're the game pass team and you got these billions of dollars to spend and now your projections are down because starfield and redfall aren't going to be there who do you target like what do you target to to to mitigate that i mean i'm looking at i'm looking at the list of uh games for this year and it's kind of crazy because in the fall almost nothing has a release date everything is still like to be determined yeah which means there's a possibility harry potter could get delayed you know like yeah i don't trust that gotham knights is coming out this year i mean that game look rough as [ __ ] yeah i don't i want to transition into that gotham gotham knights we uh we got to see some gameplay um and a lot of people were critical of it i i still like the way it looks yes the you know the animations the movement the fighting it's very different from what we saw in like for example co-op uh of like how uh you know um nightwing fights or or uh anybody else fights in like the the arkham series but i still thought like the game looked look really good and i'm like this is a day one for me i don't i don't think it is it's nowhere near as rough as there anybody else is saying like they were saying like it looks bad and it's a skip i was like it's not it's not i won't say that no it does and they canceled the ps4 and the xbox one versions um you know which they said to you know uh prioritize your next gen and make it better but it's it's really still across gen games across gen game they just dropped the last gen consoles but it's still a question game so i don't you know i don't really expect it to look next-gen necessarily i would say running on the ps4 pro click it no i was saying it just looks like it was running on a ps4 pro exactly and we're about to get some real upscale so i mean it's i mean this game didn't look it didn't look pretty i mean it looks fun i kind of i kind of i'm kind of not a fan of night wings uh well not nightwings but uh red hood his i don't like to just just straight gun play um not a big fan of that um but because it's in a batman world you know i mean i get he's a gun guy but it's kind of like dude he's he still was robbing for one at a point in time and so um i don't know i'm not too sold on it i probably still pick it up because i'm a dc fan over marvel um but yeah i'm not look i'm i just hope it doesn't come out like um like uh what's that game that just came out avengers final fantasy no not not avengers but by final fantasy uh oh event uh uh paradise strange is the paris yeah i just hope it doesn't come out ugly man and i'm hoping just to come out to that level yeah so and i bought it try i'm forcing myself to finish it but i'm just hoping doesn't come it doesn't become repetitive like that yeah someone who's a who's a big a batman arkham fan that did not do it for me i mean i'll still get it and play it but like it didn't look like it was fun it and like watching red hood like i was like managing my stealth staying in one spot with the guns like didn't look like they did any damage it definitely looked like he would be less fun to play as in the nightwing and then this whole ridiculous soul jump i'm like i was thinking i was like if you're gonna do that all he can do is jump yeah but it's like he can jump off of like his soul power it's like why not have him shoot fireballs at that point like what are we doing here uh and then i know they see that you see like the screenshots of like the materials and like like it just seems like like it was a mobile game like like collect stuff and just new suits and stuff like i yeah i don't know man there's nine years for this nine years for that i mean their last game was in 2013 and this is what we're getting it it seems like a complete downgrade from arkham knight which was a 2015 game right it's crazy because if you compare it to the the game they got coming out later next year which is um a suicide squad it's like night and day well i mean that's that's the that's the difference of talent you got rocksteady who are the gods of this versus right warner brothers montreal so yes um jack needs to know your thoughts on this gotham knight ty because you like the batman series i might have to retract my statement that i made uh when i said i felt it i felt that this game might be better this suicide squad okay uh i'm gonna take i'm gonna take the earlier no i saw the game play um this game looks like dog [ __ ] i gotta be honest [Music] you know like rand say you got [ __ ] red hood jumping on force fields and [ __ ] and the game looks stiff as hell the graphics are ugly arkham knight was waving ugly come on man bro if you if you could predict how they originally showed and just the ark of night like bro come on bro this was set up night definitely looks better that game came out in 2015. it's seven years later and that's what we get like nah man i probably still end up getting it because i do want to check the game out but it ain't looking too hard bro do we know what version they were showing off in that instead we're not using any prompts no yeah you notice you know what it seems like she'll use that one if they if they had another another um is that uh it didn't it seems like them canceling the last gen ports is just a marketing gimmick doesn't it yep yep like they need people to get people excited about the game so they're like no crosston guys come on aren't you excited now this is next gen only because you know there's last 10 versions of that game that probably exist right considering this game's you know been in development for a while i just feel like their whole this is next-gen only got it just feels like just a gimmick to get people excited to potentially buy the game when it comes out you know on top of that does the like watching the game does it just feel like they took just the shitty side missions of the arkham games and decided to make it a whole game that's what i that's what i get the feeling i'm going to spend hours and hours just doing side missions like i i don't see like the presentation didn't hit it to me to me on a bunch of side missions like all the side missions you would do that's the whole premise of the game with co-op it didn't feel like anything that they did makes i mean like make you feel like you did something like it didn't feel rewarding to shoot somebody it didn't look like it was go it was going to reward you to shoot a guy it just didn't yeah it didn't it felt like you were shooting like bb bb guns at him but do you think there would be uh any side missions that involve catching pigeons or jumping into like smoke clouds can't be worse because some of those missions suck right like like especially like the mary jane but when they presented the game you you fighting rhino and like they presented the game at his best if this is if god the knight if this is what it is that is best then oh my god then you can only imagine what weird [ __ ] i mean like this is some spider-man like red hood gonna lose his virginity too like he's gonna take off his mask like what's gonna happen cause jack moves i'm mad at jack jack ain't warned me them spider-man dlc missions this oh my god bro chasing screwball oh yeah you didn't warn me i was mad when i was playing that joint bro you thought chasing pigeons were bad play them dlc's dog people kept saying it was just perfect yeah that's not the side missions were yeah they could they could definitely use some work yeah what i heard was just somebody i can't do no wrong i mean it's still amazing but listen don't don't get it twisted overall the game is phenomenal like the little playing issues like you know they like it's like like screwball missions or chasing the pigeons you know but it's not like you spend hours doing those things it's just that the fact that they exist yeah the fact that they exist especially if you kind of go for the platinum or gain experience points the fact that they simply exist is annoying in itself but overall it's just hey i'm gonna have faith in gotham nights i'm gonna hold on to this one i'm gonna hold on to faith in it right and and and i believe maybe this okay i'm i'ma charge it to this one dude who was playing ass okay yeah like dude who was playing i'm like yo y'all made the game dawg you made the game how do you show it off badly you know so dude who was playing was ass okay over the place yeah and then second okay the game does seem to be a bit slower which i don't think really helps it um and you know we may i'm hoping like maybe this is a an earlier bit i'm coping i guess i'm taking the copium maybe this is an earlier build and uh maybe this isn't even like the next-gen versions i i don't know man i'm but i think it's still gonna be good i think they need to show another gameplay footage i mean i mean a deep dive they need they need to do something different because that just remember just remember the first footage the first gameplay they showed which was like pre-alpha that joint looked fire look at the pre-alpha footage when they first showed it like the frame rate was like it was like 15 frames per second but it looked great but this is a deeper in depth gameplay and it was just like dude is this what you're putting out and like you said they they probably presented a ps4 xbox one version and said hey this is it and it may end up looking a lot better on the xbox one i mean xbox series x and the uh playstation five but again they announced that this is hey we dropped the the the last gen version yeah and that looks terrible i was not excited at all jack you want to um just get the uh super chats ready we're gonna hit him after this next topic uh all right um real quick let's talk about uh i guess did anybody play trek to yomi yes yeah i played it okay i didn't like it so i ain't got much to say about it uh what what it's only like a four hour game but i put it down after the first hour i was like nah i ain't doing this uh let's get your thoughts move and then and then rand well i didn't beat the game yet um because i've been having i've been putting it down uh quite a few times because i'm not a big fan of the the inconsistent combat the horrible perry system the one thing that this game got going for it is it's visuals i like the look of it the the whole you know old school japanese like filmic look that it has i think that's like the best part of game and that's what makes me want to keep playing it um but yeah i've constantly like dropped the game um so that i don't really until i mean i plan on beating it i i think i'm pretty close i think i got through four bosses there might be what two one or two more if anybody could correct me but um but yeah i know i just haven't been really feeling that like that yeah kind of the same with smooth man like best thing is presentation the look of the game uh i like the use of isometric cameras to present you know that like samurai uh movie look but man that gameplay really lets that game down so hard like i was hoping for like a sifu-like experience you know what i'm saying bg because i i [ __ ] yeah yeah like sakura and it's just it's just like nope just x y up down switch it's just like it's so basic and it's just it doesn't feel good like it doesn't feel good to kill anybody and it doesn't feel good to parry because the parry system is is kind of weird it's just it's an okay game like that's because it might be worth like a play through but it's nothing special van is it true so the parry system is it like off timed like it's not it's it's like it's like the timing is all completely like some people say you have to wait like an extra two seconds yeah it seems like when you see the flash you're supposed to hit it but it doesn't feel good to perry like yeah when you're playing like sakura or you're playing the batman games or you're playing seafood like it actually feels good to parry it right this is just it doesn't it just it it there's this weird looking animation when you parry and it's like