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there are four great gods of evil in the warhammer setting all are dark and terrible all are things of nightmares but one holds a secret that few now foreign all of the universe the dark gods zinch nurgle and corn fear only one thing it is their younger sibling slash welcome gentle listener i am baltimore your faithful servant and i wish to introduce you to the warhammer setting in all its glory and dark horror and today i intend to guide you through the very basics of a figure that is central to all three of the warhammer settings the world that was the realms and age of sigma and finally the warhammer 40k universe the grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war i have forgotten a tale today as otherwise the entry will be suffocatingly long and also because i am bending all of my will to improving other pieces of writing which you shall see soon so lend me your ears on this one for today we are to discuss slanash the prince of pleasure one of the four dark gods of chaos but in my mind at least he she it is rather different to its siblings now do be aware that we also have channels covering mythology and natural history so if our presentations are to your liking do consider giving them a try as well content is coming out at a slightly less herculean pace as we are only in our infancy on those channels but why not get in at the start see how we develop because as we all know i do like to try to push the envelope and do try to improve as things go on links in the description that over and so for the very basics let us lean on some of that existing wisdom but do stick around as i am sure you will find some nuances that give a new complexion to the knowledge of even an experienced fan of warhammer so let's have at it slaanesh in warhammer fantasy the world that was the circles of seduction the dark prince's realm is divided into six domains arranged in concentric circles around spanish's palace of pleasure this domain is commonly thought a paradise by the mortal souls lured here but nothing is precisely what it seems each region is formed around one of the six deadly seductions avidity gluttony carnality paramounty vainglory and indolence these circles are not only a continuous celebration of spanish's needs and desires but also his chief defense an intruder must pass through each of the six circles in turns before reaching the palace within an act of will that few souls mortal or demonic can perform as one moves from circle to circle the desire to succumb becomes increasingly overwhelming once mortals have sampled the pleasures of slanish's realm they cannot stop compelled towards success they think nothing of the consequences only of the pleasure that indulgence brings some much too late discover the trap that has been set for them but this matters not to slander who finds moans of ecstasy or cries of horror equally satisfactory providing they are heartfelt the circle of avidity forms the outermost boundary of slanish's domain the temptations within its borders seek to awaken an interloper's sense of greed gold is here ingots and coins beyond counting precious stones are sunk deep into every war and gilded sculptures lie in every path all who attempt to seize this wealth are doomed the gemstones hatch demonic birthings that burrow beneath the skin and eat their victim from inside to out to lay butterfinger upon sianesh's stature is to join it your consciousness rendered immortal but forever trapped in an immobile golden body should greed not ensnare then the next circle is that a gluttony with sumptuous banquets and rivers of wine a single tafe reduces the imbiber to a bloated fool whose only desire is to gorge until his tortured body gives way under the strain beyond the circle of gluttony lies that of carnality a debauched place where all manner of fleshly pleasures may be sampled why some maidens walk the virgin fields their face some form seemingly sprung from hearts dearest desire yet you tryst with such a creature is purest folly for there are clawed hands and serpent's teeth beneath the glamour and an appetite for fleshly pleasures of a different sort upon entering the next circle the traveler is greeted by the roar of an adulating crowd for this is the circle of paramouncy where intruders are tempted with power and all its application armies their numbers so great has to blacken the planes greets those of marshall bent while the politically minded are also meeting kind with nations to guide and vassals to rule for any traveler with a desire for personal power within his heart this is a paradise of sorts for a time a place where every whims obey and every command fulfilled yet to tally within this circle is to be overcome with paranoia to see a dagger beneath every smile and poison in every choice the cheering throng becomes a torturous inescapable prison the circle of vainglory is a garden its maze of past stick with beautiful flowers and heavy with thorns here unseen voices whisper reminders of past glories of achievements great and small most daily of all is the remembrance of circles conquered and temptations unheeded each step an intruder takes with pride in his heart leads him further from his path drawing him deeper and deeper into the choked undergrowth [Music] there he swiftly falls prey