W.U.W. 1/2/19

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their viewers welcome back to what's up Wednesday one to nineteen addition I'm joined by the very lovely mrs. OH she's come in to see what all the shenanigans are about keep us under check and I honest and she brought dinner diarrhea in a bag first we'll do a cheeky check microphone check one to make sure everything is loud and clear on the interweb I have turned off the compressor lock the doors disconnecting the phone so we'll make sure everything is good so this is about a 30 second delay over here from what they see and hear versus what we see well there's Helga hello Helga hey tell me she went by in the blue ridge looks like our next quarry here's another blue venture so if anybody says anything naughty in the chats anybody with blue wrench can permanently ban them from the channel and that's what will happen so keep that in mind alright looks like we're coming in loud and clear so I don't know where to begin Cuba reminded me that I forgot to turn off the super chat which I got to do in my settings before I start a YouTube thing a live feed here I guess it is so I will do that next week so I didn't elect to do that this week because that's what we agreed on last week oh you go where you want here you can go up camera here you go wipe your mouth off why you look like an animal you have to start early yeah they might eat three minutes no give some heartburn let's see where we started at the beginning one viewer says so we did get I printed off some of the emails that were brought from the what's up Wednesday email INBOX in case you do not have that address up I'll pop it up for you here on your screen now I do not have any fancy editing skills so I'll do it the best way I know how there's no dots in it bear with me folks work out look this is the what's up Wednesday email address it's wuw SMA outlook.com and it stands for what's up Wednesday self monado outlook.com questions comments concerns or more importantly conflicts discussion topics by its fancy I'd have it like on the bottom of your screen here but I really don't have that skill set I'm sure they can figure it out these are a bunch of fine people they know how to do the email thing and of course if you want to send snail mail to be read on what's up Wednesday the addresses and I think in the description of most of our videos there's a few box there you can send it the old-fashioned style where you use a pen and paper write it out like a stamp they saw no more licking stamps I bet you can still lick it and it would stick any so what's not through some of these emails I do have some mail that showed up in the actual mailbox they want to know if you're eating a Dorito loco taco what is it I don't know first naked chicken taco and it was dumb I didn't know what it was at them towards you is just chicken it wasn't this so I said I'm a taco shell you get it piece of chicken feet flat probably processed and then formed into the shape of taco build with taco goodness it's a really a long time though we were in the people are gonna be kind of amazed that you're actually eating that well yeah like in all your shows you're like here eat this guacamole boo boo boo boo stuff here boom 7000 carbs you're only eight months I only owe I didn't even know you're seven months chicken chicken with no goodies means naked it's not real Mexican it's Taco Bell that's the fake Mexican hmm hey I'm sure if we went to Mexico they probably didn't have a Taco Bell I'll go through some of these emails real quick this one comes from John and he writes Erick could you do a scanner topic I've noticed that you use a number of different scan tools in your videos I almost said the Jos would you mind covering the different miles that use in which scanner is best for what now this is a question that I am often asked and I'll have to simply answer that by saying I really can John or anybody else who asked that question and the reason being is I don't feel that I could give a scan tool a full pull on review because I think to do a scan to review you need to use a tool to its full capacity on every make and model that it has a capability of working on which I can't do I don't work on European cars and most of my scan tools have European coverage they could be perfectly good like on General Motors or Chrysler or you know the big three some Asians but can completely suck on a European car and I'd hate to feel that I kind of persuaded somebody's thoughts into getting one of those and then find out they have a Volkswagen and think it's a piece of garbage or they try to hook it to their BMW and it doesn't work at all so I don't feel I'm the best for that I just try to use the scan tools in my videos oh thanks mark appreciate that so we have another super chat here I missed it from Larry Mills Alec yeah thanks for good channel thanks Larry I miss that but I guess getting back to what I was saying is I don't feel that I can do a legit scan tool review because I think there's too much to cover to do a proper review I know a lot of channels do it and they get a ton of views however I think there's a lot of open areas in that if you guys have any more questions on it or perhaps a way that you think I can execute that where it would be satisfactory to everybody send that to the email address here that we had said the bottom corner of your screen what's up Wednesday SMA and outlook.com and I'll consider it however that's my thoughts next on the list wait these are my favorite things if I go them what thank you Early's the cloggin you know people already think you're always high now you eat mister I'm just fine I swear everything every single bit I'm not oh my gosh Oh some pork the great Jim oh thank you well thank you guys I do appreciate that it misses oh it's not hi she would take it wouldn't do it live on screen drug test if you would well big shield results on drug tests she's not high trust me madness she was that video any oh this one comes from Paul and he writes I felt the video that you provided the car for someone in need was among the best ever could we the people helping give a car to someone in need legal herders are no doubt an issue but that would be great if someone in need transportation could provide a car maybe one a year so I think I'm there's some Rama Calero's here I think he's talking about that if the people could help out donate towards perhaps you know helping somebody else you get a car in need so I've given this some consideration after you know helping her out with her car you know and I've come up with some thoughts on that I have no objection to helping somebody even if it comes down into the sense of getting them a vehicle and providing it to them at no charge like we did for amber where we you know we get the car tax title registration everything's taken care of she swaps over the insurance and away you go we did get a host of emails following that and messages saying you know people like to donate towards that my only objection to is is I gotta be nice about it yes I think I want to say it I would be concerned that somebody's feelings might get hurt because they've given to a project and perhaps the project car in this case didn't go to somebody that they felt worthy you know let's say we did get some few nasty emails about people that said oh you gave it to a single mom you're an a-hole that should went to a single dad and I've got other ones saying oh you're an a-hole that should have went to a veteran or that should have went to no one first yeah you know I did not single out like a single mom because that's you know what I've drawn to it's just that's who that's who we knew that's you know this is the lady that was brought to my attention that can use him out now if this was the dude it would work just the same or if it was you know a vet or a family and he either K I'm not objective to anything so I think if I continue to do this and it was just out of the goodness of my heart and out of my own pocket without other people's inputs it just alleviates all those problems am i saying this correctly I just feel that if we like say here you know give us some money we're gonna set it aside for like you know Eric our guide they were fixing it forward you know we're gonna put it in this in this kitty and we're gonna use it for that I think unless there is a plan already put in place like we found this person where everybody knows what this person is whether male or female or family or you know black white brown purple whatever this person is then they can give to that cause I would think would be the only way to kind of sideline