it feels like two little kids pretending to be samurais but they're playing with like brooms like and like they're like oh i'm hairy that's how it feels it just yeah they're playing with it's like they're playing with two wooden sticks and it's like you don't feel that substance behind it that um you know like i'm like no this ain't the same the game's not hard like i i got the parry down right where i could do it on a consistent basis but i was like no and i actually don't like the whole uh kurosawa because that's what they they call it from the director the whole kirasara you know black and white i actually don't like that in games like i know it it adds to the atmosphere you know ghost of tsushima had it i i didn't you know turn that on and go to tsushima but i you know i like to look at games that have a lot of color and a lot of vibrancy to them i don't like this black and white [ __ ] so yeah it's not for me um but some people seem to like it but download umbrella hey hey jack i already bought it so you might as well you might as well try it you know because i ain't trying to wait i'm on it what else are you doing right now hey man listen well i tell you one game that's um pretty fire is uh that you didn't chronicle rising oh yeah i'm playing it now it starts slow zone or what though yeah i thought it starts way too slow real quick real quick jack uh let jack do super chats first and then y'all can get into this this uh you would then chronicles um super chats we got a roy it says bg you ain't got no chill okay we got we got to wreck our mid whoop that trick whoop that trick whoop that trick all right [ __ ] you direct um we got megazone ex he said xbox album track list one halo gears four's a wait till e3 three game pass thugging for grinding on field okay i'm not laughing anymore that was funny all right we got a cocaine on a boner okay um it says halo went from master chief to master beef oh whoa okay what else we got we got rockstar 94. he said crazy how paramount paramount can make a great sonic adaptation did it make a terrible halo show oh [ __ ] um we got lone wolf gamer t lu he said another l for kids move drop what i guess he meant drop kick in cancun dance got some emojis uh we got ron he said but it's already confirmed third and first person like all their other games okay we got a sony nakamura they said two uh donations with no message appreciated we got andrew wilkins he says aaron and phil both said that game pass never made a profit and ran i guarantee i i guess i guarantee you fable and splinter cell wouldn't release for xbox last gen playstation fans are right about xbox way more than xbox fans right you got anything to say that uh did i ever say fable was coming out last channel i said it was in production there you go i mean spirit but splinter cell like i had friends who worked on various cancelled splinter cell games so i like the game existed and then it gets constantly cancelled so you know predictions man and uh no i would disagree heavily on playstation fans being right about xbox more than xbox fans yeah playstation fans are wrong about playstation a lot so they've never gotten a prediction or a leak right yet so yeah we got pepe invest instigator 69 he said i really wanted to see elden elden ring versus ragnarok versus breath of the wild 2 versus star field at the game with a year show everyone would have had a horse in the race um king of games 405 said do y'all think we could see wolfenstein 3 in june oh that's a good question i mean pete hines says it existed the people are digging up the linkedin profiles to say has to exist that's dr trey i don't know man like they're they're saying they're working on indiana jones i mean like you hear that i don't i think they'll do wolfenstein three at some point i i think the people expecting it like to release this year are kind of nuts but i would like to be wrong like i would like to be playing wolfenstein three this year i mean but they can't even get the games out that they announced they're going to get a game out this year they haven't announced leave it i mean like like hey man i firmly believe in instead you know crawl stand walk run you know it's like those are the games you like games you have announced you have in trouble with but a game is going to come out of left field no announcement and have it ready this year i think the odds of that happening is very wishful thinking we got andrew wilkers again he said demand for xbox isn't high this gen uh forte says xbox stay unsold at this game stop for two weeks at a time 30 best buys in my area have unsold series s is sitting then finally we got neo why she said gotham can't run 60 frames per second on last gen console and online would suffer if it was cross gin it will be better than rocksteady which has been uh on the decline oh [ __ ] there we go okay all right this whole xbox not selling in my store sometimes people don't know it's there i think people still living in and let's go for playstation 2 that's not a exclusive thing for microsoft uh i mean for the xbox but it's a lot of people don't even know that they're in retail half the time you know you have one i don't know i don't go by that anecdotal stuff anyway like oh i went to a store and they had them like you know okay that's one story i don't go by none of those anyway for nothing um so smooth smooth you want to talk about talk to us about what is it you would in chronicles yeah i can barely pronounce this [ __ ] man uh i kept calling eden yeah um so pretty much the game um i know they're working on two of them i guess one comes out next year i guess it's supposed to be the main line but this one i reason why somebody told me this game wasn't turn-based so i was like okay so and it wasn't but as a whole a lot of dialogue that you kind of have to read through um which which is cool because the story is quirky and stuff like the little tasks and jobs i like the gameplay loop so pretty much what you do is start this uh as this chick i think she's a chick i think her name is cj um and in this town i'm almost certain this game takes place inside some alternate version of india because everybody has indian names like rajeev uh priya all this other stuff but um you all know because her name is cj he's the only one she came straight from uh from uh san andreas um so you get no you gotta work your way up you you you get these stamps right and you get um you got to fill your stamp card by doing tasks and the tasks around uh the uh the town to get people to build like you know um merchandise you're building basically you've built up an entire city yeah you're building up the city because i guess the earthquake had came through destroyed the town and everybody needs help and you're like this outsider known as some an adventurer so you know they hire you to do it except they don't pay you in real cash they pay you in freaking stamps which you can turn in for other things so um the stamps so but the thing is so the gameplay loop is pretty much when you're not doing your main quest you're pretty much doing side quests to fill up the stamps and you know you're able to get more things because more merchandise or vendors are open to give you more armor better health better abilities um and uh yeah the gameplay loop i don't know it's pretty good i like the way the game looks it's a little bit it has that little 8-bit look for the characters but everything surrounding the characters is that like you know that look traditional gaming and and everything they have in it as far as like the visuals and the background and stuff is like high-res high quality um i've been going back and forth from like xbox and pc i'm playing on pc now i'm in the podcast right now but um i've been hooked usually i thought i was going to drop the game because i was like i ain't reading through this [ __ ] and then you know a couple hours past i think i already been playing the game for like eight hours so yeah but it's pretty good you can you can uh carry it because i know my my um ramblings kind of be all over the place when it comes to these games i'm unfamiliar with so it's cool because the combat system is your so your cj she is x and you have this uh big guy what's his name is groom guru guru yeah and so he grow and he's your and he's your y button so he's your heavy attack he's also your guy who can block he's a guy who can do you know power slam he's gonna get he's gonna do the most damage she does quick damage uh and she can dash so it's a combination of you having to switch to different characters to either block or dash out of the way of an attack or um or do a heavy smash or do a quick quick attack and it's combinations where if you go x x y and he comes into an air attack yeah i mean you can do y out of the air and then come back to her she does a spin attack it's it's freaking dope yeah i mean the combinations on this game is is freaking awesome i hope it keeps getting better yeah i got it my third companion so oh i haven't got that far so i got past the part where you you know you have to get the uh the orange rock or the ground yeah yeah so you can break that rock that's what that's that's exactly you get it you get it you get it shortly after because you're going to need the third companion to break through break through ice and stuff nice nice see yeah that's exactly where i'm at and the game is fun guys so if you got game pass check it out you got a place i think it's on playstation i don't know for sure it's on everything i think i just think it just launched day one on game pass or so yeah you guys got to try that the game like i said give it three hours dude it's gonna take a while to get started it is a lot of dialogue uh but it's a good story um and like i said you just got to give it time it takes forever to get started look it's move plain something different i see you okay all right um okay so these rumors uh i think they actually came from i don't know it originated from but i i heard an xbox podcast talk about it that they're working on a gears it would have to be gears 2 remake or remaster whatever whichever one because they already uh remastered gears gears one already so i assume this would be two uh and maybe maybe three is this wanted is this needed necessary um not necessarily it's not needed for the simple fact that you can play all the gears games right now at better resolutions and better frame rate via fps boost and resolution booth on new gen xbox so i'm not exactly sure i don't know if this is going to be like what they're doing with the master chief where they merge or like you know all the multiplayer and they do like some crazy ass but if they're putting it on like unreal engine 5 where the thing looks drastically no different and whatnot that that's one thing but i'm not exactly sure they would have to show me but if it's just a collection just a collection of the three games um for at 4k 60 i mean i really don't i don't think it's necessary yeah i mean if it came out 120 of he's dope but i don't think that's gonna happen um but i mean gears to mo um multiplayer i mean i mean uh online it was actually really dope so i mean it was it was my favorite one of them all yeah for sure number two was like yeah number number two is like my favorite so i'll probably give that a shot i mean play around with that for a while but like it's not necessarily needed uh yeah it's probably not needed but uh i think like the next gears game is still some time away okay so they could probably slot in a master chief style collection of gears one two three and judgement and then kind of gives gears fans something to tide them over until gear six comes out especially if they like remake gears 2 and unreal engine 5 so it's you know looks like incredible i i think some people will be happy with that and i know if that if it does happen we got to get another like halo gears and forza tune from smoove right like an updated version dom