to the tearing briars and roots whilst the chanting sworn children of the garden weave his every failure into a mocking epitaph last and most dangerous is a circle of indolence a serene domain of heavenly choirs and perfumed seas all within this circle where the root and branch or stock and stone works to allow the mind and senses a single draft of the ambrosial waters can rob a mortal of purpose and will to sleep here is to never again awaken the lone and level sands that crunch underfoot are the desiccated husks of all those who have succumbed and their zero voices are their souls in torment if this final and most insidious of circles is traversed then a traveler can finally ascend to the seat assanish's power sainesh does not have a stronghold as such merely a luxurious pious within his demon followers pay court this shimmering alcazar haunts the dreams and nightmares of mortals in a way that no other place can it is said that contests in every manner of excess are to be found within the palace and its fleshy walls pulse to the rhythm within these debauched competitions occur in six great [ __ ] each cavernous chamber devoted to one of the six deadly seductions of cyanish such are the incredible depths to which these earthly sins are pursued that their practitioners pass beyond pleasure into torment so terrible that only the truest devotees of slaanesh can take joy in them the prince of chaos of all the dark guards cynash alone is divinely glamorous long-lived and elegant and with a haunting and androgynous beauty it is impossible for a mortal to look upon their divine face without losing his soul for all who see sainesh become slaves to his slightest whim sainesh can assume male female or hermaphrodite form at will though he mostly manifests himself as a young man clean limbed and fresh with the vigor of youth sinus is seductive as only an immortal can be disarming in his innocence utterly beguiling in his manner the sensual pleasures of art music and companionship fascinate spanish and he is drawn to mortals possessed of physical beauty and charm unlike the other chaos guards spanish goes out of his way to court the affections of mortals seeking to ensnare their souls in his web of excess as such his pious of pleasure is not home solely to demons and damned souls it also entertains those mortal sanesh wishes to tempt though corn is the only god with an open dislike to slain ash both nogal and zinch are uneasy in his presence this is due in part to the fact that all the chaos gods embody slanish's drive for excess [Music] corn with his rage zinch with his schemes a nurgle with his love of pesters lurking deep within the psyche of each aslanish's brother gods is the suspicion that the influence of the dark prince is steadily gaining in strength and that slanish will perhaps one day eclipse them all slaanesh in the age of sigma the most insidious of the chaos guards cyanesh embodies the dark fates born from obsession his will does not descend screaming upon his victims nor manipulate them like some uncaring cosmic force instead it nestles intimately within the soul corrupting the secret hearts of mortals until they ultimately doomed themselves long ago when the dreaming cultures of the realm spheres took form the glimmering potential of the mortal realms attracted the eye of a wanton guard that entity was slainesh at that point grown powerful beyond measure on a stolen ambrosia of elven souls at the time of the shattering of the world that was spanish had glutted himself on the spirits of that ancient race to the point that only a pitiful few survivors escaped his hunger he was all but incapacitated by the act of gorging himself so deeply where once he might have saved each sinful soul that fell into his crotches by eating so many millions of spiritual essences at one time he became vast and swollen well beyond the limits of corn's rage zinctious machination and evil nurgles cosmic corpulence yet still sinash longed for more always more his appetite could never be sated just as the stars would never cease to burn the time of promise as slaanesh looked upon the mortal realms he felt a yearning as never before tongues of solid eye core lichter tapering fingers that could feel every known sensation in the universe at one time the gods shuddered in eager anticipation of the feasts to come cascades of liminal unlike rippling through the ether to glimmer in a thousand skies though he was all but stupefied by his epoch-ending feast he had millions of plenty to do his perverse work in this new cosmos of realm spheres and crisscross portals for sanashi demons of every kind had sprung into being as his power had grown here was a new beginning a new stage for the endless acts of the great game to take place upon to be performed with fresh figure and imagination by those that would fall under his sway and never break free from it eight realities were slowly spinning in the void each linked to the others by the works of long-lost civilizations the realm gates they represented eight futures for synesh to corrupt in his own image eight never-ending festivals are sensation to sample to devour too sully and spit back as twisted reflections of that which once had been pure to the wide and avaricious eyes of spanish here was enough fodder to pass several eons of decadence without