all those problems so that's my thoughts on that we will likely be doing more of this in the future but as far as setting up where the people can donate I'm not 100% sure on that right now until I figure out the logistics of it without having feelings to it because people nowadays have a lot of feelings uh-huh and they need safe places I don't have no feelings just one mean so hopefully that answers some questions they're moving on we're not I'm not seeing a lot over here in the chat right now we're bust through this we'll get over here in the chat we'll have a good time this is OB all jacked up on soda my first caffeine for the baby oh gosh this one comes from NDS 357 I don't know if that's his real name it is it's weird how'd you make out with advantage did you fix it or replace it so I had my Vantage Pro and I think you guys seen in one over the video or livestream at one point it broke and I was pio because I call it snap-on and they told me it's like 600 bucks to fix it oh I ain't paid 600 bucks for the tool and needless to say long story short in a fit of rage I took the battery I just slammed it into it real hard I've probably f bombed it a few times it turned out it's worked ever since so I'm gonna have to set it in so yeah anger does solve problems no solve that one I'm serious that's what I did boom I threw it in the back I am slam the lid I'm like I think that just turned on worked ever since yep oh my gosh what's your biggest shot in here resolution Rust Belt like you know my biggest shot I don't really make resolutions no if I had to make one right now what would it be give it a minute to keep eating unhealthy drink more coffee no that's a lie I don't know I don't I don't have resolutions my resolution is to not make a resolution boom he said my resolution is never make a new year's resolution die so it's time to start is when you're lying again there you go geronimo gaming hooking us up awesome channel keep the videos coming appreciate that Geronimo Owen 5 funny money's I think those are the end from the pound or the Yeti I don't know you great work keep it up man appreciate that thank you oh my gosh I should turn these off from JC Smith projects donation use as you see fit he is the one you ended with JC Smith is OK you remember that apple pie moonshine that you had mm-hmm and I got like this much of mm-hmm that's the guy came from Thanks I told him I was like I think she drank the whole thing is like no way I'm like yeah she did hire you did drunk yes can we get me in the look out like Thanks everybody knows you're stoned all the time oh I don't know because we love you and I and people want to see your reindeer your black ranger I got multiple emails on that like we want to know how she turned a block of wood into a reindeer I don't you don't have to drop it you're just bring them in next week we'll be here uh DNA they're always tease me a pictures of ice cream mmm let's see what's this one this one comes from mr. Jung $33.99 do not know if that's his real name either and he writes loved the show your videos are great I was just wondering how you charge for unforeseen circumstances also known as rust curious if you'd just labor what it takes an extra hour or three to do a job keep up the great work awesome when y'all gave that girl the car I assume he's a southerner because he wrote out the word y'all oranges some ravine we're in the other was question oh how do I charge for unforeseen circumstances typically I'll bring a car in I'll look at it and I've been doing it long enough I can usually tell if there's gonna be an unforeseen circumstance or if it looks like some Shady's about to happen so I'll look at a car let's take for example like if we're doing exhaust ma'am what I was looking at this napkin you gave me like dipping it in like don't use my face little bit look at it that's clean I take for example like if you're doing exhaust manifold somebody comes in with a rusty crusty Ford pickup and we look at it and I say well it's already got two broken manifold bolts the other nine look angry here's booked I'm on it I'm gonna adjust myself an extra three hours because experiences told me it takes about taking about X three hours just with the ones that are broke the ones that are potentially gonna break and you know things should go good from there once they agree to that I tell them you know once I get in there if it you know looks like it's getting sketchy I'll call you most customers be like well if it's you know a couple hours beyond what you said just go for it so usually there's kind of a in upfront if for some reason I totally did not foresee anything I'll start a job and I'll call a customer just tell them like you know we've got this apart you know here's what happened along the way you know this ball broke or this was corroded or this connector is all crusty I'll just ask for extra time that most customers are quite generous it's not like I'm calling asking for an extra you know two days of labor it's usually let you know that extra hour extra two hours whatever but yes I try to plan for it I guess if they answer your question and I read one they're all okay to read I've read them and all that I don't know it's pretty nice so if you did can you please talk about and show us your recent snow plow installation I'm planning on buying a plow for my f-150 and it would be great to see what brand you choose for your Tundra thank you for your great videos and taking the time to share knowledge sincerely do you read it no you see their first name Scott deed we don't say sincerely we always say love always Oh love always love always Scott deed from New Jersey Jersey are the people well the people from New York they don't like the Jersey people God the Jersey it stinks over there let me go turn off my heater you can push back the bank ins that's what people from New England say like oh my gosh she's super cheated to call bananas what we got here they're known issues of the RAM sticks for truck engine mine ticks chirps went cold I don't know of many issues with it the only one I've actually fixed was a had a dead injector driver on it the wiring harness had rubbed through on the power steering line over on the passenger side of the engine run through about four wires other than that I don't know have much about the six-four I don't see a lot of them but that's the only one that sticks in my mind that actually fixed recently F New Year's love the DJ's keep up the good work from Ron Robinson the plow oh the plow yeah they're talking about the dog so I call it the dog no you pushing up the bank uns uh-huh that's what people in New Hampshire say I think where I talked about that yeah and then every time I Drive I'm not going to push back to banking's and I don't really do anything but I love saying that Oh anyhow yes I bought a snow dog that's the 75 for my truck seven and a half foot plows stainless steel the reason I chose the plow for my truck is because I have a half-ton truck just like Scotty here with his f-150 or f1 is JC Smith project called them because he's an f250 355 for the guy anyhow I've got a half-ton so I wanted to plow appropriate for a half-ton so I did my research and I'll Fisher and Western both make plows for him however they were a direct-drive hydraulic lift and I didn't want that option I wanted to chain lift on my plow so when I pull into the bank and the plow can actually flow up and not bend the frame on the plow and that's the main reason I chose that plus it was stainless because I didn't wanted to get all crusty what other reasons I don't know that's oh and I also wanted one without the integrated module so Fisher and Western both use the plug-and-play module now I'd changed a lot of these for guys to come in because their headlights quit work and you know all this crap quits working and you got to buy a $300 plow light isolation module I know that's a bunch of hocus pocus because you can do the same thing with just six count them six relays so mine uses a six relay system that switches over from plow lights a truck lights something goes wrong on mine it cost two bucks for new relay something goes wrong with a Fisher West friend it costs you a $300 isolation module that's main reason in my the day or in the email that's at the bottom your screen WUWM oh you can also let me know if you want to see a video on the snowplow no I I didn't think of it but there are some people that live near what they call the equator who've never seen a snowplow for how it goes on a truck or how it actually even operates you know on the vehicle so you distract anyone with some bang No so I'd be more than