Wytch Cults of the Dark Eldar In Warhammer 40000

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i sat between my parents yes i have both a father and a mother i am one of the few one of the elite one of the elect i was not blurted from a wall of gestation sacks i am true born for my mother actually carried me to term all that time being heavy ripe slow vulnerable yet my family protected her in those days and nights of weakness because we are better we are the true power in the city the most important city of war the only one that counts the dark city of komora we languish on our skimmer hordes of dancing cavorting slaves on the dick below us their poultry activities meant to titillate to entice to excite i am a youth so usually they have my full attention but not today they are adding a slight blush to my mother's face a tightening of my father's skin they're suffering as sweet elixir to us it is all for the show of course so we arrive in fine fettle but it all seems so banal to me right now but nothing could excite me more than the spectacle we are about to witness nothing the packs of venoms that guard opposition are sick around us like flies darting in and out to confuse locking systems dazzle the eye at no point is our vessel open for a clear shot none our shielding would defray most assaults as this is a conveyance not a raiding ship my father has entertained me so with the tales of his exploits among the muelling denizens of real space i ache to join him in his next foray yet tonight we are to head to the next best thing for tonight we head to the arenas my first time despite being near nine decades old this is the first time i will be seen by the city its luminaries my father and mother's rivals i must be mindful of myself i present so i must contain my excitement to our kind all as drabble is done all is a copy of a copy of a copy the curse of near immortality the cost of unprecedented perception we experience the universe in a way that none of the others could understand their lump and moronic things compared to our magnificence so everything must be extreme ah dance war love hate all done to extremes felt to extremes that the other species would envy if they were to fathom how shallow their existences were compared to us they would understand why we see them as we do as nothing they are nothings hence we hunt them stay them capture them and use them for entertainment it is an honor they do not deserve but at least they have a purpose to sustain us that is all and it is here in the building we are approaching that their ultimate expression of existence is enacted for tonight i am taken to the arenas at long long last we approach and our smaller martyr of god vessels peels off at the very last moment when our vessel slips into the obsidian walls of the structure we are far from safe which is if i am honest part of the allure no offer of safe passages given no guarantee of coming home alive our enemies could strike and there are plenty of those our friends could strike for nana truly allied in the dark city of komora everyone in this arena is a threat to us but not a large one for my father is a legendary archon scary and his glare alone is enough to stop most in their tracks we process forward incubi surround us they have been paid enough to buy most empires they will be loyal until the end of their contract only but none others even my father's own cabinets even they cannot be trusted none can for this is komora where only the cunning and bold may survive we come out of dark corridors into the glare of the arena the prayer of its crowds our boxes high up to better to witness the spectacle of the night a huge arena of marbles and alabasters columns and prince statuary and tapestries so inspiring that they intoxicate the mind with their lines alone beauty as far as the eye can see beauty as a backdrop to terror the crowds are our kind the true blood the true heart of darkness the soul of the elder people unhindered and unhampered we are life and love death and hate we are the ultimate expression of the universe its ultimate creation and tonight we dine on the lesser races not with our jowls and jaws our teeth and tastebuds but with our eyes we drink in the spectacle and allow it to refresh our very souls the crowds go into peroxisms of screaming as it begins the master is ceremonies wit us on for a moment i ignore his hyperbole as i take in the expanse before me below his floating disc where he preach the arena has wars that flow to move readjusting and restructuring perpetually a maze had eats its own exit an open obliette with an audience for none of them escape there is only one way out of this for any and all who tread the metaphorical sands of the arenas the shielded dome prevents escape slays those who do not mark the boundaries in their minds for of course they also change the shield fluctuating in power and size as does everything else below us in the arena a victim is placed a floating sack drops it onto the floor like a mammalian offspring confused covered in sign the thing stands it was fast for one not jucari it is large and powerful as it wipes the stick of the sack from its eyes and face to scarred a veteran warrior of the monkey [Laughter] but its movements show its lump and form more than its dimensions ever could fast but crass base and ungainly i look forward to its death allies ballerina prowls into the arena her body creating longing within me she has fire on power and grace her every movement art sublime the being below is going to die despite his size his speed his strength his armor that covers most of his body leaving only his head open his sword that wears and barks like the blades of the scorpions of our weak shadows the craft wilders it will not