again hey let's not do that because that was that was hard heartbreaking right there my wife literally quit the game what's up me and my wife was gears all the way through first one two and three all of them played them all together uh in in through five but when dom died she like put the game down for a minute and so i had to finish it with my little brother because she refused to play gears because dom died why didn't he just jump out the truck man you know he was already tired from his his wife he just saw his wife and ashes i mean the guy was really on edge he just wanted to let it all go and so it was a it was it was a bittersweet but perfect ending for the way he went out it sucked because it hurt a lot of man like i said my wife quit the game also i think not a lot of the gears games are on pc correct me if i'm wrong right now there's yeah four and five right but two and three aren't two and three and um judgment so maybe they maybe it's also one of the things where they want to be able to like put everything on pc so because i know the gears games have not done well on pc and maybe that's because like the whole series isn't there so like it could be another thing where it's like all right well that makes sense yeah we'll put everything on we'll redo it and we'll put everything also on pc so like people can get caught up for six whenever that comes out right right okay i think a big selling point for this though is taking advantage of what the xbox can do you know um because if they do a remake an actual remake built from the ground up obviously it'll be on pc but if they could get certain things right like the ray tracing you know uh you know yes for fps performance mode maybe they start pushing their own version of ray tracing performance mode you know things like that where you can see okay i get it this game is wow you know it's kind of like what you know sony did with demon souls you know what i'm saying yeah like it's a joke it's the same game but because of the technology and that is a remake it takes advantage of everything this console has to offer that's a good selling point you know especially for people who who because i think this gen i seen a lot of people jumping on xbox that and they never had an xbox before so this is their first stab i think uh a gears a gears of war ii remake versus playing the original even if there was resolution boost i think that's kind of a better introduction to gears than the original because you just you just get a better experience and you're going to play your facebook you're getting yeah they explain it too so when you play online you get another experience you get a true but that hinges that you built the game taking advantage of this new tech you know and try to deliver on some of the things that's been hyped about right um jack you there yeah what up this you haven't bought this uh evil dead game isn't this like uh friday the 13th ain't it like don't play like that yes asymmetrical multiplayer game i believe uh i haven't played it yet a couple of homies got it but um this is your bag that [ __ ] like 40 i'm like smooth okay put this [ __ ] on game pass oh man listen you know what two though i've never seen an evil dead movie me either i never have i've only seen clips of them i've never seen a complete but like i don't have a knowledge of the series like i do a friday um it's no possibility i might get it i'm hearing this pretty decent game okay i might just want to play with before i decide to play the game that too i need yeah exactly oh i'm gonna run and play this game yeah yeah and the other thing um because you know jack you're you're a mafia fan you know i am too but i've only liked mafia too i didn't like one didn't like the remake of one didn't like three man come on jack you well the story see that's that's what that's what makes me so mad because hanger 13 they're you know their ass as of right now to me as developers right um mafia three i actually watched like a lot of the cut scenes it's such a good story but that gameplay and this engine i think they're on his ass so uh rumor the rumor is there's a new mafia game um it's gonna be on unreal engine five i think that's gonna make the game look a lot better run a lot better than whatever engine they were using before it's gonna be a prequel to the original game so it's going to be apparently set in still in sicily because you know original a lot of the original mafia members you know they they come from you know sicily they migrated to the u.s and went in places like new york chicago and all that stuff uh late 19th uh and start of the 20th century um ain't sicily uh blaze's hometown home that's what blaze is blowing right now oh maybe yeah you know his real name is vincenzo right that's what you call them yes shout out to blaze um and yeah so they said the and the rumor is the protagonist of this game is gonna be uh don solari that's tommy's boss in the original game mafia one and this game is still going to be uh slightly linear in style so what you think jack you know mafia is a really weird series man because it is one of those games you know you know everybody likes a game play is king this then mafia is a very specific uh exception right because all the mafia games got fantastic stories you know uh portrayals to acting on it yep the gameplay is always the gameplay is always asked like the original mafia was developed for pc and they ended up pointing to like ps2 but when they when uh you know the second and third game came out they kept them stiff ass bomb ass controls even though they were developing for consoles i don't know why they did that you can go stiff ass and bum ass that's why i didn't play the third one yeah that's what i'm saying even though but it's still some enjoyment to be had exactly what i was talking about oh anyway good yeah man they they just need to um well they're not going to improve the gameplay they got to man listen got to do better bro they're bro they've had numerous chances to do it they remade the first game and it still got the same gameplay from the first player this is unreal engine this is listen this is unreal engine 5 though and the way people be talking about unreal engine 5 the way developers been talking about and everybody's moving from it abandoning their old engines it's got to be something there still hanger 13 though like what we like come on man you know what they gonna do i'm looking forward to the game no i'm definitely gonna get it day one absolutely hey look mafia three was was a banger man i don't i look i get it but that that might be three it's fun it's enjoyable great story um yeah so i mean yeah but i'm with you on that i remember go get it needed more mission types man i think that's what they need are i remember i first booted it up mafia three uh you know i was playing it on pc and i think i bro in the first 30 minutes i ran into like five bugs like i was i think i was falling underneath the map and like i couldn't get like i originally couldn't even get in the van for some reason and it was just a whole bunch of graphical bugs bro i literally stopped playing the game in 30 minutes i just paid full price for it and i was like yup i'm done and that was i think that was before steam was doing that you know refund [ __ ] or whatever it was man i was mad and then and then somebody on you know when we had the weapon wheel thing to uh you know uh the tear to make somebody play a game i think i had to do it again for that and i got farther but i was and i was starting to enjoy it but i was like yo this is still really bad man mafia 2 is still the best it's by far the best so i don't know if i can agree with that one bag it's definitely the best you want [ __ ] with the remate no i couldn't do the re bro the remake it's a remake but like i was it had like these terrible ass animations and like bro that had to be i'm sorry that that's that remake is terrible come on that remake is bad bro i couldn't do it but um i'm looking forward to this next game hopefully it's good um speaking of uh yeah speaking of that uh so ub ubisoft montreal is taking over the prince of persia sands of time remake and um remember it it was uh originally developed by ubisoft mumbai and this other studio pretty much like dudes i think they only worked on like some mobile game or something like that that's all they had no experience in really making any type of aaa game and they put them in charge of making this remake and now they've taken it away from them and montreal is going to do it so you're we're not going to see this game any time soon it's very far off let's still play at day one when it comes out i love prince of persia yeah oh yeah i'm surprised that they didn't do like a bunch of those that would have been a great game to continue well didn't that go into the assassin's creed is that what i heard the past yeah they yeah it wasn't that's what assassin's creed was it was a prince of prayer prototype yup yeah and i [ __ ] hate assassin's creed and i like the prayers that's man yeah indeed indeed uh their big crash right now all right uh let's see what else i expect like assassin's creed origins before you move on no no no no i've never liked i've never liked him i i i only liked assassin's creed before before before it came became an rpg i liked it but not after that so so you liked all the way up to pretty much black flag uh black flag unity was still uh you know classic assassin's creed i believe so up to unity i think you got it okay okay yeah after that yeah after that i hated it smooth like that like that new trash he's fans of that new trash of assassins i love it i love it i'm not the biggest fan of is is um uh valhalla i mean i think it's a good game if you would give me i would put that on the last on my list as far as yeah yeah you know i want to play as an actual assassin i don't want to play as a god like what the hell it doesn't make no damn sense but then i realized they made the whole story a whole story for it i was like like why am i a demi god this doesn't make any sense sneaking around the island change the name of the game this is not assassin's creed anymore at all all right the next the next jedi fall and well the sequel to jedi fallen order is rumored to be called jedi survivor that name is kind of asked to me i hope it's not actually called that um rumored to be coming out sometime early next year and uh yeah i'm looking forward to that yeah hopefully it runs better i feel like the first game had a lot of problems yeah yeah well i think it's not supposed to be revealed end of this month that star wars celebration mm-hmm makes what makes sense yeah yeah early next year so yeah that i'm i cannot wait for that game i love i really enjoyed the first one but you all right survivor just doesn't sound good as good as it sounds flat sounds kind of lame well they didn't try hard get ready for disappointment because i'm kind of confused on what they'll do with the story because the obvious thing is more inquisitors but then we're also about to see either the same or other inquisitors in the kenobi series and there's only 12 inquisitors and what four of them and the grand inquisitor already died in uh rebels so yeah we'll see yeah i believe a developer okay go ahead no i was gonna say i believe a developer came out and said that uh they originally wanted to make um calcus yeah well you know because you know he's not a cannon jedi a canon star wars character he's made all these games they made him canon but i'm saying from the movies and from the tv shows he wasn't but now he's canon to the whole star wars universe they wanted to make him uh they were you know thoughts to make him a a a female or a uh a black person you know um but they kind of got you know they you know the higher ups or whatever threw that idea out they were like nope got to be right got to be a male you know they they weren't for the other ideas which is not shocking that's