willing to show the video of you know the mouth how it bolts to the vehicle there direct-fit mounts made for the tundra how the wiring harness goes into extra relay the aftermarket garbage it has to go on the inside and what a clean installation looks like because it turned out beautiful so I'd be willing to show that but I would just personally think that's boring yes because I'm anal retentive and I'd cut every single battery cable so it fit perfectly because they just watch it'll wad it up like stuffing in mind looks factory when you pop do it it's beautiful it took me two days directions said it's supposed to take a couple hours either way it's in and it looks tight so anyhow put those answers in the email INBOX I just don't want to miss him over here Oh what I'm gonna miss sitting here like the cider like beside your aunt grandma can't click these when they go by for your use as deemed fit i'm JC Smith's head moderator miss Oh JC Smith guy oh he's always a head moderator coz JC Smith does a live chat like every 10 minutes I hope he's watching and hears me appreciate it man thank you JC Smith is like the live guy he's always doing live til he's working so hard he always does live videos like that's all thing because he's working all the time he's a Ford man you don't you don't watch you two just plowing or at your truck madly probably if you abused your truck it could I don't plow with my truck commercially i plow up my driveway some missus Oh get out of the driveway and I plow out here at the shop and you know if like me ma called it's a jerk I need to get fired out that's not how me ma sounds but if she did call I wouldn't go help out me mom my both my brothers have plows on their trucks I don't have to help them my dad has snow plow on his Kubota so I want to help him but you know it's somebody called I probably help them out this one comes from Chad how often do you maintain your vehicle lifts at your shop there's a trick question Chad we maintain them as often as any other shop maintains them and that's when they break that's a pretty short answer it's about like do you maintain your air compressor yeah quit running so I try to keep maintenance up on the lips keep the cradles greased a couple times a year usually when they start squawkin I know they need grease if I see the cables that utilize your cables starting to fray I'll get new cables if the you know lock release cable starts getting walk yell to put a new one on not a lot of maintenance what else do I do - oh the seals started leaking on the one cylinder on this one so I just bought a new cylinder for name mother repacking it cuz the cylinder was pretty cheap let's see what do we got here oh reading the 22 $4.99 question Oh is there a question Oh what is the battery powered light I use sorry I did not see that at first Steve thank you for showing me that what is a battery-powered light I use actually Steve I use multiple diplomatic powered lights the Oh G that means original was the Astro 40s L which is just like this one here this one is my over G this is my 450 SL max and then I also have an astral 650 SL I believe it is which is like a retina melt or watch this so look see I love it isn't that great are you eating that freaking lunch you are - you must have smoked the weed doesn't like your 10th one yeah that's okay is it a chalupa I denied it for you no I went to school with a girl named guada Lenny no yeah okay yeah yeah the naughty school or was it Guadalupe it's quite a Lupe I just like saying her name you don't remember what we were in the same school woman what no I don't remember her brother drove a Monte Carlo no was a real name I want to say Jose but it's not it was it was quite a Lupe and her brother head of Monte Carlo and I thought it was awesome yeah I remember her last name but I don't want to say it Julio her brother's name was ooh oh yeah I remember Willie oh yeah your brother's name was Julio did he know to BOCES yeah he went to the bad kids school too I know he went to Autobody because he was painting his car like once a week but I think he was some night then we all ended up there the night school yeah mrs. o was in a naughty school too back in the days ER you had like your home school and then school that yeah but we were there full-time yeah full timers a life sign we made yeah I'd be like this is oh how long you hear she's like we did stuff like that I don't I might have oh boy we got here oh let's see we got Oh Junior c-54 how you liking that OTC scanner thinking about getting one I like it but like every single scan til I own it has its issues we going oh my gosh so I like the OTC scanner I had encore in the Evolve I like them both they're pretty strong on domestics they have a few quirks I really really really wish they would fix because they would be great tools if they did I've shown those in my videos I've shown you know the problems that I think are with the tools and some stuff that frustrate me on I can also show you them same problems and same frustrations on the Alltel on the launch so I can't I try to answer the best I can overall I gave it a score of like seven out of ten if I had to ask if you had to ask if somebody asked me let's see this one is from Dave from the UK and he writes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year hohoho I added that part have you ever found jiggly bits leftover when you finished a job don't forget if we've done it you can do it as well PS I love the reference to our sausage is bangers here in the UK and the mash fish chips and mushy peas from the heart of the knots over United Kingdom the industrial Midlands if you look into the palm of your hand the Midlands would be on the right middle good wishes from Dave near the UK's most famous Road landmarks Spaghetti Junction so that's Dave from the Spaghetti Junction his big climb close to the million mark Tara Keith must be if he's doing them I love big Clive it's so crazy I look at me Clive I'm like man I bet this guy sounds awesome and then he talks and he's like oh this guy sounds so sweet he's just a nice sounding guy oh is he up in the up in here where's bit Clive he's gotta be in there oh you've got to be I must be missing but if you guys don't know Clive Gomer watch him because if you want to learn how to solder there you go big class oh he's over here jumping on my channel that's okay he is welcome to my channel she's driven a lot of viewers over here and I try to reference him when I'm trying to do something that he does way better than me like solder circuit board stuff explaining speaking without word whiskers that kind of stuff I don't know what it is it's big green oh it's like some way you go to some way I don't care what you get it all tastes the same you're there like do you want white or we or like this weird exotic sub like I don't care lady it all tastes like the same stuff you go there know what when I do it all tastes the same what we got here this came in the real mail legit oh this came from the Queen so must be from up north or Way Out West the way out east let's see hi Eric I was in Euro car parts oh so he must be from like England area England England and saw this kit and immediately thought of you thanks for making the great videos and keep the great work up love always Tony and Tony sent some plastic bits of kit trim remover tools from Europe car parts all types of plastic Wendy tools which I break these quite often Sanh I'm glad to have an extra set of these because I go through lots of different ones and it's nice to have various types of wedging stuff is that from g JW d IG a lot you got well that's how many free and generous gift and we don't even have a name to go with it well we appreciate that thank you let's see hello from Huntsville Alabama I know three sue me that's making a whining sound where I believe is a trans third and fourth loads of speed well Andrew that is not something I've run across I work on a bazillion soubise I can't say I've ever had a customer complaint so I can't really offer you much advice on it as much as I'd like to that's why I don't like super chats cuz I'm not really a man for the answers unless it's something I've personally run across so I can't I honestly can't help you on that I wish I could but I'm just gonna be real with you I made sure to see in the car but if you're already in a lab Amy that's long drive well some red worms I don't know let's see oh hey you answer that question right now did you fix my car oh my tiny mouth yes very well good talk put tires on my van door yeah replace my squeaky belt serpentine belt and then bought me a new man Oh bingo problem solved