make contact with her alabaster's skin it will not save him he is a dead man [Music] and tonight i am told i shall see scores or such encounters packs of chimera hunting human prey clawed fiends let loose on flocks of tiny blue tau green skins literally skinned alive by pirouetting witches while they still thrash around never able to stop the slicing that takes their exteriors from them sleazer by slayer a bask in the beauty and horror of the night i looked to my father he now seems younger more potent more clear his eyes dazzle as he watches on my mother her hair more fulsome her lips more red as the night goes on she is beauty personified but only when she has the shine of the arenas to support her considerable natural allures but of course she knows the ways she was once one of the witches who would perform thus before she claimed my father as much as he claimed her the blood selects the walls and sands of the arena and i witnessed the butchery of a thousand slaves from a hundred realms and races and species they are beautiful these females of our kind grace and roth incarnate and after their spectacle i am sated i am glutted i have fodder for a million nights of lust and longing visions of how we treat those beneath us and fills me up i am whole again for a while at least i am whole again [Music] welcome gentle listener i am baldemot your faithful servant and i wish to introduce you to the forces factions and features of the warhammer 40k universe the grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and today we should be looking into one of the most vicious and deadly of all of the warriors of the setting for today we shall be discussing the horrors that prowl the arenas of cormura decising blades that dance through the hordes of the lesser races and take their ties of blood from all they pass yes today we shall be discussing the witchcuts of cormora the dreaded hekatari of the dukkhari the eledris inies the dark eldar now i have to admit to being slightly drained and we'll be leaning on that all existing wisdom a bit today a bit of fatigue from recent events so i hope you will forgive me i know that this will not be the norm for the future this week just got away from me but i did not wish to leave the table bear on a friday man so for the very basics let us lean on existing wisdom to quote which cults of the arenas the witchcarts provide their fellow comrades with a feast of agonies that for a while at least keeps the blades of their kin from one another's throats each cult arena is unique every performance more violent and outlandish than the last for these gladiatorial sisterhoods unlocks in constant competition to offer up the greatest show for their hungry-eyed audience komora exists in a delicate but well-established balance its citizens will gladly stab each other in the back just for the look on their victim's face for to witness another's anguish is the only way the drukari have left to feed their wizard songs yet for the ruling archons of komora to allow the natural bloodthirst of their kin to go unchecked would be to invite catastrophic civil war because of their kind's unending need to bathe and murder sensations the drukari have evolved the hekatari known in common parlance as the witch cults each witchcult is a thousand strong organization of gladiators that puts on frequent displays of the most incredible brutality not only for the edification of the masses but also for their literal sustenance such is the scale of the carnage staged by these armies of warrior athletes that their audiences leave the arena with the glow of well-fed predators in this way the populace is kept from full-scale anarchy at least those residents of cornwall are wealthy enough to attain the witchcraft's nightly performances each witchcut has its own arena which is as much a display of their wealth and status as it is a stage for their spectacles of violence comparing architectural masterpieces such as the crucible or may earth stare to the primitive amphitheaters of other civilizations would be much like placing a glittering palace next to a mud hut likewise the ducati athletes to perform within them make the most gifted human acrobat look like an uncoorded ape by comparison each arena has its own deadly charms and challenges from staples such as spinning blades and ravenous beasts to gravity wells kinetic inversion snares or even more esoteric and inventive hazards each witchcard is constantly in competition to outdo its rivals with the sheer scope and imagination of its gorsuch games many performances spread into the audience in interesting and deadly ways as excitement builds to fever pitch arterial spurts of blood rain down into the wrapped crowd as battle takes place over their heads or even amidst their storms the arenas crackle with tension the viewers leaning forward in their seats with eyes wide and the layers of hungry predators etched upon their faces be they aerial ballets of bloodletting zero gravity mass murder or carefully selected menageries on the prowl all cult performances have one thing in common the area is slick with blood and viscera by the show's conclusion most of the hekitaria are female for among the ducari it is they who are more often able to attain the pinnacle of poise and grace their craft demands male witches ensure their witch cult is never wanting for strong offspring yet though they are valued they rarely attain high rank certainly the sucker by who rule over the witchcraft are universally female most cults contain several succopy each leading the witches of a particular circle but a single succobus possessed of unmatched power and deadly grace typically reigns over the moor so it has been since the earliest days of the dark city and so shall it