falling into repetition and on we together the mortal realms represented a prize beyond measure and so sinus emerged from his digestive lethargy to lear over that which one day would be his he sent forth his minions in glorious cavalcades of excess whooping and shrieking as they pressed hungary against the veil between worlds but then saines spoke and they fell silent billions of demons prostrate or sprawling as his word stimulated every nerve every sense to the point of ecstatic agony [Music] his command was for them to insinuate to seduce to invigo and enchant to bring about the corruption of mortals so was the subtle war began and the demise of empires put into dread motion the dark one cometh the dominions of slaanesh hunted out individuals who would fall most easily to his influence and softly spoke into their minds their whispers their seeds of disaster found fertile ground in which to lodge and grow for the mortal dwellers of these new realms were no more immune to temptation obsession and excess than the people of the world there was at first solar sent out only echoes of sensation strange compelling sense and lilting tunes to presage his coming as he grew more fascinated by these new realms he bent more and more of his power towards his new feeding grounds for a time the mortal pitfalls of self-interest willful delusion and naivety did much of the work of concealing his influence by the time slaanesh's victims grew aware of his dark work his cruel stoking of their obsessions had brought them to the point that they became all-consuming as one simple people developed their civilizations they no longer found pleasure in simple things the laughter of their kiss and kin the feeling of sunlight upon their skin and the joy of an ale were earned at day's end became no more thrilling than a spatter of mud as they trod their road to damnation slowly but with gathering momentum cults of luxury and selfishness blossomed behind closed doors through gilded [ __ ] and exotic departures sinash's demons found their way in the hidden cultist activity in the highest echelons of society that worship that was not quite yet worship came to a head cities rised with vice secret creeks revealed themselves exposing the extent of their spread through civic and military subcultures alike in shocking bloodbaths entire societies fell into downward spirals of murderous excess the corruption of new empires accelerated to the point that even those who had no part in it found they could not escape when the stuff of the dark prince's realm started to seep into reality the patron god of all this degradation revealed himself through twisted works of art and mind-bending prowls soon the name spanish was spoken aloud in every nation demon and mortal supplicant rode side by side vying to cause the most carnage possible in the name of the ever indulgent dark prince of chaos so it was that the hedonites were born and a great portion of the mortal realms came to be claimed by slanash [Music] the prince of chaos as with all chaos guards cynash is given animus by mortal emotion where the other dark powers are crystallizations of specific elemental concepts spanish island form and power not by the nature of feeling and desires but by their degree everything taken to excess empowers sign ash sanash is hence indefinable by mortal standards perhaps more so than any other chaos guard for his form and substance shift upon a whim in the art of the depraved he is sometimes presented as a parody of human desire the deity is shown as a horned hermaphrodite with one half male and the other female or a perfect smooth-limbed youth without floor but for the abyssal darkness of two staring hypnotic eyes the dark prince is usually clad in sumptuous finery that exaggerates rather than conceals though unlike his fellow gods he takes pains never to appear the same way twice stranger portrayals can be found in the sculptures and drawings of spanish's devotees in the artwork of the gelded vizier he is auslan an immensely obese glutton of indeterminate gender with every inch of flesh covered in obscene tattoos in the scrollings of the lunatic he is a great white serpent made of rising bodies with four knife-tipped arms and a screaming face hidden by the stolen features of an impossibly serene woman in certain haitian schools of enlightenment he is represented only by a melody a strain of music written upon a six-bar stave for many elven survivors fear that the very act of speaking his name could draw his gaze the seraphin often depict him as an angular spiral each twist in the icon symbolizing an act or decision that leads further downward into the abyss of corruption the stargazers of althar refer to him as slan will say she who devours an ever staring eye surrounded by a vortex of shrieking moors the dark princes all these things and so much more sinash is dawn always to the peripheries of the mortal realms for there the nature of that reality is at its most extreme at the perimeter inimical can be found the purest and most lethal incarnations of that realm's nature for a mortal to stay there is to caught transformative disaster of the most spectacular kind these instances amuse slaanesh no end of all the chaos guards it is that seeks to claim the mutable volatile territories at the edge of each realm sphere for his own in