not my problem for ten years or a hundred thousand miles this is always now the new proud owner of a 2019 Kia Sedona with 99 miles on no more like 300 you got 300 miles on already there's no more calling the complaint department at SMA I solved your problems I'm I only take a day off of work or two if I have to drive I don't care you go up there and see my boy Chad we already talked to the lead tech and the service department up there went right to the top talk to him it was kind of funny cuz he already knew me which is kind of weird but it was cool good old Chad shoutout to Chad who sue Leo Kia I'm big Stan so yeah so that's how you fix your wife's Browns she's like my car that's my car they like mom here's your new one and everything my rear hat wasn't working yeah so like the old Honda was starting to I ought to say it piss me off perhaps is that the word I can use it's probably a more kid-friendly word I can use but it's just little things and just like consonant so I think it's time we've been looking for a while too we looked at a few used ones there for a bit and then they gave us the deal of the century check them puppies out my mo don't show I mean it you got to speak loud because it I'll read it loud and clear Eric and crew I know you said Andy right and he writes Eric and crew I know you said to hold off on the license plates but you can't tell me what to do ah this is a sexy letter I read it like that I'm a retired disabled veteran new jet mechanic and spend a lot of time on YouTube nowadays I love watching your videos and learning alternate methods to the home wrenching I do most of my time is that restoring my wife 1972 Torino wagon what's that board Gran Torino didn't you know you know Torino like the movie like Gran Torino Clint Eastwood remember you remember that movie channel where he's like kicking everybody's ass and yes you have it's a sad movie the girl she's like it's fire brother the gang and a lot of racial slurs in the movie and then he ends up like going rogue in the end it's a fantastic boy it's super sad but you're not convinced to me to see it okay let's see what I'll see that okay so anyways he spends most his time restoring his wife's 1972 Torino wagon which needs tons of electrical repair included with the license plates is one of my patches I wore during multiple deployments from 2001 to 2016 I love seeing a fellow honest mechanic keep up the good work Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from smash oh look at that triple score that Larry found the rarest most exotic hard to obtain license plates of all from the only state as interstates that's not connected to any other state Hawaii leave that so we really appreciate this mr. smash Paul if we appreciate your patch that you shared with us as you chose to serve your country we do appreciate that when I said a little trade me my Sedona for an old mr. feel I mean get her started so now all we're gonna hear is like oh my Ultra feel go around corners it was so great freakin toilet don't you hear about Oh ed leather and this and that it was my first car so my first car was a friggin station wagon you don't hear me like man mister dole wagon I mean I do for here uh happy to see mrs. Owen a Kia one of the best vans for the price I'm a Kia Tech and self Jersey and you've been an inspiration to me in the past years you've helped me out robot sex well thanks Steven good to hear it's good to hear we're never owned a Kia Chewie says keep up the excellent videos I think you miss that one this one mm-hmm oh and my thoughts on a scanner Harbor Freight I mean jeez well Jason I'm sorry but we do not have a Harbor Freight anywhere is in our vicinity it's about a 50 mile ride to get a Harbor Freight so I don't keep up on you know the DL Harbor Freight so I honestly don't know what they have that's new so I can't answer that question but do appreciate the asking and a super check let's see oh this is just a rogue letter from Donald this is the Erik own family SMA and he writes I've only seen you've got mail I think I'm supposed to say that in a low voice I've only seen you got mail that's I tried one time meg Ryan was cute back then but I got much more value out of your Chevy water-pump video Wow that puts me like a peg a mutt meg Ryan oh well you know it's II used to be cute get me thanks for making these tutorials you have a thorough grasp of how to present the process it was an invaluable help it was an invaluable help getting me through all the steps I don't consider myself a mechanic but it was necessary I wish nothing but good fortune to yourself your family love all these Donald well thanks dad thanks for putting me one step above meg Ryan what meg Ryan looks like today I remember you've got mail you've got that's like when al first came out I remember dial-up the Arab dial-up yeah when we lived in Howard you remember when we lived in a trailer I was the only trailer in town yes nice room I wasn't not an owner of it I'm just saying make it well like a man what's not that's where we got married that's where we made our first baby remember yeah remember that night your frickin parents came over Oh obvious thing I what the hell they call it shining oh they did Munna so we're home we'd go out we get married we come home too you know because we're variously to go to sleep and all of a sudden her freaking parents and Families overbeat and on the side of our house like a bunch of lunatics apparently it's some tradition what I call let me know somebody's gotta know what it's called but it's stupid what's called ya know if you're somebody's kid and you're getting married don't come don't take me go somewhere else they don't know where you're going that's what you need to do what do they call it somebody tell us what they call that oh man no was it Shh no oh no I think nobody's watching cause big clubs in the comments is she drunk [Laughter] look at me I did I'll see you later Gary we'll see you tomorrow Gary from crowning he's stopping by hmm wait wait for the pop-up here and interrupt us calm root yeah tre don't worry yeah sure that's what people keep saying now see we were trying that what that's so redneck yeah it's super redneck let me tell you I mean we already lived in a town ahead like seven times the population of cowards two people and am I am harassment bushwhacking I think it's Cherie Peck pianist interrupts us I believe that is the scientific word for it oh man oh boy don't know man those people know Gavin was nine months later we have nine months to the day I'm not saying he's born on Mother's Day talking about kudoh points for planning there huh does that worked out but I was like I gotta get to nothing now I got you baby uh no I got the baby I brought the baby yeah but how about the like what's the best like Mother's Day gifts you get he's like oh I got flowers I got this I got that you tell your friends like he gave me a baby home that's I'm time oh I still here is our next next when we're down to the last two then we can chitchat over here Oh are we not getting are we out of the PG realm I don't think so we're still good uh yes shivery yeah yeah they shiver eat me thank you very much I feel I should know this one is not something to read this is like more technical this is the plug it's a bug I can't read it good yeah I read what people can hear you hello Eric lean forward I want to person thank you for helping make diagnostic network a successful platform for today's and tomorrow's diagnosticians it's the dedication and support from industry professionals like you that continues to fuel our spirit your dedication and participation with DN will promote and support a healthy dynamic within the community enclosed you will find the diagnostic network merchandise we promise to deliver through your annual subscription if you wouldn't mind we hope you consider to help promote diagnostic network and spread the word by posting the picture of your swag package through any of your social channels if you have any questions or feedback please contact us from myself and a team at diagnostic network we thank you with love what do you think they'll always love always Scott Scott Brown diagnostic network case you guys don't know a diagnostic network check them out that I can't really explain it it's like a auto repair forum on steroids of professionals and as some of the best reads contributors in the industry is what I would say that's the easiest way to put it and this is their diagnostic swag pack because I paid for my year subscription it is a paid subscription if you are a professional tech in the shop pick that up woman I can't reach it okay then