always be beyond the arena almost every witch enjoins the patronage of a powerful archon for there is much glory to be had for the founders of the feast more than this however the witch cults are powerful allies after all it just comprised solely of trained killers who enjoy nothing more than to demonstrate their consummate skills in battle this mutually agreeable arrangement ensures that the witchcrafts never run shorter slaves and esoteric combat stimulants a good patron is always generous lest his stable of warrior athletes decide to bite the hand that feeds them meanwhile the archon gains the allegiance of an organization of exceptionally trained hekatari to lend their blades to his raid upon real space the witchcults take every chance they can to prove their martial skills superior to those of the lesser races both within the arena and without though they profess nothing but contempt for the warrior caste of real space the witches get an undeniable thrill out of matching themselves against any suitably impressive opponent the trophy are a successful soccer bass will thus boast the heads of adeptus astati's champions conquering orc war bosses and killing it hive tyrants alike there is much more to a witch cult than its arena below the elegant spires and weapon nodes of each cuts strongholds exterior our academies and training complexes devoted to every aspect of the close quarters kill anti-gravity hemispheres and grueling living landscapes ensure that each witch is at the peak of physical fitness each cult keeps an extensive menagerie restocked by its beast masters with an endless supply of alien captors and dangerous species different witchcrafts practice their own specialities endlessly discussed by the arena's crowd the bladed hand for instance hones the art of the unarmed kill though they are famous for blurring the lines whilst distilled hearts specialize in the use of poisons venoms and paralytic elixirs a witchcult will often stage real space raids purely at the behest of its succubus these raids are not only to gather new fodder for the arenas but also to provide a chance for the witches to test their skills against new opponents a witch cult raid is considered high art by many dukai who will pay handsomely to fight alongside the masked gladiators alien beasts and speeding aerial acrobatics that each succubus unleashes upon her prey other raids are quite literally performances in their own right while the witchcraft's raiders and venom scream down into the foes mids and force their desperate victims to fight for their eyes comright pleasure barges drift high above aboard these craft wealthy spectators will swill intoxicating nectars and offer sneers or applause as each bloody slaughter ebbs and flows while bits are won or lost on the conduct of favored combatants such spectacles are especially popular amongst the smirking ranks of the true born who become steadily more exhilarated and revitalized as they soak up their miasma of agony that rises from battle below yet for all their foppish hangers on which cart raids are veritable blizzards of violence their direct and unstoppable strikes that like the witches themselves scorn the cumbersome protection of armor in favor of the safety to pure speed provides like a perfectly placed knife thus to a heart arrayed by a witchcult is swift deadly and precise capable of failing even the largest and most dangerous foes before they even realize they are under attack amid hurtling squadrons of reavers and helians swept over by the half glimpse shadows of razor winged jet fighters and void raven bombers the witches leap from plunge into the midst of their enemies with joyous abandon fighting amongst the piles of their mangled victims only when the foes numbers become overwhelming or there are no further enemies to face the fury of their knives do the witches retreat as suddenly as they arrived leaving absolute carnage in their wake the cult of strife excellence embodied the witch cult of strife has become the most influential in cormora largely due to the sublime talents of her excellence lelis hesperax this cult has risen to the apex of power not through tetris politicking but through mastering the creed of speed over strength and elevating their blood sports to high art even outside of the dark city the cult of strife has become synonymous with flawless cruelty the witches of this cut are master executioners all dedicated to performing the art of the kill in all its forms from subtle murders to orgyastic slaughters no method of death is beyond these witch's grasp and whilst raiding a real space the techniques of the cults of victims are keenly observed if one of the inferior races has devised a way of killing it shall soon be catalogued by the cult of strife and if suitably spectacular may be adopted for use in the arenas the culturina's performances are more patronized than those of any other in comorah for each time they put a craft into practice they display new styles of violence and expose their crowds to unique methods of bloodshed nobility from every fractal corner of the dark city come to observe these performances and to imbibe the exquisitely crafted suffering the cult of strife produces in their victims many ones pay handsomely to see famous cult of strife witches fight champions from other cars bavishing ever more riches on the eventual winner this constant inflow of wealth allows the cult of strife to maintain an unending supply of the best combat drugs available which are used to further enhance their talents in the arena the brutal reputation surrounding the cult breeds in its constituent witches an era of superiority that is pronounced even by the standards of durukhari and they take every opportunity to show that this