Customer Says He Can't Get The Rotor Off!

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oh today's the day for the chevrolet the song i just made up it's a gmc i don't know what year it is but i do know this hey there viewers and welcome back to the south main auto channel we're inside the 2012 chevrolet or gmc uh the customer states he tried to do his own brake jobs because if he can do it and i can do it and everybody can do it but evidently he could not get the rotors off so this pedal feels a little spongy um so he said with a lot of other explicits that he's done with it and he wants sma to figure out why in a thunder he could not get his rotors off and apparently he beat the living heck out of him we'll call it and i see over here on the driver's seat your passenger seat rather we got some car quest premium pads the golds and we got some rotors and some brake fluid so we're not going to drive around because i don't know how well he put it together but we'll go have a little look-see is what's happening [Music] i talked to mrs oh uh evidently the customer did all the rest of stuff and as we can see through here brand new pads uh brand new calipers no hardware he left all the hardware off it kind of weird uh he just wants the rotors replaced and that is it so that's what we're gonna i'm just hoping we don't take it apart and find out he just forgot to take the screw out wouldn't that be something [Music] oh my gosh there's still a torx bit in it folks if that baby is in there we'll know we'll know why what happened happened but hopefully hopefully that's not the case uh i'm gonna go ahead and just i'm just gonna peel the whole caliper bracket all one chunk uh maybe he left all the hardware and stuff off it for a reason i don't really know but that's what we're gonna do i know there's a lot of folks that have a theory uh especially around here in the rust belt that if you leave the hardware off you have less of a tendency for the pad to seize so perhaps that's why it was done like that i do new uh we got to back this off a little typically the rotors on these chevrolets they don't uh they don't come off too hard generally speaking so there's that yeah pads are definitely super loose in there let's set that up there for right now oh she got some marks on the front of her let me tell you that's what frustration looks like folks that's all from the hammer uh expect it a little worse maybe the other side's a little better for us [Music] i almost feel bad almost oh we're out of never seas or not never see this fluid filling waiting for a few cases to show up i don't know how that happened i just went and looked it's all m.i.a so i called to order some cases and they're all out so i won't have any until tomorrow [Music] and i'm waiting for my fifth i just ran out of my 55 gallon drum too jeez just keeping track of inventory around this place so we're gonna paint her up like the tin man this way the next time this feller does his rotors he'll be like the suckers will come right off providing i take the screw out of them but i'm thinking that it can't be that simple i'm betting that when we go on the other side it's going to be that's going to be the bad one that's my thought maybe if not boy i don't know what to tell this young man i was telling them they were stuck man you're right them babies were stuck okay well let's see here we go stick that baby back up there and put the torx bit back in it we will give it a snug-a-dugga that is a little bit lighter than a nugget nugget this is snug-a-dugga that's like that quarter-inch dry she's kind of weak snug-a-dugga all the hardware was inside the vehicle i can't get a hold of this fella i just can't bring myself to put it back together like this so i think what we'll do if i'm wrong i'll take care of it for him i think we're just going to do it proper if i'm wrong i'll take it apart and pull this hardware back out but i did notice like the kelp or bracket bolts were barely tightened so and those there's oh i mean i know thor is pretty powerful but you can tell when stuff is barely tight so i think what we'll do there there probably was a lot of frustration going on at this point i think we're going to do it the right way you know how things go when you get frustrated you're just pissed off and things aren't going right and you're going in and tell the old lady like it's your problem now old lady then she screams at you and you scream at her next thing you know she's like yeah with the oldest kid he's not even yours and all that because you couldn't get the rotor off i don't know if that's how it goes down irl but that's a potential situation or scene that can happen so we're gonna make sure these caliper pins are lubed up why did i just loop that then grab it right down there don't know it's too uh it's too into our story i think these have some lube on them anyways but we'll just make sure she's lubed all the way to the top that's going to keep that sealed up good keep it the pin from getting all rusty and crusty they don't put a lot on them from the factory so we'll do the same thing on this one this is orange grease where the heck do we get this stuff silicone extreme ceramic extreme it's called i don't know how it ended up in my shop not real sure that's what we're using as today's flavor the orange it doesn't seem as gooey i think i've used it before and didn't 100 care for it ah doggy ding dong i should have wiped that brake dust off what a mess yeah close enough close enough folks looks like i have some kind of painted coating on it anyways kind of maybe some kind of zinc or galvanized type paint coating there we go now this has anti-drag clips so to speak and it also has these little wings on it here that are flicked up so when we stick the pads on it's going to want to push them off but those little wingy doodads will keep it from flying off you'll see you'll see what i'm saying so we're going to give it a click you'll hear it click ready click click take my word for it it clicks and it keeps it from falling off okay makes sense it does in my mind same thing over here there you listen you'll hear it click that doesn't really never mind you'll feel it you'll feel it that's that let's sew it together you know they all lock tight uh we're going to put a little octane on the kelvin which you can use never seas or nothing or whatever you want to do but whatever you do make sure you follow service info and use that procedure we're just going to stick this up here for right now get them started we'll get them torqued down we'll get our right should have wiped their rotor off first but i'm sure there's a fair amount of cross contamination going on already i'm going to grab a torque spec and a torque wrench and torque these to factory specs now make sure you don't have a pigtail in that little guy and what we'll do is we'll get this one started then we'll just swing her down that keeps you from getting all the schmutz a little schmutzy uh all over everything so we'll just go like that we flipped it down and put the bottom bolt in um well i have to go get the torque specs and and all that stuff and get this torqued down here properly and i will go see if the other side is a little more dramatic than this side so i got the wheel off this side folks and uh we'll take to pull the caliper off this one still has the screw in it looks a little buggered up though um we'll take in yeah wow good thing we checked this side uh this caliper is falling right off well it's got a loose bolt must not have torqued the spec obviously i won't bore you with bracket removal unless the bolts are loose and we'll laugh and laugh and laugh whether or not um we'll get these little guys off and we'll see what the deal is over here this this screw head's kind of messed up so i'm not real sure that one's not gonna go she's just gonna break our torx bit plan b all right so first things first i think what we'll try and do is we'll try to just massage around the head of the bolt a little bit with air hammer see if the jiggly will get her loose [Music] music to my ears baby and then we'll try to do this see if this works it comes just like that okay what a stupid video when he said he was beating the hell out of these things i thought you know what man it's gonna be a great video [Music] boy was i wrong well folks we're gonna leave it to that i'm not going to bore you with another brake job on a chevrolet honestly i might even throw this video into trash it is kind of comical that the boat was forgotten however we've all done stupid things right right i've done it you've done it if you haven't done a stupid thing you probably haven't done anything at all then at that point so uh let's reminisce down in that comment section tell me what kind of silly thing you've done where you've had the oh son of a mother moment once you figure out why things weren't going your way as perhaps this fella might have when i tell me you know forgot one little tiny torx bit screw in there and that's where the all the frustration came from so leave that story in the comment section we'll laugh we'll cry we'll talk to each other we'll have some fun while you're down there subscribe ring the bell find us on the insta the facebook and just remember viewers if i could do it take all the bolts out thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 882,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mMx_tvAT_9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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