many places these surreal landscapes lead straight into slanish's domain and likewise the domain of the dark prince bleeds over into the mortal realms the scions of slaanesh those who pray at the altar of excess come from all walks of life from primitive shamans to the warlords of the bloody tribes to the richest sophisticates of the new cities the wanton indulgence of primal lusts appeals to many barbaric cultures as well as many civilized ones musicians artists poets and dancers can all be seduced by the desire to perfect their skills in doing so to the exclusion of all else even their own humanity they find slaanesh the ranks of these artful sinners are swollen by lost souls addicted to certain substances and unwholesome acts those who gain momentary fulfillment from debauchery only to find that they must surpass each former iteration of their indulgence to find true satisfaction some of those who keep their double lives or vices carefully hidden upon reaching the point of no return turn from secrecy to joyous and open celebration of that which once they sought so hard to hide those who think themselves infallible or who rule with absolute authority also gravitate towards sinash for the only thing true tyrants respect is an even greater tyrant with the power to depose them the inevitable truth though slaanesh is arguably the youngest of the cursed gods he was once the most powerful of their number and will be again he has learned to thrive on being underestimated using the predictable contempt of corn the generous sentimentality of nurgle the treachery of the haunt rat and the self-defeating complexity of zinch to his advantage in their more paranoid moments his brothers have watched sinasha's conquests with great trepidation they secretly fear that their own obsessions empower their brother at their simplest and most profound level the dark gods are the embodiments of all consuming ideals mindsets and emotions there is always a suspicion that the dark prince will rise like a sin-soaked phoenix from the fires of incarceration to one day eclipse them all in power or worse absorb them making their excesses and obsessions part of his own and subsuming their territory into his sovereign realm each of the chaos gods tells himself that could never be but in the darkest nights of the immortal soul scintillas of doubt glitter even in their black hearts and with that tiny concession to his supremacy growing within the minds of each of his rival guards science's journey to ultimate conquest has already begun yet at present due to the machinations of the elves their gods sinash has been captured and souls have been forced from him to repopulate the elven kingdoms servants to each of the four gods but slaanesh may reclaim them in time slaanesh in the grim darkness of the far future slaanesh in warhammer 40 000 slaanesh also known as the dark prince the prince of pleasure the lord of excess the perfect prince and the prince of chaos in the imperium of man and she who thirsts amongst the eldari is the chaos god of pleasure hedonism excess and decadence lust pride and self-indulgence are the hallmarks of all who follow it sanish is the youngest of the four major chaos guards having come to full sentience within the immaterium only during the 30th millennium the name slaanesh is a corruption of the eldari term saneth sla meaning ecstasy or pleasure and nes meaning lord or prince and the eldari lexicon hence the prince of pleasure though ironically the eldari refer to this foul entity as sai lan thresh she who thirsts if the legends are to be believed there was one being born into the warp from the depravity and corruption of an entire species over thousands and thousands of terran years the ancient eldari a race with souls of limitless passion and nearly limitless psychic ability allowed themselves to be consumed with decadence because of their powers passion and unique connections to the immaterium the disturbances their depravity touched off was singularly dangerous even just this vague bit of knowledge is little more than rumor to most inhabitants of the galaxy still fewer a privy to the secrets hidden within the shrouded and nearly inaccessible vaults of the black library the hidden craft world that is the ancient repository of elderly knowledge located deep within the web way within these somber chambers ancient manuscripts point to an unspeakable event that changed the galaxy forever from the perverse thoughts actions and deeds of the eldari a new god was born a very real god that was indeed a reflection of the species that unwittingly gave it to life its violent birth signaled the eventual death of the species that just stated it the tones of the black library say that sarnesh was born from the uncontrolled and an excessive need for sensation that had come to preoccupy every moment of every day for nearly every through eldari incredible advanced technology and psychic mastery that the species had developed over the terror millennia they passed the days living in unimaginable luxury they had no need to concern themselves with matters such as daily survival manual labor or warding off external threats nor did they feel bound by social constraints anymore they had no need to think of how their actions would affect others not even within their own families since there would