pride is well deserved though the cult of strife boasts dozens of the best warrior athletes in the galaxy it is their prima succubus les hesperax who is the flawless diamond at the center of the crown her allure draws in hundreds of thousands of spectators every night each of whom is prepared to pay a high price for the privilege of watching her perform night after night blast dances her way through mass ranks as stim enhanced orcs gut-wrenching grotesques disgraced archons and more the crowd roaring its approval as she gifts each victim the kiss of death with a contemptuous flick of her blades though the cult's other succubus modeled themselves on leonis none have achieved the same heights of infamy among less many admirers is as dubai vekt himself and the cult of strife has long been affiliated with the kabbalah of the black heart to the mutual benefit of both whether this is a bond of reciprocal admiration or the weary respect of natural-born killers is immaterial for the alliance has proven as strong as steel and strength is hard currency in the dark city thanks to the unparalleled power and generosity of their patron the cult of stress arena the crucible is the most lavishly appointed and spectacular in all of cormoran from the expansive laser grid to its toroid riva arena to the black veined living jade of its mighty galleries the crucible is one of the dark city's greatest spectacles as vekt himself was once heard to say leles hesperax is the greatest treasure of the dark city and one does not display one's finest emerald amid squalor the alliance between the cabal of the black heart the cult of strife brings constant benefit to birth even the most impulsive and hot-tempered succubus must recognize that a challenge to the cult of strife is likely to incur the wrath of azdobal vekht himself equally the cabal of the black heart basks nicely in the reflected glory of lele's sublime victories on the arena sands this unique symbiosis is magnified a hundred fold on the battlefields of real space where the followers of lennis and vict fight alongside one another with merciless synchronicity the pitiless firepower of the caballites and the point-blank ferocity of the witches mesh to deadly effect the gladiatrixes of the cult of strife weave sinuously through the covering fire of the black heart to fall upon the surviving frozens in an orgy of bloodletting freed from the customary necessity of watching their supposed allies for signs of tritory both comright factions are able to fight at their full potential against their luckless prey on those rare occasions the the belladonna of the arena deigns to take to the field in person the spectacle of this alliance at war is raised to the sublime such a raid occurs only rarely for lili's first duty is to the baying crowds of the arenas yet when it does take place the competition to join the reading party is so fierce it has on occasion triggered full blown intercabalite wars the gorham val raid one of the most infamous joint endeavours between the cabal of the black heart and the witch cult of strife was the raid upon the world of gurvenfall the planet was a stronghold of the alpha legion a heretic astartese faction synonymous with the use of stealth and subterfuge for decades an alpha legion warlord by the name of igathra vraks had operated out of a fortress in gorzenfeld's black mountains a noted blazeman he plagued surrounding systems with piratical raids evading the imperium's clumsy reprisals with ease racks however eventually overreached himself having discovered that the cabal of the black heart planned to raid the imperium factory world of melidrantes he elected to use the zhukari as pawns in his own schemes drax concealed alpha legionaries on the planet's surface ordering them to wait until the raid was well underway at the battle's height they struck catching both the cabalites and the beleaguered canadian foes by surprise and exacting a heavy toll upon them both vrx's forces escaped with a huge stockpile of weaponry and left the black heart to retreat empty-handed needless to say such an insult could not be allowed to stand azerbail vex spared no effort in tracking down this mysterious assailant and prepared an attack to make an example of them this was not to be a slave raid but a slaughter it was at vic's request that liz hesperax herself joined the forces her aide for the attack for to her would fool the task of personally humbling to gather rocks the raid began out of government's bloated sun rose red and bloody on a horizon a swirling webway portal tore the skies above the black mountains the alpha legionaries were caught completely by surprise from the portal flew dozens of attack craft falling like a rain of knives towards a squat immensity of the alpha legion stronghold where it nestled amidst the mountain peaks by the time the chaos air defenses cycled up and flak batteries began to pound it was already too late sleek fighter crafts streaked overhead bombs and miss our silencing one quad gun after another and tearing a wrench in the fortress's armored hide through these gaps poured the cabinets of the black heart and the witches of the cult of strife leaping straight from the decks of their raiders into the smoke shrouded corridors of the fort towering traitors strode to meet them with baltis blazing and blades bad the sprinted and left into their enemy's midst cutting down the armored giants with no thought for their own horrific casualties cabinet warriors advanced in the witch's weight they gunfire laying low those traitors who evaded the galliatrix's blade the surviving alpha legionaires were finally surrounded in their primary arming chamber massively outnumbered and outgunned it was here that hesperax met vraks in single