forget about it these are some I call movie pokers cuz I put them in my pocket and you bent over oh right the chess anywho if you're in the shop and you know professional shopping you want to advance yourself short of going out getting you know local training I don't think that you can better yourself more personally than subscribing the diagnostic network now I'm not making a shameless plug because they asked me to and set me apart a screwdriver it's just a matter of fact the guys that are in there that are contributing to it are phenomenal and if you have time to read and interact with these it's it's pretty awesome I wish I had more time to go and I go in when I can I try to tribute when I can read what I can for sure just to try to soak it in but some of that is just it's overwhelming because they're just so much good stuff in there so check them out and yeah I got the free mouse pad and t-shirt well I paid for it but anyway they were nice enough to send multiple ones so that's nice so check them out diag dotnet you'll meet familiar guys there like Keith de Fazio Keith Perkins that's there he's one of the blue retro zl1 auto diagnostics' and programming he just put up the link he's in there Mario from oh my gosh I'm just like not feel like a jerk he's on YouTube I hate it when I see something I cannot think of the rest of this to Kamini Mario's super mario diagnostics I believe it is he's in there you'll see all kinds of guys in there it's like I say some very very famous trainers and contributors to the industry so it's definitely worth the cost the price of admission even I think they even have a free trial if you just want to check it out I'm not a hundred percent sure any go but a really great community of people in there and you can learn a lot let's see Eric Mikkel Mickelson this is from mr. Oh for neon with yours you mean stuff I'll be sure to give that to her Eric Mickelson right away watch it man ah let's see here did you what quit this one this one yes yeah it's from chewy keep up the exhale videos but for some reason at the time I ran out but so there's no kiss that beauty what like on TV come on doesn't this is rated G all right Wow so I mean all guys oh that's like that's like a movie star kiss oh yes now they're gonna send money that see where kisses hey this isn't one of those kind of shows people but for the right price now would get kicked off YouTube Plus you'd be embarrassed you know what this seems more embarrassed uh-huh last one folks and he writes a dear Eric first off I was supposed to have called when I was in math and we're turkey day oh I don't know if I remember I'm not gonna read that part it's kind of personal I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year here's the set of license plates to add your collection and I'm sending you some money for a couple SMA stickers Oh one for me one for Sophie and yes he's still watching all your videos once or twice once you can rusty Barnes mr. rusty ah let's see oh no no is that so and I know your stickers are in the mail rusty or Sophie Webber is watching it's tofu usually up in our chat sometimes he gets to come in sometime to get stranded swallowed up and all the folks but rusty sent me his Brad Stars Illinois license plates matched pair Land of Lincoln Abe Lincoln I think well I don't really know history very well but that's really cool rusty I know Sophia asked about these will not last what nothing what that's what's up Wednesday but yes they have arrived so have no fear what don't see anything inappropriate all right that's it folks for mail call we were through the mail Cobb and now we can no I don't think he stole me the cop man maybe I doubt it yeah it's Wyatt hey what hey Wyatt there's diagnosed in Oh just met Dan I got a ed diagnosed Dan as a moderator is one of the good guys ed moderator but you know diagnosed dan is now a moderator your your blue renter Dan you now possess the power but the ban button oh let's see oh there's Glen the famous Glen from Delaware I saw that yeah you saw that yeah oh are you friends on Facebook with him that's me oh I saw two crazies on the news and I'm like a Pittsburgh news yeah who's watching the kids they're in the office porn in right now because see we don't have an internet at home or television so mrs. o brings them down here and they're like like their little thumbs for like the next hour or whatever and then they go home like with their hands her in my eyes this big brains half fried go back home to her cabin in the woods most of today they did experiments in the kitchen this morning oh good now they're making meth no what did you make slime slime and salty water with food coloring in it and salt and where were you sleeping I was cleaning the rest of the house I'd already been through the kitchen and then areas those little foam styrofoam falls all over because there was in slime already and then they come out of the slime and then they go everywhere so I said three minutes three minutes pick it up I was in the garbage boom laying down the law mm-hmm Cole's grad says have you ever worked for someone else before owning your shop and if so is it worth it financially working for yourself opposed to working for somebody else thinking of making a move myself Thanks hmm that's a super complicated question I guess to answer your first question yes I have worked for somebody else I worked multiple jobs up until this point but only in one shop that was for my father is it worth it financially financially depends on what year is where you are what you're making now and how you like to live you know if you're my situations live different a lot of folks that open a shop I think they open a shop with the intention of growing their shopping and growing their business and adding employees and adding Vaes and the super expansion into us huge conglomeration I don't know anything about that the only thing I know about is the type of business that I open where I didn't want to work for the man a k-pops and uh where or yeah I didn't want to be partnered with anybody I just wanted to work by myself I knew for my lifestyle that I could support myself with what I could buy my shop for you know I just put all the all the numbers on papers I knew how much my shop cost I knew where the operating costs were I knew what I was equipped with to wise what I could handle and I didn't work outside my skill set until I could you know build and expand on but I'm content with with what I have and in my income level I certainly could grow my shop into you know two more full-time employees and you know build and expand you know keep going and you know have this big monopoly here in downtown of Boca which we pretty much already have because we're the only shop yeah so you know we could grow and expanded but that's not my business model now that sounds foolish because that could lead me into early retirement but it could also put me in the insane asylum because I don't want that kind of stress when something happens I get sick whatever can't work I'm done that's it I've done I can close up I don't have to worry about anybody I don't worry about employees I don't have to worry about somebody making mistakes and my name's on it it's just for me it's simple so it is possible to do I say I think that we do well right I mean I do I mean we do well we have a family of kids we have a home and you know it works out well but I do not have the ability or the benefit of calling in sick I don't have someone managing my 401k I don't I don't have put into it for you yeah I have I have problems you know if they're if there's a problem in the shop it's my problem it's not my boss's problem you know so if I have a boss and at the end of the day I'm like oh yeah by the way this car is all have stuff I'm going home you know I can't do that what if I go in the cars like all that stuff I go hey missus oh I got a car here it's all that thought I'm not gonna be home tonight you know so that's the difference it's a lot of time and and you do you bring home with you but we also got to bring our kids to work since they were a week old you know there's there's benefits and there's so there's pros and cons both ways but if you're thinking just monetary wise you really work out those numbers for yourself where you are and you know I know that a lot of people will say like oh you know you're gonna make it ton of money it's gonna be so great but if you start out with a ton of debt it's it's a long time before that happens before you're gonna see that turn around and you get I really see like is it really worth it for you for your lifestyle with how you live or do