never be a time when they needed anything from them everything was at all times theirs even death had no meaning for in that long ago time before sinuses birth the souls of the eldari possessed the ability to reincarnate from the immaterium into newborn members of their species soon after death there was as yet nothing within the imperium to hunger after their souls the passions that burned deeply within the elderly soul were unbound and freely explored to depths that other intelligent species could not fathom a mind freed from all concerns of reciprocity fear of reprisal or death is able to turn fully inward and wander into unknown places seeking previously unconsidered diversions and sensations when an entire race unshackled its mind in this way unusually powerful psychic energy was cast into the warp and their natural essences that reside in the walk responded the darkest moment of eldari history the four is chronicled as a cautionary tale one that the keepers of the black library known as the black council studied continually their hope is that some path towards a return to ascendancy or at least a way to avoid their species ever-looming doom can be found the tale says that the vast majority of the members of the ancient eldari species unprepared as they were for the gods their unbridled passion and perversion had burst were consumed in an instant their minds and worse their souls were connected to chaos in a way they could not have foreseen they had become slaves to darkness and when their newborn master hungered the souls of the eldari were forfeit as its sustenance sanesh can see its hand at work across a galaxy in countless ways the joy a parent feels when a child is born the pride a commodore feels when his fleet executes a cunning battle plan the stirring of a lover's heart when in the embrace of a paramour the heady rush of pleasurable relief that reminds a soldier how good it feels to be alive after an unexpected skirmish all these sensations on some small level are pleasing to the master of delights but they are not enough though the decimation of the eldari and its pursuit of the remaining few of their species is a source of great joy to sinesh it has much much grander desires to fulfill every breath is an opportunity to take a new scent each glass raised is a chance to savor a new flavor on every battlefield each chainsawed blow can elicit a never-before-heard pain-filled scream from its glittering palace in the dark prince's realm the lord of excess revels in each new sensation discovered it guides and directs the inhabitants of the galaxy to push ever onwards towards new heights of sensation a god experiences existence on a level far beyond that of which a mortal can ever dream but that does not mean science is content to leave the galaxy to its own devices it sees the stars the planet and indeed the very fabric of reality itself is a plaything to be poked prodded ripped and tightly bound to its will in order to squeeze out every last sensation there is to enjoy those who choose to serve it emulate sinash as best they can limited as they are by mortal form and mortal imagination in every corner of the galaxy worshipers of sianesh spend their time inventing new delights and challenging themselves to craft experiences for themselves that no one has ever had before this can be something as basic as eliciting a new reaction to a carnal entwining or as high-minded as creating a masterwork of art so profound that it brings tears to all who behold it the truly inspired though have much larger stages to play many of the factions of the adeptus ministorum and adeptus terror embody restraint and denial of base enjoyments knowing that the easiest path to corruption for most imperial citizens is simply freedom they impose harsh rules and ultimately a harsher existence on their people within the imperium for the greater good and the defense of all the emperor has created they dictate that each moment of a citizen's waking life be filled with labor prayer and punishment they believe that a human mind left to reflect on anything else is liable to wander towards selfish thoughts and desires to guard against the influence of the ruinous powers who use these thoughts as the crack through which they can claim a mortal soul this cannot be allowed there is a risk in this approach to order for from it chaos is easily born the merciless attentions of adepts the harsh laws of planetary governors and other agents of imperial wars have turned many who would otherwise never have embraced stylish a mind overwhelmed with hardship and unrelenting burden has no time for thoughts of sin but when a moment comes fleeting though it may be it stands out against the darkness of life as a burning candle of possibility for many who stay sin is not an act undertaken for the sake of rebelliousness but rather as a way to find relief relief from constant struggle relief from dogmatic rules relief from restraint it is this relief that spanish offers an over generous amount it is not just a downtown people of the imperium who feel the crush of hardship in a bleak and foreboding galaxy war is a constant presence across the stars limitless numbers of beings compete for limited resources creating conflict and strife everywhere there are even humans who exist on the fringes of imperial rule whom life