combat mockingly offering the chaos lord and his followers their freedom should he defeat her a lethal swordsman with demonic strength burning in his veins rax set upon his slender foe with his hell-forged broadsword hesperx met him with a single simple knife in each hand standing firm with a slight smile pulling at each corner of her perfect lips the fight that followed was a storm of blades too fast for the eye to follow and within moments rex's sword struck the floor his severed hands still wrapped around its grip hesperax bare flesh unmarred but for the chaos lord's blood did not stop there swiftly truncating his arms and legs to leave him roaring and helpless fury at her feet even as the chaos lord fell her followers closed in once more only one alpha legionary left their fortress alive that day and his limbless form howls its unimaginable agony above the onyx gate of vex palace to this day cult of the cursed blade sisterhood of traitors while odukai celebrates sins such as wrath pride and marriage the cult of the cursed blade revels in the practice of tritory the witches in their ranks thrive in this culture of mistrust growing strong in an environment where one's closest conspirators are also one's deadliest adversaries in gomorrah the term cursed blade does not refer to a physical weapon but instead to an individual or organization the rebels against its masters the cult of the cursed blade has earned its name many times over so much so that even for a well-protected archon to invite witches from this cult into his palace is time tantamount to cutting his own throat treachery is held as the greatest of all virtues by the cursed blade for by a process of hyper-accelerated natural selection the witches of the cult ensure that only the strongest and most cunning within their ranks survive weapons that deceive and wrong foot the foes are popular within their warrior cliques many a harmless looking ornament worn by the witches contains a hidden snap sword poison barb or pair of flick blades and it is common to see many razor flails wielded amongst their ranks in the arena a favorite performance of the cult is to feign an alliance with an unwitting alien combatant giving the warrior hope that they may survive the brutal ordeal before cutting down their false ally when all other enemies are dead the stronghold of this devious cult is known as the nexus arena and is far more deadly than its elegant architecture would suggest every curve and line contains sprung monofilament net venomous dart launchers toxin loaded syringe drills and a myriad of other lethal surprises nor is this cornucopia of misfortune confined to the arena floor for these deadly booby traps are ever shifting and is likely to spring up amidst the audience as to lacerate or impale the performers this is merely part of the fun of course adding a delicious freestone a very real danger that many jucari simply cannot resist since the opening of the great rift the cult of the cursed blade have launched multiple large-scale raids in the imperium niles both individually and alongside the cabal of the black heart whilst they have ravenously preyed upon imperial worlds lying isolated within this nightmarish realm they have also defended such planets from staggering demonic hordes and war bands of care space marines each time in setting a dim glitter of hope in the beleaguered defenders before snuffing out thoughts of salvation with their own merciless cruelty cult of the red grief the storm that brings death whether in the arena or on the battlefields of real space the cult of the red grief used their aerial expertise to swiftly butcher their enemies their aiding craft attack with such speed that they are almost impossible to hit and racks of living bodies hooked upon their wings release contrails of blood to miss their maneuvers all which cults believe that the best defense is simply not to be there when the opponent's blade falls but the cult of the red grief takes us to extremes their aiding forces employ whole flow tillers of raiders that fly in close formation towards a foe escorted by ravers venoms and helians when the aerial formations close with the enemy the witches bound and spring from raiders to jet bike to skyboard and back again with athletic precision dismounting and mounting so swiftly that the transports barely have too slow only the witches themselves ever deigned to touch the ground and even then only to deliver the killing blow to enemies who are still trying to adjust to the fact that they are under attack even when they have become full-fledged members of the cot many within the red grief still actively participate in the gang wars that raged through the skies of komora for most carlton cabals these unending skirmishes are merely a proving ground for new recruits but the red grief view them as an almost meditative practice that they returned to after completing a real space raid like a hunter sharpening their weapons after each kill the witches of the red grief continue to hone their skills by preying upon komora's gangland underclass the red greece main arena the pit is an especially unforgiving structure built into the peak of a towering spire its galleries are made from transparent crystal revealing that the audience are suspended only moments from a sickening plunge to their deaths the arena proper truly has no floor just a yawning golf prowled by drifting anti-grav platforms helium jewels in the pit are particularly spectacular as their sky boards trail lines of monofilament wire that unspool in increasingly complex ways around the arena's struts and spars aerialists who lose track of their opponent's moves inevitably end up flying at breakneck speeds into the deadly latest where upon the monofilament