you want to just live at the shop and even if you are that excited about it like it's gonna get old at some point you want to be able to like close the doors and go home but you can't always do that because it's yours it's your baby yeah it's your baby and you know I mean I've told this story before when I first started you know I started with them you know with with pretty much nothing you know an empty shop worked on the floor yeah worked on the floor I had my low-rise lift I had no big lift I had no big air compressor I mean my oil change tank is my old air compressor when I was just willing to work and do what it took so I would just I would work around the clock seven days a week just to make money so I can make the next purchase to make the next you know to buy you know an air compressor my lift you know I told you guys this story before excuse me before that's just how we made it work I didn't want to go in debt and I didn't want to buy anything that I couldn't afford so I would just work until I can afford something if that meant you know laying on you know cardboard and using jack stands and you know to do the best job that you could to you know make the next paycheck well not really paycheck but to make some income that you can invest into your business that's what I did eventually we bought you know new furnaces we you know put in new lighting we bought you know new lifts we bought a new air compressor but when it's all over it's all paid for because that's how we chose to do it we could have gone to the bank and took out a huge-ass loan and we could have went to the bank and took out a big loan but I didn't want to I'm not a huge risk taker so I didn't want to find out like you know what this doesn't work and then you know find out well it doesn't work this job sucks and I'm in debt so that's why I took the road that I did because if it didn't work you wake up your hands you walk away you go get a job that's that's how I chose to do it so wanna see me pick some more stuff but I don't have to because my vans that's fitting you bring in check the tire pressure actually just push the button so it comes up and screams like Jack Alex says hey man hey man radiators been leaking I bloody rust assume no leak is gone am i prone to more leaks hmm well if it's leaking I mean it's gonna it's got a leak I guess perhaps I'm not getting the concept to the question here so yes if your radiators leaking and it caused the system to be full of air and you bled to air and filled it up and it's still leaking yes it's going to continue to leak I would only have to assume I just met Dan over here is having some problems all right Dan were you out there buddy for some reason you're not getting your blue wrench I want my wrench money back I come up here I click his name I hit add moderator Dan is now moderator for your channel pops up on my side then it says that you are I don't know how many moderators are allowed to chat I think a ton of them because we go on other people's chats and that everybody's a moderator try and see something Dan I've clicked and I'm I in multiple times so you should have a blue wrench if you don't I'm gonna assume I don't know I'm gonna assume I don't know it's broke do YouTube know wrenchy I'm sorry man please forgive me man's a super brilliant guy if you guys don't know diagnosed day I feel like I have to give shameless promotion now go check out diagnosed and I'll get you a link to his channel the guy the guy is brilliant has better English than myself not that I think that I've opened a new tab here we go he speaks should I like the end he's a funny guy too and he has a brilliant way of explaining things brilliant and he says words like brilliant - there's a link to diagnosed Dan go over click subscribe you will not be disappointed particularly if you like European cars because he works on European cars beautiful European cars they're always clean I don't know where he gets these cars I never see any rust in his shop it's like oh here's this beautiful car off the showroom floor I think he waxes a mom before he does videos I could be wrong well yeah if you guys don't know diagnosed then go check them up go check them up as I said go look him up this Alan Matthews and he writes why am i using an OTC instead of a snap-on why why well yeah and to be honest with you I haven't used the snap-on in a video in probably over a year so maybe you're going back through some of the old archive I don't really have an answer for I haven't updated the snap-on so that's probably why and I don't know I'm still I don't know I don't have an answer for you I just haven't really used it snap-on much because it frustrates me because of its limitations so that you do I use funeral I'll tell launch OTC something like that now that so yeah I guess that's the short answer I wish I had a better answer for you I just I just don't because typically if I'm using it I got a grab something else in most cases what was this guy say Manny Manny says he got a 2010 tundra that has New York rust head replaced the engine it and 7k worth repairs and one year of ownership keep her get rid of sounds like she does about brand new it sounds like a real toilet they asked for yeah 2010 needed seven thousand bucks holy smokes I probably would have flushed that toilet a long time before that happened however sometimes you get in a situation where you get a vehicle the next thing you know you're upside down in it shorter to see Ana I can't tell you whether or not the cars you know worth keeping or worth getting rid of so I would hope with the amount of repairs you've done into it you should probably keep it trying to recoup some of your money I always wish I can just get folks to Scottie kilmer answer oh yeah thank you George uh if that question came across Scottie Commerce's channel I think how he would answer that oh if he says many rights I got the 2010 tundra that has New York rust on it I had to replace the engine and Simon Katie were three pairs well Manny we all know those trucks that transmissions are gonna go bad so if you keep the truck it's gonna need a transmission you might you better get a Toyota Corolla I think that's probably something like you would say I'm just guessing we'll see what the people say but if you don't wanna tell you like early let's keep your dungeon no sky killer yes sir girl bought an 87 350 last year your luck diagnose helped me in fixing aftermarket mumbo jumbo Oh aftermarket mumbo jumbo they like the Scottie Kilmer one man the guy everybody's quick he's witty man he's on answers they even though they're total BS and all the answers are just kind of roundabout nothing it's just it's just fantastic you just brilliant hit answer I'm like boom boom boom and it all ends up with we all know that cars garbage and is going to need a transmission and you don't want to do that because that can be really expensive and then he goes on to the next question it's like flawlessly just boom boom boom you just beat through him it's amazing Andy's banned me from his channel permanently I want that's okay though I miss those thanks for coming to shop that's Ray Allen thank you feelin man not all kinds of money I have a misfire change spark plug and coil is a misfire car six bed dry reverse okay in park neutral drives for you man shakes at a stoplight any suggestions well that's that's that's you done it so Bruce that's a really open-ended question anyways I'll do the best I can to answer the question so in order for the car not to misfire it has says fuel spark compression all happening at the correct time and the engine has to have the ability to breathe if it has all of those things it will not misfire so I mean it could be it could be a lot if I'm just guessing I mean it could be you know if you know what cylinders misfiring it's a single cylinder misfire it could be you know low compression in that cylinder it could be you know fuel delivery you know just by putting a coil in spark plug in it doesn't mean that they're working it could be you know you know valve timing issue on its own or what you know Ward cam lobe in correctly adjusted valves you know we see this a lot with Subarus that come in goes for example where the exhaust valve you know starts to get tight over time as it migrates through the head now it just has a misfire in Drive at an idle you bring it off and idle smooth as butter and that just needs you know valve adjustment so there's lots of things that can make a misfire besides the spark plug in a coil likes a fuel spark compression timing and ability to breathe it's missing one of those components that's that's the best