is little better than if they were fully under its yoke the harshness of life in the imperium central is overwhelming but it does at least offer a modicum of safety compared to frontier existence life is hard and cruel everywhere in the galaxy any chance to feel some comfort is very difficult to resist a fact the dark prince exploits to his advantage at every opportunity a bit of kindness a moment of joy is often all it takes to set a soul on the path to damnation it is not just a reprieve from suffering that lures so many towards a doom in the wicked embrace of the prince of pleasure comfort is but one sensation in a myriad of possibilities what of those who like the eldari of old have experienced what it means to live a life of luxury and now we get to the bones of the matter is a combination of all of the other three gods and yet not as it is actually the god of the eldar as the chaos gods are really to be told predominantly the human gods the other three yes their span was always further than humanity their diary but it is humanity who have given the most form as per the law for spanish is a life urge but is that not a stolen or mimicked facet from corn for lust is a natural experience merely enhanced to the nth degree and corn is bloodlust but he has also skill and courage thus he is lust and the wish for perfection if truth be told his slantash anything but a poor and twisted copy of the traits of corn he consumes he devours both the body and the soul and his thoughts are like unto infections does he also not have traits stolen from mighty nurgle for he promises eternity in bliss another escape as much as nogo's gifts for a knurgle there is immunity from pain due to its negation but for the followers aslanesh it is eased as it is turned to simple sensory input an input that can be reveled in can be enjoyed by the devout of the prince of pleasure and is there anything as pathetically devious and conniving as the addict a life of lies and veils denials and subterfuge all cloaked in the imaginations of the addict to merely maintain that which holds them tight no matter what the fixation may be for any interest can become a fixation and then devolve into a thing of horror need to be hidden to be cultivated only at one's own expense the constant plans needed must surely lean directly into zinc's wheelhouse surely thus it can be said that perhaps spanish is not the same as its siblings oh the motive power the well of souls the immaterium the warp that which they are made of is the same but are they truly equals in form and function for in the oldest law the other three gods of chaos corn zinc and nugel were all created quite some time before slaanesh not as the universe turns of course that was but a blink of the eye but for sentient beings for the timeline of activity it was a long time indeed for the three dark gods of chaos fully realized by humanity were birthed in the first and second millennium yet for sarnesh it was another 28 millennia before her birth cry would tear the galaxy asunder destroying the elderly homeworld near annihilating the race and causing real space to burst and create a hole between it and the warp the eye of terror 28 000 or more years while the elderly ignored the universe and then fell in upon themselves longer strangely even the rise of the human gold age federation did nothing to stop their own wee their boredom the cataclysmic battle against the men of iron of which the eldar must surely certainly have taken part not even that could bake the downward trajectory of this culture not even that shock to the system they were no longer the only race to command the stars they have become so introspective and decadent that they did not even care when they would clearly have been ceding their dominance of the entire galaxy to others the humans imagine the haughty and proud elderly of today accepting such a fate if they could have their time over nay the eldar empire its entire culture was rotten to the core and was deeply self-loathing and utterly directionless yet it took the elder another 28 millennia of degeneracy to finally tip the scales and birth she who thirsts and the fixation of slainesh for mortal souls is every bit as rapacious as its siblings perhaps more so yet it is always the eldar song that it wishes to consume most of all is this because the elder have brighter souls as most believe or is this simply because it was generated by the eldar hence the irony of its appeals to the prince of pleasure or is it because it can consume other sustenance as all chaos gods are able but that its true feast is not in power but in mere bouquet that the elder soul is its sweetest treat as it is far more a creation of them than humanity because it is actually different to the others on a very subtle but important level just perhaps perhaps it all revolves around the souls of those who birthed them as we have discussed before but that the elder and human souls are not just different in their caliber for most law of the eldar as the most potent souls of all but i personally believe that these perspectives are merely people being enamored of this psychic might the soul does indeed power the psyche but it is not a matter as simple as it was for once the eldar psyches their farciers and warlocks were known to be the most deadly and skilled psychic