not shocking we've heard stuff like that before but i am ready for another um what's his name what's um what's the college name from freaking what's his name the black guy oh no i'm lit i'm ready for another maze wendy's i am i mean if you bring it back then everybody gets brought back that's the problem exactly but okay but you you keep bringing uh dark side back oh who i saw i'm sorry i'm talking about thinking uh yeah darth vader you keep bringing home vader was never brought back he died dude listen i understand he's dead but he's like every time a game or star wars game come out he is shown like you don't see no one else you don't see luke don't see here's here's the problem with any kind of mace windu game up until the clone wars nobody had saw a sith for a thousand years who the [ __ ] would he even be fighting right that's true so it's like okay you'd have a mace windu game but who would you be fighting bandits rebels if we can get another or something someone else with his fighting style someone who's adopted uh you know abandoned child something it's like i've tried to sit on nobody and speaking of that nobody else used vape besides window either so you're there you can't even make a game with somebody with a similar style right i feel like once you bring back the emperor you might as well bring back anybody else i think i think the problem is you get like a few bring back you know why is coins just bagging dinosaurs oh my god you had to see it that way i i think you you i think you have a few like bring back coins that you can deposit and then once you use all your coins i we can't bring back nobody because then nobody's ever dead you know what i'm saying but you're just right but you can say mace when dude is not dead because you can say he trained another jedi because he got all he did get pushed out of the window but the rule is yeah the rule is if you didn't actually see them physically die they're not dead that's the rule in all the media but some jedi's hanging out i think they did that on purpose because i'm sure i think they did that in purpose to not like definitively say he's dead in case they wanted to bring him back but i think i think i don't think it's i don't think they can do it now it's too we're too far too far but you can do a prequel story of you know or not prequel but you know a story after the fact and then bringing a new character who who he trained so you can still technically bring him back um that he was going through the hell of still trying to fight off a storm whatever it may be timeline is over what they what they do what they need to do is they just need to make a movies off of revan they need to do they need to do knights the old republic in the next trilogy they need to do prequels that go back further nobody nobody wants star wars to go further into the future it's dead in the future bring it back to bring it back to the past i'd rather see like full-scale sith and jedi wars instead of like oh the chosen one and the mary sue and um rey who has never held a lightsaber in her life beat a fully trained sit like stop yeah it was bad it's bad out here um i want to get uh because i know it's getting late when i get random on this and uh you know whenever y'all need to leave you know i want to hold y'all hostage uh but i saw this report today uh microsoft is working on a xbox dynamic backgrounds editor for you know if you want to change your background i guess on the dashboard because that's something a lot of people have been complaining about right yeah people want more dynamic background stuff well people want different looking dashboard as well yep i mean i wonder i wonder if this is going to be released to the public so they can make their own dynamic backgrounds or if this is something they're going to give to developers to like make their own and potentially sell like you know because uh playstation offered uh like dynamic backgrounds last gen that they sold right yes yeah one i wonder if that's what it's going to be it's like here's how you you know here here's the tool to build it and then you can make your own and sell them if you want yeah you can do that and you also have one drive already on there so shouldn't be i mean it'd be easier to port it over it's your because pc has what's that damn thing that blaze always be on that you can create your own yeah wallpaper engine i can't yo there's actually dudes who spend a lot of time in wallpaper engine to make their own wallpaper i can't i'm not i'm not calling i i see uh blazing that [ __ ] yeah blaze always you know blaze is always that guy that like hears more about looking good and everything looking good than anything else he's that guy like so he would be spending a whole bunch of time in wallpaper engine because he loves his characters yeah all right what else we got uh this xbox streaming only console rumor what's up with that never heard that that's something that uh uh brad sams talked about years ago was like project hobart uh but yeah i mean like this like whole xbox everywhere initiative that they're talking about which they may or may not go into more depth around e3 uh but it definitely seems like at some point in the next 12 months microsoft's gonna release a standalone streaming puck or like a like uh like a fire stick oh that yeah yeah yeah like that you'll you'll be able to buy probably for a cheap price and i'll buy it stream your games like your game pass games and i know eventually they want to give you the ability to stream all of your games that you've bought right all your digital games and uh you know that's gonna be combined with like an app like uh you know like for smart tvs and stuff it's all about like their whole plan to essentially basically be everywhere like any sort you want the high-end console you got that you want the low-end console got that you want you know 50 stick to stream your games on your tv got that you know pc got that like it's it's all just basically supposed to be like xbox as they say the whole initiative everywhere that's their whole thing going forward i love that so yeah it's definitely it's definitely going to come out so so let me ask you this rain are you a big fan of cloud or are you do you i nobody says no i i am i uh i uh i don't know like i i have a i have a nice tv so i would rather play the games on my tv and when i'm out doing stuff i don't want to play games on my phone so what see i utilize the crap out of it and so i'm as a fan of it i love it because sometimes i'm always traveling like like next week i'll be in atlanta uh on some work initiatives um but it's like it it's really freaking good to just be able to play it on your phone in your face in your bed when you like about to wrap up the day like because all my gaming is in my office like i said i got a really nice tv got the series x i play gorgeously um and but the the benefits of having it on the cloud and it plays freaking well especially if you're using like the backbone controller or the razer kishi it is smooth gameplay uh you get some time bugs in there but it's not it's not it's not bad at all or it doesn't happen really at all as long as long as you have a good connection but the gaming itself on a phone with that controller it's freaking good it's not made for every game i don't think you should put in any chop try to play competitively with it but if you playing something like eating's chronicles or uh you know some of these slower place games that's more steep story driven i think it is perfect for that yeah and and the whole cloud thing is more about getting into countries where xbox really doesn't have a presence india uh you know africa you know even some of the staunch european countries that are very pro playstation like spain germany uh they can make inroads there because you don't have to buy you know like a 500 system um i i think brazil really is a uh really embraced it so it's it's more just the play for the future it's like a play for five years from now 10 years from now right availability they're expecting streaming to be essentially the next big thing in the future and they want to they want to be the ones there first because they feel like they'll be able to reap the rewards right right i use um x-cloud for like different things i played it on my phone and whatnot not sure how how more i'll be doing that in the future but i have done it in situations where like games came out on game pass and whatnot the knife like downloading it and i just tried it via stream yeah and pretty much tested it but i've done that multiple times i've actually completed like a couple games through streaming they were like short so i have two it's pretty cool i like it i love the feature i mean like you said not having to overload your or wait for download or um just wait to play the game you just get access to it like that's how i'm playing eating right now i'm not it's not downloaded i just play it turn it on and cloud it okay cool i see this more as um at this point in time kind of like what how logical's using it it's just an extension of his ecosystem because like the way phil is advertising it he's advertising it as getting more players on it but it just seems like the people who really enjoy it are the actual xbox gamers who own the console and they use as opportunity when they're away from their console and i don't think that's the intent i think the intent is to get a person who don't buy xbox and be like you know what i'll buy this 40 dongle and now i'm in the xbox ecosystem but i think what it seems like it seems more of a appeasing the fan base that's already there vice growing the fan base to a new group and it just seems to me cloud like because i see a lot of people are positive about cloud is the people who already are on the ecosystem they just they're just using it because it's it's easier than traveling with your console it's a very easy way to travel especially guys like you if you're traveling to different places it's much easier to connect to the cloud than bringing your xbox series x everywhere or series right you know what i'm saying so yeah so so far from the people who i've seen that are big on cloud i'm like oh so that's how you play games don't know i play on pc i just like it because when i'm away from pc i could i could be like what is it the nvidia shield or whatever or whatever the [ __ ] they got um so so i see people so far and this is anecdotal from the conversations but it just seems like most of the people i've seen that are enjoying cloud is an extension to what they're already doing vice oh no no this is how i play my games it's strictly right right i don't have native hardware i didn't i don't see that in that that could actually make sense because if you look at game pass number versus subscribers and everything a lot of a lot of people are joining in on the xbox console and you know i mean with game pass numbers you know like i said a lot of guys who are taking advantage of are people who already had xbox um and as new people and that's why they're trying to grow they're trying to go to a new subscriber base this is why halo has a has a um a battle royale and so um oh dude i'm over here doing this what's called about multitasking my bad um but yeah like i agree that i can see that i mean yes okay uh you know guys want to hear a funny tweet real quick xbox university this is why i can't trust twitter the way y'all talked about that last episode of halo as it was trash but it was fire the scene was wild but you all must be mad master chief got more buns than you he did cortana dirty though i love the show sue me hey man yo my boy might have enjoyed that scene um so i want to talk about real quick that uh honestly probably would have got more attention if xbox didn't announce the delay that that same day but um jim ryan um sent out a email to you know playstation employees uh regarding you know roe v wade and abortions and everything like that