I can answer the question let's guys from Ringgold Georgia love your channel both you're sharing with us on lab staff keep up the good work thanks James good hey he's got the same last name as one guy we know it had a nice Scottie impression I should answer is just a super chat to support the channel Thanks Anmol c5 you must be a court reckon I see five CC 5 no that's cuz like or Mecca is you know I got a bet you're like now I got c6 that way you can kind of know where you're at on a social scale because if your c4 they're like oh I didn't know you're retired now you don't get Corvette jokes uh and you know oh my Jeep where's my Jeep and jeeps out back it has to be done by February 10th that is the deadline to have the Jeep done because we're going on a poker run and that's February 10th and I already commit I'd told the guys on the Facebook like hey we're going on to poker on I clicked and not so many words and so we're going on a poker on forward ride poker run so we need to have the Jeep done so we can go out and defeat the balls off and see what breaks and then talk back to the shop when we're done yeah Glen see he's like oh what's a Corvette he doesn't want people know he's a Corvette guy yes he does he's always taking pictures on Facebook you should see him I just want to go home it's Shane that guy grows him like the sweetest beard it just I have such beard Envy like I want to go on and shave because I don't feel like I shouldn't like oh there's Glen Wow I should go shave my beard look at that thing oh yeah it's like a I just always think that you know when the guy had like a perfect beard he's probably really hairy everywhere I don't I don't even know text me a shirt off no if you text it to me glad I'm forwarding it to her if you text me one of you don't text anything Glen or I'll ban you from my channel that's everybody your beards fake fine it's a diagnostic great self man all reminds me the first gas station I worked at they got me hooked an automotive keep on keeping on that's for my sins we couldn't do without guys like you bringing the industry back up to a higher standard well thank you science and diagnostics I'm not familiar is that YouTube channel because if it is we gotta go check it oh I'm just gonna check girl quit can't have folks I'm not I cannot see the chat right now boom 32 subs science diagnostic we're now subscribed we will be checking out his channel we do appreciate that super chat thank you very much why'm and my Scottie he's a Western New York native snowflake did he just call me snowflake yeah I think that's kind of anyhow why did he ban me because I asked too many questions he did a video one time that was he was showing people why a car wouldn't start because of a shorted out component something like that I think it was a video that video cuz I emailed him and I Scotty what's a big deal why do you man he's like well basically because I can't call out his BS and he puts on his video of us but he was showing us purge solenoid on this board that he was working on to wire purge solenoid hey some people like when these sensors short out on your modern-day cars will make it not start so this is why this new cars are so expensive effects cookie so anyhow he's showing this purge solenoid and I'm like a purge solenoid it's not gonna make your car not start so I'm like Scotty I think you you know you're kind of that's that's some bad information bro that's a canister purge valve in case you didn't know that will not make your car not start and have no communication so he did this fake video where he's like all you gotta do is reach under your hood and unplug this sensor and then you get one of these expensive computers like what I have hey you plug it right in and now we're that sensor unplug your car we'll start right up unlike sky that is told BS dude you totally made this video that is a bunch of crap so I call him out on that and I think that's when he banned me on that account or one of the 50 other accounts where he shows like crappy information but either case he has a ton of followers he makes videos that apply to the majority so you know that's fantastic I mean you know he has found a niche he makes 1.2 million dollars a year on YouTube and good for him I mean he's gonna retire on it people love him so you know let him do his thing but yeah he does not like to be told when you know and it wasn't like you know tell it's just like you know hey that's that's just not good information it's not like hey you're an a-hole Scott it's just no that's that's just piss-poor information bottom line so anyhow so maybe become it um ear beards so whose beard ear beards you know in the hair come here beard it's glad even here anymore we talk too much about him God said don't meet me I have feelings Glenn said missus Oh picture there he is there's a start [Laughter] it's not gonna end now this is gonna this is gonna go from zero to stupid that's gonna get there trust me ah yeah oh boy whet zero right here oh you guys Drock from DP 672 well thanks DP that's Canada our friends up north ah yeah mm-hmm oh we got oh yeah there's all Glenn t know where you got shot go ahead for a one-girl show it no don't send me anything I've seen so much stuff you said you want to do something funny like sometimes I won't even tell you what I do the glades put it this way you won't click on any of my Amazon links anymore oh and me and him like sometimes we'll talk on the phone his wife thinks he's crazy cuz we just said they're giggling like a bunch of little girls it was a chanting sound up stuff oops sugar here we go I needed by mrs. old cool that Camaro correct she doesn't want one Joseph trust me no what are they good he says I'm like this is gonna get ugly or something I like my van see the mini man mom this I think is so perfect and this one it's cool cuz of middle row like the seats fold up for like this to this and so then you have the whole back area I could just load things up in there it's amazing I wonder if you're sitting back there and you hold onto the lever that flips it up and you hit the brakes if you like sit in position of midok oh and weekend behind that seat the middle seat is a loop you can pull it and it flips the seat up so can you do that does everybody else like hold that be like mom hit your brakes like instant like karma or whatever it is you know where the kids being not even hollaback like Trinity you know what to do she'll pull the lever you spike the brakes Oh Bobby set her up the headrest be like there son I mean now that we do that to our kids or anything but it would be pretty funny my oh let's see oh boy here we go this guy says give it's mrs. Oh high five I have an 83 olds and a 98 olds love it to death that's right 3.8 forever yeah the old Buick 231 uh uh with a massive and now let's see whoa I had a 16 Hemi diagram with a massive and ferocious 5.7 that's an overstatement thoughts on an aftermarket HID headlights the factory low beams are waffle well I would say I probably wouldn't go aftermarket hid because now you're buying you know a ballast and you know the bulbs and stuff like that I wouldn't be more inclined to try my favorite the Sylvania Silver Star all still a halogen Bob put him in 49 bucks by two - Bob's last about a year that's the downside they're hella bright they make you know vast improvements on the light and you don't have to modify anything I think if I was going to do something other than that I would be more inclined to go with newer technology and try an LED bulb which I know they make they make you know miracle specific LED bulbs or replace your nine thousand six is sevens fives whatever has in it and they have little cooling fans and stuff on them and they're hella bright too however there are a lot of Chinese manufacturers of them I would be doing some Amazon review reading to see which ones lasted long I've had a few companies send me some does they just show up in the mail did I open them up and they're broke in the Box you know they're junk so I would do some looking perhaps like to say so Vania silver star alters if you want to stay with a halogen or perhaps an LED bulb before I went with an HID you know something used to ballast and you know it took 120 dollars bulbs I assume the aftermarket ones use like the same type of Philips bulbs like they use in the domestic HIV systems like in the Cadillacs and the Priuses and stuff like that their balls are just expensive Oh do we miss something here this is from fama a Miss oh mrs. oh she's married it's mrs. Oh hey miss oh and Eric your channel is going great hoping to get down town omocha for a visit don't blink you drive