slice through their boards save their legs from their torsos or decapitate them outright such bouts are typically brief but the promise of seeing limbless still living combatants tumbling to their death far below draws huge crowds to the pit night after night the cult of the servant's woe teachers of despair a surge of pale flesh rushes across the battlefield as the cult of the seventh woe close upon their enemies as the flood of witches leaps through the opposing battle line they swipe and slash with practice deafness leaving a carpet of mutilated bodies that rise in agony and cry out for death the seventh woe in the ancient myths of the elder eye refers to the destruction of the maiden god lilieth's hearthmoon at the hands of calametric cain the legend is synonymous with the end of innocence a tenet that the cult of the seventh woe embraces wholeheartedly by teaching those born into their ranks to wield a blade before they can talk each of its members have been learning to fight and kill since infancy and although a great many of the seventh woes warriors defect from the oppressive and controlling weapons regime of their masters to join their hidden gangs those that remain are counted amongst the most deadly of all witches these witches enact the philosophy of their cult on the battlefield through a fighting technique they called the teaching of despair pistols are fired at bone joints and blade strikes aim to carve out ligaments and tendons in this way their enemies are left alive but completely incapacitated failing helplessly and in agony as the realization of their own dark fate crystallizes in their minds once the entire enemy force has been thus mutilated the witches leisurely stalk the battleground saving the screams of their opponents as they are pinned to the prowess of raiders in the arenas this fighting style is less showy than that of some other cot whose beheadings and disembowelments coats the crowds and showers of viscera but discerning patrons appreciate the delectable suffering that is rung from the ragdoll victims of the seventh woe witches cult of the blade denied fate's empty hand even amongst the myriad horrors that grace the dark city's arenas there are few sights more unnerving than seeing the unarmed witches of the cult of the blade denied pounce upon the enemy pry the weapons from their opponent's hands and viciously turned those tools of death upon their former wielders the blade denied there's an eldar witch house that specializes in the art of using their foes weapons against them the irony of a warrior impaled upon their own blade a sight particularly favored by this cart a perennial display in the blade denies helix arena is an unarmed witch seemingly at the mercy of a heavily armed opponent and sometimes even tightly bound or blindfolded beforehand slipping the noose and gradually turning the tables by systematically disarming then stealing the weapons of her opponent before the showy an invariably messy finale the tendency for using the enemy's strength against them is magnified wherever the cult of the blade denied mounts a real space raid the cult deliberately puts itself at a disadvantage against his enemies taking on superior numbers in heavily armed emplacements with little more than well-sharpened knives haywire grades and the raiders and venoms that bear them planetside when the killing begins however the witches will improvise turning the technologies of their foes against them crippling the largest of enemies with judiciously targeted haywire attacks and digging out the fleshy bounty inside with the care of an epicure savoring every nuance of his carefully prepared meal in fact stories of planetary defenders falling on their blades and killing their compatriots out of fear when a dukari raid appears or often just accounts of the blade denied practicing their grim art cult of the wrath unbound masters of the killing trance when the witches of the wrath unbound go to war they do so in a state of consciousness altered beyond what combat drugs can achieve they are practitioners of the killing chance and through gruesome meditations they set their minds to the sole task of butchery the killing trance known in the eldari tongue as careless marinade is seen as a double-edged sword by the asuyani a near berserk state where allies are killed as often as enemies and the tongue of blood in the air is the only thing that matters the cult of the wrath unbound seek to harness this half-crazed state of mind to better become one with the kill led by the succubus heisner mini veil blood the witches and beast masters of the cot practice long and gory rituals before each performance or battle gradually letting their intellect slip away and their hungry instincts take over slowly but surely they become creatures of pure bloodlust their eyes roll back in their heads and ancient litanies to calamed chicane the eldari god of war spell out of their painted lips a witch in the grip of the kayla's marinade will not just kill her victims but reduce them to bloody scraps of meat laughing hideously all the while whilst the killing trance is upon them the warriors of the rough unbound are every bitter savage as the packs of chimere and claude fiends that run with them on the hunt when in the full grip of careless menade the witches of the cult enter a state of absolute euphoria and are seemingly unaffected by injury or fatigue as such their age gather more and more momentum as the slaughter increases and the witches slip further into their trance an intended assault upon a single city can easily become an orgy of violence that consumes a continent or even an entire world cult of the pain eternal hekartis iconocasts in the name of the dark muse who they serve the cult