and pretty much what he said was uh you know i respect people's um different the difference of opinions and i respect people's uh you know both sides of the argument and then it allegedly he went on in the rest of the email to talk about his cats like he's like yeah uh roe v wade um i respect both sides and like i have two cats and like it sounds bizarre but that's what yeah but that's what the reports are saying and uh i guess like what do y'all think you you're a head you know of a of a business do you do you because they're based in california and i think most people in gaming are liberal so i i i would i would say it's probably safe to take the you know the the leftist approach would be like yeah you know for roe v wade but at the same time he took he went down the middle so do you think like that's the right thing to do because that's the only thing to do hey um yeah i respect people's opinions keep it moving yeah it depends who the email like if this if this email was directly to his employees if this was a company email going around he's talking to his employees then i could see the middle approach because probably he's addressing certain issues maybe some heated discussions maybe some environments people are complaining about you know i come into work and all i'm hearing is this role i didn't come in to work for that you know some people don't want politics in their workplace at least you know and maybe so maybe he's addressing his employees like hey we got to respect each other's views you know take this [ __ ] outside the work environment if you really feel bad some you know maybe he's trying to lighten up potential issues within the work environment versus is this an email to the industry or to the public you know like you've seen a lot of companies support black lives matters and stuff so i think it's whoever the audience is it sounds like the emails it does internal in my opinion he's just putting the employees in check he's just being like yo relax you're in a place of business don't be mad if you're if your fellow worker doesn't have your view that's not how it works you got you got it i mean again you got to show up with these people you got to understand that not everybody's going to agree on everything so you can't him taking a stance on either or could cause a catastrophe on the other side oh oh i gotta say that's how you you better send out an email about buffalo i'm not even i'm not even sure if they will i mean yeah exactly yeah if he but i i think but i hate that it got leaked if it was something that's internal because you do have to look like i always say you gotta handle stuff in private and i think he was trying to do his best to put out a message in private yeah his mad ass liberal employees got mad he's talking about his cat i can't kill my never mind yes but yeah i mean but it's also you know and i get it it's it's a it's a tough topic you know because we did see the president i think it was of tripwire uh when he came out um and he i forgot what the topic was but he was he was uh more on the right wing side i think it might have been abortion i don't know i don't remember what it was but they got him out of here for picking a side they got him out of here but once again the gaming industry is mostly liberal so that was actually it would have been safer for him to you could pick a side but it better be the side where the majority of your employees lie if you're going to pick one you know so pick a side and his action says otherwise that that's another thing that kind of really i mean you better be careful with the word like liberal conservative you can get banned for that too right i'm being dead i mean but bg is right the uh gaming development community is more irregular yeah so for me i think if it's if you say liberal inside of just being open to the ideals of everyone that part i agree with one thousand percent i i i don't i'm more left than anything but i'm independent but i am open to the ideas of everyone and so when you're trying to protect the organization you're trying to protect your employees that they learn to respect one another i think those type of situations being handled in private and i think there's nuance of you know young folks in the industry now they feel like they got to put everything on the internet sometimes just hey dude let's settle this and get it over with and nip it in the butt in private and let's just you know you know what he should have just said i don't have a i don't have a uterus i don't have an opinion so uh no go ahead you could finish yeah no i was gonna say yeah that's why i say i keep my opinions out of that conversation i'm like yeah yep okay so there was this um this woman on twitter right she is an xbox ambassador among other things i guess and you know phil spencer came under criticism this week obviously um you know when you're you're the head of things you may not be the the actual reason for something but you know you got to take the hit because you're in charge so she wrote this on twitter um her name is uh diana she said to those criticizing phil spencer for the star field and red fall delays please consider this can you can you lead and manage one of the biggest brands in the world with hundreds of staff and moving pieces two the pandemic has affected everyone three slow and steady wins the race four he's only human [ __ ] we ain't trying to hear that you got a job [ __ ] do it as simple as that not exactly the best arguments yeah it was bad arguments there's some things out of there and she made a point like in the beginning uh yeah yeah well coveted can you run a place with hundreds of hundreds of thousands of employees um and it's a terrible argument no i don't think it is i think that yeah you have to because people try to say oh i would have done better and we know in reality you have microsoft one of the richest the if not the richest company in the world that you have to deal with you have to please and please an audience and please your employees all at the same time this is the reason what you do the reason i say like okay that can you do an argument yeah the can you do it argument is bad is because okay what if you took your car to a car mechanic what and he was like and like he didn't do the work on time or didn't do the work at all properly and what if he told you are you can you do it like like a dog this is your job but you have to take the arguments equal equals like if you look at a car that's a single car like dude can you do this car if not let me know what matters yeah we're talking about oh but i would say that you got you got to talk about there's there's places where he has to depend upon other people a lot of people where you may depending on that one guy to say hey can you do this i can take to someone else not a problem but he has to depend on a lot of studios a lot of employees and again like i said i don't want to make it i want to make an excuse for him because he's still got to get it done just like in my job come to me they're going to say can i get it can i get it done there's a lot of times that they offer me roles in management i'm like dude no because i don't have to depend on someone else making my money you know here's the issue with that excuse though microsoft in reality probably has the easiest time managing things within the chain of command bg or anybody here at their job we all work at domestic companies that receive orders from domestic people you don't gotta call over to japan and receive issues from sony hq y'all don't gotta call over to nintendo in japanese and kyoto they're talking about communication organization everything microsoft's not even in japan all these people working in america have to be in tune with people not only from japan but a whole entire different culture and then manifests that over here into their work here and now we're making we're making excuses for phil spencer who ain't even had to deal with people from other cultures or countries i i feel you on that but you still have to deal with microsoft and you also have to know you have to also put in an ideal is how connected are they with japan could they just be they have to be the big boss is in japan right i'm not i'm not i'm not you know what i'm saying i'm throwing out a question how do we know how connected uh because i know sometimes when our boss is at it my boss is out of town we don't talk like that you know so we don't communicate like that she'll check in with me and say what's up but when she's in town she's all ears i mean phil spencer has more manpower more resources more everything in the competition he still can't get the job done that's just the facts it's just like don't make excuses for him like you know it's just no excuse yeah i'm not saying you i'm just saying this this woman like listen no the point is it boils it boils down to nobody cares do your job nobody cares like everybody has like you know problems and you know obstacles at work nobody cares we just want it done like i ain't gonna make excuses for nobody not doing their job get it done nobody cares that's the same thing and that's why i don't like like i'm big on that deliver on the deliverables if you promise it do your best to focus on that promise starfield should have came out we should have focused on that but again um again that goes back to bethesda i won't point the blame right at him he may have to make decisions as a top to say hey this is what we gotta do to get these games out we need to put more focus or you know whatever it is may be he may not be the one to debunk or give all blame too you know it may be in a staff that needs that blame like i'll say um uh i'm very biased towards phil right he invited me to e3 do the million gamer score and friends you've been very critical though yeah i mean critical of it like he doesn't need anybody defending him he's a big boy that's exactly what he would say like he's he's the head of the xbox so it comes with the glory and it comes with uh all the you know the anger so he doesn't need people defending him on twitter you know he's always says my my he's always told me my actions mean more than my words like so it's here so like people defending them it's like he doesn't need you to fund him yeah like sometimes you make it worse you know he'll do his job the games will come like everybody eat right but he doesn't need he doesn't need he doesn't me out there defending him he doesn't need anybody else out there defending him like his job will speak for itself you know so yeah like i i if you're gonna use like a better argument than let's keep human and stuff like that let's call it what it is let's go to what it is because i know we kind of redirected it specifically back to microsoft but the reality is the tweet was trash and let's just point that let's just leave it there her treat yeah with absolute trash i don't even understand why she would make that tweet because using her logic we cannot criticize as consumers anyone unless you can do the job too which imagine imagine god forbid one of our family members die in a plane crash i can't say [ __ ] because i'm not a mit graduate with an aeronautical degree oh you want your goddamn mind like what is wrong with her like she's trying to opinion on us and trying to say that unless we have these skill sets who are we to to to make any criticisms or to come to do a better job that's why professions exist what what she forgot is we are the consumer and we expect something from this product that we pay for sure we're not a high exact level at microsoft but many of us are military plumbers secretaries on our small businesses right and all those means we make money and we are putting our money towards this product and that's what gives us the right and and for some you know that that product hasn't fulfilled its obligation or duty or whatever they thought that product was going to do and i'm not even talking about those xbox there's