right by oh thank you for the super chat mama Oh eivin's up in here from Pine Hollow Yamaha like like from like a fama like from that um what is it Alexander's no good terrible bad day whatever I don't think I said that right like Shona like that or is that like your name cuz in that movie he is a fama cuz he is the father and the mother and the baby's calls him mama and it's great for me no I think it's a farmer I don't remember yes Jared we didn't get some deer I cannot disclose the why don't we dear we'll leave it at that yep what's your favorite non electric hand to kill kill Oh relax my favorite non electric and told the hammer that's what I would say huh oh I finished your bed today it's finished you mean the bed I made for you yeah finish finishing that's a finishing touches nice good job way to be us Susie homemaker chrisfix doesn't watch this channel you've got me ban on his channel - I'm ban on everybody's channel that's okay though it doesn't matter I think I got banned on his channel before I had a channel I think we're clear about that oh where is Ivan I did see Ivan let's see where the I said I tomb there it is let's see if Ivan gets the blue wrench dan is having a problem I added Ivan as a moderator let's see if if his wrench turns blue Lou come nacho Pharma huh any of you hmm I guess we're probably running out of things from things to talk about mm-hmm let's see yeah Keith has the LED headlights in his reverse lights those things those are retinas quarters - he puts that van in Reverse it's like blinding where's the where's the dogs oh wait wait wha buddy is a child a child do you think you might what is this crap hey hey your mama is my Letham a blonde hair so you can be like hey bro do it do it come on think hey what's up brah let me get on my skinny jeans do it me a class in your hair though that's why hey yo can you give me a flip row thank you and go like hey bruh no one tie to your skinny jeans come on oh yeah what do you need what's up Nikki mom for kids oh okay show the people that you love your mother you want every kisses you want every kid says mommy hey diagnosed Nan's got a syringe diagnosed and I go tell your sister to come here she wouldn't come here for Matt come on go cut your hair - you little punk yeah it's not that call but it's cold it's like what hmm I even fixed it oh did I even get you a blue ranch I can can you buy that girl [Music] 65 pounds no but man thanks but man what's and okay uh not sure um many dos o tres out here you got your dear dear hold still David oh they don't jingle what's going on with your hair Holy Smoke no it didn't fare she didn't brush it no man move your leg here loo time let's see what would it say okay what's this guy say would you recommend going to a trade school or junior college to be a mechanic I would not recommend it if you don't have a place that you could jump in hands-on apprenticeship I would say that's going to be the best option unless other people can fill in on this why is this - hi - why remember why it came up to our house yeah remember the deep bouncy slipping you got kicked out of your room and I like over that it's a Norwegian krone big fans you know we're well thank you but man hey girl you need to calm this mess down we didn't have 100 like people talking okay what we got here what computer tablet in case I use in my shop I use Microsoft Surface pro with urban armor case that the case is about a hundred bucks and then I've got the glass screen protector on top of that and it seems to be pretty stout I've actually dropped it a couple of times and it hasn't broke yet so so far they want to pay me they want to know if you smell popcorn yeah do so need a haircut bro I know y'all yeah you do that is so in when he takes a shower here when's the last time you took a shower actually oh right what did he say he said he's $10 for nothin to buy pair of scissors and cut his hair good thing o get rekt you know you don't get a haircut let's do the girl shake oh let's see a house we probably ought to wrap it up here we're coming up on exercise yeah unless you have anything to say what do you got to tell you the people anything you anything important Thank You Jennifer you got a gymnastic mat for Christmas what what are you doing that huh what well like what could we use beyond cartwheels that Batman and splits go fine all right what else did you get for Christmas anything good ah really ukulele no that's my song I know ah but till a ukulele song I know hi from West Virginia what do you think about the 1989 Chevrolet Suburban square body 350 700r4 I would say if it's a Virginia truck and that baby is clean that was a pretty deadly combo at the time the old TBI 350 the 700r4 they were pretty stout Dudley yeah like I was a good you know that's one shitty edit like going on I think there were pretty decent pretty solid units but in New York I mean that that would be unheard of you would never ever see that vehicle here in probably the past twenty years anyways they'd be long on in Virginia it might be a different story I'm gonna be doing videos like yourself in the future watching you and scanner there keeps me going I've learned a lot from your videos no rust in Florida that has got to be amazing good luck on your video adventure cold let us know when you get your channel up and running definitely go over to check it out so do I get five dollars for what yeah ukelele talk 2010 still toe-to-toe I think Tony Tim tiptoe through the tulips learn about our land no land rover they really know I know no land rover language I'll tell you let's eat eat huh you lost two teeth you lost two teeth last that's why it looks like you got Chiclets til your fangs come in go next year Chiclets Glenn was no wires tongue is red oh because I drank Gatorade see Elijah's says use five bucks no anyhow we got to get going home call CPS now give me the phone number everyone all the kids are going we're saying goodbye and this is kind of like oh here's Chinese five bucks don't tell you're spending the whole place muchacha de muchacho yep come on make like a tree and leave all right you're out of here like a no honey you can't do that because it gets too loud in here okay all this is from Robert Portia oh wow this is pretty generous a beautiful family I'm moving from a code reader to pick up a full pic and polo DIY I'm wait a minute beautiful family I'm moving from a code reader and a pic and full of DIY followed your video and replace suspension in 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe take care oh well thank you Robert is family more than generous from you Wow oh the super chats have been really fantastic this evening of course the interaction with all you folks have been is but we do have to wrap it up so we think each and every one of you for the Super chats for joining us for putting up with us for a few hours here the 3000 folks that were watching there for a while thank you for the fan mail don't forget to go into our email inbox at wuw SM and outlook that kind of I'll bring it up on the bottom your screen any topic suggestions for what's up Wednesday be sure to throw them there in that email address now the email inbox is monitored however it is not responded to we will you know go through read them it fills up relatively quickly so we try to pick out of that and use those topics for what's up Wednesday you have anything to add missus oh happy new year make it better than the lad everybody says Happy New Year there's 362 days left to go or three make it better than the last one I try to make every day better than the last one oh yeah pretty much I'll remind you of that yeah you're like into my thigh woman come on Keith don't spread rumors eat any oh so we're gonna get rolling thanks for watching guys we'll be back next week for next week's what's up Wednesday and we read more fan mail more just general biessing yes it is hanging out in the shop maybe mrs. ol beer maybe she won't next week you won't wait could you got your thing your thing and your thing and so it'll just be me who knows maybe we can have call-in special guess you never know what we're gonna do we never have a plan there's never a method to the madness yes there's not a plan until plan and it always goes right until it doesn't in the meantime go down click Subscribe bring that bet all as Scotty would say and we'll see you guys around just remember me I can do it
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Id: YUN4nig0t7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 51sec (5391 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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