practitioners in the galaxy the most knowledge in the use of the warp they have an entire craft world-sized vessel just for their takes on the dark arts their wisdom and arcane learning the black library yet now the human psyche can be more powerful than even they not more skilled certainly not more wise but alpha class human psyches are far more well endowed than the elder in psychic terms now and the statement and law that all eldar are psyches can lead to a halo effect where this has commuted to them being the most powerful but after the psychic awakening the only dominance the elder have is now in skill the human race now surpasses them in numbers and power and could collectively swat them out of existence if combined into the one i believe that the human and out of our soul are utterly different the ability to maintain coherency in the warp after death is another attribute regularly touted which again leads to a feeling of superiority in the eldar but these are not the same thing one day i should explain my musings and observations in full but for the time being let us just say that i see the eldar as a burning bright light but the human soul is no less potent just on a far more subtle plane of existence with a far more subtle yet telling ability to change reality and thus it is that we can see the three stages of slaanesh and i personally believe that they are mixed in their actual well timeline for me as i stated in previous entries the dark gods of chaos show their actual genesis in the warhammer 40k universe the grim darkness of the far future and yet handy yet the warp connects all of the different realms of the warhammer universes hence i believe that the dark gods began in the grim darkness of the far future and yet when they are burst they exist at all times and in all places in the warp it is this which needs me to believe that the actual worlds of fantasy the world of wars and then the age of sigmar the realms are younger than the warhammer 40k setting although it can be difficult to compromise the concept that a medieval setting is actually younger than that of the sci-fi but as we can see as we have heard spanish begins in might and majesty in both the fantasy realm and of course in the later age of sigmar so slanish was born and slannish grew through the power of the elves in both realms but it is in the 40k setting he was burst and we have seen the three different forms because he may be seen as the youngest god in the fantasy setting and yet he is very potent of course in the age of sigma he is seen as the most powerful of all of the gods even if only for a short time and of course as well he is the one god who has actually been captured but for that i hope to one day go into some of those details when i bone up possibly on the age of sigma don't hold me to that though i do have a lot on my plate now we get to the crux of the matter and so we have seen him as one of the four gods at the beginning of the fantasy realm then the most powerful of the four gods in the age of sigmar even though he does slide from grace he could always regain it and we see his birth and the reason why he is called the youngest god in the genesis in the warhammer 40k setting yet as all of the different strains of cyanide state in all of the interpretations he is potentially the most dangerous to the other guards for within their excesses he smiles back at them within their victories the hoter gives him power with each of the defeats of the others he gains in strength slanash is the most dangerous of all of the gods in the warhammer setting as he is slightly different to the others in the warhammer 40k setting he is the god of dark chaos he is the god of the eldar's dark soul and their needs and wishes were far far worse than any others because of their longevity because doing something evil or bad or titillating can only be done the same way for so long it is a pathway to access as each different entry as each different action must be surpassed for the same level of enjoyment of pleasure of dark wrongness slaanesh is the most dangerous of all of the chaos gods he may not be as powerful as corn on the field he may not be as powerful as zinch some say but he has the potential to consume the other guards where corn and nugel could certainly not match when are totally different it is the prince of pleasure it is the lord of excess who holds a line on each of the dark gods and all of their followers he is the only thing which could possibly combine the lot he or she or it slandesh is the most dangerous god in existence he is the thing that the other gods fear
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 81,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40000, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer History, SLAANESH PRINCE OF PLEASURE IN WARHAMMER, Slaanesh lore, Slanesh Lore, Slaanesh History, Slaanesh in age of sigmar, Slaanesh in Fantasy, Slaanesh in warhammer 40000, THOUSAND SONS, Fulgrim, The prince of pleasure, She who thirsts, Warhammer fantasy lore, Warhammer age of sigmar lore, Demons of Chaos lore, Dark gods of chaos lore, Warhammer chaos gods, Eldar, Aeldar, AElf Lore, Elf Lore, Fall of the Eldar, Baldemort, Baldermort
Id: _pDxyUjquP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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