anything across the board if i'm gonna pay my money for something and it's not happening then somebody has to be responsible for that and the answer isn't well you know you don't like the way that iphone turned out do you have a mit degree to build your own no then shut the [ __ ] up like what that's not how it works like how how is this logic like so let's say if i go to walmart and i buy a steak and i and it ends up you know rotten because they left it on the shelf too long i can't say [ __ ] because i don't know how to raise cows and cut the meat myself like this could that that logic could be expanded to anything think of it think of all the things you can criticize doctors you know a doctor gave me the wrong prescription uh do you have a medical degree no then shut the [ __ ] up like what like it just doesn't make sense like that that's just yeah that's what happens yeah just delete it like listen she's an xbox ambassador i get it but you don't have to defend every single thing sometimes saying nothing would be okay like just don't say nothing just leave it alone and then and like you said phil's a big boy he's getting paid seven figures he's driving his maserati he'll be okay he will be fine he'll he'll figure it out but that tweet is just it doesn't make sense for any company on any level it's literally if you can't do the job yourself then don't criticize you got any idea what uh what phil's driving nowadays uh rand what type of guy is he i don't know i'm sure i'm sure he's uh he's probably got a tesla he's probably a tesla i've had the same thing a tesla see i don't see any like sports car related i see a camry but honestly like knowing phil like he would say i don't need anybody to defend me yeah yeah hit this that's just something that's and that's that's what's you what i like about folks like that is that you're owning you know yourself you're owning your job you like i don't make any excuses when i'm at work if i do something supposed to be doing i said i'll tell my boss [ __ ] up hey look i should have been doing something better i should've been doing something different look this is what happened i ain't got time for arguments i don't have time to make up excuses i just say hey this is what it is and when randy said that it makes sense that i'm glad he's like that it's like i'm not about to make excuses it should have been delivered and it makes it gives a little bit more validity to his apologies when he when he tweets these things out and say hey man we got to deliver on our deliverables because we from the consumer side said hey man you really effed up and that apology wasn't good enough but for him it's like it's it is we messed up we got to do something better so transitioning to another crazy thing somebody said on twitter so there was there's a forbes journalist eric kane uh he admitted this is insane like it's he casually admitted and went on this long ass thread um admitting to writing click bait articles for traffic attention money clout all you know all of those things above that come with um you know writing click bait articles the the two clickbait articles um i think he wouldn't he write them like late last year uh say one was like place uh xbox is gonna leave playstation in the dust and uh some something else of of similar you know similar language and then he got on twitter yesterday i think it was yesterday two days ago and he said interesting tidbit on how google works i wrote my xbox leaving playstation dust article last year uh what everybody is now so upset about he wrote that in parentheses as an experiment because a colleague told me that google rewards repetition then he went on to say in the next tweet this is not something i normally do outside of guides but i thought i'd give it a shot with my next big post the first in the dust article did like 300 000 hits or something and that was the perfect one to experiment with so so he said he went on to keep doing headlines like that just to see if it actually gets him more clicks so he killed his career but my thing is i'm like i'm not even sure if this will if this will really kill his career like the tweet is up it doesn't have that that much attention like from what i'm seeing people like we're talking about it but maybe it's because it's the weekend but i i'm not sure i'm not sure if this is really about my soul boxing with this one yeah go ahead it's good this is the place so when he got called out on you know those two articles and everybody was saying man you wrote this as clip bait you're trying to cash in a council war drama you know shock value all that [ __ ] he initially clapped back on that you know you know ponies playstation fanboys or you can't talk to these guys blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah then he comes out with this whole google algorithm whatever if he would have said that right from the get-go when he was called out i would have been i would i would have to in my opinion he would have gotten more respect because we all know certain things trigger or get more views and whatever right if he if the moment he got called out the first time if he would have came out with this immediately saying you guys are right but let me explain why i would have been like he's right if he would have came out yep there are you know shock bait click bait articles yes they incite to council war but i'm explaining to you why number one google blah blah blah blah blah blah and then number two this is the [ __ ] you guys really like because before these two articles you guys never heard of me you guys didn't know who the [ __ ] i was until i wrote these two articles so so let's be honest you like these articles because every other regular article i wrote nobody reads but you like reading this stuff and now you have a problem if he would have done that right from the get-go i would have respected and be like you know he's right because we can't talk [ __ ] about these you know journalists or whatever writing these articles these clickbait articles when in reality this is the [ __ ] we read all the time and this is what we put the most energy into we put energy into this stuff and not into a regular hey alluding chronicles review nobody reads that [ __ ] but come on let's be honest ain't nobody reading no goddamn article from him uh-huh he likes illuding chronicles he'll get like 20 hits but he'll talk about oh my god playstation's dead man walking oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] would be the biggest news they'll be podcast but if he would have done that from the get-go instead of damage controlling he would if yeah you know what he would have been like yo you can't be mad at this dude he he told you right from the jump this is how it is if we don't like it then we got to change on what energy we put into articles and reviews and all that stuff we got to change but as long as this [ __ ] we like to read they're gonna keep pumping it and remember they're only getting paid twenty dollars for these articles remember that too so so i'll say this too i mean rand know it uh you know when it comes to journalism it's all about not being the story you know write the story but don't beat the story right and and he this is why i said he ruined his career because he's opening himself up to to be vulnerable and he could have just stuck with what he said and ran with it like dude it may not be right now but it's definitely happened he could have doubled down on it and nothing but positive reaction reinforcement would have happened for him this is the crazy thing about it him now saying oh this is the reason why i'm doing it or creating an excuse for it opens opens up other avenues for people to go down um even if he was just doing it for council warren even if he was just doing for being rewarded he that's why i said he killed his own career because now when people when he writes nothing he say will matter his next article regard irregardless of what it is won't matter because people are going to think it's fake you're not even intentionally trying even if it's a even if it's a perfect article and something wrote something really well about xbox it won't matter people still gobbling up there's been so many liars and frauds that still get nude that's true it's just weird it's it is it's crazy that uh you know he just boldly admitted it and uh yeah it's i mean is anybody surprised though that clickbait i mean no no but it's like okay it's definitely not doing i i i hope other gaming journalists are get upset about it because nobody takes gaming journalism journal journalism seriously because of stuff like this it's an absolute joke so if i was a gaming journalist i would be like listen you're the reason why people think i'm a joke because you're a joke journalists do the same [ __ ] true they all they all in on it together man this ain't no secret tragic but also like some of the some of those guys get paid like so you get like 20 for the article but then like you'll get paid more per thousand views right so like so they're like all right well if i can click bait this and you know get more views it'll be worth it and you know when you make an article headline like xbox is about to leave playstation in the dust it does a couple things you get xbox guys excited so they share it around and they read it right and then the playstation guys are like what the [ __ ] what and so then they read it and they share it and it's just you have the two competing groups essentially feeding uh clicks to the article it's like you know i mean i i don't i personally don't like clickbait like i sometimes my video titles will be outlandish or that's that's kind of how youtube is if you want to like grab hold to the algorithm it sometimes seems like you have to be a little bit uh bold in your titles or whatever but it's no surprise that people people really only care about the headline they don't really care what's even in the articles it's just like the headline is the attention grabber right yeah i would have i would have doubled down i definitely wouldn't admitted that i you know did this for the google algorithm for more hits i would have been like you know what but we gonna mop you all up 2023 and i would have wrote an article about that you know why you couldn't double down it was eating that spirit it it didn't sit right with him he was probably laying up in nice and cold sweats like damn six months ago i said some of the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever said in my professional career he felt so bad bro he had to come out of that you know how crazy that he is real like a ten thread yeah a ten thread tweet so it was gonna get caught up in a while indictment the way this [ __ ] was tweeting but i was like damn what you do brother like hey man he ain't feeling right one in one right in the spirit bro it definitely like yeah it was eaten at his conscious man it was because like i'm like yo why did you write like this is mad words it's a lot of sentences by a guy a lot of paragraphs so uh we'll see if there's any like you know if it gets any attention this week but probably not all right um i think we're almost done uh so i'm going to rattle off some stuff we don't really got to talk about it alan wake is getting a tv show tv series isn't is in the works yay that's nice i'm actually into that i'm into that i like it as a tv show um haunted books in this show too shadows yeah that's the question oh my god as long as paramount don't get it we good this is if this guy is this guy goes head-to-head with a playboy magazine i'm done like it's over i'm not doing this i got a flashlight and a gun fighting flying books at me i'm like what the hell is going on in this game my favorite part of the game like they give you the super flashlight you know with the oversized batteries that's like yeah that's like that's like the like the ultimate sword in zelda i'm like what the [ __ ] is we doing oh