of the pain eternal commits atrocities throughout great sways of real space defiling the shrines and holy sites the lesser races used to pray to their gods in this way the cult spreads despair far beyond where its raiding fleets reeve the pain eternal are exceptional in that they do not make regular appearances within the arenas of haikumura instead their space faring caught the dock only once every few years in the dark city on stinting in the service of the dark musicati mother of strife the pain eternal exists to tear down and destroy everything that is holy to the lesser races of the galaxy acts of anarchy and despoilment are held as a kind of inverse worship for the pain eternal for they believe in a higher reward than the adulation of the crowd the stagnant serenity of worship is a powerful goat to the pain eternal shrine worlds in particular are preferred targets the adaptive soraratas is well aware of the cult's agenda and has brought it to battle and countless war zones despite the best efforts of the sisters of battle many are religious strongholders found massed strike forces of witches descending without warning hell bent on replacing the surety of faith with terror and doubt the cisterns of hecatrices that lead the pain eternal love nothing more than to snuff out the flame of hope wherever it can be found taking pains to defile and destroy the saints and venerated nobility of those they see as beneath them the detractors often say that the pain eternal wreaked their own brand of havoc for no greater reason than to prove that nothing is sacred but the sucker by who lead them to battle professor far greater aim where the witches of the arenas fight to bleed away the lifeblood of mortals the cult of the pain eternal wishes to bleed away the lifeblood of gods and quote are the elegy thinness the dark eldar those horrors and what could be more terrifying more difficult to face than a being that you cannot even see move for like their harlequin cousins the witches of the arena are the very pinnacle of the form speed and accuracy death incarnate perhaps not the equal of the incuba but it will be a difficult toss-up really further incubai are more deadly to those marines or heavily armored aspect warriors or orc bosses the witch is far more effective against the lightly armored tower or the hordes of the guard for theirs is a subtle knife the swift blade but i have to admit to adoring these horrors the figures are divine the law tantalizingly terrifying but it never ceases to amaze me how little the elder are feared a dying race perhaps for the craft worlders who have morality and restraint and wish to breed the good old-fashioned way despite how rare that actually is but the dukkhari the elegitis in nice few of them are born naturally a risk to the mother a danger to the father so hence only the most powerful and dangerous of all of the allergies in earth take this road most do not breed at all for they are self-centered to such an extent that they know that they are practically immortal and a mere sort of giving something back to their society or the universe entire would elicit scoffing at the very minimum so numbers are kept up by huge walls of cloned dark eldar being blurted out into the universe they could easily increase production if they so chose dying race indeed but they do not because they do not see the worth in dominating a universe that is merely a garden for the growth of their entertainment nor do people really think about the way that the dark eldar put themselves at a disadvantage so often in their overwhelming hubris for their tech is even more advanced than that of the craft world elder so they are more than capable of producing armor that would be more secure and protective than space marine power armor they could enhance their strength and speed to levels that would make them a match for custodies but they do not effectively the witches of zhukari are so skilled so egotistical that they bound into the combats of the grim darkness practically nude and using weapons that are designed to be precise indeed but are far from the most effective they could use they can't wheel into melee with any and all with such contempt that they do not bring the best weaponry they could do not wear the best equipment they could do not fight like conquerors they prance into melee as if it were a day on the catwalk and yet they still carved bloody channels through the ranks of their cell races just think what the eredith in nice the dark eldar could do if they ever took the universe seriously i have been baltimore your faithful servant i hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction to the witch cults of cormura if so then please do consider liking and subscribing if you do then hit the notifications button as i would not want you to miss out if you see the worst in what we are doing then do also consider joining our patreon or giving the video a share if that is beyond your present scope it would be a great boon now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun too
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 52,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer Lore, Baldermort, War, Drukhari, Dark Eldar Lore, Drukhari Lore, Asdrubael Vect, Warhammer's Most evil faction, Pure Evil, Fallen Eldar, The fall of the Eldar, Drukhari History, Grim Dark History, Warhammer Audio Drama, Games Workshop, hate, Torture, Succubus Lore, Succubi of the Drukhari, Lelith Hesperax lore, Queens of the Arena, Commorragh, arenas of Commorragh, Dark City of the Drukhari, Wytch Cults, Balder, Mort, Guides to Warhammer, Wytch Cults of the Dark Eldar
Id: FCpBd6bRSbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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