got the big boy flashlight that that's right like i love i really like alan wake but the game play was just so limited like flashlight bigger flashlight you know like shadows just like shoot you know but um they also remedy also said that they haven't made any money on the allen wake uh remaster okay they haven't they haven't made a profit yeah they haven't been oh that game was unplayable in consoles that motion blur was insane could you not turn it off not on not on the 360 version not on the original one and this one i think oh my god like when i played it on pc i was like about to puke until i turned it off yeah like you have to go into the command prompt to turn off yeah because i control i thought they were heading in the right direction with control yeah because what was it i think they had a they had a publishing deal with was it epic on the remastered yeah so yeah so you know they haven't made uh the money back to finally start making you know the res you know the residuals or whatever it is the royalties after epic gets the money first so they they themselves haven't gotten any money epic has been getting all of it so far so amen and that's that's not necessarily a good sign for alan wake too i think allen wake too will do better whenever it comes out but you you you know you put out the the remaster to test the waters you know so yep we'll see we'll see uh what else is there there's more silent hill and rumors with apparently sony signed some type of licensing deal with bloober team uh i don't they're kind of trash i don't i don't know what's going on there these silent hill rumors don't stop just like the bloodborne rumors those keep going uh the day before yeah i might not even remember this game but it's it's actually the most wish listed game on steam it's like the game it's like the division and last of us mixed together uh that's been delayed till march 2023 and they're switching to the unreal engine 5. so the game does look good if you don't remember what that is go go and look at it it looks pretty good and what else oh big big thing because we weren't here the week before we ain't gonna talk about it too much because you know it's already nine uh embracer square enix um lost like 200 million between avengers and guardians of the galaxy and now embracer group acquired idols montreal crystal dynamics and uh square enix montreal from square from square enix along along with like 50 ips including tomb raider legacy of kane deus ex i think they should have kept deus ex and there was something else so yeah um they sold off all their western stuff they were like yeah we this this division of us ain't doing good we don't know how to we don't know what the hell we're doing with these we need we need to offload them get them out of here they're gone embracer group now has them they're like the swedish 10 cent boom raider before perfect dark oh man i can't believe smoove made that bet can't believe it yeah people were you know they were shocked by this because they only sold them for like 300 million yeah yeah that was a sweet sweetheart deal man that means don't forget that studio has lost a whole bunch of money is you know that's probably why they're only 300 million it's like it's like buying a house 400 million back it's like it's like buying a house in the hood and they sell to you for 90 90 000 but it has like 500 000 back 500 000 in back taxes and all this [ __ ] you got to fix so who knows who knows that 300 million is probably you know what you know square enix got blood who knows what they absorbed right spiderman came out of avengers so i mean that was yeah but yeah well you know stony had nothing to do with that i was like what that was ugly i'm not seeing videos i'm like yo this i'm an xbox guy and i feel for the playstation guys because they held out you know it's exclusive do you remember how pissed off people were spiderman's going to be in the marvel avengers and then everybody spiderman good anyways let's be clear jay barry and persona held out okay they're the only two dudes i know that played avengers and jimmy shout out to the boys jimmy too yeah that's funny damn the dallas mavericks are really about to send this phoenix home when's the last time chris paul's won a game seven that's crazy they're winning by like 50 though like friends they've been blowing them out uh jack get them final super chats ready jack we we need to get out of here oh what's the polls today bg oh of who's gonna get a w first uh baron's got 56 percent and xbox got 44 baron is not getting a w last i checked he was security got booted by ward low um last few things uh there's uh some reports of a new ps5 model um salt and sanctu salt and sacrifice came out which is the uh sequel to sultan sanctuary i platinum the first game but because i played so much elden ring like i don't even want to play a souls game now so eldon ring you know yeah i played in the melbourne ring yeah that quick had to do with that quick yeah so now eldon ring doesn't even i don't even want to play a 2d souls game because because i'm so i feel so like you know saturated with souls now so yeah how'd you platinum it so quick uh i mean i did i did the um i did the three save i did the save thing you know i didn't actually beat three times you beat it three times yeah oh hell no i wasn't doing that you play it the second third time you go through it easy like hours i'm sure yeah because like i with like demon souls remake i've beaten that game like two times in one day before um it's not it's not hard ran what you i remember you was he was getting some smoke for uh something i can't remember what it is people who didn't believe you did something well the thing is like people try to give me smoke but i put i put out all my tweets and mute them and then never look at them again so people is it about uh because i posted i beat eldon ring in like 70 hours with the with the all the achievements and like a level 160 or something so people were like that's impossible you couldn't do that and i'm like i did though level 160 that's definitely possible it was the more it was that 70 hours they couldn't i finished the game at like 150. i was like people like you had to have boosted i'm like no i didn't boost the only thing i did was i think i killed one of those nightbloods and khalid early i got like because you could just like lead him up the cliff and he'd just despawn and you'd get like 40 000 souls or something i did that but i didn't do any of the other like uh boosting methods to get to get runes oh yeah and they didn't believe you that when you said you didn't use guides i think that's youtube guys at the end when i was like okay what bosses did i miss uh yeah quest lines to get all the achievements and stuff but for like 95 percent of the game i was just going everywhere going into like bg you played it that game's easy like i was using a two two great sword build eventually two colossal sword build and i was i was killing every enemy in one hit like you're over in 20 seconds and as soon as i got the mimic tier it was yeah so it never hardly because because especially with mimic tear and heavy weapons you can like put them into like infinite stuns and stuff like that and it was just okay i go and do a thing two minutes later i'm fighting the boss and i win and i'm out and it's like all right go next place like yeah i definitely use guides for them is so much harder than i said that i i said that much harder i use guides for the for the uh side missions of course you know seafood seafood's harder i think oh hot takes okay i mean to try to beat it with like under like you know 23 whatever it was for that trophy uh i i think that's was more difficult than alden ring was i mean eventually you eventually played sifu so much that it was easy but yeah like at first like bro at first when i was playing through sifu was like i get to the second level i'm like 80 years old already i'm like this is too difficult yeah yeah like because this is my my game play i've beaten the game at 21 you know like it's it's at first like yeah when you play oh my it feels super hard but like i i was trying to like parry everything like i'm batman i'm getting my ass handed to me and then i figured out the weeds most people didn't know oh it's it's over once you understand the weave and how to dodge yeah exactly thanks to demon souls too i never played eldering dark souls 2 dark souls 2 yeah i went into the freaking church and i couldn't get past that first boss i was like screw it i'm not going to play nev never play from you you are a bum that's the guy thank you for what it is i'm sorry they beat me up for about two about four hours i was like never playing this game again yeah oh dead space launches uh next year it's got a release date january 27 2023 i don't believe that release date i'm gonna say it gets delayed like two months a month or two months but i look forward to that big dead space fan me too man i cannot wait to play that yeah play a new dead space remake but yeah i also don't i don't believe any release date at this point can't nope can't trust them nope yeah uh jack got the rest of the super chats there yeah i got a question for you which which ones you like better dead space one or dead space two i like that space too more big but i'm the guy who likes i like the i like the [ __ ] and the action to be like 60 40. i like 60 percent you know um [ __ ] but 40 percent action and i think like dead space one is like more 70 30. both those games are great but i think i do what about dead space three oh that's that's like we don't talk about yeah that's like what just dumb action it wasn't even fun action it was just stupid unga bunga space shoot him up tragic yeah i thought she said the horror not the horror i was like the [ __ ] that's how i guess i say [ __ ] you know what i'm saying hey i was confused at first jack all right we got g uh jesus i believe like vanessa top three things you guys want to see at the next playstation show video games yup that's all games yeah we got josh crank he says ps5 releases sequels to games back when microsoft went on the acquisition spree back in 17. still nothing to show for it can't make this up bro laughing emoji let me actually answer that last guy's question um just you know because he's super okay three he's had three games uh he said three things three things three things three oh three things for the next playstation show i need to see i need to see uh factions shut up bond it does exist um are you ready are you ready to make that 20.2 vet yet oh no it's coming out 2023. it's not coming out this year um it so factions uh i guess spider-man maybe is it will we see spider-man maybe um and what else is there more releasing hello we need that yeah yeah okay all right three things my three things is uh another acquisition um a deal with timberland to give me playstation boots and a cologne from christian dior called greatness oh wait i got that i need a cologne called greatness or weeds yes all right finally we got to wreck our med he said they can adapt the shatter point novel for mace i believe talking about star wars yeah makes one do yeah let me make sure it ain't no more that was it all right hey man good show appreciate y'all boys let's do these uh do these outro watch the game yeah um start with rand appreciate you coming through sir don't call people sir that is offensive okay i don't want to misgender you yeah that's it's fine thanks for having me it was fun time let's move one day to be our time brother one day one day we got that w all right um oh well yeah let's do these do these outros uh logical hey man look thanks for the invite uh we've been trying this for what two weeks now mother's day happens you know i had a barbecue with the fam glad to be here yeah last week jack wanted to pretend he had a sore throat you know like come on bro sir what is this your fourth time fourth time it's a second time man he in love with it he got it down if i just go at it this time of night but now um nah man thank you for the invite if anybody want to follow me i am on twitter me and bg get into it all the time in spaces just chit chatting all love but team xbox all day we are going to get our wind um but follow me logical just at logic on twitter all right smoove all right guys uh thanks for tuning in another episode of weapon will um man hopefully you get something some good news next week check out euden chronicle rising on xbox game pass if you haven't already but we'll see you guys next week we haven't bought anything anything you want to bet on at this rate man leave it do not bet anything yo red brown for xbox brand you're gonna be banned from this podcast you got some more money i'm i just got i gotta i gotta like think first about the future of xbox i can't can't have smoove out here ruining things you know just to bring up something smooth was i think he was upset about so game bakers the developers of fury they put out a tweet as to why like fury is not getting like a next-gen um well xbox next-gen update uh he said they said we have heard all all of you who played fury on on xbox and talking about the previous xbox and we understand your frustration we are a small indie team and we couldn't find the time and budget to make the port because it's only going to ps5 that's that's a good reason right no it ain't no name no it ain't no waiting no it ain't the dumbest excuse i've ever small there are small little studios no all right shout out to ariel knight one man who made one game with no on his own time and budget managed to get the game out on xbox playstation and switch and pc and managed to release downloadable content this year to support all platforms one guy they put fury on all that [ __ ] originally and xbox fans didn't even know that game been on xbox since 2016. it's been up yet yeah the game was available on xbox at all right but so they telling me the only platform they can't do uh update for is xbox but they can do it for the switch they can do it for players they can do it for pc people bought and played the xbox version so what does it matter i'm sorry i'm sorry however money it was going to cost them to put it to a ps5 or do a update for pc it wouldn't cost them no extra to do it for xbox especially if they're doing it for people these people paid another one game smooth they were nicely telling xbox gamers in a nice professional easy going way that you didn't buy their game so they're not supporting the platform for that particular game you just so you can't really go out and threaten them well we're not going to buy your games anymore well guess what that was the problem that started this because you cannot threaten them with something you already did you know no you can't find them that's not a threat oh well we're just not going to buy a game uh that's what we're talking about yeah we didn't buy our game [Music] you literally have to have like zero copies sold like i don't believe that and i don't believe that's the case they said well it's one fourth let's logically did this let's logically do you think the developer oh no but let me okay let me ask you both do you think the developer is like we're not gonna put this game on xbox because haha [ __ ] xbox you really think the second tweet the second tweet specifically said fury never captured a lot of attention on xbox and unfortunately we had to prioritize platforms yep they just prioritize every platform so you you think it's just hate on xbox that their decision for their for their business this is how they make their money for themselves you think that this decision was like how i [ __ ] this platform so even though they could make money off it so so so that's but you can say that but look at um is final fantasy 7 coming remake coming up that's a whole different that's a whole different situation there's a lot of money they can make no but that's not the same because no but listen but listen the thing with final fantasy final fantasy is there's potentially sony got involved in paid square enix not to put it on this is different what i'm asking you guys did a group of people who have a business purposely not put this game on xbox because they're fanboying or being stupid or because there is some type of financial issue where it costs a problem for their company for context to get the game went to ps plus first so sony gave them money uh and then it went to xbox if xbox a few months later and it went to switch last i think it might have been sorry marketing a1 was trash because if no one knew it came out and we i knew the game came out i bought it i played it in day one yeah but i remember it but but they can't be like i i listen to the listen i'm asking listen let's see if the marketing is trash let's say the strategy of how they put on xbox was stupid that's not true but at the end of the day do you think this was a business decision where they're concerned about their revenue and profit growth or do you think they were fanboying and say hi [ __ ] xbox i'm gonna say it was a lazy ass business decision because oh my god let me tell you why because i did it for everyone else regardless of their financial times you know what's the problem with everyone else you know you know what's the problem the problem is this you guys don't want to listen when everyone else tells you you guys don't buy games we've been telling you damn i and you guys don't you guys think we just don't [ __ ] don't worry bro get this game pass was the best thing for you guys launch for the playstation and you shadow drop it on the xbox shout out so so look at this look at this cuphead i played in b cup it on xbox it didn't come up with ps4 for like two years guess what it was successful on playstation two years after it was on xbox but puerto rico porter rock you know fury didn't sell much more in playstation than it did on xbox right like judging what are the numbers like i don't know oh vice did this whole breakdown about this so the number is a fury without playstation plus uh it was br they broke it down 54 of it sold on steam 19 uh sold on other pc 14 on the switch 7 on playstation and 5 on xbox so it's a two percent different however if you include playstation plus seventy eight percent uh of people playing it were on the playstation four so y'all don't buy games that's what i meant it's getting the playstation port because a lot of people own it on playstation do the playstation plus and it's more likely that that people would buy the ps5 version or whatever or in the dlc because they played that version i mean i don't know looking game that she ain't gonna look any better at 4k or anybody i'm sorry it's a good game though it really is i really like that game it's really good you wanted this game while you talking about it brother jesus christ phoenix is getting destroyed no i don't want this game but it's just a principle i can't stand ignore a platform they have really no real logistical reason to do so right uh the game comes out this week by the way if you're interested to go look up gameplay it's like a boss rush game i have i haven't honestly would i you think i enjoy pg because i have played it it's one of those games that require really good reflex it's parrying it's a whole lot of parrying in the game that's really what it's a parrying then attacking like i'm not gonna say it's on the level of sakiro but it's like uh uh you know futuristic um you know type of uh parrying game it's all bosses and stuff like that it's really good yeah listen the lessons to be learned is don't buy your multi-plats on xbox because you don't know if it's gonna get supported or not there you go oh [ __ ] damn all right hey man between this and the network good job internet good job microsoft port rock you don't even know if you can buy first party games there you go got that phil spencer shut me down now my laptop's saying we start for new update yes speaking of halo uh smooth you go back to season two yet um i did a couple games let me let me verify this real quick yes this is probably yeah i went yeah i did a couple games i got a couple of last minutes in the games i haven't won the last one y'all gotta join halo my halo night with uh j-rock man i did that well i did like he did we need to go we need to go to after dark uh so jack get your outro real quick appreciate y'all for watching tap in youtube twitch twitter y'all know how to get touch me man yeah all right bond band bond come for the after dark all right um who didn't go did puerto rico did you do your outro i can't remember no i did it but hey appreciate it thanks for the invite you could check me out here also on youtube got my youtube channel 60 frames no lag tuesdays it was a great pokemon everybody got a show that i don't know about randolph i know about you brother uh everybody that has a show they don't know about shoot so many dm so i definitely want to uh come by enjoy and definitely support i like man you'll catch a heart attack listening to my show now i'm playing don't play but i gotta get you on i gotta get you oh it's just twitter man twitter i'm at my worst because y'all made me this way man like have have after half the conversations people like i could be like man i like chocolate ice cream and they'd be like [ __ ] you porter rock nothing wrong with strawberry and i'm like what the [ __ ] like so y'all made me into the animal all right i'm cool everybody their outro we're out we'll catch y'all next week appreciate y'all boys [Music] [Music] halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of gaming if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of game and got my halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears enforcer if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of game and if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of games i'm all my halo gears and forza [ __ ] i thought i told you i'm gaming 4k ultra textures make you throw up no anime no neo no tokyo [ __ ] four to seven on my scorpio it's looking looking super crispy not that ps4 pro snoopy [ __ ] with that nintendo switch goofy [ __ ] i like my master chief hit my marcus phoenix in the forza game with the orange mclaren that xbox got my hand shake and took a poop on my playstation wiped my ass with my hands and wiped it on my playstation my xbox clean sanitation i'm nba live with the animations i bought that x no hesitation i'm the best spots fish that's dedication smoother frames and faster lows more games than my boss can hold 4k and better shadows xboxes for the pros xbox we play games playstation y'all list games y'all got them niche games we got them big names you can have your knack in your gt sport you can have your near in your ps3 reports but over here our games are clear and i must admit i'm happy with my halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears and forza if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of gaming if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of game and got my halo gears enforcer halo gears and forza halo gears and forza halo gears enforce it if you can't take the heat get the [ __ ] out of the game and
Channel: BrokenGamezHDR
Views: 96,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, Playstation 5, xbox, xbox series x, xbox series s, xbox game pass, god of war ragnarok, PlayStation PC, starfield delay, redfall delay, starfield sandwich, xbox has no games, xbox 2022 games, playstation vs xbox, playstation vs xbox vs nintendo, prince of persia remake delay, square enix embracer group, mafia prequel, xbox and bethesda showcase, deadspace remake release date, nintendo switch sports, trek to yomi, salt and sacrifice, gotham knights, new ps5 model
Id: peJ7cP58dfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 56sec (13796 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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